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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 5

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Want Truss ? We have somethingr new. Less -flian hall? the price charged by .eôronto Manufacturers. No trouble to show goods Cali and see them. Private roomn for fitting. STOTT & 'JURY, IDriggiets & Opticiane. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ktOWMANV I LE STATION. GOINQ EAST -QOING WEST Expes.,.. 127.arn IExpress.519 ar 'Paseenger... 7 07 p m Pasaenizer....8 39 a ma Zxpress.....,. 57 p m Passenger....2 29 Pm Express ....8 32 p m Are You Gohîg to MANITOBA, NORTfl WEST or BRITISH COLUMBIA. Drop us a postal card. We will sond yen information that will ho of interest te you. pealtourist cxciv' ýÀons every Tuesday via %North Bay. STOTT & TURY, thie Druggsts. BOWtMANviLirý, MAYL, 1894. Local and Otb4erwise. Canipbeilford will try a publiceimarket Have you read the West End llopse Strawberry plants for sale by G. D. Fletcher. Don't; be se generous as to give yonr friends away. A. S-ervosasdfed at Whitby on Saturdal wýeek aged 100 Vears. The rate of taxation for G uelph hias bcen fixed at 23" Milla. Note the, ummer Êaiings of the Allan Une. M. A. AMS agent. WItbh regret 'wo state 'Mr. Jonsîth2u rotrPickering, is in poor hetth, -f'roïight in picking up on the railroadg 10w, as la ËBisoile passenger trafflo. The Scott Act has again carri-d li CPharlottitown, P. B. 1. by 22 majority. Lesve scissors and other blades for aharponing atOhartran'a Barber ohop.-18 Do yon read'the advertls;mente got up by the. West End FHouse î t Iwill çray yon.. Rev. Robt. Shorin, Milwaukee, %Vis., has been guest of his brother Mr. Thos. Sherln. The. clone season for base thls year will ha froni May 101h to lit Jely, lnstead of Xýro»mpril 15th to June 15th. Mrs Jas, D. Buck, of Norwood, "-had iifingeir amputated on accouat of it being tiffected by blood poisening. Best table oil cloths are being sold at J'no. J. Marion a for 15c. par yard. Lots of other barga;ins just as great. Mr. James Bawden, cf Colborne, bas a plece of maple sugar that was made by hie mothor in the eprIngc of 1849. VEGETATIex iS as fan advanced as it vas lest ycar on the 20th of May,-be. tw;een two and three weekseacrlier. Mrs. Chas. Burnhn of Bowmanville la vie'ting, ber parents, Mr. and Mr. J. F. Mallcry, "Prospect" Cottage.-Cobourgc World, The old reliable eh, e store continues to lead the procession in fine qualîty and low '~es. Oeil te iwspect Treleven'a Lnew w ly 1s. Gentlcmen who leave t-cmenodors for Cl1othuxxg ah Couch, Joiston &' Cryder. mnîs en always depend upon belng, perfectly ruited. The msaximium quality ! The mini. mum price 1 ! Yen will but waste tunei by p9irig lsiewhere bofora you have seen Treleven's neow s pring stock et desirable1 and syil foot-wer-beots, shoas, slip. perubbers. He is ihowing>--ità-fneq goodes ad lateet stVles eat lowest livingï priceS. "Jse K. D. C. th6 Qgrestesb cure et tihv 1agof for Dysppaisi. Raad tha West End flousa adv't. CobourgWooleuMilIs wiilclote owing Io tie scaxciîy et work, Spinks' fleur mille, Pickerng, wae hurg- lanizad Saîurday niglit. The lawc thaha% asbeau suce ehavod wil stand a uittle mowen. Mr. and Mre FI. King, Oshawa, epent Sueday et Mn. J. Pearn's. A silver gray fox, w bosesekin brongit $65, wes abot ceen Chiathamn. fils Houer Jndge Ketchumi la rpidly recoeaing tron hie receut injuries. Mn. sud Mrs. Ties. Trick