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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1894, p. 3

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1~ GRATEFU-MFRNG BREAi-FST-SUPPEP.. 'B horougi knowledure or thn natura laws w'N h gvanthe operations of diGre3tîi andmirtin af.b carefal application o' twepha n roete o ell-9qlcctad coe". '. tep bayprvided rrbreakfast tables wt dall atly favoef.bverage which r a a mcn ieavdotors3' bills, It is by the ~ndieious use l'so articles of diet thae conýtituion my a reus!-Ioi t P nU d reasgenogitarse very tendAncy to dîsasa. Hndre)s,'subtie maladies are, fialgrotund i q y Oattack wharever thee 3IsawekntWa' e Iv esclpe m 9. a fatal shafi b'y kewg uslel al fortifa wýithelri lod i a nonery rrishfed tram ."- Cil SerrieeGazette. M'I-afia sîiy ývwit boiin< ,water or mailk 0 l<onigin cpeokets. by Grooarslabqlle(d thas Il IES UiPS f (e., 1IlaeïoeaPatie e tha WEDNESDAY. JULY 25, 1894 Du. J. C. NITCRÎELt, EME FCOLLEr4E 0OVP1{YqTC1AN end7Suirgeons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. Ofleand Regldence. Enniskillen. 74. 0 BRKE sl1EpseUN, B IR19TFR S. OLIC'ITOIt. OPRI 1J 00K, epatairs, Rinz tee.B0orn. ,îile. Folicitor for the Ontari Rank losii. Ntaa,,.. FFOJN THIE WEST DURHFA5 ~.News J Block. whera himsalf or asistant iùi i nd from 8am. t 9 p.m.,Night calis ýî rsiden edirecîlY opposite Dril Shed. CaIls ltelegrai hor telaphone will raceiva prompt steynion 171.yr A. A. PONTI AROIITEOT. Plans and Specifica. lioans prepared for evary clasm of building. pial attention givan ta liaating by steam ted hot water. and ta sanitary arrangements. (SueG orrieaBleck, Whitby 43-ly I.PEÂTE, Tailor G'etlemaen's lothes Made to Order. J l.M.ABRIMACOVf BË DENTIWr. OFýýFICE :-IRear of Messrs. l-ligg-ýinbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE Gents' (lothing Cleaned, Dyed. Pressed and RePairad by THOS. PEMRATý Dyer and (,otielener. Goofiswarra tet ha as nio one) will know tliem tam nn le n dons. Corner Ring and OrtcteSn~ 1_11ankll iGraduate of the RoyalColg ienl Surgeons,. Onteýria. DFFICE OPPOSITE, EXP1RESS OFFICZ VITALIZED AIR, New Tailor Shop Th,, undarsiiened who lias been carrylng on 1 ne tailoring business in connection 9 with Masion's Dry Gonds Store for a numberof years ias commienced busineass foi himseaf at lus residanca. King St.,west. wher hlaspreparai Ia maka gents' anfi boys' suits in ail the laýast styla@, and at loweat price3, For rhoee *ho wsb ta order suits. hai will carry a fui[iIlne of aniples inalilthe naewest pittanus. Giva lim a 0a11, J. T. A L N Fashionable Tailor TUE D01I1MNN issues a genuina "Blanket" Po)licy to farnirs P.ÂTES: , lst Class 65 cents par $100 2nd :: 190 HO 103Terni. 4 yeare rd '110 100>ý Most cf West Durhlamse prominent farmeri are inenred in it. R. J. D~OYLE, Eîq., JESSE TRULL, Esq Manager, -PressidentI Owen Soundi. Bowmanville. Will caîl on racalpt of pobt card. Agent for West Durham, A, W. FOLECY. Box 148 50-6mi Bowmanville. Ont 9"cicka eh e the scavengersg mn i thle I -1 of the system.9 e2eys are ine' i'Delay 18 trouible. Doadd's dangerous. Neg- Kidn ,eyqPils g/os iected kidney9 prmp rlief" troubles ras uit 0;75 per cen-t. in Bad. Blood, ofdisease !