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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1894, p. 7

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el abl luCntpto curin& ïg tis auuigcomplint, wliilf eut ali di ofde he t somacit lime'r a,,d(ineeulahe, the bowela )lie as f s moiany lires lita, here t,ý wfiere ,w ieepr great boasî. 0Oun piil cure it whiec îedo LeI, P ÂE'e ,LîrIT , fivra PTiLre are vsry _îmal ~T.cvtry eay taire. Onceor two J'ilis ae a. çlse.. The ens stritly vegeai eand do ot grip5 ocr purge,uit )by tem l.geutiý, e acion ~lease ail ,)ue tem. Iu vials at 2, (ceni ý $ve foi-1 oi everywvhere, or sent by 11151. *tper n sunnt e avenetherwise $.L51. ~liSenirptiena alwavys payaýble t itq fI33 -,i)t euicUatioii. Avetjiug rtesunle,4byo)ii nect, 10 0cents per iceÀw, noup J'he I fiat inserb ûn,andceuts pîr liana escitsubiequ3zki in- We ti. Lci,1) centsýpur line. M. A. JAMES, Pklse AÎNARD BN OF CANADA. pthsBn pea red t:1doLîti mat Ian in LIailils branches, Farmer's noteýs di sceuntedýj Deposita Teeive-d and Interest paid on,. ,ccounits cf $5 and upwrd1i avng >ank P RA FTS 1,luÈd ud!Co!llections made In Europe tjnitcd 3îaîes, Vsud Canada. Agent 01 TA R 10B A NK ~ttne edo a Generel BenrkIng Besiceas 1iga Btik DeparLment snd on Jlw t ourrent rates-No ~-alnoossay.AUl depositsj cOý ýýLLETIONSI usdeetcuut aes Spcnail part Brî ratel.ble FUniued BIatea anc the Q I Canada, Mograph Transfers areor siiaHl urmson al part cI it lause IadvantIgeoa-t ta ie Menilob orthe Notliwat, lhc fueda aviabb t Onc.ieabthtu rcuascadi t lite ban.. untantManager. DIKEY -.p)h or wI elphotne oslvo le IF"n~. RONEIIZ7,McMURTIRY have shaes the Cnunty of Durhamt fer the tWirèje ice l is Oonntry. Il is )i, eaily handled and ornamental 61]l net ho injured by anow, heat, cold winds. It mi turn Hermes, Cattle, wp, legs, Dogs and Poultry. Iti laa work wthout barba, and will net ie- o stock in any way. It la xnuoh strong- Ldmore durable thaît any barb feueê- 1being coely wovon. ouce put np and Farm suDd Tewn8hip ta for sle. Apply a' CEýtI'RÂL Livx- Bowmanville. q. P. RIORC 'rE.O, having ight Clarke Towai«p, îs prepared te up fence. -OR the remuval cf wornms cf ail kinds fr-om children or aduits, se DPn MITH'S CERMArJ WORM LOZENCES. Always 'tprebe, sa d pleâsant, requiring no r meicie. eyerfadng.Leeve nebad afier i.Pio,25 centn Pei» Box Not 1Much. 'ey say "xnî Lightleigh Goldwaite ia eLle'. lucky if th at's aIl he's les- 8 OIE PEB>ACTJCÂL ÂYIOIE BY PROFESSOR Rl-OBERTSON IlTO THE FARMERS. The Dominion flatry Commissioner Speaks or a Proposai by the C.P.R. te Establisis Csesmerles Aiong Thelr tins lia thse MorflaWest-Aný Interesttng IritLeivleiv. Prof. James W. Robertson, Domnin dairy commnissiener, arrived lu Toronto on ýSunday night. In au interview Mn. Rokbe.rt. son gave sente particulars cf a plan he aud Mr. Van Hrne, president cf lte C.P.R., proposed le enter jute wlth a view te creat- ing a large dsirying îndustry iu Manitoba sud ite Nortb West, WINTER BUTTERL-MARING IN ONTARIO, Before speâking cf Ihis plan, however, Mn-I. Robertson gave sente information re- garding ltedeveiopment cf butter-making luOntario, te whicit ie, for the past year, bad, under lte special direction cf Hon. A. P.Anigers, Ministen cf Agriculture, devet- ed particular attention. Until necently, Irof. Robertson said, farmers bad been siatjsfîed with sending titeir mllk le the cbeese factoriesaluntte summer, but 1tite Dominion Governntent had, by the estab- lisfatnt f winter dairyiuag stations, inter- estedtem luin iter butte', ki.Titese statiouns