s' GR ATEU CMOTI7r O N F K CHINAS EO.IIPMENT FOR WAR.1 ~~ Ticerey Li's Utvelopsucut of tuse Navyansd thue Arsenals. Wilful Daisy'S Lesson. A Sbanghai despateti says :-Lctters "REAKFAST-sUPPER. laisy, Daisy, corne bere !" from Weihaiwei say that'the nid Viceroy, ya thoroogh knowiedge nfi theP natura "Yes, Mammia, l'mn ming." Li Hong Chang, le carryieg ont the trien- l 111's W bs h gesern the nperasinn's a, igcnsui "Ire le a btter fromn Grandma. She niai inspection of the Golf porta bi a way1 lino nutrition. anti by a careful appicatýion Km in poprtes < el-aletet Cco ?l< Iwante yen te corne and seclber and stay tWOw bîhexies tt odree ifrio Eppe bas provudeei cor breakeasofmlles withr' dEliliaey lrod r'lbvraekwbirh rna ' t1eor Iliree nthe. New, what do yen tbink crs. This inspection, ik wasefourni, wast aimsny ieavy doctori' bills. h ,is be ti of tatl larili rcad the ltter to ye." vital in erder te kcep np the standard ni ýnticioos use of ssncb articles cf duel thutt u meOntltoiti0n may be gradualtt'ý but une until Dear iDaghter . I arant te ask a great tihe Chinese soldicre and marines. Then Rtrcng ïoough te resist evcry tendency te favor nf yen. Will yen let Daisy corne te Chinesa do not take kindiy te the profes- disease. Hud8tionisubte maladies arca e s adaabalnhbue iink she floatiogaaronndans ready îorattaong training ît eîk a ýýwcak pint. Ile mas'e cap" maur je old enougb te utume alune. We wiîîmeîe n fam.adi eqie ogtann a fatal shaft by lîcepinut nursalves wecl fortifiai bier at tbe station. Our counntry air aill te predoce effiiency. The Viccrey, bo,,,- 'vitb porA blond anti a Droerly norosh"3d do bier goed, The air ni town bas made ever, determioed ton years ago te mnake frame" --Civil Service Gazetfe.",lircekpaendtn oultt er! Made shmpla' with bonr water or milItbrcelspl ndim oruIeda the Chinese fleet respectable, even if neýt sol ( o nly in pack(-, Lia' Grocers. labellerl thos Let bier corne te grand ma's and she wil] ge frialadh is eie epta JfllàýE pps 'l- .,sa septll I swell.-Motbcr.fomdbeanle s ece tpua1 Iste Ladau. EglasdThat was ail, but îl was a wonderfnl 'end te the farcical gon practice and dr c letter teDaisy. She bad neverbeen te tbe which wae earried en at the different fot X"4 I l n ceuntry in aIl the laine years ef lier lii e, and and arsenals. R1e secured the best freiLn now the tbeugbt ef a sommirer un theouno- drillmastere te bie procured, hoosing tbemi WEDNESDAY, JUJLY 18, 1894 try ! "Oh !" she ried, jumping np and impartially fremn Englisb and German ___________ -___------ _______- down. "lthat will be jlly." cfiScere, and tha resuit bas been a verya DR. J. C. I1IXlELIL, "Yes," said mamma, "bot yen must ha a great imprevemnent on the wboie service. 0F OLEGE~ 1cThe Chinese navy is, now respectable.v EPER OFCLEROF' Pn.YqXIAN 0geigr." The large vessels are the hesti wbie- mocey % fl u ranne, Ontario, Coroner, etc. "iii sea about that," sai rebelliense .s uin uoe hletesnle -adesdneE isien 7L Daisy. vassels, like guoats, terpedo cruisers, n IlEKE IHPS>ENew lat me tell yen abot bis littia Mise. andi despatcb boats, bave beanu made at the D<PRISTER-:. SOLICITOII-. &7,n. MnP RT1P lier wlfol ways bai often anseti lier Foocbew arsenal, iargely by Chinese wbe OjK PI 01K.nu2taira, Ringr Streel-. Hnwman. raceiveti their training from British anti vil M oicitor fr the Ontari Bank troble, as weil as those arount iber. She Gernten experts. Tbe moment the nativet .5 â~t loneVs leaneci at, tîtsi8 w irîts neyer bad muof ni wat the worlti would workmen olti be trueteti te work onder1 RO UlT. YOUG, V. S. caîl real trouble. 