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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 3

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'31. Hammarly, a well-known business matn of Hllsboro, Va., sendS titis testhuiony te tlIe mer«its etAyr's Srsaparilla: "Several years ae,Ihurt nîy leg, te iljury laaving asorewbichled to erysipelas. My sufferlngs vers extrFe, i% leà, f rom tha e Lee te to nke, ig a so]hi sors, whiielh bean te cx- tend to eltr partsoete body. Aftertrylng varions remedies, 1 bean takln A " 'e Sarseperilla, and, before 1 hliedlnlshed thýe first betle 1 axperienced gre-aI relief; tihe mecond botile effeccîd a complescure,"P Ayer's Sarsaparilla 'repared by Dr. J. . Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Cures others,willIcure you Hard Times. 0o- In tha3sa deys, thq deys of hard tieses, tha publie want the best value possible for their mronay. That lse ocf ltae reasions why penpla get their Photos frorn Oarlezs, the Photographer. Another reason la thit ha turns ont fine work. Give hLm a cel. Satisfaction guaranteed. CARLESS, the Photographer. [ake antaiadu W 88of Oawnte STE"AWR'OALT CO., I/ID. STR. NORT ýH KING Lîic ETED -Y ELECTRICITY. HEATIF-D BI STEA M COaMraCeaG 30TIlv APRIL Leavas Cobourg 8 . m.. Port hrope 9.45 asm,, weeh days, arriving Charlotte (Prt of Roh- ester) 2 30 p.m., axcept Mondey. when Steamer leavea, Cobourg 1 p.,nm., Port Hope 2.30 p.m.. arriving Charlottell'ort efRtochester) 7.30 p.m. Leaves Charlotte, N, Y. (Port of IRochester) we, k days 11.15 on. arrives Port Hope 6.30 in. nand Cobourg- 7.15 a m.. excepl Saturday, 4hnSteamner leaves Charlotte, N. Y.. .25 p i. rriving Port Hope 10 p. m., Cobourg An uetra trip ici made Monday from Char- lotte s rý ý 30 a, ni, rriving Cobourg 1 pm., P ort i.10 p ni, N.B-Calis a-cry Wednssdey at Briehton 3,35 s.m, ,ad Coborna Wednesday and Friday 4.50 s.mi WEEKLY BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Leeves Port Hope E.very Satnrdey 10 p.m., a rrives Beleville every Sninday 3.20 a. ni., Picton, 6 25 ani Kingston. 10 a ni. J. H. H. JURY, Il,. . ILDERSLEEVE, Agent, Ge n. Manager. Propose-J Silinze. Subi ct te chnge. 189. liverpol. T ngletsdr'y, Qiseliceand Moescl Mail Sesvice. Prom Prom Prom Liverpool teem-ýhips. Mcntroal. Queee. 19 April,.... Srdtnian. S 5MtTy... 6 May 26 April,j-..'Leurentian ..12 May.. 3 Maly. ..Parisien . ..19 Stay....20 May 10 May ....Moi glian...26 Mcay....27 May 17 May . ..Nun dieu..2 Jue . 24 Mer..... Ssrdinlan.O June.. 10 June 31 Mf.ay ...'Lsurntnien ..16 June. 7 June ..-Parisisen..«23 Jus e... 24 June Il June. ...Mong ocian -.. 3t) June. 1 Juiy 21 Juno . .. Numîidian ... 7 July.. 28 June ...Sardinian. 14.l Juiy-..15 Tly 5 Jîtl .... *Lurenian ..21 Jniy.. 12 July ...Parisien ...2 July .... 29 Jaly 19 Juy.M..nlngeia.... 4 Aug..5 Aug 26 Juty. .. Numidian .. .11 Ang.. Steamers are dispatched froi n tra t daylight on thse day ni siiing, ELnd sailfrim Quebeo t 9 a.m, Sundaya. Steamers with a* will not stop at Qoeeec, Jtlvnciipki or Londonderry. Tha' s2cîamahip Laurentian cre ai paescnera only on tise East bound trip. RATE S 0F PASSAGE. Py P. S, PariFIen, $6, $75 and $90, single q110, $135 and $165, raturo. Extra clesa cabine for two personi loms 50 te 57) $100 singla $115 return i 1ara claqsacabins fer Ibraeaperaons (mainis 50 te 57) $80 single, $150 returu. 