2 j I H u e î l .FROM VICTORIA. TUEI RUSSIAN HARVEST. The Largest Baloon. -- The& largest balcon in thue world has ré- Sp~t1uaUh D1eat t he nhrcle D'e~sngth Bit5Jia~ a ,iiilicently be>cn bujît in England. Its cap- G nia Coifs-eceuitth Teont ~oar tse ffcisoltseCouiug Icait ii acity exceeds 100,000 cubie feet, and it shoukl. he ricii to însure A Mqothe's Duty. O? T5ride Banquet. vi.wl ftatni diint t w egthat. Po lo en n ere's a Poiriter There is no part of 4 woman's duty te Sir Hlenry John Wrixon, K. C. 11. G, For wveelus past the Rsinpress bas ailf nead a qiartotn. te is aw eih iph e at. Po l d an ber child that a yoiing mother should ,o Q. C., Victoria, said that in common viithi been devoting its leading articles to a dis- with a diameter at 57.24 *fee, and fa in-. Anaemia d.sae blo XVhen ou askfor ca n mnale it bier business to study as tethpraisskrb hdt xrs cuso athe mneasures beits caiculated to clased by 120 gares of silk, each eighteen nars Serofula voice of ber infant, and the language cou. 'hi$ tbauiks for ail thre kiudness he hiad re- ,etrh teeetsathcoig lnti hin g.twie Oen ogecter bur iles ofh e aa ug C veyed in fts cry. Tbe study is neither bard ceived. Since landling in ý?anada they bad ui hret n o uiul nu h balcon nas been ta enable continuons obser- nor, dit l cult, r close attention ta its toue and seen n'atuire in bier greatest and iýst eiitb- qusion bas educed itsLf ati iml ainst emdeoe i dy bu the expression af the baby's f eatures are the raiiing manifestations. lu British Coliimibia issue : Shouid the coru bie reaped and descending, and ta enabie this te be done, %to ce L lii two mosttimportant points demandilg atteu- they had sece every variety cf sýcene whicih gathered in, or wouild ýit be wiser ta turu wth bag lae fishadul eeap andil tio Te eytabob te aterwil 1n might belang to the land of tlie miountai ýsbeep amd cattde inita the filds, aloi tilus uniting the two skins. The cost of canstrnc- 4. ~ luber ow beart.and stream. Tbe reception whicb thie essen th qantity of thepoueI o tien bas boeen $12,500. The balcon made oceM L ILpIfuh.gets ipraneta delegates met with.ý front the sturdy appears that miany landoi(wners refnsed lait it8 maiden trip f rom teCytlPlc yong bidren should be carefuily protect-tillers ai the sail at the great Prairie City yertrste ntehret n r e er gandin uofon r aenday hahein ai te the S thea of odl cre s of~~~rmann upnie for four andm an herial haurseý iut ae enriches the blod cures cd from the practices af tinprincipied aiWnie a otwr n oda.mndntt env tti erete.comparative ca1m, desceuded at'Hcrsham. nurses wbo, wbile caling the mather's At Ottawa, the capital of ýthe Dominionthe Queý landiard, for instance, wbo owns a It is'proposed ta undertake severai scienti- Aneemia, Scrofula, Coughs, mind with faite statements as ta the char- hospitality extended'ta tbem asgeal large estate near Odessa, and whose facili- Ifi" trips, after which it will be worked as Colds, Meak Lungs, and THE zý POPUL4R acter of the baby's cries, rather than lase e atv acn thei ret or deoeta im hc o appreciated,and whenthey came ta Toronto, ticfr export are therefore exceptionaîîyacpivblon thei ret, o deotetnattim whih wuldWasting Diseases, Physicians, tremove the cause Of snffcring, administer the represeutativc city ai ihe gr at Province numnerous foreseeiug the fail of prices, AL,.M E h ol vr nos t behind the cul-tains those deadly narcatics ai Ontario, wîtb its splendid buildings and purcbased 1,000 sheep, and unhe itatinglyALL NIEPth ol ovren rs i. which, while stupifying nature iutasep architecture,and tire magnific3nt banquet turiiedl t hemi iut bois Lields ai wbeat. Ha Young, aid or middle aged, wbo fincl then Oah aevdh ust~s Ainsure for herseif a night ai mahy