Fs KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and imprevement and tend@ to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live b et-. ter than others and enjoy lifo more, with es expeuditure, by more premptly .dpigthe worldl's boat preducta te the needs of physical being, will affemsù he value te health bf the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the K.medy, Syrup o! Fig.. t Ite excellecnce is due te, its presenfing la the forma inost acceptable and pe~ ln'.t t to fstethe refreahingand trlY beneficial prop erties of a perfect Ipax.. ativo ; effectushlly cleansing the systeni, djspehing cohlda hextdaches and fevere, and en uelycuriug cûnstipatýI,'. Itha. giv en satisfaction b.o illion, and met with' the spproval of the medical PrOfOssion, because it acte on the Kid- nyLiver and Bowels without weak- pwng thom sud it, je perfectly froo fromi boeery objeLi ionale) substance. Sý 1up utf- Iigs is for sasie by ail drug. lt in 7,5c. bo)ttles, but it i. manu- acturod by the California, Fig Syrup DJe. oîly wlosi, naine is priuted on every iaoa~,lsothie name. Syrup of Fig., in bcdÀrfg well iu!ormtt, you Wil xîot kcopt ainy Êsiubstitute if offered, QRAND TRUINK RAILWA.Y. BOWMA'%tVILLN FTATION. Q IFQ Asy 1QOING WIIBT sxPress.. 8 10a m Expes 5 1-1ar Cpres...02 '-7 a'nii.Expea : 6 P:a ]' asner..3 (66 P m Passenoer,. .S 11 a in 'aseenige.... 7 01 p m Passenger .... '. 2d p m zxVrees,. ..10) 25p)m 1 Express ... 7 4i;rn BowrMANVILLE, JULY 25,_189-1. I Lolcal and Otherwise. mies Mollon. Mliiss MIay Sbaw, Turonto, is gcatof .1<11e Loule Au(dnow. Mrsq. Rolman suad child o ornoare LMay nard the Jeweller, issuer of! magri. 1 iouse.ig 20,Bounvfe SMr. John Chisîte sud ison o! Mont. rea1 VýLsited at Mr. Richard , ShRV'. Mrj T,,'!s. Ted of Uxbridge was iu town over suuda-y at hie mot heý'r'. Mr. E. B. Barn6eso! Kentic-ky (T. S la Vîsitiag aAt her fte' r .J al Mosans, NrI. W, Tilley sud A. W,.'Mc- Dougall, o! Tcronrto, epont Sndaiy kat borne. Mrs, W, L, Sbarpe sud Mrs, Thos. YlEmmerson e!o Peterboro are viitinc-,Muk. John Ain, Liberty Steel. MAr. sud Mrs.W.C. Cuhitt, Minneapolis, Minu, ar viiting ber father Mr. J. B. Fait-bain, P. M., snd ther fieuda hou. Mn. R. Windatt, town, clerk, snd MnT. W. H. Williams,, fanmer, are apparentiy Borne btter, thougli bothai re veny weakç yet. Mr. snd Mrs. Jas, McGVIlo! Washing- ton, D. C., and Mr. John McGill of To- ronto are visitingu thoîr father, M?, Wm. Garîen City excursion tickets my bc UCtnredÎ in advan)ce fromý STÂTEî;MÂAN ofie0 Bowmairgille; C. G. Armrnou, Orono; EVerloi & Hatwkins, Oehawa; W. R.' Howse, Whiitby, sud se ou the wbsrvea Mondsy mornilug July 3 bbfr hat ar- rives. Mr. T. . igiboba ae locted Public Sqbol tn,tee Mocnday iusfead o! Chas. Tçî, deceisd.Mn1 C M. C,%w ker was a canididate but bis ecozderM. j. B. Mitchel, net beîrg :, catepayer ln the Nerth \Ysrd, voi(led hie uuddturwe. Mr. Jo..?lnitauwsas "uomiuaated but withdre«. A Toroit o lady aays, have sferdfor yearo wth terible beadache-; sinice wusing V'heny-o-Cfclnr ue douse aiways uoso Great beads nequire largo hats-tbhey have tbemi at Mlason's Clethiing Store in extra quality. A lot o! dresas gods( sel:ing off at haif price sud semie loveiy dlreas paterns at bea tb ost pnicoat- Coucb, Johuston & Dr. Fowler'a Extrâsct of Wild Straw- berry cures Diarrhces, Dysentery, -Cramps,i Colic, CholeraMorbus, Choiera In!autum, and ail leesenese o! the howele. Naever travel without if. Pnice 35c. Mn. J. B. M%.ari11n will close hiesStore every Thniraday aft;erueun dnniug Juhy aud Augnat. Customne É5wLo .wouId se- cure bargaîris shoul î get thein r lonsr fil. 