13Y Sârdinieu and Circassian- $55,?60 and $70, 1105 $110, $130 rature, 13p ther sloamers-?50 sud $60. $100 andi $110 r8vurn. Second cabn-Outward, $30 and $35; prepaid $35; return tickets, $65; chiidran etweea 1 and 12 yeas hall rare; infants, outward fras pre- rald $3 M, A, JAmES, Agenît, BOWanaville. à.0 l-ttDelleWU Ea Ono jOcen adose. Tihera alltera lefi CongsCroup Ure broant, lieensenesa, wShooepi gCongh aciS û thnia, For Consompît i ;bas neoirai- as cureS thansanda, anS wilil cuim-Toue titenilu ime, SlS b>' Duggista on a gLian-- an . riar a Lama Peck or Clim aue 31 ae yn (clen 1'Tiis ramadyisfarrn F1or sais by Stott & Juiry. A BALAKLAVA JEBJU One of the Last Tlireo Survivors of the Charge of the Six llundred Dies, in New York, A MEDAL WON IN FOUR GRIEAT FIGHTS. Dlssrunlcrl by a ShaH ent Balaklava, na Saizad a Ridls ceSteS ansdS asltas on* st lthie Measuluoa!HalL" lTe New YenS Worldsaeys :-A i'elaran cf lte Crinîca, a survis-ar o!fltae gieniens chtargae!fIbe Ligitt Brigade aI Bcakievae William Hibitant by naine, iati Saîurday marning lu bis humble home, aI No. 516 Sxth ae'nue, o! pneumonie, aller au illinese e! oe waak. Mr. Bithent wes e native oi Nottingitam, England, andi reacuieS is sixly-fiftit birlhdey te day befurahisa Seatit, WILtLIAM R aIBRnT', EO OPPA!.AELAVA. At te aeaeaitwenty, liraS witi thle patnietic ferx'or ltaI inspiraS al Engiand et ltaI lime, Bibberl anliatad lante Rayai Inniskilian Dregoone, aenving wiîb tem trougheul the Crim ean cempaign, anS bcbng disubargad as a corporal et tite ex- piration of bis terni of enlisîment. Ha cama te titis country over twenly peera age. lHe waa twica marrieS, anS leavas a grewn-np daugitter, Mrs. Fassuy Anîiil, by bis firasb wife, aI Nottingham. Bis second wila, witom hae marrieS lu New York tan yesrs ego, survives hlm. Tha fuerai touS piace on Tuesday. During ltae Clumbian naval demonstra- tien a yc.-r ago, AdmniraI Sir John H opkins, cf thea Englisit Navy,on ieerniniglta a haro qf BaleSlave lived suntis cily, sent a non- conimissiocad affluer to sac Hibbitr anS in- vite hlm le vissb tite Briiih lIed. Hibitert was receivcd lunte Admiral'a cabin, anS was gixcn te freedon o!ttae lIagship. 1itýa warrant offluers were éirecteS te pey bim capecial attention. Bibbert's ast îlilesa was very patitetie. On te day bera bis Scatit, itis birtit- day, hae scemed e 1111e baller, anS set up lu bis sitabby bcd,, prepped by piliews, Ris worn eyes wera pleased wit the brigitt suLlîgitb IbsI baS comeaet lest, sitar Says oi torni. Bis mind wandcred back over te exciting aGces o! bis lufe aud hae was glaS le weicome e sympatitic visiter. William Hibbert, sleckicg weaver, anS eue o! Baielave's fanions Six Hundreti, was ixty-flve yaars olS yesterdey, sud tae Sun came eut te amle Sown trough thte xivdow on tite peur, pale, tranîbliig ld cbap, as hie ay waiîicg for S catit. Alltthe day long hae set upiglitt, prepped wit piilows, lu bis shaby bcd. Every new and than lha brushed bacS tae dis- havaied bain, long and white, ireni bis wan foreitead, aud mopped eway te big drope of perapiralion taIgatberaS thara. Ha gazeS ete! lte window, euS diS net maya for a long lima ; titea tared about aI lte humble furnishiaga efthIe roeu,%t sainie oSd cler prinla on te waii-prints aucit as could ha boughinluacy juuk-abep lot I-al e douear-titan punaîcg up bis lips anS sbaking bis Itead as tougit te Shtako it inca of recolleutiuus, ha saiS 10 bis visiter: "lTiey couid't