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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1894, p. 6

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dentto biioc stae c Ih s~s uch as Dizines, ~auea.Drojose. i etiress after eatngPai intheSoi, & W iletheirmiost remakabi sucese as 'J, soanin curing Ileaache yetCaara' £LETS LVEa PILS! aieequiiyainbiein Constipation. curiný andl! preventig tinnoying complaint. wifl the alo crret al dsorders of the stornacit stiulae te lveratd regulate the bowels Ache the? would ha almost pieeless totls who su er fromn this distressng compl. but fortlnateiytheir goodnese does no,: i hee,i ud chose who once try them wll susd these littie pille vainahie in s- many ways that theý, 'iii not be wiling te do without theni. 1',I'.fter alsick head isthbaceOf somrany Vives that here Di where w ýe keOur great býoast. Our pis cure il . ie ters do flot. CITER s LtTr.cLîvrn PiLLs are very small and s ery étsy to take. One or two pili à inake al dose. They are strietly vegetebie and do flt gripe or purge, but by their gentie sctiin pL ase ail who use themn l cs at 25 cent,, fise for S1. Sold everywhere, or sen.tbyimai. CAUTZ ~LflDICIIIE CO., liw Yrk. OF CANADA, tlllpald up, g1,00Ul00OO.Uest51) e> b l, 5 This Bank is preparod to do Legilsi- miate Banking« in ali ts branches. Farmaer's notes discounted ; Deposits received and Interest paid on accounts 'f $5 anti upwards ini Saving1sBni flepartmnent. D HA FTS issuel and Collections madeienlaEurope United Zlîstes, anti Canada. W. J. il LS Agent ONTARIO BANK continues to dIo a (leneral Bakiag Business Dowmnanville.Agency. DEPOSITS gecesved In Savings Bankr Departmfent and on cal and interest allowed ateurreat rates No notice of withdraxvainecessary. Ail depsie payable on demaad, EXCHAÂNGE Tl'i tatnd sold and Drattsl sned oe anroo ttnited States and Canada, also Gold, Silver sud Unied tases Greenbacks boutzht ad sol. COLLECTIONS 1'dad for argeor eral utuson ai, pcte E', 1 1O 1'. uEýO. MeGILE'. Book keeping, Sbortliand, Teleo.saphy, Civil Service aqcl Penmnanship Woî k. NIMMO & HARRISON BUSINESS&SHURTHANU GOILECE, Corner Tonge and Coli go Streets, ýr Do1. o1l-2 D Ex_,perieilced Specisliits in every department. Six students placeS in good situations within 10 daýys. Ail candidates prepared by us rpa. ed wtt-h honorsa tlaat examin3atio of CItARTERED STENOO(RAPfli0 REPORTER S Of 01,tarie. HIGREn3T RESULTS in ail depariments SaiiRates, Circuiera and Automatie Pon aMisiesfree. NJÀInno & HAIRIJSON,, Principal. M,'essrs. IllOŽ4-CA) & McMUITIRY have purchase t he Counly of Doiriarn for dit, bes Wire Feues in ibis Courntry. 15 la strong, eassly bandîsti anti oruameot-1 lb will not be injureti by snow, heat, colti or. winds. It wiil tumrn orses, Cattle, Sheep, lIoug,.Doge anti Poultny. It ixsa net work without barbs, ad wil net ia sure stock lu any way.,. 