'el iu the moruîng or wart tili the !cllolr- üig day. T. N. Riokard is ana p-to. date Jewelier and Optician. -Ail i, gooda ,are. net sud warnantedt: oeas represenjted. Tu uptice ho la thoroughly comipetont tç e3tst he eye parfect;ly. No ueed tu pay a larize ,%mount et tney te bave if doue for hoe eý s that free o! charge, ouly asking yen te psy a very moderato price'for a pair o! Spectacleir, sud that only whe ou noned te wear them. Yen will fiud his bouse ,beadquarters for anything ins ibis line !rorn ittiug dowu te the ,niallest repairc requirod onrpetcls Hava, You Tried DJerby PlugI Binder Twine cý. at Worth'.s Miss Huie,_r of Beileviie le visitin, Miss HBillier. Mýî,Is Mlllie l3rimlacornbe (4 Chiicago0 bomne for bier hiolidays. Mfiss Maud Emmen(rson, of IXterboro spent Sunday with fIieïnds here. Misi Pattie and MAr. Chap. Brittain o Toronto amc guests at Mr. C. Yaung'js.-- Maynard the JEwnlier, Bo-wmanvilie always keepe a fille tock oA weddin rings. Miels Kate Keek)r, e!, Toronto, is isit ing her ftiend Miss Lucy Monkiey, Bow. manville. Mrs. J. H1. Stewart and two. clldreni Exeter, are visitinizlier sister rs . Freé J. Manning. BiNuEît TWP1i.-Rd. Wýorti i leadin; a big reduction in Binder wi.Se( hie advt, on front page. Mr. Richard Fos!ter o! Gravenburst ii sipenditug is qvacationi at the homùe of hie parents, Bwavleeast. ,Mr. Weilington 1sorneryille, wife and mothpr,Port Perry,, Tîsited their cousin Mr. W. W. Hqeùderaon,Bowmanville,ovet su îd ay. "raei Mr, T. A. Brown o! Exete a iteà the Methndist Choir Suaoday nlght and sang the solo, "The _Better Land," with muci acceptance Miss Nellie Patterson ,who has been s1penîdîng a few weekýs in twnm bas return- ed 1oio hr homYe in WVhitby accompanied by her siîster Mrs. J. A. Lawirie Mr. and Mr.P. Trebilcock enterta'n ed abouit 150 inembers of his bible cla5 and teachersAnd (officers; of. theMeod Sundeay ScLkcoe at their restdezi,-, Divis. ion 8L., on WýedniEsday. Al haî a most enjoyable time. 'lhle Saivation Army will hoH their an- nal cam3p nmteting ,at Corbett's Point from A1ug. 2nd to 12tb. Meetings led by Brigadier and b1rp. DeBarritt assisted by rbout 1-5 other officerE% Tensti touret. Refresbmrnets served on thei grcunidH. Ail are weicomhe.* Misses J. aýnd Mary Galbraith, Mrs. W. B. Coucb, Misn Couch, Miss Thoznp- son, snd Miss Prower ]cf t by Pullman special train Monday nigbt for Portland, Me., St. John's, N. B., and Boston, Mass., for a 15 days' tour down amlong the Atiantiu bronzes.' Busiss Nonc(ýE.