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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1894, p. 4

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- I -I e... t I Polish. LABifES, uze lok's ofala Blice Polish for Ladles end Children's fine Bcots and Shoes the fr cet ta preserve the leaiber and keep if p liable. It wlll leuve a polish like eatin. For sale by Boot and Elioe dealers. BOWMÂNVILLX, JTJLY 25, 1894. MID-SUMMER EXAMINA- TIONSu Below we give fie result cf fie en- trance examinstions iseld tic astweek in June at Bowmanville sud Blackstock, Tic names anc given in order cf menit, Miss Anunie Manning, daugiter cf Mn. Geo. E. Manning, won flic Higi Scicol Scioianship, monit for highestostanding2, ýwith Miss Nohie Hall, dauglif of Mr. . J Hall, Bowmaisvihhe, sud Misa Nors Werny, daugiter cf Mn. W. Werny, Sol- ina, close cempetitors. Thcy sîl put in excellent papere. Tic higicat niumben of marks iras 603. TIse board decided net te publiai the marks, a course we inuci regret., Annie Manning, Nellie Hall sud Noms Wory equai, May James, Edti Froc,- Iaud, May Clemens, Ethel Manning, Mablc Riekard, Pauline Hlenry, E thli- wyu Spsnlîng, Normman Nortiscote, Frank Siontridge, Mary' Prout, Cair A. Lsu.- msid, Eusa Rogers and Herbent Freeland equal, Norman Allin sud Gonfle Lyle equal, Carnie Babcock snd Blake Me- Murtry equai, Maude Crawford, Amelia Kuiglit, Lillie -Gilbiert, Albert Tait, Martia Jarvis, Donahd, Gabraih, Leule MoDougalsud Mary Celville equai, Garie Wigt,, Margaret Coernan, Win. Rogers, Clans Neads, Thomas llamley, Carnie Martyn, Hilda Logan, Florcu ece Mayer, John McCelsan, Colin McDoîsald, Sftchia Reynolds, Etiel Brant on, Ada Hoar sud Byron MeLaugihin equal, Thomas Dickinison, Oton Bond, Maggie Younsg, Barny Isaac, RoiaQrt Hodgson, Lillie Griffun, Jennie Lucas, Vida Van- Camp, Alice Thompson, Arthuir Goard, ,Normais McLaughlsu. Samuel Wilson, Clans Parr, Msud Bnadbun, Leslie lleoey, I1atdo Mc- Lauglilin, Maud Beal, Ehîs Beacock, Bert Bruce, ffaud Holmes, Minnie Creigiton sud Herbent Swaiu, equal. Public Sehool Leaving cerfificatos: Ida Avery, W. J. Virtue, William W. Hern, Ethyl Washington; W. D. Roliin', Viola Polleck, Frank Kenlake, Ethel Teskey. Entrauce certificatea: Tic fiflowiug cndidates securod onougli marks te ou- tih ~ate Entrance certificates, but note onogi te eut ifle tients te Public ScclLeavsuîg centificates: Elis Cryden- in, Chas. Spinka (Blackstock), Cccil Býrauton, Blake Stevense, David Roy, Etta Brown, S ATURDAY EARLY OLOSING. At prcsent fie 1ev. 'Mr. Fraser sud ex-Mayor Younie are kindiy intenestiug them tires te obtain fie cousent cf fie merchaî keepers te close their stores at 9,30 on Saturdsy eveninga. If fuis agreement takes effect, sud ma faiti- fulIy ebserved, if will lie sonne inîproe- usent on flic old onder, whici meant 10.30 oýr Il 'chock ciosing lu fie 4ary geeds store,,suýd 12 in tIse greceries. Tic un- thni~shoppingy public do nef kuow, -sudj appareutiy do nef care-wiat an amou 9in t cf hsrdsisip, wcariness sud fatigue t'seve-late wonk meaus f0 flic clerke suriei'hýrs who serve beliud tic counftens. If fiecgesseral publie would ouly neflecf at mom ent sud fake a esable view cf tise ustter they would sec fiat carlier shopping is ctirciy lu their own infercat. Do customens nover notice tisat fie sen- vice sud attention, ticy get frein fie clenka at fliceud cf a labonieus day, is nef cf fie same pleasant sud cheerful nat- ure as fiat experienc-,d minflic canier heurs cf fhe day ? TI-si diffeence, even iu pesons wbo are iabituaily polite, sud auxieug te serve te tise beat advanfage, la inevitabie, The reason for thîs is not bard te disco'.er, liceause a weariod body aud uiu.,d canîsot iinpant a sweefness which if la incapable cf feeling in ifs exiausted state. Looking« attise question