15 ismulcs eîng- ar snd more durable than any barb f eue- nig, baiug cloesslywoveu. Fanes put up anti Farne anti Township rightx for sale. Apply htCENTnAL LivEý isv, Bowmanville. W. P. IICI5Carke P. 0., havinR bouglit CLiarke Towship, ix preparedtiet putnup tance. -A Sad- Affliction. LittIe .Tohiaii-"Tommy Dotit's father wants 10 aeibim un iitocollege, bue it won't be any nse.' esna iha. Aunty-t'He mgtwcsr oye-giasses." Littie Jobntnie--Miuh! Ibe tdea of anyone trylïn' te p1lsy footIhall with sys. glasps en An AwfÙI Plague,, Thse black tieath of 1346 carnied' off 24,' 000,000 pasons lu E urope, more than 30,000 îowns anti villages beiug staliy tiapopulateti, As laie as 1350 ships we fouaS at ses wvitb: ail the ci ew deati on board. The Bombay officer of lealth 'protest. againat the destrution of the crocodiles- Rie eays they aro the hast andioorîy seavens gars possible of the watar raservoirs in which they tissai] "Vine f0 for their permit tl Isle as, otiil uly ish to have a neaS bu'ldingý rfine sok but aiso oua wbicb wil liae saaaion of many individuals, comýýpar.yIng illustrations, f rom FSt. 1. PEISSS'ECTvE VIEW OF MODEL Ie- aitetches by I. C. 13rowu, of Masaachustts, presaul lu Fig. i15e elevation, anS in Fig. 2 the grounti plan of such an ornamental structure. This modal piggery is diSteS wiib convenîencefor easiiy carnng for from oua buntiratito one husîtrati andt wsnty- five pigs. Thse box t, L y the window is Co receive thae will, aud tise truck, c, iu the passage way ix lu lioldth l e ixedtifeati of xwill, grain anti bot watcr, or milk Irons the st boilars, b, anS from the truck the pigs are fad as iS ix drawn from one sud of the passage to the other. The four pans, wbicb coma in the centra behindthIe kili- ria. 2 GROLTI SPFLAN 0F PIOOESSY. ing roons, andtebeoiter noos, ad, eau ha shul off froin the paus on each ide of thens, anti so are rmnch tarmer, aud cau ha useti by the breetiera wbite tisa pigs ans quise amail. Tha ot er pans arato aceomîodase six large pige or tan semaîl ones. The upper sory of the causer square lx useS for the etonage of grain anti of strass for baSting. Tuberculosis. Iu a recen t bulletin, Prof. Le-& of Corne li collage axpeimeut station, givas the mess- unes te ha taken by farmars in extinpasîng tubarculosis from their Isrds anti kcapsng thsa caSsei ras froc the iseas Boarti up the partition nf the stalle as the fronît se that no two cowx eau lacS frorn the samc manger non lick eacb otîser. Kaep sacis suspecteS animal slrsetîy in its ossu stall anti manger. Do nos let any snob animal use a Sniiskug lrough or buekeýt ins common wltb eshar aninmsle. A voiti olti milcîs cows anti unthnifty ossesq, or k-'cep thens secludeti fron tihe rsos the bard. A weakness of constitution anti a sasccptibffity te tuber..uîsis is indicateti iy a hast whicbise nanrow between the borna, by sunkan syesa; decp temporal eavisy back of the eyes ; thin, nanrow ewe uack small chest,wbich iscus botb inisrcadth anti denptli; bollosv flati nd tnducy1pot- bellyT; a ganeral lack of muaci'eseOtisaS tise imbs seans looxly astachid to the bodiy, antil ligbter shaties of bioss sut yelloss in parti-coloreS breats, If, bossevan, scel aimal,- are of high vains, 'or the tainy, anti eau ha kept frc Irons tubenculosls, tbey noeed nos hae rjectcd. The finast coonfor- mations of the oanker coloreS beef braes furniab no protection in the presance of this microbe. Punchases abonîti not ha mats frons s Isrd lu whicb tuhertulosis bas appeaneti, on in whieh caette have ticS within a year or two, wisbotit fis rasonS- ing to tue tubenculin tss. Refurie a 00W ith a husýky or rattling cough, wbssziug, hurnieti brsasbing,ý isebarge from