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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1894, p. 1

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TDBMB :-81~OO Pi~ Â~uux, OUR TOWN ÂND 00UKTY B OWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, LD ÀJTERWÂRDa. &Y, JULY m, 1894. M. .& JAMES Eonroic AN» PROPR~rOEJ Voi.UMZ XL, NUMBI~P. ~S Season.abl'e Goods. ~JOHNSTON &_ORHYDERMAN UuuuII ASLJPERB STOCK OF NEW COODS: Suitable for the present seasonî. their beautiful stock of [N ew Gre8ýs Goo"uds Swhich conitins ail the latest Materialsl in low andci edium- price.,d goods asý weUl as a lovely range of costumres ini I sin gl DressIgths, Theeaeeauti-i ftu1 goods and very mioderate in price. A big assol'tment of Wo1ol Delaines ini creami and black gro-unds-the very ne west clesilgns and Ilhe prettiest grods' ofthe kind ever shown in town. They are also sliowing an irrme.-nse stock of new and stylish Parasols im- ported direct from the manufacturers, and the best value they have ever p GOLOH5 OHNSON &OYEMANL, High Prices and Hard Times M U J (C Oiwenrmos tok of season1abe styles is Openedi and r-u1cy; sucle cqualities and sucI low prneus weave noever befoe ben o.blo' toofr our culstornerois. A thoroughly first-class sokcornbiningl 4uhyand elegance "wit'10\Vp 'ices. Cornu in and sue hinwest; designs and nOst sur vicetlestyles of týhe season in Lad i, eie ii»niý and 'Children's Boots and ShPsJubber Good"s, T;rUDk,,: etc., thie newest idJeas, the best gçeod~s jýý mae h ret l -ety and i ih res 6grei ices waihin h ra of Lau", now is the: ti& O býuy. Everybody is dlghe wt ur d i fSr an£!Sume goods and you wilU. Cail and lauwa ~esae I tafctinand ecomomy there iîs in tr-adig wt DOWN! DOWNIlaDO NI Bo"INDER TWINE G>RE7ATLY RDOD We have the RLD CAP and BLUE LIBBON TWINE anid guarantee quality and price. Hr-ARVESTTOL" Ha.y Forks, lIakes, Scythes,'.Sniath'ýs Selitho Sitonesý, Turnip Iloes and aIl kinds of farm ,-iitools ýin great va-rie-tY. MACNE-- QILS. Wot hlave the PELESand L~IE lebs bratids ln the iakt RODCK -BO-TTO-M PRICES. #STYLE, DURABILITY,# A.T ,seCONOiNIY. 11rosera.W s bo nc J es n at hm e . - î b Ei.,ors: b. D Er .EV'a s 1 a r7ntfo;d (76 ic the y : ,Ster, Tarnto, rpand Mr. arnd ' ui- iUs nonf Htampon aela .a t *. Jolif' SIIOL.hd an eeywt 6-rc oi h . T.Sunday: & 0,, o Lla.u, Que. aer iýS.Wm., Foleyd . St Caen hacoe einve tad lu s ly. fd ok A, Mr R. _MiG. Fey, Toon.,, secinge eu:H . C ., Muie son, Brnod; . issPol BarkeTooao dMir.acdMia Ambrose Trnouh pton..Rv. lhscusSier Sunay;MrR.MomntOIno, (Ehieg]: d > mydnnglt r0-Laîtoai wa set away franitlîohosptalas te dotors there euld deî' ncthng e hep lersud aidscWood nover, lie~~~~~l au ote.blews navery o 10 condii wate tethi coner somedte akelier feel ivor, ahfor 1. l woeks s !1( irais unile Ceoge" LwA tha U tsa of Mer Limbs amied Pf f adt prpeuplipim elis. fic xvoul go t n A i :unî a ovemet fhi houel. Al ieidn 11o îedta do wt liered is ai lirI o, w11 ts sdc dor oes noqi pae iiwntr w'VIThnta Su. Phyiciaus ttrer holding ctîam m»en,1 Iscumrai.'l Wut , aid as long ci I, eetl gos batleai loa's arspallad adrnit. regnarly Sîm le etisroîîvg, walkc urond C4îoat:i o oull udfomIinrtsema Celi ailn!Xtagi. 