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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1894, p. 2

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-~--'~. 1~ 1~~ rAT~iI!MrPERSONAL POINTERS. A Brah*in Tradition. PR.ÂCTICAL R MifIi1L.--Aldntoherctsar Ssoutmeitm Aouionge (Irlthp ~e CreFa ks t ý y mytei-ions suniearing of mango i Preparing Plumis for, Market. jftie'l'id teus, a Corsodn fteS.Jms IV Rlu most cases experience bas proventao t~ln :iata .TI l d i o t . i d a t g e t agewas n aothearys clri, lmong thell Brahmins, anotinta e t Pl LLS. plume, is hipped te market inu ten-poup _oorway, whthehe wrote hiiiiirst play grape baskets, provided with handies, and Skien, of Indliethat lu this yearpoayt1e all at IM/. ]Vayers HE at Store, and A prermineut English physician, of long1 quarter o nita nti ero h put up inusnat, presentable shape. will bring expérience with drunkards, says that he c-a, iroti age, 1894, the immemorial sauctity ai the producer a greater percent. of profit recali hundreds of rec(overies among m Ilen, the Ganges wonild pass away, aùd that the see thL e imnmr ense stock of F'elt and' than if shipped in hali-bushel, or bustiel but ouly five among wmu pý istiine virtue of the holy river would bec S ra 4 c ~ ~~~~~~crates, or packages. A careful picker can A Japanese novelist hasI prodluced c trlcuee through caverls under «round, 4J..LLS a rce .~T ru i r Sic}{adchaurel'valthtrublsici fl he asetdiec frm hetre ~ called IlThe Romance of a Do(g," wicie s "meaeu1reIess to man," to the Nerbudda. tr,..H atsl iLtT.&. Le ev.i .fore1 dent to a bilions btatenof thil thebake dretch ash tee to appear in 108 volume,,jssuled at shrt Southere be any chance of Allahahad J. .L U EeI iau , ia c.or s ua Iizziness, ,nause. "esss, istress after the usual plan 18le pick lute large recep- intervals at a popular price. The aee anrd 1urdwsr on the Gauges Lo longerf rn e y so c f r $1 5 to2 emraeucsba s been sbuwu cringtacete, rflysrigtepus ewrite nevelsý as tbey produce plays, lunsa takine tol frein the immense h-,ordes of place them iu packages ready for market. number of instaîments. Fpilgrîmis wbo for centuries past hiave flock- frquuthndiurmoesgeadel The rater of Cohuirg, btter known asý the, ed thithier te cleanse them froin theirs, S bra'w Rats :eq ually 1owT; also a cý,Thfréebount froing h es, bcremovdal Dk o1dibrglaama f ay may well believethat extraordinaryst c Dk ofEiurfiamaofisivetforts wouid he made just uwt uis of ~ f d n s u n s i g Bleadacise, yet CARTE5'5 LiTTLE LivFRaPîLd I hobbies. Ansong themin nust he coulagns oktede ts ur i hi g are equally visable su Constipation. curiniL sheuld be avoided as much as possible. By bis curions mania for coîîecting ni niaturefaad wide the advautages cf other holy an rvuigtbsanyn o laint, wbil< h ueofasingle table, ssiivetrthships. p i, tlacesJanakpore among thein.lit ownatn- thyncorrecýt ail disorders et tise stomnac h uswineenof a i lmlantether u e raip At the presenittime ,be i th e tecity cf Rajah Janaka that lottus- ieut dow i p ic , ouir pl i ie stimu1ate the liver and regulste tbe bowela hw ute nI sdoh prend possessor cf a fleet uumbering eycdRaa te .rof eofte u Even if tbey only cured similar fruits are easiiy sorted. The top o siderahly over fifty. Ond aateCeoifeu c handf orl "Y-the