«S Dyspepela, Liver4 frst C(lcased b Complaint, and1 disorered 1-d1 the most dan-. ney! gerous ofafl, (Mlh s eJl Br1;ights Disease, !ry tM h ce iabetes and h eat hy iy Dos cge, asG"qq-Ood diseaseea cannot /dn ays ae od's K/CI iy.,- I/o gçi'ec,thyaeP/saaue 1 mploynS labltor u&auiins lMuet tube-y iude 'mnîiy tube itmeea taD pey lin ccdens haull t ey u h bv tube rî'ibt cf upervîsingthue habits of ibeir wor-mlnmn o as a gard tubir salety anti their awýnpcls ïïd en C'- o 1 Secrnd By"oient u fIfgt ynu, mymcb'l i e" "EIiwwilucfutiuuteh" 1 YON G FOL',KS-5 Lanra's Fîrst Pienie. Leune coulti heriy wait for the3 day ta ennie. Sica thonglat about the picnic anti dreameti about it. The picnic was lu an cal grava. The citiltiman ail walked ta the grava lu procession, tuwo anti uwa. Oue ai the large boys walkad abeati and carried a great banner. It was matie of white cloth >Iom- fine the banner loaked as ît blew ont 'in tube breeza ! Laura wora a pink gown andi a white lut trimmeti witb blue ribbon. jHan littie uýousin Ruth walkad with ber. -iu"th waa four yeers aid. She wes goiug ta sing a tampeanca sang at tube picuic. Wben thbe procession reachedtheub grave the tables wena ail spread. Thay loakati very nica. The wite tablecloîhs wwe trimmearoanunti tub e tga with wreaths of oakl bavas. Thare wera threa vases of flowars on the table. Thare was a great tnay iful cf waîer tilles. Sute anti Matty Lac gathred thase laval i hes ou the river. Tlieir brother Tom had a boa t. "Pleasa, Tam," saiti Sue, oua day, Iltala us out in yaur boat to gat sanie tilles for the pienie. " But Tom sait ieh coulduoetugoawitb themnIl But yen can gat juta the boat," hae saiti. IlI wilI fastan ilt t se shore with a nope. Then tube boat will'float out« arnong tube iles, and yen cen pick ail1 you want." Sa wha-n Sueand Metuîy had1 got thir baskets ful a i hues, Tam pullati tuha boat iu. Thana ware tuhe s on thbe table. They wera sa ,,7ite andi fragrantu. Tha chiltiran ail set dawn et tube tabla. How bungny Laurea was I But she diti not 111e ta halp harsoîf. She ioalad acrostuba table. Thano wes MlVrs. Wilbur and lhan twa boys. She was hahpiug thani ta everything she conîti raach. Sha hued a big bag an lier arm; she waa filmg tube beg with cake. Il Oh, baw I wish memîna wcuid coma and bellp me !" thuoght Laura. How thinga went off! There awss"Sam Wilbur eatiug hie fourtub cake. Laura's Ituntu Mary mae thase cream &cakes, anti Laara did wantu ane aven se much. I"But I had raîber go witbout tuan ba snob a gluttuon as Samn," thought Lanra, B3y aut by Lauras Suuday sohoal teachar came tû bar. She beipet Laura te two places ai cake andi a glass of lemaL-ada. Then Laura bald s swing with Matty Lee. Up thay went through tueba bugbs oi tube greenu cal!IIlI wisb wa couid have a pic. nlic every day," saiti Launa. The lime came for 'Rutuh tea iug, but site was not la ha fouet. Laure andi Mattuy wcntu in saarcb af ber. Tboy fount iber lei tubameaatw. Han arma w-erc ful cf grasses and taises aud other -whidfiowers. S-ha loakati se pnetty ber mamma said abe mightu siag justu as sha was. This was what sha sang:- -Sparkling andi bright le ita liqu id light, lste ua wter in aur glessas. Twill gi-va yeu health, 'twill gi-s'a ,ou wealtli. Ya lads and rosy lasses." How tube people ciappadtithaîr baud wbon.she gotu îbrough !- 1 On tuba way home fnom the pieule, Laura mtopped at bier grendma'a. GCran'usawas oatuîng suppar. She lied wanm biscuits and boney, sponge cake and i nl, for suppar. 0bii an, sa bungny, grantima 'V" sait tau-re. IlWlîy, I lhought yen bat beau tua1 tuba pîcele, dea," sait graudma.1 Then Laure told bier ai about tube pienie.1 S'ha talfihW w Mns. Wiihur fiilad ber bag wilbcalke. Then graudme leugbedý. "Naw siLurigbî down haro," she sajd ta Leura, I.end eatu ail van wantu," Whatu e leeantu tinia tuey hed ! 