were cheese, factoriesaini the sum- mer, and butter creamenies le tbe winter. Thte (*overnentuthad five cf temn uoper- ation during the pat few montits, and titey bad met vvitb exceediugly satisfactery re- suita. The returus te the farters had been woedenfuily gcod. Butter itad bec seld at front 24!t cents per peund at te fatorisa,ý te 27 cents in Monitreal, less freiglit and commission. $100,000 WORTH 5OLD. Tite influence cf lte establishment cf these winler stations, Prof. Robertson said, itad already been sliown by lte open- ing of 16 s irilar i nstituti ons by privaIs enterprise in different parts cf the province. The returna were not al lu yet, but lte fermera had se fan received as a reanît cf Ls,, opsning of these 21 wiuter stations, up. wards cf $l00,000. The suaIs of operations would, te coming winter, be enlarged 150 per cenit,, se ùthât lteéreceipta frointte in- dustry lu 1894-5 steuld run up te ever $250,OO'0. Mn. J. A. Ruddick, Mr. PRobent- son's assistant lu Western Ontario, bad under instructions, visited lte creamierisa establisited ty privaIs enterpnise te put lte propnietora lu s way te manufacture 1 ud selile lte beal advautage. ADYVOCATES MIXED I'AUMING, -Do yeon ltink taIt grain growing la less' enedbLy lte ex:tension of dairying ? wau as'ked te etx--inisioner. au Idone,"ite eplied,'II lilnk ltaIlite1c'ex tensýion cOf da Inig wi'l z'nesUl lui a 1,1 puig nras igrain grewing. On awi tce dairy farmthlie land le eniclied 1,y large qunities ecf maunreauld, as a esqecagreatér yield c1'fgri i. obtained front s leseýer ares andwii ls aber." OUTLOOK IX1-NT1117 TI-wsv Mn. otersondjd oct tiebk leotlk for Mloitslaeid te Norit.Wesî sbad. Altuilit farte-ra wene nece.,iing very low pices for them grain just new, with lte fertle soil sud megeificeut limats cof t hein country Ibey could net be discouraged. Tite secret cf lte futuire auccemsacf taI great western country would beclte increase cf ils sources cf revenue sud tite enlargîng cf each source. To grain growing lte fartera aitould add btIer, citeese, bacon aud beef producing. Pesa, cals sud barley should be extensively growu fer use as fod- der for caIlle lu wiuler. Nontit-weat fart- ens frequsutly lest considérable cf them witeal because it did net ipen iu tinte te escape lte faîl frosîs. Thte keeping cf stock ou a fart for dsiry purposes would p'îI the farter tn a way te aveid these loess. Wiitlte use cf lte measure ite cculd chIale s langer yield for la lesser scneags. Wilb a stialler ares te work, ite could work i'l more ttenougbly sud Il-na seurs an calier ripening of hie crop. WXg IT FRICES MAY NeT RISE. Mn. Robertsuon did tiotitelieve je Mn. Van Herne's propitecy tallthe pricesof witeat would go up ta $2 a busiteliHe îtougbî ltaI unleas in lte event cf s great wsr, or otiter catasî-îopite, te scaIs cf prices of grain wene likely te remain low. Tite citeapnees of laiton in Russie sud India, sud lte reduced coat of agicullural impleentns audcter maciinery, were buund te keep X, te pricesof wieat at a minimum figure. Anotiter point Mn. Robertson made lu fav- -or of dairyîng was taIlite fartera would gel a langer sitars cf what was pald by lte ultinte consumer, if îtey paid more, aI- te tnlion te huIler and citeese ntaking. Fo r inaslance, lte freigitt charges on a tub cf butte-, aud a husitel cf witeat front Mon- treal le Liverpool were lte sente. The Sbushel cf witealt rougitî peritapa 60 cents. Swhile lite tub oaf butter sold for $129 or $15. C- Coecetrated producta, titen, seemed te te awitat CanadIen farterasithouli devote them k