'/ A' f s' tt~e~ a. TBBMB 3-81.50 P~eU ÂISNI». OUR TOWN AND COUNTY NIRT: THE WORLD AFTERWÂRDS. M. À JAMES EDITOIR AND P.OPMXTOP., NEWSEBESBOWMÂNVILLEI ONTAR~IO, WEDNESDÂY. AUGUST 1, 1894. VOLUME XL. NUMBim 31 0-% KENDALL. -MA PL GROVE. CJLARfKE UMNON. I ANDSOME MONUMENTS. Mr, Wm. Boyd, north of'the village e Iecra inDVIso letw k.. Mr. Aldin Parker waa guest of Mies Afeda icwhotenngte erci n new barn .. .. Mr. and Mn-i. 0ur picalec on Thursday passed off very Ethel Scott, Orono, Sundry week ...f uneral at flowmanville cenietery, of one Sam., Emerson lef t to tàke charge cf the pleesantliy ceveral friends fromn a iistanceRv .P er'c atnvstdvs of our late townsmen, we noticed the ad. Newtonvi1Ie hotel leaBed by him.... Mr. werî3 present... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ed hie father, Mr. Elias Berry, last ek dition of eeveral very handeome menu- D.Com»atock ie building a contrivance for Ketîtedy, Kingoton, are visiting at Mr. .Mr. Eber Thomas and daughter, mente to the already large and beautîfnl carrying .8 dust and shav'ings from h1ie Wtni, McOlellan'. .... .Visitore: Messrs, Mn. Wm. McPherscn, Orillia, vislted, collection of nicmoria's in honorof the miii te a kiin2501 t. distant... Mr. Allen, WIII, and Geo. Power, Toronto; Mr. here recently .... .Mr. Aaron Samis swop- doad. Mr. T. Bassett has erected a mon- Lockbart of Newcastle is visiiiog hie Wili and Mi,5ses Pearl MGlill, L. Baifour ped horses reaently. .... Mr, John Parker unient, on hie faxnlly buriai plot, of Rose daughter, Mre. D. C-m£tock .. .1--1ev. O. and Berthe Farewell, Oshawa .... 16 and Mr. W. L. Cobbledick have purchas- Swede Granite which prescats a fine ap. J U YAdarn olOrono preached in the Presby- from Eere un-«,Yed the excursion teNiaz d e edf2WOharvesterfront M. R.Moof.::::~o aprcbg tra hrhhereýSunday .... Mr. Wiatts ara on the Gkàrrten City Monday. peDvaWANN.Te ono rm c hon pown the esgn houh pai anecel àr AÂNI)o- Er) JDic.-It was thought and laver present warning of kidney trouble le exaeedingly chaste, Another notable morniàç..,.Mr 0asEmes,) wa lareiedy the botter its efiects and valne. quickly relievcd by Dr. Chase's Pille, cf the late Mr. J. B. B ckell, cf Toronto. Millbrook recently.... MrI7 .Pto--t ý as 'belicv6d thrat nothing but the Tho original and only 25c. Kidney-Liver Mr. Biokeli w-ar formcrly a reeldent of son, leakard, vieited hie father Mr. Geo mtron-geat physics were efficaciousif ceur- Pilla. Whenaillotherremedee fal, tbey Bowmanviile and was weliknown through- Patterson, recontiy. ing. 'biliary aýnd liver troubles. Since the cure. out the counties of Durhamn and Ontario C. Donneily, prop. of the popular and itouio f FEseljay'a Liver Lozenges asr an honorable an d succeseful business well.knownWicdBorflotel,Aliistoug, Ont., thia notion Ie being àbandoned, as people STRTIL.man. Having hiniseif soeeted oui beauti- was troubled for years withi Itching Piles. find altogether botter and more îastîng ATAKVILfui cemetery as hie final resting p7ace, the A U U1 e wee persuaded by Jas. McGarvt y, AI-- 1ffeete fromt the use cf this apparently Mrls. Ralph Henry, sixth Lne, vieited family acaeded to hiewishee. The monu. liston, livery man, to use Chaee's Oint- simplie ruwedy. They are 25 cents a box lier brother Mn. Henry Hollowell. Mn. ment, which hae juet been completed, le ment, which ho did, wai curet7, bas ha,! or 5 boxes for a dollar. Richard Smith bas but new berne1î00X principaily of Red and Purpi' Swede ne return cf thern end highiy recommende ___________3ft , with atone stables undorneath. Granite and lis quito massive, being the