-Mn. C. Tedi de- sires to isay that the bakery arn3 conifec- tionary bsaa will be carried on as usa. iwý, koprnttkr re in charg- of the bak'fry sud il orè ors at the S'oreor wag~on wilibe pi ornptiy atteni. ed to She aisû d..,eire9 <bat %Il l ott<F- ing secoens shall bc sutled by Sept. Lit. '29 3wV. Mr .I.Vanstone, of BowauIville, estirnates the yield of winter whie&,t in West. Durham at 20 bushels te the acre, asw against 20 st year. Sprine wbeat, 20, as againsct 13 last year. Winter wheait à%ccea,,Jabout tte &axne; 8pring wheat acrageredcedf hly50 ~zcen. any farkis bave n, berTo,)eiulIvto say muhao P pring whea;ii, t l;e1 vell this finie last year, bot faileýdhae. EmieJoly 20. R. r-t, c?' Y s'e from _No., C. PCJ .1, st: Jina >_.,wereCIP tured n(Bl mavie by Chie? Tarvis on Saturday sand hold <n cuatody t;i yïster- da:y wbenne sc-ler compos f Srt anePte Eti-nnesand 'Pt-, Malou asrrived frornt tJohn. jand rnok them back. TheýY wiil net be, punished as dec- s erters ast they haveo been onIv I14 days abent and the law requires '21 day. be- fo re a charge of d(e;erîi n caliibe enter. idned. The younig feilows soeined bglad te have the «hance of returiia as "sogering iseems preferable te Iltramnping. The mn who maltes it possible for those wlth moderate means te buy frrnt bir n i.the man who dos business to-day. 'Rickard, Jewelier snd Opticiau, Bow- manville, de. this. Ife wiIl give any] tbing in hi. hue ef very iow prices, and beside that he wiil explain te yen ju@f what htind of goods yeu are huylng. If yen want a Swise, watch he will seIl ynu' eue for $4, but at the saine time he wil11 tell yen that it wouid payyen f'ar botter te buy an Arorcan snd pay a little more forjt, althougb the profit on both would meun about the sme te hum. Stralghz aud fair doaliDg If what i. aiw.ed at. WfrEN TRAvELiNG, -Wbether on pieasuro bent, on bnsineot4, take on every trip a boff le o! Sprup of Fige, as it acte most pieasantly sud effectualiy on the kidnoys, liver aud boweo, preventing fever, boadache aud other ferma of sick- neas. For sale Iu 75a. bottleo by ahl lead- ing druaiat8. lVanufsctured by the Cailîforuis Fig Syrtîp Co. only. Wo bavc Soda Wter sud Giniger AIe frein the, best malter iu OniaY*ie. Rlefreshing sud healthful eipecially iu case o! ickue8s. Lange sud Small bottles. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanville. Hlave yen read the West End Huse 141 New Suite for Mou sud Boys juat lun at Masou's Clotbîag Store. See advt. F. C. Pethick is the bo, s tensorial art iet. Give hlmn a cal ifyeunoued a lir- cnt or shave. Sick or nervous beadache are relieved at once sud cured, by uiinc Phenyo-Caff- éiu as directed. The fineat ivork sud hast satisfaction yen wiil always get nt Msymard the Jew- elie', Big 20, Bowrnuvilie. Elcantly finishol casornents for pedl extremnities in ratber a loud aounidiag phrase for boots sund shoossau ch as Trel. even's, but he heeps the highest qualify at the lowest prices in ail asizes. About 100 o!f tho smeke-damagesI suifs still le!t t afMaseu's Clef bing Store. Many e! tboue will ho sold at loe than bal! of <ho former pnice--a great -chance to get s kaock about suit or a achool suit for a boy cheap. BUSDEn TwiNzE.-Dustan &k blar are Lakiug endors fer Binder Twine-Red Csp @é 7 cents; Bline Ribboeu @ 8 cents. Leavae yo&?dor o newas .