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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1894, p. 7

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___________________ a ________________________________________________________________________________ a _______________________________________________________________ isý ste cý f tis ssimsuci s a i ,( n ei;ne' stess atter thi 'Side, &.Wiile tiseir mot 'cee.ýsahait heen sisean aucurrng uiabom u St5iOi5,Cm ivr asud rogulatetlise isoaels 11jl'O hoaimospicleste those 11m1 ibis ditressiug couphltt Iy their oduesa dees fot end 10ý arise oce i ltiiernavil Sud sý val usSe in se mac y ways tisai hé lifLmgte do wtiboUttblern. f the bianccf seomaiveýs tisai hme e we aremeae ut-great hboasi. Orilla cure lh a dose, 'Ihey asniciyvgead edd Dot gripe orpre u y hi oteetion piee a11Il is ue-he.zu'iasnt c21ets; ifefr, SSerwh, or senýtsy mai,. T/ONDENT A T ESMAN, ESTABsLfSHED IM54 praumnmIlu aivai3ce, therwisé $1.51. rdutb8cri pti Il "!walys 'pa -ble as.thie offlîs ')É publcaticu. Ad1veýriin-Z raies uniess by on rac, 10 cev npr lino. noaparie I ftst ineont on), sud i5 centspaýr lice each suiseqaeat in- sertion. Locaîs , 10cen)ts per uine. M. A. JATMES, Ptublishar 0F CANADA. copee bi Bak preao ed eii mate Iau inl1att s rachs Farmr'blS notes iecounted; .1Deposits rOCeived aind Interest pid on accounte ef $5 and pwrd in Savinga Batnk Temian it udCo't'ILct ous jmade in Euirope United ittesa' ~aaa agent ocuinues te d"(cl a Gneal BnigBsns BQwinanvilte Agec11y. ýIve luSavbnga B-aunk Dopartimout asud 'United tan sd Canada, aiso «old,Siverand Usiieduaes Goénacks bongbt sud sold 41 G ECTIONS P'rýinpt¶y made ai curreuit rates Spcn ail part t metBrittan, tise United 8tates ana thé Do tno laaa Telegraffh Trais rer.s I3ade four argeor rnati sures on ail part or C,,sýUd. This ta eapecialy advatisgeou t3 erc'living Lu Maniloba or thse Nothvvesb, tmaestise tundst avaiahie ai once ai the eiriul allaitihe baunr. L, -. 1,0 1 T 1' Q0. MO4L Acc-Lount'aný Manager. W. DIOKE1Y VEZTEINARY S8UROMOI4. O-RONO, - ONT. cce- Peýst Office Blok. I by tejlegmýple or iipbn ecbém Mesffrs. HONEX & MeMURTRY have Punrchage! the Ceunitycf Durhamn for the best WieF3'cceilu tbii Coutry. itis atlOsl, 0555iy bntdaàd ernasmnti lb aili net be injumed by enoar, heat, cold or arnda. Ih ilnt m Herses, Cattle, Sheep, Hous, Dogsansd Poultry. t Las net work witheut barba, sud aril not in- jure stock in any aray. hti tmruch streng,. or aud more durable than any barb feue- lng, being cloiely arovon. Pence put up sud Farr n sd -Township iightS for sale. .iVppI t iCENTRAL LîvE- W. P. 11101, C'srke P. 0., having bougi (C!Lake Towahiîp, tn prepared to Put up tele_ 'ORtheremoval of I ,-- fDm e lidren or aduits, OSOanSMITM'8 -~ CRMANWORM _OZENCES. Always pnoctrelabe.s-fei d leasant, renng no Bie eictue eerLfiling. Leea ëno bad a, 1ter luie as Ltthlat a ium ber of En.glish -pite.tis A, ludiug th13Duke c otoe *11 iit1iltshCotumbia du ingtec on. libernli are thec cetreýs ttatin TUE HOf."IE. Xvorning Glories for the Window. Windows arranged with plants are very attractive when tastef ni selections are made, and they are well cared for. Nothing adds more te the beauty of a roomn, and notbing is more cheering than bioomng Plants. A window arrangod with morning g ories looks like an outdoor bank of the dainty uitile flower belis, and yet it must be ptanned and watcbed te bring about this natural grace througli cultîvation. A box -as long as the window and rathor deep- la