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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1894, p. 1

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lue PUR, 50 F i NNUE OUR TOWN~ AND COOtJTY MORT: THÉ, WORLD APTIMWARDS. M. A JAMES EDIToE AND Piowmyoi, BOWMÂN VILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUIEY 4, r894, VOLUME XL. NUMBER' 27 ______________________I I _____________________________________ Seasonable Goods. HN"MSTON & CRYDERMAN uuuIi SUPERB STOCK 0F NEW COODOS Suitabie for the present season. .hey direct 'particular attention toi thei'r beautiful stock of- wilich contains al the latest Materiais, in low aric1 Medium Driced goods asi welI- a s a ILo v eILy à r.nge Cof ILco0tum-re s i n single Dress lengths. Thîese are beaut-1 êil goods a-nd very mnoderate in price. A big- assor tment of Wool Delaines i~n cream .-and blak grouucls---the very ,aewest ltesigns and t1he prettiest goodis of the kie erýe show-,. in town. L They -are also showinig au immense stock of new and stylish Parasols i-, e,,-,edsdireet from- the manufacturersl adtie best value they have everý coOIJR1 JOHISTON & CIRYDERMAIY Iligh Prices and r Hard Times mDuSTi 0O. xourmoqiLýs stftk of se2asOnàI1e Styles is Openied and ready ties and such 10w- v:ýices we have never beforec been able r cusComers.- A. toog1- first..elaýss-stock comnbining elgne ith '0ýw piices. <kome in &adsee the newest CI -lrslt sevielesty[e's of thie season iù Ladlics', Genatie. D~ldex'sBoots 'm'-1 Shoes, Riber Cocids, Trunktls, Bags, West ideas, the bstgoods mïade, thle ge±et variety and fges. Prices within the reavh cf U 114asadow is the îy. Everybo;ý,dy is elghedw 0h'u, 0" aycfSpring Lr goods and you wiil bec. Cil and le %rn. hat pleastire, ,and Cimmytere i3 in tain'with ERYBOO V"S Gas ARSAIND BURNS ITS OWN OAS FROM COMMoN COAL 011, SIMPLE. SAIFE. ClIEAP'. 1 1 No dirt. No heat in tise kitchen. Cooks a famlinner for 2,. Cail and sue it weking at Ud. WORTH'S. MOWER SECTIONS AND REPAIRS.-Wýe carry a full, une pf repir fo VteFrost and Wood machines, and aise mower seýctions andÎ ffî.J AU7LI<l J41tJ ~t~ VtUtV LO~SUV #S$TYLE, DURABILITY, ; * ECONOMY. e,î,) OLtrsSbe ~ Eqel in tyle m, ode in tue- ri<r Âk ou ceae for F08.. # .T. -L oter &Ce., Rocik IsindQîw k, VW10OIV IL LB. On the evening of Wedne9day, Jane 2Oth, a very pkaaant Buiplie awaitad tlie Rev. R. T. Cqurtice, whoao tliree yearB' patorate at -rliwtonvillo is expired, and Who is about to remove te his ewhom in CampbelIford,. When Mr, CourJc etrdthe Sumday Sceliol roomi re te start the prayer meeting, oveai - Il filed taýb1£-s met bis oight, end an nuum ai1 large number of peeple were present. kfUteerÉa short program, th-e pastor waa3 made the recipfient cf a well-fflled para, .and Mrg. Courtice received a set cf nlver- plated hknive8 and forkis, whlle YMiBI Pdarl Courtice wac net forgotten, as sheý receiv- ;,ed a gilver napkin rin2. lTho gifts wero accompanied by aýn ad drens Sevemal ttudents Irons our Ptsbliecherjýl wrote on the Er,anjce snd Poblic School Leaving exams. Two atudents freiom i Vil lage