-iy a lîritel quanti ty caa ho ,old ut this pnice. /f. W, Fneeland e! Cbiago, i Mn. Anchie Binithaini. h lerofron St. isThonmas. The rate ia Cobourg will like'y be 2' mihîs <iii. year. Mrs,. W. Yulo sud Miss Relia o! Chica, vof Ill11., are at Mr. L. Quiclt's. Mr. Sheridan of Toronto was guest o ï, Mr. R. R. Ehaskin ou Sunday. ýg Mn, M. Loclthant, jr., o!f onb: O., le home on a visit te parents._ t. Messire. Will Grant o! Aunra sud Fred F- Grant o! Toi ente are visitiug relatives in town.i Il ev. R. A. Bilkey preached in St. d Paul'. cburch, Bloor St., east,Tout Suuday. ýg Coiebrate jour civic holiday Mondla, e next by takiug Gardon City excurïion to Niagara Falls. is -lI, Allan Williams was homne over is Suuday ; Misae Nellie Williams les vis!iting Miss Cuî fie, Port Hoe. d Mr. W. R. Brock sud daugbten Ger- a frde were guéats o! Mn. J.B. Finlýairn, ýr P.M., overSunday weèk. I! you want atything in the jewellry 0 lino call sud BOO how chesp yen eau bu: g it from- Maynsrd the Jewelîer. ' Mr. E. N. Thomas o! Deleware, V, S i8 visitirog boire, aecompsuniel by hie n daugbten, Mns MoPbersoni, o!Cýainuiug- ton, Ontario. Two very largeé congregatiens greeted Rov. C. Parker hast Suuday flu the Mebý'i odiat Cbuncb sud lho gave thein two-csip- sital sermons. t Iýf cond wish' a wotid msklte ueutiun 1 ein by Gardon Ci'y nexit Mondy Lansc. tceas it would be a veny gratifying oen Msny th&nuks, friends, MIr. James Panten bs returniel from bis trip te Scotîlahaingenjoyeid the voyage hotb ways very much. iithout ovea a synptom o! mal deo e. Mrs., W,. E RAuery, wife o! the Coliecf. or of 0Custome, St.Tho ansd daughf. er, suid Mies Dohbie o! Tilsoahuirg, artý iaueriim of Mr. W. J. Joues, Mainager of Star(dard Bank. Dr. J.ý M. Bimaco-mbe ts atfendtïing he a!inua;l imeetiniz o! the Ontarioe Denital Asocana ' t Ki, gîten. T ho gatherng this year la rho agetever bell as the Wetvr r sd Eiýter? Asszociations mulet Thâhte Mis Ana Moyse was nue ia the Covengint M ufual BenefitAsca tien, Mn. W. E PQthick., ag.rnf, for $10 (00 which amrut bas beon prompt ly pâ1d te Mn. Tho,3. Moyse, bulsband o!f d(tcaeed. M. A. James i. hookiug passongens te the Old Counfry frein Naw York for $10 or frein Montreal for $15. This rate wvili net la-t long. Now ta yonr chance te visit the uhd as d. Be sure sud cail on iiii befor'e purchasung. We wish oùn rosIers suid the pufflic gnalyte unildersiaul <bat the rnilwsy ecrinbeing rua in oppos,>ition te the Gadn City, noxt Moueay uion erthie ahiogel auspices o! the Maons i. nef a Masonic, excursion in the traie seuse, as the Caar&"pe taMkg neinteresî îin if fUtheAr thi'an r.h'winig thie Useofo their ilane on <hb1ilefor whîche y rete reev 5per cent o! the net'rfis sinilar arranigeionlt was niade wvith thle1 Son o EnaLaud for Frlday's excursion aga-iit dite other 1boat. Tho G. T. _R. la iuuuing thcee opposition excuins 8ald the Discipis, chuncýli will et 75 per cent o! the profitasu41d îheme anciefies that1 ha-je l thoinnames the otiî-r 25,- per cent. The Btinleiwh Falls excursion li ae beinL, non by <inn fnieîxds th,, Dis- ciples.' We hope #I wili prove suiccess* fu nsdthat ihee oterprises ill iiyiell 1a handsome profit te the promotens'. Thae Late Thos. Barret t. The familiar face o! Thomas Barrett will ho aeeune mono iu the flesh, death baving removed hlm frein this wold of changea on Tbursdsy Isat te a happier cime. Ho bas been lu friling healtb "or rnspy montha, sud for zevenal weeka lias hein confined te bis home. lRis funeral on Saturday wss coaluctel by Rev. C. Parker who spoke very hopofulhy o! f tie future. lie hact fquad Mr. Barreit a very consistent Christian rma, ee who fearel God above many. 