51eli en irt MseaCm-te -5sCa SaMmrsapar.i» S"isM of Bindier twî,-ni recenti. LicroII and wife visite"d ri-ca [y... Rec3nt visitorsý: Mr. Broad of -Meriposa; Mfise ,' Ncwto'nviliez; Mr, Johin Curriu,'e Cresiul'; Mr J, wife, Ilurmrnoy; Mr. Geo. a; L1ev. C. W. Reynolds, U1 B. Rcyno!ds, B. A., mdAn Enorinous increasing Sale, re. Levi Taylor aud Mis % have beaui gucsts cif Mrs. us, but have now 7rfturiicd( i Aahton je sill i ýery skie Roach and dau.Ahter pur trip to Ungiand in the nlear . M.11 Elliolttlies gone to -ha S. of T. concert on thu, ýe 2nd. iüet was weli paitron- vame o-1 football be é ween el Solina on the 2n~d aud ulted ia a victery for theý il ta O ... Receut visitera:- >Josephi Ruse and dauiglter, ,use, wife and cbild, Toroni- tL Ciemre, Tyrone; Mr-,, ruelpb; 11ev. Wý. R. Roacli, bý asa Clark, Peterboto; ihousý, Ottaea....The ani- 'vices werg a g!eat scee i up cures and re- 11d1 lu chjîdren or old by il dadaits. LLE. La.ümian, Wood, Pickerng.... Mr. inied by Mlr. Fred. ?, lie gne on a the niorthurn lakes ed To o In the Market1 , 10 cenit Plugs. CO URTIC73. ýoltt]e, Columbus, is guestoe Gibon.... Mr. E. Tonkin sand la'>... mr. dMis. T. W. ve retuîued atter a prolenged finsin Londan.... Mi. snd kOorespn't Sunday with i Pckein. .- .rJohin 8. owu , c unday et hie aId Theý au-nuaýl plouk et ofthe Ebn îIth League wvill te hcld at Mlr. verson's beachlu na few days.. ilite, Late e1 Englandis viitlng ei, Mr. Wmn, Wite. . . The Anmy ha-3ie 1"v[i l w utntpst ýa eti beýing conrdtlctedl cby th e Lie ut . ...Mr. Wrighit% wýell ut the Enitrinc xamue. Thiey maae eueleal u s th o ug ieau !vnl iving, Te ke enaet atf Ltl liver IPillo atter eatiug; it willi reiecf dy- spe'psiýa d digestion give touoansd vigor 10te ieystem.' l 1T, (JARS WELLE, Seice(Areport for June. Nam"s iC) nert Chea u eder of ment. Si. 4, Walter Arumeur, Bonnie Richarde, Eva C rtv.Jr. 4, Wesley Saiter, Eîunma 1Coruish. Si. 3, Edua Couikh, Ells Wabster, Edaviný Toeley. Jr, 3,, Elsie 1.a'eu, aud Haneock, Viola Itundie. Sri'. 2,Homer Goyne, Estella Richarde, Weüsley Nicbo1o. Jr. -2. Ethel Baleon, Ethel Ltt, Fraunkie HanmCccie. Pt. 2, Nellia Salter, LoCheý Richaýrdo, Russel Ga Y. 1Pt.1, Gre rviPercy Walter, Wesle2y hort. Ifighset percent- agq etf msaaks takeni by Elsie -Balcon, 92. Avaia"2 atteudanca for thea nth 52. Repert for tramenthe ending June -th, 1894, am o f first hrea lu eider of mert, Si,. 4, Walter Armeur, Bannie Rlichards, Eva Ceurl-ice. Jr. 4, Wesley Selter. Emrma Corubli. Si. 3. Edna Corniish, Edavin Tooley, Ida Hancocie. Jr.ý 3, Esie Baileon, Msud Hsncock, Verna Copie. Si. 2, Hemer Goyne@, Estella Richards, EmmnaSulley. 