When You are Ready CI S P T To Select Your New Lnt it wiser And more satisfactory To look over a greater variety, which includes ail the newest patternls of althe bsmakers-assured by a house whose larger business requires a greater continnous supply of the freshest goods and styles? Then , as to prices. Our vastly greaterpurchases, direct from the makers, and our vastly greater sales, are two phases of our business which enable us to give patrons a 'double advantage of close, buying and smalL profits which no0 other house in Canada cari approach in new goods -and we have nothiDg but the newest. FOSTERlm& PENDER TORONTO'S GREAT CARPET HOIJUSE, 14 AND 16 KTING ST. EAST, = NEW SHOEMAKER. Haviug rertad the shoe mshap forinerly occnpiad by tho late Mr. Bunuer, 1 beit I kuow MINARLYS LIINIMENT will to aunoun-e that 1 amn prepared tu do ahi sure iphtheria. kinde iL ý,rdered w-rk in însking and re- Fzeuich Village. JoiiN D. BouILIBIZ. I pa'Tijg Ioots and ahot s in the btst of atyle. A pood fiý gnarantt-ed Fine ne- Ikui(,Mi îNARDS LINIMENT yu liâiiuing a eptiaity. A cali ,oiicited. c-ura croup. A. KRlSNDY. Cape Ieîand. . F.CNA. Bi-wuavilý, Fub. 13th, 194. I know MINARDS L INIMENTjeCi OL UMBUS besi ay r Me. on sarti Mr@. T. Paecoe, Ptea. bu o, is ils*iing Nurva, Me JosEtl A SKOW bonaitmr, Mis. B. Cole, Geneva. .. .Old Mrs. R. Ahtou is very il . . . Mrs. Arthur Drew, Osbswa, visait,d ai her fahr'R, Mr. A. Terwillgr. ..NMro. J. Arnt la !tome front 5.cobury at Mr. Harve.y Kerrs... Mr. Chari.s R ?btrta, Photos! Photois Hav,4c.ck, spent Sunday Lt home.... Mr. Geo. Anus, Torcnio, rpi ut Sutîday Nvdystic discerning public et-y to here. .. Mr&. Wm. Luke, sr., l'aq had gatthb posEgbl vaue for heir mouey. hernlsrhge (J the lougs... Mis. It'auud That je oua u the cessons why peuple go epnt lasw ck lu Prit-c Albert. ber tô Tait & Ce, for thein photos. Tbey are urotlier t- t viuih an acci.1 cnt ..Miss makIupj tomie very prtty atylts now. Mabe' Hugo, Toronto, l ie rt!cJg lare.. Cali aiId sea tam.Pictura f rames ai-.. Conc<t r z,"24th of May, Mar.nt Cars- on i(m aLd. iIlSs Texuperance, umdccauspices W5Y5lof 'Royal Teipiars vil furuieh the THE TOWN LOSES $100. h__________________ ELlfEnîonS-TESMÂ-'-W11l yuu 1kiu)dlyV permit me to bring the citizanls ttcquairdt., ed viiih a gjaying iece o- bungling ii unr tovu affira h 1y thie 1rublipeoprty cons in'ittea of which M Y. 1Pattinnon iii ch% r-,t m-anl For sone yoarms ur townl hallJ iieeperty las beauià iures for $1,00 1a aleo ate ofi $115 ei h ha$0.,aihci* raieG puliao L, havebeen rcnew. (1. But nu; ibis very c fleo uhsiiaii5nwish hi2 commwittea muaý.t have a lower rata I though k-t-rc.ugly FdVleed ta rele w, auce vçaefetd, but î isead of Fa loveri rate bii obiained $21l5- on the $100 00~--------- vi.îas acuaily paid, tlaraby giving aviay eaci yesr $100. 00 aI public Moneys lu ojrden ihat the inéursuce could b3 paced mîii 4n agenit of a digsmrt politcal1 Ratepa2y e!r2, tviahink ya O Fuli' Cou)- dluci ? Sreythe 30 Woe 40 pet frie-nds4 i1Vho aunaltly plump l)for ftha c ffisi n 1î ei rus'lat ch,%raian yul -t their eyesopen aIt aulimn-tangenet rtuly, Afie r the rip * No Strengthl, No Ambition- Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco' H.OOd's Sarsaparilla Cave Perfect lias Attained An Enormous 1 Heath. .And Stili Increasing Sale The fûoiOw'irlgi5ier 13frum a iveil-iuovin ____________________"__0. I. Iod & Co., Lowe,liMas.: cnlu8ta yn u W .mbero Tis "caetianleBarsaparilla asnd 1Huo's Pilla hava doue me a concusio aI . H.Mslld k' "Faian eat deal of goud. 1 bad a savere attacit af E~nmc"is foliow by sn interestinig the