a ttention le more ltan titey did et pres. 1.P. I. TO BGILD CREAMîRRIES. Titen lte dainy cotmm*ýiaicen proceeded le oules wiat ho cousîderesa practicel and practicable plan fer lte :f;nhn cf dalnying interemgts in AManibob.a sud ite 1 Northt-West. Il la ttis :Ths Canadian Pacific nailway will agree le build cresmer- les at convenieul intervals along thei rail- wsy in lte sainteWaY that îtey have already- erected grain elevatons. Tites factorisa wili be rentsd le lte farmnera aI s rate cf neot tonseta 5 per cent, on lte anlount ïanvesîedlu intent. Tite Departntent cf Agriculiture will ce-operaeean&d supervise lte manufactuire cf butter. Wat of caipital, Mn. Robertson said,aed want Of confidence j intse suecescf surit a ecieashad pnevented thesaliîsiteut by prîvele enterpniàe long ago. Wit thlie Guvernuntansd lte C. ýP. R. beitind il lte pisu ie bound be sucoeed, GOING TO MA'NITOflA. Mn,. Robentson will go te Manitoba sud lte Nort-Wesî befone June 1 le establîsit lwoj traveling dainies, whicit wil also itelp te stir up te fartera cftse West te lte itenefita cf eîlxvd farmieg. Mn. Robertson cited Prince Edwsrd lai. sud ais an instance cf witalt igitt be doue ie s short period to develop dainying, and he ited -for sinilar resulta jn e sWest. T-wo years age eue ubeese facînry w-se bulît ty lits Domninion Goesrmenî. Wltuia yean the fairzmers hmaleahderected 1 1il fatrs.The cem-ing year 17 ya ol be in operat!ion, ail1 undfer the 1uduec the, Deparî.ment cf Agricultuire at Ottawa, lui Que bec ais ed wo)rkwas ing doue TeQuebIec Dairy Scheel at St-. HyscMie tnrried out 214 graduates, in P,8',2-3 an,! 268 le 1893-4. 1 cirANcmg PanoR LD cou.-Trny F ES The dairy cemmissiener tbeugb t that dainy farmers frem the old ceuntries wouild do weiltot setîle lu the eastern townships cf Quebec,. whene thoy could live and work under condlitionis much sim-iliar te thlose nu1- der wIch îhey lived before iiraig Robertacu te ad Ireeks the thrce farter ý-1s picnics lu the maritime provinces lu Juily next, and il is thought that the publicationý iu Britain cf Ris Excellency's remarks on those occasions aheuld de a great deal t,,- ,vards making the oepprtueities cf the country knowu abroad. LJBIRÂRIES TuÂT T1{ÂUVEL A NOVEL WAY 0F I{ELPD-iNG THE MASSES. Boxes Packed Wlth Good Bee0k% Senti froma Place te Place i la Eglau,î by thef tilseral Club. The village library systent that tas been organized sud perfscted lu Englend lasu tirely unknown here. The experîmpnthlas bec broughtl te perfection by lte National. Club, and il has been found te be net onuly e succesaful educational feal, but a caiital plan cf propagande. The plan involves tbe circulation off ttc beat hooks bhroughout the Kingdom at a minimum cf cash te the readers5. \Witîsl cailed a ibrary la a box of 'bocks ee 3 in London and sent te the eecretary cf tbe local Liheral Association, Aiho bansPeut tlite bocks for as long a tinte as may be n eces.ý sasy under auch noies:as he may sc iitot impose.. Whsin the books are ahl retnrned ttey are put back lunltse box and re-ship- ped. The extenit cf circulation iyty Iis systtîa nernouasd lb la said lte wear aud tsar are trifling, one box cf bocks hav. ieg been shipped-sixty tintes sud iseveral of ltent bving beeu t five mouths. THSE LIBRAR. READv FORSHPE . Tite Secrelany of lte National Liberai Club, Mn, Donald Mu17rray, atates tha;t a titousand boxes do ne 'upylitedead asud taI tbescbeite ma.developed ute4 0a potelialty byondilîsdreats 5ýoz man. Thte bck oen u.l by ýlite Liberal Cluib aire called lbane.Tiey zare p-ackçed securel'y ou