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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1894, p. 6

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THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEOY FOR MAN OR 8EAST. Certain la its affearoid neyer blisters. Li aad pioote bete"w":i EDaLS SPEAI CRE BLuverour, rL. IL, N.Y., Jan. 15, 189-1. Dr .J. KeENALL . n Gtlenea I bouglt a slendid bey horse cime imne agowih aSpavini. I thimiforss8. it oi Kencalies Spavin Cure. The Spavi ta gonou now and 1 havý,e beaun ftrad $1-) for hu cama herse. $.oniy had hlm ulue w aks, so 1 got $120 for usng .2WrCh uofltenda]'s Spavin cure. Yours truly, W. S. MAusus-, KENDLL' SPAINOURE Dr.E. . K:ND&LLCo.SnELev, Mc., Dec. 16, 1893. Siri I have usud ynnr Kendali's Spavia Cura wih gond sucess for C ai-be un twu herses and Ctils the hut Lniment t bave e' 'r used. eus Cuuy, Auj tusT-FauEunEL PrDeIt per Btt5r. For Sala hy ait urugg ists, or addrese De', 1B. J. I(INDA-LL COU1PIT,- ÈNOSSU RGH FALLS, 'VT. ONTR!Dlà LADIES' C-3LLECE, WflITBY, ONT. Striuiiy firsi-clues iu al its'apusiuimunilS sud educationa. advsuisas. Provision male for ail the tuaclirs' certiflGates and for Un- Ivercis' classas through the freshiman. sophio. more aad part of juaior yuais ot Torontc University. The literarY staff canupri8es hu laigusu nombur ot University soecialists ut any Laies' Cllugu luCinarIa.The mette ai, flue artuelocation and commercial deparLm.3nLs ara aqualîs' wll astaiuad by tae mrst gifted professons. Pisysiai culture je tauglit bya spacialiet fnomn Boston. Anw y ase and ail kiadeuf outndoor amnuements. Papils j have île oppurtanius' nÉ,heaîing the great astiets hat i8OeuToronto. 32-lyr Appîs' for information Ca PINCP&L ItAIe', FuI Spring! SpringH -a Millinerv showroorn s corn plete wi th rany pleasing styles for the season. Stylisb goods together with cl ose pr iCes make it the popular place to buy'. Sailors, 20 cents each. Hats reshaped. Miss Shaw, Next doorto Post "Office. Hou-,se hofl. The Ideai Kitehen. Mrs. S. C. Boumne givus momne excellent pointe lu the arrangement of the workshop of the home. The ideal kitchun cauuit bu found la eveîy home, but lu every kitchun ibere S hould bu a table hy the ide of the s3ink, ou wbtich to place dishe, etc., hoth cluaui and awaiîing itasbing, and anoiher table near the siove on wbich articles fram the aven and frying pan may bu cooled. Articles ueed ln cooking which huat wili Dot spoil Bhonid ha in the kitchen on a shuif, spicas pepper, and sali dredges aud sncb like- The pantry should bu arrangud se that while workiug at the broafi shahf we eau reacb materials as tools, without taking ana unneceesary stup. Whun bakiug use as few dishes am poesible ; lut onu cap measare flour, sugar, butter and miik in tha order mentionud. On irnning day bake or boil muat uuough for sevural days. The muais nicely licud and garnithed willnot bu tiresomu if thuy are eerved with a ch age of vegetable each meal. It le qaîte a welcome saving of tepe and fuel a well ae of timu. The diuing room if possible should bu connecied with the kitchen by a slde and if as in mny old bouses, wheru each generation have added au ail, there ie a step where it sbonld not bu, arrange the matter by nailing a fuw stroug boards so as te malte a guuîiy luclined plane. 