1iere a Poitef -r Wh71en -von asic for a 5 cntPluag io cent pug 2ocfltplug POPULAR1 be sure thiat thie retailecr does not i fiuce a Out buy anly othier idn order hale xnay ake a Jargerrcofi. MONTREAL. SO7j R SILE .O RIREN T. -Bouse sud Ël1 ý ares for, sala or to tant. situste ou Scugog s;treeýt nords.Tis pramisas consittof a g3cd ionawitb eavary ovelncdrlvinq suiset tl, etc. Ttie garden cotalus a lot o, tis ebcisosifrit 0o1 ail venlles_. Immediate ossessIon eau ba ivane orprlO-ls pi te W . F.-wasncm Boaanvîlie Ont 9.-tf HE ALIHID53 $ peranniun adwvanjýce, obria~ Subscriptfonsalwa )y aybl3aU ti olw, cu Ï) isi-can. Aeriieratesunea by c )n rus ani cetspar ina escis subsesinant lu- M. A. JAMES, PWblishs L8I!Oifaîïio apNd Baï of oun1 STR 11 NORTH KiNG'ZC_ LL iG,TgD E7 BTEECT[ItICITY, LHEATEn BT S'rEÂM.ý ~LNi s 0UTHIL COMssEcc30TIl A !'a.1 e a Vasobourge 8 a. m,,Port Hope .1à5 m., areat dâys, rrivlnùg Charlotte (Port cf Recis- sitar) 230 pmexce.p.t Me6day,-,,hen Steamer leavea C"oenrg 11p, ns., port Hope 230 p.m., arîlgCbar'ottelPisrit o!Rocisaster) 7.30 pm. SAII~ NORTHJ. Leave"s Charlotte, N. Y. Port oi Rochsester) 'waaýlcda-a l11.1',m.. arrivao Port Ucpa 6.30 an., eud Ccbon trg 7.15 a., axcapt Saturday, -wisn teamertj leavas Charlotte, N. Y., 4.25 rôln., arrliv-ing Port Hope 10 p. m. Coboa-rg An ext-nr tp lamade Mcnday mous Char- lotte al .90 a. ni, arivlug Cobonirg 1 P. m_ Por,ýt Hope i1.30 p te0, N..Cal very Wednesdaiy at B"irgiten 36 aman Coîbomne Wadnesday sud Frid.y W~ 13 AY OF 'QUINTE !ROUTE, Leava s Port1 Houa avary Saturday 10 pus., arrivas- Belevi lla avery Sunday 3.20 a.tu., Piion 23 amni' Kingitonl. 10 an. iJ.l H.T.JRY i. H.GLDRLEE FOR t ise nnmvi cf wstcoraUailkida, ftem-ciidren et adulte, ueP M IT H'S promnp, rliabla, afe sud pieassaut, requiing neà aft iiuicine. Navet failiug. Leave nio isad aler afetPrIce, 25 conta per Box Pe a Oil Sprng Feuce. Tisa onI3 netrof expansion sud contraction, À fil stock of Fatus, Garden, Laarr aud Ornamenitai Fence lways lui stock. Ort-raseioiad udparticulars given, or mia ou application, by A w. FOLEY, Box 143, J3oxiýarvlle, Ont., Sole dealar, aioesaa-sd- 1retail f o Goýuuty of Duram aud Emsi Whitby. &EST The Use of ,aIt Wth FooDl Tha q (uestioîn is oitxu raiselt t- what ex- tant wa bol maire usae f sat witis Our lu al erdinary casas, at least, tisa matter max' ha lait t te individual appetita. An elgs xeaof sai l eailY cared fer isy tishye nwil rvn e a stuali ameunt wîis tise foo la prftslynorml, suan te n ircmaan har'mfuL i Iiideei, alîhouiglisvc take at ail timrea more sait as saoigtissuis ý5absoluteiy nekedet lu tise hndy', suahis elie uacasity cf ;ta rsau isat fodprapared witýisnt sit is lbarly to e hacosidrat nu1tritionis. emo ait--sodi1um cisorid-is per- isap-, on tisa wlisole, eue of tise moit impor- tatinorganic Fsubstancaslun tise body ; 80 imotnmin iact, tisa! t ai a hasait tiera ara ne. tisanes or fia;its in tisebody lu wisich it tees netocu.Tise avarage bu. iuan bocontaina fIrons igit te taenuces. Tise pairt whIiis sait play;s in