aie tryiug the Primary .... -Mr. A. N",. Mitchell cf the B. a. S. went te Torontoeibi8 week te write on the Hlouer Matriculation exain. for Toroite 'Vacairy. ..M"sams. F. W. Lee and1 John Younig spenàt Dominion Day in Port Hope,.. - - 11ev. Mm, r.en- y of $eagrave,ocupiel the Mktitdigt [ ulpit lieraeon Sunday nigt, lte pastu r, ReV, Mr. llouck bcing engagecd iinpre-chi îg annivesry sermonsr on Seegryýave icit.. Rev. R. D. Frase r, M, A., ;.f lUowmanlvilit,, wi!l preach ini thePresbyteriess church hero noxtSabbath at Il a.m.- .M r. and Mm .R. Fallis, Toronito, are guosin cf Mr. N. Byenr.... Mrs. Wheeler, Toronto, la guest cf Mr. StaintoD, ar. . ..AMr. snd Mrs. Bowon, Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Jardine and son, M.- aniwa md Mme. John Davey and Mita Davey, Pickerng, made brief vista 'Au our village. De b y Is Acknowl1edg1ed To Be Te Best Plug Smok-ing Tobacco In the Ioke~5,1 and 20 cent PlugS. Maskr .Jolhnpottgeowle having atend. ed tlise1 )rest (City Business College since January 2nd5 18941, lent weok seod b is finail examinatlon, atnd aecnmed an A Diplomt. Onl11!V10 eut Lf 150 se.9e0s high a grade poaition As tils people ef SoliBa CXe acqUainted With Rev. W. S.1 cowle 'et Sandford-fermerly of Eddy, stoe-no dosibt lhay will ho pieared to heur of the suezesa ef his 17 vear old sons, svho hasnet only earned hie-,bigb grado dipi'om8, but hen elso :tcceptÉ,d an cffered itaelion ln thse city cf London.... .The foll-owixgiare tise oficera elected forSolLna ivsoNo 40S of T. for the ensuingi quarLer-W. P., J. T. Rundle, W. A., Mme, A. L,. Paacoe, R. S., Thos, Shoxt- t4dgel A. R. S., Mina Auxnilo Van Neat, F. S. J?.-. A, Weêrry, Troe.,L.T.Pa8coe, Chap., Edwin Reynolds,CcWm Van Neaýt, 1. Con., Miss E. J. paseýoe, il. Sent,, miss Edue Ros. .Sent., Sulas Werry, P. W. P., A. T,..Paacoe, Nrai EtMs9 Cak.. isAncie S Wvahington, li-S Grvmiss MI. (Cil. 1t erg iew Bri nisw 1<ck After the Orip NlO Stregigth, No Amnbition iI4od' SrsaarilaCave Perfect Health. thD rih: n Ihlorof 5tCesve, N.B. no imbuuL %ay a topsay Imit oosJ, esmeparila nti i 1,' Pil have na a sna debrand 1gooi I Lsd Asee atAc 1.0 te gcip!oï'l3cin heiaV, ai ate gttnor ie n lettos cmase hy poion and pomor 1 100 8: ÈHoed's P111e on liandiand t1ilink highiy ef thieni." J. '.. rsssmee, t. eorge, New trunslic. Capt McranhanTels I4ow He Y Wfas Oured. " Ab t arag I as taen 'ith a svr atac fs'ttehe ats and was laid off inostof tMe Su"Moner. i dnIoms huereto St. JohnR, N. 11, a Packe't shoeadws se ieiples anti ta uch sufering ttbni cold ilnot à getontof isecli».Tihee panof nte schoner ame u bad taSuce me, and wanteti 1 Ille te getootýjyis a pria i adi Svt nl eured dm wien le -enoS0 ad that Ma wte i hadtiý eted in. Isent te oston for twa o-c ti ,, ic diti for nie ahi ladbeenitoid HosLa :,mrsaariiis woisid do. 1 gaýined1 rapidiy ai CO witcea1 had taiken tise two bettIes I was elle te' ýsvrk. A greatjmany Ipeole ohere have tknpi Roed' Sarsapaiisne it 4cured omead AIaila HodaSars"qa,iarii esod l y ail dmsggsss;pa $1, sLr for $.i oisrt nily C. 1, lloOL d Hood'sclus ar pueiyvegtalie, and doe R" not purge, ain or gripeo. Soid by IL druggists. AM So UMMER ms an h 0 CeLEE, ïrn Yog e and fGerrard streets. for eueý RD. XVOIFiTII.