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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1894, p. 1

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lit ni' TURM :-t.~ ~ wm.OUR TOWN AND QOUI ORLD ATPTEWÂRbDS. M. Â JÀMES E»n!oa. AN» Nuw saras BOWMANVILLE, ON' 7. JULY 25, 1894. VOLUME XL. NUMBER 30 ___________________________________________ I GREAT OFMMER_9000$ ----T P -HMNS TON &C R YD-R-MAN lluuuI 4~o~ Delairtes, 8,ateeura, ýl riits and - -,'rink1e Chi L7iÙs e-t e~reatl.v redite-d prices, 8omne of thern iut haif pro. Ako somîe Love1y Dress LPRttr-is below tbIif cost MU nlarSo, N ew GiOods, will I.e ..-sOld at cost Ga~1 .and sEdro some of these .genuine brg asý thiese hod s e soldi CUOH, JOfINSTON & ORD MA *Next Time Yo J Bu>' Shoes Insist t~e having a pair of uthe _fam ou - F os-Le rS Soie, fr tror 1S l 0C Mfr. ï Sot, Twn ______tg____ John Clark'a new liouse.... Receýnt yIhit ors: Mr. andIffra. Wm, 1 Knightr, town,a 1Mr. T. !Power'a; Fred. Witherià'dge, Tu ronto, with relatIves and friende he Mise. E, -hel Hall at homei,; Miss Mar Rowe, Teýwn, at Mr. (4eo. Frauk4s;, Mii Mabe,,l Powvees t , ,TiPower'b; Mis Stewart eat Mr. E. J. Btirk'%..., Unioi Sunday School je progressing in "ttenç ance. Picîftio next Friday am tue lake, C. DorrnIelIy, prop, of the popudar ail well- k ilorn W inds(orHote1l'A Ilis to3, Ont> waS tron.,bled for years w ith Itphing l ez iHe wau peraaded by Jas. ýMcGarivey, AI lietoni, iery iman, to use CaeaOint- ment, which he did, waa cured', has h13 no rettura of thein>liid highly reconirueni3 thisOintmiient as a soývere-igu cure forPilv Br6ken in Health That Tïret'FeeIing, Constipatio andÇ"Pai'n in the Back TWIN ReUd Cap,---U62c pr i Blue Ribbon 7'c. Now is the time to buy the Iowest prices En the market. TERMS CASE RD. WO]RTI ~cadqantes <e Sheif sud Heavy Hardware, Stivea, Tiuware, Paints, sud Gl;asso. A LL ,-UM ER,, Fine Foot-Wear is 10Wl being sold at J. Hellyar'si rehl-ile Boot and Shoe Em-1 porium at greatly recluced, prices FOR CASH* Ail1 Summer goode must ,,jo. We have an A. L. stockl to selerct from. JOHN HELLYAR."" Mst. 'Chas.CSe "Fùr a nmber ,tf jears 1I ha ),benoisl b. 7 alimer eU -i càri oflg sisejrc ýidhad no appst.!iteemxtS1e. I'vastiatre ii, niy limbs thns t give aui 1t bereV ýaU lfiseda bi'drmdershe iiP, tt5 agr utsI. anj 1d sn u ba oli, tsaL lyp b a t rought ý-1vne from ý r ~ii {i. y ai i, dotar eýt1ed in, buýt eoerw ustil upmi î.oosienatin ~a friand, . îicssdaou41:ia d'sSa-aparilla, 1weiiad i fo ttoa nc.Iave con- 4Feel Like :ý- 'Nýw Man,. 1 emme ad sappetnuleOv istrong a2 e-Mr I dut ~îd,~xjo prfet sat etniglut. i haveý unsosîlie~eî:1rca sutuIrood's , arsn- ia 41' »iRESan àp-wtisEna'o- Hôocd'ts 0saraparillIn Quis,,,ry Cure, folloned iff a eauudIedeo~ddizzl- Li mtcel;vlbita îl-tiitworms. I trieod uen 1rcdic! isi'4 te see wIlA t tey îwoid 4 Ik e but w, i fue n-y1t% ng ta take c-ffeeasntil, ai jais, iliuhIoul iJý;ve Iads~nîail Sarsaparilla liai tb ýe te ts ieadaciseisad Cîased asud tise batoises Isi ai l laft my face. 1 lhave) neyer fait, bettter tlian f do uaami I tisink Hood1'sSn- pnila tisa1 best isood purifier on tise nma l, and neadiIy recomîssen i(l ta ûanyone tainueed cIý, tis sme, MssL3 Lo oxa, XllysCame-. merdai Bo1Juse. Cul-de-Sac Street. QuceocP, Q, H ood 's Pffis are promptan fficient", yct easy ii acici'.Sold y ai dr ithe ce,"- S T ~c t usî.1Cs C *4,+* HA tYDOA'. ýarCe-y cuttinig is about ....Mr s. outjo'snew bouse i. uearing ~ l~ton...Vistos:Mis Fallis sud. iyToron ta; Mr. Paul Shemon, .ito;Mrs. W. IH. 1road sudd y, Lindsay; Mfr. Thos. iMaloriey of 'a. . *Miss Mapd Ashton sud Mis. [ie are reuewinz (aId 'acquaintances at san. .. iThos. Brmacombe is 1ng etsiimprovemnents on his .'