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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1894, p. 7

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GUATEFUL-COMFORTING I RDPAC CLFRI EPPSIS VOgUA, BRDEAN FAPÎT-SUPPEP.. a1Y through knowlo3dgr or the natura, lswswhih goernthooperaltous er digestion hefinle opro-peries 0 wsil-selectsd COoo, Mr. l'Pps has providsd ourbreafrfast tables wthla ncecotel favoudboverage whtch may save smsyhesvy dactora' bille. Tt leý by che inius us of snch articles et Ciel that a bo niu iou my bu graduatty buwl up until etrong enougla ta regss every tendency te disease,3 Hundtreda of subtie maladies are tios'ti ag aro;und us ready ce attacir wherever there te a1 weak point. We May escape mani à fata aba&t L'Y kýeping ourselves well fortified whlh pure bload aud a praneriy nourlshed fram."-"ivizSeérvice Gazet te.", Mae imply witb boiiing water or milk ,>a eod' ii luPaciets., by Grecers, labiie& ihug JA4IIEýS vtP'S t ufeooali Ciasis laS*, aenou à4,EnIs WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1894 »V. J. EC. HITCELL, r,5ýEME~R 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIAN ,anci surteons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. OAfl ce and Reeldence, Enniskilien. 71. B ~ RISg~,SOLICITOR, ka. MO? RIS ItLCK.uptairs, King Street, IBoweean- vile.Sooiorfor the Ontari Bank r vivts Mcosieys ioanel at the lowast rataa iROBI'. YOUrNG, V. S, O FC IN THE WEST DURHAMU sew Btck. where himself or assistant n 1 h cnd from 8a.x. to 9 p.m. Night catis îtrieci~ryopst Drill Shed. Cais i eerpior telePhone wiil receive p)romnpt attenIon1171yr A. A- PONT, AECHITEOT, Plans and Speoifica. £~Llios pepaedfor every ciass of building. S~c~jai ttetgven to heating by steam erd boLt r. andAta sanitary arrangements. (,te orrie Block, Whitby 43 ly R PEATE, ailor Genlemn'sCothesMade to, Order. J ..BIMCOMVBE OFFICE :iea fMessrs. store' (1 own sar) Gens' loting Cleane, ly-ad, Pres8ed and Repaired by T9-4O. -PBA I; Dyer anid Clothes Cleaner. Gocds ~ i firnedt e as no one will know them f rom-- new whVen donc. CornerKngadOtrntrts B m Anvl. - C. IARNENL D. S. Surgeous.ÊOnlania OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPIVEC OFFICE. YITALIZED AIR. Toen -deyrut'nd who basIbeun arryiug an Masn'îDryCous Sorefor nuiao fanears ýs ba s oru en bsinper or imelpaGbi sin lu, su lenet ro e Fraita wb a cahl, ti(ý eoit ot ad A,.7T. ALLENBx ,8 'RecoucheFhe In muranc Sud s ' ' 10 1-erus, . yAr pmrd ' dkf. MuN' m reg) 10V cf use Durhams pomieuferi are thurometudin n wuu Soud. o wmr>ý'auil, Wii ctianreoii ab otal ord Aget h W-est Duerharn. e le A W.1FOEY. Box 48 0-muse Bo1 wsamm"tl u A STRONOG BUSIIEL BOX. cbeap arrangetment for Vhse purpase, alsi ,an bu uailed ogether wben ochur iarm operatieus are net pressing. Many farmera wha appreistu their value have 'more than ity cf ihesu lighl boxes. lu gacheriug poctcýoes chu boxas are filied sud luit about thýe fielC,.a lew wagon on atone boat bsing dnriven sarouund sud loqded with them wich- ethvyliftin-g. For stening apples anC pouicous tbsy maku a handy ipsekage, as tbey cau ;be piled up lu chu celar lu tiers six