fa8temed uder a window where the aun shines in. A network cf cord is faatened se that when the vines grow large euough they will bogin toelir.nb upon it, growing upward and. toward the centre of the room. The corda are fasteued te the edge of the MOTtNING GLORLYWENDOW BOX, box Lside, sud arben the planta are ctd enougb te romnain arbore thcy are tmaiued, the net dan hoe drcppod te the-floor, teaving au overflowiug banb tarmed wiib brîgbt bloszos of pLute, blue, pumpie sud awhite ntrmiegled. The corda or net must net ho fasteued dawnwamd permaueutty, but as of ton asa cuvenieutthfic ante abouid ho tif t- 'd up wben the sun alunes, sud the win- dloNva plned Lunararm areather te gi vo thein fresb air aud make tbcmgrew more bardily. Besides, tii is more conveicut arben swcepiug is dous e utîjat the vines are net Lu the aay sud lable te bo ijurod. Housecleaning.' This wrk, by proper maniagement, eau hoe dclone se as te cause very little lucouve- nion ice, but a regutar system abould ho carried eut. Do net begin toc accu, as t la ceusher ploasaut nom ssfe te throw open the bouse for scubbiuig sud aring Lui changeable waesher. Provide everytbtug beforeband, broomas, buaboes, lime, tactes, St wtcaorte by washing aifte bcd ap'reada suaid lace curtaîns, sud puittiuig tileîî away il, a dLrawoýr 1eady te uise aIfter the house Laà,a, d.Nexi', ooîansd close bureau sund wardrobe dmae'çCrS-, sud die ciosts; thyen arLî wl ho ready te commIence oulrooma.s Begin at the upper story sud etean dewu-i ward, ta013euerconai aItimo, se ,as te0 getl overythîng cteeued sud iii plao the samo day. Ail fuirnýÉire shuld Lho movedi, picturos tabou fromtheù aaît, snd capet taboui up sud thoroughty duated. Baro watts sbeul',id beawriiewasbod, sud papered cnes bushed witb a flannel cloili tied ever a breoin. Windows sud paLt abeutd lho wasbed, sud floors scubhcd witb warm arater. A very smstt quautity cf Fairbauk's t4old Dut in the water, enougli te make a stlghi lather, removos diri fremn paint very easiiy sud makes the paint.teck ike noar. Put moth-prccf paper under carpets, and Lt the roem a sctosed much, spriuktoe ay- oune pepper near the watts. Att wocicn garments sbould hoe sunued sud put away aiih camphor or moth balla, wbicb eau ho procured t auy drugstore. Blaukets coe next, sud by the urne the other cteanLng La doue the season arLl ho far onougb adivauced te dispense wiib ihem. Wash these wicb are soileil sud givo thé cubera a gond aunuiug, and peýck them Lu a vory close place but pile ihern on s table arbore the ar eau roeS thom, and cover wîtb s tim spread. Comf criera may ho cteaned by haugiug themn oui oue night iu the dew, sund leavîng- them lu -the-sun the noxi day for iherougli drylug. Af ier the bouse bad heen ctcaned, tIse cetiar sud yard should underge the saine procesa.- Spriuble lime in sîl damp places. Many try te clean bouse as acon as pos- sible, sud cf ton do net tabe tUrn'e to get egutar meats, but ibis is a gréai misiako, as tboy are more nocessary near than t sey urne, By babing bread, cake, sud pastry hefore baud meats eau hoe lad mgu- tariy wiih vcry uitle lesa cf urne, cr'extra arork. corner Wood-Box. This réceptacle eau take thé place of a vod-bkoxthatcoatd neîe a.cemmodated Lu a a mati neem. The box tcks well construet- cd cf antiLque oak,dark cherry or cf mabeg- any. -[Toronto May Ladie' Journal. Domestie Hints. Tomatoos atirnutate thé action cf thé liver, as aroîl as bornons sud othor acid frulits. Ttb is sLd that aitiaray ho cured kg appîyîng s eoaîîug os