1I shahl be e wan soneetmmne, grand.. ma"~ sait Laure. Il Then I meen tualaok out for tuba littie Einla at picnics wba are toc plite ,te beip themcîves." Stay on the Farm. Whle many of tube boys and girls ou ferma are ianging for city life, and plan- nieg bhow tbay cen gatu amployniant bebind tube canuler of sanie store, tube city boys eut girls area breakieàg ewey from tubir oppres. sive cituy worl and makiug tubein way j 'uta thba cauntury fon a faw banrs of freala air anti sueshine, demring then tube twa luxules ai hile. Tua gaod thinga men hava îbay coaat fon naugbt, wbllo tuey long fan tuba good thingse others seeni ta enjoy. The beeith anti sl reugtb, tube pure air eut brigbî sunsbine, tuba sounut sleep anti gond eppetite oi tube countury ia worth, ion comfor-t je living, ail tuba excituamen'ns, onaw and giitiung ai cituy hie, with ils vile air, ertifi ciel excite. niantesued epty-headet saciety. At least, Ibis is tuba verdict ni tuba ciîy manin etube hotu auna- an days, cvban grean lialds ara n',oat attractive. But whet ha tuinîs ldoes unit bava much influence on tube uun try boy on girl wiîose beertu la aet- on seeinig what city 11e is. Expenieuce is tube enly tuechan iromiwbom tuey are wiiiing ta ieru, and tubose wbo tale tessons ai expenienca muet pay a higb tuition tee. A Curlous Table. The "Independance Beige", publishes a curions table'respecting the accidenta ta workiug nien ior which indemuity dlaims were madeienle189. Chssifieti according ODDS ANDENS The womn o f thbe midi-lie tges away pentuei tuiir bain witub a sael deggar. Wbieu ual in use if was carniet u intc grdle. Reilwey enîployes lu Engient are uow insîructed in tiret aid t10 tube juret iunder the auspices ai tube St. J obusr Ambla!ince Association. A ynung Kenucky woman kîliet i -a St, ear, tube otuhen day witb a sonue. lWba mCls this feat tube marc reaekabLehatuba1 ec1 tuat t-be steer that wes lillat was ithe ana, aimatiet by tube yauug wanîan. A secret Society of Chinamen, ie S au Franciscto, disoovereti thet ana af i ib,-, n,,u' bers hati beau Ireechenotîs-ta the order. A midnight counei wes hlt, andi tuba offeuien was donuitatite mpisaumenbaîweean ain- tight brick -weils. The lîon's roar cee ha heerd et a greater distance than tube Soundi of any otuher living creature, Nextu cames the byeua, tuben tubal screecb awl, tube pantuber, andt îe jaclal jeia succession. The douley cen hbe erd fiity limes fartuber off tuben tue hanse. Miss Grace Chishoîni, of Caw.bridLye1U7ni- c'ersituy, Englanti; Miss Malîby, ai Welles- loy Collage, anti Miss Mary P. Winstuon, ai Chicago, have receivet speciai permission iran thbe Germen Govornumeut tua enter the University of Ganttingen, with tubasaie pniviieges auj nyct by men. Thero wes a mock marile et e chnrch ontortelumeutu in teubeuviihe, Ohilo. The priaciples were e neitien lady ai tube ativen- et aeaof eighty anti e nan ai sixty.flve. Now the bride laims tube man is bernea, huabant, anti ha bas bacanie se scanedt ta ha appeais as aid as abo. A naw ion aif delirium tramons bas etacket a Neo?3rk taper. Wbîle under, tube influeuce of a liveiy jag, ha waa shoclai by au eecîrlu wira. Now, when ha a tuÈýen tbonmu'ib wbiakey ha fencies hoe seeu sputteing electnic wiros, anti witbingi anales, which sbawen hlm wituh spank. A race hetwe a kaegerao eut au ostuicb la la ho rue in Sydney, N. S. W., je J uly, If willibhaPa handicap. The caunso is one1 mite, anti tube learaa wnhh have two1 - huntratiyards