or ight Ceep. Thus ihsy are couvenlunt fer examiulng hse onenssd aiiew thomougb sud complts vuetillatien, îwo veryf important cousýidrations, as alfrnow wvha winten these fruaits sud vegetablea en cha"ir owncellars. The rause of Ie dCuer. eut varistiýsearc endiiy isnbduo sacb bx.The Wbaudtes ans 'piedea ai soft îodfn nclues squaresue a 1o,-iue-h thick, ùinmlynaý1inlu olac, ,s s. 10proieet about oa sud aïall luces, as slown lu Gooci Feeding Necessary. Onueoà hs essentiel condiin useur iog uarly mstuicy c c k ta continned good bedîg. ith yug rwn tc colC eabu tl hs faîl, a eryfai owtb eau bu aiuadily maiucained wthgood ps turagu, But him nperct o ss cbac goud pasturage is provided. Onu advsntage in hing chu pasturaize divided le that s Ilanger number ai stock lu proportion ta hs sonuagu can bu fept as the grawib ai grass ose be kspt ea'endown, more uvsniy than if hey are kepl b onu pastureail of chu time. But even wltbgood pasturage, in many caes a mach mors satcsfactory growîb can biescamed by giving a his grain je addition te the grass. Witb pige ti i ay lbu middlenga maCs inte a siop with mifr sud wicb young etîle cnaFy bu bran on beau sud cern muai, or ban sd ail muai, anC iih bath greund date sud whrsc, al ran ay oten bu usefi ta a gocofd r.itagu, suad even a liginl ra- tion ea eAny eVus wl epuatnai ni pubn h rwhwith stockIlUes pige sud cailtt ae being especial- iy for mut. n l iqutea emtn puab 0f tcudiffèrýenta -ssesai;stock kept ou chue farntis leteceîryte pusb hsi gxuwh ,f Cutr4 1t Jeîenori 1, thumV mn iinesiaygrwb rn bitb te macnn-iit, ballttl t(r caLusari ueudai eeding bar- aunly metniîythan. "eh l sothsu aoter olsa l sock Ceelpmec f boue su musce eau ho seersdby ivig aliceaet, aud hay tÉhanT imp ortant i ino l desringpricesa. ie muceussubstnce wicb apreada s ver the sys su caveras g rit. Ai ter awhlth seeds will beinta worlk et, ansdwilibrin8Q th'e oedgparticeswitb tem Grain and Dairy Faunms. Fera eeisiviydevoîeta cereaipro- dluctionï3sOOseacsse ta buprofitable ewiug ta the Ceplutefi condition ni the sali. Mixed huabandry, iuciadiug the dairy, livu stock, etc., Vre necessary te maintain the fertility af the 1land lu ls igbesî sud bet aale An, uxpsrieuced Cdairyman ssys; Wbiie grain is -"a Verycbheap, thequestion ai profit or ls luraiin the grain nuedefi on tics dairy farm sbouid bu cousidered lu its firat Vms light. Thosu wbo buy their grain wiii bu stronger than ever iu thuer adveeaey of buyiug grain raîher than raising it, for neyver was grain ai ail kinda se cbeap as it la o-day. Neverthelessa 1V la aquestion whetbur the dairy man will not bu -btter off to raisu hie own grain uvun snob s year as this, anC bu iuiependent aiofihe grain dealer. The ruai menit of the case must dupund largely upen hs size ai tbe farm anC the relative ceaIof ai lnd'Wberu land la very igb priced, JV la uudoubtedly poor poiiy ta attempt ta grow hs grain. It la cheaper Vo purchase hs grain in quatity. Most of the land on he Cairy farm shanld bu grawing witb carn fodder for green feediug anC the silo, sud with good succulent grass.