11cr parente diti net cx. Obunese overseers the fnrei-aners were diis-t 0 11 EIN TEW S D R Amettabardts ohe btlthircaged, for the Chunese are extremei'yv ~'JFIC TH WET DRIIM psA nybar taiesni erbotlet thirsenstive, and tbey dieliketi te bave anya Newrs lOmk. arere imself er assistant littia girl de pretty mocb as -sie plas on.eawbe would report tbe pregrese itbey t% e founi frîcn 8a.m. te 9 p.m. Niglit alls kt 'e0idenme.diretlyeoppesite Drili Shed. Cals She kepti berseif vary neat andi dean ; for were making.c 13 lelc grapli or telephene will receive promptseleeitbe"xe pasbexrssi Under arefol training the Chinese bave atteallen i71.yr ~it, and loved te appear intiependent anti peve a etr alrohn n eage A. . P~Tsef-rliau e eher. ver umagineti woulti bu possible. Tbeyb A. A 1P NT9sel-relantte thes.bave aIse deveiepetionaxpacted ski]]in tbe A _U'III[TECT. Plans andi Specifsca- The eventfol day at last arrived, when bantiling ni gune. Tbe manSuovres tbje !tL ions prepareti for averyclase ethuldina'. seeaaste leavebhome tu goto hergraodnia'e. year at Talienwan ware saiti te ha veryD SpeciaLl attetilon g/en se beatungby steam .satisfatri Thne icryi ahrl ord 1-t waaer.anti te eanitary arrangements. Mamma anti papa accort, saied lber te thbe c torY.s ie be id gVicateo n e barh Clc:Gerie Bleck,. Whutby 43 -cîteash bspadgra-atntret b station, end put bier usuter the garaof a werk donc en tisa betioreignebipe, ant isi, M ~kinti'bearted conducter. She rebelleti at therafore, exacting in hie demnande. Ie ,'wasa :R. P EA E > 1-ilor ibis, as eile wanîedte ttake care ef berseli, greaîly picaseti witb the ski]] with arbicbýf Genleens OotesMaie o pdr- but for once ber parents badl their vray and the slips ware handled and ai the effîicincyt Ce_-u__________________Made_________ she had te snbmit. of the gunnters. TIhe artillery pretic a V She was very thon gbtfnl aIl the aay. The Werhai was epccially cmmentied for ils l-['IAC ý11 paseengers noîiced the brigt little girl with accuracy, and forcign experte wlso aise bier golden erîs and thougîtiol face, anti l witnesseetit teclare t tat tila ncxt Envo- l>ENTIST. tbongbt she mueit have winserne ways anti pean nation wbicb gels loto a war wiîb pretty muanners.1 Chinua ril net findth ie Celestial goiners In the car wae enother littie girl wbo bad .sbocting wid. Tbe men bandîsti tbe g OI'F CE: Rea Of es as. lank booke, in wbimh ebe noteti tiwn pieces luke veterans, and the renaging a arbat isîîcrested bier, anti arat she thooght sigbting were tinna as weil as thc avera,ýge Hîggî,Dnbothami & Son'S Drug wolti intevest ottiers. This is wbat see[iractice of this kinti in Enropeen batteries;. Znwrnte aIent Daisy : iha battalion drill ni the bine jackets was Store, (down stairs), Saw a little girl to-day, while on thealase praieed. The terpede establishments train, that lnoked like a big wax dol]. I bere and ai Port Arthur were inepecteti BOW MA VILEwisbed 1 lied lber fer mine. Sise hati long, 'witlu great are anti were feunti te bue in9 _________________________ flaxen'mrle anti big, bloc syes, anti beants- Igeodmconditiono. fnlfaiv tkin, 11cr name, tbey telti me, Under the nid regirne an inspection of - I.nS9 llthililf was Dai&ey Darling. Sua le a tiaving this knti was a mere larme whicî wa e va- toa. Wisb h e Mas my sister, cause mine gardati by the bigî official assignedti 1 Cliee, Dycti. Pressect anti Rapaureti îy seted as a pretaxt for a fins junket. Evary pstly 1~ ~ -~If Daîsy ceuid bave known what tiselit., officiai was bonti te serave thuc hast fiood