Sofala Polish. LADIES, tuse Hock's Sofala Shoe Polish for Ladicessnd Children's fine Boots :d S81, the firest to preserve the leath er ild keep t r lable. It wil blave a polish likestnFo aýc by Boot and Sho. dealers. ALuNUNE. Proposed Sailings. 2ubieot 10 change. 182. 1Iverpýool, Londoudcrry. 4luebec, and liontreal Mail service, From Montreal From Quebec daylight 9 a8.. MONGOLIAN .........ÂAug. 4 AUg 5 LAURENTIAN ......Aug lNot caUing SARDINIAN .......... Au 18 Augl19 NZUMIDIAN ..........Ânug 25 Net celllng PARISIAN ........ ..... Sept 1 sept 2 RATES 0F PASSAGE. First cabin Derry and Liverpool, $15 and up wçards single; $95 and upwards return. Seon cabia Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, $30, return $0. Steerage ai lowest rates (every. thlng tound). STATE LINE SERVICE. NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGO W. STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, 1 p.m, ... Ag 3 STATE 0F NEBRASKCA, i p.m.... Ag 17 STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, il 31 Cabln passage. $10 and upwards. return $80 and upward; Second Cabin 130. Steerage at lowest rates. For tickets and every information apply to M. A. JAMES. Bownsanville, Sl uuàUetti*b-M4u. BoWMÂN VILLE. AUGUST 1, 1894. Mr. W. H. Reid's election iu West üi Durham wili ho psotested on the grauud ov o! corrupt practices. The pelitiomor, M. P' th A. James, pubisher ai Tait STATESHAN, da le lu Toronto ta-day in conuection with ou Ibis malter. Pe pr PARMERS LEFT AGAIN. E Dominion Paliarnent bas dissohved Ji again sud Canadian fanonrs in ail the provinces, espocialby in Ontario whicb le TI an agiculurai province, -wilwaul b ao know wbat legisialion Sir John Tbomp- sou sud bis Consenvative !obbawers bave w doue ta hebp lieut. Bas Ibe pnomiaed revision ai the tarif in accardanco with T( Lie Premier'a promise ta "îop off the xnoldeing, branches" been fuhfilled ?d' 'W. llink .il bas ta snime citent, but ilu9g Pery instance for the benefit of tb. ah-M roady pntected inanufaclurer sud mon- n ùpoit sud ual iu amy wsy tlu benefit the Y' farmer. Thie sesion bhas reeked wtb CI 'scan-dale toa af lb. raukeet kiud, wili the al ýisual r-esulo curo-hoprolifie usc e isýd the Curran bridg(ýae be acnciýied; lie xeatificatiau o!fIlete, chtneaty, at the inustanceofa!tle Tuppone, for thein epecial benefit; sud lie subsidies paased witi a l -qkw ta lie wel!anc o! th(-, venn teul a tie approaciing genoral eleclion.W Fanmera, mecianie, lahoreresud rate- 0 pyers geuerally mut blusi for tie bau- n on a! thecir countny wbeu îbey seriously h cousider lie scandale uneanthed sud lie f enormaus ana! ofioney voted ta hîebp tie Gavernmeut in lie next election. The Globe gives the !ollowimg as lie record af lhe session:- Curan bridges, estimated cost $122,-i 4'00; Govermeuýt commissiau'e estimate oit roasanablo cost, $ý160.000; actuab cent 3t430,325, af wicb $394,000 ia't been paid. SbSik'e Island dam, Carnwall Canal, e original cotracl caucelled sud anoîber gie1 witiout tenders heingaakod for, W a% different firnio! catractars; Ions tole thie country, more than $125,000. -1 Little Rapide ocksud dam, stmatedU ;ost, $44,000; actual' cot, $260,000, sud uup)aid dlaims autountimg la antiera $9Ô,000; no Irafficansd nno ceipîs frains 1ie work. Tay Canal, original estiniste, $132,660; actual cost, $476,128; aumual oexpeuditure on il, $2,6000; revenue, $135. Subsidies la railirsys, aid and uow, $4,000,000. FasI Atlantic teanship service, $750,-, 000 a year for tweuty yoans. Drawback o! custonis duties ta Cauad- îan Pacifia Railway ou iran sud steel for bridges ai original construction, wici may neach anywhere up ta a million dol- lars. French tneaty, by wici g150,000 a1 year of cuetome duties ou winos are0 lbrown ofi, wiile France tiroirs off $30,-c 000 o! duties frani Canadisu exporte. M lu this counection it ln worlby o! note lia- The casl a! legieation at Ottawa ie $9-'00.000 a year. The N. W. Mounted Police absorbe $615,000 pen aununi. Superauuuated officiais draw $262.000 froni tbe Fedenal