1 kaow a wamaa who is a slave to a jog lu the wall whicb lirojecte hetweun the kitchen and pantry door and the cruckury whicb la brokun there amonts to a good deal lu the course of a year. I wondured once wby my bostess dreaded so mach the makiog of a boal of cake. 1 noI longer wnndur for I have suen her malte onu She wuut mb tohe pauîry for a tin dish, from the table drawer came a spoon ; 'it ýwas than nucass-ary to look for the sievu ou the shahf of a second pantry and the flour barrai 'wae fonnd lu a back room dowu a fligbî of stairs and ait te end of a lengthy passage. The moulding board was lu an- othur room, the baking powder searched for lu the darkest corner of a cuphoard. the sugar was on a stone lun the parlor so anis sboald nr duvour t aud flour marks onu asci door bandie tmarked the way the cook iîad pursued. Butter was lu the calar, miik un anuniutof doorijeu bouse, theu untrega aundnimeg graier far spart, agga hunted for in the haro, ugg buater unuarthud from a losely packud drawur ; altoguthur ih took two bours sud ai lu-ast 56 movamaunts, bef ore the ca,,ke was made. Ta aýIl appuarancus chu was a modul housueuper. Everytbing wa alruady in perfect, order, but ht took ail har tima aunduurgy, sjo that ahe nelthur hafi ime for ruading or racruation.sud was always iirud oui. Aloug witb this woman may bu classed iluose Who for yeaîs place the dishas to ha' wiped in a, uarrow sînk and nmalteaf separsie jouruey ta the dining.roomn witb eacb plate, Knifu and fork bucaoee thure je nu shelf or side table near on wihichthe wading aud ,lclose the samof the s1(auvee, thuý sae as if tu adin eie inot u sudi. Inmaking sleýves cos0a,nt the wrisi always leave a seam o'pen at tý1 hulbauld about two loches, to insure get4til n n1 a off easily. This openwîng may befsPne with bottons or books andeys D, e i. ways Weil to line-sîcevus wt ilifpossÀile, particularly coat eleeves, as thiey sýip) over aIl garments of whatever mtra so much easier than when lined witi, auy othar fabrie. A bave evcrv ohrcnîeain making slceves,rememiber to haýv the eibow co ne in the right place. In basting the eleeve nla, bold it itoward yen, and bu sure to Lget evuýry f old and gathar laid correetly 8o that wb1en it leseuwed later by the machinere willibe rno un- sightiy puekers. BY WAY OF CANADA. Two Australlaus on TIialv 'way to Eug- land iGive Some Intarasttaîinfýqorma- iou About Tis Country, Among the arrivais at Taronto the( other day were Messrs. Aif. L. Tille-y and J. A. MacMahon, two of Sydniey's Ne South Wales) most infinential res4îdents. The former, who le a striking specimien of rugged Australian mauhood, standing G ee inches lu hie stockung,, ta a'u interview witb a reporter, stated tbat bu ,and his friuud were on their way to E'uglmind. They had jonrneyed from Sydney via he Caniada. Anetralian lina steausbip Watrîoo tu Van couver, and thua via-,C. ýP. 1>. to Toronto. 1Australia le to a man," buaere,"«In favor of a grand federation, iud if Ca:,na6da had ih as mncb at huart asvwe have ven- tura 'o predict that in but a shoýrt time it would bu a go. ht muet andlebonnd te conue cooner or later, as tliefree interchange of commoditues could uot buit prove, advaa- tageus to ali coneerned. PFor instance, you usui in the ' back blocks,' neaLr Sydney, buy shuup at wcudarfnlly iow prices even down to six pence pur 1bud. Ai paying allfreight charges, ,1Znton C'Ou 'dibe'laid down at a profit at Vancontver ifo rînu and half pence pur pound. New Sounth Wales mav bu described as O1NE1 BIG qSIIEFi the raising of shehup bîg ur grua>teet lu- dnstry, and nuarly the wholec population outsid of the cities taking teo , it a urally as dues a dnek to water. We b ave steam- ers, tire Bine Anchor liue, capalo' carry- ing 60,000 carcases across to the Englishi market, and lu addition to ths nd woo0l, [an immense trade la butter bas aso eprung np. The clause lu the Wilson B:ihU aI;dmit- ting wool juta the United Saî frue le go- ing toeinake a wondertni diff-eece te us. Cape Coiouy le uow takiug to ýeep ranch- ing and je