... A --, d tÏine anticipatpd at t'Rea by uer younv men for afew t by Es Acknowledged To Th)e Best Plug Smoking bacco In the Market, 5, 10 -1 20 cent Plugs. 1O10LINA. 'ýe Patrons of Induatry have ciosed i mneetingw's for the.r busy sea-son,.,. junior football teafn defeated a junior i froni ML. 'eruonu Saturdp. aVen' l4th, by 3gcoals ta 0. ...Tse Division a ang service, for entertaýinniant thia ansd a debate foýr next meeting ou *so L d ,v omen shouid not have frauchisý" .... There will be a meeting Wednesday uight ta) consider meaus îxig curh... Ms.John Paecoe beau quite 3ïck b'ît i3 improving.... out Vie lor:- Mr,;. John Fletcher oh'ildiers of Salford; Mrs. J. D. >rtb and chiidr* n ofNorwikh; Messie%. su .Gûard Cai Bowmranville; qes Bessie and Alice Ndeasd i., Patterson of Torouto; Master Ray Gxuasie Kirkpstriek of 04hawa.... are gonîg on the Carden î City excur- nexlt Monday if harv'eaýt don't crowd nuch, . ..r. Jas. Vý,ice sud chi'dreu Miss Mary E 11ord havý ebeau called heir lheiweto see theii who la cerously ili at Islsay. 'ili positively cure A cheadache sud euVt its 1eturu. Carr'aIbdTittle Livar Thi& la not tlbut trnth, Ona s doe. Se avertiaement. Smnal Soesli Uase, Smasil rince. and4 daughter, Wînnjpeg,Ms.. *s ter, Liiedsay, .and Miss Hmsttia ~ Tyonea rL L'evi. Aunus..: Voyae ssutheosa coasumtry -save thse lp of colIldisg w ith tise Baltimore uer. Ha3 wag iait se- Ia.k in tise sudà is enJjoyint , ýa Issusiar sights ihis aid lisenewîsmahsatisfait- The eagua' Pic zice at Mr. S. 'snsb ach w wl attud-ed. Be. S aur owu folk se,«efjFa were thora fIon tnanville,Osaa iit~,Cbmu nei, Zion. Basting w1Ss theche sment sud as tdie day vswr y seamed ta enýjay the 34iade. ai the led bauk ovoîlooking thea boad ex, e of waters which atroiched c'ut in placid beauty ai golden eheeon lnutil k issed the distant fiorien,(Ahi M. 5 1%SqUire1ýansd dagýhtar, wtspent s day or twoa at ber ibroth- Afr. Jap. Coertica, lsat waek.- Attained An Etiormnoïus iStillicintesinlg Sale attsaLinant relieves Neural~. .&JN18KfILLE.~ .St, arys - havinzG-oumlelted Ihi.s ehoal co etkea. . .. Prof Jna. Bîown, M. H.. e< 1Udiauzi s pendizig a few cday. with frifjan5hir. Mîs. Buweîman d Mis. Berringtrt, of Pri11cV Edward County, -ee gUiePta aci'1i. Jua. Patter onetSktl- bathlest...MissS. enîchani, linois, is vaîtig &rlnaiser acteýr an absence af twa yesre ;0 ;shelaeohing lu that state. M iss N- iaud ir. A. Ormistunt, Cal. i'm buts, bave been visiting bae-,.Miss I M. Riglys is visiting finilenluclevaland, j" Isd is L PuE'tter lu Akiran, Oho-, Ma.M. Keith, Lucknuow; Mns.E.White, Wisrtn M . J. Davey, Mr. N. Dhavey, Pic]keimgý Rev. R. Geo. Davoy, ha-ve bean guastî &t Dr. Mircbell's . Rev, R.M. P31, nB. A., la pîeaching a sanes tof sonimns eon thuIgEabissmeut ai;ý tis erly Chitisia î,ýChuîîl. lHe gave avý,,y iîsteresîting csoreSbshlait i u hemnma givei frt at Antiaci, un- daey eveinmng Rer. R. (,. Davey, BI. A , 1, ]). D. eiverad sastveýrly sermon on Cliïstian Expaieuerlin týis0(ýe Memdie clhunchhaem taeanlarge fialy friands lun this part iveodaite ta(- hear int ai.........A guut sn thuoroughly üeajoy d the excurisio)n froi Caesarems ta Clienoig Park oi Saturday. ..