nose, feciti hneatb, bard bunches entier the skia, tiseseS utiter, swolleu hones or joints, unthrif tinesse or a tendaey te scour on bloat. Do nos pnurebasa frnm ity, suhunhan or ssslll stables. Ail cew or suspecteti caille aiîoulti ha etassa witb suberculin by a practitioner tharougb. ]y acquainteti witb catîs anti thai, ducasses, tue test Se ha repeaaS in four waeka if nos, saisfactory. Iti as ell, aiso, to test the swine, goas, sheap, horses, rahhits, cats, toge anti olews on suapectati farms. Rilu, ail tuberculous animais, ant ilbi hu, dissolve in aciS, or buny tieepiy in a place te ssbich ne animale have aeceex. Thoreugb- ly isînfeet the preusisas, aiso ait products of the diseasati animale, anti aIl articles useti about thens. Allowsno consunspeive perona to attendt cattîs or otier liva stock, nlon te prapara thair foodi. Suds vermin as -atx, mica anti eparnows shouiti ha exterminatcd wlîcu iufeting a building which bas as the -anse lime barboeaS lbenm'ulonx animais. i uberculosis-, Hkc many othar contagions liscases, ix ahsolutely preventable, anti is Zallowedt 5 continus sta cancer of diseasai hecause of reprahensibla ignorance and creinsînal intistierenca. of~~~~, irai het f smooshlt solera wba-rethe shets pmesin the sotdaeer où the vas1, aa Lreeralto al'il hr.~s~ iaiy aouli he iseams uot comainth con rs or the botom angles, asias tisale îlO" olt be Ouitinuous sud smootb Smali utensls, ssseh as scoops, paiL,ordîer shoultihaae of beavy tin presseti inte'r shape rathar shan solderso together cite seetona Af tauiug, wasbai uenil llsoroughly wtbwarm wa1er sum hiha lîttle sacisoda bhas beeau dîseoti, about a1, teaspoonfi to tegallon, Th1cn salt sîthar wîth ili watar r ca ýbIset o (f cieaaîsing sîsaîn fronstihe hoter, in hîc tba utensil ahould haiéanvelopafora ui minute. Thaeoosheould tien lha wipeti with a dry cloth sud hung lu a dr'1y Plae. ifthiey Iotaîn nrouab places to ii injurieux bactenia shey are lu a sial condition se ha useS about milk.The pinciple of axeptic construction for mnilk utensils ix juat as important inluhe1homle fanm dairy as lu the fact ry, Indieest, the lack of is in the former would deleat, the use of it in the latter 1I have tnaced many case3 of "'tain,"ý or poixonone fermentation la milk, to ';be accumulation of fluth lu the seame ant i enier 'he roagbi sodering of nJIlk eaux. Orducary cleaausng would nos pravanstishe trouble, antinew cans conîaining no places for the cceaiment' o' decaying orgassic master ware indîcatetias se aouly proper ussans 10 stop it. For the sainsreason ail oioth stain- ans usetiabout millk shouit h eenb iec avery' tay Isy continueti boiling. Siîîîly dipping them lu bot water ix nos eno)ug. AWKWARD RIDERS. One Recrutt Wiho Theîluglst He Gotti Tlsrossgui the Sword Exeafes a thse Face o, thes Enemîy. Mn. Christie Murray, in bis IlMaki,)" o a Novaliss," Soescihea several gawky, Ionst ls rnecruits wbo joined the Fourni!