unbroken taeei bouts. May nurses ave nat te hardi-g,tixey bad been most pleasanty is said ta ise s0 sati.sfied with the result selves nervouse, weak and exhausted, Who Sotown,eivEcnugst.O. . r, naod ta dose th eir infant charges, but they eotertained. He and bis co-delegates bad thth en ad ieise now that a are broken down freim excess or averwork further îaîl iii prices is probable. resuiting in many ai the following sym -_____________________ do nat besitate ta empley othér ineaus ta been much impreised wth the evidences ai The Odess'a Noota journal'which it ptoms : Mental depression, premazure aId stili the constant and reproacbful cry. The progresswealtbandprosperîty,wbichbtonn- ii îaid is nalyvery Weil iufarmed upon age, lots ai vitality. lois ai meubory, badl C mot frequent means emplayed for this nit~n Tob pupo sgvn h eesmti~t ded on every hand. The excursion ta that ari'vcltura! questions, bas published a dreams, dimuess ai sigbt, palpitation nf windere ai thein toheNaar-a serie aio n arecle ta show that tagther in the hecarit, emiusions, lack ai encrgy, pain suc-îoethug aîiy cnceledfro th gratthe harvet this year wauld be tenta mounit iu tbe kidneys, headaches, pimples on the be sure thî1at[ the retailer nthr , bntaispoibemdrbeaveygetratemmrisiltu t thr owin g goc" nd oncy aiter-bad, for it face and body, itchirig or peculiar tenta. dosfot induce you to crs it in bier lap with a shawl, and under WouDU N EUYeuaî ed>n tabaylt afres an bu h couwsiga h ~buyany therin oder his blind inserts a finger between the wudnyrbefa:ioter nd.Ailhe RunssanncriwspapersBaya the crisis organs, dizzinese, specks before Ïhe eyes We cortiially invite the tht le m y m ke a rcUnd this delu ositb infan ior pacinked ever, if they had stapped only at the beau- ni the ovrmnwbîcb made it possible wherc, bashiunncs, deposits in the urine, people to inspeet our summer lhag e profit. an Udrat inta ao trohedifntf îep. cfi tics ai Niagara, but lie woul'l nat say tit ta) forwardn grain ironk the furtliest corners, lais ai will power, tenderness of the acai.p lagr i.We aein urge mothers ta put themselves it would bave been aitogether unsatisfa-- of Ruil ta erayEnauadBladspewkad abymcede M li r. Tha jstpn- sympatbetically in communication with tory if risey bad stopped there. They had gmumn for nlom-inal freîghts, while it waq sire ta sleep, failure ta bie rested by îleep, piractinalîy td largebut asotmn incntptoofileso eaig ao e d~~~her children sa that- tbey will bc able ta at the conference passedresolutians, m bich, Lmo~bet itîuei ncntptodshesa ernli I out a lre asrmnO recagnize the iariant shades ai expression il arried into effeet, would, hie believed, ncighboig sindsrcsweepol race desiefrsltd, xiaiiyo t:the infantile vaîce. prove ai the greatest importance audbeuefit wvere dying a bof uger. Thus, ou the ane temper suen eyeî, surrounded with 1,e goods whîch we intend to ta the toutual prosperity, pi-agrets, ai3d baud, it wvas scarce ait home, wherc it WaS LEAtSENI CIRCLStS, aily iooking ikin, etc., weliare ai the self.gavcruiug clonies, the sorely nieeded, and plentilul abroad, whe:c are ail symptmri ai nervous debility tbat -e il a t a very reasonable rate dependencies, and the M itherCuty ilaîntealwaed Teatce cou. lead ta iusaîîity uniess curedi. The spring MONTREAL. 1Best Modes of Preserving Food. He would, tell them wha& was goiýng'on cludes by saic:-111s it net strange, in orvtlfrehvn otistension every io Suiýt the br ie, Ci MONTREAL. ~A correspondent writes :-I ive in the uow, and that was the formation ai the trnith, thi1at et lthe voery momlent tîstt aur functian wanes in couequer.ce. Those br ie.Cl cnnty udild t mosibe a ecreaBrotherhaod ai Britaiis, and hie cauld not peasauts are admï!jitteiy suffering fretm lack wlîo througb abuie committed in ignar- II& e our bats. IPrices ar-ý __________________________________ ~ut leel that even though tbey might havre ai fond, aur landaowners are turning sheeprne a eprmuul ue.Sn - SALEOR RE T.