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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1894, p. 4

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Polish, YLA]Dh]Eg'use Hook'a Sofala Shce Pollsh for edieu an~d Chlldren'e fine Boos and Shoes be Einestt o Ireservé the leath er and keep it liable. It will leave a poliE'h like satin, For aie by Boot and Shoe dealers. BOWMNbVILLE, MAY 1C. 1894 We are pleased to received from M- Tooley sucb a seýnsible letter as the oiî -we ,publish this week. Patrons of hi sort are numerous wu believe in Wes! D~urham. They are not going to deseri the best political friends they over hiý to grratify the wishes of a few office seel Before the Fees Cornmisàion at Brant ford Mr. Joseph Stratford, a prorninen Patron of Industry, advanced the opinii that the appointment of officiais was safe in the hands of the Goverument thai -wheni entrusted directly to the people This is thé only point on which the pist formn of the Patrons is at variance wil 11e Liberal policy. We have red with' great satisfactio the outapoken %nd rnaniiy &peech of Mi T.Dio Craig of Port Hope on Prohili tion duritig the debate on the subjecti the HlouNe of Comnnîon«. FRe sets i Premier a worthy example. His closin sentence was: ,I respect those who cor seientiously differ from me on this quesi ion, but for myseif, 1 amn prepared alwa3 to vote on the ide of prohibition. TIhe Patrons advocate clectiQn, of cour ty officiais, but did they ever know or cn dhey nlow tell us whtre are to be foua m»ore competent or worthy public officia] than thoýse aispoînted by the Ontario Go er-ment ' We believe the rule ho] good judging from observation that a pointed officýers are usumlly superiort elected nes. Take any municipal coti cil, for instance Bowmanviile, and wl wxilI say th:nt ten leading business me of the town could flot havi chosen t weli more ýomipetent men than ever occupit sients at the Board toge ther? There notingin hiscri'. FISHING FOR ,SUCKEfRS. Electora of Wet Duil arn re beil danvassed tor thcir votes ;-dsainie 5pe- ous flshy tonies arebeg told thieni J reports that reachi us aire coýirrct. WhI -Mn. Reid approaches an afore tinte Liln al i e is preeted as sayving that bo present Gvrîensa going 50 obe feated at the nixt elec io reaudnu thse farmien' tiime o eiect anu î ped one whose frirst caére wil le îk. u, srdti own interesta. Ho isnot apltca is afarmer and seek3o conve-y the b that he's aghinboth ( Gàoenmeiits. Dci bc (deceived, electors, býy any sucis fisl yarns. If the Conse vative C. nventi hiad not every conifidience in W. IL Re that lie was a true Tory, they would r have givent iim the nominationi. Ift famrs aU a Whiole are iiot ronviniced this tLime that theTo y G verii,uent dni cane a rap for themn so long as iie mn facturera are willing Io conitribute to thi election funds, muore'si the pity, for bli îndeeà, nmust be that min who can'tE this. One, inauaturer will contribu m.ore tr9 an lection f und than ail tise mers in a coty, this is why the Gove ment at ttawaý is keeping on the i duaties -to protect their genxerous frien, The fariner whlo don't know this to true, is place is in the asyium. 