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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 6

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PA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i 1 D~IPiCIA A3JN.Jwrigutraooway HEALTH. Messrs. HONEX & McMUR-TRY have purchaed the Oouuty cf Durham fer the beat Wlre Fauce in Ibis Country. it la atrong, e&BilY heudled and ornementa 1 lb wili net be injured by enow, heat, cola Or wiuda. It wiil turn Herses, Cttle, Sheep, Hogs, Degsansd Poultry. lb lsaa met work without barba, and wil net iu- jure stock in any way. It la muoh streug- ar and more durable than eny berb fane- ng, being clomeiy woven. Fan ce put up aud Farrn sud Township rights for sale. Âppiy et CENTd)A. ,LrvE- W. P. hOnH, Cearke P. 0.,"heving 'eought Clairke Towship, la preparewd te ut v- tance. F Rterrnoval et' e, fromchild'ren or adults, use .s NiT-H' S 1_0ZENGES. Always precpt relabe, afeaidpeasant, requiring n efir uediine Neer ailng.Leave ,te Lad lIter efitts. Z &ee,25 ntn ,S BOX year does not pay, even if one does ail the work blmself, and raises most of bier food. Unless there la an ice bouse and extensive apparatus on the farm, it la casier to make butter in winter than ini sunîmer, whilh the pucees are very mucb higher. Indead, it is bard te seil either milk or butter iu summner at any price, but lu win- ter there la aiways a top price demand. Therafore, bave your cows drop their calves 'iu the f ail and go dry lu hot weather. Butter miaking la a business tbat needs care and sbudy, and ne one ean succead with lt unless he la willing te give lbtbis kind of attention. If eue loves tbe work, it la the mot lnteroating, and by far the meat pro- fitable occupation on the farm, but. like il good things, lb moans bard wcrk. For the young man just beginniug bis business life there is notbing about the farci tbatpromnis- es se fair a future for hlm as the dairy. Preserving the Grain of' Butter. There la co part cf tbe procos nvolvad lu making an extra quality ef butter that la of equal importance wlith properly work- ing it. That the butbermiilk and water rouat be taken out of it and the sait put jute lb, are roatters of necesity, and the cian who eau invent some ebeap metbod by wbicb thïs eau be dune witbout working the butter wlll be tbe dairymana bonef actor. To make fiua butter we must retain tbe grain lu it, wbiie ail working, much or little, tends te destroy thia grain. The modern plan of Chictrenu into a rolish for beaven. Thero are ne Buddhista lu Iola. Tbe(re ara ciany lu Ceylon, aud thee la ýa seut of1 tbem lun Nepal, au ludepeu doomt territeryE te tbe north, on tbe border. ocf Budd',hlstlcf Thibet. Tbe religion vanisbedi froi iodle lu the early ceturies of tbe CriJan ara.1 The ooo-Brabmaua set up ïoiBdha s0 te speak, in the figures of Krsba Mabadeva and R&ae-demigoda aod idiols1 cf the great ueo - Brabmani, rlgos Vishnu-worsbip and Siva-wrsIýp; ,ad these swcpt cxerytbung elNa Jaforetbe until the Mobammcedan enus;ade the presant day, lu one shiape o otherc, tbese forma of belief are adhered ýIte by five- sixtbs cf the population, tbe rmaluda being Mussulmana. Tbe PBu Àd bl!ts are gene, tboogb uot without la igbeiod tbemi a riuh legacy cf phioohetoih and many monuments et thaieJr artistiC ganiuz. _________ Easy te )o. She-'" I shah uneear forgaý'tthe nI'gbt you proposad te me. You ur cd ae te daath, and wben 1 aid 'a nd kised yon, 1, reaiiy. tblnkItuca your beart." Hie-" Very likely ; 1 knew my bevart was lu sny ciuth at the ticie. " MU y beart la very sadtoubt Unreat is lu tbe elr, 1 cennet tell juat wbi'cb ,i l- Dyspepaiea or despair. Pitcher's atra In T0heINartLIî merican xxeview, -aaui Grand, autbor cf 1ibe Heavenly Twina," Ho'v 'rhey ILOOU end Wlsat issy Do They I sea te the Prsian Guif, It la%îaid thî; preseuta tbea'lWoman Question " lunaa w 