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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1894, p. 7

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TH4E ill.S T .S'IccESSFUL REMEt/Y reOR MAN OR BEAST. ýCerSai laits effects and iiever bliterg. Rend proofs bel w. KleEN ALLS P AVIN CURE BLUJEPOiNv, L. L, SI.. Jan. 15 1894. Dr . «. J. E5DALL Co. eteenIbought a slendid bey borse soma timeagowithaS avin. Iwthlm lor$8O. I used ItendallaSpavin ture. Týhe Spavin L;gonen-w and I bave been offered 150 for the same hor. I only had hlm fine weeks, so 1 got $120 for using 68 wortb etof endail's Spavia cure. Yours traîy, W S. MÂE5i N cr. SmILBY, fhcs., flac. 16, 1893. SrIhaaused yeur Kendalle Spavin Cure wlh oo sulýesfor Curbs on two horsea andi Ite bet Linipient I bave ever used. Yon mruy, AUOUST FaE)EIcz. Pries $1 Per B.tt1r. Fr Sale by al Druggists, or addresse Dr. Zi. J.lKLDA-T,-£COMP.&NY, FiîOaauaGH F ALLS, 'VY. 0OhNTA RIO0 LADIES' COLLECE, Strictly firet-clags in ail ils appoinîment3 and educational aivantaizes. Provision made for ai11 1l teacisers, corl.tfo.te3 andt for [Un- iversit y classes througli the fresbma. sophcu' muùoeand part of jior geari of Toronto Uiely.The literary staflr comprises the largess sînumber of Universtty secialiats of ny LtiColege inu0Osuada. Tho imus i'3i, fine a ~ouin d cammiercial departnlentî are cq 17l weli sastained by thce moet giftei rfetr.Physical culture le taugict by a spcifrO)m ioýLoa. A nwgymunaeium nd alkusfouedor arneueats. Papils have the oippoýrti1niLy of hearing thes great ar2tst thil vieil Toronto. 12 tyr ,à pply for Information ta 112[fNCIZ'L HAR»E, Pl.» P r ring Spring 11. millueyShow* rooms com- plete with may pleasing styles for the season. Stylish goods togethiel with close prices mi-ake àt the popular place to buy. Sailo rs, 20 cents each. Mîats reshaped. Miss Shaw, Next door to P>ost Office. ST from lNerv,,us I>billty, Paline Manhace. Ileults Indîmeretion@, xeoeive Etc.,Who fini e Valain r 9ymptonce. I Willnd mpleuever-falling imnisose lf- ýr bing winluded sud fmposed 'ancd umbuge for cears, cnred s.Plessedon tsend, nulese yo paudenee sacredIcSlcnideutial ecurely seabed from observation. ). VanR Plata, Toranto, Ont. is oune of the flrst signs of pno0r bealth. Coughs, Colds, the Cream of Codi-ii"ver 011, cures ail of these weakness- es. Takelt ln time to avert fllness if you can. Physicians, tlhe o r over, endorse it. THPECnOPO0K'S B E SI FRED L AeAGEFST S A'L F UN C A NA DA. O en9raI and N erv u s D b I ty oeke f IBody and nror r à,csss uOld or Young. Robust, Nol anhood fuily ReSîored, Slow 10 en- large and Strengthen .Weali Undeveloped Organs and Parts of Biody. Absolutely unu- à ~faîhong Rome Treat- i ment-Beneflîs i n a ) day. Mca testify from . 1 0 Sates and Foreigîs Conntries. Write them, DUicriptivo Book, ex- l~5tll0 planation aud proofs ï E M mJ7- D (seLied) frcc. _________________________________ a I I LO GAL JJEUI8LATIJRE, Sumrnary of the Week's Proceedings in the Local Ilouse. TUE Il. C. Cl. BILL. Mr'. Rose bill repecling Upper Canada Caliaga wae refarred back ta Committea for lise insertion ai a provision respecting lise filing ai any vacancies tisaI migct cceur On lIe Board ai Trustees. Tisa bill paesed ticrougis. vTE NIPISSINO IBILL. Tise Attorney-General moved lice Ihird reading ai his bill 10 areat Nipiseiug jutoaa provisional judicial district. Mr'. Merediths moved au ameudmeulta clause 42 of lice bill, ta pravide tisaI unles by lice firet day ai June nexl, tlicoauntry seat bse beau aiready annonnced hy lice Lieutenant. Governor. lice question siconld be eubmitted-to a vate of tise peoplaeaiflice