in anoflien lîgit, it appesrs iii a more seieus aspect. For how can store-keepers sud thein as- sistants wio are ever werked ou Sat urday nigit, ho ini a fit state cf composure for Sunday meniug durcis services? As well as biug iucapacifsfed by sheer exiaustion tiey mnuet have a rankling fiat oaci mc- cîsring week thsey are made flic victinis cf an evii custom sud habit, wlici the> public have the power te remcdy witiouf fie eigteat hs or ineunvenience te tiens- selves. Most of fliose whe are prone te deley their purchsing business until flic proverbial "cilevetiheur", spend fiseir previeus isours ou tise sfreefs,witiouf giv- iug s singhe thougit te tice infliction tiseir carclessuese nsay cause fie expectasut sterekeepers wiehave te prolongticweary heurs for their accommodation, 1f is well known iow bard. tif late break any peran under 14 years, nor will au., clergymn eallowed te celebraf o th tt aet came iu force Jnly 1sf, 1894.-May is ard the Jeweiler hasnlicou appointe< kissuer cf licenses. .e c-Minbra's Liniment Curei Daunluff, Smending Hood' ]Pisafo the public, d Hooda Pilla are purely vegetabIe.ý -Dont fail to secure some ofic abâis gains at fihe sale naw gaing ou at Coucih Johuston & Crydermas'a. gulato their trne, could maniage to' do tbeir buying before 9.30 p. m. Siz c'cleck is generally accepted tea heur, according to this regulatien heusebcld affairs could receivoe due attention, sud still allow in- tending purchasers to reach the stores at 7.30, the two heurs following would sure- ly suffice for the transaction of ail neces- sary business. While the change asked for is very insignificant, if obtained, it wili bo se inuch of a gafn, and it willgo te prove that the principle of earlier closing ou the day here alluded te, is just and proper. That it can be doue withbebnefit te the employers and employees, and with- out loss te the pubEe, la proved in the case of T. Eaten & Co., Toronto, and in hundreds of iother cases throughout the Dominion. This plea in favor of earlier closing might be furtber strengtbenod by citing the action cf the banks, whe close two heurs oarlier, and of the wholesale iirrns, who shut their warohouses some five heurs earlier ou Saturday than on t,,leu other days cf tIhe weok. The only lau sible excuse for, this unreasonably late Saturday werk is that it is followed hy a day cf rest. This theory is, however, taise ini prîiciple. It la simpiy robbing Sunday of its sacred rights. It was noever intended that the heurs of repose needed for the recuperatien cf the over-worked people of the precoding day, should bc' stolon from the sacred day set spart for other purposes. AN INTEliESTED O-NE. THE LA.TE MR. BURK. TEISRIpBLY SuDDEN DEATII 0r k N-iTivE 0F BOWMANVILLE, The Campbellford Horaid gives thege circumnstances attending the death cf Mr. Burk: This coînmunity bias again been reînind- 1 d cf the uncertainty cf this life by the very sudden removal cf Mr. Edmund Burk whose spirit fied f rom this -valeoef tears,"at the faoeîly rtsidenco on Mondsy înerning last. Except an occasionial attack cf gout Mr. Burk suffered f romne n ilinoas, sud the day provieus te hie death, ho was as briglit and cheerful as at any time during bis life. Mrs. Burk was ab- sent fromn homo when the message came, and the uews by wire, as may be imagined wvas a terrible sheck te lier as it was te all te Whoif i was cemmunicated. The de. cea&sed had gene eiut uponi the versndah (f bis dweliing eariy iii thec îorning te reat in an easy chair, and it wst here flic sudden illness came that terminated in death shorily afterivards. Mr. Burk was apparently su a beavy sloep and when if was, fcund that lie couid net be awakened, Dr. Macoun was summoned On bis arrivaI at about 9 c'clock he found him in an unconscieus condition, aud soon learu- ed thafthere was beorrbage cf the brain. The uncouscieus mnu wasI placed in bed but hoe neyer raliied, and sank inte bis final reat about an heur afterwards. Mr., Burk was in tho prime of hf e, comparativeiy a yourig man cf only 43 years cf age. Bowbanville was bis native tewu. Fer many years lie was employed as toIler in the Montreal brandi cf the Ontario Bank, at Montreal. Subsequont- ly hie returned te Bowmanviile,, anîd in that tewn in partnership with Mr. Joues ho set up a private bauking institution, whicb. continued a numiber cf years. 