kili me lu hatîla, but Ini about donc nowr. Titere's a grippl' on me itere," and lia put bis banS tb his tbroat, Ilan' 1 bavan't gel any pain on'y in se weak, Titis pncnmony kilîs, lbey Say.", Titanlha strcck iitit e og ieash a feable biew aI lite greal raS coufortar with wihi'e bis wife baS coverel hbu, anS aSd- aS "Iît's tee baS, but il's gel ta coma Semas lime. Il sïigitt as weil ha uew. I na-car e zpeutedtl e h iis ol. " GLORY IN OtiSCUTITX'. Thte plein place whichs Bibiert caled home, te place whera iehalltaSlafiedowu la ic, is te top floor e! a building juat belew Tiirty-flinsl Street, lu Sixtit avenue. For years lie baS gens up andS Sewn te dark, uanrow stairwaya tera, le anS Inoci bis work-, stocking niaki-îg. He was te the folkas ito sew liii just a plain, white- beardad elS in, with a kSean cyaanS quiet ways. Theyue ver Snew ltaI Ibet eye ai ltae id mac's liaS ookaS titrougit amoke it te becibgnionlts o!fte Russian caenon at Balaklava, aitd titat undar bis nupreleutueus elS coal ha woeatae pracînus medal wblchit tlihawas ona of te seventy-lnur beroes who came liceS ont oi lîset awfni charge ni the Lgitt Brigade. Be ne-car displayad te Iresuro whicit any soldier in Britain would giva bis armas fa. Be just iveet on Litticg in Parkcn'a shop ounte flon beiow, anS an Saturday nightî carryittghisearniugsa,ut$2O e week, up te bis frugai wile. Tlîcy useS lime bal lautiing for a srt ai itchen, anti waait- reem nd uSgenerai torcitousa, anS wcra prclîy comfortabia titane. lTe only ailier memben nofte family was e perliculanly zeahous pug Sog, whe ahways lollowcS close et te nid mac's teei whcn bie waut on tae sîreel. lTe prnes upon te wali ara pic- bures of thea lamons charge, and yeafarday, pointing withblismsakSy, old fin gar, hae saiS, lu a voice scarcely audible: IlTitane, ye see? Titar's whierc we was gin' ln. Titats Noico--Capt. Nolen, hiit as bneugbt the message Ibat titey baS al ite new about. History nieyer found ont wito sent te mcasage fnn ns le chargetem guns, but Lucan ne-cen sent t. Evarybody ch- ways thougitt Raglanc at it te Cardigan ; taI waa bis, Oit! ' aed olS ilitent sigitef anti vitiiois he be, " il was a pily, a aluful, terrible lticg. I ean reniembar. Il la as plaie as if I eaw il cew, as Nalan roda np acd gavaelteentier. "Cardigan turnectiou hlm sud criaS: 'Nohan,wha sent titat enter ?' No acawer. TitanlihasatLa again : 'Who sent taI order V Ituttera wasce auswern. lTirt lirn'alie akeS hii, aniS ail tae aswer Nola matie aas-be poitia' ta te brn~st- works : 'Titene'a tis eanecy. Go 1 '~ , Ta. ha SaqheS on, "lCardigan jualttnaew bacS bis heati acd sai, ' Weli, bere'e te lest.' Far au heur anS, a-,b-al! aller ltaI nobnody Skea wv at was happening axcept tahaewasv runutu rigltito , bal, as te pae said. Three miles awey. It looked like a lilîcime jeurney, and the mcen begen te fa]) away as the sheila yallacl an' tore amecig us. Evary tume oee oppled off bia herse ereund me, 1 titouglit I was gain' next. Thte men who expeted te coma ont of that wouid have been oiazy. thefournmen next me, in front, beind, and on betht ides were kiiled, and as I spurrcd on lene i saw a shahl comiug straight towerds me, straigbt, straigitt. ' libbert, ye'rc gene,' saiâ 1. But 1 gîve just ene jait ' the spur int thal mars, andshae leapl like a shet. She swarved, I should thini, a lozen feet, and ltae shah took ber nigit biad lcg. 1 want tnrrbling. Wben I pichad my sel up there wes a hersewitheuî eny rider. I getinm thte sadSie, and wenl en with the rush. It wes terrible." As te elS manlvient, on with bis stery bis pale face tois on cler, and his wife, tears inulher ayes, came over and saad, "Please don't let im taiksaoranch A BATTLE-FIELD COLLOQUY. "Be quiet," sid the veteran, l'lhab titrougit in a minute. Wall, ir, as I seid, I spurred this big-borse on, and I paased Capt. Williams. ' yourn?1 Il'lCone,'says 1. 