tisa iuman eouomll isivugmuclisof tisa nut- rition whisila suplpliad t tisah body, sud facilitsating ts borton andistribution te tisevrostsns Tise cnnctonieIIeu iaaction of "Sera timot" blas ceus-e to e ha.ageneric terni for, several specifloafetin. ay mothers b2conmapul tricken aIt Lise iraiýt mention or indication of sem ratsoat ou tise part of bar chiiltrn ni .sin s- spousibî!le for atasibttre-îi ss f hut ,treu's Fiota thiso F, u tie roria mesr aise ca--nneot ednan& Stcilfiren are always taking cl , ah ýi Sd sluio in iser h and utgiril'ai ,n,înt-as ier' nici foot, sareats, etc., fa s isa e'tedeý- clerc tat lriaybave a ctcl ihmerr'ly an etA uk oh ov1,ad 1tm -h, ' xea a1-1 saiyecanintsailiî.Tiî acaeiitand Ads c li srpc iet for a day eore ah usully relieýVa- s A NEW'M A -.ADY D-1 '>-;«' J t is Caila Acrasue'd>y. asci' aCsyce izes! ay swelllssg er-tishfet Dr. T. W, Van Hor a physician, of Wil- iasport, came to-Pisiladalpiithtsaote day with a patient suffariug from' an anii- arged head. The eniargament of tise headi, iitis which ýthe patient is îýafil ceis ittepîs e rceit Cor aven to hk xed as nownceaadneariy aight luichas n ircuieenes i la stili growiîcg. Àa fa 35 years eld1. Wisen ha was 2 eh wroenly à 61iat. Thea man w-as brcught for axaninistioui by maedical experts at Jafesen adica Joliage, where fitla, idf a simnilar case figurad at oeaof tishe inc a short timue age. The axamainatien shoGwed tisat tie patient was suffering ifrom aLecmegly., the termn usad for a'racently dsoea ias Lhat tairas tisa fcrm of, anu nagaat the bouePs. Tisa interasit of the pisysiccains in the case la ewving te its unemon andi) novel charactar. Dr. Van 1H-oru said Peopie 1mi1ght ha luclined te laugis ait thisa nelilargadi eda sMording as serionus problam lun nYedicýaL treatinent, brit it la a facit that tisey ara juat now smiong tise nm'ost puz- digConditions Conifroutiug psscas Tlisis patient complainis -that whealhe trias f teaxarcîs is brain, hLhaisafeeling athongis somietising within hMss kl wac scraping away isa br)ain fromthetisaisdco the isead. It is, iun sort, au advsnced stage of srmgaly. isa-ppan teow tis&i seývaral sucli cases arebeing t reated by physicians who have practieaily daoa t-he disease, aud (1uting tie paat wîntïiiir have ie1cturedai'is ia-dclcoagsni wrsttaUl-ou tise sbat 1"At alJffa! 'rson lin ', at wiih Iwaaý prasant, a short timie ago, a ase ofacre- mag-aly wasprsete, u i ihtLisa diseaLse hall ax4 rcisets grieatesit affect UPon tise nese. Tiim"eb aa ttaiuea s mou- strenus Faira, andi was stiIl rwu.Tise dloctor wise was iectunig ou tisa subject, said tisait cases isati boeu raportad lu wiih tise eas iwere affeotad l is e sâea y, growiug toeanormeus 1 reportiensý. 