nour ex suîpuur te tué afflhted bmb. As a generat ute t may ho aaid thEt in. fusion c-f tes for tbnejýe or four minutes ia ampty su si cint. Wben yom go A ahitewasl ycur ectiars put a let cf copperas ln the arivermsh. It - aib keep thée .mt way.1 -Crumbashould jJýbe swo7pt lup after oacli Mel, else thoy get trodden jute the carpet aud are treublesomne te roee. Dry mats, with hot water "or weak tel or coffee, but very hot) twe heurs aftec- wards, lFa said te be a cure for mnany stomlach ailment,. A very simple sauce is madle by first sweetening soma croam, then mrixitig with it the juie of a lemon, whicb will thicekon the cream. The addition ef temion jiuiete the water Lu which rîce La boiled wil ncrease the whitenesa, and the grains wi readily separate when thiu2treated. Anythissg that zaïds te, the neatucFs anau beauty cf the borne and its belonginasnet cnty increasea the owner'a lasrbut fosters refinemout and real betterment cf the heusehotd. Parsnips. Parsuîp Frittera. -Scrape, opIlit and hoil tilt tender. Mash smooth, and add eune beaten egg, one teaspcoiu of fleur, 'pepperJ and sait te taste, and mils: for a smioothi batter. Fry Lu clear fat and drain on brown paper. Serve hot. Buttered Parsnips.-Scrapo, boil t, and aplit tengthwise. Fry tili browu Ln sweet butter; season and serve with cbopped parsioy. -Parsnip Pats.-Prepare as for frittera, mould into pata, omittrng tliemîlik, and fry iu butter tilt brown. Parsuipa a ta Mode.-Bo il, mashi smoothe seascu and add four tabiespoona cf cream.ý and eue of butter, Boi up once maFi erve Baked Parsiip2.-Boil je ae littie waiter as possible, with aý few stîces cf 8sit pork I. Cut parsuipa jute qu,1artera, turu ie apa wjth the pork and bake tilt bro wn, season and serve. Creamed Parsnips.-Bo)it, and cnt iute dico. Browu Lu a little ýot bttrand pour over tbem a -ltte tj ndcem THE POWER 0F TENýDERNESS. A Teuching Story of symspathy fer a Sick CiIUd. Amoug the toilera Ln a poitery factory in Cincunati was a man who bad oue samai invalid chiid at home, He wrougbt t hbjia trade wtli exempiary fldelity, bcbg i %-1( ways iu the shop )wtb the openLuig cf the day. He managcd, hbowever, teber. sc evenîng tethe bedaide cf bis "e a, as hie cailed hLmir, a diower,, a bit cf ribbo,-ý or a fragment cf crîmacu. glass-iudeed,' auytbîng that would iay eut, ou the wb'ite counterpane and! give coter te tho rociin. !le was a quiet, unseutimental miai%, but neyer weut home ai igbt uwjthoult somte- tbtug that would make the wau face ligbt up witb joy aib is returu ; and by-aud(-by this affection for bis boy-though hie neyer said te sny living seul bow utucbhlvef the ciid-moved thai wbole sbcp Lto a very real but uncouscicus feiioçqsbip with im. The working-men made uiu little jars and cupa upeni their xheelïz, aud painied diminutive pictures d cown their, aides before tbey stuck thiemLun the corner cf the kilui at burug in re, Oie lbrought11 somle fruirt ju bja apreni, and sohrcel- gravinga Lu a rude scrspboýok. iNet oeeof tbem wiispered a word, for titis acleiui tigwas Riet te be tatkLed aboLut. Tbey Put tbo lu'in the old imaui's bat, wbeure ho fouud (themn; lho uud(erstod secm 11te smoibat entire po1ttery feu c f me,ic f rather coursefiber by nature, ge quet as tiboiba fisdrfted, bcmu gentie aud kiud,' and sedzropped ýwear- ng as the weary ok on the ptient fellowv worker's face tcld tbem eyudmistake ibat tbe juevitab!e sadwwas drawiug nearer. Evcry dlay uow ýsomeeune di(d a piee cf work foer bjm, and put it eu. the sauded plauk