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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1894, p. 8

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A LLSIJMMER Fine Eoot-Wear iS 110W being sold at J, Hellyar's, reliable Boot and Shoe Em- porium at gýreatly reducedl pDrices FOR OA.SHO Ail Summer goods must go, We have an A. 1. ýstock t-o select from. JOHN HELLYAR.e ý-REyIEW<ýREyIEWs is the one magazine which the world hias agreed is INDIIS- PENSABLE., It will be mure brilliantthanever duri ng 1894. _ __ 1;'The readers'of TIIE REVIEW OF REVIEWS saythat it would keep them vell informed if it 0y], were the onlyliterature printed. I NWyoltSAsrrPlt-e "... It is lespecially valuable to t.cdonNcierlimi~~- clergymen~, professional men, *farmers, and to Al those -&ho can take but one monthly. FAMOUS PEIOPLE AND> GREAT JOURNALS J1AVL OJVEN IT THE MOST UNQUALIFIED 'ENDORSEMIENTS 'Z EVER RECEIVED BY A PUBLICATION: James Bryce, M. P.ýA uthor 'of îThi Ameri- New York WorId.-" THE REX îaW on.'Ry- can Commonwealth. It is just what VENVs is admirable." we have wantcd." Boston Globe.-" To re&dacanomr is to3 . l resol e t neyer miss 00e." Mis FancsWilrd."Tismagzie as Chîcago Tri1Ine.-' That usef,,l and alW'aý .he brightest outlook window Christen- Interetine periodical, TUE asia n elDom for husy people %!')whowat to Se Rvas ,ht is going on in tàce great ssr l H." tntConstrtution. " Gives , ar t Caýýrdinal Gibbons -"To the 1uy on, hoI ides of the history of the month as cou!ld bae lt leiu t prs he curen' botained froffi volumes elesewhcre." îo Thme, aREiv - W on Rav,, . , ll 1Springfield Union.-" Tua REviIIw on R, - veepei lywicom,,as in wiIl srve a ,c'sis tise bes publidation of the i-d s mier, efietingtht onteporay exant, and no bu,- man caoa rdt houhtofGratBritain adAImeica.." isiiiothyvsl. Ta the best agents we cai offer extra- ir.finarily liberal ternis, which makeSUSRPIN AT . Tïhe RENV'lW 0FREIvîws withiout a per Per Vear, - - $2-50 fenthie CaiwazsScr's point of vîe-w. Trial S5ubscription, 1.oo - .- Samiple Copy, - y o cents. lŽF IPW OwF EVIEWS. . . *. . o in rc F1.I5E51W__0F ,1.1 "L'Yli-Y 1 inA- lrwqgives as moch rjhs mtL Nc ok iy as is contaied in tno osdiu-J Local vs. City Trade. Msisymerca utnlu owuls eDiillages fdvry mieàchagriucd asuddisarlut 1Iwae cured of Bronchiitis sud Aethma cri î wh e oyee thein fllow towlion lb> 'NINA IDSLI-NI1MENT. rnnin~daiy ro he it' fr dy gad, ILot5,P. E. I. Mt .Lvaov îo hoae the inainitay o! thein tewu. I aasculil Oî 'Xausvene attack o!jf rheu* It a sceeiugy lmentable to sec a con mat;Eim y MINARD'SLI MET 2cnutii, up î pight mlenchaut ilu a sm1alii MlueBy.Ju tî~ tc~ nn i est te givo the pecple lu-a!oieKy hie ~~ viii>'acance t.) inopect a full I ofu da a evereiy spriuejýd leg r c ie o!tise reaao's noveltios, sud then 1b>' MI-NARD'SLNI NT wi'o th>' ave f lly iuspected hie stockI dHwae J11uWaaiv got a gonoi i des of what the>' ought to~ bu>. heyaed for samplua froni '(he dry, 6uly order freni therz>. ~Wo ~o noi prc.a1ni that 'to nIe lc _________ 'sl;o blon t cfpo a twae do maiu- IVIIORT GAGE SALE, igth-eir ownl bedt int'erest2 wbieu thley 0aroiz ter homo trade. LEver> sor n a rc