district. Sir Oliver Mowat ojected ta tise smend- meut, sayiug il wae in tise public inlarest tisaI ha opposad il. 1A divisian wase alten sud lice ameadment was l on a vole ai 49 ta 29. Tise origin- al motion wae concurred iii, sud tise bill passed its tiird reading. POLICE 3MAGISTRATES. Mr'. Whitney aeked icow mauy ealaried palice magistrales fui' luwns witic a hase populaton lican 5,030 have beau appainled since Ist January, 1883. low many police ma.os±r±asL............hnnau inted mince lst Jauuary, 1883C How sany police magisîrates lai' counties have )eon appointed on lice application ai lice eonty Caunictîs mince lst Jannary, 1883? 0oW many police magistrales, wîlhaut, lary, have beau appointad under section R. 8.0.,1 cap 72 ? Sir Oliver Maitat replied thal two salari- Id police magistrales isad beau appointed or enchis iwuesminca thiset aiJauuary, 883; 42 uucalaried pohice magistrales bîsd Ianh appoiuted mince tisaI date: 4 pohice agistrates icsd beau appointed' for counnues s tisa application ai Cauuty Caunaihe, sud iat 28 police magistrales icaf beau ap- uiînbed undar section 9, Ravied Staîntas dOntario; thce latter nuînher did ual in- nude savarai appoinîmants andar previaus atitte. 1 A MCSICOIA LICENSE. Mi'. Ryersan aeked was a liceusa grantad 10 premisas kuawn as lice Dorsat loase, Dorsal, Muekoka. Wisy wae il doua agaiusl lice wisises ai s majarity ai the ratepayars, aud wicy wara snbpoenas ual srvai upon Amas Turubul sud JaicnWitinlucanuec- lion wilis a brasaisoaitise License Act in whiah tliey ware slatad ta ha malerial witnessas? Ni r. Harcourt rapliad tisaI no icanse a d been grsutad for tise Dorsal Hanse, sud tisera was no evidoaca in tice dapartmeut ta shoaw wisy subpoenas sicould ha ii4ued. SMALL ESTATES. Mr. BaxtEr aeked wicatier il is lice ien- lion aiflise Gavarumeut, dnring lice prasent session, la introduce any legisiation ta pro- vide for tise ieseeniug ai expenses iu con- naclion with tise setlement aifemail asIates u*âder wills ai desed persans, Sir Oliver Mowat icpIied tisaI lte Legal Committea wera la report a bill wilh certain provisions ta diminisistise expenses in tisa direction namad by lihe hou, gentleman. A ;ODER'if XAPPOINTMEMT. Mir.'.lWiiney m-ovad for a raluru of copias a; al.correspondanice sud am niai wbliclisbaývapassafi batweatýis e Munlicipal Coun1Cil aiflice loWu aifGoderiah, ior any officer or: mae ber eafo, et an y ratepayer af tisa said town, andi-any memicer or officer ai lice Gaverument, wibis refereuce la tise appoinîment ai a police magistrale for tise saif tawu. Sir Oliver Mawîtt, in auewer, said bisaI auly ona patilioan d ana ltter, bols askiag for lice appoinîment, isad beau reaaived hy lice Goverumant. Hoeianew ai no çounter patition. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. Mi'. Marter movad for a raturu ai copies ai ahi papers, latters, stteanents, sud docu- meule lun refereuce ta tisa anforcameut or non enfarcementai lice Liquor Liceuse Act in tisa tawn ai Rat Portage for tisa years 1891, 1899, and 1893, aud up la lice prisent lime ai tisa yaar 1894. Tisa motion aarrîed. AT WORIt Tha Hanse tisan Vnt mbt comiîttea sud reporled Mi'. Balfoui"s bill toaramend tise Street Railway Adt (witic sigicl amend- ment) ; Mi'. Vaad's (Brant) bill toa;aîendi tise G aneral R oa d C am panies A t; M '. for wagee Act; sud Mi'. Gadwi's bill 10 amend tisa Higis Scicools Act (witis amand- mant.) Wceu lise second raadi g ai Mi'. Tait/s bibi ta imil lise isurs ai work ou Salurdays was reacicad, Mi'. Tait aked tisatishe bill ha discisarc- ed. Tise bibi-, ha said, isa beau priuted for distribution ; daputatians icad'waited upon aud petitiaus