1 isn't a fit suject'o be et large. MONEY FOR FARMERIE. In his nontinaltion speechi at Whit X~Ontario's Miniter of Agriculture,1 ]~Hon JIohni Dryden, referred to the gi ..ork deo by the Travelling Dairy. poin)tedl out that while, according to ronto rket priées, creameny butter inied unchaniged fioui 1892 Vo 1893, pnice o)f diry butter advanced on average a ceùit and a haîf a pounid 1 Dryden conisders this due o the impr ed quaity of our butter product, a rue that beý attribu es to thé) labors of Tr-aveýlling Dai;t:ry. According tte i niion census re-turn4, aboutý 50,000, ponsof c&ary butter are prodluced niuall1y in thi3 province. Anincrireas: value o)f a cent and a haîf on that qu tity represenats no lesa a gain thsn $7ý 900 o the farmiera. Mr. Dryden hiE aogbeen k'eenly alive o thse deaira ity of secuiring ,for our butter as env:ý a reputation ýtSCa5Ki liceese bas, in foreigum-i cs If thi3 inipir -imet continues, long -withi a better feoinf packing anld tranisportation, it not be long before bis hopes are real and a profitable trade of unknown pcE iliiesopnednpfor fArmera andt Prov- aune il wil behaqmîii alefa, as lisera i& no oscedaprnm-exl ith 56rd a plac,3 lu Otarfo vis ne there Iives a more pVo sucearpoersion muheabceIou1Vi a o- intelligent lot of electons tissu lu West pticule'poeso iea al DucouTi h-n :u, Edtrfn0 iua tsisa lu tise Piotograpisiiig hiý Dut Thai kng ouMr. Eiofrnesr it y ou want vori tisaI y ouw youn valuablaepaý ce, I amn, irabmd1 hw onfins thair ~~Ynrs respe'clfnlly, ) eanul e t hwyorfi ate nA. S. Tooiay. 1C &RLESS, In ule, Uonrtice, 5'ay I11,189M. ritePooapi i Miard'3 Liaitct CoresDipiheria. Kn t.WsBomni POLITIOS AND PATRONS. THE KEElEY CURE. EDiTlOR SïÂTESMÂ,-IV wvilI o!'!Y ho a EOiToit -rSÂN-ii oldcure ahoîit lime befora wa wil lie callxd , lon <icnvn' ich ij waa oriniet l y Dr. Vo lect a candidate ta o ok eý ftec the Les ie E. KeFtwli bas witi s etw yaîrrs jute e-ts o! West Dunrham, and tise que3- r corded 85,000 crs. 'Ti i K o! au ,'r uy tion il'l bu asked rhat st h ie Paio , k 85,000 atr rt g w hu se c oesoif jing are go:ng Vo take. "Nowv, Sir, Viera are mortels cîired fro ri the digeiks-'. This but fovw Patrons in Weàt Durhem bhut coaesîrix<es et tlkî) root of tise cvil. Lise have voted a lifetimne witii tise Ref rm Vise knife cf tise s 1r2eo n it remuovkicithe pinty. By their intelligent vote sud c vcer o! apjpt ite,anld thxismar il actually carelLil tisought, hey bave beau tise s.vad. Theabahuet phii itui adrni, thet mens ofbui'ding up oeaof tise best local tiserale no, thar rmd that wll ebto0- Governmente tlht the world evar saw. lntelye t t'e sa is' ss a s ' eiîy rArnd tise leader o! ibhis Govrument in a cases. Tise m.%uiiiocnV rell'tg attilýed man tha' evary Canadîtn ouRht te feel hi' the cure oqugit ta cati t noV a0y te *prond of. Sir Oliver âIowat hisa been la sympathies bul thi) odu~rttn o! cran' )r public life for about twenty-oee eans, and mtord orgao)iition, cv.îry cliu-ch trau;ýh neyer duing that time could a ma isthend. An ariny o! 85000 Buff'rn tbrow Vise last alun against hie cisarac or motaq, and tise saloon hai 1 s', thse p it. eîther iu publie on private life. By the runage of 85,000 costumera. Du ,ken- *puais. and energy of the tarmeni ,sud 1eus mut ha tî aec -d a, a dise-ise. Thse riatnufacturera of Oata-io, bached up by writer in ait inanci.liy iit-roiedrci i i or tise vi e le4isaiun of the OntarioGovern. an agen~t hut id wiling to mlivu dkia or-,it -.ment, tlieilatioi gueule for ra'lways, Vo ore of Viseinoat wondenful medical och, olie, aid ail publlc institutîot aad discover'" o! th ' ae. [ once lve 1 iu *public works, Outîei icio1'dE. one if the tise town of Catit )n, 111. -ITtbami a popeila. kY iiîÉhet positions to ýay tif any Province tion rowif abouitGO000. Tha !emperan-iW J '13 in tbc Domninion o! Canada. Mr. Mowat pacople o! h, tis ii lwn nve sent ovr 00 st and tise Beformu party have bcd Vto hettia dnnking mante tVie Keec;ey Cue, lcîst; nv ,rt fer Ontario's iglite. They lh %o e ld o on an averaife $150 cecI',, or a t.1oj d figit ailtihe sharp p actices tisa cou'd le S30,000. Th ýy le leva Fsr th e - Ii îcy oIjý,, k brouist te beer agg"nt tisem by tisa laVe tise gold cure suffide tl-Y tVurusa ', hiae Si John A. Macdoneld'8 Goverument. mioney by voinutiiy c ,ntibuti ri. Str ko E ery case tisaI Mr. Mowat took up in eit thea root .,f tish e rous pp ti e. it tise iritereit (ef O.tario) and whicb lic stop it beferec i--gniaws it tise vFiail. nt carrel o thse higimat cjurte ih Eng'aud, RA vn a- foîgist hy him 'o a aucccsaj'ni issue, .