n pas a cetain mooni f reu ar..nud by Vîiueof two certain mort- teegas bla etc., sud the wages of gagesich mi Il bc produced at timo tf sale, anpoyrsd employer will amoulit teo a there will be offered for saleby Publie Auction S. Border, Auctioneer, at BELLI$ LIOTEL snu sm ver>' voir. Another store sud Inthillas o a.Oxo. lu i ýtise TowuneaOip of on r ftwe iouE ee occopieci means bass tax CLARKE. ou onohrprojperty, ,Anothez zstore oc-STRA ,28 U Y 84 c - ieI sud comapeing fortrade means anS ATRA,2S U 84 îrcreaaeéd uurber <f viîtors , .rural sud at tise heur of TWO, OCLOCK lu tise after. anic sd an iucressed irculation of iuco, ibte follewinz property, viz, y this sud a dlozen diffreuit waye. The Sentis hat of lot 20. con..6, Clarke, con- iilc..iy lu aining by admeasurement it$ aud tisree- Tiemenchante o! s towu are its back- quartiera acres of land. more or less. This la on.Take them, eut o! au>' to)wniisud said te be an excellent f arm of good dlay loaln 1in a Rod state o! cultivation. aupplied with :i romonthIt rwil ho as dead 55 thle uover.failiflg Wollo of good water, sdfiî prvebal 'door inail.' They iare the sap If.,lceM Th. esl fts at asal n f- stown, sud give it acýtivty sud ife. îi -l5 ocard of 80 i3esilugod bearing. Ou tise promises are orected thse tollewlng Olive imerchatl orhuuiyriebuildings: Barn 3515 3f t., frame with sBle re'tircEd farmers. Merchauts taîhe ep the stable nder; stableadditio, 16x35-fi., framie iivih lft oer;hog-en dditon,16 x t6 ft. t ;thie>' draw ianuu!acurere into it; framei barn.35 x 45 fi. .trame with trame stablî îhydraw radus the>' luveit mono>' undor; implemet bohuse. 12 xt 12 tt., trame it l a tooasd was.-dwelling lbeuse, trame, a» stores' 5gb; mail tilIth>'blp i huidwy- part,26 x20 f.; kitelietu, 26x20 fi; andpamnmez ~ oithe Mn>' Dry Good.s Revlew (Tor-on. kitchen sud woeiLOses, il x 20 fi. to su Mon trea]y. Thse propeni yle aitusto 3 mi:es from O0rôn( village aud 6 meites f rn Chi villae o New. ___________ -castle, wisere gçeod nsarl<ei5 are alwaye Sac Tihe Largley Case. for produce; the property la cunvenî-it t cisurcis, pear-office sud echeele. This property will bco ffered for sale sutil-jcec * 1siî 'eople Hear of! Ris I1luea aud ta thse following charges: lu I~udon, (1) Ta an annuits' of $120 prn soi m payabli ausqet Cure wý,hïlein odo, te oee ughSimpson (Who lti said tu be 91 yer Ont -Much Pleasure Manifest- ,et agel dnniug is litetimo., the flret pàymen ru be made on the iuis day ot A-oil nexi, ed over the Niewp. (2) To the righi of tise said Rugis Simpsen,1 ho sochooâe, oet nslng aud eccuro'ing tise trot ussxci .,o> 2- frendofprtyftise d*nelltngý-lrioe. ituste on th MîhJI .Afren fpaort c during hie Ji e. ïrilni auýey, fonnieri>' o! tiis it>' (3)'Co tise paymeut ve Mary Coouey, wifo cù xao o London Ont., received a lettera William Cooeueofa! ite TowusBIlp Of UClr aewmonths ago rtating thab Mr. the soraid ot t isumo.40atrtiedsi k>' hd Bright's disearie. 