III.riO S r~E j~, le i girl aras thinking ablit lier, sbe wonidd wcire tsaat ibe old aeccre, andteiclis T_ ICIL0 S. -LD Iff A rT 5sourn bave mssed ber te onfide in bier the se tin hs tegenerated into a round of Dyer and Clothes Cleaner., stcry niflier dead sieter. fier warm, Ietivibie. Uniesse m flagrant accident tý c a irantl10t lie a2 e noa lu wl knew impetnone manner aeuiti bave matie a occnrrad the reportesarere alweye cempli. lie e v arran he dn freunti of th e ltile girl, but si e never knew roenary, though foreienexperts wbo wt tien re ner rbn dnaif. nesseti the manSeuvres told quser series ni Cernr Ksg ani OearieStret, Seen lber jounny ives at an endi. Siete e tter iack of icIil] anti discipline shewn aras at grandma's station where she vemsiv- by tihe Chinese ews ef gonhears anti the T's-T1Tner1)~ dawarmn welcmem frnm those wiaii gior native mariioce rbe ws re sopposedti t o IJ23J. N1iO .l~, br guard the fnrts anti arsenals. The war She is jîlet like a heam ni sunsîine cea antIsl'rance over Toniqoin, boarever, wee - '"u~te giatiden rny nid days," slaiti guantima' 10 an eye-epenei for the Vicerey Li anti ex'r gradpa Grntpa eplct intl' arrts a siceh as been unsparing in pains anti i-tha song axpense te make the Chiaese navy effective On]y a beam ni soneshine, andt 1 builti np tbe army. t ibas heen np- But, eh, lit ras warrn anti lright I bill werk, eas h icpiaat fi ency are net natural te the Celetial, Only- Deisy bati overhesrËdttesevremarks about a man ni Vîccroy Li's great snergy anti iesîscf. Il I will try te bc a sonbearn te inointelile arslconîti bave matie hsatiway dear nid grantima," Iha ibeuglit. Se she against the apatby anti morruptien whimbh triet ansusccecetiail tînt day anti the exisieti on cs'ery bandi. Wsth hie unlinsiteti C H XRND N, L D S nèxt anti the ne'tt in leing intiected sn powr-f or le is the real gevevning beati of bearn. But alas on tha fnrth day bier China-be sonr matie the lazy anti on- Grainte lite Royal collc"u of 133a1,ai interest laggeti she lad grearu tireti of scieusîesse mandarins untieretandt altbey surgeons Ontario. being gond.ttunvranwli Tefs ohs " FCZ 1 tieclare 1 I don't know abat te do utt" ovranwle' h lrtn i jFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESuS OFCE w triennial inspections efthie poste nifItbe witb Daisy," sii grantima eristhe.c rnrnng Golf of Pee-clîne'lee was a farce but encis ---VITALIZED AIR_______ of the sevenîb tiay. Il She bas net 'donc uceignsctobashwaiard le okhlsewcl the lmt tbree ticys. -succaeti netiobsswnenaet b17i w T io h p Yzerak hl .I lse t 1improvret iat promises arel fer thc ~ e ' '?aior hop Yeserayarbnl oldhertecerne anti future ni China's tiefences. set tetable, setad I on",t have te,' Irth undersieneti who bas been arrying o, andi van off. I don't lika te tell Elsie, but ihie iainreing business in onnectionu4, with I eugbi te 1 l'Il Mait awble iret -;" anti Mae'DyGonds Store frartomberof years grantira arant about lber werk hepuog te ha STRANGE STORY 0F A ISER. çbas meenced business for himsclf et bisabet prDisflcdgaeofhvn reitpme ing St.,westavherehis iprssparel bet pr asdiaderc fhvug- te ie g:,ents"and boy&so utte un ail the lteet te ha eprtatite ber mamnia. Slip Loande 6of lnes ll Tiat ile left of Hie stylesatiolwest primes, l/or Ihose who "I 1risb sernething ar'uld teach lber a Vast liards. asl noersuite, lae ail] carry e fultlina ai lesson." 