- These are the firet ssse- liais ai ths Campy. If there la land stili luit, il ebould bu de,7oVed tt hs grewing of grain fer hs aim-ais. The extra amounu ai labor sud urne demanded for he culture ai he grains will net bu greai. There miuai always bu many idie heurs ou hs dairy farm lu hs middle of hs day, sud a.Il snob bhandasbould bu turned in thu grain field. When the morning miiking la over anC ths animaIs are Vrne ontto 1usd, ths birud belp usually drag siewly tbrougb, wbai work remaina. If onu raisea sufficient grain ta kuep Ihe cows tlîrougb Vhe whole year there willi bu ne stinting them et foad in chu wiutur season, This lacfr 6f preper grain foaC is ans of the chief causes wby cieruor butter is sent ta market Tu the wiuler sud early apriug. The dairyman wili nal buy more grain nuises actnsiiy forc- ed te it, anC hs cows show hs lack of grain fsed lu Iheir cream aud mik. Theru la ne conceaiig this lact. The butter shows up the feedinguevery imcn . But cloue grews eaougb grain zt efep he cewe lu geed order ail thraugh the season there wiil bu ne Vumiptaion tce-sîfnt them in their fond, sud Vthe qualicy aofthi ilk sud cream [)é, b kept tthrough tîhe met tnyin)g pa,,rt ai chu year. ore fieVhsgrain yields, Othier artices f'or VhesAdairymren that are of vaieehuscraw 1mua1t bu aken mb ca un- siuaineven thcugh thure la ne mark et ior i.' Animais that eau have pisnty of good, clean straw for bedding will look btter, de btter, sud yieëld more miik. 'Mauy caw stables jesu very litis straw bu- caus 1 is an extra epensu. The animais as a consequence are always se diriy Ihat tbey neud cleauinçg sud cardieg very oflen. But, lkes the grain when the traw la gnawu in ,p1enty or- hs farm, there will he no' temnptation Le scint the animiais with IVi. C onvý%ýeient 1'Pî1c k ina nCf ,Sto, ,rgE BoX. 1Lu gaîbering frit sud vgtala pck 1 ig box wiHi piove veny cnvien. should 4bu meide ta bn(oies hsl,sua Vhs, merausdin iLs o r cinaube obtaineCd for about telentsq'il provýes the -breeding sund feed1ing of stock foDr mer- liet il is essentiel 1a realiz e ed',astpas.- ibeprices, sud this eau Orly bu douDe byý 1baving the best quality, aud early matur- ity seecurud by gond feeding is aunmotn factor in îeuriug the best quahty.- Wbile it increases tbe ccii te feed growinig stoc.k wbeu lu gcod pastuerag,4ich lerse s the uarly msatnrity aud the butter quality of the animai secured wheu ready fat market te offset the cost, and il is on this acauniit that feediug te push the growch can be inade profitable evenwen the grow,ýiug stock bave the ruof ood atu ae W~hstock inteuded format the sot et , ime possible te feud pr1fitabl Lby for maru- fret wil give the moEs profiit. Wbeulu is cbeap sud stock ce ebea every adivautage mat be taken te maku the nmoi e ut af them, and this can best bedm by giviug sncb feed sud care 1as is, ueeescsary ta secuire an eariy maturîty. THE BERMUDA JAIL. A Pleasant Place in'Wiite e obu fleained -Colnpleieiy EmbWe"àrVd ick lOW-ers- The Celis Commalin a e harnalng Vifew or tise Harbor,. Could a bad persan, and not a very baid person, I wougder,get bor l that cheerifl jail,whlcb behiud ils gray wal i is a veran'la- liku structure, oompletely esnbowered lu fiowurs sud semitropical