3lr. 2, Ethel Balsan, Raipli Toolay, Itila Whiftc. PtC 2, NeîtAïoSalter i, BîdieDean, lRussel Cisy. Pt J., Gorcden Trevail, Imena Armour, Perecy Walter, fihatpar. cintag etfmarks foýr lIme hrec rmentb,8,7 obtained by Elsle Balsoni. Avera-ýge a31-eidance for haIt year, 5.5. T. uý ejVxaiteacher. DAniel RiCz, Pîeprletcr sud Puiblishair 01 Cb, imeHntazrg, Ont., indepandent eays: Trechles, [ tcok a tcw bottie. of Shiloh'a Yltizsd it cured nm,. .I can hahl ~oard's Liniment reliavas Nenralgia. Tha, Enfliid choir aýn u Burkeou -aniversýary lest Surida:y mght . .. Mr. John Dycr hlilEd6a argeýi ra:,sing liut week .. The Enfleicd band iii go ta Lindsay the 12.h (f July end t1icy.expeat to go on an excuirsion to luskoki passiuig through ail the narthern lksabceut July -918t' 1' O STLR. Miss Maggie Lowry hiae returnei home, ... Miss Gertie Fo'ey, of Mapie Grove, vi!sited friands hre. ., Mie Vida Scott je homeo forvaain,..M. H. David- Bon presldcd aM High Sehool ezuininatioa et millbrook .. .. 7Mr. LU B. Davidion £n- tertained his pupils Et a gardan psrty ut bis residence Saturday wcýk, ... Mr. Sol- omion Lfeï'Ins e reOteda new dwelling in the village, Mr.S.Eldridge, carpenuter. iFree aSiples of K, D. C. îailed to any addres. K. D. C. Co., litd., New Gylas gow, N. 'S., aud 127 State Sreotn Mass Mrs. J. H. Kincade, Chicago, le vie*t- ing et Mr, Robt. Mnto, j',,..r. JolineýtùînMorton aud isons, Wiflie sud Johniston, Bethany, were at lii fatlier's. .....Mr. John Deweii le around aguin after hie savane illuess.. . RubF. TeKecdj, mau,,%y yeare a resident cf Kendali, cerni- miitted suicide ut Beth1any by putting< a bullet thiou,,h hie bruin,. M.i1. John White haïs a greut numiber of coloniies of bec.. ceis, ut prtb;aut sc. Will Cooper l i a iudi5pofead. IIOODo'S PILLS aie purely vagketable, oarafuiiy preparcd frotux the best ige. Mr. Fred Protor f T<recto is visitiuig friends er...... Mr. Fred R'obbiîue was laid up two weaks with s a me lage, etl'tcte of a kiuk vwhcn playing, foot bail . . Our foo-t bail tesai Wsidone by to i lsand boys Saturday week 1 to 0. .,.ýAt the Leaguî eetinig on Suriday Rev. G. H. ,ajeîofai ur âuiuueues naVee en away aSti Newcacîle sud Boywmeuvijlla wrestling wiîhi thaex iatns We wieh thlena succedse. .- -.E. W. Toril'in o e]troit1 Medical Ccollae li as bau Viiitig his brothecr ...MTe Truc Binesarce ukn great prepar&tion'i-e rcebatn th l2LIh ut N caatle. 1,1,0.The woo au atr N 'W VTON VI L L , Newtnvile L .L.Ne. 11, eeste NewcastlE ou July n12.. . .Mr. ýChanes Tiio,.ipson and family etofSt. Loujis, areaut Mie. Thompsu'e, ï3nr.... Rev, W;eslcy Down, eft]Nawport, wifki and fami]y, hava been cordiully Weicoe te Chie circuit, Mrs.Thos. Mlorgani, Tarante-, sýlei er mùtjr's....- Beforo 11ev. R. T. sud Mrs. Courtice took their departure the M'Cth. odiets rresanited thcm wthau uddress and puise et$f5, ua -set 4et silver kuIIves sud torUe,.. MlsqMoto ope, le visitiu.g ber sietr td.1J. fIT, Pen. wvarden,) Our teacher, Mies WeatlternIlt. hbac gne ho0me for blidays. . ..Mies L.Milgn Tarante, je guest of Miss3 Walliesalah 20r, M. J. S. Sharpe vis>teL frieud16hEa recenly. ..The guýrden pr tMI* Jas. S ta'k'à awse a.grandscesh large cîowd iijoyeçl themac"ýives wýith annelaýï ý i n varioce games. Af toi tea 1e.A. 1Leeilie o-cpying tha chai,ýr, e.M. Robincn, Nawasîlega-ve ai sdce Messie. 