- s. SESSIOI Heeduememsfor Shoît sud Heavy Hardware, Sto')ve, Tiivaro, litsi l, î,Ts bmybv etd K1 n4s Glss.pronounced t he tis bn rsday everning about 150 imvit, asaembled ai ihe resideuce ef 11olliday 10 atitend a eceptior A fr aned Mme. W. A. 11eîllday, rriage irais recenitly aclemnnized go. The lawn aud sbrulbory [antly illuminated by a prefua. inse lantemus, and 6i e temior se iras bedeoRed witl an alun- flouera. Somofethtie questi re:ý The Rer. sud Mms. Jý.B Columbus, Mms. Dryden sud )r Moore, 'N[. R. H. Walks, Mca. D. Holliday and fansily, Tbempaon, Dr. and Mmjr. Starr FMi. and m David Barns, and Mma. J, barrisi, Rev. T. t, Breok-lî; Mr. and Mmi. P. ckeriug; Mm. sund Mca. Joîin r. and Mm8. S. Il. Graham, and Mca, Hlendemn, Miss 1-1nen, Mr- sud Mc". Robert ýVltly. Letters sud telegrmns yoed aud road firem Mr, Wn, SP., Columbus; Mm. Johnu iister cf Agriculture, Dm. id Rýev. Dr. -Haro, Principal cf de'Collegel Whtly, regmett- absence, asud oxtendlng con- >lugSmoingTobacco -tained An Enormous il Increasing Sale -T YPON the toin year old sou et Mr. r.gess, sswyem et NMm. Richard Mill, iras dsowued on Monday. t ruam a aftiun the pend te ore6 and waa pmb,,lly seized sn sud ank. -A small boy nair it and gave the alarm ... . Mr, ard, thb popuilar young peda- las been teachiug tle Long ,my, bas cesigned te pumse elis, a -Pîmart Glass COrtifleate. On was peented witl a landaomec cher's Bible and s beautîftul eeli-lme -Mýiva Berthe -Virtue )plinlentamy addmesa and Miss ily mcado the donation. m. ita hiy acknowledged the gift. iras a union nobool aud Loague y ln Iho groe oby tie chuich it and tise peoplo young sud frlly outing. Gances, races ifvaiUs naines wemrtil th zest. The Acholars proeut,. ard wil sunaddmessansd Fse Il regýretted bis deparlu,._ uugocti fare wellied Sunday nday toc Newbucgl, bis Inov rng tise respect sud good i, ii fmFlit duRey. A. C. Wilson nies Batatone our nemr pestera 1sad rec6iv-ecl;a cordial moi- is Goorginla, third dauglit6ri olacutt, Esq , mas married cvening te M. John Phare nceocf numerena relatives and1 t wmia a pretty meddin1g sud -esonta more very nîce. W, opbryoung couple great f Report of KS S No. 5 Darlingion for Juine: Clans 5. Stella Blackbumin; Sm. 4, Editl Prout', Nommain Allin; Jr. 4, Charles Wight: Sm. 3Oiilrut Lillie Sinale-, Meiborîso Aluin, Emrneat Black- bur, Milton Wight, W\allace Elford; Jr. 3, Allie Wight, Latîma Bragg, Louie Orabone, Wallace Battile; Sr. 2, Lily Yellowlen, Florence Jackson; Jr. 2, Ethel Bragg, Luiel]aColIwill, NellieWight, W'rightaon Wight, Jamies Me-Donald, Eddie Prout; Pt. 2, GeogieWight, Min- nie b,-ar, Emma Prout, Richard Francis tenuie Jackaob, AustinMoDonald, Maud Ruiter, Mamilsa Ruif or; Pt. 1,'Ada Wight, Normia Elterd, Esther McDonald, Average attendanco for month 34 DD.MODoNL,;, ,Teacher. VcOURTIcJJI, Mc. TP. F. Wrigbt la spendir.g his bell. deys at hb i hoe in Crwibt eV: W. Jollife willl 1 cach imorning sand e inig at Ebenezer next Sundy .... The foI. lewing taeth~e ffiers for, MtCarowell Division: W. P., R. C. Sliport; W. A. D. Oke; R. S., Wesley Hianicck; A. RB. S., F.Y* iso F.