11cr porgrantima litila tivearnati The schooner Annie Gas isunnieatiing ample aie the newvest patterns. Gise im ni0 elso Iiaa in store for tle cargo et Hoeward street pier, San Francisco, amil naugbty littie Daisy. httlsatlofdoaedalinte J. TJl .I. ýT inEiN"9 Soon efiar thue, oeaday et 0000, arIen la el aco eoeetstso i Fashionable Tailnr grantipa aras getting readty to go np the pleins of Mexico. Tha hulti of île vassal ______________________________ oonotains te bus il arche, Daiey saiti, was illeti ai Guayrnas witb tle ekulls TU D IR Nl~ Grantima, may I go tee VI"adntmes of meutle tînt lad diati mary "Wiy no dear, tion't yen se c t iiebes' 0'ears ago on the percleti prairiýes a few HuinuaI ['ire 1i stiur a c aven't wasebet?"miles inlantifrernmîle port. - IlI tio'i cars 1 Wesb 11cm youvself I The officers ce/île schooner titi net va- Associmitiomi saiti this wicked litile girl. I arn ging! member tle naine ai tle riel vaquera arle a gnuie "lanet Poioyte armrsCorne, Grentipa," as if ibat settîcdthie several dacades age ownedthîe landl about Issucesa mie"iakt uiy efreEralter; lut it tiin't, quita. 80 sIc at. Gueynîs, longer and ibroader tItan a mîasn IA-vg: - Al ibe aitarneen, sIc playeti aroundthîe coniti ride in a day anti anizbt, but tihe aid ist Cieàý 65 cents par $1100 ase ithoni once falling in, sea bld pol lGamssytn upsest 3rnd 9JÛ ,' -1,100 er,4yas gatp.greas eailh, antithatl bis berds of cattle Mstd of 1.10 t Drt 100>inntfrmFI At tIc close of the day grantipa saiti, acre more than couitille counteti, The great are uueini.da. vaquamo wae ani autecrat antIs a great greeti ine 5itj-DO L s., ES"WsLEs .it a minute," saiti wilinl Deisy. Il 1for atîle anti gati. Bll nif ibese seernedtet maa. r J OYEEs., JE S TRUL, Es 'nt te looke in eci well again beicre 1 rnltipiy on bis bande se rapîily thet bis OeSon. Bewanville.1 go. I treasars anti bardls acre almeet unlîrnîteti. Owen onndJusi s Dasy.ars.iocing - JIalest ut l, arasnet sti-fe-i. a1gre mor wihut1wr- "h e abnti eý ra ean Étecd vi,,-,ýmt Z tge a god disass anot He hast te ilfize ativertising spame jus îhink taha i I tijdurroulndIî ly lis geli X erl/h hn heexst wer cmmnîa ingati lie public is aquestion andthiat laars bndtiay ys î 'iC nes re D kdsKidnuc'y cosievtine 3abil bs i e note- atroiling mrnteraeteck aaavy ils fhy pi/laare 1sedîr ortby de,.veiopment ni the art ofai atiîs- treasure anti lurostilihe heuse. The Maxi- ýiyprime eamenue.p/rSoxr cx for ý Dr.L. . Sitl & e. l'oont, Wot cr AstI ildimore anti more becerna an -esentiaI beach ancre they armpit afew cents ler bockcalici Rdtty Tcik. lamn ite 11e of trade anti commerce, tîseir aork. e hiIdrn1r!!o FUJN FOR SOLDIERS. tels- i;s-ItieluTroepe Shoew Ileieors konw Bafîlei Are Wass, The, royal military tournarnent, remently lialt infr tic iteenil lime ai Islingion, Englant,11i, is more tIen appular snu.erîain- met It isý a public institution, antioe tee artlotwbmlthere areultibe a positive antipid nI feit gap in tic lufe ef tic natin. Wat people is tisera onuler thc sun tua doaes net iike a shoa? Anfi arlat caoha mre iascinnting show tIen oe in lc ail tie aciers ara net profassional. shoaren but thc steroe§t ef aIl living reniîis-sîdirsant i fgiling men? Wsitb tle miaýscf île natten ieavanedwanthîe citzensolierspirit, lus annual ass&nît ni are t Ishingten, this 1sthlmia ci Tomnmy A4tkiis, is natural]v acîcomati as oni o th rate opuler pleesures of tic yaar. Wr camres fer the tournanien.t nifognes et W lestm-inster in comparisen anhtihie conaetof armsaet Islilgion? Anti aba-t a poor slow, tioke tie sighiscer nLotion j matie by tic gladuators of St.Se-pien'e as coueprati atIhahe gladiators of the Agricultural ball I Tiabeanîy ni tlesa tournernents is tiat ,bey are net