0f course no Tise vondors 'iill reserve tise rigist te malt hop o!hierecover>' cculd hO heid out. ane bld ou tireproperty. aihi smenth, the same friend bas ne- For furtiser particulars andi tens sud con cerda letton froýmMr. Laugle>' statiug Ved ÈunSoiertr signeoner thtlie lsa m-oe>'crd o! the SUPPfOS~ Dated tise StisClay of June, 189L1 cea fatal isorder. Mr- .Latîge> 1cy BaYno SAMtJEL BURDEN, D. BURKE IPO sicine did binua any good util lie ho- Auciioneer, Veudors' Solicitor, gan usiug Dodd'a Kidue>' Pilla, These Bowmuanvclle. Bowmlauvillý Isle inau froni the frBt Paîî lu the end Mnr' iIetfrsl vrwee beibid lmte perfect heaith. iadsLnmn o ae vrwee (Coudnsed vom he .es' MsMadMiller l i itîng r-friaLda at Cf 1à water. Derb y pBi-g Smtfoking Tobaco 13s N td For (QuIality,5,1 And 2q ýOcenit Plug. Mliss. EsttllIa Martin le home f3 rom1 TxBEST AYRIEET.Mn thuanao!usoiitdletters alà',Ve, Emuiion ronithose cured tbr7ough1 its use, o!; Cos pto ud Scrofulous dI's- ensýes!' Noue eau pak. m ne dul i! bi those wbohavetestediit. 11ev. C. Adaýms viie abohrFred at ÏPicton recalit". ýAth1ete Cig'arettes, mo1re sod cfi etts ombined. - Barusreresideonce, South Wrisý No Derb'y PIug Smiokiuig To- bac Is Genuine lJnless it Bears Thie Derby Cap Shaled Tag.i55 Mr. Joiiu Miller, sr., bas ruadle a vast improvemnent lu bis reideneE. Doucotdespairo! curing your sieck bead- jache wheu you eau 8o eami1y obtain Car, ter'e Little Liver Pille.- They wilt lleffet a prompt aud ptýrrm.nen-ti cure,. Their - tiona is mild sud natural, Mrs. avid Bradie>' has returned to Toronto, iinproved in bealth. BAuD Dîxt Y2Ç 4.-WXi..-T cave llers sufer greastly froin the differeut kinds of water they are compelled to drioýk, as nothing lin no likely tobriug onaRn attache of Diarrhea sas change o! driukîug ,,water. Perry Davis' Pan Killer is tne oly safe, quick, eud sure cure for Diarrhea, Cramnpa. sud ChoIerat Morbus, and the i-alite o! eveiy trav eller so contain a bot laefe the W:xture, whbch he eaui pro, curE at any reputable drug store. 25c. for a large bottle. The 8toce work o! thi3 stables and bâtru of -Mm. A. McCona-chio la completed. Mr. Wni. Pringle did the wLoxk. AGooD APrn'IEl.--Alwiys accompanr- ies good health, aud an absence o! appe - tite le an indicali 'su no! sioimethiiig wroDg. The unîversal tesîtimiouy iron by those, who haro îis-d ood's Sarsaptirilla, as to lita Merits ln restotsing the appetite, sud a puifier of the blood, conseitutes the strougest rcmeua:nthat cen ho urged for auy medicine. Hlood'a Pilla cure ail lirer 11e, bilions, nets, jaundice, iudlig'.iou, ick ha ýdache. unr baud will f riehJ mu.ic for Oronoi L.0. L. at the 0Renue demnenstratio)n nt 'Newcafle, July 12, No one knedbter tixan thote wbu bave usedi Carterse Liffle Livor'Pilla what relief they bhave given whrn taken for dyspopsia, d'Izzluese, pain iu the- ide, constipation, and iegordered onch Ladies' Aid o! Chittan Church meects, at Mrs. E. Davey'si July 4. STo CtËuÂiivs BFÀUTY,-0! ail the dia. eases with which the buman fimily iia a. ficted, noue raist mo-e mneasurei fi)r treat meu)t than skiu didordors of a chronia raýtura3. Pimple3andsudsllowneEss are among the mont aggrivating troubles of (Aoerwî30 prtty woomon]. "Thie8e diffil. cultios" asys D-. E. C. Itadley, "mnay ho ent',re.y overcome by tbe cotiuued usie o! De o'jay'sLiver Lozenges by taking one or two rogrularly alter every meal." i hey are aold'at 25 cents a box or 5 box. os for a dollar. 