ý.A large numbeýr are taikini )fgaiug ýNie ara ýonithe GrdonCity Monlday »exî. No sna ers"n wou'd thnk;f tr,,elh.ing1,17rail thsis wethcr. Thi WIi niu doeub h une aà te beut excursions if the sas"o. em4 everpresent wsreiuofkîdney trouble b'ik-eche msud walnesibacli, sie quicleiy re'Jeved by DrV. Chasa'eiPuils. 'The cr-giiii no ud ly 15c, Kidney-Liver WhIlen il ' othemeiep laidtlueyf hi nards lonime ut fur sale as-erywbeune GRA D XC RSON The Orange Demnusratic-n hLd hereý TO NIAGARtA FALLS on ho 2th was one of the m3 tordry, ].argent and best couducted hield hyth ]iY PALAC'E STEAMER Loyal Orange Brotherhood of Clarke Og Monay Juy 3ô. Was gaîly deorated wvith evergreenis asud 0r~Mon&y uly30. buntiu asud large arches Epanined theý main Street; one opposite the Ra,d The Excursions te Niagara Falls last a handsoinely econstr,,cted double arcli season by the palace steamer "Garden opposite the Windsïor. Cowsn's iLodge City" froni north shore ports were sa de- arrived abouit Il a. mi , neaded byý thec- lightfully enjoyable, and those wtio went Newcastle baudJ, a ile later Enanikilen havesaid sO many kind thingi of this Lodge, Kendali sud Newtonville ode popular steamer, that in response ta withý fife aud drumi. The rest of the_ many urgent requests, the Company has lodges arrived Ltter. Oronoc Loitge ac- consented ta take the boat oýff hier regular compauied by the Orono bund ,and ez route for one day-Monday, July 30- Park Lcd£,e fife and drumý, snd the Truej when the boat will leave Newcastle at Blues of Let-kard. This is the firqtitue 6:30 a. nm.; Bowmianvilie at 7, Oshawa at the True Llues have tfirued out and the-, 8,and Whiitby at 8:30, for Queenston, made an excellent blhowiv!g. Ailth from where exicursioists will be canvey- lde were weil represented,ý ed by spcial trainý over the Electric Rail- About 1,:30 P. 1û- tho Mrbsscailedi way aioug thu banks of the Niagarà Riv- the lodges togvther m-hen tbcy wera f arwn er in fil view of Queenustion Heights, ed in msarchirig order, and w%;ithbnnr Brock's Monument, the Gre Whirlpool gsily disaplayezd, ta the muisic ,t the 1ife Rapids, Caîadian Park. the Amterican and druin and brass buAà, parade d the and 1ilorse Shoe Fails and Rapida1. Fare streeta finaily bringinîg up ebt tho Ag ricul.. riglit ta the Falls and return oniy $1 50;ý tura Bil where splendid sddroesses w Vere children .12 years sud under, $1 . flSýe- delivered by Revs. W. Down, N.Shw cure tickets in advance snd avoid the rushi C. -V. brerut, Geo. Copeliiand dmr. R, at the wha«r!. Take lunch baskets well Moment, interspersed with uusic by the fiiled- and the re need be no other expense. Orono suid Newc-astle bauds. Thoe chair Doni't miss 'this excursion ; the Gsrden was ab]y fillled b3 the Cumity Master, City is a large sud sfe boast; rio danger Maj. John Hfughes.q of over-crawdmng1: spactouis