vines and plais,iný tbe socîty of the gentie oIC keeper sud bis famly, wbose pretty central apartment1s [givu s domstic e-totethe estsblishmeut ? asks '.barles Dudley VWarner ilu Harper's Magazine. There is notb1iug te do thCre.i but ta break stone ail day, lu the shade with s small hammer, sud te retirle ai nîght te s rcomy oeil wh ich gi vusnp o u tbhe veranda sud commnsdP.acbarmiug view af ths harbor sud St.. Davi's s1iud and tb'ei Light sud the tossiuig ses buyoud. Tise oelis are elosed wîtb woodeu Coors, wic.are1 locked at night. There are no Watchers, thure à nu keeper but the ans,su when the doors are locked. atu igbit everybody is supposed te go ta bied and seeiunuse The cuiyfiînprevement ta be suiggested is that the oeil doors Rbouild be ai glgasýs, ý50 thai the iumates could better en joy hs loveiy prospect. There is a certain mo. notouy about cracking this lîmesýtous fer th-- roads witb a bammr ; but it doees ua ee te afieci the spirits'rmucb, sud -mu,as a ruie,accomplish as imach as tibenTh must be a gentie iufluence aboutthi lae A youung but wicked marinerfru b fiag-siP Ilake-at lenst ie siC bu bad ieertedl from tatbeautifuil vesefades- îruîio-wrogbYvry nea;tlyi-1lucr'ew-ls sudragsand bad decorated bis coel iîb muottous indicating that lbu baC. baC "A Happy New-XYear," that bue offered ta bis visitera "A Pr'.souer's Wlcom," wbiie bu bad worked jut.a a mg af sackiag ou tbe floor the ides of "A Humble Home." Itiii eousid- ersd wroug te do wrong in these isîsuda, but pueisb menit seema te be sulted to the size. of lihe territory. And then they are ail prisouers bers, te a way, ail the fifteeu tbousand-voluntary, for the most part, tbongh the opportunities of gettiag away are seldom sund limited. Even ibe jailer miuaI 1wvaiî for the weekly steameýr, sud1 truist toas zfrîlitil pitte cake lm outie he refs. Wby shoulf thu cnvit t3he j,ý -ai! try ta sapwblý,iberty roniy mieauls a Chance ta îleep etdosfor a niglîtat o weAnd bu siesatuibtail t)e ohr lclonthe -is- ce aulaau wer Poii ismi et ený known 1)y namie duCI tgehin penice sud1 underhuwienen car:ýe cf tuEtbihî L'bureb sud ibe mnatr guo tufort- russes, ie a cmoiyweeiearcl tarai ariatocriacy bas te dio mostiy v.îtb th.e dernecratto petato anC the plots can cur sud the shops for dry-goodîsud grocuries are marks cf socal distinctio ; wbere iaboî, nft t iomuchof it, tils amaie honorable ; where tbe beioved parson changes hîmseli the tether of bis graziug, cow beforu bue gous te £vening service ansd the huaI liquor store is preaided oer by a stauinebteetotaler? THE SULTAN'S GRIEF. De Loses Twlve or isfilsWvcs Ibrougis Vaccinaition. The Sultan of Turkey le grieviug over the suddeu death of tweive cf the mostt hute fui women of the imperial harem at,,t Con stautinopie. A few week-, ago Vhs c,,1 G- wives ef bis Msjesty were obliged to bjc te vaccination. Peculiar ceremienies were obsrved at the time. The phsce-sKud1 ceo enjeet the virus fie Vhhearma of the loveiy wemen wasay oung e Lr mari ho0 enjoys a cousiderabl:e pacieln outu nople. As a matter cf corsee, says a cor- ruspendent,hu was n et alewed te look aupon tbu faces of tics imporiat womuu. To