115v- ing bu 'siness relations with the late Thos. Keeler wbe erected the paper milîs in Campbellford, Mr. Burk purchased the establishment about tenn cars ago, aud came bore te reside. The buildings were eularged and impreved, uew inachinery adied, and if was made into a first-class manufactory, and under bis management ho worked up a remunerative business in wbici hoe coutîuued tili bis death. Mr. Bark ivas a freefriendly and geod-uatur ed mian,soniefimes lavisi in bîsgenerosity sud eujoyed hiacîlf witi fie best flua .life ceuld afferd, "fariug sumptueously every d-iy." Hie was au active business man, aud wben on business lient devoted bis besf onergies to it. A widow and twc sons are left te meura tise lesse, The ro- Smains of the deceased were couveyed1 by 1train te Bewmanville fer interment. 11ev. W. E. Cooper, rector cf Christ Ciiurch, oficiatod af thcelieuse. Mr. D. Burke Simpson went downta .Camphliford and acc:împauiedl the ro- ma ins cf the late Edmund G. Burk te 1this town on Wednesdlay. The body ws .taken ta Sb. John's churci, where de- >ceased was a leading officiai for many yearo before ho remeved to Campbeliford. Hundreds cf citizens viewed the familiar .but lifelea features. The floral tributes 1were numerous and bautiful. 11ev. R. iA. Bilkey, the rector, conducted flie im- 1,preesive burlai service ý)f the churoh, aud the large choir sang several appropriate bhymus. The chief mourners were rMessrs. Edm-ussd and Clarence Burk, thec 1twc sens; Mr. H., W. Bark, ex-M. P., jJudge Burnham cf Whitby, Mr..Fred. THE BEST EXCURS1ONe1, The people cf this district willreiy understand fie differeuce between an exý- cursion by a splendidly equipped, large sud speedy steamer sud a raiiresd excur- sion this bot weafher. There is simply ne compirisen. The Gardoes City is oe cf the mesf popular pleasure steanmers plyîng between Toronto sud etiser perte, sud ne steamer ever gave the satisfaction se dîd isat season te excursionists frein these nortis shore ports. The very best families patronage tise Gardon City. fier luxurîously furnissed Ladies' Cabin is under thse charge ef an obliging steward- ossan suîs free te sîl ladies, there is a nicely furuisised Mu'ic Rocin witi piane ansd seatitug accommo~dation includiug scv- oral rocking chairs fer ail who will go oui this piessure excursion,.flot water is furnisied froc te sîl for tes sand coffee. Who wants te I-o ou the crewded suffocat- ing cars at 25 cents extra and noue cf these pivîleges ? Ahl wraps, baskets sud tier thinga sîay be left in perfect safety on the boat at QdSeënston while fie cern- pany go up te the Falls ou thoeiolctric cars n ,ithout encumbrance of any kiud. By tsking this excursion by the Gaden City yeu avoid cbaucing cars two or thre tîrnes, ivaitîng, for Toronte boats already- crowded with a mixed lot of strangers, On our boat if wilho more like a largo prîvaf e party of our owu people, our cit- izens, neiglibors, friends cnjeyiug a pleas- sut re-union, having s ceci, pleasaut trip ou a cesfortable uew fast sud conmmed- sous boat iliat te sec is te admire; elect rie iigisted, iiti ail modern cenv,,nîncos for use and cemforf, There wi]i ho ne clianging, hurrying or gtting ef t er lest from eue an other. Iu short this ivihi be with fine