restricteti te the British aruny. France ani Itahy lave in tom centrîbuteti te, thiem sorne niftiair very hast arieldars ni tIse aite areapon ; anti nea Denmamk sentis as meILssengers of peace anti amity seine cboice_ descendante of tise men ai ed ti t hant upen British coasîs, sarorti in baud, ani ld(ifferunt intent. Lb aras lopedti tît a 1bedy if UnitatiStates cave hsy aoulti have adated îleth attractions of thls yaar's dis- pilay, but tîsir appearanca las heen tiaerreti îiil niext Juine ; andti tsc it wiii go fer te razetIse bopas of race universalisls, aie avle alaryetmring of an anoual Isîlmia forý ail the Angle-Saxon rare. Cevtainiy îile jIstî mia et Llingion je aiready acting as a,, god anti premisîng nucleus ni suci a fine sceme ; anti, inticat, tIare area ame arboý tee îhîbnk tIat ius realizatin aes s'Vell pathe initial stage arIen île hi(nma lroeùps nioftic Quaco acre sean contentiing in lýe samne arcîsa of armes anti lînor antI gunniers iroýns tIceua-it plains oi Cao. ada, anibroozetitreeopeme, flnest cý i ier ktîtfrinîe sie2p.prodiueing prairies ni île 3 ~elenCro's. BuW,hihast year's tournament aras pcv- iIlps a littie more vividhy pictnresque'L-witl its lancers frem New Seuil Wales, its gunneve irons the batteries ni Canada -the programme of tle presentassanit ni arrns le as ricl as ever in martial feals of sivengli anti ekili. The evointins pariermeti are alh near anti sre mesi effective. The pace arhiol is kepi op is aspecialhy noticeble anti to bu commeodeti bighly. Lt is usuaiiy quick anti lisait', machs in contraet te tic sornearat slow, if stately, mevemeot seen Tiic sarses of performances ci ekihi anti strengîl ly men of thc army anti aoxiliery forces, horse anti font, aras openieti aithe Royal Agricuitural hell the otler-day. Amoo îl visitera fvom day te day ase Prine Etarar etSaxe- NWsinsar, Lord WVilliiem csyrnounr, anti other riilam cfi- mars c i meilk. TfIue Tiret Lîe guartis, the Scoîsguath îe Taentieti biussars, anti taro 1batteriesni hersa artiiierv, as adil as many yeornenvy cavelry treepe anti velue. teer cbatialuens, centributat t il"varieti pregmaLnim of niatarial tiisplays and ti etîtie eerIt CL5es. For île cembinati exhibitionnifail arme a metiri ni a Sontianesa, native toau on tise banka of tle Nile aras erecieti, te bu ai- tacLti by a British ferme. A ligli bridge àlaviog bueon throwan acrese an umîgunary elream:, tic ativanceti guards of troepe puseeiforarrt anti prepaveti te bivouac ; tbcy aresoon angaged i tI the enemy, lbii acre telteveti ly tIc arrivaI ni success- 1ive reinfercernents, antI a mountain bnttevy andi machine ne. A parîy cf the royal egineers censtructeti a pontoon bridge anti alalloon aras sent up te exmamine il- juterbor ai tIc fertrus. Icite eperatiene resuiteti in trsving ont tIc Soudaîte-e garris ou. THE LABRADOR FISHERIES. crvu'ment Interfereue leedelu lcthe hlýtes' of Oveu-leadteg Cmif. 'i evcant loss of tie csL ooner Rose,aith tasiva luvoýs, off the southwsast ceast ni NeavFe,)ntlant, cioplesizas tic dangereus salent oh tic oveleatiing ni tsa vessais, lin r the spring anti fahi of the year. In tle case of tle Rose, ahich lest recI- Dmolliiet i atI an iceberg anti imrnediaîely tareusi doan, tisere arere no les tIen fity fiva people abeard, tiaugi ooly a smal scîsonner. Providentialiy anti almest mîra eculously, forty-ihrea ni thosa on board tconfriveti te ciamber upon île iceberg, anti îaitar entiuring fearfol sufferinge they arere 0r-escnati hy e peesinu cmi t. 8 Tbesa schoes only carry one, or aI lie Messtare mbats, se tînt ut us almeet tmpos- sible