et AIlieton hava beau viiiug friands in town. Read tie West Ecd flousa adv't thora le somaîhing ot inîreat lil ho tyen. Rev. R. A. Bunnisehbas moved intoMn. James Mornes' rosidonce Church St, Cobourg is makiug a brave figbîte ocure the yacht regatta this entamer. Strawberny plantesnpplied by Gordon D. Fletcher, Bowmanville,in aey quantity. Thos. Rewan's 10cm rau awey Saturday noar Betliany killiig hie 8 year.old son. Mr. EHarry Jackson, Oeillia, was viil. ilîg at bis e cle'0, Mn. J. B. Mantln, l'ut week. Rev. James Carmaicheel, B.A., died aI Prayterien manëe, Norwood, laoI Waak aged 64. Mra. Haro sud son Frank of Ontario Ladies' Collage, Whitby, visitod le town last week. Ms., John Pionce ef Torontho has beau renswiug ecqueitences in Iewu ettar tires years' absence. Bas, Durhatm Conservatives hava nom- inated Mr, W. A. Fallie cf Cavae, for the Ontario Legisleture Mn. J. S. Chume is homo trom Chicago ewieg ta tie serious lluesa et hie tathor, Mn. W. R. 0.1mie, wbo le very helpless frein parelysist. Oh, jisht liaten lii lie frogs croskin' in lihe watmp, bayant ! Twbat au an ly Spring w're gottit', L)bchasure. Yes il iâte o ime uew te get your Spring boots and shees for tie whole tamiy et Trehoven's wbera yen have the choic.,(if the hast slectien nleto)wn. The Higli Seboal Foot-bali Club went, te Onono Saturday sud playad a match with tbe village leani, utlen]y deetieg them by scoriog six goalq le noue. A &"whitewash" le the tarin gouerally ap- plied te sucli an, overwhelming victory. iWo hopa the rature match will ha more etrongly and Equally coutestsd. The Ladies' Aid, Methoàist churtri, Port Hope, wilI bohd them annuel excur- sion te Toronto May 7. Tickets gocd te go by afternnen traîna Meedity or morn. ing traies Tueedeyay « 8 . Roture tare: Newcastle, $1 20; Bewmmnvlhle, $1.15; Ollhswe sud Whitby, $1.00; goodtoe r- ture up te Tiicsday aveeieg May 8. Memb3rs et tbe Young Man's Bible Clasft et Mltodiet Sabbath Sehol, Miss Jonesa3, torècheîr, eava a pleueant At Iloma e oa number cf ilisir friands lu lb. Epwonth Loagne rooni oft te ciureh on Tuoadày evaànwg. A siplendid progrein wa provided by the yeung mnu d wre mueli eppracialed by Ihos. pweeut, A numtber uetiuew bicycles bava beau purchasa i by the beys in tewu lately. " The Comaet" appeers te ha lie favorite wbeel Ibis season. Wby do net thie ladies eft lus town as well se thouaeofthIb neiglihening tewne and cibies tae more kindly tate ie healthful, sxhliaratiug sport î Who knows but va may haveas "bicycle ut, for 1we" je tewn before the sesson le over. The groat n'traction ou Kiîîg et. Ibis we3k is tic big display et carte on ex' hibillon at, Haines' Carniage Warks. Tiay vmo finished lun rahurai wood and ara lu ahi respects equal te anythinq we have seen lu the lins of carti. Thora wffl eertainly ha ne occasion te go outaide ef Bowmanvilie tor cants as thase carte are embodimeuts etf souxe good peints that wo have naver sean in carte befors. Siavery Deys 'Ce. et 25 genuino colon. ed stage artiste plé;yed te a small audience in the Town Hall Ssturday niRht. The combination listeberat o el ind Ihal has appeured liers eluce lis days cf "Our Amateur Minstrels" and deaerved a mnch more liberal patronage. Tira plantation scenes ware very nesistie, being at limes grandly pathehie or iutenscly humerons. sud alweys lutenatieg. Tic, siugiug hy tha male quartette vas especially fiee, sud 1he Buck Dance. and Cake Wahk were anthusiasticalhy