'A shah struck bean I fonnd this fllow runpie' leese.' "The Ceptain looked at me and says, 'Bill, if i gel back eut ' Ibis alive yeu'Il have a special mention for tha.' Thal wag the lasI I saw of him. "Well, when vie gel; up te about Ibrea bundrad yards of the werks, titey coulds't train the gutis on ns,aud vie jusl feugitlte Russians back an' cnt.'cm down an' spiked the guna. That visa what We went fer, ye éee. We ail 'bad litlel spikin' mallets," and as ha aaid Ibis the rld falow'e baud ie- luitivaly sougitt bis boit, but there was ne niellaI Ibere, notbistg sa'c lte îhick plaid shawl wbicit was pinned tightî about him. "Titere," hae said, aflar ceughing feably, "Itiere's the picture of ltae comin' back. Ya cen sec it wae awf ul, eniy se aenl-y-f Our came eut. An' Nolen waa the first that baS beau SieS. I aaw hie bedy. The hall baS cnt traigitt tbreugh bis citest. Titat'e a geed piclura of! bu up there, a dasitin' dcvii et a chep, a' the wildetlIrishmanj an' thbe bsf sldier rvitlever tîvea. Auni thet other picrura, titat's Cardigan." THE 1'RICELESS MEDAL. Close besida te bcd la>' the oldsaoldier's waialcoaî He reacuieS eut anddrew ilt t hlm, Ihen tandcriyunufeatened from lte hreast of it te heavy iliver lrophy which told te tory a!fte siara ieha baSborne in the trugglaa o! Britain's arma in litalber. rors o! bbec (rimea. Sebastopol, Inkerman, Aima and Balaklava were te fateful, glerious names upon thee elivar cross-bars. Tite ettaring and citaing baS worn away with ltae yeaira litIt4 e nd man baS carriad lte Qneen'a amblan-o nexîte obis beart. But engravaS around the edga of the medallien wera teose words : "lWm. Bithert, 4th R. I. Drageons."1 Witen fha went back te Engleud Bibitert laitlte army and settled dowZn teate aid stocking traeawitich ha baS leerned as 'pranlice. Titan ha marrîed. Aller his wife ieS hae commuteS iis pension, anS, taking witat ha couid gel lu a lump auni, came a leAn;erce. Fur filteco years ha kapt aI tae teady grind in Parkerýas hep,peying bis Sable premptly, tbey eay, bis word elways as geod asa iis bend,livinig manly, as e man sitould jive wito rode behind Wild Nelen anS bora away f rom lte bloody rem- parts of Balaklava tae brie! boon of 111e and a lame thal wil enlisaI war. ]HIBBEUT S GLOIIOIS MEAl.. IOh, utauy a man, ir," sid te olS soldien, Il bas buSee ,thlIbadge and passeS it by. Titey id't knew witat il meant. But I know. Tbet's al." Bis lips euSdlte wek itlf-wbispariug vcice trembleS, and ltae ers stoeS lu bis fine old blue ayes as ha stroked te wern maidal soflly witiî eue white band. RlECOGNIITION. Whcn te Vîrginia regimanta wcra up bacc anme of tae gentleman saw me whcn 1 waul iota e publie-bouse teagLoteabileô' The gaiS produt ai West Austrie lestý year wva double titat of thte previons wciv morths. lTae total expert fer taea present yaar are mua rmilg -OUNG FOLKS. Gooci Enougli. cb , awnlegis-e yen A ota acd geod; 'T utu mialte Jour iiie sucuassînt 1 Ê yen heeS it as yen shod- Keep it aiways in oun tin.