table should net he ever three f eet g reat Sanskrit epices, won by a feat of armes Ul>J.J s 1 0.'c., ZUth 2 c. C n e a . lorg and two aud one-haîf feet wide. Thie Mr. Herbert Gladstone, who bas corne te1 tbec Rajah's daughter, the incomparable ~- ides ild hack, r,r,r, may bceieght luches tihe fore iu the political world ince hle Sitat, There bas none someý dispute as taex a ini e stock andci. rices. rAche they wonldi be ai most priceless te those wide at the back, tapering te thtres inches fatber's resiguation, la iureusely fond cf ebe tire site cf the ancient city where Rm Wbo sufer fromý this distressing comipbdnt; lu front ; the front guards, -ce, sbould be violin. H1edeosauhrevrmrngfodabie;teBahiscfJuaor but for-tuuatel., their gooduess does int end legs than three luches bigho leaviug a six- teopractice wbetberble ainlutownor couutry. are, of course, provided with innumerable N o ro .ule to sh1ow goods Il- ndtepus valuabone inu uy temwfll hatn cbspc .tee hdme ns; the Ris favorite recreation îs lawn tenisPsikas lu support. Df theirclaime. Se it is the ~vi1 etbe illng e o tsut thora. slanting board, a, is six luches wicle. To altli'ugh hie is net a brilliant player. mocre t han probable that thse mystericus oc- ut ater ail sick head operats it, place the fruit carefslly upon Dr. Kart Blind informes the Oxor urrance reperted frei itrcsiyn e studeuts that their custein cf ceremoniousîy jtween Nepaul and Benares la entîrely the hrnigl h ea0 edt hi Chi ork cf their missioners. The desire, àt l MN E mas dinners aud înaking it the piece de idesdsicl rdthet h ret isthebaneof somanylivestbatherelawhere rcfte e asa uvsa1c heaintelligence. mw Iakeounr great huast. Our pis cure it robsan quetfthe F Vlik srigs ________________ wble other-s do net. sacrificial baq e e d ii use, te CARTER'. LITTLE LivERaPILLa are very smali e hold n houer cf Freye, the Nerse sun ilor Over Jl'iftv Years aud very easy tetake. Onceor two pilla niake god.1 --7ý.ý-,.-ir"£= , a dose. Tbey are stîietly vegetable and dolils ISOVSSTHN YU hafl met gripe or p,,urge, but by theis' gentle îaction F tua, N. J., eau beast cf the stroun tNlt. ISO otiaSRIPhs T e " R E o I E fI I lease ail wbo use themn.luiast 5cts womau iu that State. R-er naine is Kaebesu mlin fm tors for l' vElfor $1. Sold everywbere, or sent by mail. Khsu-h 8 tld h1eal ado.terIllrn hl tshM. fdstr _À_________b___ OAH3Mfli21 0. 11 ii.She inonly 19, but bas abhandsure and sýymi.iedl at night aud broken cf your rest by a Hero isa ci cf the fruit and le1 aves cf ~n~aîî ill1 ~a¶ ~ ~ia1I ~ etrîcai forn,andhler muscles staudontlik sický child scifferiug and crying with pain andebar,,etLe of laritshnî,teot ~~su a liAWI1I ~~~~~those cf a trained athiete. Some ivcnder- ,f Cting Te-th seuilat once sud Ret a subakc hchveapwrftnlne - f ui steries are told of lber pheonmenal les ta bettle of "Mrs Winslow'a Soothing i uir TABLE FOR ASSORTING PLUMS. f trigh.Svrup" fer Children "ething. it il NER VOUIS DE LTY A ' taletIs sotes ecapyug chir i Ms-. Frank Vincent, the explorer sudi relieve the poor little suffe)rer immésdiate- frotof the table, wltb a basketon i lap. auther of books cf travel, bas just a JrIvd . DIpend upon t,îuth r @-eisi X AU TI N O F CA N D ABth baudse au thon lbe used ln removiu uNwYrmri treys-'juny iiake about it. Ih