'Those whe bave heand doceased give bis testimony te the saving power o! Gel can have ne doubf of bis certain knowledge of aine forgiven. Evcr ince bis conversion ho bas sbown t-te i wol arouud a mollit xemphany Chritiap li!e, sud ha lied triumphing lu the faiîh o! the gospel. Most o! tho business mien sud msuy o! oun old citi- zens and a large numbor o!ftheS.A soldions folhowel bis romains teo th, e.in etery. Mn. Douglas Barrett, son, aud five bio'liers woe the mounres. The paîl -bearers wore Meesrs. P. Mundoeh .J._L MTrtrv John1 eîiyar nespoul te our aunouncemout his esn on acoount, o! the satisfaction they havel bal previonsly. This year wo purposo te givo yen botter barmalus ihan ÉoVer. SPee our advt,1n. Jn. Ma~ [7thie-]-te Ci,"arettes. Our rdoiv at i Invite Your Friends. ea'ionee we bes-rtily commeolu te '2 many others. A promninent -YenutIeman iu lDa4r<rgtou wrnites: 'i anam aflo ie t wilh be au exceoidingly pleasant sud en1joyble ýrP tnp;Dnu xcursions for me by railii hs woather. I wilI write te fnýieudait; if sud try te get thIem te go) t '0." Anl ex- curalo-n by sncb a maesicpasuroEsteawr- [or as the Gardoen City attends excellent oppoýrtunity fer s.ocial reculions, sud as îmaniy -persous have fniend- livin, f00 fan an fwa.yto have snch Ïg) hacsof Beeing cosue sud join ilhem in this eue. Another pe.oalady living in the uorth part o! onliigu, sIlel two weekg ago te in- quire wheu we were going te rua that ex- iy cursion ote oFaîll,for, .said ehe, we io have frienèa at Betbany that we want f0 invite te corne sud go along with us. rResIer, do. thon iikewise. Pleufy cf IMetlnodist Sunday School Ex- ourmîon. Tho 'Methodist Sunday Scbool, Bowv. nianvilie, wili take its aunuil outing this vear Tbursday, July 2C.th, at Roàebauk, al pictuiresqiue <pot ou Lalke Ontarie 18 m1iles oeut of Toronfe. The excurs3ioniste eo a refu1ru by tbe regular locail train (lca,;inig Bojwmarnville at 8:40 s. . n ud retuiing at 7.04 p.m> The management cormmittEe will! be at the sttion in the rnrigbefore train turne wixere coaches WUIl be in waitiug overnighf, te assist in takiing care of tte baskets. Conveyatices will be at R,stebank te fako baskets, etc., t,,>the egrounds. Abundance of bot sud cold wafer frEe. A cordial invitation is exteudod te ail, bofh Conrtry foul and Te<nflte bring aloug their brimmiog bsesand juin with the schecol iu one of tlie pleasautest outings of the sesson Tickets, Adtits 60 cents, Children 30 ct. To ho had& freni cornmittee at Station. Cxneh, John aon k' Cryderman are selI ing off parasols of ail kiridi, ail new, egooa, at exlictly cosf price at fbeiîr cdean ina sa burmmer ~os of cn Aery, wesedaiz.reof nlaeugra hts ofic R}es--iCarke, on Juiy 3rd, thxwiof,, et m. i. « ns a son. F.mtixcomrn-Tn Newcastie., on July 6h <lthe wife cf A. Fakrncomb, M. lJPý o' a mon. Ccuis0N,-In Newcastle. oni July 3Fb the iret,Joeli oultien e!a son. B ox-At Courtice, Jul.y'21,. te Mr. and Mrs . S . rooksa, s datghîcr.ý .%pu.Ntvy1n Esi.a8t Tlï, i 1hthe "Y fý of Mr. F., uîof etadahtr P4co-NarSoflna, JuIy 1«-,the wlfe of Mv.. Flcrierî . asot-ot di, her MA PRRIEF-. HIGINBTIIM- OBEvSo-AtMilton. ou Wednesdv. July I yîhli~teIltev. I-. Hddlow,' Mvr. Âitred Hgxuo aa, dMisGrrî- P. P., beth 0ofMit. EMEBSN-Wîs0?