had beau reaeivad hy lise Gov- arument in ils lavai', but ha tisougst lise malter could ha botter deast wiîic at a future lime wceu lice question isad beau discussed froa hi idas. TH-E CANAL SCIIEME. _Ir Tise House went int commillee on tisa Ceorgian Bay Ship Canal sud Power aque- duat Conpany's bibi. t axcited causider- aida apposition. Mi'. Fraser was slrongly opposed to tisa bill. Ha said tisaI franc beginniug ta end it dîd nul contain a word btndiug tise aom- pauy ta carry ont tise proposad work. Tise referenca ta tise fiva millionsta ha speut on tise woi'k in a certain lima wss, hîke tisa $500,000 ta ha forfeiîed if lice abava amount wam ual spent, illnsary. Tise greateet oh- jectian ltiste bill was lice extraordinary expropriation poware askad loi!,Ha vani- tui'ad le cay tisaI au immense corparation lilete iaity ai Toronto would mel wiîis a sharp rebuke if it sicould ask lai' tieseame pnwers. Evan if tisera was s uacessity for a siip canal snggested, il was fat lice Ou-, taria but lise Dominion Hanse, franc wisichs tise campany shlunif oblain s charter. Mi'. Ciban fHamilton) did netpops la ýea tisa billmurdered wthiot au tariug h is prutect. Tise gentlemni opposad la il shonîf have attenided lice meeting aiflise Private Bille Commibtea, wviere Iisroe days isad beau spent in dicnssing lice bitl, sud enlered s proteet lisera. 1Mi'. Meredithc agrced witi tise remarke oh Mi'. Fraser. Ha wae also strougly opposef la il hecanse ai s rule ai tise Hanse pruvid- iug that lu order ta antillesabbiilaifVicie kiud ta conideration, f ull notice sbonhd ho gi ven ta every aauuty ticrongis wicicis-isecal iwanhd pass. 1 Mi'. Fraser seene aerneetllrv everyisafeguard aronndbiamncpiia Iwiich NýsouIJbd ha aff-td isul ise isii pase. Ha succeede! i i igvain [ameuen.1n, al psssedwilhut ncucic traouhle unitlharava c ïedettauot- 1 1 Mr'. Barr (Dufferin) moved for a detAaîled clatement, for tise yaare 1890 sud 1891i, ai tisa fees snd emlumeate af tisa ragistrar oai deads for tisa Caunty ai Duffarin in confîec- tion witis hie Office, wilb lheicdates, su d amaunns ai rebatas for eac year pi4ta lice counly. Tisa motion carried. MR. CONMEE'S'BILL. Mi'. Coumea moved tise second reading ai Ibis bll ta amend tise Saparate Scicool Acti Aller onl.ining lice propoeed bgisîsîion ai lice bill, wliicislha caid, took natising franc lice Separata scicool supporters la wicci ticey were entitladunuder lice Britishc Narths America Act, haecisarged tise leader ai tisa Opposition with incaesielency on the ques- tion. Continuing, hae reirrad in stroug ternis ta lice McCarthy mavement. Ha daianded tise cisaracler of lise Catisolic popu. lation, sayiuq tisaI Iiey ware ual men who would rainquisi their patriotism at tise1 bidding ai any Cisurcis ou seat. Ticey were good sud loyal citizenq. Mi.Fraser satd if tise question ai lice ballet lu tis elactirmof aiSeparale ciso Irnelees wa's before tiah ousefo)r tirsrt tUne aiollau e m ith ic lcequsiionas ta wisaîber or ual tise province soald bava a- Separata cchîool tytem, sud if tise Legiela- bure was deaidiug upan lise datails aiflisal syslem, than, persanally, ha wouid hava no abjection ta tise ballot. But lise circnm. stances whiah had cnrrounded lice question ai tisa ballot franc tis art cauld ni ho disassaciated franctisa question. Xitisoul wisiig t malte aay offensive remarks, hae výntured ta say tisaI if tise circumstances were cauged, sud a Roman Caîhahia major- ity was datermined la deal wiîis s Protes- tant minority in tisa way lice Protestant majority seemed dnlermiuad lu adopi, ticen tise Protestants would ha found as ctrongly apposed ta suais a raeaure as ara