1 mndemr- stand tiait casas of -acromaegaly hiave beau raportad r(aceuýtly--te tisa, Collage of Physici- ana of PiiladelpbiaaCndlitsaC101nityMeca Society. Drt. H. A. Rare, Pro)fesser of -Mataria Maties, at Jefferson e((ad Collage, sl tisa i hiad treated a persn recanàtly for scromegaly. Tisa diseasa, ha said, was oe of recent discovery, and as yet, ne eueieisa beau able te explain its causes, or adxsc cure. sit, ani tnlat out ina varions aissu- s . flida iis se itimaae, iu otisar words, tis presencaef i la Ouc ayto tisev- tsalit y of tise az-ie Ls part s of tise body, isat ie Youltsoncouse t ei ad il t ware Ao susac ewhicli s muisinfluence la ascribed migist uaturally h npsdt have ",seevrtua aa meicie.Sucisv-r tue sa haýjit ;Iferaut timles Ibeauattributeàto it hi' se auiotes lier exampl, it -waS supposad, sicetisa actl iiitishe sticJuica aras- founndte ha terived item Lv iolinus chiorid, tisait'tie ado eta greater snp ryetcemmen sait vonld ha of benefit lui cases ef indig-es- tin d'le -te aaeakienetAltate "f tisagsi jDci Bt expsrimnit sioweatht it auil-i crase1sppiy of sialibtaken witistisa foot was aliiimiatitemisa "besystans, insteat of baing g sed te form itisa deat1rat digesýtive3 On tis hoiethan, wa miay regard sai as auindipensble adj iut te fond, bu1tne as sustacepoasesstug Cauy pcuiar at icalprpri. Whatt to Apply to Barns- Tise pain f rom .sligist beirnaisý very grea't. An3xcelan application isý a tliici paste c ommea- baking soda moistpea with aivater, sprcad on a place of linen or cotton, sud boundtatesapart. TissCeau be kept -vvat 1by sqnez îiig watar ou it frron a spenige or clotis until tisa smarting la soethed. A tisick coatiug of starcis eau ha eset mal aad of socla, or wheat fleur if uothiing baettar eau hab hat, but neutiser< sisenît ha app lied if tisa skiu laistokan. Inu thscasa ut la bat ter te usa vaseline, cliva orlued oit, Tise tcotai apply semas pàreparation contiiuig carisolic acit. If tisa air eau ha- affectnslly axcîndet irons a hum isaie pain is vraliavai, Blisters sisoufd ha-ý prieket a'die fiit absorbadt nisa SOi tltshaera dressýiug. If tise ci othiug adisaras te tise skiu tise loose ipart shouit ha eut away sud ftis a pechas of maiterial soakad off witiscil or ,Vartr water. Wisan tise injnry is extensi ve, tisfeiarar will ha prostrat ud n may dia irons tiésa ioci. Heast ssousit haappliadt te saxramitýias sud over tiseisarit, sudisoit drinks given nutil tisa doctor comas. l Isurus frons s atrong soit tishe part sisouifi ha covaret witis dry bsking soda or lima, as tise alleali ai nantralize tis acaid. No water sisanît ha usad, bnt cosmiOline or oiu applîad sitar tisa salibas lbeau brisbe& -off. Wise tisa bure isas bacu1 causate by an aikali, an acit must ha nsedl. A patin ercovering irons the affects of s hum reqeiras very nourisis- iug food. Diphtheria. la li contagions? Undoubtedly. We know tisit it la contagions, aitisougis weare net acquaintat ails tise exact mode in alsicistise contagion -operates. Tise infec- tiens mat'tar is net capable ef s-ny aida diffuision tismougi tise air, but cling% lu tise mea pesisantma5.uuer te par:ts.cul&Ïtplaces, houss, ud veu rou.Tlisera is vary little oui hat it eau b4_inecullatet. M. Vaýllaîx, a wýL-lknewn sud esteemat Frenchs surgeen suu arîter, wasi lu stteudance po e lititia gýirl snfferiug iem dipistiarie sera ptistoat. Untaer