pre. veut aIl possibility of au accident se tùrriblg a tenporary woadeu walwas auit lu -,1ans of the rooms of the palace. About t )oifeet irom the fie,-r a baie Tasa hored abeut f'our luches le diameter, The women of th. haremr toofr their [laces on anesidýe ai the 1wall anC tbe dlocter on the other. Onu suLfer A.FAIE17iiE.R'918TALE 0E WUE THE 'IUTERESTING NARRATIVE OF 'A GREýVILLE CO. MAN. fgl Spins tsbjsnreeIWTiîu Working lntee Wo &- ong AndC PaDsfil ui nsse Fu !ff, Sow lne Bugainesi lea)iti There are'fuw readurs ai ths RECORDER wlia are rot famnilier wih tefaeýttbats Dr. Wilim ink Pulis for Pals puoplu an-t Jay a reputatian for exelncbib tha b rn an ahroadi, notcequalled(byau-y ailier -tprpietasy mdiin. hat Ibis reputacion tadsrvdl arnpiy borne catl'by theý evid-r ues aifmanly aifVhs huai nwspapers in Vhsle couutry, Wblcb have bcun carefuliy inLvest'i gaced the mnoast uoýewTorchy cures Iollawing chu use of lPin-1 Pille, anChave Lsiven hs acsta clheer reýadera, wiîh a cle arnees as'C cocusscat admnitsai of odoubi as ta hs tuiausa0 of cche reporta. RscsnViy a1repoýrtLer ai hsEORe 1Lýýr w 55 asiuiormud by MIr. John A. Barr, the well knowu r rgisht the particulars çi a case quiiu I as strikiug as many chat bave been publiait- r ed oi be leaened irom Mr. Samuel c Sargeant, ef Augusta owuslip, whe baC bben iefted nost remarkabiy byhs Pinkd Fi Putrame The reporter dstermiued te interviewIlr. Samgean sd acardiugly drove io bis ;homne la Augusta, about six mniles from rofrlle Iix. Sargat wa, feuind bnaily engaged r lu laa , legs lu hs wuode near bie home, and alihangh well up in hs sixties wase wokieg wiîb hs vigon ai a man lu hs 1: prime ai 11e, exhibiiing ne traces ai the t adthat he baC hbeen a great enferer.N Wheuiniarnedai hs repertur's mission Mm.: tarua d aiCbucouiC not ssytcoao mïucb lu favor ai Dr. Williams' Pinkr Pilla, i sud ,lxpressed bis *ilingness Vo give chu factýin le ounsolian witb bis nestoration tea Illt. Two peans eg," sasiCMr. Sar- guani, "I1 wsnî over ta New 7fark state o wel , rk lu Vslumbiler region for the w inter. Onu day w hile drawing loes neslipped sud i relleC onii me, injuring tny epine. The pain o was very sev-ere sud as I couiC ne longerb wok1 was braaghit baeýk Vo my bonis, sudc was d laidp for si olh.Isuffèred a great Ceai Ud sl eeme-d te bu grawiug werse. I I becamie haiy caustipated anCase a resaitr piles Ceeloped whicb addeC te my missry.5 Thýe varions treatmeuts CiC net appean P ta do mne auy god, sud ans of rny neigb. bore, eisd e te ry Dr. Williams' , Pink Pilla. IMy WIfe went a towu sud prooured a eupiy, ,tnC I baC net noV bee Vkig be long whu 1 ond mnyssîf grewviug ,strauger asud the pain eiu e. T1he puis 1maCs rny Lbels regulan again anC tue plsdisappearsd, sund b', hs lime týi bafken six boxes I g foaud icopsuli as weli as Îlever wsdaie, as you , tVo oe s gcod Csy'a wok.,à]Mm. Sargeau3t tuther sasiC UtaihoLaC bue iroubled wlc hiemiaý for foantoun pears Curng ilwbib imebuwaa baroud ta wsar atrusa, To bis sýurpjris thal trouble luit hlm sulu inApnil la.ts i he threw away bis truaqs sud Ibas baCï neioccasiýon for it ines. Mr. Sargela eclares bis fuli bliel tîcat