thiai'Calisolic breticran. At lisis point Mi'. Fraser said tisaI ha wass fraid lice canIf ualcontinne, se icawae toa unwell. Mr'. Meredith enggesled ticat tisa, Eouse rîse, sud tisal tiselhon, gentleman go on wilh iîs speechs in tise evening. This wae agreed la. IIESPECTInO EXECUTIONS. Mi'. Whila'e bill 10 amneuf tlisaActre- spaating Exacntians pas"af ils second raadiîîg. , VARSJTv IMPROVEMENTS. Mr'. Rase moved tise ratification oi an oYclr-in-Council diracting lise paymeul ai $40,000 irum tise permanent fond aifbise Universityýof Taronuî for lice equipmnen'ý ai varions deparincenle, $20,000 ieiug for lise eqnipment oaitlic iemical lahoralory, $8,OOG for lice complalion ai tise gymnasiom building, sud $12,000 for glace sud iran cases toi'tise mnseum. Tise motion was carried. A BONUS FOR IRaN. Mi'. Hardy moved tisat hie resolution for lice grautiug af $125,0Mlase a bonus an iran ores mnîed and emeltaf during lice next fiva years bc talten int consîdaraton la- me rrow. Tisis was agreaf Vo. IIEfUCTIONS IN FEES. Mi'. Rose moved tlie second i'eacliug ai his bill resp'ctiug tisa fees ai certain public officers. Th isbul pased ils second readiug. MA'NIIOOD SUFFRAGE. Mi'. Ros movef lthe secand raading ai bis bill i'espealîug bise registratian ai man. hood suffrage votere in certain aiîies. Thislhl pased ils second reading. MR. CON-'MEE'S BILL. Mr. Fraser tisankaf tise Hanse for tisa conrleEy shown lu hlm in alowing lise debate lao stand ove, ta suit hiscocnvenîeiea Hal ntterlyrapndiated tise nation tisaIa, suy lime lunlice history oa i ce p ravin ce lise Roman Cathlihi isaricy or clergy hafI at sLLý'n lie tferef wîthlie Civil rîgiste af lise Caýthliiamirnority. Tsea asnaman amonDg tiseRoman Catio!ia niurity wiso bievd uSaparate scisools Wica did ual extpeal lice ctergy ai tise (isurcisr.,) taka mare tissu a passive interest in lise s'icoole, jusl as Anglican, Caugregational, sase' e secte, wiso migict bave Separalaeisoole, would lookt for ticeir clergy la.lta a masî activa lutereet lu îhem. Parisape tise Roman Catisolia laiIy isad beau lablame for lhier willinguess ta allow tisa largy-t isusthis mat'ralmost eantey H-Ure Mi'. Fraser stuppuci, sud, trn ta, tish peesLid Ian am it jl, saesfor me l*,0a atempt " o atîîine." '!a L lien rcmfu et Mi.Cluy recihic sine'ro regr-e t aI lice iaeots in ôm~.oe' À COMPULSOnY BALLOT. Mr, McCaliu'n moved the second reading ai hbilbutot malte the ballot iu Public aud Separate echool electians compulsory. Ha supporled il witic abriet speech. Mr, Evautuirel opposel the bill. He said if Carholice wvare driven ont of the Public sehols il -Na% awing ta Vice speeches of the mamiber for Londan and hie friands. Mr'. White (Eseex) opposed tice measura an accaunt afinsmeoaitbe features it cou- Mi',ý Meredith intended votiug for, the bill, because hae thougict il coutainad pro- vîisions which shauld becorne part of thse law ai thi and. Sir Oliver Mawat sld lthe bill should be oppsedbecuseils main abject was what hadý beaureadynegatived-a co-npuleory baltforPuli sdSeparate acicools., M4r. CluySaid haiý was going to, vote for thuý bill tago) t0a ascadread.iug, 1il being clearl'y unerto litathawal;uporn il on11- thseslegrý1Àoud a i bllot for Pbi a'nd separate scicos Urn. 'Roseopoed icb ansdcte a numicý1er aof jctoabefeaàtures Thýe Hnseý divjdled and tlie motion for at seodreadýing was ,3rejecledhy 53 votes ta The eColnmouest Names l Grmnn Somîe ana lias beau drawing unp a lie aif tise .