deck roou h alaigws h rir f rh splenidtly furuishied ladies' cabîn ;al n cessry co v ne es aud no efo' Maj. Johin Hughe, Couunty _M stemr. s p a e d t e a k e c u r i o i s e c m f rt R o b e r t C s u , T h o m a s N M c C a u nb Boat leaveýs Queenston returning" at 6 Dit atr. Dt.D .Mse a' Ïk i ig amiple time att the 'Fals, Chas. Water, D. ýD. of C. Our experience min msnaging thre, siens by tis hbast 1a4season)1, fron these Loyal Tin) Bluee, Leskard, Anues ports is sufficienit gunranîteýe that the in- Sakr Master, he 'aded by FJ.e terests off ie public wilI be weil attendeil snd Dïum i nd, ta. -Cameý( and bring your frieuds suid Banyior we will cdo aur best tanake the occasion L. O., L., Cowayn's, INo. 265. John Bs1wke, peassrable. Master, headed by Newcast'c M. A. JAIIES, Mana-,er, b'aud in lniforni. MAPLE GROVE. L. O. L., 'Newtonvihe, , No 31 , ou1iý M1r. 4, T. Cle rased theý ne v 'bnt of Arnot, Mast r. his barn on SNturday after whieh liueboa a Banner. 114d s lîvei g-aine of foot hait .. il. r. Aý, L, 0, L., Enniakileji, No. 405, W.î Foiaýy is nt Whitby fecig he court Lwry, Master, headed by File> houuss ,with lawu su ad 0orname-ntal ance. and Druns baud, M.Wl ieîinVowdn spent Sunday at B.netr Picker'&g.... 'Viator4: issMinnie Tyler l b . O.L., Orono, 409, EdwaredMoon of orouta; M.P~. Ty1ler and Mr, sud Masiter, hieaded by the Orono Sq... T..L.... ý' 0111- p- -, GUel'ph ivith hie South Ouro Fo aîm1ers' lnstitsite exuso on Wednresday lait sud wera well pieasadwith their tcnp. 1 wauldsay Io all jarmnera Who have nlot yet seou thae Model anid Experimental Farna VIe!, should take the very firit op. poîtmity to psy it a visit. Te ses the grain in tbefileld sud the expermmentai part of the fanas work the firât two, or tisîce weeks in Jasiy aro the- boit'of the year.' But it would be very enjoyable to those ptrticulsrly delighied in totck ta visit the farta yards anà stbhts durng tha wluter seasm .... .The'Sous iR fEngý- land sud Sons, af Canada excursion ta Chemong Park ou Saturday was largeiy attended. People were presant frana neariy all parts of Darlington. fro a all corners af Cartwriqbt froui Port Perry, Osbawo, Lindsay, ScugoLy and Mariposa. The tnipthaugh lengthy was very enjoy. able throughout. Ths euery along the lakes and thair connections 'frna Bob- caygeon taý Chemon wms amne of the fineet your corteipondeut hs ver seen. Ail ou board seemeil ta ha deliglited with Pé.' Mugic froni the violins, base viol sud piano was discoursed nt frequemut inter-. vals uxýiing thE ex(urtion by the er- bers - f the Dunn family faont Scugog 1,3îand.. . . 0peratiotis have commenced un à1i. Oea. Suge it'a -ne @ blacksmith shop. . * .Miss E. meeatings, llamoptar, is spending a les' days with Cartwright iitr:MitisaBig-,Pr,Hauin;Mr M.à:, XbhLelamu amirime Mi-eos "heand af Branîfard uti Mr. 'I. 13radbevî..; Misses Hurihut af T(;-( iat Mi tr . .Hurlbut's. ...Mr. 