-lieý ' NOVA SCOTIA GOAL. e occur. M:losiî accidents thtIU occur wîth :__i ________________________________or__lamLpa occur I'fromr filing themI- R pb ryR c pt.whiie býurnin.-Thij, le a nost dangerotus ivenaKotatiueJcti ,- - 1-ý ý s WI1I Buld Bi;iF ,4o k li a 5ctaýe s ý,ý, and 1Perfet 1 mo o PDspb,-,rylReeips.and:wicked proceeding. The vapor from the i I afàServieable Sa!. Harm y leîIteen Sien anil U.Aaag- !ofrro cI%/ r , e b-% q, a4D-ii + ýr The com mon ûrgar e n r aýp e ry lias at ileaat open can is fired, and, of c urse, an ex- 7lut hle course ço! anliadd rss t a d enita l .ïn AA I-I,,C . r the dig niity of eld fan il. As far back as plsion results. conv ntio r cnl a d l gae r ma k drc e t special1 fro-m the Nova Scotia L5 ýi r Wlienyou ak fo a Roans. his ?ecie__asthe fritsorthethrif flo Stinlnesi â P À3TIruPt, the fourth ce-ntury ift was eulcativated by the hat thiere is notý, one tooth lest now whero ol ditit sa. :"T i er promises , t prefe-rr*!nô iIý t ! Ritan, Tiý speis wj he irt f te hrit otStio.!.iies.thiere used ,to be 100. The day o! reekless t ooeoficesd prosperity at the tne -,buit there are 0other --ti*eties, amlong it isn't stingfinesa thait setis down -,%-ery tooth pultling lias passed., It is a mi gty Jgi, Bik w. i en crido -- a ei- Ânes, lperfect harmony reiguns be- ,Foba-c.co,ýz %W ceiit p _ii thema !elw -American natives of bs value,-Pensent d uysoulwt canrbe)poor tooth thl) "th.e skilled opera-,tot' of te-!1 lci temnudthmagmnnw:_r.- "lý51than those roan nmprted stock. Ail o! Paidfora the tme-i lett ,cmo- da- cnnt enerfar btter and more st- twen- th .menandthe anagmentne i ý 0.!ýIcýy)~td, r a L,lasing thriftthat conduces to any ,eas- , ore C osrcin h 11_ 1 1ý. -them, foreign o ir domsi-y-,elo, mdas1 n îng elso bnut a goodbank y .vicablth an the betpo!ibl faie eu. h 1ses re Ilulcurs fcontrutioIl 10 1 !îl- p 1reit opartsrio! theevillage, lu addition- 1 t ilavt, he edpssecing lu soI al, ea. th ughyou ma ne tok a weifa y u porcelinero-l , al ea"wnc , la fast- the fivodoule buse and oneboar ng o eit pugute a boquet that la almîostfaromaltic. n leghbor, or your Ibouiý sett a e autLIfu- 1ened u-pori i se as te be qtiite serviccab:le houj'Ise th'e copaY are1 putting np, and , _ e Asl tecaewlhmotote ta fvril nhpy x Sposu ta ntevnth ee aIc , an mpoemua-r l rorsa h m us o!inte c pe culiah r ilfa ot lw i nc ooked. nover see chn, et e eat o n c lth e ar t i f i cial elle chuh- te ho m ved a Aro1it Raspbory Merin ue.)-L nooafpi-platemaud fot"toot-crowus comes argely a new eiilce hich iste coa about 4 î,L0/ the aspbrry s nýer qliiese g,,,.t Wece tat i th o- Pi: c ture f i ront afnd biyclue rfiera, who ae ery at te l bave hýel th lnerne tp rcd n te gors The 1,-ý,,, ý ,,, . 