received becuae et their novelhy and axquisieia kil vith wilh Ili ey were pertonmed. Mr. Philip Mrlin who ton 50 yoars was a prominent member aud local preacher et tia Bible Christiani denomi- nation, died on Wednesday afternoon aI the residence et bis sou (Mnr. J. Thorne Metie), ]East-street, Brampton, in his 79th year. Mn. Martin wasi borneta St. Steplieus, Cornwal]. At thae&ga et 21 Yoen seboy Wathes, Clock-e joeo- ny. Silverware and epecteelefs et lialit. p icasd in soe acamtss v3<IJno J $1'50 up. %tccl and Clock rpelig doue e instcleetyla3. Veuyoxm-r leinseli troibý. yen ut" aK, Do net mis IhaWest End Ileuse grdv't in thie issue. Mn. Andnew O'Connor et Ceniphailford died les§t week, aged -t5, Rev. 'Dr. Briggs et Toronito preaches in Port Hope next Sunday. Mn. E. G. Butrk ie honortry preriident of Campbellford bicycl" club. Campbellford's tewn couneil will ha asked te paso a curfew by.iaw, Note the steamer Northx Kiuig's an- nouncemeel on an inside pae. Miss Nellia Paîtarsen et Whitby lias beau visiting neistives in tewno. Lord sud Lady Aberdeen ware reyelly ontertained in Kingston lest weeir. Prof. Singleton gave a very succesetul concert in Port Hope Wedneeday nigixî. Lieensed, hotels li Manveri4-Frer.kl Hamilîon's, Bethàny, W. J. CotUlen's, Poutypool. Se fer tha fruit outlook in Westernl Ontario, inclndiug tha Niagara poini1sula, le excellent. Thora ara mnany Iirad mothaers thoe deys. The dngbtms aflîrd nu cheini about houe cleaning. Mn, A. Brown, cernetiat, wud soni Tommie, cleninatist, assiaîsd at a concert at Cuiborna rocentiy. Grand concert in the New Mlusie H1all, Bowmeevile, ou Queeu'e Biîthdeyavn ing. Wetcb ton particulana. Are yen swere Ihat thoe et End f-louse have au adv't in Ibis paper werth raading ? Look ir up sud read il. Mn. W. H. Ives, Coîborne, raceiyed te car 1usd ef red cedar ehinglas frein Brit- ish olu-eb.ra. The fneight ceI $18 1.50. How duees aCebourg Wenld re3amble a Dominion Lino Sýteamer ? A fiee ticket te tha exhibition for final correct answer. Tha naw namne far lhe P. P. A. is the «'C. P. A.," whicb, being iutorprated, ie the Conservalive Protectîve Associatýion, Tha Public is invited le vieii 0. ScotI's Furnituire Ware Remue, Oconio, whve they 'will get furaiture et cuit for eity- day.. Mr. Geo. Gzay'e lieuse, Clarke, wvas burned yesterday mnnmniig b,fora day. ligbt; the temlly r.a-rowly escaped beàiug bumnied te dtatti. Talk about duli l iie-here are mjore excursieniste îx aveiig ,,t aîîtwsd Ibrougli Bowmauviile Ibis sprieg tilan ever baforo, mostly pedestniause. Jne J. Mas-)mn ale owiuig special val- uas in bie largo assortment Ltf ladiies' sud childree'asusnmer veste. Wo mention a ribhad linoet 3 for 25 cents The P. P. A. ongen, the Patnietic Cen. aiin, lias ceased publication sud the plant te now beiug convayed te Kingeton and will ha put le soeaothen use. Piot. Chase cf' Orilia, 'fonruiiog he mails traudrâlolnly, was receetly broUglit baeraMNr. Mackîo at Ber1in aud reiliind- ed lii Msy 2iid on givînig bonde for $1(00. Msynazd anî Lýýrmnonhh, Bewmanvile, EqIUFO, Sigui, sud Onnarpeuhal Peînting, leper HEuiglnz, Glsz!,ng, Graiuinc, ,9e mining, etc. Sigu peinting aP6 epecubîy. Leavoendors at Big 20 Jewelry Storté. H. J. Woekes is satill et Ilia old sad 57 Liberty et., and la ne-ady te eliarpen and repair Lawn Mowers, SawL-ng Mach. lues, ne, BicyclesL@ , Wrinrarsr sud ail kinde cf NMaehieiery nepeired. A dock liaI dees nos keep limao is ne good ie a bouse. Yeu asbouîd taka iu le Richard asnd have it put ïu order. Hae des hie werk thereughty, no malter wliat. it may bo, Watch, Clock or JewelLny re- paire. .Quality et tie Top 1 Prices e.t lhe Boîleni ! 