te dry, se that hoe might come later and1 go earliîr. And wbeu the bell totled, and the liLte coffiu camre out cf the ioneiy deor, rîght around the corner, out cf sight, there stood a buudred stalwart working-meu from the pottery, wtb their dlean clothes ou, moat cf wbom gave a's time fer tbe priviiege cf taking part Lu the simple processiou, aud folloiw- lu te he grave tbat amaît burden cf a child wbictî probabiy net oeeof tbom ha~d ever seau. The Eieriastbng Club. Addison in eue of bis papers descrihed the Evertasting Club. i consisted ùf a huudred momberie divided tbe arIde '24 boums among ie usncb a manuer tIsaiL the- club-sat iay aud -igit from oeuensd of the yoam te the ocibor, ne pariy pre.sumn- ing te ise uîîtil tbey were mleved by those arbo were an course tosucceed tbem). By ibis means a member cf the Everbasîing Club nover wsniod compauy; for tbeugh ho aras net upon duiy biasof, ho was bure te flud soine arb were ; se that if hoe were disposedte tabo sa wbet, a ncen 1inug', an evoning's dnaugbt, or s houtle afier midnigbt, lie arent te the club, sud found a bnci cf frieuds te bis mind. Iu was s maxir n L this club that the steward nocver died ; for ai hoy succeeded eue aiotiher bjy aray cf rotation, ne man aras te quit the graeteo-chair whicb toodai the, upper end cf the table tilt bis successer aras Lu readinosa te fIl l t: lusomucis thai there bas net been a mode vacante Lu the memory cf man. This club was insiituied about the middle of thé Ecgtîsb civil arars, sud continued aithoutlu ierruption until thé tUrne of the greai London fire Lu 1666. The steward at that trne maintained bis poest untit ho bafi tiked te bave becu bboaru up wiîh a neighbcing bouse ; sud weuld not teave the chair ait asi until ieh had empîied aIl the bottes on the table sud reeeived repeaied directions frem thé club te aitti- draW bimacîf. In Russian Submarine Dungeons. A despatcb from St. Petemsburgmasya ;- One tîendred tudents are arrested homo to-day. They st-e members cf the saine associatien witb the sevoral hundreda cf person?, ait cf the intelligent classés, sud mauy Lu official pos itions, whc were imut- tauieousty arrested in varices big tearus cof the empîré tasi. week. The seizues Lu St. Petersburg arme neamty 70 Ln u nber, sud the priseners are conveyod sarfiy te thée terrible submariue 'duge ena under the clér-i- cal frtres c Peter sud, Paul, which biangç froaruiug over thé hanka cf théeNoa. got a louter, maya Heretd Fredorica, from a,, , frieud Lu St. Petersbung, arbo hetdsý aprmir- mneut comm-.ercial pesitien, aay2iugst t sens cf tare of bts frieuda, tudenta cf greýat promise sud higis prospecta, weremvearpi off Lu this auddeu officiai haut. Thé parents aan. Uts eau son,arhîte a studeut, waa .9imilariy arresied in the sprieg cf 1891, but thé( ah r'sinfluence get hLm euat Lu a day or tare sud thée young man isLanoar in Ame- Lesa. Simitar aýtories corne, mnany frelin other, points. Appareutty there noýver bas been a police dce t iis sort before arhicb bas aiec s rny peptocf positLion. ROUND THE 't WIIOLE WORLB. WHAT ISGO G ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS 0F THE GLOBE. Chei leal riiegfl-Interesttng Rap- ,14,1 or et tecent Rate. The Emprescf Russia's physician1 when Lu atiendance upon bhis Imperial patient ro- ceiveas a feecof $5 a day. Safety Matches thlai ecau be used witheut a box< are te ho placeýd out the Englisb mar. iket by a Germnan iniventer. The Prineesa ouseand the Marquis cf Loruie traveltnincognito assumîug the pitta3s cf