1rdr beris M ke mri aef é1i Cor Ieé tei ee rke ofshrt ople ing the now Epuccolcur chprgee nd ,,rin h U J t e w h tes ! 4 eggs beat n s if l t b l! ic-De ir c h -on But t ie st nd m ast e ies se t b ild ng. At he ino an w h rf an cuplul o! i e p ie wdrd u a, n w e t s BateFIl.o !thtd ntleureo l " mpanaton - m-ev metsar biu crldeu, he,,,4 b ofrasp sorr es. eatee rinue o top ode s rit on dsofa bttre w ch b 1 O , th1atiu ! e tet jt teja.latr engmdec ta-1,el au b e! wthe bersugluntde e-p Illae, a u d w ndeen w it e wouid fitâgean tý f,ý' -ie wbic For tisl puld rpe her teth ee uiydlodd atal ieo hetd. ag deiatl lute vn.Etasceusoldh fuhta hepesn ay r tan uariica ue.Coanehvugbenqatiis fteo caIaendwstands rB\PÂRITO&OO00, ï-O, 'k A hýcal a up oid wte r ; alaw cup bulung ue etarand oequýipmes. $oanyn oeoyajwl e.Ifteptetu et,.,adtoMr .t o o So-th el tne e e he r lu2e ruleymsPt nd t ctc-lu e th 1at g iio a s beabed, thetot b l r eha d y o u ept e Jo - a a d t.Ad1w s N . - i , ý -) [ LÀ r e, m adsetr nt a ite or 'oagh dcoved. poera tha, lorrt e drutw a picturo o!omay ho iastened unanplace by silver'wires mold .dct n hietehadn.to r11Iceetu, t evtlt o!iwaic heSicen Mr oCt iae re.reuunwaveahýnv ý srapberry Tif hiemal pong lo cae s, eeumitr atr.mtrel sit h lbdfrcmiigbadmn tnsaothm oeed ont a 1- -, laýýjrge asortîn__o ý 'RADE dI.AriK ag e r r t e d ru . Leasp ie - i Cp b sdw uateY D p iturTE, .-Ite Dw ic w mentbari iiall preserved$16.. ThOn e -ay eld b t he n t l c nt ct k niy t j ý , u h e L swe1rauvaii e iaoig ae a anacba dao1tt wn esre !dig It at grf t the cointempoarely ae vdii eaci eust abonucber,0 de- Y~R AL O R N .-losean acstrdo!th ilk, tLe nand the- loto the 11I ),,Cob ! a crý ot htartethe vleefn afosueso t aveli g irdcls i l tavry rao abe rt $cngleeg street uorth.1 hik The promises.tila ee5 1in tIconstateint ely ilnilla.',su e god ieue w 'h IerïcevT% enW , pli te c ke; by hllo! ofe lu Th battle-fiei , bz , i end t b mlthe seen f, ýýVlrom it s 'Il)as. We n w Lftant e for lialea dily, bis exampbe wte g o llowd tePo. shd.stblet.-Tu groncotansè, ue te t om oir'Rre glass Idiah ;poa l! the euemy'a ma n i:on -bgin where d;ý, e t hue , h b c nt eut. ourls h ptet b anfnyfrteeefu1c m ay n.o r b t. rc s a icky egÈa-leîty tacedhy cut'agmdfrmi2c.Up ~ocalneub ie.Frptielr p l iehthebre ike d wlt4b sugar. Cever liai bas a e;saMq!