1 This is lhe condition et affkire et Trelaven'e as re.gards Ladîi'. Gentlemen's and Ghildren'd shoos. Corne Inepect sud admire ! rhoen tho velues ha gives will cause you lu wander ! This Wedoesday niglit et 8 o'cleck Rav. O. G, Hantzog et Hiram C 0lge . will prasch in the Disciples Cbnnch. Rav. Mr. Hanîzog lsae great favorite Vith the. Disciples et Bowmeuivilleansd aIl sheuld comaecuttb maaaud bear hlm as hae cen only namaiu one niglit. Tha National Educationiai soito et Il. S. A. wiil hold ils 1894 meet. îng aht Asbnry Park, _N. J., Jnly 6ti te l3tb, inclusive. Asbuiry Park le one of the meet heantitul sciaide reoeteon the Atlantic Cost, about 40 miles froni No ew York city. For f ull information an official pregram, hotel snd railway rates aud routeEi,addnesB, S. SHIERIN,Srcuretany, Asbuny Park, N. J. When yen want Nota Papor and Envelopas Gise us e trial. Yen will no aunprîieed aI lie pnices. GRAND CENTRAL,, the West EnS Blachfamli Shopi, King St-, West, W, Hq. WLIss Insist Upon Having theVrsy Cigar, tecy ar', une4luaed Minard'e Liniment CuCldag, etc. M M Canada llustrated. We have eecured the iglit for the boit seriez eoflue are pictures yet publiihode beiug a portfolio of original photographie viewe ef Canada lu 26 weekly parts at 10 cents oaci. Cut eut thie notice and send us or eal aIt the office. We waut every STATES-MAN subseribar te aend fer Part 1 neow reedy thet ail miay see what a tuagiicent work of art we ara Ofi'drie5.- Tee cents per waek and oe coupon fromn Ibis paper will be al il will caet yen te secure thir. vauebe work et art, covaning the' whele vesî Dominion cf' British Amenice',and 'hen completod wilesuna the posssor a complote acqutinhinca with our country. Add rosa M. A. JAmEs, Bowmnanville, Ont. Bowmanville Boys H eard From. Rev. E. R. Young, Jr., occupied the M1ethodiet pulpit Sundey mornxng and evecning, and bis sermons were excellent. Hoe i8 a young man ef mucli promie.- Pickering News. Mnr. D. M. Lockbenl, son cf our ven- enab'e citizen, Mn. M. Lockhart, South Ward, fias bought out hie pantner and is now sole proprietor cf a flouniahing grocery sud provision business et Coluîn- bus,Ohie. Your many fionde bore wisb yen abundant auccesi, David. Mn. James Mattliews, lRolland, Man., writes: We have lied a very moderato sinter'and a lovely spring. 1 have sold eut My farni te Sidney, tire orly remain- ing clild et Mn. Leonard Smallacombe, fer $2,1500. Sid wants te get a weman now te ahane lhfe's joys on the prairie. No doubt h'll rewand yen handsomely if You WiIl getLhien a mant girl,.flore il a chance for the 139 mernigeabie maidene in Bowmanville. The fether owrs a t the sma section sud they took e notion 10 Ibis eonaetofmine hocothe sala. I don'îi knew whare ïI shah sînrika tlon now. It le pretty bard rimes in Manitiba ane praente - 1 ~ WeiBt End Bakery. The Wost Bnd bas a new bakery and coufectionery store. Mr. W, L. Keys h%3 moved mIet the corner block opposite the P. O. and ile gettixrg prettY we 1injte shepLo ton bIusiness ýagsin. ,CuAomena who haive ne)t beau ettended to during the mroviig wil Eow ha waîhad ce as usuel. A new? portable oven hrs been oýbteîied froin Toronto sud is warranted te b ike bread sud cakes firet-class. The shop la being renovatod