becoming onx tiongeeýt cotpeti. ter upon the London miarkeî, je ibat we are ovuîjoyed to eee a riftiiila the plouds lu another direction. WEAT IS N0T AS XTntw to any exteai in New Soath Wie but the farmers ia sorne lecalities are prpri, t go laîgely into whuat raieing, as whuereveî triefi the sample has huunfouud to be good. WVu will navet bu a wbuat onnlltry, as it goes without saying that itheru e î more monuýy lu eup. I do net -sue wyCm.nadran farmurs do not rai-se -more sheuT than thuy FACTS IN FEW WORDS. onbCarolins je the oniy statu lu whicb nu official record of inarriage lakupi. Thure are 650 beasta, 1,391 ird8anduf 360 reptiles in the Lundoni zoological- garduns. Statibtics show that the growib of great foruigri cies bas beaeiuu nmore rapid ua aur awn. Aluminn m je Dow ueed as a subsitutu for leathuer in building ap thrý beels of boots auJ shous. A Spauisb muaician lis e dvised a syseim a f musical notation by which sharpe aud fiais are doue away with., At Red flhiff, (l., s wnmaru candidate for mayor was defeaiedl at a rez-ent electîon largely by the voies of women. Awuood-sioue le now made of cawdust, cament and maguesia, wbich eau bu sawed, planed or bored liku natural wood. i was said of bath Aibuns sud Rome that so numurons were the temples aud statues of gode it was ussier to find a god thau a man. Luttuca was ustun by the aucients at the close of muais, as, f rom fits cooiing quality, it waq conideruf su antidote to the beating uffucis of wiue. 11 Elactrîcal wuavîng machines are in use in Garmany. Suamless tuekinge wiîh double huais are rattled ont of each machine at the ra te ai levun pairs an boni. ha the coal ragion of Kansas they have bagua te mine coal by eleiîicity. Two coal cutairs, opersîed by eluctrica.l current are now lu use, and the recuits are very catisfaetory. The ramie fibre je tougb ar.d wuars weil. htisl said that in China, whaîu it is uaud for makiug ciottsing, it lasia so weil that chu.- dreîu frequntly wuar the lothes wbicb their grandpareats wore whun chidren.f 0f tha largasi chties la the world Parie us the deupastinl debi, lu proportion teoliar popnlation, the indebteduessaipa)r bead bing ~il2,Antwerp la a close second, with $O58par head. New York's raie le $45.' o, and Chicago $9.06. Mis. Bowdoin, af Newark,, N.J., noticeda man tîying to gain au unirauce teolier b Ouse ou S"unday eveuiug, sud rau lato the stuai anJ scruamed "dfru !1" Somns onu sent ont sun alarm, and suveral angines immudiaieiv rcspondeJ. Whun te fireman iusrned whst had happuned tlîey uted for the burgiar sud fud hlm. Thure wae picked up on the chure ai Hloboken a faw days ago a-pair of chues lu onue of which wss a parchmuut certificate of probatu of a wildatuf lu 1852, dueribing a valuable estate lu Ireisud, togathur wilàf nomerons certiflcates of stock in suvural Irish bauks. The rame ni the testator was John' Johnson, of the iDiocese ni Cioghur. MAXIMS FLYING MACHINE. Construti on Che, Sanie Princiles a Tisusa of a Kit anasd a Ild. A correspondent ai the London Woild givesau iutuîesting accouai ai a visit teo the fiying machine of Mr. Hiram S. Maxi, who bas a large manafacturiug establish- ment aiBixluy, lu Kent. The foilowing le an uxiraci H AM P TONý CLOTHJNC HOUSETT1H E F RO INT With a large and well assorted stock of new and tsy Sp,,rng Goodas in ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH aiûd CANADIANTWEED, WOIRSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OVERCOATJNGS. Fulllline of GENTS FURNISHINGS always in sok COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, TICKINGS, PRINTSu GREY COTTONS, etc. Ail WOOL SERGE SUIT' to order....................