cprý's Dias-rhoe , and LOS0F NERVE FORCES the leaves, limhs, damaged gr iinperfect luArca oba rveldaleehrprgulates the Stomiach snd Bewels, cre - s-i, hrwngth efselto bset, ,about 65,000 miles. This tour compoesfor fg atclr rec ialzn lxretatdtoste Capta pad p, jeO,50.iLst*50.l M: slecat.ed upon tbe focs-, at a ceuivenient Mi. Vincent a mystematie snrvey of theWuiolsiesteOssdse- uerorssc ayt roub ,-le cfheg enorct org hege This Bank is preparod te do Legiti- poiupo ahsd.Tepret fruit Most interesting1 parts of the globe, u.pon ducos Iuli'maion, andl gives toueîsud roots and bas-ket a plant fcund enly intheh ills of BritishîIndia, mate Banking in ail its branches. or that iutendod for, shippiug, 18 rolled l'.1wbicb iehas beau Ieugftged 1cfr 15 years. enes-gy teà the whl system. "Ms-s, sd known te the natives as tbe " Troce cf Life." This vitalizing ýVàs1o'sboohin Srup fo cilden elixir has been made sud uaed by Ms. Besant in ndiafos-nearly Faruaer's notes discounted ; Deosit3 front sud passes oves- the incline., g, inte James Russell Lcwell, iii bis later years. iso' ctigSyu"frcid-u tbirty yeairs withont cee faituro te pes-auently cure evon the the basket. This table needcost but lîttle, se a carrent ss-y cf I hlm runs, ,sent- au eeth'I'g leaatt'h at u ste wrtcss hsolxrlhc sio>t uscesr> ucl wcesved adItrs paid onactn sud may be macle lu as crude or elaborate a article hoe had prepared witb nucbcas-e asud prescription cf une af td e oldest sud best restoes ail the inuictions ta, theis- full vigor, sud even wlsere an and$5 Intepwrstin ovngsaconts nussinteUnt dvanced age bas lbeau reacbod a ew lite la bogue. It is aiseas tsf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fr ~ 5aduwsd nSvneBu rnas wished. Iu working, the elbows study ta the Atlantic Mcthly over thafnae hscau dnrssi heUi- absolute cure for chroiie casascf FEMALE WEAKNESe, IDepartisent. eau sest upon the guards,, c c, wbich wîlll signature cf au unknowu personl. 11,waed Sto'e. PichWOn -ue etsa ifrinEQmoand ESoYSen SA, igcouieNStiIPA riiil eeANCluiVEprtCuapomptlyinT make the Opération much easier. Au declined I"with many tbanks." Lwl btl.SoId by alil dsuggists th-ongbsou, plantiariug en sd omoeu waciritlng cniolaiwf e ilpstclr sonyu 0>RKA FlU?'% e rdiuary table eau ho fitted wiih those thon sent it over is ewnusnins te another tbe world. Be sus-e te ask for "MRs. pan devipba&reig Ts.'U0ansd Collections made ta Europe simple applauces, sud quickly s-emoveq dtero, who gratelully accepted iL i WINsaews SOOTHING SYRUP." 22 17 MÉRS. MARTIIA BESANT, Tor-on-tiop Oanadm. Uuitd tte, udCnaaalo-.hesbpin sasuispase.Since the deatb of Luela Z asate, the At 1Billingsgate, 'the lamons London f ah W', J JOY 5S. Mexican. midget," the, title of beiug the usa-ket, 163 tans cf fish were dests-oyda Agant Relation Of Butter Flavor And Color. smallest woman on oasti bas lallen te Ml1le., m'it fer food last mnoutb. yod________________ ____as_______ ONT RI B NE The Rural New Yorkes- s-cently asked Puinanative cf PiLS! PIES! IT f-,G PILES contnueto o aGenraiBauiii BuinesBsverai experts whether huttes- fiavoy 18 bigb, adwe sa few ounces legss ban 8îYirToas-1-Moi6tus-e; intense itching MusatrdeI tTIMsiOLWY aAL~seT llownile oa gey. nkn Bsnesdependent ou the colos-. The lollowing lis nine pounds. She isasemarkably prettýj