-,o y a Irish, a crack negi- tiuent wbi*ch pnritiat itseif on being sus.,ars antisoitier- lika. Sullivan by rname, tbongh ha unoîsoýun- cd lu Sooikan, wLsa - ~ stcb a' sbambling, j fat- footeti, weak. shoultiereti youtb Sthat the Fountîs a- J cd boss tie mdoutons ?outiba1va passaSd hin. Tisa varýions drille eoultinottaach himanytbiug, not aveu the differencabetwoes "lport anrs," ant i"carry a-ms." Wben ha baS beau instructeti in the xwoiti exercice, so fan as be coult ha, bha seat the sargeans wbat was the use of it aIl. IlWhile i w .,s goîîîg ,.rouzlh that," saiS ha, Ilsorne blQooin' Ruasian'S ha elioppîn' me heati off." lHe sheught Shat a soldier muet go througb tise sorti axancisa su the lacs of the cnemy. The notion that the exercice was intendeti to cîva ticxtenîty su the use of the wcapeu neyer occurnedto ihm. Evary moruîug, wa bat he racruits mouni- e thair borses lu the ridise-sebnool.tise rilîng-usas-r cal-ad eus to is. "Pick :a sofs place, Sullivan t" Se long asFitise rs i cinled tia wvalk, SuilLvan stucît o- niOnt whcnth rtis mssr gave the losg I4'ln consmanti, "f----- "tUh brce str et as the lheginnioig ol the unote. Il l l" anappat eut imatr "Fl up Sullivan, Somebotis t Two young fishiermen from sh norb o Irelanti joined tise regireans. 1Tbey cai in ses-boots, pilos-elosb troneere ant lanititi jerses-,anS wene asnt mb tIsýe nîdine-achool belons îhey baS limne ge their unîlonms. The young _ýsaionswer a a isativaucage lu Ibeir aca.bcs b en orete-Sto isosut, fer ihosadd1tcs i n stirrupa. "1 1 ean't gel aboarti thia baee boss, taptain," saîi ona cf therm to the ma;ýs- ter. Witb a look of seonn the mastrrdrt thens hîistat i lto the satdle. At th- re te trot, the fie nermen bang ou Su thae stitila antibeadtili. l'Jack, look ont, or you'Illha overbjoLrti!" abouteS the master. "Not me so long as the 'bloomin'ý riggini' bodS," answaeti Jack. Afraid of Blackmaiî. The New York police inveeligatIîon ba sbown iv. ;te îast developmeasa sîsvisIh willingnasx on ithe part cf New York mncr- chanta te Snncklet1 oliehacmi.Th ey wantet pesos anti thp ose cf the'siLwalk anS thay paiS the " warti man"7 for ii Millions for Sefeisc but not a centfo tihute' neyer seams tbhave occurreti te lbem. Actuaîiy the only man Lu New -v orkl tratis ysî tounuS wo turneti anti fought police lsckmail in hie ossu poor unsuecess- fui, but stili courageous, ssay was a young Armenian Irons Constantinople with s littia fieh-slsnti. If the mrchants cf News York baS fought the polites sould have beau expos cd belons Ibis anti with s ganer- ai dispesition se figbt whoîaaale blaekmail ssoulti have beefi impossible. Most civie abuses eping frons a lika failure te fighî officiai wroog. The unwilliiîgoass te figbs Aseptie' Milk Utensils. caoi failing. Blackrail by the poli TIsaS ail utensils wblch cins in contact abusas on the silewalk, amail nui wi th milis anti craSe chasse nsatanial shouldth ie sîreets are ail enduraS beesuE ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~cn kebIc rn s Olmiain~eu ave net got tisa fighting civi, bc eptfre frtte te cntaiýaienofAmtinsuwbo kssowîs ofa case of] putrelactiva produets is weli kuossu by al, or oppression anti doesanoS mrive But in nssking utansils ceuxaniant for te punishirreist makex himselfa Fj matnual use, toc littîs thougist ix puts upon uhe vils crime. He cannoustioti contrutio wib ~~ s . ponsihlily. Wbha ieconceal e, ihair cntuto iha e easepsie sud the punishmnt nSanti axps conditions. It i5 cfa sbing te xay " wssal'crime of wlsýcb ho bas kuowla' anti muid shas utausil every day," anti quiSe finsSuly of a gooti citizen, Wl anether to bave it se formeS as te ha