$ <sO0 Ail WOOL TWEED SUIT to order.............8O READY-MALE COTTONADE PANTS........... Fine Ordered Clothing a specialty. Fits a certainty. These Goods have been purchased in the 'Lest1 markets for SPOT CASH and everything 'vîl L e sold at right prices. In.our especial .ine -we bave buit up a large, trade on the honest principal of ("GToodl Goods at Moderate Prices".) Cali and inspect Lefore purchasing. Cà EGUS taken saine as Cash.( FRANK A. COLE¶ The undersigned desire to tbank the farmers of West Diirhamn for the liberal patronage extendded to us during the past seýasoa, also to remind theun that we are stili in the market and prepared to pay the I *TROUBLES'~ SAUNDERS BROS. M1A q'CHIN E WOuR KS. Bave you seen the great display of AgicuItur,&sImJplemnents ai Saunders Bros' Foundry and Machine Works? If you want a Binder or Môwer, Se Drijl, Hýy Rake, hpring-Tooth Scuffler, P1ow, Land Ruiler, Tcaction Eugine, Thresher, Plow P3irt, Land Side, or if yu Lave any of thu alove machilles wanting repairing, calt on B. J. Saunders Bros' at the East End Foudry. Show Ro*o0m open every day for inspe. tion. Town c tîzcns are specially invîtud Saturday afternoons. Mr. Saundera wîil ha pluissd tb show and explain the dfferent parts of everv machine. Oeil and examine for yourseif. I)on't forgai the plce-Earst End Fcuuudry and Machine Worlts, Bowluan- ville. 18SAFEri BRISTOL'S VEGETÂBLE PROMPT M A naw penay-in.thu-slot machin e scares away tamperers hy saunding an alarm and sbocking themn with a strong electrie car Threîs naw playiag ini Péiai a Russian horni-baad, each bora bing capable of pro. dncring a single note only. So perfect is the training that the band produces the effect of ona equippeà with ordinary instruments. handy, h e s mpossble t eti uder it. uaps auy othar usuîo; criu g, tJf On the other baud, thie voman who cource un hie , se il) evur1Ythiiet, cIre plans,'sud naries onut ber plans witb ac-i muet buusai linlte claîoncibueefor argy, eorpelling lber iamlly te bu on uime the ir wool. Wu bai. N1)to axp eieu-for Pa wiCh miiiiry preciaion, le apito g ain thue lonig timu ebalaie e wuuondibis ou i I. Ans- repuiatiuon of adomeatie martinet. hîiktralia precenîs s fue flald fraimai the aid lady bad the correct idea wbuni, on and a man guîug thare we i l a luChe ïîuon-ey baer bnsbaud fiuding war at the opposite s hotond to, lu a chort rime, reahiza a cum auJ ni the bouse froin the kitchen, ste ipetunoy. Wa wsuî muanwh wil iijtukeu ut insistai that oren bu artached ta the bouse farming or îauebing, ni ch!ap wbho lureni and the wboie tbing bu ewang arounnise tfl ock to the cillas, fur ofcîsea ltter, wa hat bbhe iuk would bu over the well sud h ave arui o many aliray. wateî broughr by working s pnmp lîsudle. HL tEPLTO I ilinge are not co-auluint don' u'icllaeo e at ae ardati yuv patietnce sud pur up wiih tham; lustead sud theusaime statuaient appiie tb cqual set omr bruine ta work sud inveur labor oret VcnlasdMahpne qn euving methois. good farmer eau, however, gart on, sund hie doenitrequiru mucb monuey ito makzéaa Useful Recipes. stait, Rue au firet take uip is ýiLand as a At bi suso cnkîg bcoue ts quatter, sîockiug it upon asnLîimaîlsele sndE At hisseaon ooingbecmesa tskthan brauchiog oui. The f-ovenat oai auJ auy nuw suggestion je ibuiefora wel- New Sonth Wales,aiogbh eie conte, -Oh lsousekeupers may flnd noîhing immnigrar.îe, wili ni give a-sista passages, nvl lu the rollowing mcipes but the as the distances tebo ha ovarad are gruat,î wîîb coiespoudingly baavy xpîau.For begiuî.ers will find a baîpful lint. instîance, the passage frirm Lndon tu So yd- Bakud iRoley Poley.