- Obey lb te tise latter- Dons't say a ting is "- gooti aneught Tiii it enu bu ne botter. AnS whetcer aI yonr lassons, On et youn deiiy work-, DemI t ha a balxvcy daithian; Don'î slip andS lideancd stirk, AmiS tiink il Sieen't matten. Vitlsncuai taistreaitandStauf- Fanrusîtil ynin lask is pertaut 1v is caver " goed aenou-h" If yonn werk tal inte cheni rooml ',ake eaila aur lassons bal; Neni-tter-ms-be yen nieacu tloba, Buiid Jour fudation well. RE achkue, ty point amiS pnnhian Vityen bnavely matcr ow Wili1 indrcý,e yeur skili anS ichor Witisahepar niti tae pie'. if yeni swecp e store on stable, Ba sure yen go beiind Every box ccd baie anS ceenter; Il xviii pay, you'Ilialways fSud. Vo ha caref nI, patient,thoneugit, Thougithlie voric ho tard tsnd rougit, AmaS wben ynnx'e donc -v ur a ary hast, 'Twil titan ba good enengit. Se yenS baller taka my malle, If yenu ever rmccc te work At auy station high'er Titan the stable boy or clsrk: - Iv xiii ineke yen inde-pendent.; Il will malte you ne mtans abter. Items ca-cr scy " Ils good enongi.' Tilil eau ha ne botter. Can Spiders Hear ? TIîere basbeaeu au btresling di scuesien e! lte question wtemr spidarsseuu eer. Expaiments rauatlhy made wit a îîsning f orS hava couvinceti Mn. Becock, su Englisit netureliat, ltaI semaespiders, e, least, reaely hear lte acceS protiuced by ltaerS, lun-t SeecS,ltae contiut o! spiders wben e vibraI-1 ing lueing-fork is baiS nearthem su aebs ila quite rearkabla -i Sanie species, as, for instance, ltae rdin- amy garden spider, Epaune iademeta, wili run et titeforS anS sIniSe orn analci et il witlit tem foealegs. lTae Ameunablus, e spider wliei builda lubnler weba iu hohca la walls, use about la greet aexcitamant wiete tuning-ferk is hail near il. Titis spider eau ha caliceS eult alita hola by bhdinog ltae ferSnear ltae culmance, anS lb wuile-cen lmb upon tise vsbraing iestrument. Anether specuas o! gardan spider, wbiuhi l smaehandeS iautisomer lien lte Epaima, always, acurdicg te Mmd. Pocock, drape ireni ils wab ln larron wi teu îuing-fork iE haiS o-car lb. lTesa spiders are ltae pncy o! weeps adas ltay ealways drap froni them weita on lte eppreecit af heir insacb eecmy, il las bacc suggestcd ltai îiay1 mistaea tae souad o! lieta nng-lorS foan the tummimîg o! a wasps winga. But semae observars do net assaut bo the conclusion ltaIIi i itae seund e!flte forS wiich altrecta ltae attention aofltae spiders. Titay tinS lte vibration le conicayad titnough tae air te thea wabs, sud ltatlte ligiti motion tus imiparltdinisperceptible byÏ ltaespiders. Astitis in an expasimanî ltai auy oe cany eaaiy lry, pcritaps sote ai aur young resSýýers wbilaudeax or te satile tisa question fer titemacivas. A Shootiîîg Gallery at Home. latee very Lcavy wrapping pper, a ebalofil, letilus sy, vwanty incites long by ix e savon incites wiiS, rail titis sieta of paper seas5 1a ransfenni it itbea cylsud- are!f e lenglt of twety sobhes anS measur- iog ahant bal! an loch su Siameter. O! courte yau mus a petheta dge o! Ibis1 papar or elsa tie il witit a place ai strng1 tpreveut your cylinder fronitunoiicg it-1 sf.Titan take a viteat o! ortinsry paper,1 Ibis anc ebin«six incitas by ltres. Win il arounti your Inger la aucit a way as le mnake as long a coca as possible. Net te aliew il le lose ils fan peste il aise. Titan