atarI, The ostricb 15 uow beiag fat an a lightu tietu aibraIeoyster shelas anti glass ta get ber ie condition. The latesitheory concerning tuba causa of tha aurore boneils bas beon detinceti i ran a canal ut anahysis oaI htubai gbthîrw through easpactrascope. This'iqu x pannment cieariy estueblishes tuba factuIhetu il is causeti by an eletnicai diachenga emaîîg tub a prfides cf metueoric iran tustu coutaineti in tubee tumasplinro. A ionn.logged ehiclen cama iptu tube famiy o a e Mylan, of Johnson City, M o. As îwo ai the legs wsna for farwerd loonco. lion, eudthtuba ther two always insisled on walking baclwand, tuat unuortunats chick' en fount h difficuitu toa avauca inu orcni anti gave np theo effort le despair. Doge are becomieg seacenl Evaustoa, Ill. Thora la a certaie iran postu belongieg tuai the North Shore Eictric Rilroet Campauy( -whlcb becames accesiaually chergat withi alectricty. Several doga wituin a faw tisysf playiîeily bolet witb Ibis postu. anti wene età once aboakat injta ieleséness. A Parson's Mistakeý. A Freshyteriani ministon, ra iu ua Sydney suburb (seys tuba Herait>,'wboue in York street mat an ait ecquaintauic, wba appearetito hava j natu morge irain a wbale. sale drepery wanehausa, ouitsia wbich stot a hanse eut buggy. The acruaietauca, a draper luea country town.made known bis desire tua gel e chaque ceebeti, anti inquireti -wbetber the clergyman coulti inînotuco hlm tua sioe ana wbc wauld oblige hin, 'the banka baving closet. The minister sait, WýVe wili go eit once, if you'il drive," con- clutiing tubatubhe turnut blaugedt t th visiter. The visitar,- ieucyiug tuhat tube tuap was tube clergymans sait, *1All nîgbt," anîzadtheIbarainsaneut tive te a shop lu King1 aIrent whero tube ppeonwes negoîlatet. ht was auhy naturel that tube succeas echiaveti shoult Ilbe tuly caiebratati, ao tube campati- loua drave an tuatube Oxford, wbero botb n'igbtuad. Tbey were about taeaeiter tuba botel when tube clergymen aske.! bis friand wbethen the horse wouit stand. "Stand V' exctaimed tuba draper, "lise'I if your trap ' ..No,"' reapondedthetbaministenwitub emplie- ais ; 'inn't it yours?'" Another answer lu tube negetive kuocledthtue proposei rejoje. luga an tube beatianti bnougbtu consternation te tube speakers. Tbey determnlGot driva bac tua York Street as speetiuly as passible anti make restitution of Ibe propsrt y wich îbay bat apprapnitet. Uniarîueatuely ion tuen, tube ownam, a carrier, bat mnisset bis lrap, anti bat ainaady neportethtue malter ta tube police. AItubae corner ai Pâtt streatu hie carrier espiat bis veeicle, witu tube min- islam anti the draper lu il. Heaet once de- mnnted aI a caneteble wbo c' as ou tuba sceuc thaIt-bey shoultiba lochet up. Expianaîlous wara attemptet, but itu was considaiedt tuatu a police station, if nat e police court, would lctbe ha st place in whichî la setîle tubs difficuhtuy. The parties eccortingîy wcntuto the lock.up in Clarence Street,. ioliowed by a cnowîl. The affair was thon discusset anti saîisfactonihy tisposet aif, tube inistuer eut bis friand meking their apologies. The clergyman aiî-erwerds explainedthtuba acta t0 tuba crowd, who cheered i hm whcn lha tol bhis departure. !JUTER DOUESJFAILEBI THE EXPERIENCE OF MR. FRANK A FERGUSON, 0F MERRICKVILLE. 