caps- proptantivd rnaadl c'tizane the hasts of a pot hîs cf Iree an-1 easy ciaauaing. Avoit nitiges el emnaes'fan of soîderng i n al tin utensîls uscti about of the public services cannos ex, silk, reans, obeese, or butter. Tbay ciller ruptson. Phey may Sruit Ion O, cravicesandcaksi hihogai an punssh it ssben slcy dan ; buti cnoletan emae in hiegause mnalt eoîumuuisy is reasiy in se cf ite cancoseSani utrfyluspie f niùinnyte bunt corruption dSnnthse cleansing. shows up ne dsceipliine andtino ssî Iu chaess a kiug sse bave mlk stsrting sill prevaut corruption. Oua c in itseaikaline purily anti eniag in sit, of the superion bonesey ant ini ths Engliab poliis ixtisaStise Eîi curd, the proces saking place in one ne- lie fightss hîsekusil Whuevsri capsacle, the val. If the germe of Ibis anti ebase iltidown. More of acit fermentation ara noS thS*oougly ara- fisstiug s irtSeeix needati bars. iesteS, they ara present the next day sish lscking, su moreasseS powern 10 change the ciaracter, cf tisa milk fasaler Iban the nasurai proceas A Pressing Invitatioi of chess-makiug will do 1. But this is MxD tl- yda noS ahl, for a mers angarous infection comues MsNote tle" yIea froin the imicroesexoetputrefaclion, multi. Nt, ,15m i, seglaS I mtissyoi plyiug ini the dacayîîîg cassin anti butten know yen .wara hack. Yout must i fat clinging se the solderaS cracks. No vals convanaazbons o-morrow." seosld ha useS in, daîry manufacturnag shas Miss Van Note-" Realiy Nns. are ýmatifsiensaîl squares of lin patoiseS I a*i aIraiS I sisoulti nos ha muci segesisar. as it s ix 50eifficuit te kesp shaus qlISisiO." aseptîcaliy cdean anti purs. Most cf itba . Mme, Da Styla-"Oh, yen t(t modern vats are matis witb fess seams iusStina. We Son't want yeu si altborsgh many ai tise le, styls nansain i.ssant yute play the pian.' a Jwglrn ry for ~trsKE.'s isaucas in se eme- e irthoet ure of auiy ige ixsthe s-bhous Ibis nom gooti licefoc - îey înay unl s Li-le insýtant ilt utehi niss chial cause itagnity of 'iglisil pub. it appears fIsle sm ou. Disia t come tu srîy S. De Sîyie, sh cf au ac- eo yonirsil Lta Iki;,wa Everv Man Whio Wolisls Know the Granîd Tratst; he PlinIaFaiti; thise vw flseov- arlese of ilericat SelgcaSaspplied ta Marild Lite. Who would stase tor l'est &,retrS and avoisi Fessîre Pitfai tg. Shoxlil Seea aIe h e d fir Lttis Il.,ok Called - CSuI'LEE tA~tOOand lIsw te At- talit,,t "Iliera at asat ix information frons a higis Mati-el I arcs, Ibat muaS work wcders siSis ti iefnratim of m'n." The book ful y destnibes a metiset by ssbich te attaîn fll vigor sud maaly pew- eA suethoti hy wbicis to anti ail unnasun- sl firin oa tis ystem. Te cure i'rvouBnogi, lack cf self con- ns'l, tieSpontietcy, ae. To exehauge s j sistiasd wonn nature for onse of brightness, baoyaucy anti ppw- ssverwor1-, %sorry, etc. Te gise f ul trenpitis, developusent aud ,one lo ev-eny pertion anti ongan cf tise body. Aïta no barnien. Failure impossible. 2,0û-0 ne'oreceds. Thse book cx punsly rstilcal anti sient- fie, us laese to curiossiy seekers, iuvalu- ab le to men ouly who asad 1. A daspacing, man, wiso appliedt t us, %non alt'-wt' nîS: 1,W Il, I Sli you that fiest day ix one l'Il i:oser forges. 