ý1x'1 1 1ý te ut aie tootb iiý eii < agsru ortfoil owed _AL, t weegu)hLýad w aea. A'I,,, , .c 3 îe â - r àim t w igr li vinith brt heenntesads r-at ieee.Peier ! hai t s-, ne dscru ehgi Nebv loa1r TI-IE EAilIAN SATESVIAN th traigherof , andspre i ad a icein bossthan two mie.Mdm eunACIEL BRC N tat(ýietanadg-lýIi o i,.t them he t ai-lel q anthy oflo ers, featers e " - ýý~~~~~~~~~~ea he wlta a, lde, arry gri1 e a IitIcier di stace tan ý,ýI- eci' l jvtelii)t 1-,a ý-_ theC eggs -te b,. a t m eriIgue l littbe bis;îsbut tho limitation o! human vision, ickeo,,ýt, and sent them lu whMn. Gi-,r lofIi-ýber:ieii te ie-llean( brl hnok b eniten ud fitg naren thiatia 't l and 55bet aicaWune any ene tne. A ml G iueI ler th '1 e tt nOwLd-a JriB nsetC . I1 f,0O . IU U_ý lu ad en ce.aethorwinetse ovriesaand t e on O0 t ho ul efuh - h ,,eý-t(ao ' ,rtïpie, o pre hIcg oa. wbo hsi, il ad se,,l: -ýren t n thebmaoeuvresetan IO, 'MA C ,T 'bc pou- annum heope menlugueaslt top.. Il.amay o!thme fhettl, bzceit oý.îl iriiliitied. Wltbln this range * a he iindres \coy ad Care- ---- _ publicationbti gAdaient;i sssocke t-,gonunoehsewbydrav l f n took our f ,itl ul oarticesfor Phinisi. t, 10Cent lot linnuirie j du-et ij 1 r - Dabrkyeed zones coma;frIte anonzne mchuccn h sbjvtoilbncet wuc adth aepsi-Atte edidrctrsanforcah ou, ondd p r h e cbcuîeuo SbepngRoms ecotes t f e on e, opnd ithi, the ul')ýnd Oria ý l 1.-CLI tC"A Seten Lcls 0cot prlnow ate ; cimdobysome ,;1 Pitciestat on. hezoeo!ib clnn xeua ro ap a-s oratounen l bso, u al c ! e i l eet-ingeue o!tSalem s. tho accnt r,-_l ,ý>,>'e;,; M.A.JAES ubiserte ran aue tstprîctyneai astn cpeechanes eu bde mtnsa lieiye lteueaiv nrîsevause br elrne ete e ph'tigo _ýoIi th Élaîn oe boittberyboas; tn audmile_;- t t re theusa-I nd hea Ie l-ients adtheir 1 oapabi. Rat-lagisa aIi-oge. flas dyed andB.esTaeed lre ,o t 1c l aftrexned t, !rom thaepg-o, otes. itten unred metes a_'e y -1 v ron u rce l As a rît n m ucli 10W o clininRL a t8uN i-Eay es" [akoillalo ad Baycf,-zntdhth ilnIlgoubletohed a vt'nlehi Lbor ango o te-uwst rides bere byý'-lufe ,Il s uIlsim" V ,r ily ivt -ýe, o! rth euemy's ca leno, Ion th teiie- de1 __- Frodnn ahutelméauetteezmic,-aI-enp--ns n-té d V CrseLCe 't -houb,ý ld ho taken. Wbr,,ïuiere sain usetasin st-uct.i ol t hemdm paigtull, o whcb eesnetexced hate!,jcemon fac, huda noe, tc.-,eviu té kr 'IR ',ii hfbldwi, igt og1elteill Tonb heriewil ary îee budedte net ffciv ýe and , leaideerlu. h lu adcuaIve pweraareposssse by ____________Our_______________ limée14got uwaud nbesa ome meus hé eý:tre,s deaiiesihae r wlbaway ho ostn'Jurna o!Comerct-,iýe rcly h- n ohe reed.,sk oudug1tfo -doue/withiu e rangeeolPaboutahall that dia- aervedhtnailtheadifficuliy o!tappeyu.gsIbisSlieE1s e NTot of LymancSonsi mooés 4kn Epcalyu bs1 uieth ee-uudred moire binee woubd afore. a.bathing cený Luour 90n Excvuîulà.HATE1B 1ST M tirucilu the vcase O),)! tleehýi lrni uîl Ioa oe !emoiceti de Crain. The ,e tiffuesa o! phi ilomae p ra, ep,lew Se ses many diseases o! lb ejus _jý ze-ýý- . . 