Photos! Photois! ym the diacerning public try to Ma daje - ie of the rcasonis why people gol I cliiildren's straw hat~. une t' epda se oftheev . 1. A. ~ ~ ~ ,.r 01 1,11E;manU fl aHo el, Iodge f "Reired S o cf Lazyl prman hc laibhisgetinadPaettaà" has recentIy bcen organzadd i entrtQflrefl fs wonanr~aars pîu~conntction with a barber shop i Brook- JEWELRY sPoeTc3-cME8,S i n-d Rii o'ov noni orguas reaaoaable antentai t n ual], Naw c iant. Send to C'in-' lidSae e leguJ designa And fat 9 for a itample 0 PY, colora at Couch, Johiistoýn & Cryderrnan's. ExCler, N. TH. 1__________ Sweeny V. S.A. ,San Defl c.i ilod-, o. oieiwl, Ri dTee rcs ordin-ary Soap, Try it. Rea TlesePries. - 1a tu,-aga - ff- % ,-, d txni"' ,r, ïi-- --H-ode S roaparilla. 1 old by Stott & Juiry. iontpt takîng ht. Iimerousi Maynard the Jeweller L ia alietif neglected, _Will Esf03 wtca, ocsand jewt liaed to get hlm a pair e1 crultches, çwit eau LzCiA Yeu a ;js lle to naovs aboutl'lut îleyceaper n ' ieornied.«We bad to h'vie bv S D1ay Walriut docks, best make, warraasted,83.OO original price $6,00 CHEMISTS and DTRJGGJSTS3,Boanil C.P. R. Ticket and Telegrapli Office. Coe lmt-lCohn loiuse. u e io o c A' a îast resorr 've wûrc prevaîîeupoi iby relatives Whio ImdtkuIodsSra Castora is tuiy a arvoloS ~ ~Parilla with beneficiai resuits te, givetemc- ohildren. Doctors preEcribe it, x-ieâcal Inl the rntter of the Est(l te of Ihrnas iec trial. VWe got one botule abo;,t Ilic is IT anmeelait and moe Lhan a liai], fate of tMe Town cff Boumanville, of'Mri iZadlele ae lemdcn SI IVERWARE AiTIMII[lUlI ULSU E IlU HIU'JID ,,!L VI 11I RVlD With a large and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spring Glooda 'i ENGLISII, IRISHI, SCOTCH and CANADIAN T'WEED)S, neas ditroy woml, nd reveta on-saso ceceasers on or befwÂe -Mo threcii and givens con day of June, A. D. 1M~. a aie i LuIseens. se the cil ad .i-tniâmes and adldrea5eg and al rfE:hrg sn utual Eleep. Catra15their laims aiad of the so ~sa-ha othr'aby theur. Dnt aloway C-e t selil you anything or the said decaaed arnongtV els anth plea or promice that it i hretohaving ear &ve Duloa11I-ce t1îst you get C A-S T- said aaisor I yart j t er REA Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. Fits a ceitaÎnty.ý Ilood's Sarsaparilla in is case lias truîy ,ýdone gl&jmpes aeas gcol asever AItanhe 'thngwilr----------- ries I cr sr wonders, and loie 13dally gaining lu fIesis and aea CS ndee'migwilb sl t -gîtpCesnou s lin unsahnt ~fratres are a littie dali. lnowebv uiuparetde on the honest p2rincipal of ( as any chiid. We feel au luexpre-ssibIc joyau-, Reriairing as usua'. Gôoods at Moderato Fnrces-.) Caui anca înspect miore purcbasingy. Iviving Our bey restored to lhealth. _ w,(I r Datod ut flown ~ ( > ~ 4'c M y A .- lm. 3 4 la on t Very 'Çp'er13-irw anvla i Eaccnd ay of t~ . .GALnRAITIH. easy lu usd1o. Sl Iyal rgis c. Solizibo.r for ssud Eefcutor. M. JUi. MAfUN1 DRYtl GOODS & 1JEWELRY HROUSE ]FRANK ýA. COL" he rt.d dec-