1Lawsor>, Poneyt î1 ;Kelly, Gerden fHill ittle-, Oon J tewart, Slxth Lu; sd O. Csl.Knul >Siu"ieg 'bY Miss May i aahinsd club awngii t Mse sore ucr ntal mcsic by Iviss J. IHawthoîý,,.Sour villa of Orun sd othe-s. 1 hie progressive towunship net ta be ha- hirid the front lu leyalty sud enthcii3asmn if so in location trnued eut en umaso almeet te jein lu jubiiutiug ever the vletory et the Couservative candidate ou W"edncs- day. Mr. W. H. Reid vrs uccompauied frorm Bowmauville by the Orgau baud, Mi. W, P. Prc wer, Mayor Hughes, Mi. Jno. N. Kivel sud îL A.Tole, othere, joined l in 0ng tiheiae.At Bunketon Cfa t..ncwiighL ninigent with neuil baud met the haero of the camnpaîgu sud ail procaeded te lao oi where atter parading the etîcets the crowd assemxbled ut the drill shed wheîe sEnt sp 6eeches et a harmiess nture avare dclivered by Messie. James Pari, Wý . .Raid, M.* P. P. .Trebilcocie, T. W. TUnderwood, sudà W. P. Prower. Mfajor J. Hughes 8moved sud Mr. Ormand Soper seaonded a vote ef thanke te the bauds and the progiam en&dd Misses Edua Jobb sud Carnie Bacockie peented the speakers aviCli banquets. Thob Ladies Aid eft the Pic"- bytarisu alunai served a splendid tes te aut im-mensge crondd sud made a profiýta-ble transacOtion eout eftlime dmntain The Late Càa.a. Tod. It is oui niocruiful duty to hrnil the sudndeath Of Mi. Chus, Ted onGr Friday evcing abe)ut 8 11t)ck. i ad becu iling from biiliousnccc sine ndy buit ) ne sîouts reuits weîe lapprchcujded" c'y Dr. Beiti who attendedhomy Hc had cnplaincd saine ofJ sev ere pain in tchu head, but as his temnperature wAac daily approaching normial condition, he 3wus theuiglit te, be impîovïing. FràIday lie feul taqee eary in tte evenlingan bt8 0'clock Mis. Tddiccovcered that hewas nlot brcatbýing naurl ad ,sEnt for- Dr. Beith vwhlo was ceuprco u sdwa sr priscd ite fln t the vital sparehd Ped. The iîeit cause of death ceefint hiave been eeîebîal hemoirîh,%ge o(r thc burcing ef a bleod euel iu Mhe bAsn, which muiy have 'beeni the rcit of the fui! from a Iadder 10h ihe ustaiued about 15 meinthe ugo weuhe îwac ot-herwi.3e serioiacly injuredI. The inews of-,hie deat spîead otver tewýn very r:iiidiylsd n lecal event that hias tîanspiîed fer a loýng time lbas elicited miore real suptyfor the bereaved eOeS. Deceased wais boruý at Pels et land, Julie 28, 1832, hce w as nlya few,ý dsye puethic 621fdlbiîthiday. lic re- sided ut Markhlam fercene 3ear prio t iacating ilu BeýwmuIvillcever-29yer ugo. Uc %us a mau ef very ctrng par- s(jnslity, ance who thoughit for himif, ver,; tirLniu lihic opinions and docidLu is actions. FU was very highîy respect- cd smcui9g ic feilow itewusmen for ic exý- cellent buIsinIess habits, bieîng alwaLys very promipt te fultil hicý engagieents, eec aîîd scrupulously straightforwai(d iu ail his trnaci nud a geucrous sud cu- tepiigcitizen. tie had thle respect and cofdence of a gîcat number of eus. temlers su1-id lbac for Imany years -conducted a presperous business as baker and con.