wcather tic suost interesting trip cfflie season. Manager Cowan writes tiaf "ne effort will lie spared by tic compauy te niake this tise model cx- cursien et tihe seaso)n." The parka are aîl froc te, excursionistsansd thero necd lie ne efier expouses Only$l.50 ah tise way te fhe Falls sud return; children $1, Boat beaves Newcastle at 6.30, Bowrn- ville 7; Oshawa 8; and W hitby 8. '0 s. m. neit Mouday Juiy 30. CANADIANS DO WELL. STAFF SERGEANT KING WINS THSE Sv, GEROItEs- VASE AND MITCHELL TU1E CANADA Tnernv, At Bisley on Saturclsy in the second stage cf tise conîpetition for flic St. George's Vase, 800 yards, 10 shets, Staff- Sergf. King, cf flic 45th Battalion, Bov- nianville, madete finle score cf 46 ouf cf a possible 50, uisking lus agogrogaf e 77, fie iigic ftef lcocmptiters, sud cf course, wîuner cf flic coveted Vase, Dragon Cup, Geid Cross sud £30. Mn. Ksng is e homocongnatuiated ou al ides because, taking ite consideration fie dirty waatber sud flic fact thaf hoe came eut cf flic first stage witlî only 31, bis achievement is considered nemarkale Tic St. Geerge'à is thc third in import- ance cf tise grett single matches cf Bs iey, ouly giviug way te flic Queen s sud fie Prince cf Wales'. The Vase3 is n magnîficent spécirn of fie goldaiis-- art, sud is kept for flic year in the pts session cf the officer c6nmmanding flicî!ý winnor's battalion. The oldCrosa. whici gees te tic winuer, is cne cfIe envied trophies cf Bisiey. Canadians ý have neyer licou suceeseful iu fuis imatch before, but socmto e i making up for a3 l' their past deiciencies this yesr. Staff- Scngt. King is well knewn on fie shoot- iug ranges cf Canada, sud lias a billiant record. Tic Challenge Vase will li e iel by Lieut. -Col. Cjubitt, cf fie 45tb Batt., iseadquanfers af Bcwîuanvillc, in wliîch corps Major Sam Huglies, M. P., je eue cf flic ieading sliots.-Teegrani Cable. Mr. King aise tied witb Simpson fer tie London Corporation Cup, but teck second place in fie "shoot off' sud wou £20 or $100. Tise official list wili appear to-day. Stafl-Sergf. Kinga' winnings must aggnegate a large surn, He will gef a assroception whens le refurne ucxt mentis. IH1OSE EXCURSIONS. Tun DIisPEPAT£ ~EOUTS re arrosE rME GuE CITY EXCUPLsioN. Tise excursion te Niagara Falls by tIse favorite palace steamer Gar-dens City on ncxt Monday from Newcastle, Bownau ville, Osaasand Whifby la going te take tic sensible people, because if il the beef excursion cf tic seasen, but in justice te msyself, in consideration cf the large guaranteo I have te give te socure flua pepulan boat, I siail give flic public soe information about the opposition excursions fiat have been erganizcd te kinjure minse sud fie other boat excursion. Tic G. T. R. gave tic Disciple Y. P. S. Timm rO Part Hope ........ 6. 00 a. M. SfNewtenviiie -...6.15 Newcastle ........6.28" M- Bewmanviie ...6.37 O alngo .....6.43 ~ Whitby ...........7.03 «' Tickets are as good ou relzulari sud steanseris,JtiIy3O sud momning $1,80 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.65 trains ofJluiy ItETRNINGC, ail tickets are good until. eveuiug of Juiy 31, but f Dr tflic ceven- ience cf f hose wim hing to retura July 30, a sipecial train lias liou previded, leaviug Toronto on tise arrival cf tise steamer and train tram fie Falls about 10.40 p. m. Tickets at aIl agents cf G. T. R. No EXTBârISICRGE PRi ELECT.RXCRÂILWVAY. cnylmtznN BAii PEîCE. IRead tise West End Hlusae adv'f. Loave scissors and ather blades fer sbsrpeuing af Chartran's Barber ehq p.