treasury every year. The iaw costfs ai lhe Dominion amount- ed ta $141,000 in 1893. The Sonate involves au aunuai costloai evr 140,000. STic Governor--G eralinisrespousiblo for a yealy autlay ai 8100,000 ai lie lax- payons' mouey. Thirloon Cabinet Miitere cost lhe peopie ai Canada $92,000 a year. Tic salaries a! eigbl Lieutenant-Gov- eruors amaunt ta $71,000 mione. The uiitary college gots away witb au- thier ev u dd thousaud. The niesseuger service, wbihe Panliani- onti lail. session, cotea $10,000 aud tue permanent service, a funlier $10,000. And lie office expeuses o! lie Lieuten- sau-Governor ai lie Nontb-weat, paid by tie Dominion foot up ta $18,000. Anxd tie Ereniug News, -iiti a good 'Many others, Ihinks tiain lewire tke axe mgt b. used. Tr ti' wi th, fu 2e tc y T yq bi e( t, t: ai t. 'I Ic i t: MINISTER A.ND BRIDE. LiNlITY CHUI1OR WELCONIES TRE PASTOR, ANSD IRIS BIDE--REEPTION AD- ]DRESSES ÂND R5NT O- vERI PLzAsi-NT FuNCTioN. Rev. W. S. Pritchard, B. A_, the pop- Jar young pastor of Trinity Cougroga- ional church, arrived home on Friday vi1h-hie bride and in the evening a very iearty and pleasant roception was giron hem in tb. schoolromr which was pro- îsely docorated with flQ-wers, giring it a îry couservatorial appearauce. The nembers of the cougregation were out Ifulil force and the best o! eordiality ?revaîled. AU formality was dispensed 4ith and a general free aud easy good Lime wae enjoyed. The choir sang an antheni appropriate Lu tbe joyous occasion after whicb Mr. Tait read in a clear voice Ibis nddress: To Rer. W. S. Pritchard, B. A, DEAR BEIV BI) ovitPSTOx-We eau as- Bre you that it affords us the groatest pleasore ta welcome you home under cir- umstances so happy sud auspicious ta 'oursoîf and our congregation, and ta ex- press our love and attachmnt la you. We also oxtend a niost cordial welcome o Mrs. Pritchard, snd trust that the 'ease she speuide bore may be amoug the brightest sud happiest of hier 11f e. ýSiuce your coming amoug us you have endgar- d yourelf tu aIl, sud we feel that your labors among us have been owued sud blessed of God; sud aur prayer le and ever shall be that the Lord may continue to pour out His spirit upon you, and miay lie blessings of the Almighty accompany you iu ail your work. And as you go out nd in among us may you seethe work ol lie Lord prosper iu your bauds. We now ask you and your osteomod partuer ta accept tbis emaîl token of out lve for you as a cougregation, sud as s lfe-long memeulo of Ibis happy eveut And we humbly pray Ibat your lires mail log be spared te woirk aud labor foi Christ. And should yon u ie order of Providence be permitled tu labor among us in yeare b came, wo trust liat tbe sae feelings wbich naw exist betweeu Pastor sud people may coutinue duriug your wbolo future in Bowmauville. And we trust that your future life may be more than ever dedicated ta tihe work af yaui Master, and wheu the battie of hi! e is ver aud our life's work is doue, may pelsud preacher meet together beyoud bte river, where not a cloud shaîl arise lai darken tb. skies or bide for oue tuoment tir God tram- our eyes; sud may we b. oermitted tu speud au etemuîty lu singiug praises tinta Him wbo bas wasbed us lu Eis owu blood. Siguned ou bebaîf af the cougrogation, July 27, 1894. HI. C. TAIT, Messrs. Gea. E. Mayuard -aud Geo. H. Buxton, made the presentation of a pais f Antique Oak Chaire. Miss Armour read the following addrese with pleasiug effeet: To Re. 31r. and2ln. _Pritchard, We the membtrs o! Triuity Y. P.S. C.B. esire ta offer ta you aI Ibis lime aur cotn, gratulations, sud beet wishes. To you, Mr. Pritchard, as ouir pastor we wish t( ackuowledge gyratefully the services wbicl you have ren.derod s50 earnestly anc hleeriully aud wbjich bave pro)ved a stirn ulausý ta us. , rusing us la bigher isuc îetter efforts. To youM.rtad, wi .en notcrilweicome ïsYu iucerely bp babth you sud yeur biusbaudl may hi ug ,pared ta labor for IeMee' causi in tbis pae As s slighit tokeu ai aur estQuem sud re gard we ask yo.u