1M. John Chester of Port Sidney,visit-. od bis uncle, Mr, Thosý. Vicer3, sud .other f rienda. A Remiarkabilo nr.-.W, Jernnion, Gil~rd-Sentbetw3eeuq$200 sud $600 iii cnUý1L'ti1ug DotDr3; t1ie Dj-ixýous and ail othïer re lont bot tno befit. On)ie b 'X of'e Oatarrh Cure did me moegood lthan iail otherrme i n l fart i conidtr imyse.If cured and with a ~5 tsi bo aithat, 1Mr, John MmnPnincaton College, N.J. sudhia sinMiJulis Moment,' lSwyrksro Visitiug at MrA.1. cm1ent's. 1C. 0. FoS'S, ESQý., C.E., Sr.N. 'S. 1CEN ItU AfL ILw , !N. S ,wie; keop K. P. C. eonastantly ou baud. il should net 1know how te get' on iitbout it. For msuy years I have aufïQredl with indigestion sud acidity of Éhe stomaîicb. I tried a great miany remecdies but found no tboroUgh relief d tried K. D, C. jbai e recomme'ideod it to msyothere, 1sud lu i ev ery case with beneficial re3ulýz. I h ave alao found it an excellent cretv iu cases f summrer compL-Iht.* .1Patrons o! Industry Pîclo pstpouced - 1t---a A-rdae, oiabi seaers uot THIS as CoNCENThÂkTON-Ouele p1 ad dose, one box 25 cents, One pli1 relievem constipation; One box cures au ordinary case, One pill taken weeisly nieutrsiizel ~formation o! unec acid la the blood and epreveuts Bright's Kidue>' disease au( -~Diabetes. True onhy o! Dr. C bage's Kicï ney Liver Pille. -'-un My litile girl iwas oua xnointh old,se ha cbforin inouher face. ItL-kepi spread- ing, until she wsýs comleicly covered from lsead te foot. Theni she bad hoila. She had tort,; on hber l'tad. at onelimie, aud usure on lier body. Whcu si months (1d she did net %weigli seýven poudsýl, a pv~ n afls ihnat th. The ihec s i strid t-dry I np sud g id bdshe could notîtisrcc teaie, u lai ibtheni hall open. AUout this limec, at tise earnesl request of frienda, I siare.d usiug theC CUrrCUsA REMEDIES, and ii e an mnh e was com.jlely cured. Th,-ecdoctor and d1rug bills Nwere over otle len- 2reldoidatrs, tise Calicots hill a as nul more thau, 'fîve dlla rse My child la now iwo yeara old, strong, healthy ansd large as any child of bier age (sec photo.) sud iii ail owing to CuriciRA. Yourswitis aMoher's lessing, MIRS. GEO. IL. TUCKER, JR., 335 Greeýnfieid Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Sol trouhot he wrl.Porras IYRzG ,No' ^CmrI. Coeasr., sole propueceors, Ilosiont. Mailed fret, "Ail about tise Blood, 5k, Scalp,,sud Hait." Paby Bteiss i,ÇWng haie, snd rcd, roug1s 3taisds pxcv*îted anmd cured by Cutliura Sou6p.i SPEGIALTHI8 WE EKU The Gardon Party by the ladies of St, Savioiirs Church, at the re8idence of Mr, John iMcJomb aauce. A lectuire on "usie by Mr. Edwaird Oar8well, Oshiawa, deliited is bearers who were, kept in a coDtniaou-q tate cof imerrimient frùm start to finish. The musical part w as well Fsuîtained byi Mr. Ernest _Wilson, J'errytownl, Mr. C. G. Armaltrong and e OCOnIo Bu.ProCeeýds over $50. )' -'r. Lo'Woi m Syrup cures Il-d re- v 0,oves worms ,,3of al kinda iin chdeno aduitE. puice 25e. So!d by alildae Mr. Wîn, Keýùrr is Isfl i& brothers atMarkhsin. M"s. Jamles Gilfillan ls visitinc at lIer, mo Me', Mis.Andrtus. le expected boe this ek Mr. W. Petcy FietcheIr preaelhed in the ICtoda hurch IiSundaýy moreing) june 24with greatacetn. G-ENTEEN-O anubrfyesI suiffered froin deafnese, Esud Isat winter Y could scarcely bear at &Il.