Lord aind Lady Sundridge. The sultan bas a right royal terror of smlalt-pox,and hla svery particular ta bave the househotd tborougbly vaccinated. , The late Mr. Edward Stanhope bequeath' edl bis estate te hie wfe, witb Colonel Eger- ton (bier brother) and Eari Stanhope as truajteeF. Thýe Queen cof Greece La presLdent cf a sstrbod idevotefi tae ereformation cf erjiîuats, sud she porsonaity visita prison- Ilu Sîam t he firat wife may ho divorced, but eau no e ho ald ; the other wîvea may be both divorced and soid. Ireltsud bas tbe greateat number cf lin- mrjdwemeu betweou 15 and 46 cf sny ceuvtry iluCbirjstendom. There are several factories Lu India and 01ue, at toast, Lu Europe, that at Mannheim, Germany, wheýre butter is made from cocos- nuts, Mlle, i, thýe armteas artisit wbe dreýw wiib b,,r er fo the pastel cf the Ducbess cf Ycrk, is a young Genavoise cf rare intelli- The projected Ca.nadlian-Australian cable w-lho624 îtes long, and cost $7,000,- U00, Ài t dees net toucb the Fiji Islands or France bas a currency cf £178,000,000 gold, £1000,0 iver, £1 15,000.000, praporv, Lu att£4,0000 or £18U per inbitafnt. Dogak, tauo by a new eloctricai pro ceas wbeeby t retains the utmost flexibii- ity, bs'10W the favorite wear for ladies' boots Li Paria. The lateat sý ttîtica g4ve the number cf Rom~ Cateljs Lu the1 worid as 2310,866,- 633 heesiot, 13,27,65;Greek Cath- The exEpeo uei f France La tho go oie f 384Freu1ý1cb ebtdren Who wore hem on Mrb1,15,the day cf tbe oit f ber son. A ejken prayer bock bas been wveuat Lycuos, Lu France, tt petcu cfwbjcb bas tabou three yoears. The -prayera are net prilted but weven. Tequeen cf ItslY hbas foundod pýla Society fo r the reforiig 0cf ragged 1beggar citd. mo, wbo are te be tabou'n from the streuts sud tau-,ight somie usefi trade. Tbe privilege cf bvn danced with the Eusrt gentlman Lu Europe" (George IV.) La !)viedb au ld lady, Mrs. Stewart, living in a privs.te alim-bouse. 11u view 0cf th-- frequleucy cf auî,!i acci- dent's te b1im there Leaapour supersttijou 2lu Gemn hat the KaLs3er will m1eet b1is deatb tb Irougb aL carrLage accident, ýSgnorGoltL an Italisu deputy, wants te stighteu the ntinalfnnces cof ibat c a ,-, byLmiposing a a x oUnteards. The, AustiLn poor taw gives overy mnan 60 yore old ter1gbt te a pension eqi te onec-tLïird cf the aneuont per day wbýicb ho had éarued duriug bis workiug heurs. Vie bones cf the whatea that thoc Germani ,à]e saugbt-ered iLu the NrhSes as are te be tnruned ie fur ,Oro the iNorwegia" boatheuse, ai Pots damn. Mm.11e. Sar-ab Grand, the celebrated authnor- osaý, bas a cbarrniug persouaiity. 11cr refin- ed mnanners and lew sweet voice are pecul- iarly auttracLtive. She lives near, London. The rJnýilcess of Waloalbas a collection cf laces vaiued at £L50,000. The nucleus Lsaa remairbabte pieco given hier by the KLng cf the Bct1gians ai the trne cf lber marriago, valued £l1,000, F oesxb f all the girs who went ie domnestic servce in London lasi year bad lever beard cfea toothbruab. Exantination aiseowe that buit 707 scooc children jat of 4,000) had sounid teetb. Tho recout visit cf the Duke sud Duches cf York te Edinbumgh cosi uearly £900, te- war-d which eonly about £350 bas been sub- acribe&lby the ciiLzens sud the balance wilt bave teùopLdoui cf the rates. A' bazaar, iunder the patronage cf the Queeil and otthier memibers cf the Royal fai]y, wiiltbh eld ai Crathie Lu AugustiLu ajl cf tibe fund for rebulitd(ing the parisb cburch, PrincesBeatrice wiil preaide ai eue cf the statia., The Duke