ena-rgetie traatmanit sise racovarat. Ons day, isowever, wbile M. Vallaix vaas tspactngb r soat haie-e 4cjeit b iii, mentisas issu qusutity of sliva dIanont fcis _-ait of tise patient lu tisae acit of uouigfiing,. exit day a littia exudain apptaesradou n eaofhis tousils. Tisa oiser toýnsi sud tise adjacent parts bacama iespfeadiiy coveradt ntisissamem- bran e, aý profuse discisarge, teck place f rom t ise searils, delirium supervaned, sud in forty-aight heurs M. Valaéix aras daad. Itn yaniothacr casýe of dipistieria tisa médical man lu, attantanea founizil 7naDcesssy to open tAe amdiate ralieve tise brerthing. iTisera rs eaobstruction irons the accu- mjulation of loot, aisn tisa operator, te savatlisa patient's 111e, appliet bis mentis te tjise area-u iu'tis necle, sud sueathtie fiuid eult, Iu foty-aigist heurs ha diet froni sympterni identicai antistisose front aiicli M1, Valîtax snffered, Tisera is very littîs tr oubt tisait dipitiseria is of tan pmoduceti hy drinkiug infectat mille. Tisa médical officei of tise Brillis Govaruimant Board, lunbis report on,1dipstl-îetia for tise year 1888-9, isys:-"Dissminitio lcfdîpistisria b3 mi lnuc in tisis country se generall3 secspet and sud a,, mereovar, hapI beae of tan eincetatt isait tisafaci of suis dissémination of tise tisasse nleedi net te ha insisted0on." t -~ ,;ôother remedAy. Are yoir druggIst f1 SMWAYNES Ii INTMEfFNT. Lymnan S'nlu ootreal Whoeeeale Agens In 1845a Scotch farmer sued thse custemas ithorities for a penny and 'won.his case. Th-- coats aout te $700, q(owto Zet a"SunliZbht" piotulra. SenLd 25 "unigt"Soýap wrappors wrapper bearing the wotrds "Why Dos Woma),n Look Old Sooàner Than a Man") ec 1,VEt" Bio: . Ltd., '3 SotSt, Torenýéo, au-dyocs will receýfva by post s Pratty picture, free fromn advertising and ,all worthffi raming, This is an easy wfay te dacoreta youv home. The soap is the ba in the m-iaeket, and it will offly coit lec. poaztage toe end in the vrapperE, if you leave tlhaemedr open. lVrite yotir addre3s oarefully. ou have yu tid i hned c 'dsa p it even beiter' than people. j, B. P&CE T013ACCO CO.. IIîMDN, VA. and MON TREAL. CAN. maka a pounut Vogel (tise goe' o>"ite Teaciser"corrpct, Aud hiovv mauy peunds make aindewagiBrieket 1 Brisket (tisa bntciser's bey) A inudre and tweive," Teaciar 'Ri:siagýaýin. New, Wintar- st,oise anyisndadaiisare then- te ato 'Mi hangiug.baskate tisemrcery lu1 theiser- mmtr "Got -a chili?" '"Ne," was t'ise raply. " ' uat trying i t o up aeut down fast enouglIs tekeep traci of tise chanmges lu tampýaatur." eci, or~ growing OO f'ast, are made Strongf, Rý'obust.and eatyb y ANDUÎ " PIN WORMS. neI More Mîsery. ITCHITNG PILES fg Anv aelg aifl ad annoyîeig aifio, tion, fouxtd alliLe in the rich and poor. Maie and femnale. T he, prinCipal symptoms are a severe itching, whIch Uis warst at nigbit wenthesi forer becomes warm iin bed. So terribole i thieitChinIg that fs'eqIuentIy Ibi laimpossible to procure sloop, Oeti th e feerucosioxi during sloop scratches the part$ iutil they are sore- uicers and tumnor . form, excessive nxestnre la axuded. Fcenales are peculiariy affected freux this disease, canosing nnbearabie irritation andj trouble, Tiese njd every ctber symptons of Itching PIlesý or irritaLio n luauy part of t.he body are Immediataly allayed and quickiy cured by Chaaae's int. ment. lt wlll instantly etc-p îiteh ingeai thse ares abd n1cers. dry S up thse maisture. 