thisOintment as a seveneigul cure forPiles R M O Mn. John McKay bas aseo completedl hie largeet granite monument in the cernet Mn.W. len, orcnto eentSunaybuilding.... Mr. Wm. Martin spent Sun. ery. When we etate tira fact that these Mf. . CarkTorntospet Sudayday lest in Miiibrcok. .. Mise Davidson, mnmnsaebt rn owrso S sL with hie brother Mr. T. J. Clark .... Mr. Port Hope, is vlsiting et Mr. Jas. Stprk' onue ar.eR Bothal f tih o wnksthop S 0RO Short and wife, Courtice, visited 11ev. W. Down, the new Methodiet min- cf itseif, is a sufficient guarantee that the lfrieuds hiere recentiy. .... Miesa Sarah ister je well received here. H1e ie a for. workmanship and matenlal are first close. IRN EUE 16 I BulAlibas returneci te ber hcmne in Stirling cible and eloquent speaker. .Mise Vena When requesting seune information freont LU R Olneîtd cifua Cued~..Mr. Samiuel Ashton le etili confined Stark bas returned front vieiting friende Mr. Bounsaîl in reference toe e ou .ooie S rfl IVUe fl) ho coeil te the bouse .... Mrs. C. lu Port Hope. mente ho btated tirait ho bail just recsiv- 1 V Groat, Oranugeville, b as been vieiting cd a letter from the executors of Mr. IRa h taFeto frica4e here .... Several from this locaiity ____te____met f toot in the excxursion te Niagara Mon- ýMA CL BL'8, CLARKE. Bicireli's lestate, fromt which. we quote the Popular Treacher day.. .Mn,ý Joseph lloidge, Toron'o, Visitons: Mr. W. E Gilbank and wife follorcqeing ulloe we eg tofn vibi;ed he, 0Saturday .... .Qcnteniy meet. et his brcther'à lu Leeka -d; Mr. R. Kirk i u hqei hstliken cf ià etScniday. .... Mr. and Mre. F. J. and wifa at Mr. R. Brooks; Mr. Bert amount agreed upon for the orctu c_ î n;a re tî-pn atSuo ..Ter-Nrhotadsse nYlet issthe monument te the nlemory cf our- late ____________________________________________________________ cn~ picic etWillowPointin thi vil1 Sadieami E iePCoibtrsit Mn,11m w fGsoat re capingdeESctris Chambern-sNoattottrai Wieer in elveron; Mises fthee.aetonydd tht we ae ver age wam a greet succese. These is no Northcott'a; Mr. snd Mns. David Gilbank mo lae ihtosoe ie n >o4tu hswi eeeantdhat tM.Tyo';Cfs,.Jh n ot wonkmacship, and the job dees yu creê. _______________ C______ER M ANdnlb- ti ilbcm antdhat tMr alte car.Jh n ot it. Wel trust that whiie it remaills JQ H N ST O N & O R Y D ER M~~~~~N reecrt at neo distant day.... .Mr. James White et tireir father'.; -Miss M. Cinna. mnmn ecrlI te n aiy Pûreybý% avaluablehorse die suddenly mon et Mr. R. Brook's jr.; Mn. Robot mohat nt tiii s ti mein a fmonenyt u i u ISuunday neiorning. Rainey and Miýs R. A. MeQuillan eit Mn. ta wrkmasip ean a mnponet Dlb Iu Acuwlde Mo 11eo. Porten'o, Yelvercon; Mn. F. Tbomp yorwî-deservd suces Yo - uly, Dcie Bst Pcol g e Sm on s'on and sieter, cf XYelventon, et Mr . . o. Eal ekeli.e. ou Dres oaf,, D lane,, ,-atens i,'-ritsand--e'TheBs lgSmkn Northcott's; Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Surin W . cnel ut ress l Godg eau ,' ens rt adclnI ' Tobacco In the Market, 1, iocf Pontypool at Mn. John Ci cnet s ~ We change 10 cents a line for aIl notices £kt.~ t retl tieiae Ï.i, Som-e of theni at hafa 0 en ug.Mn. Wm. Brown, of Pontypeol, c f Anniversanies, Concerts, Lectures, and land 0 ccclt Plgs.buil*ding a atone foudation under Mn. R. ententainments, for which no pîinting bias price.