this Veoo w as duie ta hs use of Dr. Williams' PinfrPllbat whethsr ibiis hscase,.or wbethur b- is release from hs rupture is due Va bisý pîrelonigsest as a resuit ai bis acher trouble, hs eporteiou oVprîdt say-be rsîimply tuila the -,tory îas Mm.r arust gve it ta hýlm. OnueVIiljg la certain, Mr. Sreu a is W21e ar very enthusaiaic as fote ier oflleaiPD,E Wlim'Pinik Pilla. Icdeîilars. U31,1aùi talCVhsreprte aiVhsgreýA M,(rs. Wm. TayýPlor, whliv )eslu ssx a, Eg ad dhwo was e saiterer froun pr aLYsis nCnubl o lmove fbaud or c--,fo.) The trouble aiLscud ier sosbta suchà 11 au~sl' extntcha as asnahile Vo recala foaC, sud sincuana bu es owed hber exsncfr aoulurbepariod. Mrs. Sarealseat be r aler e upply ai Pink Pilla, which soon showed chat eabs heC se. cured tI'buright iiclueThle irsaîrnut was ciuaed suI ad a tfc,î;rthsupply ai thse pui prcaed ita Vs crnpnyopeaed iii jLandau b, ousýe, suiivibien Mes. Sargeaut lasihur from be ist-r eabsbaC rogaiued lmoat "aIl ber arekgtil ai er hsving been proscud fori seversi yesrs. A epraved cendicion af the blood or s sbattersdierveus syatem la hcseauct ai moat lIs Vht affici maukmud-z, anC by ru- sînn he biood anC rsbailding ths neresa Dr. ý Wiliainss' Pick Pillasirike at ths oolý ai chudsese Civcng il inem the system sud necring hs patient te bualtb anC Tae eb l ases of, paralysie, spinal trobla, lcomtorataxia, scistios, nheu- mat im, eysipis seofebons troubles, ecc., thee ~Il ar sperorteail other trust- mn.Tbey are elso 0a suifofor Vhs tru le wich mnakea hu it 8i0s rnny treeu brdansded ilyrostore the- nde ýgiow aI ut lht suechecks. Men brfrn own by averwork, wcrry on ux- cesswîhllou e t n PnPlaa ceýrtain cure. Beare afi l )Itio udsubstitucus allegud Vo bu " 1elt as goa 'l"Seýld1 y al Cealue or,,senit bymal postpaid, et 50 cents a box, or 6 3boxes for ly sddrussing th'e Dr, ilim Medicine C., Brookyile., Ont., ,or clenectady, N. Y. SmaurtChl. "No, tile One, what wo,"utd yen say if-I [wsruegiyntest'O 1 Wauld ? you say Ithuse is good oranges,' or 'these arýe goed1 oranges " "H1ow kie 1 tell tili I suck 'cm b A Consiclerate Employer. Publishr-" Yeuwalfr lame. Been kick- ed out mach b" Book Agent-" 'Bout farty times." Pubisher (kindly) 11 Wel, leave your sample cyciopedie hure, sud canvas witb this samiple Bible until your back gels weil. u'or Over Wi"ftv Years M'Rs. INSLO\V S SOOT'IîaOSYRuS' bas bion ustd by millions af mothers for thoir eilidren wbhile teetbieg. If disturb- ed at night sud braken af pour rest by a dicfr child snfferiug sud cryieg with pain of Ontting Teeth rîeud at once and geV a bottle af "Mrs Wiuslew'a Soothiug Syrup" fer Cblidren 1'eetbirîg. It wiil relieve the poarliettle suffe3rer immediste- ]y. Depend upon lit, mothera, tbore ce ueo eistako about it. Ih cures Diarrhoe t, roguistes tbe Stcmach and Boweis, cures Wind Colie, soitens the Gumsansd ru- duces Inflammation, sud gives tons aud energy te the wholoe ystem. "Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup" for eidren ceething is pluasent Vthulk taste sud ila the prescription oaioeeofithe oldest sud boat female physicians sud inurs-es in the Unit- ed Statue, Price twuuty-ive cents a b0ttle. Sold by ail druggristf througbou chu worid, Be sure te as[- for "MR s. IVINSIOW'S SaomîNi-.G S vu ci,." 