- I applied Yel- iow 01)ilall ana hear as well as anyone rio w Mrs. Tuttie Cook, Weymouth. Ný. S. Mias Jrôunia Alams, Bowinanville, visit- ed with ber sister, recently. Mr. E. J. Saunlders, sud *faMi1y, Bow- mianvi1e, apent Sunday week here. A reception. was given Thursda> eveii- ing at th)e Parsonsge, Newcastle, toe11ev. G. Copeland and famnill. Mr, John Milîson of Orono, died June 21oed. Ho was hljghly eoteenmed b>' al who kniew Ihim, lie made h imself useful lii chiircli work, beinig a memlber of the Methodiat churcli for veý-ry mrany years. He leaves a% wife, a son and a nxumber of near relatives to mouru bis mss. The ro- Mains were conveyed to trie Methodiat cbiurch, where Revp. Roai and Adrns conducted the huriliserviues, Tlihe pooplo quickly recognizo enrt, an this la the roason the sales of Hoo4's Sarsaparilla are continually llereasing. Hooýd's is "on top." THE PRIZE MAY BEYOURSI DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY EASILY 1Paine, elr Coinpound Does the ,GoodWork. Nýo troubles arc more common snd pre. Valent in C)ur idat tLhan dyspepsia and nervous debility. Thiese horrld alments m iake life inisiale fo)r thousands, and man> ýdie every voar loeause they have receivedipoe treatmuent and bad care. i udrd of lives durlng the past year haebeen psaved b)y Paine's Celery Corn- pouwd, that wondtrfuil mecicine thiat copooso su sccAsafully wlth dyspepio, in- digestion ,ind ail nervous affections. Mr. 1-. G. Pciritr, merohant, of Bell. edt7ne1, N. B., writes us followe -Lt give3 me very great plea2ru-re to say s3omrethlinglu i favor cf youlr onderful rernedy, P'aine's Clery Comr)poudt. My objeotil tote lt otheraknow what a nkau able merdicine iA is for tho3e who are afflicted with dysipep-aia sud nervous de- bilityu. For years 1 have beon a victimi of theme dreadful troubles, and have suffered terribly fromn timneto tine. 1 have tried to, -et relief and cure by uing varions advertised miedicines, but ail failed to give thie desired resuitî. 1 fortuuatèly gave youir nieicino a trial soule time ago, and Fôoiu found 1 I hd got hold o! a valuable and hon)Ieat agent. t oon icomimenced to 1do m-ie good, and ater UsýIg it for a iae it bias cured Me. 1 kunow oF nothing I can sýo strongly re- commiiend to the Suftferiog dyspeptic ; if-it la sihfuly uad t w]1give hlm a new and en joyable lil!e in8tead o! 'misery and woe. 1J cannot 2say too much iniiit3 favor, and woud rge ah roe give iii a trlial at 1onice. NEIW SHOEMAKER. Having rcdOý the g,10ae sbop formenly occupiAd b>' the late Mr. Buner, 1 bêLg te announce thjat I amn prepared to do a1 kinida o! ordered work in making aud re- pairiug boots sud shoes lu the beat o! style. A good lit guarauteed. Flue ne- paiiing- a speciaty. A call .olicited* A. KENINEDY. Bowmauvihle, Feb, l3th 1894. "THE TfflUTMPII 0FLQVE" 15 UHAPPY, FSIIiTEUL MAItRIAGE. o c 2 WOOL ! WOOL' Wooleu Miii. auy qusutit>' o! merchant- able -WUAi, fojr which the higbest cash prics will hoe paid. Flanuel, biankets, stockirng ysrn, , a f nil stock