1 jnxt bubbled witb joy. l- ssanted ^,o hîug everybotiy andteSli tien miy 41-L self isall hicS yestentiay anti My urss arî f was born todsty. Wby tidn't yen ci ie -Pwben 1I urst wrotea tis1 sî nId fm a ti t 'ibis way V Anti nother tisus : " If y a umped a caitload f gold at miy te-t ift seulS net brnîg sncb gladuexa lun e iy 11e as ynsur methodSlbas dons. Wie ta tise ERiF E MapcAiCOMFANY, 8rîfflo, NY., anti ask for use littîs, bock --a lad "Complets Manhooti". P.,fer to tisa paper, anti the corspany promnisete arîdthe book, in esaleti suvalope,. witb- lt w y marks,, antian tirely froc, untîl 15 ix, sii llintrotincodt. ~t4~I ~,' CIVILZINGTHE ARK CONTINENT. Élu a.oUlas ýt"Old Country. Bnlnwao bas een on the sprea for wees ad weksandtbe state of drunken- nasasudgamhingwhlicb axists there ix sboclcîog. F rights change bande daily the opn' vountcers disposingof tlsasrs for vrion anm down to £,'10, sud whether th mnttbey recaiva je high'or low,they dirinik it ciit frtbwitb. Buluwayo is at presantý, su fact, a township of canteenq, and1oi0uig at the state of affaira whicb haLsprvla there (among the, whitas> 5ece t wa madie a seulement, iti i im- posibe 0 ay that the nuls of Lobengula bas been ouneeedî by anything better, One cannt help wisbig, if flot that the lmnperiai Government bati neyer allowed the company to assume the goverfimant of the country, at lsast that the company wouiti copy ibe policy of the lm peri al CGov. ernment in Bechuanaland. Iu the whole of British Bechuanaiand anti the protecton. aie thera je not a cantean, except oua each at the two principal camps of the B. B. P. Licenses are nefuseti to ail applicants wbo cannot show that shey provîde ample ac- comn-o lation for man and beast ; a place. must bcs sither a way-slds inn or a hotel, andi the town drinking sbop ix unknown tbroughout, the lengsh anti breadtt of be ]and. VWban Baby was sick, sve gave ber Castoria. Whien she wa.s a Cbild, she crsed for Casoia. Wlhcii sbe became Miss, she dug So Castoria. -W ais she, lied Chiidreii, she gave hens Castoria. False teatîs matie ot ivory hava been fntend in the Roman catacombe. Ll'or Over l'iftv Years MRs, INSI.OW S SOOTHI.Xo Svntirhas been usîti by millions of mothers for their childreu whiie tsetbing. If dioturb- ati aS nighranti broken of your rest by a slick child sîsffaïing sund cryiug with pain of Cutting Teî-th renti et once anti gat a bottle of "Mrs Wiuslow'a Soothing Syrup" for Cnildran 'Ieathing. Il will relieve the poor lîttle sufforer immediate- ly. Depsnd upon it., totbers,thara ix cia mitake about it. I u cures Diarrhoe), -egulates the Stssmacb and Bowels, cures, Wýinti Colie, aoftenB the Gumsanad re- duces Inflammation, anti gives tone anti ergy te the whoie system. "Mrs. Winislow's boothsng Syrup" for chiltiren teetbing ix pleassut te the tas ant i i the pio-scripin of eue of thse olitiat andi beat falphysicians anti nurses in the Unit- atd Stiteas. Pries twenty-tivs cents aj bottle, So)d by ail druggists throughout the wotid. Be sure to ask for 'MRs. WrçSaow's SooTrcNGoSYRUP." 22 17 The Sultan of Torkey nearly always dines aloîe. Tables, plates, kuives and forke are escinewcd. Hls uses onîy a spoonf anti bis flgrthus flahing out the foodi fnom littie 1saucepans.placed on the floor. IlE!PILES! ITCEILNG PILES. SvacTost Mostur; ltnse itching aniS ~ n -, uussc m a anight; worse by scacbig. f aio'weti to c uiitiue tumi- refr ,;evlsh ,uýttîts bledt andi uleenate. ecmt very asure. SwAIIN'SE OINT- MENT sioux tbe tching and bleedkre, heals Ulcerati.n, sud în most cass nimoves the umiors. At drug 'giste, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne &Ss.u, Philatiel-, phi. Ymran So'nas Co., Montreal, Wbo lse Agents. 