22 17 Young Jefferson-', Yeu look sweet enougb te frisce that dres." Elaiue-"I cave severai moe juet lifre it," PILÂES! PILES!I ITCHING PILES, SYMF41TO.,,.-Meîsturs; intense itchiwg audsinng moBt ai night; worseb; ceratchlng.- If ailowed te cintinue tum- ors ferm, which oiten bl]eed aud ulcerate, becoming vury sore. SwÀiY'Sc'OINT- MENT siopo the itchiug and bleedcng, huais uiceratien, sud in moat cases remeves the unera. At druggists, or by mail, fer 50 cents. Dr. Swaynu & Son, Philadel- pbia. Lyman Sous & Ceý., Montreal, lVholemalo Agents. rhan. a nice W atch, Set ofeery Olokor Si]verwaro? It is not riecessary for mre to say anythîig about the q uahity of- my goods. as everyTone knows that I always keep the best the market produces. I Liav-\e a fe-w Hundired Dolarct m.-akLze u-p in a short time an.-r3d arn still selling off my stock a:t 50O ets. on the $7 w;,7hi-le you have -to pa-iy ~thers duble theprice fo-r ifro stock., Cal] anid see meboe buys 9n. I1f you have any kind of small work to rep.air or-r make bring itI- to me and you can get it done ight.F "EG20!' Strictue, yphlis, Unnat:ural D!scharg, Sl. Aue Key and Bladder Di.seasýes Positîvely Cured by ;8 ýûYe-1car Dpeai the Me ey 10 Youce Ban' Co- wit, Yeur Festuaster to be paid us ater yau are CUREi3 undes a written Guaranteal ,SefisExcsees and Bleed Di-ges have wreclted the lires of thousands of yong mon aud middIle aged men. The farce, the workshop, the Sondai' scbool, the office hepofs sion-ali have its victiras. Yuï'g man, if you have been indiscreet, beware c the future. .Middle aged men, you are growiug pgmature]y weak and oid. both sexualliy anC hyialy Consutusbeforetoolate. NO NA RIS USED VWITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENTi. a.het4 VARICOFCELR, EMISSIONS AND SYPHILIS CURED. A . COLLINS. ïW. S. ColItes, of SagInaw, fiDeake. w, S-ccLLN-. 1 " arc 19. At 15 1 learned a bad habit which 1 coutin- a~cd til1L 19. 1 thon became "one of the boys" and led an - calf. Exposure produced dyhd' I'eceme erv- S ousasnd deepondent; n ambition; mem'ory poor; eyes , 'ed, sunecen cnd hier; pimples on face; hair icose, bones p)ains; weak back; varicocele; dreamesud lbases at1 A neh;weck parts; deposit inuruina etc. 1 epet buan- - J dde of dollars wi thoet help, and was contempli suicide wheu a frieu-d recommended Dra. lteuned Kýerga' \wMthod Treatment. Thauk Ccd I trit, la twomen the i!wss uredI. This waL sir years &g e ad neyer bndaC a rar. Was mar ied two.. I yorsce-,, s -1ail bapy. flo2 ,tryDr . Itenuedy& Rr. UE TRaTta Mxre'r gan bct iiG php, ESvats" .A.TONITON, V, 1i Wakes, rpeency andi 5. . TONTN. ."ý Whtu Y cc' ent -1Drs, Kennedy &aIterzan, 1 iLba Xýà littie hbuc. Iwas iurprisî'ed, Their newiMethod Treat- 4ment improvcdý me the first weoit. Emissious ceased, ci nerves becamce stroug, paýins disappeaed, hair grew in a gein, eyes hecaniebrht cheerful in company sud - e- 1troug eexually, Itaving tried many Quacks. I caru I beartiiy rpccmincnd Drs. Kennedy & Iturgan as reliable ~~ ~~ Specialists. They treated me hbora'bly aud ekilfcl"Ara TSÂM. TP.EMRS~. A Nervous Wrecdc-A Happy Life. T. p. EMEBSRION. ~ \ T. P. Erersen H'se a Narrow Escape, ~. ~ "I irecu te frm.At echool I iearucd an earlv habit, whtch -eattened me physically, sexuaily ana encu.,ly.Fael Dotors said 1 was goiug tnto v ecinue" ICoeupto i Hally 'Tha Golde1 Monitor," oie hy Drs. Kennedy & Kergeue feil in-. te my liauds. 