21»~edîy Mifalal Fevea', Followad by Iala-Twe Platyý4el,îies Faited ta lIî'p Ilai-TIe iînaejs or Cure fliscav- areS tiy Tainiamg the Advicne orcaFrlemed. Froin tubeSm1iIb'e Flam Record. MnVreul' A. Ferguson, partuer of Mn. Rihad mitb lu tube narbia buisuessaet Memicllîl, s wehl knoWiî to mast resu. dents ai. thet vîccuity. Ha weultbtrougb an iiines tubet neenly brougbt Icici lu teeths ta n eutin an iutareeîiug'abat wiîb a rep)orter ni le Record tolt ai tuba mreans by wbuchbfbj remai-leble recnvery was brcugbtabout 1«Wjile engagat in my business, as marbie cutter etKiigtuon," sait Mn . Fergceon, 'l waa telen iii in iay , 9, witb mehaniel lever., Aite tube lever wes broinan I coutinnedteahave a bat cauigli, Iolauvet by vonitiug eut excrodi- aîig pins in tube sfomecb. I wasnder the Inneatment nI two diffament physiciens but thecir muediclue dit ne no goonh, anti I cutujnet to gnow wsalsr anti weaker, ant(i itueemet ea if I bat 'gana ceto a deciine. About tuba middlhe ai Septuember 1 wàsturongly timgad by e friendtiue give Dm. Wuiliîama' PiaI Pille a trial. I1lied not muceli hope tubaI thîay wcnld belp me but froni thLe linsI commencadthtubaPink Pisl I baudi myself begiaaing la improva, tube vowuituiug ceasati anti finelhy bf t me alto-' getuhan. 1 grew stnanger aacb day, nti na(w 1 waigb 180 ponda. At tube timo I was taken ihh I weigheti 197 pounds, anti whien I began naing Dr. Williea' Plik Piia ilinass bat rat ucet ne ta 123pande, sa tubat youi will sc bow mucl tube Piel Pille hava doncsIanrne. J nover felt batter la miy litethan Idta aw, itbougb I as- ianaýlly tale a pilt yst, antiaie neyer witut a oarfa a box in my paceu. 1 bahieve tuhaf b)at T net beau inducedtelatale Pink P is I wouhd be in my grava, anti 1 ame iqualiy canvincetIat tubera je no other ieticina ceni equai thern as a blaad builter anti masmcrer of shaîtenet systuena. Fi-va boxes caret me wben tube ekili ai îwo ai the ebleet tioctors le Ontarnio alet, andi wben .1 lbat thue mitddle cf lest Septemben anti rerrnsmbnî tubatI was n eble ta atand on rny feet, I considar tuba change brougbt abanî by IPink Pilla aimplynireculaus. D.Wiliams' Pink Pilla stuile aItubae roof of tuba disease, driving it fron the systen anti reetoring tubapatient fa bneltb ani ýtrsngtb. In cases ci penalysis, spinal troublies, locomatar ataxie, aciatica, rheu- nuetian, snysipeleaac-roiulous tunaubles,etc., thr.eapilus are supeýrior teacl cuber tureet.- ment. Tbiey are as a epecifie fan tics tru leswich malte tube lîves of 2o meny wa-onnn a hunden, anti speetiily restons tube. ricb glcw ai bealîbtuatepain anti aallaw eh et;1-.a. Men broken down by ovarwark, woimry on rexcesas, will fiat iu Pink IPillsae cartaicura. Sait hy ail deanes orsaant by mnail postpait, et 50d. a box, or six boxes ion 5250, by edtiressing ttha Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockvilie, Ont., or -scbcncctatiy, N. Yý. Beware oi imitations eu mubstitute,ý aliegat ta ha "malt as MEN WHIO WERE SCARED. A.ts Wha M,ýwaa a Cowaacd Anywhere Bul li Batlle. A'wnter iscussing tube question$s) aiten put a oti sit amaby non -con bataiius, "XVemeyou scaret1ý,' "remarIa upon tube stnan,ýigehy cautunedictomýy phases of bumau nature wbîcb are brougbt ant hy enmy lice. Hae mantions ans aI bis connateswho wes a cowart et heure, ah echani, anti in camp, oft je bttle wes ana cf tuebae'st meu aven known. Elhebcbncha unîtrasent ire insult, anti cou;lti aa ha oncet into auj hiarsonal canfliet, ant tubInot front Chtist- ian principal, but frein cowertica - Ie tube fielsiehawa tubs caine, brave am. badinentofai etbarough figbter. I rade hy bi site in betti eron al an boni' affar a mualet hall badtoare is lacttuaplaces ; yet ha matie no aigu, uttarat no conyplaint,but