'ýTHEL TRIUMPH OF LOVE" IS HArPY, FIHUF[!L fMÂUJRIAGE.' Tise fac..siaile signature f je o, n . wraPPeIIý. FOR SALE BY J. HIG3,1713TUIM & SO\, B'JWMA\'VILLý Will- find it to their advantage, to cali at M. Mayer's Rat Store, and-«t' ýsee the immense stock of FeIt andic Straw Rats at prices neyer before offered. Feit Rats5 har d or soft. , 5D C. , forrnerly sold for $1.50 t o$2 Straw Hacbs equally 10w; k, a large stc-.k of Gents'Fnisig cut -down in pricp,. Four plylin collars 10c., wortth 20c. Corne and examine stock and price.s. No trouble to show goods. '-.vtre be-stacise for tis as Simcayears, /7çx -sti-wsenoS Iras frn s t as ingle day. mss~~~~ s5,e ,ei5elu sed doctors' mati- ints anti ail others I couldtimisk of, b ut ht diS Inne no geoti. My cousin saiS I iî'snt beeasse Ai atise Stst madrieneeys matie, anti I took tht-ce bot îles of lb, wiSis tlbc resuli ht iShSas oomplctey cureS mue. I thluk Bnrdcsck Blooti Bittera, botS for lîe iabe5 dtas a isîcet purifier, 1» thce anti ai)ginS toe 'rs seniste baltMy GOtan ilorusan, Ont, r' ~i -e' t cf7e ifxis w.fco AS4hMa7, Catarrh, Lung Troublec. In 1862, Mrs. Martba Besant discovcred1 the procese of extraeting irons the rootasudi, ba.ý- kof the " Tres cf Lfe " of Bi itishi Ind, au cuir of unrivalled vital'ztng po, 1-li cîsing Conuscptiou sud Luuigtircub!e Mauysufferare given up byphysiciaus tiiirty years ago.who baS recoorse Sothie lixir aie 00W living. It givea pure rieh blood, restoes xvasteS tissues sud is believed to le tbe conly, jicnisaitent cure known for Consunpsi io Iýxcept last stage), Bronebitis, Asthm,i, Caarrh sud al long troubles, a u ~s pepsiaCoustipalioni, Livar Compiaiutesn, id Fercale Weaknass. Full particulais fte. Adclress, Mes. Mftrtba Besant, Torontfo, qnîaj îoit weaîhlocwill." ,cr Infante and ChUdren TIT yelzs' Observation of castorfi ith thse patronage of millions cf persons, permit us to_!spezk of t withou.t gue.ssing. It i. nnquestionably the best remed-S for Knfants andi Cildr.5en thse world hbas ever known. It i is armalûss. Clfdren liko it YI, gives them=lealth. It wfll save theïr lires. In it Mothers havo, somethin _wihiabsolus adPatocaY erfeOts mý childYs Medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverisbnes,. Castoria prevents vomniting Sour Curcl. Castoria, cures Diarrhoea and Windl Colle. Castoria relievos Teetbing Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and latuleney Castoria noutralizes thse effects of carbonÎc acid gas or pois0ouss aLr, Castoria does not'cotain morphine, opinm, or «fixer narcotic PToP-OrtT. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates t'ho stomacis and bowels> Civing iealthy and natural sleep,. Castoria is put up in one-size botties eniy. It 19 not Sold hnilVulk. ]Don't allow any on. toeaUel yon anything eeou thse plea or promaise tbat it is "just as good" and " will answer every p:rp-ose."l 5_ee tisat Vou sget CAST0-R-1A, De

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