-Raue anddail y suppiy afi me. L ist year 1 made up ta watfrtm iebeoetarwîe ioa teir calrields have cames ta the yaur address aud 10 cents iu staînps for angeci fi-on 25c. Up. SALE R REN.-Roue andmy mind ta dispense with ice altogether. wcre realized, -.he timo wotild corne when conclusion tha-t it is nt worth while te ibook on diteases peculiar ta men, sen~t F Zliacres for male or te rent. situate ailae.Adrs .V UBN 4Mc âccgstreet north.ý The promises cousi8t Of 1 mwlll state for tbe -benefit ai other bouse. Britous ail over the world wv)uld be bue lu gather in tise ilrvest ?" seld Aes To.oV.oLOnt. , Canad ac. ' bave also a large a coabue et. Ter garonecoutiea a ivi. keners, svbaz I cousider tise bcst modes ai ai things. But thîcy could net ive oau136l Balt.Teadnotislt sentiment tbough it wVas ai itteli a good CRIMEA'S VETERANS, .61 quantity of flowers', feathers, "àe4olcesi, fruit or a.il varleties. Immediate 1 prescrviug food. thiug. They came fromn distant depend- - p seopon eau be given. For particulars appl) fiaPrBoiltOtsi I ttgr hr aarsbs hc _______________________________day lu stimmler, wiped dry, and îuch parts ai promaoting, commercial intercaurse be- cmzl Lively Cenlenarfl.avraspcai20quefe.h twente iféet atso teEmpire. Amiong the înany societies lu Paris it iiow to geta"Sunii-ht" pictur 3.l rdr 1NE ANADAN 131A ESl asare eginingor sore iabe tetein If1 ths cold c acomplslid itwoul doAlprompes lymp fi fledd E OAt4A IAN SITESMAN a car y eginn or emvabe ta Int ho hsolbaconle iwudd1 that ai thse Old Crbimeans, fannded in 1857 Send 25 ýSuuilitzt" Soap wrappera pariual eoe.l o much ta pirmote thse great plan wbich svasan h pfo 8. ESTABASl1HED 185t weatlier it inay bc Rept for several days thse ultimate design ai the arigination ai the under the auispices oi the lite Emperor. (wrapper bsýaring the w. rIs " Why Doesan cepfo cah Il eranumlaad'ane.oteris ~ more than it otherwise wo-ld by, wrapping cOnference. He couhd net whire under the Tfise society (aur corspnent' Baya) niet a Wonan Look Oid Soner Than a Ma-n") el pr alwîyst in a c tei ~1 U~ aroun haîencthmitedwteyaih ciru-(laughter)-dischate ast eveniug at Le Mardelay's restaurant ta LEvER Bitos , Ltd , 43 Scott St,, Rats dyed and reshapd lleýto. dvcrtiin4 rates unîtus1- bYa )1viuegar,requal parts ofivnegar andwater. tbe sctsfherm tigbuhéohdocelebrate tise firat assaulton the "Imame- ratri, 10centi pet lino. noua tiea j.11tut iiiiSni The acid vapo keeps off flics, and tise express tise beiei that the Imperial Parhia- lo et rgenPat-ok1,a eat.pretty picture. free irom advertising and o, awi àLcatsp 1-ý csuper flue. Laissuecasscl y evaporatian. Fehmn Olbfr long hopv arhwok at Sbasto- ili worth iramiug. This is an easy Orders taken for the Lon- M.tin lca.s in ES cet pr l s1isb charcoal bruised ta powder wilh alao pre- wbich would tenable tise didferent colanies Pal. Col. rnth presidect and wes sup. way t) decorate yaur haine. Tise saap don C re o M. A. AMESPutilsh3r. vent musat; from spaîing for soime titile. ai the Empire te enter inta an agreement ported by ceutenariau ex-Sergt. Rose,f i tise best iu tise mnarket, and it wili ose o L8, Met busmbl anemyb rt- for7 the purpose ai giving m e ring tise Crimean moedal, and by anather 0 IY cost le. postage ta, tendi in tise rR . D N A T R i4iî llint ee iy oiig t o tmemiueswih PREFERENTIAL TItADE PRIVILEGES veeï,o 0,erü(.Roseisasalso the St. wrappers, if yon leave the eads open. ii ta~Olîoai U ~ IIt everal picces ni i reshs charcoal. Eeeaneawl'l a onbtocnWrite yoraddress