~~~~~~~~~'Tî(ýf Alsoel SOlaaoeytrssPten elw te~ett--Balyehm beeon, on in te be crdered ai' this office, £NNISKILgN. WASATTCKEDseveely estwinter when an admission fee is chan2eýdorcl Wean gesta e Mn.hïdr N eh Sm ith irrerny, a s a Icnd tbol i sta ti eal~'~ sfisc oie o fi jhort tion 1A W wâs nis Ri ha de n Be h ib i n h ee r m e, bu ,(dCou0 and lection taken. The saine charge je made an'y aT, gueste cf Mr. C. Wihiianis' Mnr. oh asg gt ibtfruae fora.si buiess notices appearing amroug A~1 Praso~, N w Gods~ ill e t~Id atcostprk~. . ~. A ZLrclo IS.Hosken and feiy 1 y tried Dr, Fowier'e Extîsor of Wild ne)ies,- m Ondents wili hindiy X Paad scxi 'Ime o te e g ut , brast plo. Testtensutetstmia eoar E4ah. 0enen psnsfm M 8.-7whry K iin eilet MndenOt arnjý til't o , r tt ~ thse oos ut e I. no . Zirkic,1e giioool teaher or. Mt. lloreb, at fo iTnovey el nonthoubnttieoenti ùh e r to~hn W*Cït peseîe±e ' f "itos Onrt. J.- foa, theioh OOUCt4.arain JO N T N D R AN Ied thealstghémnistnat i ieMjsM lgrh Doetroitt MnsAe Li uie. Tw oail Hampteto y 8,IS Cr"zleanscu Sire :îe helieve lue Hvtoda elw raara »lm dL nterhat eJaegrhadeldè,Nnih r.JTeCuclmtpron ee I3OWMAN 'iLLL i wiîî to e tb.io iriihave sufered ro(m,;. mr tam oat foýr he i Nsttir (mp M,ida th --tco- -afr ---n.a-M-s--r iet em i ee exa'nhi w nsy. 1y. 100,1 ceudijo cotuue nbou twd er, je ofei geatà pr ae or ii MOW, Oan oit, M .JDoer1? M n, Co10ac, thet ptart, ol thé, stree tee batfo e e trvi rpent exeim. Mn. ý Kinen et Mr . Or8tsue knownas El in atret PtennPln of agyeen Lerabe tclng dtesucces > ot he puils lnr1wlt etr villag im tenae cmmningrâb yeMas'iws ucedd yFvc oit 'ht p ýuccp3 h Ila Mn. n M ir. d u rîbo bave , be ei- dnes cf a llwd ~tIeserzeybey nd imaI bd e ia e a my r M . dMron bi f s eau aise for ? :relo eaa sfrne foMr.:urio theabon ary paf Mn. th Atreon ýzllýerr 1ony!611erim-_ 1ýc. o ae yMr 1-wene MT Farel oOn hw has engfoge propenty, be leasei te J. Cole, sir. for 3 itti, boys take ekoo bruslicig and scratch me, réefi cf the summer. . - . Mr. L. Niddery the som of eue dollar per yean, during -t~ *l,tsreadful. Lxentn a ments and was A Txnx(iinxzy CA&sE op' SvrvzanINC4-Tse hes gene te Peterbono for two iveeke, ... the pleasune of the Couneil. Carrïied. - IDineiimmediatciy y atumor tu tise igit dree dfl snffeing of a man with -,holena, Mn.Webber got badly kichedin th face by M.oved by Mn. Pascoe, séconded tdýo! syneck,a lgas s mali egg. lat 'Mo.bus wae painfally iilustrated ln New a herse lest week., .. There were two in. yMPlicta hénn fra t', ~ ~ ~ ~ e lnbe cemmrrenced. taking pisysiciana' presenip- 1York a faw dvaiys ago, when an individuai iitdjt h iiinls bye Mr. Plo c , eeee the reloma o B ak, ties uuionined illiet op. ls isemetifron» the, rural districts whe htd beon more te feilow thie week. .... Messrs Thos. reuloace eed ti T4.pen a s are 1 tinte ior clsanged lls place te thse ihume-C filliesg hhnaself with ail sorts of good but Hall, J[. Glbert andi Misen Bertie Gilbert Moved by Mn. Paecoo, seoonâed by fllN disLt,, ir~~~~~~~~~~~font o! îny iieci, snppurated andt was fol- uný,*gestiab1e things wns struck down on e asaogth vitnseGupI M.Clm statémonauM. 1) othInaU , tilsi , are e gand laren.w iea gtevstr oGep it .i~1iL> 2 ~vie byii,ý,v otseersli six , baer a roge, Bu-yadhdt b ane bemt ok...Téfrm r etemd Countice, be a special. committeé te ex- B l e ib u 4 4nl!lPt1htoif iere two cotr ofP rked i m fer I t~ Mn. Jamest Sthar i ok a erse let ee iwtitopinorenigeJrid sueor seattd ttself on tise point o! my collar boue enour wbefre tw ou okdh o t of danger, Ahlajnt 0en to uay amine the road ailowance béîween Lots audinsixmintisauiotiserhalf waybaclcon th( anhe r befonhwau of dangr. te take in the excurâion to Niogira ........34 and 35, in thé fil th Con., with a ment s KxLy t onsr and a flannel c!oth setunated ivhlich will be shipped.to Scotland.OnmtohéCekweisutd 1 a f5lswe0 ta prsci tions. cl wol haerleedhmam Are free frem ail cru 3e and irritatiug te notify Mn, Tyler te clean out the th e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Cor s L 0eS ir,10uld Scarceiy WaIk etoch 25c.avew~ hlm aostt metten. Concentnated inedicine only. east ditch, opposite tire Maple Grové tb..ean M wmest price sei inssntly Gett I5c NoBg otie Carter's Little Llvei~ Pilla. Very amolli; Sohool bouse. sarcely attend itoa iny business <echool bec-véry easy te take; no pain; no gnîprug ne Movéti by Mn. Clémene, seconded by -r1n~~~~ ~ ~ t~ng). 