le save lfe arIen an accident emmures. Tîsybringover thonsau'ds of fieîievmenirom Nearfoundianti te Labrador ite epring nio tIc yaar, andti tise livin jshutso e is ton tise Labradoer cesi ahi summer, d-.ying blahir fiel aslere arIen net eclually engagati 8in flshiog9 Iu tIe faîl of tise ycar bbey are convayeti Iack te Nearmounheoid as îbsy cama crowdt- ci dijka cattie upon the flIsing sclocners aThsy )ive a lii e ai censtant peril anti atven- - cure', anti nete fea ameng tlhum fioti a Watery grave. TIc recani disaster te thc Rose, ant iber buman cargo will tieubiless cau-se Gevemo- yMent attenticon te ladirecuti toth îe )ýpracticuc, f overioading tbeiîe schconers,enti ht > tice adnpttion of mean ferits; future pre- y1Tobacco Caýuses Loss of, Memory. Tlosa noyin anti noneis nîe les ns t) e eol leet sm ei-na word nor île tl ecýessi3ýVe nI cf tbcc.Tbus genitleman s,3~ olavt tît aaiea ntikamnesia arc. seC er sexOn tich b ehnt, le2 lasnrlyrý r oaihyfenii ,tiaese ajïlictionsmoma ýy !i j" mi r ba.biluahly !heavy snokers5, J5 l11P ius casas airmeatîcy aaoîiy of rave cli occrrncebaba fraqýiustly knoan ilthe e exraetinry apsje t10 ave been proeietie J-by an extra dlOse oi tIls fragmerýnt acetd.i. L is efrig n 'r to lie aeee y le lie sm atlority theat a mlodamate osýe ci rl pipe or cigar is in ne avay batrmuiil te l masenory. I '57i!~Afli" Yfl A fl AnTF 1 LISfTT & fln 5.iAVTiiitJtIU Than a nice Watch, Set of Jeweiry, Ciock, or Silverware ? It is flot necessary for me to say anything about the quality of my goods. as everyone knows that T always keep the best the mcarket produces. I have a few I{-Îun-dred Dollars to mnrake u-p îin a short time and arn stislingroff mny stock at 50 ets. on the $ whie you have to jpa5y others double the price for infe-l± or stock. Cal] and see me before buy- ing. IC yen have ,any kind of small work te repair or make bring it to me and y)encau get it done right. 7 7 7B7,7'0,' throog h iry tl'rin Jit uridlvjtinlilo DhsEccl von i rt /.t rî r its' o any of th Uv ' inl-rlon iliz -at ', ;o Am,,-bi- tion; M 1- 'i I , > i hJu ihiîeI t'it; llpes on J the face ) aý,' r Da v ',t; r' " ; &îe in ;Soie Tfhroait; jur ouse; 'îi isI<to ti et 1t tt andit utiLack of Ener y andI ltr" ogrt.ilur\ei. t1 rc t i d u t tc.lly, phytically ' and ïexuall. Chas. Pater a ad P : ï l A Have, "Atilyt uns of agcIcarutne I a b'îd ';'uhit whieehalmost rainedc Eltnd itO (2 itioti. Ileai auJ neyes becamo dall. Dreama andi dritn,. at ini t weffkeneîl me. 1 tried seveo u edical Firme, Elec- trie Bel ', Pattt Mledtcînes and FanlDutr.Tc gave me noS hep. A fripnd adviid me te try Drs., ltcnoedy &K lCrgan. They sent mie one month's t, catrent amd it cared lue. I mouid feel - miel-if gaîum~ every day. T'Ite le flhodTul'reamenl uesws Ccdu -eutt _àe a il e1e fai/t f hey lais' cured mano o ny frilnds.' Dr. Milaltj. "Sonue 8 ypars .1-o L mot actn2l a serions contitutional blood 'Fidi vea"c. 1 wrîît te o LotSprings to treat for syphilis. Mercîriy almost bectme sr, pains iniîlmbs. pimples n face, biotce, eyes red, 4' L\t>)~loss oft hair, glandsencla ged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. ~ r'c . K ennedy &Kr'or uehu urama.If, ereni me, and I have Sltc 1Dno svioî omcfor frs'c icare. i1itamimarrued and ha'ppy. As a Sdurtor, I hparttly recomcoid it to ail who have iltis terrible disease- Cuire- s t.u- t.- u - t, ." twiili craditaethe poicun froîn the biocd." Caup,. Z' cd. S YEAS IN DTROT. 