oarefully. Fis should bc kept lu a vcry cool place ta allc antiser. The bringing about aiHCnfeal hc a or ytoc yan U1'~A~ fl~T ~O. IITÎ. -a spring.honse if possible ;but if that h ibis ,plan would depend ta a great extent tenaian ehio-diners not available. îhey siouid be laid upon a uipon tise business mon oi tise Empire, woTise ibree veteran)s lived in, tlie contntry. stone toor or sheli, and dipped lu cahd sai wonld direct attention ta tise efot b Risg D r.e F o w ler'sôrifro water every night and moruîng. If it be made ta btilig about this tnte ai thinga. RoecreLsedymris o ats xtr ai idtrw rylaaeibe recesary ta keep thorm for a iow days, Coutinuiug ho referred ta tise proposition ta es near Chanrd accomauie bc aei m immerse thicn lu a pickie ai vinegar and establisis a Pacifie cabie, and urged upa grcho gdffy udagetget e- otiea coe a lways be depeded o water. those preseut the necessity ai bridgu tiear a d wber. He , basbe for iorîy a cur cholera, hoieintv u, cole NO TI I G Cabbages ad ather vegetables sisould ho l-acific aceau by ibis ienus. Tradewsyata aelWe î it not fo eicseaie itbowe1 ye iter, acir liLaTrncvv. EarE uvSTEUAM i -n water, as thatý injures their fievor. The inerease would ak place lui ueuneani i ra g.Tepepea i mlg heu refr-esis thema i ta eut <tf a tise establishsment ai sîsci a hune. Hoe bad 1are praudthaeimaonîhmadss ~~6IJTIJ. ~~ portion ai tise item and set tise eut part iu no doubt means would bc taken ta establisi penscion ad . bit ai sandy lud au tay-e atiigaItsevrnaa idSrw A1~~'~Gwator. They 8'houhd net ho laie' togetiser a fait Pacifie and Atlantic service. Tiehlm bi cousiori.i aie wathude airte oay one a ~O~C1O OT51ARI lua ea. mssonai bedeegaesisd ni ee mnone.The macýt on tise left ai Col. Aronissohn ýberry,,n ofbte cefest and sreot curesý aves coaburg 8a in- Port Rfope 9.45 1.. gather my fruit before i i quite ripe, vain , and tbey wonld ail go back ta ibeir was tiesua a'mrkle nJmpefor nil somimer complainte, cmie e~iys. arriv n r1Clt (Porit W, Ranis- plad stra Opaoci 1bogtn h Efnswitli other barailess yet prompt curative ter)o 23p.m-, excepi ,,oniaywhen Stcamer plc aawrpumy shelves and lay the colonies and tell their counitrymen ai the a'àa ishboghnite"nat agents>, Weil known ta niedical science, aves Coonrg 1 p. fa., Part, hop 230 p.mn. fruit on thinl sucis a way that tisera is at greatus oi thîs country. Que thing tisat de la Troupe. " Uc was an guard ai Com-T er 5 ý rriirk cîriote( al fRociiesîcr) 7.30 p.m. leasi au ishtrace between eacis piece oi struck bisa more parîieuîarîy was tise piegne when the Empress Mlaria Louise ar-Tielas 1 'l M7 A Ils WIlbu-2, fruit. 1 caver my pauliry and game with a paitical segacity ai tise Canadians. That rived tasf frmViuatahcarid _n net and lîeng it in tise celier. politicaI wisdam was seen iu Coriedceratian, One buDdred veterans wbo, were in tise whicis iad beau carried outinl tie face ai "tmamelon ver" affair tt cown ta diner. d rne i h i Wl I and rival interests, as woîî as physic&l Hotel dos Iuvali<les. Tiscre were but a tor bc ianbery len ere any fhe ndi ns Hygiente Summer Dishes. diffleutiet. Tise recuit was a iorm aiml number ai affilcers. Marsisal Ca.- arom t er nd xcelencedy ofo drhe oea,; c close, sultry marnings and tise bot, af Goverument tisai was a modiol ta, roert, w'as to i te attend. and ao f' 5 . but mredical science bas placed before tise world. In Ausîraîha tisere was suffici- Col. Aronssabu, iu drîuking tise healh of t- co.