sitelves lui stout, iron-bouind pdokdbox-es, covjened wîtit cauvasa aitewu u ite cillust rations.Esi box cou1- talus a'Icatalogue. At sacitvillageilite box mAy te kept titres n itsî,ý No charge la maLde for tlitebacLf lite librany, -wiict Costa on -an avera)ge abolit $50, but lite vill- age libran.,iian umy e asfes f-rn ite bo.rrowers cf one.half penny per vluete recompense hlm for his rouble. Into eacb box la packed a numbe cýf Liboral leaflets for Circulation, fnee cf coqt, snd thus te leaven works. Il la luterea t- ing te note ltatinluseveral vIllages tlitýee 11111e cinculatilg libranles bave been lte nucleus of clubs sud local reading.nontaj. Mn. Murray says il la impossible te esti- mate te influence titat hïs been exenied by ltelibraries. Titey have put lte people lu immediabe contact wit thlie best litera- bure, and as greal cane tas been exercised lu sendiug ouI only the worthieat class cf, bocks, lte inlereet cf lte working clasa has been excited by ltse impleat methoda. THE VILEAGE LISRARY7. Iu looking ever lte lista? f libranies seL-n eut by lte Literai lutlaeeliI greet cars tes bec exemised jenlite selee- lioncf bocks. Hscy ntcseberpy science, econoies, social problemas, lte beal fiction sud inavels furnisi tlie bulk of lte bocks, tut ieneocase doesa te liaIl]et it sif down te te teneiy sensational. Sadr works of feet sudirniaginatioin are abusl adsnîîîed. Tite Westminster Gazette recently made s suggestion titat a national mnemoniel te Mn. Gladstone elbuld te crealed, sud witeu lte subjeet came te ho canvsssed, itsttled down le titis establishment cf village cmr. culating ibranica as tite most fitting sud te niest appropriete le the genuuaof Mn. Glad: sIoe. lh will, titerefere, iprcbably result ln tts establishtment of "Tite Gladstone Village Library Fund." MANCHESTER CANAL Baie or tise Iormal Gpenln- B iscoalsenl Over the Trame. Tite Qusen tas fixed May 2t as ltse date for formel cpeeiug cf lte Mancheoster ship canai. Great regret la feit aI Manchtester aI lite aunouncemenî ltaIlite Qusen wjll net viit titat city. As et present arraeged site w proceed ne nearen te Maucitester titan Barbun, atout ltres miles eîvey, iwhIens er yacittwiil luru-, sud lte Quent,jonga train which it ljinteWailing on lte baukaI of thte canal, will continue cnulber jouruecy notitwerd * Titers le a good deel cf disconleul in Man- chester aI ths slow developtent &cfrille on lte sitip canal. Il is poinbed euý,titilte fourteentit wsek rcorded only 16 vessels outward sud 13 iuward. One correspondent suggesta bit, lenîany parts cf' lite comimer- cial wenld, ils existence sud capacitieýs are, net yel kno-en, or, aI ail eetnet fillty appneciated. Tlienefore soe nci te a impatient spirits ia r lufaver cf abunridan t sdvertiaiug and wold bave oeveny Mitn. nitesier merohin it h > ie bunin ers connýe- tfis sbroad inclose dkescýriptive publications o0 aIl lte bouses wit wicite ha. relations,ý r -. Diseae i HeuseC)lothe. hvueusuCloth and lsb clctb alre quite likely te be overlooked. et longsilice àa woman physiian, ho ivery o f thorougb- 1essid ies teo ttO hu root and Lgroulnd cf al the ilus tbýat ber ptint re heir te, teco ccasion te cverlook the preparatiu cfa special aýrticle c fIdiet that she had or- dera. Giegte the kitchen, sitefcunid tha, athoghth'e hcusekeeping was sulp- posed tej be nearly uto Vtqite usul an d- arteewasSagodedaof crlaes a'thle mnaeenof the ctoîhs used about that portion cf theesals et.Se found il ipssbete touciL the dish cloth owingtc itajeelraleod'or, and a scrub- bn cithwaLs ine equa1Y objectionable