150.000 CURED. "1 im 1M xc ix oF wg, nd mnrriîi When younk I lecl a ra-,, i.'le. ]larly indtecreriorte a J lItetr eCxc"cses muade trouble lui11, me. 1 he'aîîte w ac and nervous. MlY kidneys berame '~ ~5 cit'ced f4 f ae Ill"ht' dt'nu. Mlarrirti lit' as oneatis-0 ,,~ ~' .,' I lctory unad my home unha'ppy. I rried cs'rytrhing ail failed tili 1\lethod huit me op inrt2lly, pttysicaliy aad sezaally. Ife and artlikg a man il cve'. oepet Try them." iýY o Nanmcs Used Without WJrittn j' ~ Cons-3nt of Patîit. Ou e 'oidTreatmentÏ'3trfi1' )z-s<s9om t trnthers ilie boey, stops ail riueti- ' c'te', itaritie flihe-îd iea la-i-l, uli-u lenrvoa.s antI sexuai ei'tcutsa 1-3ftoetloiitality tothe body.1 b '. Koiudy Re'mnare' th leadng secialistS 011 Antric'. its gaîr et tuc ie o onpar Thir revu- 43 Sheby St. IDerit ih KeptSeldelins10 A mosi rernarkable casa b as heen tievel epeti near the village of Wintlsrop, in Var van CountyIndiana, anti itaffortieplysicians a near fielti for investigation. Ferty.three yevrs. ago Mrs. Perry James becarne insane, bier peculiarity leîng aus aversion to cern pany anti a tiesire te bu parfectly alene, SIc aras not dangernus, but ber ariente loe. cose secinsive aras se great tiat sic aras previtiet athI a davk ree'n et lber home, ahrea e bias liveti a bermit 111e for 43 ycars, being careti for by bier hnelaod on tii ha tiieti, four yeavs ago, anti inter by bar twe tiaugîters. Se close tii sIc keep iersli ibat neigîlers meveti in ibhecoin- miinity, andt chiltiran grea te manleeti antiwoaronuoeod , amsent knaing ofilber preseume. Anti it is aven saidt tît a sen- in-la, wrle doîng everytbing possible fer bier cmmiri, ivati in île saieabouse fer many ycars aillent aven seeing liar. The afflictati aQrnan's paculsarities acre appamently satisficti y hyue seclasion grant- cd baer, fer sie livati in tIsat utile room con- taoladly, ant i ati littla tronble te ibosa aIont ber, frem young woornuboti until 'elt age, sic beinsg oea 10 ber 75th ycar. This aeek she hegan te slow rctnrn of ren- son, anti matie inqaimy menccming relatives anti nighors arIenssIc kosar Islams ber mmnd lecan-ie affecteti. Meny ci tlem had movedti t ler parts, sems a bat ieti, but tIare acre tirec or four aie still remeinati, anti aren cia cxpreseed a tiesire te sec tbam tluey acre Iveught in ber preseoce. SIe cenvarseei ratîoxsaliy on comînon suijecte, anti evinceti a desire te once more ernerge jnoe l aorîtianti become oeaof ius aciers. 1-er aversion tl e eting peopîlelias tisap. peareti, bar peculiavities are dissolving, anou upon sujeets antIaicsei is conversent sha taies ati fveedom anti cleemnass. TIare, arc indications tlat sIc au]l fuiiy recovar ber mental faculties if lier ile je sparati. One of tle ballucinaetions tInt lave passati frens bler aras ilat île aair as full nibal- boons fIllet anti men, aIl coming towPýrt lier. The above is veucleti for by tic hast people in ti.comrrunity. Tîsae e a coosanguînity betarean henev. elenoe anti bnmility. Tbey are virtueseof tle saine stock and have, like thouasa-nds of cther people, to avoid al food prepared witb. it, this is'to remind you that there is a dlean, delicate and henlthful vegetable shoý,rt- ening, which eau be used in' its place. If yen xiii instead cf lard-, you eau eat pie, pastry and the other &Lgood things " which other folks enjoy, \ithout fear of dlyspeptie consequences.D- liverance from lard has corne. Buy a pail, try ît in. your own kitchen, and Le cou- vinced. Cottolene is sold 111 3 anci 5 pound pails, by al groc-,rc. Mlao riy by Wellngton .ad Amins It is sajd that the Orthodox church of R.ussi a jerichenough to pay the $1.000,000 000 national debt of Russia and yet net mpoverish itiseif.