'ali a aGreat DealeofItxe-cse. the Russian legation et Tebûren l i8 gail and inltruactive 'aspect. The man cf the Tha six ilb princes cf Germeny are ail is aflertste obtain the const tof heSab futreabotala s. il beboter wble hegreet ethîctas. They go tbrongb exercises Governmnt for the construction o)f erai- woman will be stronger and wiaer. Te wbicb are caicuiated te develop an ay einning et Recbt and ending et Te- bring this about ils tbe whoie ebjeet and strengiben tbe musclas andi do everytbing hea , iussian syndicats beiugeley oi f tbe present struggle, and witb the t aeta rw oosru in n omd îia la011Yolyeesection c'fth discovery cf tbe meaus lies the solution ef fine soldiers, 'rbicb la their father'a grcat- fuatuire railway destinad te conneet tbnc the Womaû Question. Man, baving ne est ambition for tbeui. The erov n prince caspin Sea and the Inidienen , cossingV conception of bicisaîf as imparfeet, tram lai a rlici blende cf twelve, wha bas ilrad ieb whole of Parsa.itl eau hacesdea the worn's point of view, will find thia entered tbe army and bas bis li-st degre. as-,takingup bbc projeets of au ulsnen difficult te undarstend, bat we know bis The youugest boy ls 5 years nid, and la tbs? pany cf twanby years ego. In 18ý73Bao waakneas, and willha patient îvith him bandsornest of the royal princ". Ris naatae Reuter receiven a concessbiontreineSa and heip !uim wlth bis leison. It la the la oscar. Frederiek, the second prince, for a reilisay geing freminde- ci womau's place and prude and pleasure te who was uanicd alter bis cinch hcloved te Tanna witb a branch to Tiflis amd Tra- teab te clld ad canmorll, l b is radfatber, i laase afine-lceking boy. bizonde. This plan lailed c- )account ol infancy. There bave beau timas wban it, The Cu-own Prince Wilbelun la the plaineat Rusaxan opposition.Sea crafead ivas dcubted whetber hae was te be raised, and mo-at delicate-ieoking oethte royal -Prince Dolgoreuki p-resented ano a n~ or womau was te ha lowered, but we have chiidren. The uaw baby, Wilhaiciua but the Sbah wonld net, consent it, wena furned that corner at iast, and now wor'an MraAgeaLo~ldine (and a few other question of extendina the ralwa ndn belds eut a Fitrona baud te the eid-man nnoteisaerord inary -lookioga baby, at Bekon toward Leukoren Leht and insista, but with infiuite teuderneso net haIt as pratty a8 your litie baby hroth- ahae, Mescbed, Sal aches, t C sl n and pity, upon halping hlmi up. er or siater. Wilbelmina lias x-ety little Afghanistan. This lino ol eo t g ________________ air ou bier round littie haad, a decided pug the oorbhern prodvinceg of Pet ît. ol "110W TO CURE AU. SKLNnoce, and a very long and Gaelic upper lip; bave beau parallel te bb Tan-Cspa Simply appiy "SwÂÏNE's OzIT3aNT." ont et present heine the oniy young lady ciilitLary rîwy h c rail way brog No intetual ciedicine required. Curas lu the f anily, she lai the -belle ef the pa- Parsa, protected by theRusnsem tatter, eczema, itcb, ail eruptiona on thbý lace. te be very importent te tbeiam. The 'N o v- faebads os, tcleaviug the 2kin The yeung princes ail ride, skate, dance, oie Vramia' declares that it is n1!e te th clerwbie ud eatb. Is rea bd-aud awim well, and su f ar have occupiad Bispjherua, but te the PrinGl nite ing and curative powera are potscsed by very few heurs of their days lu tfie a bool- the Ormus fhat the RusjnEmie sboutld ne other reciedy. Ask yourdruggýist f,ît recu Thoy are ail rathba r.Lou'ai and arc endeavor te carry ita nvrd omre SWANESOruisNT.Sou &very fond cf baviug acbool-tooin theatnicals, The Engiisb will ho excited l tis plan., SWYESONMN.Lymin Sos wel ns of viaitlng the tlîîaîer-whlch j Ve will sac if their xiiplCiacU,,yeaan Co., Moultreal Wholesale Agents, means thair father's privete performances.J the efforts cf the Russiansi,

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