gip ln the -iintr, and after geitiug aver the o erftm Tise Nationel Resvsw, by Lais, lever I did not saam ta galber Streugth, aud lsad lia Stephen, (-u "Luxciry." "Rsilway no ambitio"n. lHou's Sarsaparîlla proved te be iDavelopmelit at Home and Abroad" gives mast vhat I needad. The rasulta viera very careful sitatistiBe as th îe compzativ-a atisfactOlY, and I racommend this medicine ta ares, growth and value uf railcoads ail ail vilo are afflicted vith rheoumattam or ailier catver the world, sud tie c csauna for thase 1rMiction3 causaS hy poison aud paon biood., 1 fadte. A.timely papen lu viavi of île ne- - sways keap Hoods Sarsapanilia tn my bouse cent change of Eîîrih ministara is I..sud USe h vien IneedaRtoule. We also keep Wý. Mansingham'a ' Old1 Premier sud tha Itood's Plilla on baud aud think highly of tbem." INe9w." Prince Kropokinsreaviaw uof, W. DyzEm.A, St. George, Newi Brunswick. <-Recent 5cience'" viii inienest others; S itcR e m ts fine poeta by Wn. Watson, entitlld "The _____,Rhunats Fint Skylark uf Sprino," sud Phil. Rob- ïnean'a essay "Befuna tha SwalowDaîa," Cpt. McCranahan Trelis How Mo ana boti espeîally suiteS ta the seas ni. W=, Ctired. PuhbigIaiar by E. R. PELTON, '141 Fighi "About oapear ago 1 vins lalan viltli a severa ýreet, 1Laýw Yonk. Tcnms, $5 pan year,; atack of sciatie rhetimatisma and vins laid off aingic numbers, 45 cents; trial siiuîerip- miùs o the summer. I vient front hema ta t moutîs, ~John, N.B., lu sMy pacicet schooner, sudvs8 lion for.3 mnhe $.helnless and lu snch sufterng that 1 conîd flot 03LÏA IA. Mr. J. L. Margacb, Port Hope, 1presi dent of tha Port Hope Pouliny Ats ,cia tion, van in towrs reoe:ntIy. Mnr. J. A. Canaweil, fonnarly of th. Viudicator, has beau asked to rtiani fo election t0 the Noth Wept Cçouncil. 1Cï.p tain Sweanay, UT. SA., San 'Diaje cal., 8&)B. "Shuloh'm Catrrh Remedy fi the firet madicina I have ever fouud flial wouid do me eny good." Puic '-0 ce-ntsn Sold by Stoti d& Jury. C31onel N. F. Paýttoni, Q. C., form. üriy ai Port Penry, who bas been lu Enz land, la exp3ced home sjhonîly, sud viii ha officer in command cf ilie 34th Battsl- ion. Derby IPlug Smoking Tobacec Is Noti-d For Quiality, 5' 1( And 20 cent Plu,-. Miss Alice Hobbs, dauoghter of àr. B. H. ilobis who was v% ry ýIIi at HighLîsu Crack for soen mn tis, haý sufficiently recuvert-d te be br igh)t Lhomv. 'Mn. E. Carsv -' is hLonr i fter a tamt pe suce cara i -t thr1 iough Connecticut. Lia e i iting Le buok fur a New York The (doti cf Ww. Blachi, aftter a pro. traCted îl:ness vas sinCCenely îagretted by bis aqus',at De-.ceased vns an an pl yeai the piano work-3 where ho iaý hîghIy raspacted. Tha lfoueraI to thE ;riiiiifor ToroiiuoWene'a oricîj wrasa ttanded b7 the exrpIoyecaâ of tIi, worke lun a body. Ha 3caine hLre frSrn <odudfroý6M thse News.) nTr Mr. R. Winter vislted friandi i or 0 ilto tecefltly. Dr. Olver and daughter, N"ewcastla, visýited At 51r, J. G. Honey'a Ilut week, Wonen with pale, colorless faces. who feel weak and discuurdged, wîil receive both mental and bodiiy vigor by usiug Caýrter'ts Iron Pilla, whichi are made for i îebleod5 ueniresasud complexion. Mýis3s Hattie Swift, Rochemter, N. Y., sud Mr. Stone, of Oshawat have het:n gueta at Mr. H. Moulton'a. Mr. Morley Falls la now principal of Gladstona public achool, Man., at a aal- ary of $0 par menth. We cong.ratulate Mes. L. Tourjee on ,ttiring- lier 82nd birthday. Mies Addýe Moultou entertained s number of her friande Friday eveufing wreek. Mr. Morrison of Winthrop wiii assi Mr. Honey ta make chaos. this seaseon. Me. J. B. Kennedy hagone to Flura- dale, Waterloo, Ont, whare