iouigbtuhIke tuba splendid soltier that hae waa unui hie dethlilre white face atutractet atetion. Then, oniy in meepanse tua aniaus 18inquiriesi, bha lîtoai is wonnd anti aI tube agoîîy il was givig bine. Ine tsregimexît weas e neai coard,,who wonlt figb no battces, in camp oronat ofi it. Wben tuba first gucvyas tiret hae troppet ont ai lineanut neti-ogradet. -Punjsbmeui bat noaffect upan him. -1He wâte tIeal eut most sereecowert I aven net, eut .was toleaetefi in lice service only o i accounir oi bisuniailing goot bumer, bis lied eanrt, anti bis generai nseulucas. 1 Ha weas the negmmeutai hietanian, a little varbiose, but nsneliy accumate. A day or tuwo cftuer a bettie hae woulti turc up le camp witb a metaîleti eccaut of tube engage. ment. With a goot aducatitîn ha would haire m nata a usaîni wam correspondeant. lie bat' meduceti the noble art of taîîug came au isaita an exact science, ent badthtub bepp)y kuerk aipicling cep alhiebaîîwa w0itt en egetuting bort. Aînat'z1er quner ieilow waa pnrbaps tube bes armet man lu tube u'my. Besites bis gun hae carniedt wo spleutit cavalry pistcls, cnt e nurierons.-look ing bawie-lnife lu-- hat is NICER tg Have Than a nice Watch, Set of Jewelry, Clock, or Si]verware ? It is not necessary for me to say anything about the quahity of my goods. as everoneknows that I always keep the best the market produces. I ha-ve a few ilundreci Dollars to make up in 9a short titme and arn stili sellig coff my stock at O0eCs. on the $ w,,hile you have to pa'výT others double the price for inferior stock. '%,al] and see me before buy- ing. av Ir you hv any kind of small work to repair or make bring it to me and you can get it done riglit. MAYNARD THE JEWELLER, "BIG 20!> I~Yo cue fleeet'-'e i-ae y lue o n or W < onil Yuer osteýaster tu ba paid eu i an cii .inae AJîdEù uce na wiene uanantee! SefAb1 us aEzeo-e ,9n d l 8u f;v.uîlrve wroeCk edIlthIl1v ese ofthoranî ,flyonn g rmen an~middle~edm on. i uu, tiâo W,,u'lc-'op, i iîI'-Suueua' co leeofie he proies-, sion---ll avaite ictm . t e au,, if you bh-ve been jnlrre eware of the future. Medds aed sea onne"row I -n-îîuîely eandul eul i l. huth 'exualty and physically. Consuituneba.*ore toc lat2~ ul.'iN(5 UîEfi WlHOUT tURlIlLS IONSENT, Confidentiel. VARICOCELE, LEMiSSiONS AND SYPHIILIS CURED. W. S. COLLIN-. W. S. Colins, of Saguu-avv. Spe-aks. W. S. COLLINS, ý "I amn 21. AI, 15t 'ourned a bzid habuit wuiceh 1 contin.. ned tlilu. 1I due beoaauu "nue ci tue boyse"und led a uLîy lite. lpeueurd cI'ipiu. Ib aueiev îiain~ wu'ik bwk, vuuîcuc'ul ;i an d. ilosece at J dindB cf iut ' uvih-ît If)h, , u,uui as conteunpuiug eiiuiewluh iaf i"dreee'uainuled Drs. Kennedy t. ±e'ua'e n'c-, M' l e a u.tjuuî. 'Thnnitlr ie:d I. èrel f ii8 1uuo niwa u ruueul. Th]ei e cls ix ~epe 'g'. utuI eyer ,iudî a liru. 'uVa4 irieul tan yeaeaoeuu' 'îI l-p . .1,,str Drs)u. Keunedy &Ktey'-. -~ b<i~ eLlTLi T1EATMÈT S. . OiiaTe . Imi.râT a d_._.____2 T.~ ~ W P.1ESM NcrosbW" lZe ppey iter-a, 1 P. 'SO ittle ho e. ' -P a . iTâcn'la:a i.r newiUpa <),re mn mpon lethe fiAt Neh cuit n- ýnu-u s nresbelî eu.î, suuephc ui.ul inx T'utron oilly. nuuiii'-n're d I asgovi li"ert ily Dr.uuuyutii àî' I iriul ,4uiî',"edt d iey Reinl 10 u3ylutue Il. t .'uJdaLa/i ru-uj.ul'u à T . ý. M E uub1 A eo h aI i s T .iii P .v tuuIi y. I tec lit t.(t, 'Mului',nto t ui Ne eho fnuueuI' l -'e u.j t. Ut- i cfr uuia viid n e trte , f t, r lu CI , 'a "e s 'e~ u l'n O v iLii l1i>3FVt'Iu OSrl.PI VATE Nocani h.