sd 'iu '; i gt; wos-se 'by MW-M.B~W 0XFC ?I S'E%', L-o)Ž DEPOSITS ~~an abstract cf, seme cof the replies- and acccmulishod, speaking four dines-eu scs-tcbiug.Ilaoedtc uiutu- ~este l svng au eps-mntsd u H. H. Dean, Ontarilo agrielusral 1anugs letl-orsa lrm, wbich elten bleed sud ulcerate.ce eallandisstes-estallowed atours-eut r~ates Ne loge:. Gonerally speaking white buttes-r IaePtnn te:hna-y9,i becomin vos-y sus-e. SwAyfE'S OIT- le>çç nioticecf withdrawalnoessary, Aldeposite iacks fiavos-, althougb it is possible te bave asblîl busy disseminatiug knowiedge ef h;si -ý,NT stons the itcbiing aud bleedîne, heats ,' 1paybleon emad.sborthaud systein and lu ad% ocating 15s petgîces-si and in moat cases remeves the Va'bbeon emad, atus-ally white buttes- of good fiavor by preject fora reforna lu Englisb ertbogratpby. exes-imentdan ratsaue po urp spelling, cf wbicb the o lowing is asaie 1.50ý cents. Dr. Swayuel- & Scu, Phîladel- ,$K Uaited Statesand Caada,aloGoid,Sllve-Sfd L L. Vanu Slys<e, New York exerm "tEnî day uekst week ekseptMuîsday., an,.i, phià. Linuan Su Ou., Montreal, -.\O & 0 Ivaitedstales liteouâbacksbouilst sud sold. station :-When caws are turned ont te oui eus- between 10 sud 1 os- between 3 suîd 1 t,,eeAgents. 109 'e I CO>Ll.ECTM ONS grass, the buttes- becomes hlghes- in colos- 6"hi Ps-mpty mdet es-sou s-iesupo al prt udflavos, but wbe eau show that this is nEgi reporter eetyinterviewevuI stknf-malk fptbl Pr3lues-oas: u crrEstratessp s-eil patlyndthe lslsud c-i f Tiid Ipf Gregt Brittaînt, the United Statessnsntams-eacoacidencSior Edwinh Arnold, sud afterwardsý express. )o inian o lCsîada, ed sursprise that be had suirîted te titel~-< Telegraph Trausf~ers of colos- bas anythiug te do with isicrease' ps-ceosase amiably. Sis- Edwln explainp"' ýý~ ~ 1,fae orlageos aat ssu o al ast fof flayor by ssyiug tîsat ho had corne te the coudBb wssewegv ce1atsta výc ' , G~d.Tis vepcal daiseu S. M1. Babcock, Wisconsin expesiment sien that there was mach ts-utb lu some, Wlheiin a wsiczvegvelrCstf. persona, living lu Manilaba os- the Northwest. station - It la a well establisbed fact that tbiug wbich Cbanncey Depew hiad once Wbeiu sbe was a CbUid, siseoes-ted for Casoons. itînakea sthe fundsa aialbe ai once a, thc said te bisa. "Faine,"rsemrked the bs-ml- i it Wam Mrs %c oig o a>ora place cf paytiuen ti auat the bassk.bathe buter rous th urssy u Jreslin iesia,"dpuaoubigcii Whei s he beam heist ae i emCastes-la. , ,c' Othes- pas-ticuhas interviewers." E. L. tfiOITT, UEO. MOGILL baà ihroirta htfenteitsvoe-. ieib sCudes bgvtesatra ceutu.Manager, Roîsteins, Ays-shires sud Shorîhorus. If Reas-Admis-al F.4ederick Maxse, wbcse cj- SHtCAOSM E TR S.the abv usinbots-ne, 1 would expeot beaîtiful daugiter was married te Lords >_____________~~~q0 at ~~~~~~~àhBnlstwewas _______________________ i?~~~ - b~ave a hsghes- fiaver than that fs-cm the lu the meuths cf the literary wors-d. For, q0 e OO'RU s 111;r other breedi motiened. Ibis, howevcr, as Lieutenant Maxae, hie was the haro or Book keeping, Shorthand, dices net appoas- ta bo the case. the lamons ride tbreugb the Russian ?)