1PIe WORM S la an a'r i en t treI y dllfeilut as to a lain ItehiIIg Piaye its difeots atimId t"eli exa.tlY tise SaMâý Tûie sam)e lutolaerable itcbin these o ýraeOpingjcrawllog cinsationhctr. zaCbotdiespes. Cae tat ns k G ives 'Iý11Zmagi. I t wsl aII monce ilfford relie Ë rom u trment. I nstant esae-. T. Uëzari MI'. KI'tto. Halnilton-R. G. O-e geod in culrfng ail itchy ýIiin Disea8esý. such as Eczema, Itoh, farber3 I8 i Bçh. hem, Jn ôretc.. etc- Ter sale b3 ail rugg r~ 0 ens ~la adxe5-iDMNSN. ÂTS&0,,Teonto, Ont., Sq 'mtzfer DQwim C? pÇeo,"4k TuEBEST VET__ A Portfolio of Oiia Photogfraphie Vlew's of Our Country.' CanadiCa Prduction Pay5er anad Frin/ing This is a work that should be in every Canadian home ; it is a magnificent public ation and-on1y needs ta be seen to be ap- preeiaLed. It depiets in panoramic photographie pictures the urban and rural life of the Canadian people, their industrial hiv-%es, their great publiïc eni-terprises and their national land ma rks-, the serie"-s wil11 caver tLhe hlevast domain pf British Am-)ei'lea,- -from tthe Arce ceani ta t-leefrynnh parallelI and from the fog banks of Labrador ta theue breezes of thePafi Oceanà. We :chave scrdthe righefr th*is mgn etwr antd wt is e ear ehwek SLDTNCENTS TOV 'Y E!LWIHCUO chriand in tliea dlighit et theiur hearis isey r ti te archdeaeoii what they isad dueat his'. nx viitation. He feul in iier euthusiasm, and advisedi thQm tn hav agrand openiug, at which Deoctor praent. Tisa avîce waa aas),iiy tken, Placards ware poýStAd, a ise seOsrvice a avartised iin the loci pqpers, The alipratday arr l ed. andw il, it Decor Cwowas at ocsonuinti tesigi)ioîwhere wii lddpipes knowu te the, profession "But woues the kyamr l" uqir the greman who isad already Pen some- wh)at diseoncarted at tisa siza of the organi. " Oh," said the chnrchwarden, " we tutuP un round i ,-' that ihere," p-o)ivig to the isandia. The ansazemeut sud indignation of Doc- tor C. ware bayond worde. IeHa sa been invited 10o pen a hand.orgau 1 "1WTO CWIL ALL SKPf liSÂS" Simpnjy ly aply SAYEOINTJIeE-NT." No internalimiicinara quired. Cures tea, ezm itc-b, al erlptionson1-1tise fac,hd, noi, et.,leaving the akini c1a-r,wht and heoalthy, Its great heai. i ci I to Ti Pl -P pâgea-ny- 1 i A mem ber cf tise Collage of Physiciens ait tisait ha, like otiser mausiers of tisait body -isad intarastat isin utise nea lisearandsuttisait several snch Icasas bat, iu s, eaurportet -at tsa i&stmeet ing ftisait body. Ha saidt iat tisera ararL ait p et ni Phàiladelpii,no Wasa susix arael-dIlefluat a-sesý Of acromagaly, in ariii eI hast aras roigte0enorusouls proportionis, sares airesty of snicb dimensions