«05 as li ciÀr, thec public in Dr. Fowler's Ext. ai Wil: iortable nigisis ai Juliy malte tise or- ant intelligence ta carry ont~ a scisome ai tise îhrec centenaiîlans, sald they wore a t. ry bill ai fate appeai- very unappo- conioderaian, but politicel jealouie staod proof that isard linos were as good a candi- M A g- There are people fane shudders ta in tise way. Bot tise result ai ibis confer- tion as could be for thase wisa bad isigis sm'jT I F F t~ w b r kwbtdiestonsndonsitionthe oce wanld ho tbat tise inos wouhd be bearis and good, gencrous blond ta keep drawu dioser.n ani Canadienson tae thm hmwrî H rpsdts iel its PLUCI C U«t a complete and effectuai cure for ail imparîiug to their childron by sncb a selves by thehr political fortîtudo and for. Presideu a tHe republe d toatedo the .ompla~L -I , isos sotsn an oin dhscange-n se) an wisase tables appeer an unvqry- sight, ta hc trutted they wouhd save Ans- Russsen nationrnvw. n 1eii v omlit acmo nti hne courseof aiobt, fried or baked Meats, in- tralia, sud iselp ta bring about a lederationm ar.5ri I eba cstoote. ts o 0ya n oare. Ilplus. beclh stan tee testomse aaa c0ier stibIe pastries and fried douginzitî tise thr.(pluo)WllIgt opoieundree ai lives bave been saved by is round. Tise stan-ach is a muoaaused _________Friend-" Prsceth--zg on bass-isorn, eh ? prompt u£-. No other retiedy always n ad saud a aoddol, ut nurcisl-Don't your neiglmbors abject ?"' J. B. PACE TOR.ACCO CO., P.10RMONz, VA ps fryor ius a au. Lay a chair on tise floot lu tise manuer t t diiyupooet he "s p ,qit na,"mu t tise for hh'iss f er sbawn by tise picture. Ask stme onue ta t broied miyvou d s it hore ?"snmqualsstprmtyqit goneraltbing eoph ec i iats a pioce ai sugar laid ou tise iorward h t mast ofien tise child wiîls tise end. gigt rvlti uanes. A saiat appetite I oitiiwýn"osre h leid for ean aiutimlatcu ______________ I li sure and take a bottle with yan. It ýctoc tien ue tn herhfi neds 0i lweiii caa> osn nfrr tm8.'îosDb overcomes eafely and quickhy the dis- hi i some. î 'IOWTOCURS L1~SIIN ~St5 Lest ViCor, Faîlînw 19tlauhoed. Poses tresng sumrmer camplaint sa afien týhge ise nkt is iautrtui r îtLook OITanET. Ofîû Yah,,,fU but I and MONs e cause Simply apply 'SwÀ&YNEsONMî'. iYstfs uicettos Eàesve cn by change of air and water, and tbere lu an excuse for vegtarianis it n.,---n~iiu Induligenes,ý Etc., who wl enf me a n l tals aý speîfonganeti-sike _t f f-îtii'tl, j~uîs k, -1 'l,- 3-~." cf4ti2 ,iin ru ou nt, o -W is ,l eue rnpeic ocec t,&U 30er caWo brovnedonbýotb aides-, pouraover tnograve', man"teèù-ý- - *'"' au. On tise day ai liii deparurue aIl rl" iwe taiu '""""-'" Kirê '""w thosefdelicat constiiîtion. For cnsuirrqp'2on it bascn rival. and crowu eacei witb a paached cgg. the waiters ctowdecl round as ho veut clown îedtiganKie-L-er21ndy; C(j bhc aioan nd yull cjr,ý Toit il Lahîter Cutiets.-Minee a pound cf ta tise breakfast roam. Here ho cailed the ,-1h toppe ilu 48 hauts, appetite te- ' -One Kidney-Liver 1111 talen weekly -vii! tu tiixui agoin isyl andg~st o efetal 4,-aiýtefrmto fïT enl n2 odb:rgit n a Waal- la biter smalh (the crned may be used), liead waiter, and aiter a fev Observationsadabet no eo olcda- .efeulyneiaiats fraina n heorCest, use miego iiî le;tl1ey cureti me. ,<Acid in tise hlaod antiî prevent cny tendency- litSLIZLADOuSA L sTER,5cseeson vush sali, white pepper, Cii onces on thse apparent vainc ai candles in 1 iixsawîsIeiny~t1 ngs' Dsaea ibts ai melte-i butter, tva beaten eggi sud ancient, cîîy ai Cologne, he precentcd th1op1fzgieBio c tuvligts L(~~J<~- ~enouali fine, qtie1 hreadcrumhs ta malta il iewidered ma wiîli 10 cadenyfieo r i ",n -7-b n7ae7s i nmdcn system. especiaîly iiu the Spring, anc 25, cent - d~~Cing toce iher. Shalpe iu tise iarm of Cult- wlilel lied ieen liglied lot a fev miniutes. tisatlt$i -yurefeeta prmaen cue ecepChae' lets l i a erum,,s), teu lu egg and aein] Theis a proceeding to the eab ho mia jest ,r doter mor goltscoolrswn ala .lf~- Soîd by ahI i r 13y Laie by Stoti gre Juy tomatoer ilo hands ast ho prd