1Ir i ýth ic i hat'e wclitiu m-i ito.hing tl ly dr.esnto.au headin etabow'nd'o, o! w e Mr.lla t nten ti esumergýv ie _tü)e %ASL N OJT. sonp lu thde dr.e uasotlmBttothe "moral ,ed cceilrneuco th'Genitateny Ofv tief , head OOMENi 3i' ARî l te bsnc e otadeblnd Ièr l znheinslitaymai henirdee 1 znitoeptcbpouig adés- o ýgt "ulgh"pou LeaesCobum 8a m. ortHoe .45o nebote wo t sour iis lecat ti.il eas eataboueetery o- hé thrandth latentéursese weeiudeys errilng hai-ette Roi- et ecli.ligh se oniiuoivete tst thn bythé se ~fouthn lale bovercrno. o>hoehiete Thse akili deatoy te sesiîuvuesso! Snd 25'SunightSoepwrapéra arivngChottî omiONRceT erI .3 .m utue lud nt-tpitly.eeoebyt, linio1fe c nluson te veryile h!,ri eatia j. ri Bheroios, Ltd,, 3Sot I, o oulflidîeein, xesv arn, ad Cbeug 7151 ni. ecép-Souid"ne-teintroimewit thm, ud re lblarmu, oarng ayoetstedaecugtbrughwa e dnoteteourbere. he eade- le1eaIl' p-ni.,-a-r--i-- Pot--o-- --0 - - -- vccat de-n the;rvweille fodrteksvteiYnuug-,liI ortrnidle aged, aho7fnd teul la thetbéataiwfthé market, andlaftbthe ed;9l. oreeipindenci aac-edby eonddentlSb .1,- A. tnp t m Monday au ni-g use. fthe e ilrades-e! iis go a a r the - smo- urt teorniofnl w, tiand wAt f heo ony e'aIh.fona sfrtatven tIl.a.ddress, eo. Von laate Chr- dumblauawt reo,,l aue il e tfigbî. Btil thé advanl c-itPlug bsil a miglt i- 1 elv We ek wil lloh,-auctefi ' ic ua ttetm ew suig sb lotoai 830 . foramevtte Co gi ,,,"Pe ortyar',and r1n ielejnexpeieue îyeakr otmor-ahatgmd.thn thepp- an broen own tem xces orevereskuiapétheif en bys Ie ode oen.(oi-uleOnt Pu ri e1.0 I the wcrm i Ptie on r cr;end thi sa mfoat sým iThe baffrny ;ill, laieepa u- wlleld -tfac i-e (cuiug um reny o! t heufoiloiug f r ie yliour eddailhs ca e!uby.low N B.Ca hqusl every Wodn tBullndsiab notnn, fIebdon otcranal uer thé musk1m 1 ery lde-piema eulai .dep areintepnoatientol4-df ___fote____of___cmp 4.5 a -l wbcbye -uy modneouss e ou d ziiiig bc .ubter ho ba gee eloa, l reana, di nea e! aibt, palittio e WEEKhýcsflY BAo i rINTEROUT , thé gore ein ade s euld h sel elti s Yl s amabýii hope o overcor theung ; uetth bent omssons1I.k !1eery, ai arrives-flehiovutt vemy Suuday 3.20 . ni., caver os auexceedngby un- tl. ho cnuabed. inahé kidneys, hoadaces, pimpbes on th Picon--- .m ng- n_1_ai.pbeatilg'lerttof peursc l n Itm te , Mo ru iia-y d csare mechanical , ýfa c ad oe. itettbaveor pecuaiat seusa J.H.H.Ju, .t.heDESLEV er îýlringte be ih a u-o tied e l a igh deg tre;b uthé ruiera zone ! lin bou-te-srotm, 1astugO he sýuf, ering wthreaknvesan FîF - ý01A l i li n, -- 'f 7:'Ma ý1Nag îG ua akea scmpoeo psil , t , Ie utu re batbo-ebd eata o! ,ito i'D ib o oraedzins, Iecs foeth ye m cieons-h i enltrte ORD théreunov l f H oue-. s eke àsir eig Lessons. ,, l ale a d tie Ite!axeoîr.baî o! p'eaLl limes, l lab osso! 'ufili powct tendemneas o! îhiuiné, noMrshment t womcutai kn , A làI te ahoolyees, lehé, 'ukebes mgazue tf o wii faiurele h retéd y ,s -a.fb prmpt , p-:ýilrle ll)san ,1 ir i u frin sudy A bl! doz nkbssen lu dialith ttusthé meuteftctieketsonueeorpe ce iî'ece, ésie fo1soitud, o cuîaihi o e'Icý , 'eneqah symptomaofo! nei-voustdtbeicy theo the mo5otony l it drives honi lute aïetti.- oravial foi-ceIbein3wlest italo(sieneve» hy sàotti' ,I , ,I - Deiuteni lee do il o-inys.beoteo a threlvecell eo-îdh b bouogiabusé eoniruîîedlien gnen. DYS &ýrti[)n, Loctil, i.1) ý;ýtq ',ýr lirr. îlhý-sei9rane, a y h08 onpan utly ure.o mi r tnzne.Sn he u e mof theitemsinve- 'conts ut is l ae noa e nulo" and " B s" jae aî- epp oec tre c a inou thé Beiloina eae. dos M . U ON a - ' Ihe bvecA.pay TJAgrle!Snwui teaerAliuga whcbleol wUt -Item yr addreativ0 cnta ini alumpcifore eand h te pheosw phes tiil NofLa la1wep arDnd duat aroomperlecthy -a-nd ujs ydalýa "iny l fthé boomoniciana. Se ao n ieaespcuiameeat en, gie e srng1 n.m k CWIlYI -_ eistbe î-orowiedoudocnx aSole(ss the na iey o rrueinHtald) di hecoionul e, Tronto nt, Canadapi. frthelisrrbaies ftPli a1 , hats dO.NyedadULes,-TS,) A bul stok o!Farm Garon, Lewn se thelrilcdleepyeng -weep h butes.lotee off thed Nfe Caédienbtl o arrstrn ndeiely ded y Subsiltulesl 5EWARIVcF IMITATIO1 dean, tee,"eth-weu-k would tasedread v. moesuths Don' Ord?éra so9 liclf_,ted O and p aticf ular gien, Inn. Ail cinding lo te eka uf îý1t ï are c otaI te e Aoet rls bsret off lethé wacefis hnc afcnefi.of - ' - allieonIappll-aîlon, ,s onîyetee glaf tey hoyollowednThey leaUulW apply ý teSthéNEa8nezemeut o!.Ibo ders tPkeR forAthe NEED A. w. FOLiY, nplIidb, otem whalT'oréa bai-aouf retU e i pitteC n, nit w,ý_I '4 'ý ý _Cup 1%g'1 altHr0toAfoîl du-osaDdays-ae d pI e aredf heu-ew abouglfe. Onebeau-ding leycr y imtepaired foi-vosficne req ýrA. Ctr thas n It;tof thebesues Ilwoencifth aehono aog Foi hoSi o eh ccin u Autor D.A.W.Chs, dtontkbooCorset >' i té neao. e 0- afrio ýIi11 Stexoes. qeilyao!lïe'ý othr aot-h spo1tn yth-raÉ c hosuf bonc binoe hewulgx' e eU, f AY el, I ,, l ýla' ' -"r e 1r-éei fRm hépo Senu ert Théfréuen chngig e