lie has Be. cured a situation at lia carrnage busiuesau. "~The flowera that bloom ln the Spring'" are nut mure vigoirous than are tho3e poe.s-ns wio purify their hlaod with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The fabled Elixer Vie couid saarcely impart greaster v:va- cii> luo the countenance than thie voudar. fu n sedicine. Mr. Daniel sud James Varcoe, Sonys,, visited their brvther, Mr. J. E Varcoa, recent7y. Mise Jaunie Ada<ns, Bowimanville, via- ited lier aitter, Mine -Bartie Adam&, ne- cently. Menae. Wm. Gifford and M. Harris of SWealtyville, îViaited Mr. J. W. Gifford lai waek. -', Mr. J. Haillyard Leech, barister, sud wife, Winnipeg, have beeu visitiusgMrs. "Allenl. Mr., and Mrs. Lescli have jut retunnd from a trip lý the O!d Oountry. e- EXPERIENCE ,lIAS PILoYED îr.-A r triumph in inedicine wasa attain."! when experience proved that Seott'e Emulsion ,woffld not only stop the prognepsaof Pul le mrnny Conaumption, b utby is continu. ýt ed une i-alth aud vigur could b.a fnlly re.î-ütc rad. s s j s s The sechobras mc pracIiiing faitlfully for the arniverîary oný Juno 3 ail 1. Mrs. B. Mitchoý'1 has !et the contrAot of bufilding an6 nw barti, where the old ouû was burned, naB.-adley's Scbool bfluse tu Mr. Il. SleCuurïtice. B-ii BLOODI causes b'otches, bo,-iH pinpie)s, sbsesseE, olClers Crofuls, etc. Burdoc loodBîtters cures bad bloo(d in anly forinfi-or- a çommo)n pimlplo to haworSt oiflossr. A good jokle ocur)re-1 tu a farmar and Ili. wife living s uitile uVe wo Ililes noýrth of lhera Ssturday. H16 lof t witlh a lead of po)tltors foi.,hw but chsngod hid ini land lwent týo Bowmauvilla. Afier h;s departure hi. wife decided tto go to Buwmianvil!e to boy Fer3,-Spding bonuet for Sunday. The unexpoted meetinig of the two in Bowianvillae au butter be imi- sgined than de-Cribeýd. SoýuChi i li1'e. Mr. JOiS. ilrdili, machiniat and~ Mr. A. À. Buwerrnsn, proprietor of Port Per. ry Woollan Mille, vieil knewn hure, have invented a St-am Powa3iWhec3, by which ste-im power is3 applied di rectily to Ithe wbeel and no angine leý requlrad. Th, naw ivntion Las d3oue coniderabia workalresdy in sawling wuod an'! chop- ping grain and has proved ita vaIlua and importance. 1 HÂAvE BEBEN greatly troubled with headache and bad blood for tan or twelva yesra. I startad to take Burdock Bluod Bittera in July, 18112, and niow (January, 1893), 1 arn perfectly cuired, Huom DRAN orWOOd, Ont. Creditors' Notice. In thse motter of Meise aioýf o /wama.s Hall, 10l ii C fth O t f Bwcni, in tise Coumtti of Des-he,aarm Labor- er, Deceascd. Puc suant ta Section 3f1o! Cha!pter 110 RaviseS Statutes o! ontanlo 558, ana i aenumeuca I gaiout af the cablu. Tiha capiain 01 suother ihereto, notice i9s herebYgve aiilcedt schooner came onuboard ta, sec me, aud viatedI ors aud ailiers havtng dcaims againsitishe est- ReodBreakers. m agiHoc' aaie of Tisemas, Hall. laie of ths e sald tovu 0of Record tHoo s arsaparilîs; haBad fi bad Bowm&uviile. FarmL Eabouuer. deceased. ho -Mdied on or about the tweuiy.eighth a ?,aj U.U - ~ ~~April. .A.îIlr -ereby required ta Selv7er F3akBrowinGasys Dodd's Xidney Pilla or@n --tPeadtoJlni.Mry cive nivrgalatidactin- -he te said lova of owmaavtýIle, tIrcer, tise olis evrFi a, exeCUtor of tise Lest Wiii sud Testament or Sarssaparilla day of June. A. D. 18111. a statemeut o - I namas and addresses and a fuit tatemreDi aI 4-Frank Brown thair dlaimts and of lise sacuitiles Oif aul) bolS ~tEL blE ay 14 by ihant the vall kuown druggizi lere, sayaNo: ls"rIyurhs gv0 Uaiaterel deen pfasi d el ite n onhaIlave osl I cr- M il ihen ha vua.sso bad that 1115«9Re