lnimthlitaopen and witit sisssaraunutil lte ontaide Siaunaler oe! tinla uhy eiîgitiy largar titan lte nida Seteter a!flte tuba yen mae befora. lTedoarteis usaS as a rnojectiie andi plac- iag lunltse tube yen may blow il e censider. chie distance witL.oub any great effort. Site ont shows itow thte aiootiug niay ha mnder- "S tueaintersstimtg by eîîtling hoies of diftcreul sizas lunlte tergal. Ibis shoatinr appendtus itas praveu quita e levanite eng lte boys cuti girls, anti aven graîcu maihers o! ltae famiiy bave beau Snowu le participata in an occasional parler shoeting match. a t yen soleni, out a!fit'a apes, liSe ha spaid % at's become af titat fli ?bol yen Sue ha at il. Saine Iodes liva u int atectandn ,httae is e spoted leller whicb lsves inaîrea, jika bintis. lTis 'un boliers ike a raS Inu ijoli ainS thea-citucklas tothiak-ttaercawasant nutitin' tha mailar. Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco is the Best Value. 5c., zoc. and 20c. Plugs THE ACTIVE NILITIA. Tihe osnr !Officeseansd Men la te. Cesmediasa VolîeatIeerFarce-Ast Sm- perlai Leais. Thte report of Cen. Herbent, prasanted te Paliament lthe oltaer night, in dealiug witls litaactive milia saya litIunder lthe reerganization whiicit bas teken place ltae infantry las ivided as lollows : Officena, 2,564 ; nen-coni. ufficers, 8,728 ý bandamen and buglers, 2,562 ; privales, 19,856 ; total,j 28,710. Titalthe number, witicit coder lte mosl favorable eircnmstences couid ha placeS ln lina, atueunts to enly 69 par cent. of ltae gessaral total, or, lu otiter words, tae of- cera and non-commiaaioccd efficcrs absorb tee great a proportion of lte totalpuirnber. Ha aays ltatwitan ltae constitution of lte infanîry la carefully acalyzedtheltanumber of privalas feuls ialew 10,000, wiih ta- presanta ltae maximum total sînangîli e! infactry titlwil receive eiementery in- structions lu drill if lte wbeie force werc called eut. Titis condition cen onîy lba remedieti : First, by s finm. refusai le entitonize lthe formation e! new nits ; secend, by reising lte, estab-. lishtment e! axistini efficient - nits le a stranglth consistant wlit mii îary requirements ; titird, by ltae dis- bandicg af inefficicul unita. By titase means e consolidation eoflita force will ha affecteS. Titane will ha fawer parsens occupying commiasioned anS non-commissioned ap- peinîments, but titane wilba a larger Salaaaix'a fonce, and as ' terc xviii bcaa grealer number of mca in lthe reuks lthera wii ha a more extensive fielS for the seiec- lien ef suilable anS qualifieS mca for tite superter grades. lr wiil morcover anable a citecks te ha put upen lthe issue of tiiose aliowan ces fer whicb et pre8ent lthe country SPHIMC AND SUMMER TERMS9 ' O0UnRSES 1wS Book keeping, Shorthand, Te]egraphy, Civil Service and Matriculation Wos k. NIMMO & HARMIISON2 BUSINESS&SHORTHAND GOLLECEd Corner Yenge and Collige Streets, 12O:)i;_,N 11T2O. Eeýper!enced Specialista in every departmeut. Six Rtudents pleced in gond situations within 10 das. Ail candidates preparedhy us paqoe 'with honors aIt ast examination of CHARTESlEI STEIiOGRAIs1iC REPORIERS Of OL tarie. HIGIIEST RESULTS in ail departmente Special Rates. Circulers and Automati,. Peus sampies free. NUIYIO &HARRISON, Pr incipals, Use of Sand on Railway-Tr aeks. The Railway Age celle attention to the fact that the present method of sanding the trace in Ibis country is defective. Either