& , H.Pha3im;Trean,, L. Phair; Cen., W. 0nbomne; A. Con. Fie) Ainnis;1. S. Maggie Armour; O., A. Trick; P. W, P., T. , F.Wmilt... The new officems cf Southi Darlingon Lodge No. 1423P. cf 1. are: Pros. James Brancli; Vice Pres. F7anik Rundie; Sec'y A. S. Toey; Trees. Simca Yeuf ound; A. Se'y.Juoe. Worden; Guide, MoKktu.zie Ptiifound; Sutinel. A. B. Weccy; Min- erve, 'Mr. H. S. P'hair; Demeter, Mms. S. lPenfousid; Organist, Mms. C. Trul7. EN FISLD. Visitera: Mr.T. JardineTor n'e; àMiss F, Mackey, Kin8ele; Mr. M J. Gibsoni, Oshawa.... .Mr. C. Mecjk"y, teicher, bas- returned boie to spesnd hoidays... The Enifleld baud wilJ hoe t theo Costsevative's picnic at Sii'a woods betwen Bnrke- ton and Baktc on Tlursday after- noon uiext,. _- The follewiag officers bave been eleet ed ia the D-vision: W. P,, B. Powell; WAMi3ssL. Reynoldsý,; R. S J. caripbeil; A. R, S., Mina J. Ashston; Tre-as., lMiesa M. Cm l;F. S , J.For- syts; (Chap., Mrs. Hucîbut; Con_, W. Humpage ,; A Cou., Mliss E Wotton; O. S., R. Pasce: 1. S, Miss N. Alexander; P'. W. P., J.l Humlt. ..-No doînga hoe on Donionc Day. M ot f tise ycsng folkas 2pessi the day et Clumbusa... .Mr, and m.exOmsn have boen vliingj at Brooliu,._ Mr, F. Ashstn and Mr-. t. Bradley vînît d Gýue'ph lest weck.. MiMsa Jnn"e Aah.,toni. s viaiîing at Hlamp- ton. Rey. (;. H. Copeland. e1U erew minis- ter, -ho delivored ise lirea srmon lhome Sunday,is a pleesiaLg speaker, wi1th movre tIen omdinamy ability, and bis discourse was listened te with muarked a1ttention.. .O0akland Seheel 1 pieloon SatUmdey isat, lwas a% grand succea3s... Mi-, bsud rs. Mcrcow vlaiitedl at Mr, W. 0. Morow'a, Ponlypeool, Su-aday... . Mc. W. T. Gillank eud wfe f tendon are via3iting bia slaloms, Mms. Moas Robins Leakard, aud Mms. Amen§ Cobbiedlck, a3ixtà ine, aftr fifteen yearn'saence .... Mra.S. M. Billings and Miss Lou Pc vers visited Mr. Mark Rap. ec, Mlillbircok, ou Saturday. Ho waa somue botter but has been woeae île pat A Stra-wbemmy Festival and Gardon tParty mvil lbhld under tise auspices of 5the Sens of Tenirecance et the ealidence cf John -Middietou, Esq., a ile tand(-e- quarter nons t fNewcastlo3, on Fridlay, July 6, mIen île Neircastie, Brasa Band will le iu attendau1ce, and thora mil leua good programme cf singiu, rcouatIons, etc. A splendid lime gUarued e Tickets Adulis, 20 cen, ts; oiildreni, 10e. Ice-Cream extra. Tee frosu 5 te 10 p.m. A Trenton p-aper gives tii report of a taremeil social te our neir minister: Tise tareweLi social te o I' . Mr. Copeland and, faniiy, field uiith'e Main at. tods uhurcis Wednesday ev-ening mwas lamgely attended. JoIin D. Guilert actod as chairmman. IlIe choir rendered sevecai nelectieus very creditalby. Sevemai of tise offcisl misiiers deli'vered 2short id. dresses, aspeakfing in higIistirms9 o! Mc. Copeland sud fa L4, ftise gOod ark doune cduing theýir tLïwo, end cegetîicg tise rime bcd wom henii'y mueit a3,5-par- art,. Rev. -Mc. Dulyd