<TlETIUMPH 0F LOVE"' 5 ura'- hs' ek' IeLblosts ue u os m l.C. D. Smith, Michigan agricultus-al col? frout the Englisb army te the Englisb fleet ",If leatees .net 533, Oxford S reet, Londion, they &re spunonu Âv-egapby, Civil Service loge- Thora is abslutoly ne conuectien nluthe rmeau was-, sud ss the bore of tbi i, HAPPY, FItIflFL NARRIAGE. l sl'-' a'id Pes-manship W6îk. wbsteves- between higb colos- and igh lamons poein wbicb spppeared in Punch, ___ fiavos-. Botweeu caler sud fiavor there is etled"I Lieutenant Maxse'sRide." NI M A R S "T ne relation cf cause sud effeet. Cecil Rhodes, the millionais-e diamoi THE RUSSIAN STORM CLOUD. etsa-vh son .litrad INIMVIO HAR ISON A. -L. Wales : 1 de net tbiuk colos- bas mn i 1s.e-.ubli w'inse(udplc istlene ufis-t hebladee mine owues- and political boss of Sentis- -exempt frein ail cen)ts-el except bis own. 8USINESS&SHORTHANDCOULLEGE, en by feed and management in manufactnrlug 0AIs-les, int on l h hobt h nii iele-iu oiine ieCa fEs i pca eti erasafcnu eg urd tho palae, Cone-r egesueCr oSteesntegrout.casundudig Casîlwihbagoor.HoSsa-ree PeertseGratFssthudasath Epro ds-n insnis -2O > -.Q ' 7 -2 J. L Hilîs, Veros-sntexperiment station- will bave noeebut unmars-îod mou on bis Czai-s Have Beau isxsdi^e-;. Butlunas hoecau hosure cf thefieit Expesieuced Speialists in evoy department. As buttes-la ususl>'imade, colo-eudfaorpsuoudia h risudi4 saff Ay f igselThe perseveriug attempts ei Russian wc.1 bof aboubsas The sxta preatiena- Six studouts placed lu gond situation& wltbin go, te goin e exteut, band in band. ",Mars-rigo spoils a man's os- s wamau 's' conspirators durîng the last 13 years te tise Frenîch President bas vastly îuea'tsed 10 days. Ail candidates ps-pared by us o)a'sed John Gouid: As colas- lu butter is lasg- SitENhonors et atesaas ffOn tra Oa idvda ecai. f cows, ) a creer-ýdosts-oys singleness of aisu," la bis' sasnte the Emperar--several cf wbicb the Czar's dauXe-, for oee pecîalty cf thie R1G' TRSLT ualdoatiswhat the mar-ket calts fiaves- is a creation. . conspiradies bave beau withiu au aceocf native Ruasians--te semee oxtent a stumb- SpeciliRates. Circulassasd AutomiatilePsu cf the butter inakes- secnred tbrougb tbe The tewn of Xilliamonhsidge N '.,ilsuccess--vividiv show hqprlbps is. ling block-is that siîey as-o an imitative asipiee free. ageucy cf les-monts workiug en the sugar cots-olled plitically by s weuaau bs.nTe lo -psiospsta.s-caea is n tt-l uoe u NII~O& HARRIISON, and casein cf the mlk sud net the fats, Ît She is Ms-s. Elizabeth Heilman, sud is, Thyas bode miscbief to the peace cf cf two t'hings îaseasouahly destain te hap- is1 sdt eebwlcdtcu en)si koua Qen lzbt. h s Europe. It is impossible te foreteil what peui witbin a measus-able persod :(I) eibhes- 18nîp bardud ccrtfeuysnbeatsope spob wllsoeweireaxbi Ians-il c lnial as, the natus-al colos- cf uilk bas vos-y pestmistress, deals in rosi estate, ila aIob-udceri n nbctii5rpehp i ilsmwhtrlxhsto ueýo muoh te do with the fiavos- cf the buttes-. byist at Albany, la a notas-y publie, sud ha, peued. Wculd the poiicy of tbe future fre-ess ) ie udbiti ste relneedets dfhso Po..W.CnMiddletown, Cenu. :imade Wiliiamsbridge a good, bustiing towisj% ' Rs h oitKwts rn Gvrmn ea e-n fa-e e-so-()h îisa- h aec i Prof. H. W'. Coeun, .- ovrnen e-s owoe f rmdfather. Snob a crime will probably stas-t o~" IRE!.