-omnmonest names in Germany. From thue il appeare tisat Schriza takes lthe palm, alticough lha is cloeely fohiowed by Meyer, aad Liman and Neriuanncama aI a ras- petbe.iance. The practical inconveni- ence aifiaving s0 mauy peýople of the camne namne hs beau ohviated by the Prussian Education 1)epartment, wico distingîeish the bearers amiistoriaus disliaguish tha numer- aus Loiand Chariesas. On ite registers lisera is a Sciculze LV., a Meyer XLVII., a Lehllmun XlX., aud a Neumann XIV. It is sui,' tisa an ingeniaus pereoo once ohîsin cf!a se-at ia a crowded pit in a Berlin liataby sbouliug, IlTisera is a fire at Schuizýe's bouse." lustantly al the Sciculzes sprang to their feat aud made for the door, laaving the Ihestre hall esnpty. PaVung the Penalty, L-,r Workiard-"l My dear, I have lost m1y situation, sud li l jut isappens tisaI 1 icvusa dol!lar ahecad. We m11u;3 go to lise pooriliausaý for dinuer." Mrs-. V-" Snrely somas ai the gracers w;rib wbomn we bave dealt for soeuaany years wili truist lis? 31U. W. sadly)-"' No, 1 hava no credit anywhare. I aiways paid cash. Ha-" And wicat would you do i I kisseï1 yan ?î Sica (with dignty)-" I'd cali mam-. _a." (Alter a pansa.> "Bat mamma'e ouI týue vnn. demi, i slaye oreor aePr2valeul Tise tuelreied o lsecopnt, "La Sp'in, Iwastaken Cdawn wlth La ripe. t ime I asccmpletly pros- trstd, and sdFofoustA w se c:rsislug tisaMII àybes enl as fcul aa Ciseriy etrlain sooner bad es takag l tssurelef7onip r e. ipid notce- cure oopct.Iisuiaodifle- AîCA55CrCa CO-5T5 TMZ -ýÏULKI1 1 c 1E714ÎAoe ~o~I c~sII Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL ai ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. McCLELLAN &0GO IWIII be pleased once inà Quautity, twice in 0 1Quia;ity and thrclimies in P1rice who inspect the unequalled assortmenýt ofr eà Stippers, Rubbers, TrunksS alises, &., ,At our Store, Ur" BEAVER BLOCK,M BowmanvilIl' BJQG-EST -STORE, BIGGIEEST "VALUE, Everybody invited -to eaua ad see ouv new tboutwear TUE SUQE MAX N ~3a 2 ENTOLPL ASTIRU. propriatian powars should bc exercisedilu Public Worlte, wiso was unable ta continua suy city, town,,village,or tlowuship i LothcÜ eak At tisescama lime lha could the consent af thea muuicipaliîy. nual refrainL from n strangly disseuting frnm Mr'. Carke (Toronto) m-oved a amud th0 ps1tonwbich had sa far beau talien by ment taelthe affect that as regards e ociîytis hnember onthîs subjecl. ai Toron ta the plans aoflice proposed w.orks Mi'. iie daiendai the stand ho ail ba fiied ianlice proper departmieut. takan on the Separalae cisool question. Ha TIais carriad, sud the bill was tican re;- agreed with tise opinion axpressedl by tisa porîad wilh ameudmeute. C inissioner of Public Works that tise Mr'. Gibeon's bill ta incorporae lthe aciofaiMr. Coamiea in bringing lice bill Hamilton Radial Electria Raihway paeîaý'd i)era ihe Hanse was la ha regratled. througic committea, and wae raeporled îwith Mjr. B13 urasere that lice posTtion liglic ameudmente. Tisera was no aposi- now,. being takený by the hon, gentleman wae tion la il. idirect cou tradioîlon ta licestand laken hy THIRD READINGS. the Opoiîion nup la 188Q, Ha thongicl The ollwingbils wee radtaicatd le verdic th ie people gîvea lu tisaI Thne ilown blewaerada hr ya înd hav;e beau warning enough ta lime i-lbic lader aiflice Opposition noltaebring up To consolidate certain debîsaiflthe lawn 1lice question at Ibis lime. oi Barrie-Mr'. Palan. Mi' Carica (Toroâlo) dispulad tbe can- Respecting tisa towu ai Petarborough ll ention advanced frarnclime ta lime hy Mr'. Straîlan. -iinmbers ai the Govrument tisaIil was ba- Mr'. Gibson maved hie bihl a secure li e youd ,1the powar aiflthe Provincial Legiela- prompt punisisment ai persane guîiiî iluel ea ii l o:rl coo us percanation aI eeclions for the Legishaliva io.Ha daiended tlie stand takea by lice