- an and ly tise verdict uiven lu Enizlanci To Tise Daîrymen and Farmiers of an Mn. Mowat li a prov(n inacîf t i i3tise' le- greateat consitutionA laîwyan we have Ontario and% Durhiam Counities. It ver hid tbe hoiior of placing lunaise ,ETEf~-Remambor wien tise thh olat ay i as figit. coLmasE he b -tiaexia ing for ht interest o! O.stanto when b onfv otet4t1hv eh ïUa fought fortiseisoundary atrard, theRivers îvea iitV a:,atr u aiTs n and Streýrns Bil, tise Dminion License Guthrnie Patent Tex'e Florii Fly Tap. r. Law. lia waa fightng for tise intercat o! IV i casnl anaaid, and by p,%rsifle your bi tis a frmerii if Ontanio ïwhen ha put cattie through th'a trap tibreaîn e pr in machinany irto tisa Central pris ,on < ween, :t will k.'cp trIcin r' a front ibis lis manufactura iader Vwineisa was 'o )Kingrterrible scotirz.c.FoY- iei-are se gFarm'kr's Advcate ofDi. 189.3, or apy oms afer tise intorerkt o! Otnt when lie op- y. t ro --s kyt)1Yýf )n- pointed tisa Hon John D:ydeîma . .e cl~ yletn~rprO d'y Vm mysaýýifI . 0 st- frmner, teu iook efte en i rtareât of i.O N, uemail'P.. ,ys Agriculture. Tisa Raforrm party varu look - ing efter tise frmnera' interestwisen lisey Deî by la Ackiiowledged To estailished tise Agrientural Collega net 1e Guelphs s. ereby thse fermera' sous et this Be The. J}est Plug, Smokiing in country cau get thea hast education in Tobacco In the Market, 5, 10, ,an farming la ta possible Vo get.. I Vi'k ad when va look aquarely and iaîaîîigantly and 20 cent Plug3. is ob tise matten o! h gieiation a,, carrici oi' out l'y tisa Mow-t Guvaernuserat ae muËt Caleumiie eand treparemd pints tr al lscomanetisah conclusion tisat wa have re- colorsaet Duiean & Hioa'à. P cived nùthir g but ii toiiigrnt aud wiee A large nt èk (t sfraw liate ja e-o Vu iegielaion aItishein issnds. I lisaonly a et M. NMyer's a, d very cheap Un- r a montisa agi tisat Mn Mowat vas asked RedteW.aEd ouad'Visr hor by tice terri erAnce peuple o! ibis prov ince lnBaum in xg of in tre t lu i tt o o,0i. fon hi oii4trid qua ouristahe a- 'Ins >ou coing toL'etal însrrîad IIf '.u, l'd ion. Be placed Vise lectora o! aur oIl il St Â*TES\1ÂN 10 1 'ifi i adsec the kit' is varions rn1uticip.alties lu a p,iton ta est weddx(ing inVîitstion1-, plrlotad. Wc lake a vote Vo ascetatin if tisa peuple vers hava a fine j,,e. ready for legislit on of tisât kiud, and ha !ound tisaItisey were retidy by tise largeJ ELL PIALAN,,ýCE-D igmajoity it receivai. There wae onna o! igtise 1langeaI ocnsent oua held in To dnto --the m d of the M'1b, tise tampa)ratea people soi-e !ew et-ks womt-an who knows if! afteantbitVo aucerlainvisaI f urtisor leg slic h etmdcn o ian1 tion Mn. Mowat vas wiliing o give. [le tebs ndcn o r-promnisad tison noV only by wordks(i o ots hier aches, painis and Cts but in writing, that tisa moment ha found weakness, is to be de- eut if lehubd -r tisa Provivce o! Oiit&iu on i r;Pec' rie' hAa a li ight V) pas a a1eremuetory ForditeDr.Pecri -s ut, iîquor 1ev ha wold introduica a m3 msart aoie r lir in tise Houa. for tisât ptrpose. la t' la as hali in everything aise va have f,înâ him tion. It is a r m n'V Edto, vien I vas aslked tu juin them cures the distressingi sy Patrons of ladustry 1 boliave it vas for ÀOti tise purpose o! beping te ftîht tisa um- derangements and dis- teid bines VisaI wene buit up in this couintry eases