irda short addmess Mm1. Copeltiiid s'aid ihct Rev. Mml. PoI, et Nemasat!e, bi$sau'cce3som, had been expected te be pruent but civ- ing te tie deatis sud tunecai cf bis brotber-in-baw ho iras net able te le iloi e. Mr. Copeland said tisaitlree yeama c3 ge ibere were 290 iembers efthîe churcis, 85 eftlti'à numnbor tbroug.b ce- nerais, deatis md untaithfulness, have ccaased le le membema; duiuig bis pastor- ate 145 lbave boen receiveci ie îleh dunrcis. The presentiimembership is 330. Dncing Étise term 07,850 have boen raised for ailp'pe. To this amount tise L-i_' i2 a oh3ave couitributed $98]. At thse beginning of bis pastomata thse fluanc- l Jiabliitien et tise urcis mere inearby $4000, nom they are Ions tissu $1,000. During tle evouiug Mrs. Copeiand iras callod le tle platferma and Mmi. -K, Mc- Kenzie, lu the nanie cf thse Ladies' Aid, preseuted lhemrultI a pumse cf menoy. MmIr. Copeband iras takoni by suaprise baiu mas able te tlank tise ladies fer their kdnnae;iurlng tbiem ihat theywul ever have a large place ilier affetionate resuembrance. Atter mingflng "God be witis yeu tub wiireot iagain" niearly ail present sald good-bye te Mr. sund Mm. Copeband sudd Ethel, wilheibn (Qeu Nspeed.î -Follewing la a liat of the property deos- tmoyed by ire on Sundlay me rniing and the cempanies interested: Mca Mhod dwelling hiolue, in"sumoçi in ilic Western, for $'400; G. McGiil, dwelliing, $700 iix Waterloe) Mutual; R. K'aterson,' under.. $ý3C00 inthe Royal; R. H. Picuat, telegrap4 and poîtL office damnaged], cover- ed b irance in Gare Mutual; R. J, McNeIIy, furnitu-re, L,.33about $5,ne inlsucance. Cause eftfire unknown. LO(lGsiULT. Thea nuivécaary wes a remamkable Eua- cens ever $70 caizs.R2v R. MeCullocli preac-ed in tbs alteroou and Bey. D. S. ilonck in tbe evening to de- lighted audieucees in the rae.The necholars sjAng. 0OIo Mo)nday the piople tfýiocked te the ro' e - aain when a ge-odi time wan spent. Besides briglit ap'echoA f romi Revs. Hlouck, MCuIllee and Strike, recitations were given by Lyla and Mauïi Virtue, Annie Tape, -Effie Edgerton,, Berthia Pryoc, May azid Shelley Rice, littie Mifss Wright, Arthur lloe aid. ethemsa. MIna Mary' Farrel preaided at the ergan and Mr. W. J. Orchard was Cenluct'rof et le Song services. The ladies served a highl clans tee. Salvation Armny Notes. M.-8.Big dierdeBarrit' ef Toronitm, wile cf tise Provincial Secretary etf the Central Outario Proviinceuansiste by 1AdJutant and MrS, Taylor cf Broukville, will oonduct th,3 epeaïng services oethtie New JubileesHllvuCrnec'i in with the S. A. Barzacks, Bownmvilil, on Saturday, sunday alfd Monday next,Jullly ïth 8th and 9t-h A Strarberýy festival wiII ho held in the New Hall on Monday Evoning et 7 p. m. admission only 10c. Thema will alao be th£e eception of tise new Captain on the abovE dates. nasÏiaJ. W.,HYBowinanisille. WEDDING BELLS. Thbe Praýsbytorian church iram the scene -lf apreity i, inc-,I' Wnenciay evenae J une 13, ai 8:,' Pj-Loe Li parties beiivg ,Dr. EmnaeBt EGlate nd MiisaA] imaÈ. Cryderinan, foumil dtught. or of Michael Crydleinian, Eiq., cf