~In Prt ope o-n July lith ye. W.. Crotheris, Saurnel 1EmerLien o x ' F Wlon, etClae.i .TMSWT-Atthe reîlnecfie bnic,'r pairor, Dtot o ue27'-by 1e.T- B. Caldweil. M'.F. L.usforrmerly (.È Osh. awe, and Mis Cr'ISLUa Whtteý. DIED. S r-nEast Whitby. on July lSrh, Cath- ermno , touriv1e, rellet or <ha Iatejsames Stark aiged S, 1S ces sami 4 months. B-ýRRFTT -At BOWManVille. on Thnrsday,- BQWMýýUANYLLb MARKETS. Corirecedby..Seaty erTUsy FLOU, V1.00It, .$150, ta $2-00, W:jnnÂn, Faîl, l' bush .... O 0 0 062 RULBia, , ... 0 0 O 601 r ooee, .. . -O0 0H 055 Golerado, .... r00: 0,^ 5J7 Wito eFife. 0 0 O 062 Re .0 00 ,0 K5 DA I bush, No. 1.. 0 00 0 40 r2K.0 00-,,0O Sàî r2-.O0,00 030 ,'UWG owed 0O « 0 33 04n, wiî........000 r 40 r miled.......... 000 ,0 35 Rt.ý , 00,u0 40 Bwckwheiat Pleaah.O0 0r0'40 PrAs, -Biackueye' , Vbushi, O0 r 62 r Murniiy 'i.. -0 o 0 62 s[tatl, l,.-.000W, 55 rBine, r.00, 6 BulTTERE beattale, Vlb. O) 60 0'1 E4ýGs! tl doz-........... 0' '6 0 vu Q PuTATO>E, i u l- O O 0 40 Rhe wordeans somethring( with T., IN. RIC AD Thie olwn is a sample ofi hî Au Eight-Day Clock, (etriking) ...50S 0ent'. $12 Watch and $2 Chain.... , .501 Ladfes $2ý5 Watch snd $3.50 Fob. .$14.0O, edigRings marle te order. These are Bargainîs worthl Thyare not shop-worn goods, buît new goods of first CIual ity bonught right ini CASH MAIRKFT of to-day,and given yout at these special figurais. No goods sold. which are flot worth the price avsked,' T. N. RICKA'RD, Sl K -z ULeJ. ~ ij ..,d'1 t k 4k .- . .;.- -- t %vjm 20 mit Plugs. Mnard'a Liniment cre ua, . umption (of CgrLo iaaa Chil1dren cry for ~Icc" atra Neels Bloclt, B0~1I I SUi CQlA R!a SUC-AR Everybody must have SUGAR. Keep it in mind that we give the best value the market affLords. Get our prices for bbl. lots and DO NOT FORG(ET that we keep the largest and best assorted -stock of Canned Goods suitable for this hot-weather. The INCREASED sale of our Teas speak for Iapan Tea,. .. .25c, wortlh 35e Congo......2c Young- y11n.25c, worxth 4C1cCongo,.......5e, worth 4iW: Yroung ilyson.., 50e ý, worth 65e Congo ......510e, worth65 ECOSAN D BîUTTE w,,e want and will pay the highlestb price in cash or goods. General Go nud Provision Deýalên, Bwnanil G-serte preserving lketthes iu ail sizesi at; Deistr & lHoar's once, Divisioùn S, , next 13. C. nr, SA TYBICYCLE for saie.ce, i'JAppIy sL the STÂEM ofite. 2 W ATD,-A Youug girl as nuirse- i nsd..pply tu Mas. F.F. ManArthlun, BowmanvI, 30-1w 1 - QITLATION WANTED-By a midlie- KY sged weman a situation as b;use keeper iu a famiry, ton prlretro. ,.&pplY ai the STATEgM.âÂN Office, Bowmianville. 30-1w ~OARDERS WÂNTED)-HighiSchool boarding plaSc ea eroouewherethoeras no chIldrea by inuniriug of M. A. JAMN.Es, STA&TESMIN Office. YARTlNG.-Mrs. Thes. Bans off wisbhes tJ tintimai. te the lbusiness8men er 110w. manville thai Mr. Fred Tedisha uwsliird for ayeir by Mn. Barreti eeehedstt drive <ho teainicating frein the G.4.lts ilbat a centinnauce et their patronage la ellit od and all endors for cantine wilhoproprl atteuded te by hlm. Mus. BÀSStore,30-3 T ORSALE OR TO RENT-That laig Fny Goa Soe l -.o<beailftul -fref clasm tarin, situate on <ho Kingston Itoad, tweuty mnilezi freinTenante, Bownianville, 147 acres part of lot 22, Concession 1.