on hànd to exchaiîge, for wo.ReI cardlng,. spiuiu, ec.,doue as a uial. ThaýnkIng- for s cotinuenca orcîim.thes and l îý 2~2 m D. TAYLOR., WOOuL WANTE D. f or auy qantitycifwool de ivee ue dor sa f SiXEMNofie om LEWIS QUICK. ýý 7_/à AUGTION SALE OF LAWD STEWAET ESTATE. Everv MlarsWho Woula Knew t1C rand Trths; the Plismla acts; feNi Lc- L ld:igndla eav(in6rCýo& triesofs etMecal eteisce as applie d4tet" ramtire Honorable and .Atomuoy CGneral ton lWarriedlie, Who weisls atoine 1er 1P ast tise Province of Ontario tlie Adml1nistrato)r ot Errors and avi oid Future Flfals bOsuld thse estate et Allée Mary Stewart. late cf tise Seeure the Wonderfil litllo Booh- ';tlletTowuaisip crf Darliugtan,'wife ef John Stý e Iwart, CON IETE lUANHfOOD, .d10 e t aeetts aeplace. Taller, deeeatsed, and tain 11" from tise Execuior ofthtie will of tise satd John "floere at Iaset is lu!formation from a bigh Stewart. te selI by ' Pbic.uction att tise medical saurce that must worlk wonuers BENET WM01-SAnVILLETown with this, generation o! mien." O INV LE0- The book fui1>' descnibes a methodl by SATURDAY,71 JULY,M 4 wbic toattin ou igo aumauypor- i et hohur of twuo clocklu tise atteruoLu,tise or. toilowlng parce' of land. viz:, 1A inethed b>' wbieb to end lail uutu-Elgisi.eigisi, acres mnore or !eesabolug al', ai drains ou the syetomr. tisat part of Loi'nmber 32, lu tise 2nd Conces To cure uervo)usuesa, lache o! sel!co-io thtie owusisip of Darlugion owssed by tise said All eMary Stewart ai lir e 6 ansd i roi, despoudene>', etc. uow lun tisecoccupation et oue Sidney Trevail TIo v ehange a jaded snd wou ature as tesant, A narticular, description of tise for jeec brigistuess, buoyancy, sud p-promises wiîch is tao long for insertion liene, wvlU be given ai tise sale or un application tQ or., tie underslgn ed. To culre foneveýr effecis of xese, Tise sail ilas ad ta beý a Productive sandy overoîkwern, et. lam, ta be woll waiored. ln a fair Bs taeof ovirorkworr, oultlvatian, M1 acres tisoreoaf ean arable land To give funl streugth, devlopaset as d sudtis balance covered wtis second growtis tcoeto every portion !ud organ o!fteCim,6r There las sald te ho erected theron farm buildings consietilea!fa 1 i storv dwell- Age re bannrer. Failur e ipsibe fi x 28 fi attauhed, sud a barsn80 fit 12 fe1 2,000 noferences. wi tn elr The boiok la purely mnedicisu siet-Tise property la sitoate abouc 1 1miles distant from tisie tawus of 0ehawa sund owmanvlle ifie, use)lea3 to cuniosit>' seekers, luvah- sud accessible te a eci by wond roads. and la, able te mon only wha need it. c0nreïjeDt1y siiuated withs regord ta Posiý Oflie, Cisurcis, Scisoansd 1Railway Station, A despaiintg man, wce bapplied teo Us, Tire sale will hc subjeeitet a reserve bld te soon suter wvrote: be ïlxed by tise Veudeor. "Well, 1 tell you that firset- day ila01e Ternis sud conditions off Sale :1 A aunI dfownL l'Il nover fonget. I mest bubtiled wfi jo>'. at toue af sale equal ta 1-.10 ofI use purcisaso- 1 bem ad tise balance withtu 30 dayu ftnm 1 wnte tohugeviy,'.odyandtel teratir (,ofsale. Lt desired arrangements can lbe my old sel! had d ied yest'erday aud ru> made ta carry twu thirds af tise puncisasrx uew self wae bonis toda>'. Why dîdn't Qflly on a usongag on1 tise prfj1emisestria teri o vergbearing irits., t aiC6per cent. you tel Me 'Wh'en 1 fre1t ns rote that 1 per annum. oierrspcstiseconditions would find It thie way i"otsale wlll1 be tis aiîadingconditionsofette And euother thua Iligh Conrt o! Julstice.