tWacet hese curtair' which we hope Miay ho both usoful sut oruarneutal, sud wbicb may serve as a re ninder of your yauug people. WVit] hopes for yaur happînessud best wisbe for yaur future progperity sud succes w remnain, Yours in Christiau Eiîdeaver, Sigued on bebalf af the Society A. L. ARmoun, Sec, W. S. McKowÂN, Pros Bowxuanville, July 27, 1894. Mr. W. S. McKowan, Presidont, pro sentod Mr. Pritchard with a pair c beautiful pluish curtains for bis librari calor pescock blue, Rev. W. S. Pritchard made a happ response sud then Mrs. Pritchard spok for soin. minutes iu a very interestin strain, making a very favorable imprese iou by bier very sensible addrs. Ligbl refresbments were thon serve sud a mosl enjoyable social hour ws spent. Trip To Goderich. We left Scarboro Junetion ah 6.a5i wi. June 301h sud wais not long in reacl iug Toronto wbere we bad ta wait I 8.20 sud as ususi aI holiday limes Ihei us w. did am It was not five minutes t we were off aud tiose who got nia* àseated for a gaod square mesi had ta î bof t eitier w ith the. train or their rofrei mente. It in raîher tryiug ou good n ure la ait down, ta a table laden w good tltings and leave themi or get 1 bhbind before lie cravinga of au emi As We s.dawy ram i SItcl-e no.tieed sbatflcemeteryusolie tise ton. Ttie fahl wheat sud fea3 are gtood al alon g tIbelino L) Godlericb.t Spriug cropi tare mol very go;od. the wet hurt them cousiderably. Saine 6flue land sîl along tb. tracis, occaiually a bad piece sud as uttletboa level ta suit nie, smie places youcan sce for miles sud nat a knoll. Nol many roots are grown tbrough liaI part; Eame fine lielda of corn are plsted so as t a l ah Ie work1 withhe~brsés. At Mitchell, tbe second station frani Strahiord, we saWwbat Sp. peared 10 b. a new cresmery sud froni the appearance of the buildings 1 tiok .Ibey feed hage as welb, tv-,o idsr which work well together; for tbiuký 1there le more mouey in dais ylug sud bog raiBing than auything le e nw. The I >next station froin Mitcheeil is Dub'in u from the appearauce o! same wa a-.w, there are soveral sons af!'the Einerald settld sround in that viciuity.- Seaf orth le s fine lown sud I tbink muL et b. vr_ ed by tbe N. P. for w. counted 9 or 10 Ishl oimreys ail smoking. XVo couid see the towu bal froui lhe train a fiue red brick building Orected fast year. Near tbe station graz,.itg wera about 4,0 fine abeers Ibal would weigh about 1400 lbe. eacb. Tierailroad runsfor sereral miles wthbant a curve. Sortral plaýces as we nea!r aur destination we pa&s oýd sait wells thal have nol been used foravrl years, and pase Ibroug s filue sady grave which was refreebing after aur loi g ride. As the train pulled up tao t - tion we laoked out sud aI the "or li ý"ss aide tiioro flaws the Maitlanid river miuy foot below. Ou ligbtlug ou the plat.- f orni we.were met by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. tBeatty, uncle sud aunt of Mra. IHay- oraft, who formerly lived in Roach but moved ta Ibeir proeuet home noarly 25 yoars ega. After a drive of 3 or 4 miles, rw. reached their place, a fine fsrni o! 160 acres. Bore wo mêt Mira. Grcenerwll, Mrs. Bealty'a utother uaw S8i years olâ but quite smart sud well for a persan o! b er age. Suuday morning we Iook a fdrive and 55w oute fine %arts. We passed Mr. Connley's place tiho conteet- od W;est Huron at the recoot election as a Causervatîve Patron aginsî Mir. Car- raw, a lawyer o! Goderieh, but wa--s mot as successful ase Mr. Reid af Westl Dur. hani. (1 amn orry ta bear ai Wesýt Dur. *hain gaimg back ou ber'tiue record, No iloubt somne wbo gaI ou the wroug- sida luis tume wjli haro the moto out of the6irr oye by tb. next election sud rail up an nid lime Reforrnmamjarily.) Goderchiiia one'o! tho fiet sowns I have had lieo pleasure afi iiiting; lie buildings are good sud the strootis are wii;ieand inod witb fine raws af mapbes aud other treos. It resembies a wbei, the court bouse s fine tone building, surroumded by a beautiful lawri represents the hub sud theb str.eta the spokee. Il