sud put in erder as test as pos'sible. Mr. and Mrs. Kays desîjre IlirougliT.HESTÂTESIMAN te siucerely tlisnk the citizeas wlie have se generously ssaisted lu the maviag and otherwîse and sixr ceraiy trust that in f uture tîhiy may ha able t,)roture in a muasseathe kind* nosa sbowu aed by pfompt attention ta busminess te rAain their former cuatemers aud make Inaney ne- eues. Porter'a Fouxndi-7 Goîng Again, Farinlera in thifs district will ho gplad te leru that the well known Porter Feuet. dry sud Machine SIhop je at work again. Mr. E. J. Sauindene wihh e practical ex- perxýeu1ce tJ22 ysass ben inducel ite lease t'te premises ard wiil cirry ce A genýieril business. Repa,-iniDg machine3ry eÀtxall kna Uastuinga imade, plow pointe, etc It is a grcal convenionce ta thx e firmers te bave -such a practicel man haro te attend te their repeirixng. Caeil and make the acqu 4tancaetfSaundene Bros. IEarly Closing of Shope. Our citizons sud country people sbould arrange to do their shopping before 7 P. mi. durng the summen monîba as tia clenks naod a lle recreation. The mercbanis have veny c)nsiderately agreed tle aosaetair reomective ahops on .and afber May 1 nt 7 o'uloc!L, mlarp, excapting Saturdey and fac 'tory pay nigit. Shoppere eull net linger ini thoestores after thea hall rings. MARRIED. Yr.,*HANà-PFCKETI'-On the 219t lest.. at the Parsonege. by Rev.C.W.Wateb M-. Fredenick Yewmee and Mise Julia A. Becetot, botti of 0,shaiva. Auril 2&hb. by tbe flev. J. A.Mcpe M. A., Or( ne. John N . Lawrio sud Mary J. McPber. son, baoth'is to we. OIED. M-A,.'ri-On Feb. 28, et. the resideuce or bis sýou tJ. l'harne Martinot East streot Brompton, Soçuth Australia, Pbilip Martin, aceS 79 years. For 40 years a residour er Bowm8nvitle. Ontanie, Canada. TAMBLYN-At 7,1on, Hope to2wnship, Wm, Tamnblyn, eged 63,yoars. WiLEnr-le Darltngtcr. Aprîl 26 Carke W ithur, eged S9 years. MoEr'Hy-At Osiiewa,April 27,jobu Monphy, fomrerty et the CrStwn Lande Depertment. 'Toronto, lu bis 81,1 boar. -HALL-111 Bowmanville, ou saturday, Anil PEÂS Blckae, ' bsh0.0O01) G -O 5 iMumx-ny o O0 09 O0621 nSmall, i . O0 0 0551 oBlue, 0 05 il 06ý5 BuT.Trrz",boeü aRble, r r).09A 014, Eccs, P (ez,........... 009 f 0 10 POTÂTors, e bush .......O 25 qoO JO Tny K. D.C. tho quick rLie:vor cfAIin- dig (,es8tio,!n. We invite you to eal!,, and raake our acquaintance;-. we want to trade with -you.. We keep a complete stock of Groceries of 'ail kînde, and we seli cheap. We mwant your butter., eggs, and other farrn produce and wiII pay the best prices In cash or trade. fiE'LD C ARDEN S8EEDS to the front this week--alI, kinds. Corne and your wiIl use you ail square and- we know-v our g oods wilI, please. OAWKERN& AIT, Genere.1 iGrc % 1l îand Pia il B o ,ins, Bo fi viWý, Safety Barb Wîre and Staplesaet Duetan & Hoar's. Steerage paessougera wbo) buy their oean tickets freinMK A. Jamnas, aI the ll.eadfng steamebip egeney, Bowmauçille, will be supplied wîth use ef beddiog and eativg uteusils frea. Morris' Carrnage Worke le now in full blact-blacesmith shep, woodwork, trirn- ming, paintinz, etc. Thpy are turuing out buggies, rcad cants, and democrats and giving prompt attention te nepainiag cf ail descriptions. Give the old stand a cal]. A; 9. TILLaT, M. D., C. M, M ~~~~~O EBR0COLtE0FPHYSICIANSQ sud urgonsOctne.Office. King St. Miemdo este nter ank; Residence. Church St.-S;h deor eash ef Methodist Cburch, Bowmanville. 