~C~.Butter flavos- sud colos-as-e entirely dis- eut of the Bieopy village it was. Incident- Éli'uss; thse Plain Ia-l thse iNew î11iIaeov- W MC NLs- tinet, sud ih is possible te produce higb slly se a md $ 0O0 u-igtie ai dese Bdiilsti-semasaps P dtepe 'ds wul lataeo F-nce-e aie vlace 7s-hsgngEroe flavo wiîbni coos-,four yoss-s. litass-ed l ie. tswuuw4uId 5at» e-l'est I____________ flaor ithut olo. Errosan5d aveid Fitilsire Pitlla. Sholusld voluîioeuists cf 1792, sud by plungiug Russie, The Ps-suce cf Wales sud tbe Duke of iSe'ss1- thseWonde fui ,9lUtta flookIliaalleilit frin wr î - epl ttnin A Remarkable Curefor Diphtheri;a Sheep leks. obus-gbave ben woa-iug suew esdes- t * <OfLETE NMANSti>D,aai liow te Av u oeg advstpol' teto frein home sifhavabenwerin ale oserliiTihe PalMal Gazette bas a note about a Some las-messseem a stisfied te saiese50 the Siate bal and cîhor functions. Thbi;sltinb 15hm far? e ihhri ue butwihvr percen. c labs.Otersvipearconentifwithaueéléphant lu ivcs-y suspeuded ftroun, mudicai ons-ce tiat mut work woudes- been mrusdered, but thore is nu accus-aie littie bas heen beard, but whieb, it ils id they winter theirs heep wiihot lesing assv, i. This le the Dan 'isîsOsdes-of the RE- wtb this goiesaticu of itien. record cf baffled couspis-acios. It is13 years bas been se firmlyestablisbed as,-t sonîîd nemîtrbwnpoos-asd weak the, ,,:à, pliant, whlcb the Princes as-o weariug am'a The bock fuIly dt scribes a metbod by sTeTlxads-I.1 asssates d sd rustwertby remedy tisai it is about te cass iemnaiybpitotins-ytsied kerosue ieulicu nbutfii, und ,mi ule, alties amounîsugtotiertIli t aimurm of s yes-'a 1d'uhe-ibsnudes- tisat sei-Asiastiledespoisua i- e cure tise'disease. Usually iis a bss caugTheInfant. e oints o 9ftal s esifayceaet1nyaseayrepared, Jimprisoumeut witb bard labos- sud t'ee 'f vyLn dunsped iacar-îbolld f gcli usRusýsiaus police ebten pls-posely mix theî ia smd mue u iepoaac 10:3 we- bildren nuises-sixusoudas, sdwîethe lucwievusc fmaighwsyor'itricinfenaxîiigtseuytc t ndntbis ac g ýladssesup witthtie gonuino piotters, witb wbum blcediug lase simple sud painleas tisii 76beweu ixn'onsasu ee ea-neta sinal itein. frnch!ise sdfsuanhdprhaeaIay uo lf a hsamvedlisdoe tia' ae obigted. il o ee iotu rentieda-ut.l Meess,20- of tise 259 we-e hiMr-n Farmecrs as-rc, tmsca-lisl n igacosledrink, wlssle ibhe dealers sdin t iewigts xrneps-lc ieInnchn etewîite psae-i ou ,us-fveyais He Iay' Ibhe Mhime on dips; isainlSîsad fci loio'te d(isQ-e- kepers wiso permit îtheis-csorst o-\rîel ieEtaMncnC'î..Y, Empai rssuitiuu offices-s 0f ise hérmy ai ls îs.1as- velu. By aud 1v, ilu ah pi-o secisu~syrpa iîsps-Sulkovrîesing ies ts nfac',elitbeyamoi ceeintoxicatei os- who fus-nias liqulor eBfflNY., ni ssk fI'a in~ uîad nalvyais fciI cf goiLtaudinL ha1q;ii s manIs wîll flie fouuchban su ,vn f feisar. lHa adive),c(Ies inibetoittsis- osvu faucy sud coeni "ii interdicted" passousrliesasuena ali ?uuleeMub i. s--t hv be sicvre'mogtsst lo-tieucars- etmubcs avnrcYua os-ua mal bcaisig lacs squre) sn-ee t-Ifen iaistoiste gouis teu tise 1!lock t t(1ise paymof nilseavy flues, imprisen.tb"s papas-,, sud tisLl, aypîss est ig glsibs11e ie CzIr ibas ba elvn niasa isd tisnise cu> teoaieseringitise -ae popnîs'tilot', jlavem'y graa r es-otetisb ep iban tep-es- 'Swit zes-ld eau scaïrcay a ouidreis sas u ~yia-ca itey mcuntîl it aTtSE)WTÏ ieDN.R_________ u.L CL0 ,ii ,re 1 fo e1 a~OLu

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