sud Dceo f Fife are pasion-, atoty fond of doga, and wben tbey iravel they ~wy take several canine pots with them. The Duke is mosi fend cf collites and Sc tctrriers, and the Duchescf fox terriers ýand puiga. Mmne. C'arnet, the wife cf tbe Presideut cf ihe Frencb Reýpublic. la briiliantty educat. ed, sek Euglisb fluentty, sud keepa ber- self wveill nfrmd pon sncb Ecropean polluecs as, is ikoty te bave any influence upoýn ime desiiuie,4s cf Franco., ýYo ng, Kin g Aexander cf Servis, wbo ai wit'itthe initrodulction sud perfection cf ado- qua te meaus cf disposing cf thse uewage cf the cjty. At ibe end oet tbeeigbteentliceu- tury die annual average imertality wseU m-,aied ai 50per 1,00, sudLuI192 it hadi dropped te 19. 1 per 1,000.ý Castoria i's Dr. Samucil Pitcher's prescription for InfantS and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Par-egOrýie, Drops, Soothing SYrups, and Castor 011. It ie Pleasant., Its geiarantee Is thirty ycars' use by, MFilliois ofMNothers. Castoria destroys Worms aud allaysj feVerishmess. Casto$ra prevents voiting, Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colle. Caetori.i relleves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuleney. Castoria-assimilates tihe food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy aund natural Sleep. Case toria is the Chldren's Panacea-the Mother's Frieudo Castoria. dren. Itiothers hr repeatedly toid Meýof is good effeci upon thetr ebidren."1 Da. G. C. OSecOO, - Lowell, Mass. «ICasiorta Is the best rencdy for eidren cf %rhicli I arn acquiaiutcd. 1 hope the day is not far distant when moihere wili consider the real interet cf t'ueir ehidren, and use Castorta ini- siead cf the variouaquack nostrumuswhtch are destrcytng their loved eues, by forcing opium, morphine, scothing syrup sud other huc-iful agents down their throats, tbereby ;endL'i. them te premature graves." Dut. J. P. XNrunîtor., Coulway, Af kaown telac.,, il. A. Ânclizt, 7M. D., 111 LIe. Oxford St., Brooklyn, ZN. Y "Our physiielvasitathse chuidren's dopai-, meut have SPokzen hîghly cf theit- oxperi- once bu iheir outside practice with Cýsiorta and eliheegis we only have amnxuugo medical-supplie what te hauwn as regutr.rc products, yci wo are froc te contesste haitheL, inein cf Castot-lu as won us te bock with faor upon it."1 UtuaxED Hospm.a.Titan )Dispr,-zsi,,2 Boston, Maso. Autate0. Seuvu, PFres., The OCentam'Vopay,77'Muiray Street, Newr k OiCty. FOR ýSALE B . b utjrTfi\ 1 O~ %O MV ý1 Ef IE Ir-rA T STH1AT AR z-E H.A TS Rats the latest and best, Rats mcade of Fur or WV,ïool, R[ats for Mon, Yuh n Boys, R-ats for .50c, or .o ro1e Rats,-in Feit an?,d Srw Ratsto suit t-hom aII-1 M.Mayer keops the. largost var- iet o Rtsi this Oounty auý-d in price ho can't bo beat. A fi-ne so01- oction in Go ntb's Furniîshinigs always on hand. ii1 b-e pleased oï.ce Lu Quantity, twice lu uaIityj, and three times lai Price Who inspect Ille uneualed sortment or Slippers, Rubbears, Trunk-s, Valises, &c., At Our Store, iW'BEAVEVb BLOCU,-aI BowmauviIIe BIOGGESI STORE, BIG-GEST VARIETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody invatedl to calli ami] see oui, new ,tvr TliE 5110E That wnti hers ROUCH IMBU and COAL ..Eqc ïlyWol... I ~ . i-lEOXFRD'leI Everyéedy's >C cIGAs cOO 0x ST .without wickMn Croiktiou &;kes andLurne Its Own Cas e t Fnom Common Ceal il.31, NODIRT, rO-10 MAT IN TIt 1 KTCrUN7' Oooks ~amiy Dimier forTocnt. îl I ho MTREY FUfII Jh tb OIIIO ~b ~ summum ýl u -L

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