37 Ail eceounte due M. A. EDSALL. s1uC 00800r te S. S. EDSALL, mauet be psidte oe te saeo cmOSI, lSeinuMituo'8 Block. 7..41 BUILDERS' TENDERS WANTED& T EgfDE1lg WILL D'E 'OEEIED J'by tho unden'igued titi the 5 h e May next for theerecticon OLot 32. 6th Con.of Darlingtoe.of a Trame Baen 10 by 80 feet,p05t3 20 feet, atene basemeut, accordlng te plans snd opeci Ècations, wieh may be soon en and after the 21h inst. on application t o D. Lick, Esq, Oshawa. :Aise for the erecton of a Stable. 17-2wMRS B, MITCHELL, ERVANT WAN TED te do kitcheii kwork of a smalI family wflere a bouseemud laise kokpt. MusI do plaie cookjng and waah snd irenwelt. APpptyto Box828.O. jawa P.O. D RESSNIAKING.-Mijas M. 0,»rue 1i. prepared ta take in work or. go out sewieg by the day. Rosidence et W A.NEEDs' Division St. 1 8-2w 200ç LES Good 'Geesa FFosthess fer saie. JoHN GRiîe, od 1. ce dealer, 32 Ontarlo St,. Bowmanaville. 18-2w H -3OUSE TORENT,-A semi-detaebed JI brick house on Churcb street lately occupied by Capt. Crawford, Terme moderato. APPly te A. YOIJNIE, on T. BiNGHiAm, Bow- manville, 45-tf. T11O-BE JERSEY BULL T FOR SRVICETerme $1 at tiras ef service on $1.50 ie the Tati. Apply te Wm. MCRzxxeOane. North ef Electrie Ligbt Plant. Bewmnaevitle, P. O. 1-tf FPARK TO RENT.-F'or e term et R2years, "Glendhin"-300 acres, 2 miles frem Witîby-<ood buildings and souI. Admir- able for stock or dairy. Chance for going1 extonBiveiy intoToronto milk business os stock raieing for American market. Men with cailitat only noed appty. J. H. Dow, Whitby. (E HEAP ÂUCT1ONJERING -JaMe« %-J A. Kelly, ef Newcastle, le prepered te de atisales entrnsted te hlm et eepra et Cen beat any auctioneer hi hie couety or"1d% the sale for uethmng. J. A.KLLY. Wijndsori 1uebl3, Newcastle. 8 2e,-M _AARM FOR SALE.-A fret clase terul f 125 acres or 145 acres situatted la tht township eorEBst Whitby jet con, lots là sud 16 on the Base Lino, about là mites from Os3ha. 'Wa station. 2 miles frem Whitby aud Ored@ train theachooThouse. Largaeomiyiildirqo, il'-bÏre i163 Idalentq1et fuit, Bell cle loani, altogether one efhebe gan 1em on the Lake Shore. Ne itte or tones, About seededj. Termesy. iret plo wlug dule, i For fute elclr pl . .ANilge 0 0hew., r -tf,1 LADISl Justi now you are planning ycur house-cleaning eampagn. An important fettane viII be& WALL PAPER, WINDOW SILADES, ROOM MOUJLD- INGS, PICTURE FRAMES, etc. Corne to us and you wliII geL just whiat you want int these lineos at large rdutoi off regular pri(-eos, ,l ave the latesL styles an I pattor.-s. 46Big 20."ý A-ND OWNERS (0F ACHINERY,.p We kave leaed the yel.-knownFounwýa- au'd Machine ýhop of tke Porter EstaIe5 King Street East, Bowmanvîlo, wboer we viii carry on a ýigonenal busineFssan ail branches cf Foundny and Maýchina Wonk5ý Repaining, etc, -Egines,Boiler.9, Biieenît5 Mowens and Tbrcshing Machinies,. Mill macliixîcy et al kinds nrep*a)is4 and nov turni8eled. Catinga et ail kinds made tbede t tunnislied fer ail machines, A - j. Peintsa ad Landerides et f Uîjý qnality for Ploya et every mako. L.awa Moyens slianpened aund pm4i g>ood edanr, Binden Kixtene vo are vehi pea-ted lia, iu tact evenyîbing made, tîrnnish!ed oie paîirod about your machine, Hla in& a practical exoinw ngý~ shepe foýr may anns, vo kncw Ia tab aun please you ;ail vo asi is a trial, Writ 'e orea ieyuhva- 1301A' FOR EVIE.- c '70"!F yth. ý.G'A, MÂE, ý l t 1. B Danîleglon. .e rie îr ' 1 ives and dauzhters. «We w w

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