codto.At the riîsk cf giving otlence, sie ea te fami'lyvalecture te u hiere, and being well up ou micresopie ne-- Searcii and 1bactenia, s.ent te then sente por. tr iits hinhabitants cf the dish cloth thlat net enly hce the family, 'but casda new ieaf te, be turned over in that depatmeeî. t sel e but a Iriflteg thing, this negl-cî, cfdit cloths ; but whee eue comsLe reialise Ibait the germs fri m tbem are ,pr-ead over our speonp, kuives, ferks andv cups, il takes but, a uitIle while for the idea to reach unr braieis that titis is a most sýurcessfuî w may ite spread disease. When- ever eune is dune isin)g theqe cioths, titey should 'ce Ihrown jute a dish of water, a 11111e soda or potasb puat in and placed for a short tinie on lite steve, alloing the waten te cents te a boll. Tbey ntay then be rinsed eut iie cold water and bnng up in hie air. Rernedial IJse of Apples. Chmclythe appie 1te composed cf veg- etable flbreaibume,uar, gnulrptl ma ' aigalle cidlmad nd mch wvater. Furtheirmore, lte Germnan anaiysts aay! thte apecntisa'a, enetg c)f phosphorus titan aey other fruit or veg- stle.The phosapherus la admirably datdfor renevwing lite esseutial nervous mai:tteýr-le-ithin-of cite braie end spinal cýord. The acids cf the apple are tcf sing- uLar inse for men cf Fsedlentary habts, wbose livers are slu1ggah Len action, those acide serving toe1eiin;ate front the body nexicus miatters, 2bcil retsied, wu], make thte braie heýavYaddul or brfing about jaundice or sk3,ine-euptioes anid cIter allied troubles. The malle acid cof rire apples, e itherraw or cooked, will neut raliFe any ex- cesCtslkynitter engeudered blyeating teu rmucit nmat. Il liaaIse tbe fact titat such F ipe Ifruits aus the app ie, the pear, and the ptluin, whe-n taken- ripe adwititout sugar, oiminish aCýidity lu the atomnacit, natter titan provoke il. Their vegeýtab'e auce ad juices aýre convertedi acidiîy minal aline arbnats bicit tend te ceunter 1act. How to Save the ERyes. Dr. F. c.lHe-ath, iu a plea for a lit.tlê comnsense iii the treatmnent of the eyes, says that in treating diseased or strained eyes, ret-est of eebody and mnd- is imp erative, and wlnd, dlust and amoke musi beq avoidsd. In al eye trouble the firstateio mustI be paid elothie general bealth., Among the abuses of the eye te be reliieuly astanedfront, Di. YHeath cites, Rýeadînirg -witb a per lsht, requlring thel ciliary muiscles 10 o extra work to sharpen thre vision. Tis eap)plies to disg7 light, twi- ligt, ittogton a from- the lig7ht, etc. Teerrer -cf posture, -stooping or lyiiog, dewn, cegst he eye,beis requiriug neatra oiý of the eye msleTeadinig i trains ,thtls is a eruel a maidaite mo- tion0,ci tecae causes such frequent changes of focus ad poitonas It e ta differeut sets8 of mnusecs. Aneother fert.ile caseo V'e y diseaBe is reading withlout front the ell.kno0wn ref'lex efiéf ct, -e straî-thedangrftethe eye. is _xcssive eye strain.-ds a 1faute)r lu produeingdies of aimost every part of tLhe eye, its inlosti serýis restit being choroiditis, glauicoma and aar.t Dr. Heath urZes everyoue tefjind eultpjuat bow ivteLake the greatest care cf bis eyets, and se pre--erve lais sight many, years beyoed the peried they would otberwvise ser;e 1h:1m. 0Old age iS the lime cf retnibuticu for eye snes but littie can thoen be douei a special hygienie way be. ynoi( ccasional stlniulat1ing wvashes and the careful 1usb1ae1diug cf whiat sight remaama. It ay net' be genera1lly lnown that, when ex 'posed te sýevere eceld, a feeling cf warnmth la read1ily creatsd by repea.edly 6lieig t4, luugs1te