-18 uafies, if you have nof slready. don't fail te try my ehoice famiiy teas. W. H. Osborne. FAR-siss, call at Percy's and see tise ne- nowued Champion Hiorse Hec on Souffler. Prouounced tic boaf iu thc Market. Pnices iglit. Athiete Cigarettes have no Rivais. * PALE CJIILDREN i or appetites and freqIueIIt couI should, be given a few botties of.... Gaumell's S Skrei Cod LUver Oit. flou-ors recommnend it because it is> pure ~ and easy to take and te digest. ~ FARM TO RENT,-For a term of yearo, *'GlendhU"-300 acres, 2 miils from Whitby-ood buildings and soli. Admir-> able -for stock, or dairi'. Chance for goinse extensively intoioronto mille business or stock rasing for Amerioan mnarkeet. Men with capitli only need apvly. J. B.. Dow, Whhtby. PITEY CA-VIT S AP. Tic iver wlien active is tise watch-deg cf - tise system -tse dc- stroyer cf9 ersaand impunîiiefs. sýlr'e trutis ta: uiîsefy-nine ont cf cvery hundred dis- cases begiîs wifis a sluggish iver. A islgit coid or chli thing serions. If yen correct flic liver yeu'Ih curs' the cold. Dr. Pierce's I'heasant Pehhet, rouse tihe hiverete -vigereus ac- tien. After dinner, ifdnr biieus, take oeeof tîsese tiny, sugar-coatt-d Pelleta. Take thons wlseu yen have wind or pain i stomacli, giddiness, fullness, bs of up- petite, or wlse-uyeu sufer fs-cm costive- ness, indigestion, sick or biliopa lieedaches. Tise makers tak the iskof thei1r benefltiug ycu. If they're nof astis- fctorv, yeur money is rcfunded. Cau yeu usk more? Wisat y ou ai-e sure of, if you use Dr. Snge's Catarrh Remedy, is citîser a perfect and permanent cure for VO'sr Catarrh, ne matter how bad Your case may bce, or $500 lu casis, Thle propricters cf th iseffeicine ps-omise te pay you tise money, if, they ca' cure ycu. Yeon ea u by s god watch at Masou's fer $5.00. Scectise Kid Giloves for 50_ý a pair af Couci Johusten & Crydermane,. Noue better, none ctieaper thasu my stock cf greceruts, fruits, picdeý, etc. W. Hl. Ohornue. Wooi dehaincs from 15 te 25,- reaily wertb mfrm 25 te 40e tt Couci, Joinston &Crydermman's, SIONS OF ENGLAN Pi. GRAND ANNUAL EXCURSION NIAGARA. FALLS. J U LY26-27-2&8 011010E 0F 2 ROUTES. isi-Rail te Toronto, thon by Nigara Nav. Co. Steamers te Quecuston (arriving at 12 noce) thon by Electric Railroad (witheut extra oiarge)dinect te fhe Falla. 2ad-All rail direct ticth Fallsa ariving at 12.35 neon. Tickets are 'godgeu Thuraday p. m., sud ail trains IFnîday, sud tic fslow- iug special Friday morning: Fane Timo Plort Hope........ $180 6.00 a. un. Newtonviile ........ 1.75 6.15 INewcastleo.........1.75 628 H- Bewmanville-....* 1175 6.37 Dar'iaLya..........170 6.55 Oshw ., 1.70 6.43 Whilby ........... 165 7.03 CHILDREIN HAIF PRIcE, Returuing special train will beave Ton- onto at 10.40 p. mu. on July 27 ou arrivai cf steamer sud train frorn fie Falls, but ail tickets are good te Sftu rday cveusug July 28. Tickets at ail statlons on Stoft &- Jury's Drug Store. In connection with above ALL-Raîl tickets direct tc the Falls have been reduced to $1.25 froin Newcastle, Bow- manville, Oshawa, and Whitby. W-IJTE HELLEBORE INSEOTPOWA7DER. Bath and Buggy Sponges at very low prices. English Transparent oap as cheap a,,z, ordinary Soap, Try CIIEMIISTS ,aLd DRIJGGISTS, om,ý,çP, I C P RTicket and Telegraph Ofice. BUNSALL'Si MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, A large stock of Finished Monuments, Sarcophagi, Toxnbs, Headstone's,etc., in the best varieties of Euro- pean and American Granites and Marbies, in handsome designs, and at prices from $45 to $400.ý Orders respectfully solîcited and careful completionl guaranteed. Call and inspect xny stock and SEE WHAT YQU ARE BUYING. E. R. BOTJNSALL, Proprietor. GRAND MASONIOEXOURSIONI __TO- NIAGARA FALLJS, WETL-y7 30-31 GOOD FOR 2 DAYS. 011010E 0F 2 ROUTES. let-Ail rail direct to the Falls, arriving there at 12.35, noon. 2,?nd-Rail tc) Toronto; then by Niagara Nav. Co'& Steamer te Queenston (arrlving at 12 noon) f romt Queenston tc the Falls by Electric Railroad, Â pecial train will leave as follows, on Menday, July 30:

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