thPwikaellllaibot the aeaturif e ul,0,ýrfihofog fhniod 111 a dýj ose, euýie box 25 et s. theîrbloleodîs 'dcraiv )ýw-, ,,eplI-e, S- -' . -I-Itém e y. an de Ihat aîtr iiwards t e og . Whecii,-,,n thel f a ain r A-cen thé cf- the Kldueys aud Liver, the>' wibl nover ', f p =à e;ý 1i-éentlte ghtad Ies f or On mIn 'aiig aci bra sbi okth iuysa- pèiig !)rulc/ ' u iw a w~kit"l~ h lofl h 1 1 1ý do-e ýiiil,"ý P, ;ti-e ofmeniben thalf h thédis-ickc arel le tof thé ceai waofsippibîckbyis coveref i withENfeethera.i ullaal wili eve-r bnci-casé uniosa-,-ý,- ' f mé;andif he ame i p u st wilhouî vt,,ee olving a _1lew oso ý,f ' nd eard fo, r ha bl tntmnt o!L.B - -th iduc mid ve d -hik en infhee h ufc trs Oeo h bpawe- lau'lws Jho n, ildi- oI md rLef g, - l' cep-ý(l, ,,lui ,,* Ihs-I iientt ewoknauaî>' em- Onecetadoe, o, th oh iuns owu n-th1bas, oufthé albos wee ovababb forthé se o Ibis bellcoîfail hé lié,fopetie pcr,,tmuicl orgna, ,ue1. cent lieo ý tiIcny-il 'OreOsatis! acter>'ilasolp 3 ors4 limés duaing-night e ur in at, ern ' t' hul epi n h a, ý _" ýýý_ l __ý'1 ým Cru laan xeuug lsey 'net)Ise r f og! tdekî i ca g eue K.ie y-Livý ernxur »ý F-lba dy -jb>'Ibo- o!_eliatéconsituion OQp!~Ccuh ati lucn f tt- l sen of Ite Ibi coîf h wisédfor1hepotIb of -unce tbingnshenîf hé'Aid lugesail airerwan' m1 thé1 ths ack-i.hensîopedolu 48bbonis, lppetîte 1 ine K.dney-Lven- F111,takn weeklyseui ~~~ci-dtose a n wl uasiu ecuwpetétnkprecl'dy eoe e!a l igal o a ii týt lemona z, uf Ibe -lýine, auf ab)le be'I éoyargo of eel auf a - .. fect Ali' euraiztéfomaio;e UR ans. Fra m be rCet s icvre iii lh ta prforai1 cen, iii aso! * wré e'i, l ud ackte f thé r-mori , ,, , I '. , ue t'-ïuoý. - - -1,91H' BEIL 4 bA UATER2&11e - . ;', , . ,a flncLlprea m- thu n te,. ai, iye,À,!l n±uitvy, --ý: ,ký .-ýýý I la he Ri,ýe -_ e ouslll loin s heï î jmm teeg sý ilmtgnt b e tUr - sea ex I-r«est thé lmoa1icd eece. f té caihé oli ,ueuuea ue'c. rou le, busîc- a as Ile-1i nem12cue' FripncyigLté loa.ed-euvý -« th ~ ~ R R Ibreis e ontsèe îrogh ehéapacés o! Thé sînngeat-aniaIsi l thévorid aie 1,ý- aîiîeffcîa-permnanenî,cure excepîCbee' satm.eiai >' u thé,- pr t, L2cn nMEY bewick tMedaW f hèeare loe, htuhose nta ive ou a vegetabdie t. Théeomiedninyie 4c ee25cnthx o iiqulte$e ut on remillae 1 1 1aurr? hi réedlagura.- préssere WlbincteaSe ouW fore onIt 11 h8 lienjsleroclos raiberilionpog h»ild oegofIa olr u olrso itr nw.Si Y idaês, omr y d ou yn, ricdOT ,I~coIe. and vapor, oufyour am îl om rrg- ulhturendeblphn,-u et-avrt5f n' thrpiearton bi s noiîmalcur'epl- pié,EMANDABAE For so y SuubI& jury, xloin If llhépi-esc un1e lh-eaerthn egtaled /