1 learued the Tru and Vsud oec, bel abuse haC sapped my vitality. 1 teck the Nies * as curedoMcf Ciuptiun. I baýe sent them au ï petents, ail cflwhorî were cered. Their Ne ie .ýfetd Treatment su ;pplies vigor, vitlilty anCd men- ji -n le ~EroE TSÂ'e't'T.hcod" ÂT1S TULATM' ýýT A,7u a lvictimr? Hv e os pAe o otppltn a rea *.lias you lodbeen diseaee. Raeyn u oans? u NewMotod reaeitnt il cure -en. VWhat it bsdu o etere-it, wil dofor yen Fie fchre.Cargesrao.Bos Free "h odnMntr flt. ttdon Dsese-emn. Jcoe otg , cnts, eld VAE. Nomeiouesant C. O. D. Nol narneos on boxesG or envej-. ones.EvetinE onrentiat. Question ist and CoIof Treat.. ORS KE EO & ERON, O148 SH'ELBVQT.1 A"4îýý Know anid get tLhe e otln the new vegetabl shorenIiný, ha won a-wide andwnefu ou larîty. At its introd"IuciliC t Wa1s submitted to expert 1ceimists, proi i nenit physicians and famnouscok Ail1 of these pronoun1ed a natural, healthful and acceptable food-product, be'tter than lIard for every cooking purpose. The success of Cottolene is now a malter of history. Will you share in the bttrfood and better health for wbichi it stanids, by usîn il iin your home? Cottolene is sold in 3 aiid J5 pound pailS by ail grocers. Made only by J ho . . Firan WeIllington and IAmi, Sts.t "The teacher sjays you r Freddie wasLes a great deal of hiis time %~t echooL." Mother -"Well, I'm glad te hear it, for 1I waa afraàid he didn't go half the, time.", TEE REID OT F FRANCE. FranC ie h"flaC Fou P reheta ie The _-freýt wVasM. TirWho wsa sUted" in 18ý71, aud rsgn about twe yuarsI laVer ; MarahLLI MscMahion succeéesd hlmi sud rssignsd lun Jaiusry, 1879, sud hie Î suceasor w&s M. J ulua Gruvy, whose Vermn aioffie asteC untl December, 1887. Paris waýs thun in s ferment. The Wilson scn ai a brougbt in its train a Presiden- tilcmethe eflet ai wbeeh wss ta wonk Ip Vhs ear u aoeai, V hs people ta su sxtrimunypich. For a timu M. Grry ocuily teusdo retire, but when tb..ents sMCChanchur ai Deputéiemtsd a doblerualutienwhich pnsccically pru- cptcda cnie swu the Execu ive aud PIcelment, bu gave way anC reignud bis inuctios asPreaident aiàVSeRepuble. Grave fears of a posing oc Socialiste5sud conmmnsts e ntsrtalnedi , ut eralî saussier, thoe oemo of Paria', provsd bimeeli equal Voths owcason. lie lmaC50, CH0 Inrope in baud realy ce sweep away A Ananhctss mC noVeGalig gwtesud mîtrilleses nC weity lbatteries obfiýeId le set evrytiug that mederel mililsry scûience couC0d Vocopu ewiîb sund eus lum VhhfInIIauýy attta Pl claihs Gem a- muIne was Coe, anC ',a"I tihis wilbaat irrita- Vicg or uxciig anyhody. M. sai Canna w %cistd oCu%,M. Ferry by 616 ontai A ttal of S41 votes, sudOeuars uno- brak ni a"y kiud.HiîsmccssM . Casmnperier, e hsfihbpresideu, pJtChr's atr

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