peculiar to w- noV by legialat ion enactad hy theCoiienvrtive ebu.d u n tisa p4ity. These combhines neyer could have mn ulsu n by1 ' a xisted if i% lied not hi on for Vise very un- strengthens hier sys- ""'t vise legulaion inbr'icuced by tisât prrty temniw henii shIles nu- in 1878. I did nos islmsk for qua mnomemît hii tisât I would aven bc cailed upon Vo do) weak, run -down land anything %btist onld have a teürdancy ýo and overworked. SSec injure Sir Oliver Mowatironhie Gavern o niîvgat 'uta Ment . Thousanda htve support ed Mr.Franîvg at fer- Movat for years aud oould noV se80 any- rng, restorative tonic, especial- rn-j tiing but pure governneamt, util hies darpted to wo nsned iigb allaged sins vere p unteî out hy a few lY aonar nc ida- men-tise grand<fiëera o!fVisa Patrons o! -the "lFavorite Prescription" be Indnstry. Sortie blnk Mn. Mowat bas iS so positive ini its effect that Bc dons wrong lu appoînting county officers, it i urnleed. If it ever fails and that these (ffiuerus hould le eiecfed hy tisa peopla. I feel sure if Ibis isnih.s tô benefit or cure, in cases for wieb o! tise people tisat Mr. Moirat wili W hich its advised, you have bc wiling o adi pI lis ystens. ybc Lbly, Tisera is oeatiîg 1Viini tisa Patros your money ak thse ougisî te tbink over, and tike imb tisar Xhat else can bce "j ust as ood serious conideae ion and taiisa 1.wbe tiey good" for you? Ha will support net tise c ýming election. Tr Frbirn-dw enain To- tise first place vu bave guIte otakint o mbn-d snatos n e- cor'sideratiotîibe hdciscacter o! tise t*o ulceration, inflammation, every- tise candidates. But o!fr-liinira lt us be thing known as Ilfemale coin- San consistent. If we are chistiians lV us pan, hsi eeyta' Mn. carry tiai'g ut as fan as vu are eble to do pan, hsi ecyta' irv- noby (ut voteseuilconduct at thiâ alecin. safe, certain, and proved. sulV If wc aaetemperanice people lot us show Taei-o h rm tr Vf thé e West Dnrhemr and the vhoia Province T k tfrteýop e Do-M nf u tj) tisat vo m what va prof ýsa to /4/it imparts. Remember our goods are sold as low as the lowest and we always keep in mind that our values are to be the best to be had. ÎÏY Don't forget the old reliable West, End House when you come to town. We. pay the highest price'ýfor ail .farm-ýproduce MiadsLinimient cures Colde, etu. mamecir naâa Caubfiower p'ants, early surmmer cabb LJUUIOI1LUS A BEA DG A IEW R S ago plants for ale by 0. D. Fletcher, Gyalvanjized iren ove trough ib' 8ft. length ai 7c pr foot at Dustan & Hoan's, There in nu, doubt ab,,ut it Tielleven. A largye stot-k of iaished Monuments, Sarcop1iagi, has this sde ti ack in the I1ot au 1shoc obHastnseci teba8aieiso uo tracle. Th i ol1rt.liable neyer k. s3le! t. Tms edtnseci h etvreiso uo Styles bnd pnices sýuit thetýiien Cali pean and Âmerîcan Granites and iMarbles, and in,%peci the iiew stock. in handsome designs, 'and at prices from $45 to $400. Npw is your time Vo geV chesp Photos_______ in the late5t styli'. Tink of it,Cabinets, Odr opcflyslctdadcrflcmlto full figure at $1.95.and Mikado's at$1.10. flr eptulysiiedan crflco ltfn Puicesi neyer before heard of. Cailet the aaane.Cl n npc n tc n tgallery, opposite Bennett's Hlotel and s*. e uante. aH ndisc m soèad Slim SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING. Several imen in Bowmanvi*l" have la1'e- r hylad fita and riàw vomen and children E. R. BOTiNSALL, Proprietor., aregett:ng fts the samne way. These its are ,,ot itt TreDleven's fashionab'e boot and shoe store. You know the pla>ce; drop in fk00 anid sec the l ew s!tyles. N&%_ _ _ Fruit culture i4 more profitahie f0 the.m u Li i Bros. Co., thle Most ext>naive nusry h ouse in Cane ýFds, have a vacencv lin this * secioo.Write ihe-m at Toroîxto, Ont., 1T for thei;r fermaS. 