1 wae ntteniy diseouraged. And nowi ni>' N BWCOSTLB. porgiug. Try theni. M.Plok httébig eh story draws te a close, 1 begant tisé use o! 'he foliowing are, the nemes cf the but acroes Black's Creek, be e coin- "3 a-à%succesfl candidates et thé Entrance hination bridge, te hé huiît by B. Lo!rq e'44naio etNeqte Alan Brown, ,OLN.Blair & Ce., pursoant te their'ttden, uo va Ricardl BrownD, Henny rDickson, Walter The Loyal Crosaderei held a piccie on and that the Clerk do notif>' thene of I E RM S , Elood's Sareaparlliaa little less than ayear age, Doiugles, Guy' Gamehby, Edgar Hueghes, Tuéeîda> lest in Mn. 8S. J. Williams the saimé forthwith. Carried, and took fivebottes. Wlsen I began 1 haduoe Fread Lon2, Normaen Piokard, Perey spaciots lawn, About four o'clock: they It mies ordtred tirat George Allie hé faits in It.I l ess tisan tisree inonts both the 11< V " ~ ' I Lsorescunmy sheuider were lsealed; 1 was cured Si w pLo, Edward Steen, Fnédrick Truli. tormeti In IiLa under thé command of allowéd to deepeii thé diteh ou thé JLL'-1J _L L o! a troublesomne catarris; and scrofulosshabit R dokWaddlé, Ada Barrie. Chri to.. the'r wLi£tby Commander Mie Nancya>' outh oide of rlùsd on Lot 25, ia thé lut PHveadquentêrs frSe and I{éavy Hardware, St9ies, Tiuwane, Peints, Ofîsy base steadil'ee es didnj In welg Bighaanmam'- Ethel Bonathan, Winnie Eil. Williams and panaded ail thé principal Ccii.. providod hé ha responsibl for nioétanlvedidnml eanambeck, Nellie Grey, Gertrude .t±ill, Fam>' atreets with banteers 1flaatiog in thé whete>,er daînage mey nesoît by over- and CzýmIIn the Best 01 Health, HIoýiey, Filma Martin, Beatnice Mcmn. bréeze. Games cf ail kiinds were irîduig- flow of weîer. cousidering ni> constitution. De >'eu wcnder tosh,ý Aime Tamblyn, Lizzié Waddle, cd in and a very p!eilsact tinte wae spexît Thé estimates for tisé year wcre euh. nht e lee I n ecmmeds Sryen 'lene su ev deo rne n trait econdieyelullood'saSarsuparilla? ban Wilimot, Maggie Wi1mot; Public b>' oid and young. Tables were spréad niitted and a Dy' law baeed thenelon, eway."1 Gzo. A. ZInxLE, Mt. Hforeb, Tenu, Sclhool Leaving-Wmn. Bennett; paqoeti on the lawil aud ail pariok tu their en. wee nead e tirait time asr follows : Hod' Pll crelve uscostpai nEtrance on P. S. L.-Alfred Little. 1testsato frîigo îig.At Expenditure.-Roada and Bridges, bMiousness, jalirdice, sick headache, lnd4-estào, DibyPugS okn Tbcc te& thu young fo lui gave a n:ce pro- Div. 1 $664.00, Div. No. 2 $266.00, _____________ fas Attaîned Au Enormous Wil.iaujs ru do everyhody feel et hoîiIE.. Div. N o. 5 $412 0Û. Lumber, sa>' $630. - '- O~"And til Inceasig Saer. in Js. Vice atréuded thé ounerai cf gravel, se>' $200. O0 ; salaries as per; £ CLMr.U~ aac >Elitatun, Fioi. Mr. Noahs ivN 3ylw 35., ; iv Coneio 4$452. 'i-ne P. ]t"ootÉ-W eâr elS 110WU.. A.--~~~ Baln , ws cinonltheoa. satiou.say $325.00;. Returnino, Oflicérs4 i . ~ i '~ - ~ - - ~ I E I ' ~ ~ a r s T h é P r e s b y t é ri e p u l p it b ei-e w ~ s o l 8 h ý w ae v ie il i e r é o n an sh o r i n t P n n r n , e ' 1 0 ; B r d e, B a c I