enowill procaed ta ditributa thise sotsc de-an I Ddd' KineyPile. ousder iadiofeedhim. I seutta Boston for tvt - aetoesir eesdaoniepriseîie iug ie qanity Ihav sol, Ihavahadi es,wvhici dSfor me ah I baSbecntold Hood's therato having regard only to the cdaimso a anopanuuiyo acetauigwhather Saspnla~l u ~drpd sdvhicisha sha i tisen have recetTeS notice. au o'potuniy ocaac tahengS haparil on tisa aue rpdl ndAnS tic 'aiS exeenior vii] flot by lable for lie pilld grue a iiefaction an not.1 atwe1hatknte two batilesa 1ysa able ta saiS assois or any pari therc.f toanau per.on imay' tbat durnigny fîtteen yeaa' exper- vonl. A. great many people hara have taken or parsonsaeofvihose elaim or dlaims notice tance ini the deug, business, 1 neyer i a 1f,)d'a Sacsaparilla sinco ht cureS me , maid ail Bili not have been received by him aitisah tme of snob distribution. inedicine tht gpies thbe univareal satis- speaikhigblyofutil" Cr.S.MGt&AHN DateS ai Jiovmanville ibis secondi day of faction tIsai Dudd'a Kiluay Pilla do. 1 I argaretville, Nova Sco'Ùa. May. A- D., 18,1 sesu satisfied any penson suffesing with Haood's Sarsapailla is soiS by ail druggisis;- J. K. GALBRATIIH, kidney trouble only raquiras to give $1, ait for $& Prepared ouly by C. 1. Hood 18-4W Soi.ltur for omiS ExaýcUtOr. Dodd's Kidney Pilla a faie trial.. aund ho & C., LovicU, Mass., U. S.A. eil! he conyineed of illain noudenfo ue-1 r-Pilaar 'Wey egtable, anS So K. D. C. tha great lhotýiteolS eexedy for m.t7e pe rt»t. p.mge, paila or grit. $elchiYy ail druggists. stomacli tro>ublesý. Mrs. (Itev.) MoKeen àe rec )vering froma an attack of rheumnatiom. Mr. W. Perey Fletcher of Queen'a Col- loge, Kin4ato ni, will <ficiaf e as paptor of the Christian church durir.g the anumer. Moee's. Win. Kirklar.d and A. Arm- strong, and Mrs, John Fo2ter and daugh- ter, of Port Hope, epent Sunday with fris nde hera recetiy. SCROFOLA 12 YEAR Always Sora. Face Burnd Like FrO, Ashamed ta ba sen. Four Doctore but Little Beneit. cured by Ctcura. oraot tcan or tweive years 1 havre been trouIbied w-ihsurofuls,. y had was alway ore, Iuxy fc wedry aud sul, and hurmeS lr 11ino i ..st -i the time. DMy !,o),y lhadbi red spots on it, cni 1 did inut kuow what to do.I enut r four differeut ductor ami tie eped Mo at=>î. utlefa il I got wurse again; theu i1 triGd oLlher mdisbt they dzd "10 nuod aahme to nbiic uýA. 1 mas a ';git ',loo at. Evcsry cne N, udifs' l By, W bt sýt the at- ter, why duu't C; u taice soine- roni c ito the sures. Âfter I wud 'walI voIldbtiovrg"edwt bena diye Plil uver myv neck anS! face. somne two or three peuple advised lune 10 trY the CUTIcURA REME- PiES.i d try themn, and arn glaS 1 have dune sa. Clad tu say 1 arn awaeli man, anS in the best cfI healih sce. 1 cannot praise the CUTIOV"U îMLDI!ltonu 10hlphly. eclseMy portrait. LEW I W. R ,,La ville, Pa. CUTIURA ORKS WONDERS CrTT ICUR À vIEýSLLT, thenew Biood and Skin rurif;er iuterually (to cleanse the blouci of ail impnrities anii puisunous elemnents), ansd CUTI. vURA,& the greatI skin cure, with CrrîUTICÂUROP, anu eýqiiste Skmin urifier and Beautifler, ex- tcrnii)'l (to clear the skin anS ncàip and resturo thie haîr), cure every disease aud humur of the SIin, scalp and blood, with iuss of baii, f rom infnncy tu age, front pimpies tu scrufula, when the hast physicians, and al other remedies ladl. SoiS throuRbon t te worid. Price, Cruvîcrtl, î'c.; oArs.1, .IXSuaViNc,$i.W O TTER DRUu ;&NI)Ccaze . o11., Sole Proprietora, Boston. U'- "HIow toCure Ski. il ,d tSfret. DIPLES, blackheads, rcd, rougli, chappeci and FIfoily esun cured by CuTicunA SuAP. SRHEUMATIC PAINS