- fectioner. fIe was a public spiîited in sud teck ,gîcat interest lu towu laffair, sud bacý been hoiuorcd for several years- with a seat ut the Public school Bad ths year bcing the chiairman. licmas a great reatder of1 high dcsliteratuýre and cenversed intelligcntiy 0ou a variety ef cubjeets. Lact vear lu con.nny -with àL ,eiivered. >a vo y Fiwlt elg -um ics chaýraCcr as aciiznfrieud snd idhCad ef~ ~~ I s ail. fewcafaitldfm Ieu-iber cf thiePebteinChurch, 'a liberal sup..)- porter of churehumes sdwesedm aent -füfroxm the Sabbath evie. u. -ing the heur cf Éthc funerai oun ody th e p)laCces ofbusiness ,weîe cosedeu e Ucat'iou sud the tchers of tePbi Willi,ý1am ad Robert sud Thamas Pý fateýr. sIon, Esqj., of Chic tow, A!eaudler Scott, Ecq., of Býarrie, -a fre colei aud Mr, W. RaIIkin I U"BPrarttord wc the pri-ncipal ciuurs-. Tepî-err wvee'ail cdeacons ,3or ofiiinluSf, Pu John MecClllan, Johu ci tî,Ca Pearson sud M. Pre. Tine floral tri-. btes werc very huem.Bcdsleuy- in", a well analih d u prsprou hui. nece Mr. Ted ewned the praperty ccupie as residence,h bakcry and Storchoucs attched aud thfiline brick, blocke in whlich he hins carred an buiness. He had aIso ceveral thousand dollars lMfeieuance, s ot hlh;Wîfeand tarily ae WCllprovwide For Prier ta leaving for Scotiand lus, yoar hY tecsthe wisc îrccawun tAmake) bis W il.Te bere a wfe and childen have the deepest sympathy of eur citien in ir tc2irrbly suddcu bereavemet,, -PHOýTDS PHOTOS! Tait & Go. eac-aýirke isegoa! Craýyon PU( traits for 11eeai um c(f .,O frandai anyAwua s Ceau ofer Chem. Mmn' be imposd oi by aente wh waa theEc imes as ni. chmoucy for the came qualiy cf p1ctua but ce!l snd moa Tait!c exce eamplea Abeagiving your ander aud you wil e are sure ba pleased aWit ther pWok T.:it. & Ce's photographe eau net hab excelled And the people know it. That le whv they patranize Ihlm. T.hcy keep up te the etyle3 lu cardesud hava emaïn veîy pretty new one now. CJuil sud sea their photos unyway if yeou't want sea etfveur ewn, Nwo reIL-3S'hoAN3po.ntpargt eopled hal rieCeiprapr the banrmloo conditluoncin heboylu a nrmale cndibtiof iud uoc- huatrange lu C num, i be t diseaxes Ca oedc Srsapa nilemable te cure. Sa anytrouabes reentotrom ithmure blo bod thathubusCd ayd ita is Iart tleto uei the brlod sud ti le ctai butrddtanuseouly h eex- vegewtabl cmuinetan e ad ote ca(rus with quinin aloel anüd ethar Hdrg. B tratig te le, ithm and'e anspnllrouaa-0"uit reu su aws ar cinronlycalliý, edburs;' dynsupepi, ca tarhrrubletsua, r-~g ceInsut aien sud toB the roblas haor- Ignae I inaurtis tCi"bcooi paired circulation, eau al bu 11(3 .l 'SelRiEs, IBRMB:-81.50 Pru Axyux. 'XTI OUR TOWN ANI) COUXTY

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