the ut-enoît extent je the following manuer: the shoulders veli.bckand hold thfe head we 'l l p. In. flate the,ý luega :Slewlyv, the air enternn en- tirely t ihrough th e nos VlWen the lunge ~arecomletey tiledcý, hold theý breath for ter seorso loner, aud !then expire it quîckly Ilrlg te mouth. After repeat- in g t excisý "e while eue is cbllly, a feel- ing cf wrmb ill be feit over the entinre body, and e"ven lu th e feet and bands. It ïj impo)rat te practice tbis exercise mauy "Wtenlwaeeeo vllcar sl,niyînaîmadied e! cousuiirl on. Te octon aaid Ibat 1, t00, wocidSocu isasd ail our usiglibors thouglit litaI een il1Idid ntidie, 1 wouid neyver De.eie air,1'bucauise 1 was se jwcal, isud pe.A glatieinurfonuied sud broke uidr ny c i I rt Ïmy duger sud iltiee suil tierev;cul piecese ciboue. If I burt uy 10 seas"hon;rir lte skn, il ws une t ecnea rniigsons. i bad te taoeiocfmdiinbu othing t; as due ýnýSaue so muit gee;'as.Ayer'5S lae- nu.Il bas lad e leil1 sudatog" A'VE ReS Saraai- P'repsredby Bn. J. O.A.yem & (C., Loweil, Maýs. 41ures othe9rs, ilcure you Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco is the Best Value. sc., ioc. and 2oc. Plugsý Rats the-, latest and best, Rlats îmade of Fur or Wývool, Rats for Men, Youths and Boys, Rats for 50c. or m-ore,5 Heat-s, in Feit and Straw, Rats to suit them ail. M Mayeqr'keeps the largest var- iety ofIRats in this County a-nd lu price he can't be beat. A fine sel- eaction iu Gent's Furniqhiings always on h.and. M. I[AYEFuUR iER. Ebast End Grain Depot Thileudesgd desire to thank the farmners of W'est Darharn for the ljiberal patýronage exten ote us dri the past ,3ea,,on, also to remnind thiem that we are 8still in the m )ark-eL and prepared te pay the HIGREST MARK ET PRICE F011 ALI KlNBS F U ARSECGRIN EEDàSIj delivered at oiir etorehoiise coýr. King and Geor ee streetss., or at Port DarlIngton, We aise on band a large, stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian an d L iverpool Coarse Sal t i n B ags. RoAk SaIt fo r cat and herses, and- Fresh Ground Grey. Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli c II~iL~E' iF OR -A-SBL.- AIl kînds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a7 ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. MoOLELLAN & C WIII be pleased onze la Quantity, twîce luQuIîyà and thrce times ini Price Whio in1pc th unequalled assortment of Stippers, Rubbers, Truniks, Valises, &c., At Our Store, tW-BEAVER Le CKq Blci-U -wuiamville BIQG-EST STORE, BI&GEST VARIETY., BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invited to eMal see our uew ruw~ T ïlE SHilE()M, %N tintes eact day, snd especially witen lu.lte upcu air. lif hi habit evor tecenties univer- Mai, ltisconsumiiptien sund mauycter dis. cases wil narely, ff even, te teard cf. Nol >nly while pgractlsing ltse treatiting exorcise muet lte clotiting te lose over ltse eteal, but beginuere will do well te remember, je having their Clettes fitted, tealslow for lte permanient expansion cf eue, twe, sud ev-e tres incites witicit wfll follow, A lange quniy cf pins sud cedar tinthen is being gel cul ou. lite Mldrunt Bey She Pleaded GuiIty A wise motter, wito deplored lte leasing cf item littîs girl cf five yeens atout s boy pîsymale cf lte lamneege, said pi t 'cli ngiy to e tmbaby bud : "It lavemy siIy Ote alk cof nty 11111e Amy beieg le love wjîh IHan. oid." "Weil, niamma," esaidAmny witit doevin. caI sys and a pieaLd-guýilly air, "I1 arn vemy muci t acied le int." rManitoba Collegze ba ïceived £0 i

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