do' matter rwhat street you are ou yau eau seocIthe Court bouse. There are nat many side walks; thoy are ual ecessary Pse lb. 8streeta dry in a short limne aller lhe heaviost rain. There are sereral fine realdeuces with beautiful lawus. There are sîso an organ faelary, carrnage works, boibor aud sait works, ai-d everylhing, soonis faixly praspe rous couisiderinig thO b ard limesý. There are six chiurcbes-2 àMethadiat, one Presbyheri, Eug:iish, à Galle sud Romnan Ctoi.Thiero e $4,000 organ in one Mtoitchur-ci 1 à was tbld. They had s Irade prooeEsion on July a 2nd which was a goodl repreGoentat1oÈ\ý of tie different îradceeî af the bowu.-h b ores were the worat part a! il ut al uarl eas good aýs I expected 4a see. Tht-ro wa<t sereral very good igbt beains. Tiey had -a grand displ)ay aI fre-works at nlgil. La One tbing speaka weil for taw-l did d uat ose a peranlie worse o! liq uar, sud '- 1 wss there from 9 s. ni. ta 1 p. ni. sud h from 6 ta Il p. ni. Thore are serejral ý8 ha tels ton. Mr. eMooro, a higb sabool 'e toa:iher lives lier. wbose firat wife wss a sister o! W. Rowsu a! Long Sault. The ronds are lie fineat I ever staw, the build- ings sud fonces'are bogluuing la ood re- . pairs. Soveral are already beginnîug lx mare iu Ihe rigil direction as notice sev- 3-eral bauk barns sud sanie being repslred f tbis eason. , W. leit for homeono the 6.5-1- . ni train Tuesday. At Clulon we mnet Mrý W. Wolr wio owns a fine farta of about >y 400 acores, ouly a mile froni the lawn, Oe keepa about 40 -cowsanad sella the maifl g9 in Clinton. We lulended gaing ta see b- is place but lime would ual permitý isneother who iad been vîsithlg un ýd came dowu with us. He formerly llred '8 in Scarboro a oio!to Jas. Weir and cousin o! Messrs. Jas. sud John Lawrie o! yaur lowu. Wo arrived lu Tarantc abaut 12.30 sud f oit luke iaving a goaî dinuer s0 we miade for the Clyde botel aud did ample justice ta tbe good tUngs hprovided by mine [host, Lemon. i were soan wendlng Our wsy tW ibe Union lb station ta catch the 2.35 train for boni --where we arrived about 4 o'ciock n PI fido1 whr one a, adventime i iii- lie Toronto Daily Mail aud read tl îa advertlsemefll ou lb. 1usrd page o! Ilf ïti papes. The charge is two cents s wo left euch insertion, or heu cetula a word fI ply six insertions.. ddresaThe Mai, T, routoCI.sAda Read tii. West End Hunee adv't. Leavo scissors sud othes bhtides for sJ 'fi c il 1) BB OEENDoWTN -by disease is the- natural resuit il you allow your liver to becomne in- active, your blood impure, and your rystem mn down. The germe of Coiisumption, Grip, or Malaria, wait for this time of 1weaknCfess--thlis is their opportunity. If yen rouse the liver to activity, fýo il will throw off these germs, pu1rify the blood so ther e will be no 1,ea,1 spots ; build u1jIsealt/iy,'weigltf where there is a failing off, you wil rLest securo froin disease, for you'll be ý1s;-proof D)r. P'erce's Grolden Medical Dis covery doe this as nothing else ean. 1'hat's the reason it eau be guaran- tced. In conv alescenoe from pneu- mionaLevers, or other wasting dis- cases, ît1,ý an appetizing, restorative tonde to 'Laild up needed flesb and strength. l'or ail diseases of the liver or bloodi if IlDiscovery " fauts to benefit or cure, you have your money back. D R. SAGE'S Cat-arrh Rein- edy wilI Cure the worst Chronie Catarrh in the Head -~perfectiy and permanentiy. Eifty cents, by ail dealers. Mjct wotnen are iincliued to ho ro- !nlantic. This tendency, ïlie(oît.'fiued ,o the young or to the beaulful, t h .1enitally gifted or te the refined a te sa part of lte nature of ail women cpw of atrong feeling, and in moderatuate one of the mort potent charma of femi nine character. more cf it in man's make-up,thie world would be l.etter and nobler, for when defined it le that exquisite poetry that imnparts 'te evcryday happenings somnothing above the ordinary, some- thing that le beautiful iu the truest aense of the word. Mawkish sentimentality, lîowever, arouses only contempt and makea is possessor