- If yu duped carloado! gid I>oee~ez5aoiaiven for plcuigrslng after narveau "If ou dalpe a artlad o gol atin tis year sud complote PossesIao on u t a ru>'fot it would net brio,, sucli gaduese day eoiN ovember. 1891. into my lil!e as yeur methed bas donc. Funtiser patilculars wfil be glveuatt urne et Write 10 tihe Eux oMixac-A.L Ccýmràiy, sale or on application t0 A, S. Toosx. Cor. tice, or to tise underslgned Solicitor çorA- Buffalo, N.Y., sud ashe for the little book tilneer. called "'Complote Manahcodl". Refen to Dated Juue 2ud, A. D. 181S9j. this paper, aud the couipan~y promisies to P. BUJRKCE SM5 aend the book, lu eeaied envelop)e, Sih olicitor for Adrulitrator aud Execuior, ont an>' mark., sud outirel>' free, uni tli t 1s. C. 1RUNICýIN , ie well introduced.. Auctieneer, Osisawb. A i We' have somethinig special to say to the public this week. W have been fýorbîInate in securing some bargain.s and. we- are going ,o ive our ustmir the benefit. IRead the fllowing: Dress ,oIds, new, "'uSt anved , speeial pýicef" 10 8hadles, double fold, ail wool Sege, ome stores wouId ask 4oe. our price 25e, A few pieces bjeautiful wide cotton delaines regular 15c, goods, now vbeing sold for lO0c. These will soon go at this pïice. Somae special prices_ in prints, regular 12! uality Jfor TOc. Te usual 10c. print for 8c,. One Une at 5c. a ya-rd. Our stock of Parasols is going very fastL and no wenider üonSidere in- the price we are selliýn eàat We want yoil to see ouir Ge. FaIctory C-otton, you vouljdgeitL a wýorth 8(s'. We Sitouidn't seil less than a fuît pieýce at tliis price, but 1you1 can buy any quantity vol-,wish. Good Shaker Flannel 5. a yard. Bo-,,,of assortedl Wool anud Cotton [Hos, 10e. a pair. 11We ha-ve had a riushing tradle this spriDLg while others are eom-- plaining about dul l imes. It îs the prietat eount. You wIil--1 ways find bargains at JOHN J. MASON'S Dry Goods and 1 Jewelry H-ouseý. JustReoeived, 14.1 Men's and Boys' Suits. These are very choice llues, and bouglit cheap for Cash, 110 Darnaged Suits (smoked only) stili left, We will push the sale of these goos-sorne.of them at less than haif price A great chance to get Boys' School Suits Cheap. SUITS TOO-(:RD-ER: Black Worsted ýSuits .......... $1 5 0G GoDd Tweed Suits..............0 Canadia-n-Tweed Pants......19 AlI-WOOl JHalifax Panits. ......... 1 7 5 Men's llats-a- very large choice; an extra fine Fedora In ]argc sizes up to 71 ......... .... Price $1 2 Boys' Rlats from 25 cents up.tI Melissa Coats, the best waterproofs iu the market, (slightly damaged) were $15, now $10. Ends of Tweeds, slightly damaged by -smoke, at half, price. Bootsand S oes!Wc are tseling as usu'al j.-:b ots 1and S oes 1large quantities. Twr rêpeat orders just. received in ouvr favorite lines. THÉ CILOTHING STORE, for Bargains. à

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