a greater emount of sand' than la reçjuired is delivered te the rail, eccasienîng unnec- eseary wear upon wheels and rails, fre- quent fiattening of the former and increaaed rasistance of the train, or too littie is dio- charged to giva the necasary friction for assisting a sudden stop. The Engieh method of delivering sand tbrough a smal nozzla under pressure of steam ia hardly suitable for this country on account of the liebility te freezing. No such objection, bowevar, obtains in the case of eanding dev- ices operated by compressed air, and the important advantage of positive action un- der the direct contrai of the engineer le receix'ea no reai xvalue.' Ha snggests, lu obtat5ncO. Tna present meton t aeay cenuacîlen witi thlit raining aof te force an advance aunltae primitive fasition of uaing ltaI it wouid ha wall fer lte.officere of lte e buciset ai sanS anSf a scoop ln tise liinan maritime province corps te ha sent te Hali- o!flte fireýma. fax as ofen as possible, in order ltaI the>' may ebtain ltae greal aivatage of training Ewt t"uî~t~pcua wilh te impenial troupe. AN IMPERIAL LON. tSn ' 'Snih"Seap wrapperia j(wrapper. bearlng lta ,wtras "Why Dosa Thte Impariai Geverumant bas tusSee aWemeu LueS Old Soonor Than a'Man") lean te ltae Dominion ai twe modern heavy le LEi EFR Bacs , LIS., 43 Scott St,, guns, pending lte complaîlon aiflte wonks Toronto, and yen will racoive by post a8ý aI Esquiinal, le whietict iy arc aliolted. pet itrfe ru avriii n Titey wilhac meneted su Quebec fer dmripll pcue rc rn deriiî u prspasas anly, as bhay ara net providad weii worlh !reming. Tbis loans easy witit anmunuilon. iThe genenalisleinecdm- way 10 Seonale ynur home. lTheaep municabion wlit ltaeimpenial antitorities sa the beat in ltaenmarket, sud it will wiîh a view te eblaiuing a furtiter boan o! cniy ceaI le. postage to endi itae lte saie aSnd. Titougi tbteso arrange- 1wrappers, if yoîî leaealte andisopen. suants ara adveutaeous le lte Dominion, Write your atidresa oarefu1iy. by enabiing us witbout bcavy cxpcndsture A Berlin destiet lu drawicg a iady's te lîssînuc, e certain numbar ai men lunlte tooth baS bis lInger bitîcu by ba.convulsive itasdling of moder n deance, lte absence ciesing of han mentt. Be diaS lu îwe of ammniniion depnivas lte guca lhterni.Scys froni bbo' peusenistg. selves e! auy snmportance iu relation le Ithe ScIence of titis country. No suffi 'lent ne- lior Ovar 1JftY Years serve o! ammnulîon exista ionrltae onc eh- NI P. -INSLOW S SeOOTnîNo Sx'aswIb ionging le lte Dominion force, uer is euy beau usaS by millions o! uthers fer itcing formeS, consequnuly titesa gucas also j Ibir ahildrea wbiia îcathing. If disînrb- porssseany -cry limiteS importance for ea t nightl anti broSsa o! your ravI by a te purpose o! Science. jick chuSd suffericg antS cry.lug wilh pain _________________o! Cttlig aglIt senti et once anS gel a Romance and Realism .boWe ofa! M'a Winslow'a Solhing Syrup" for Cilidrea '1'aching. Il wil "I Son'î quita nnderstandthie new board- ralieve, the poor litli sufi'erer inimediate- or," saiS hla ledlady, lu a burat oi cosifi- ]y.Depend vupoa il, totben,thcre is nu occ te ttc star boardet. l "Wit's up?" askad thes star, suspicions- mistaea about il, Il cures Diaritoa, iy. "Isu't.lha disposeS te pey?"', aguie(es the Stemeuh andi Boelai, cures "O0h, net ltaI," site remouistreted. "Baes Wind dolic, sofleas ltaernem andi re- periectly geed, l'ni sure. It's lte way hae Suces Inflamnmation, &nS gives boue and looks at me." energy te the wtole syslei. 