appear belble of nîind and dwarfed la tle beet of worldly know- ledge. Therefore women, fearing to be regarded ais illy, endeavor te repres thoir reai feelings and build up about themmelves a wall o! reserve, endeayor- ing te stifie ail «notion.. lest the world should thînk then1a weakly sentimental. Tlty are ashamed te show that they de feel -, they blush for te glistening tear or half-stifled sighi, that are ovideuces o!a de p h of nature thatisl appealcd te throuagh the medium i f m"tc or Wetzy, %and hlih by 11141. they close their hate thelb.atmosphere of romance hovcrinz eover ev*n the most prosaio dutes f h e ndlteome calloua and in- dityerent, W%,haI woulà 1f. b. wýeithou1t its illu- sions? Where wrould ihappinese gi f tiik.1lo É snimntws oevrde- jstroyedl itUtà not necensary that every woman shouid b. za eroine. or that m-very à~iiullisîtory ehould read lîýke anovýel, lu >rder 10 ýimpart tethe routine of Guy existenmce a posical fiavor, that îso tenc ii. raughedges and helps us i over the barriers îla aur pathway. j It no.d fnot b. an ideal world, tbis one 1whore romance and sympathy grow t0 ;ho fullest fruition. Look at i! e la ils long perspective, watching 1he variety of its light and shade, but keep up the en- thu4asmn of youth, do not le& the poetry die ont of your s-,oul, amd wherever rug- g1d realJity eau b. lurned imb tender ro0man* c o, for lib. in thia way is made better and nigher, and far more 1 worth the !lu ing.-Philadelphia Timnes. *'What wast- %e name of that man you tpoiuted out ta me yesterday r sîfflllod ne deaf mute to another. k «,Let'asaec," th. latter sigusbbsd back. e #4Oh, dear, it'à odd 1 can't remnember il, îorI 1have ità tmyfinger-endW d Tait, STAàTzsmAx office bas long been e noted for the excellent sale buils printed ýand tbis season we are sure to bayeaa olarge nuruber as usual. We giv. à free dnotice of the sale for on. or two weeks in, TirSrÀATsxAî when the billa are print- eed by us. Our prices are always right. As Ibis paper circulates Iargely smong the farmers o! Darlington, (larke.a'nd SCartwrigbt, as well as East and West dWbitby aiad Pickering, a notice in TH STÂTESMAN t% of ion worth qut. as much Mas a hundred posters. Give orders te il have your bills priutod by M. A. James, ýyS1TTEIsMÀN office, r Wheu fumeraI carda are printed at Ibis ýd offioe, no charge is macle for publiahing al tbe notice of death in Tira STÂTESMÂN. ,st When we do uet print the carda, the - g cpharcre fl 50C. Dropý, Rheumatl i -ea i Dsease, Feinsi .rues. ih re la-o mue efndd Sodby al dealers in medicine, or bYn'ail On receipt, of onrce, 5oc. per box, or SilxeCS $2.fýO. DR. L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto.. eharpelliu)l ai Oartr'-ýS Barber8shop.-18 Ladies, if you bhave ual alrcady, dlou't cil tg try my choiocG famuly teas. W. H. Osborue, FAMucaîl at Peocy's sud see the re- îowmod Champion Hors. Hoe or Souffler. Prnouuced liehe et linte Market. Prices rigit. Athiete Cigarettes have no Rivais. $ ALE CHILDREN Wit ôor a Ppetites and frequent c~g3 " 1 oul !be g ve n a fe w bçttIcs of. Csmpkei Cod Liver 011,, 'Dfocaors reconimend it bcuei' je ure ii clu easy t. 1 ,ale au d tu dig est, ÂLIRM TO RENT.-For a terxni oF -IL'years, "Glondhu"*-300 acres, 2 mLlýea froniWhjtby-good buildings and sol. Adni4 able for stock or dafry. Cbanco for goln* axtensively intoToronto mille busines2 or stock ralsing for American market. Men wlth capital only need apply. J. Rl. DOW, Whit by. BJOUNSALL'8 MARBIE AN'D GRANITE WORKS5 A large sto-.k of Finished Monuments, Sarcophagi, Tombs, IIeadstones,etc., in the best varleties of Euaro- pean and Ameoricau Granites and Marbies, ihandsome designs, and at prices fromn $45 ta $1~00. Orders respectfully solièited and careful completion guaranteed. Cali and inspeet my stock and SEE WIIAT YOU ARE BTJYING. E. R. BOTNSALL, Proprietor. FIJY PAPER, FLY POISON, FLY POWDER, -A NDX1 TAINGLEFOOT STIOKY FLY PAPER in any quantity at CHIEMISTS and DRUGGISTS, J3owmanviffle, C. P. R. Ticket and TelegaphQffiee.