as te exýçcite neo- ica sud comm nl public "Tisa vidimall of ibhis arrangeasud distrais-ý ug tisase2, ha said, "mTay !ha fraquentiy eau on ts tr, e et. I have met tare cf-tise as axIoissîed it ourclag. ThIley arao asiiy tsigiial on accoutl of lthiai inga hassasd cieugatet faces. T ýisadis eaie la iikaly te affect ail 'boues cf tise botfy causing thora te enlarge sud tisierat iseery 18 uowadavaucedtisait theisaglcis of arions se usuci s issait, Fsud1(pet. sns aiseare ounehibtio, a tieo- cea-a hasts or hanta o)r fea2t, ara sinspýiy victims of tisa uawly ia.cov eret creagai1 Sadtast of aIl, of course, is tha hronetan argemnut of tisa hast, for tIse growvtheau sot,-se fat as are kner, ha Ieektbut1 thase cases isappily are rare."' L"or Over k"ift-v Yea.rs MS. INSLOW 5 Soo'rUNxtosý:tUrba beeu usat by millions of methars for siseirciiltran w hile tetiing. If tisturb- ed ait nigist and broken of your test by s ësek chlld seffaring sud cryiug wi ti pain of Cattiug Tedth sent ait once sud i ct Pa bottia of "Mrs Winslow'a Sohu Svrup" for Chiltren Teething. IL will ralieva tise peor little suffaerimmiediate- 1 ly. Depaut upon l1t, mtsrtsr en maistake abouit it. 1% cU rasDL trsos re-l_7ates is tomsu owlca-ras Winid ColleG, suanthe Gume su ad ta- duces 1 If imtionu, 8sud>givas toue asud eaargy te tise whola yte . "n Winslow's Soothing Syrup"' for chiltren teetising le pleasant te tisa tea sd ia tise j prsrpinof one of tisa oltesit sut hast femaLa pisysiciaus sud nurses in tiseUnt 'd States. Prîce twanlty-fiva entsl botî, Sol d hy ail drugglats tIsmeugiout tise world, Be aura te ask for "Mite1_. WINsLOW'sSSOOTHINIS Y RU;. " 22 17 Hard to Suit. Euspioyusaut Agent-" Wisaitarste mpalter antis your lest placee." Domïiesti-" Tise misses was toc yonng. lit miate me lok oIt." Nurse -"Sure, ma'am, tise tains have beau making a fusa ail day, masm"Mn.s Olive Branci-" Wisat about ? Nulrse- " It's bacause thay cau'r bava a birtbday!, tepiece. like tise Smiith cisiren nexi deor,ý Tisey thîuk thay have baucieataed. ALL MENi. Young, oit or middle aget, Nha isefnd Itiern salves narvens, varei sand suet , s are breken dea)ýn irom caxces or ovaýrwerk£ rasultiug lu mau'y Of tise followviîg syll- pitoma : Men tal dJep)ra.ssion, prýeature oIt e, as of0 vitakIity_, bas 3of -memýory, baIt treams, timinasa of agst.palpîiaion e (f tise hearit, amissionsý, lacie of auargy, pailp lu tisa kituaysi, iseatacis, pimtplasion tisa face sndt hody, ildlxfing or ecular enet- ton abot 'tiùse crotumi, --aeting of tise' ergs-u s, trie s pelks baera tisa aya tait.ciïuý of tisa muselas, ayalits suaIese- ariserabeaisiniesa, tapsits ira tish rie sut î qpi n, arýiand stflahhýy melde- sire te slecp, fhueira ta- be restet bÏy sLap, costaio, tuln firin , basdI' veice', tar o oiue xmaiîy Ce rl , 3E laci el! e oy e; kngskeet. ara ai(smp Ém ef Irv oni teiilitylisait lest te usnîyulesa icurati. Tise pil e or vital ,!feýrca iavig lst us t ensioýn every ranc, m: permanan-i'tly ete.Sentd yon attrees a 10cnslstrpfe donuli lAve., Toronto Ont., Canadla.-