13 3mn. LADIE-Askfor Hook's 8ofala Poliah For fine bouts afnd shoits. Ue no otiser W H 1 E H LL BR -and yoti will bo satislied wilb the resuitV. For sale lii M. Tr leven, D. Davis, Jno. McMýuitry,,-nn1 T. G. Maeon. Mfanu. .... :ŽJ ID facturad 1b, A. J. Rook, Bowmanvîlle. \N The carte ti-rined ont this week by 1 N SEOCT 1 0 '\,/1DERE. Haines' Carniage Works are a credït Vo Bowmýaniville--they are beantias and thea rnany wvordu o! cornmendation. axpnessed2- egarding tbam tise pat two d3 a mustS' 2 W ~ bc very gnati!ying Vo Mr. G. C. Raines, tise propietor. PPPS-aeyu B ath a i B g y p n e mnoney by calling to seo thse new Walla e y lo r c s Paper aV Siserin & Cu's. G'reat bangains a e y l w p i e , ý. in Window Sisades, Paper, Mixed Paints,___________ Enamael and Gold Peint. Paper isung P rfor 8 centîs a roll. Shop next door Vo E gls T a sae tS a s c ep a BeM'a Sbo Store, Bowmanvil'e. E gihT a sae tS a sc e p a Pe1opla sCoon figd Ont wisere they ca ordinary Soap, Try it. get besalut o their monay, ti x plns wisy ayniand the jeweller did las+ c i rd lestwek. Big 20 wesd " tise buset sisop in town-tremendous à r. usis. Miy:aàd lu ivinning a great nemee for eiýling wetchem, jewelry, silverwere, rîgýetc., vary cheap. He bougist bis 01-EMISITS and ]YRUGGJSTS, Bowmanville. - oc for 50c. on thse dollar, isenca he C. P. 1R. Ticket and Telegiropl Office. c.affard Vo sali ciseap and ia dolng it 38. tü0. CaP. __________ ___________________ ion,___________ ARM TO RENT.-For a- Varm. o! t'OR SALE OR RENT.-House aý ai ______________________________ eare. *'Glendhu"-360 acres, 2 miles _Vii acres for sale or te rent. situateCi fnem Whitby-,Cood biuildingsand soli. Admir. Scigeg street nerth. The vrcniees Constst 01 TO CURE D EBI LITY, eble fer stock or deliry. Chance for going a geod bouse with every onvenienee, drivino Gl ') axiensively intoToronto mille bnsInesq î,r stock shed, stable, etc. Tiie ganden centaine a lot o wiîii yosflPtt i plc i dail ue5rv naising for Amarîcan inenkel. NMan with the Cholce-fii en, ailvatias mmdatel ýOustobls hsiinecmed capîai-onhy need apply. J. Ii.Dx , D Whtb . rinceizven. For ,ýaiulera app39- go Capbeills Quinine Wine. etaW INEHBo ani n 4f Done eVyurdogit usud ynFire!1 Fîre! "é7e.A.LL OUR 69HEET MUSIC) tliantsomie other is just as good. Ail accoiunts due ýM. A. D5.L.scce ORdnced tu e cnVstymti6cns.. ionr, K. CAMPBELL, & CO. s., TiÂ. te S. S. x) H n isAL, out b de t once tn av 2efree. ?MARVIN S Isie HOU8, caste, Ofiel ii' l.k -tf DETROIT, MICH 43-ff, VEST MD HOnAm,"uE] 1'. Our grand premium offer of Furniture is extended to our Grocery Department. LIfl IQVflID IMET O GE A 1_CARD, if rUW SlUNUU I UIULyou have not already got one, and get amount of each cash purchase you make punched out of yorir card and when you have purchased $25 00 you are entitled to any of the splendid Oak folding Furniture which. we have., They consist of CHAIRS, j BOOK-RtACKS. HAT-RACKS, CA BINETS, MUSIC & NEWSPAPER PRACKS s COM3INATJOIN STEP LADDER & JRONING BOARD, (a good and useful article.) Remember Goods have to be settledfo à at the time they are purchased to be punched out of ticket. Doîî't you thitik it wiIl pay you to d.3al at the WVest End --THRq-tE LUGE STORES GOMBINED IN ONE.-- You b Jring ý.oU produce ixto the Grocery department and get what Groceries or CrocX'--rv--you require, get the amount punched out of your ticket, pass through and caîl at the Boot and Shoe counter, buy pour Boots and get ainount pynched out of same ticket, tht±i foi- Dry Good s the same wvay. 1 Why, you could almost u3e up- a ticket 'in one day's

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