- Pzckornu Tewushi pOntario Ceuaty. known as the Heury suey stste. Excellent bildinga, fi ,ls soul, splendid state of cultivatien. Apyte Mita. ENIRT lAXEY. On D. B1RKEii IIPOBowinanville. 2-4wW uT.AEN TENDERSWA ED .STILTMD, M EMiýA 0FCOLLEGE 0F PHYSICAW PO0R BRIDGE. aMEMBureR n enio. Office, King StL. Fir.t door west 0t Ontario iRank,; Resideance, Church St.-StLh deoreasi e! Methodisi lnrh Tenders willI b.ï reCeive by the iundensigu ed Bewniuvllle. ai , up 'o Monday . Jul3Oîl rt he ereo or et . a bu<.entr fer abridge boiceas B<ack s by Teeleý e3mii, in lhie'ownship of 0 U(IISE TO RENT -A senii-Ietacbed Da<'ington, cedan te b&u supplied by tho town- i brick bouse ou Chunctu atreeGt lately shiP. Plans and apecifications m'ýy ho seen ai )Ccnlpied byCApt. Crawfgrd, Terme neeae Mn. L. M. Counîice'â, Gourdie, where ail par- j PPIY te A. Yeuzçî., an T. BINQHÂM. 130W. ticulare may bo obtained. 1B nM.45-ftf. L. M. COURTIGE, mavl,_ _____ CLiairnian ef bridgecemmitîe I lii 2w eurtice P. o0. ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- SIn ta he Towuship ef Pickernu, situafe <miles west of Whitby Town ou <ho Kingston J UDICIAL ' SALE J ltera nd i the 8ighdestario cli&to eic. Terme -rony eagy. The beat 200 acre farmr ln t<h. Township. .&pily qnick te A. A. Posi., 0f Valuable Farm in Pickering. lVhîtby. 22-tf F ARM FOR SALE. -A flrst case tarra of 125 acres or 145 acres siîuated ln ihe RICHARD)SON v STEVENSON., township or ast Whutby lai cou. lots 15 sud 16 on the Base Lino, about li miles from Osha. wa station, 2 ailes froin Whitby sndGO0 rodi freinthe scheol house. Large roomy buidingL, Theo.will be îold by Au-Ction ai Gordou'îi main barnu95x36 fi, pleuty e! fruit, $sil day Hotelý Pickering, on u neaday, J il.y 1f, âj, loaru, altegeiheoee et tho best grainftarin-e with l <h auproîratien o! <hio undersigned Local- on <hoLate Shore. Ne hileor atones. Ab>>ýatiý MUaster. that valuable La>.kc Shore Parla com- i110 acres of wood, 75 acres la paetune sud faesp rpesed of parts o! lots 10o sud il jnin th e Brok-en I eoed. Termseasy. irst plowing dcouc, Front Concession et PYckernag, situai. about For iurther paneilculars1 appiy to A. :r miles item ýPickernug Station, G. T. 1R, Oha9 3-f iles tram Wlý;hitby; Beli Olrsi classa day bai ard knov n as oeefeth<le hast grain firme on SLe Lakte Shor in Pickerng ; Stone d woiling, Live Energetic lMen Wanteïd, 1 trame barn-,,atone noot cellar, stable sud dni*ving houa,. The promises have top soins To nopresent ns in flicsale cetour veaetspafbronght a rental et $8»O per armure. Trmî.1-1 ah balance on mnîgage fer a HARDY CANADIAiN GO tern net ex*oeding 10 Yesn e ka suit punchaser f à per cent,Plossession guven tu plougih afier 1NNURSERY STOCK, liarvesttand full possession Zud N ovember, 18Q4. PFor tuther panticulars, ternis sud con-r sto,.emnnsdafna edcac ditionasa xrnddadverfieemeut or applye P'rda l ent eaidl wores. Lbeoo h. te ibe 401ie'Soicltors, Whitby. or te thÀe iduemonîte auenw mon. Local Master Sea ~for a.7,fer,.The ii< O Oiv , Whity. ocalMaser,- JFN %V& WLLING T( 2~~~.-2w e~jàthtr. 23r.Trt. FA4NS FA NS At haif priee at "BJG2"t h -L 1: t STJCTAR et fe !,