'J. Ilill Iîad s go, c rnaiing lait Thuîsday .. . . Quiaice smnentmuk lithe excursion ta Guelph fr-ns hera. Among the number wera Siai Bray, Dri W. J.. B3ray, Fred Ahtoei, W. (Ormistasi, L. Pascoo, J. CainpbEll, J. S. A8hton, i. sud Mra. 0. Omuiston. Mi. and Mis. A. Mcdubloch, Mr. sud Mis. D. McOniloch aud J. Ormnuton. Whan Mr. Donald Mcduiioch arrived at 'Myrtia and had got bis h,)ràa sud buggy ready for home thaï; uighit tIiiise bacame frigtenecl at thc cas ana m pýped oaur m muabuggy aud got Inc smash.nghasd tise bannes. ta pinces,ý. Tho baise was caught about a mile south af Myrtle. Lucliy no p>ersan wssi hui t.n. ont Mr is. Ormniston, Mr. W. CGriflu sud MissesM. Wotten sud E. (Gilbat en joyed the excursion ta Chem)ong Park, on Saturdaiy. Somc othe3rs gOt laIt at Caemarea bEut enjo yed1 the day on Lake -cgg.,.At preseurt a barge nmbriutend viaitiig tise Fails by tha aîa City excursion next Mouday. Shilah's Cure is soldi on a guâantea. Tt cures Incipient Consumption. 1It la the beatf Couigh- Cure. Onby ona cent a dosýe; 25 CtS., 50 cts. sud $1,0 pen bottle. Sol b'Stojtt 4& ýJury. MrD has, Walter, IDistrict Dirurtot( Ceramon,)ias8, 1mnade a very strikieg Sp. çreîîrmce oU Mr. James Bell's Arabaen char1ger. Mnr. Arthur Dsvey, NMrash f the TUû Binas, ]ooked with luis drasu sabre LsIe a dssihing Guardsman. Reave Uudarwood basted the druta on the home trip witb a tyla sudfinish thja lihave ParalYza3d 111,4noit i Ire.. The procession tliis yetn ]ac(kedtheIl prtseuce oaitaiPair uf heavy weightý veteran aorangerner, Messý, ontAd sud John GiffOrd. The Oronxo Bsa aLd camn1 ý for a larg'e share ai favorable3 comment ; the- general impression beirxg that they playedý remarkabl)y well fiir the short lime theiy had been organizG d. AIl!tOx lodgo2s, with the exception o! Cowan'a snd ÏNewtouvi1îa, raturned home byway aiof ana hlwhech rawn thev iiveued things tup for aime ta the toue of the l'Orange Fahr"RSa S of a Misis Walhmer, af PartHo, is guýest oî Miss Camnpbell. Re. P G. Davaýy, Mra. sud AMies M Irgaret LouisaDey p Pittsiburg. V. S,, viaited luhis aged gr and- parau)ts, 1r. sud Mra. T. Jardinàe, 8r.. on SundsLy. ,..'V regret to leaîn thaile, R. 1McU'lcch lias had bis outbuîldiriga bunu-t since uîaýviîîg to Newburgh ...,...A ffleiwsat time was bpcLot by p)cu "iekers at Scugog an Satîiïday... lu the maýtch une aof foot ball ou Fîiday :&t Bowuian .îie1é betwean Oshawa sud Tyrnný aue boys came off victara by 2 goali fo 1. $10 00 .àtlantic, City, N. J., aed Canadienis desinous3 of vis iting th es Shure for a fcw Imdy'retauà pleasitre iih ha veî'y ,iihiy Pliasad tb learu ,hat th. Nouhleru Central R'"y Co., lu counertion with the INes' YOrk Cent1ral have arraged ta nn s a iroansilVcn du td 1ixcuneiou frona Bufal , Su pe amen Bridge, Roiasm nsd ai] pointsý throughIaut \Western Naw York ta AtIan.. tio City, N. J., sýd r tura ou W d ue. day August 1, t a popuar rate cüf$0 for the rouind tnp for tiýckets cgood10' days, suld for stop aývenr at Phliladeiphiga rolîîîing. speciai trains cf 8!eepaýrz sudDayCoaheswili leave 'Suspens3ion Bridge sud Bfaloaout 7.00 . s. an. rivin at Atiant!c City tis fiown maorcing. Fo)r spaca ilu abeepere sud unhninfJormation add(res!s B. P. FRASB, gent Pnrisylvania R., R. Cc", Bufalo, N. Y. Th ) n a oubt ab>out ut Teae hla. fthe inside trsck in thse hoot sund shoe tîaa, Th3 ahi reliable neyer geta 1if. ,Styles and pricessuittîsli ýims. ail sud inspteeot the ue3w stck. Ide EDITOB AND PROPItiEloit, JUL-Y 25, 1&94. VOLI-TMý-, XL. NUMBER 30 ~g g ~ J--U L Y BINDER

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