-<u'.u ' ' 1 N îar ;, ntoxes1orinv- i oE AF P711 ~ cn: ' u. uu~tî'c .ato ra N$iii do, fo youST. j YH the pnisouena. The men reaistat a-id et- tucket the afficars wiîh their tools, atoola eut anytuiug they coulti ley thein baeds on. Unabla tua drive tubanîintotbairccla theofli- cars fiualiy dnew thein revolvers eut iret seeraal shots et tuba couvicts. Only ana shot j tank affect. This strmd eaconvict in tuba cheel, anti effectuaihy fighîecedthtub muti. neera. S upenin tentent W hîtten statuas tuai tuhie wouut îa flot e serions oe. ie Say$ tbet the priscuer abat bat saizet eatailor's goasa, eut attecledth ue affican, wba, lu Self- ùýeîence, about et hlm. The supernutenteut refuses ta giva tube nainaai tube man shot or of the officer wlîo ired t aIm, buit staec tubaItubaewountet man ires ane cf tuheed- ers le the outbreak. The mi aabeau restless for soute tieysandeut treatuanat trcuble. Aiter tube sbootieg tube pnisoners feli hack, anti were triven juta tueir celle. Several of tube convictus were sevaraiy clubb- et. Governm'3Int and Disarmament. Au adtre8s was receatly sentu tuatuba Queee an bebaif of tube Intuerntioalai Arbi tratuion anti Peace Association, poiefing ouf tuba affect on'tube pop uIehions every- wbere oi tuba ever.iuncasieg imiiituary anti nasiarmements. In an seer ta theade-_ tresa tle comnittes of tuba association bava receivati tuba faiiawng rcply Iran tube Foreign Office: 'lSir, -I an dinectunt hy tube Eanoa Kimbherley 10 statue tubai tube Qunen bas been picaset tua raier ta bloc tuba nanoalwhich the Inernational Arbi. Iratice eatd1'eae Association ettresseti lien Majesty au tube l2tb inst., suggesting tubat Han Maeety abonî.thtro'îgb ber Cou,.ci1 ai Statu andutExecutuive Ministens, iLutate anu international movenant for tube neductian cf Enropean armements. Lord Kimberleyayen oly repeat thet tube polîcy ofl Han Majeaîy'e Govemumeut continues ta ha tubai set forth in stafenante mate la Panliamentu ta whin'-bthe attentin ofItuba Internationail'aeace Association bas eineady beau tnawn.-I ane sir, yaur mast obetientu, humble serveant, T. H. dentîerson." The eiatemauta in Paliemeet relerradt taie Sir r. Sanderson's ieter werc ta tuba effactu tubatuHem Majeetuy's Governient would ha very gladt tadt anytibig tua behp tube nove- ment, in layon af disenmemnent, but tbetu tbey inaredat bItuhii initiative et tuba preseet-,timne wanit not hea etuendati with atisfactuory reseltus.f iu': Itiennhe rs. Tha ýpnienere iu ebop' 2 en~3 quchiyioilced thueifexeple, eut in ePie momnts iueebpawere in as a stt cf-, dtm î.Tn ofcu ucag ai~~~~~t tuaeoeedecoe i4sîpestb d'is- tuf; etci, bu'vtot elut, eut th ofi is drw their lbu tclLeargeti an "T'ake a holeý and put some doùcgh around t, then fry in lard." Trhis simple recipe lias brouighit thousands to grief, just because of the f-ryin'g in lard, which as, we ail know hinders digestion. In ail recipes where you. have used lard, try the neýw vegetable shorter iiig sd yoùl will be surprised at the delightfuil and healthf-Ll rsis It is without unpleasant odlor, iinpleqsant flavor or unpleasant. results. XVith COTrTOLItNE in yn kitchen, tlic yonng, the dlct and the dyspeptie can ail enjocy the regular family bill of fa1re. Cottolene le sold inlu3 anf 55 Pound pelle, by ail grocers. Mtade only by l'ho N. K. F'airbaïuk Compa ny, WellingtOI2 adtAne £-ta, Since Daumarit established daîry a1choa and made a scienc- of buteanakiug 10)_. 000,000 pounde of btWter have ben axpo:teel froni the country annually.

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