Aeanihy bcltla ommtte oftheWiîleOrne Order an lice question, sud faiiad in order ta insert au ameudment ticat lthe 1Ita cea how lice policy ai that organization followiug ha added la lice 121h sectian iio' nereawtc iergl~sdpi lice bill (section 186 aiflice Ontario Election lacges of -lice Roman (Jatholic minarity. Act of 1892) :IlAnd lu addition ta lice M-. Meredithisasid that lice Opposition penalty ai $200, shaîl ha hiabla ta impr si. conld not be cowed by argumentesud claIe- ment for a-ay pariod ual lees tisan scix> days mente wbich hon, gentlemen migict malte, or moreolican ix month." agmnesdstamenîs wiic amounled The amenduient carried. t ira hli ieOpsto lee Sir Oliver Mowal moved is bill respe.-t. oduo- ieSpraeei,: ytmlc ing lice cali ai solicitors ta lice bar hack b G(overumant wouid excite againel lhem lice Committeaiflthe Whohe, for thce insertion enm:iity sud isostiity ai a certain religions af an ameudmeut wicci wonhd vrovida secî. equai facililies for barristers ta become Sur Oliver Mowal said hae did nul secehow attorneys. Hae sif ieha it received malny an onecald believe ticat Raman Calisolice lalters reque3ting tisaI Ibis bh aloe. w1icnecihvntoballnor-trcad- eThedlment was carried. ic;ite.Te r n akgfoth These bille ware aleo raad a third lime- up N l eTithwarleeal asig fois To amaud lise Canerai Road Comupanies' ,oaai. olet ian al ea rcived ofmh Act-Mr'. Wood (BrantY. caun-1try askiug for lice ballot ainca 1879. To exlend lice aperation aiflice Wood- isr wae no antagonisin betweau lice man e Lieu for Wa-gee Act-Mi, is e 1 ati sd, lie laity aoflice Roman Catisolic To incorparate lice- Hamilton Radial C-iurcli. Electrie Railway. Company-Mr. Awrey, lyi'. Fraser haid no iesitation lu saying FREE LIBRAIZIES. Ihatif ïtise lonse paesedl a law enforcing Mr. Wood (Brant) movai for a returu lise 1compnilsory ballot il would hoclice setîiug forth lice cities, îowne, aud incu- haûýnndeuduty of everysupporler of Separate poraîed villages lu Ontario in whicý,icfree scioolslu Otaria ta resiet sucic a iaw la libraries aud mecicanice' institutes3 havae en ice -ýutnmost, sud coulest il if need ho ta lice etablished. Sicowing, as e ll, lh icnucar- final ýourt ailice realm. par ted villages in which iinecisania-s' iiu- T!,e question was put, sud a divisian sîltutas or raading raums hava beau eîab- 1lakan. Tice motion was carried on s vola liised, and sisowing lice elrecoral districts aiof5ý2 bG '0, Mt'. Fraser sud Mr. MeNaugicl. in whicic farmere' lustitlulas have nul b,,e au an voî for lice bill. Mr. MaUallnm voted estahhisiced."gIi n bt il,. Themoton as arred.te.bil s referred toasspecial commit- A PW.Px'TtMPA. .e 1a-.1 ýe RATS TATARE R- l-àATS::. Rats the latest and best, Rats made of Fur or Wool, Rats for Men, Youths and Boys, Mats for 50c. or more, Ra ts, in Feit and Straw, Rats to 'suit them aILl M. Mlayer keeps the largest varé iety of Rats in this County and in. price he can't be boat. A fine so- ection in Gent's Furnishings always on hand,. EastEnd .-t- r a Lpepýoot The undersignied desire to thanli.the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extended to us durin, the past seagon, aiso te remind them that we are st ili in the market and. prepareci to pay the HJGRTEST MARKET PRIGE ALI KIDS F Or E delivered at our storehiouse cor. King and George streets3., or at 'ort Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRnEH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bacs. Rock Salt for ci'i and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey iPlaster in Barrels which we are prepared to sel 1- __v

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