CURED. in one minute thse (uticura Anti. P Y ain riaster relieves iheumnatic, scl- sîzoe, hlp, kidney, cbest, and muscUja pain& ansd weaknesas. Frîce, 25iC. Laedies - - NV(- cordially invite the people to inspect our.sunmnier M'ýillinery. Welhavejustýopen ed onit a large assortment of new goods which we intend to seil at a very reasonable rate to suit the bard times. CaIl and see our hats. Prices ar- ang1ed from 25C. up. We have also a largp qjuantity of flowers, featheirs, ribbons etc. AUl orders promptly filled and cheap for cash. ilats dyed and reshaped. Orders taken for the Lon- don Corset Co. MRS. DONCASTER. NJ. ASON D ry GodCLs Ca nd-1Je -weI1ry H 0oUS E STILL SLASIIING ANI) CITTING, We are hound to ellear out ail t] stock we had on hand at the time of thje fir-e, regardless of prices. Parasols-a beautiful lot--every price and quality, nrottdamsgE seling at what other stores3 pay for theni. You have nover seen su v'alue. Shaker Fiannels, good enough for almost any purpose, forC per yard. Corsets, slightly soiledfr2e&etadSrwHsf 10c. to 25c., ware $1.00 ta $1.50. Enibroideries and Laces from le. pi yard. Paper Collars !;c a box. White Shirt s 25e. Collars 10c. Everything has to go to make rooni for J NJ~W &OODS. z -J*d *Thousa.nd8 of dollars' worth have arrived and more.,eoming in aj« most every day-Beau tiful Dress Goods, New and Stylish Rats; extr value in Cottons, Shirtings, etc. Beautifal Lace Curtains for $1.00 ir- pair. We never bought goods suchLy ood value and we neyer sold wit s0 little profit. Now is your opportunity. In our WATCH and JEWJELRY Departmn we have, on a good many articles, cut the priee in two. Real 1o Watches froin $3.50 bo $6 00.< Nickel Clocks 50e. eaeh, Solid Wa Clocks $2.50 each. Ur Repairing, promptly and proper1y done. Best B. Lawrance Spectacles 50c. per pair. Just ZRe%ceiv7edy 141 Men's and Boys' Suits. These are very hocel1e and bought cheap fur Cash. 110 Damaged Suits (suioked only) still loft. We wTill pus tsleUof1 these goods-soxne of them at les, t1han half price. great chance to get Boys' School Suis Chcp. SLIITS'TO ORIDER: Black Worsted Suitiý.. ........ ý.$15 0cý Good Tweed Suits .... ..........9 9 Canadian Tweed Pants .......... i AlI.wool Halifax Pants....ý....... 1 75 Men's llats-a very large choice; an extra finle Fedor1a in ]arge1 sizes up to 7î........... Price $1 2, Boys' Hats from 2-5 cents up. Il Melissa Cocats, the best wvaterprôoof in the market, (slighitly damaged) wr 1,no)w $ Ends of Tweeds, slightly damaged by smoke, at hanif pri«ce. Boots and Shoes!1 - e ae~figauu large quantities. 6 repeat orders just received in our favorite linos. THE CIJOTEING STORE, for Bafrgains. Whait 1$ NICER 6"av4 Than a Dico Watch, Set of Je'e1ry, Olock, or Si]verware ? is not necossary for me to say anyvthîng? about the quahity of my goods. as everyone knows that IawyskeeD the best the market prodtuces. I have a few Hundred Dlasto make up in. a short tm and amn stili selling off My stmck a-ýt âO cits. on the $ -while you hveto pay others double the price for i-nferior stock. Cal] and see me'bofo,,re3buy- ing. If you have any kind o f small work to repair or maire biing, it to nie and yoi, can get it done righit. 'MiTAYNARO THRE JEWELLER, HAMPTON QLOTHINC HOUSE TO TU1E FRONT With a large and well assorted stock of new anid asLy Spring Goodsl- ENGLISII, IiRISH, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SRNOECAIÇ Full lino of GENTS 'FURNISIN%ý always ini stock-. COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, TIOKINOS, PIRINTS, GREY' COTTON, ý', tc. Ail WOOL, SERGE SUIT to order .. ...... ........