1"Mrs. "BHow's thaI? As if yen iwere geiug te Winglow's Soîhistg Syrup" fer chiltinen give hlm calice?" teetbing la picasanit tte tate ansd lalte "Dont., _Mn. Star," site aumperail. "Real- prescription o! onc o! the eldeat antibhast iy, yoa arc sunjuat ta tîni. I mccc ltae fease physiciens anS nurses in the Unit-' sweet, eity way ha bas o! tuning bis ayes cd Stalas. Pnica lweunty-fix'e cants a onBe'e obAsmbtyikiat abaIlle. SelS by aeh druggista thnoughout s! raid you'îî gat on le hlm."liawrd Beaalest r"M , l'Yenuaitas'tt'lS se," site sai indignant- WINxstow's SOOTHîNo Svtur."22 17 ly. Fliîlu-"IBave you noticeS itow maith 1"Ocly Ibis morming, et breakfast, ha wamarnier Blanche lias grown lataiy? Site cutting bis steak, anS I liappenadt l lueSuseS le hacan -cry quiet -anS rescvd- Sown itis way, wite's ha gave mie sncb senitartily open ban mentit, Site'a quiteae earnaat pieatiing look, titt1 felI lite blooti differer.l girl." Mu-" Yea, Sean, site's rush mb mo y lace. Ch-I-I-I wender, gel e new set o! teetit, yen u nw - Mn. Star," shit wittercd. I wouter if hae cen ha in la-ca witit mel A LLE- " Love, nothiig,"lite enortati; titl Vunt' nid or mdl gd nofn hr isnt lve.T"ts tughbeestek,"andsalves stervona, waak anS exit ustad, wit lte sentiental laudliay buc7st mb tu ars. ara brokan Sown irini excasa or oecwork rcaclimg in meny aiflte felewitug syni- PILES! PILES!I ITCHIING PILES. ptanis : l'ental daprassian, preature aid aea, loas o! vitlity, leva of mneny, bedl ýSTmpTos-Mislure; intense ilubinlg dreains, Sumneas of sigbt, palpitation a! and stînging; moat et uighl; worgee bylte iteant, aniiesions, lacS e! anargy, pain scratcbing. If elowudle cî)nline lum- in te Sidneys, Iteedacitas, pipies on ltae ers fonn, which ni tee bleed anS nîcerate. lace anS body, iîdliitg or peuiier ceusa- bacnniing -cary soe. SWAYNE'8 ONT- loin about theit scrotum, wsting aiflte MENT atonste a iting and blaedtnz, hahe orgeet, izziness, s?ecks bera the syca ulecereien, and iu muaIcasas ramoeas lte twitcitin aioltenmus-cles, cyclidSaanti chie- tunriors. AI dmnggisla, or by mcii fer wbena, baitinînesa, daposita u inte urina, 50 cnts Dr.Swane &Sun Pitietel-losof xail poer, tendarnesa o! the acalp 50ctsaD. men e & Co, PMentreAlandi spine, weak andi fiatby nmnscles, Sa- phia Lymn Sos & o., ontralsire te sheep, isinate ha restai by leep, Witnlcsalea Agents. constipatben, Suhiness o! bcaririg, bass o! 'Iieh man wit e Scpal'is mentt sitl pre- Voîde, desira ion solitude, excthiity of vena mcroes temgeticginsudfoal- lenîper, sumken ayas, Êurroundad witla vents mirobes con ttng inand f ADEýN CIRCLES, oily ieokiugaSkic, etc., ishnss ror comng ut.arealahisyniptais ofni nrveus ebiliîy tit 1usd le icsanity unhasa curad. Ttc apring or -itai force itaviug lest its tension e-cary funicîban waues in conequserc. Tite When Bsby iva 5tkcwe gava han Cattoria. wiotbirongihaiuse cominiltet inluignor- When tsa iras a Chiids ta tnied fer Cas'enia. rendu, mey ha penniantiy curaS. Senti your atidrassancut 10 cents in atanipa Ior Wbamm sa becanie Mies, she elung te Catoria, bouS ou Siscases peculiir le mac, sent q lcesie îaChldcemï ihagavetieýntCastoria. seaed. Adtiresa M. V. __LUBON21Mac Sonneli Ave., Toronta OnI., Canada.

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