Boir" meuaville, Onitarie, Canada. , TIc church was bhandgomoely decomated wuth ivy, od idenditib a aadpotled planto, sud tise bm.dc soall groom Rtood under a bell of rose', aud overgmeers, suspended frem an ecchway- cf evergmeens timnsued witbh yel. low roses, whule tle ceremaony iras pro., n( unced by R-'ev. Rebt. Beyd. Mms. R. A. Bal io£-er pcesided ai the ergan with hem usuai, ard thse bride was ai. tended by Mis Mamnie Arnold ef Coupe. ville, tise groomRaen being W. W. Felgor. The unlems wire Mess. COyderman of Victoria, Carl Phillipa and Il. D.Gnagey, The bride was lsandsomnely gowued la white crepe iilisatin fricminiga, white tulfle yeil. Tfixe brideamaid irr a dIress (À f 'ite allatros, satin trimminiý,s The grOom and lis lest ma wome tle couven. flouai ck.Tise church i usa ,crovwded te ils fûît neating zapecity, Hmd satier île coeeny a wîed!ding supper iras trved eh lie cesideLnce cf r. Tison Phillipa, nuce et the bride, te the olong gecats:- Mr, and M.Eý . E.'Gleesmin, Mm1 and Ms,, Tbomas i2PhiUîlpe,. M Denison), Judge and Mcai. Balinger, Rer. and Mms. Beyd, Miss NÏellie Phibîilpa; Miss MNamie Arnold, Mip-s Belle Stockan.d, M..M rdra et Victoria, Mr. CatrJlPhïlilipe, Mm. U. 1?. Gnagey, ùesaýra, Frenjk and Wnill Deni. son. Tbece Ps fine collection et beau. tifni pesanta. -Te wnseud I(Washington) Dally Leadler. Mma. Gleason la weil and favo-,a-bly know-n in taiï ditrict aud herm many frienda bore joliis n eactient congratule. Darlington %Jýouncjl. Rogularmotu-ebmaiprsn -mise es eada'd ceufirsnCd. Coma- muniatins erepesetedfreUi: unty Cbeck maus LItrng no-ceident land lax; J. H. Morrow isn ernete rend necap.. es-3: end Geo. Powver cosuplaining ef mater oejing mmcki LOnteis landi. A uiumbeL ot accounta more p-esented and laidI on tise tble. Tbomas Ellioti and 26 oisons asked foc aid for Thomas Watd. Laid over ta nexti meeting, Tise Reove sud Messrq. 0Ceunie,, suad 'Pollock irere ap- pointed a cossto eexamline lie îleh complainte fronu m.George oPower sud Mr. George Allin. Ordets on tIe Tmeass urer ganted: E. C. Beman 308 loada cof gravel $1.5,40; A. Samîs 863 loadd gravel $4.30; Qeo. Siephous, 9 do, $0A45,> Mm. Hooey, 61 do', 83.05; Mme. Sulley, 112 do, $560; T Mlounljoy, 106 do, $8,30; Henrmy Argue, 209 do, $10. 45;- J. C, Thjomnton, lumber contmact, $42,40; J-H. Merrow, 6 road scrapers, $37. 50; Jaimes aud Gale, priutimg, $,50; W. Bouen, grai'. el on tcwn linoý, 01.50; Rich. Branton, laber, $2; Geo. StopIons, bal. cedar con.. tract, $5,60; Robt.Martin, digg.iug grave, $2; R. Katemsen, funerai Jas. Branton, $0;: Tises. Blughamn, insumance pcllcy, $2; Geoo. Tremubl, me ad womrm, $30; Thon Rowe, poor reliefaccci, $2; Iidigeunta40. A special meeting of tise Colundil miii be bold on Saturdey nexl at 4 p.m. te con- aider tenders ffor eonî ef a bridge et Black'a bibi, and tise nex t regular meeting wiii le ieldI on Salumday Juby '2"Set 1:30 p. ms. R. WINýDÂTT, T. C. jiamsLhiiment rolievea eraga t s-' t -p Cooking Stove À JAMZS EDITORAND PROI>BU»R, VOLUME XL. NumBFa, f7 V ý

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