-Oue quart ni fleuor ney occupie aealy six weeks, the istance ifted with ibreeaspoonialu ai bakiug bcbg nearly 12,000 miles. T'hu st(ueraga i powdur, two funil tablaspooninle ut lard, iare s £18 by an Engiish sud 1£15 by a ,Germait lins,' twc caps t milk, yalk ai an egg, ane tua- Qaesrioued reeaidingthe poýptlation, Mr.u spooniol of sali, s large cup of jam, mat- Tilluy srated that the whola cotinent wac t malade, or caiined (sud stiatuedl berrnes, vary thnlypoplased,tliîeatiinîeisgoing weli s veteasi. Bpat theu 1k lEh tan back ou the average oniy 100 miles iront the yo ii auseahourd. " Back of titis, owiolg te iack of tir juta the milk ; chaop ibte eborîuuiug irrigation, tae land bacomes sud, but ther inro iha foeur until weil incoporai ; weî sinkiug of artushan wels buds faim te soivea tbe flour with the miik into a goo(l dough the problet. These have btn sunk 0v thea1 roil ont baîf sunjich ibick, epread wiîhht misb reuln u um iwu Watrmbas lu uvamy case beau ti uc. i thet the ruit sud rol ap clueely ; piuch the efforts uow being maie toeotiieu flowL outar edgas togethur sud lar the o], the forirrigation purposes are si-,ýces iuil,milions3 joiieusies iownwsrd, in a fioredbaking of acresoai laitue lani hhneayacs pa ;halte util brownad -wasb ovur wiîb ce',lAiebu iowo open teo cetilars. TIse lcollriare aviîpd white of egg aud sani to table ; of Sýyduuy je a beautifl onle, tiehe hrîome- 'serve witb bard sauce, trtsldont goiug aboya9v dgee ibuth Ilard Sauc.-One large cup of powder. sommer or bciow 55 degmeeas ila 1e vwiuîem mec.L sugar, wblpped to s croatin wlrb two sason. la Quaenlaud, boiwuver, the hast tablespoonfiile ut butter, onu greaspoonful is ni the torîd variaty, sud oui Kanaka of entrant jally besten lu wll, aserimuellahur wae hînoortedfrohm iba SoiltSasr cînuamon as willi îe on hall a dime; wbuu Islande difflcuiiy waa axpuici in caýrry. mixed baap ou a saucer or glass disb aud ing ou laborions work niAny!, naturea set in a coli place te hardun. wbatever."1 Prune Pie,.-Set a diclu oi well wasliiud, dlean prunes covurad wih wateî ho an aven P airly wull beatad sud lai ihero uwell. That. Imitation Chees;e. raku rhum ont snd rumove te pis, sud Ihisjescamceay credlible, praptha raku theputs sud thu water ha wbich the prunes bave soakad, sud aidiug a litua imitation cheee are-beiug larguiy -SoU in more, sruw the puts for bll an bout ; ibis London. Tbay ara composai of separatai liqui muet bu saved te pour a pouthon milk worked op witb farryscohtanices, sud ovar the prunes wben Cey araents i r oeiehpme u odsEgih reaiy to baku. The juce aund the prues muet bu put in cod. Balte wirb a top sud Teomeet tbis imposition Mr. WVatts, adairy- botom eruet, man, ou Tuesday proposai to tuLarde' Broil aRrata sd Bakail Eggrs.-A ntce Commituee ou the Identification ai Foreignu w'uy te serve aggs with brohiai haum is te Proince that ir ehouli bu obligatory teo butter Bomne patty tins, eprinkie witb fine sianîp, -in the press," the tops mAoi utderE crumbs t bresi, break an agg into a saucer, skIes ni ail foreiguceeuses witib ie place afi sud iban withoat iisturting the yalk, pour .mgin. Importai botter, in bis opjinion, it into the titi. Sut tieietise into a bot drip-'eoli bu a distincitive color, ;so that i ping pan uni laitbem stand hn the aven chouli not bu coniounddiiiit "supumior1 uni il the white le cokai ; then aI tut put- iDossa." Lord Ousiow, Chairmvan of the tiug theu iiti ces of uicely broîlud baum up- Commttea, appearai te thjuk lhuaiàý people on a bot piuiîer,rake the aggs fromt the aven might ha darrrai framt buyîîug browu, andi turinout ou the hamt close the oven gruau, or blue cluanings; bai Lard Winch- Jour while the eggs are cooking. ilsea licitai freim the at the -- color wbicb bue contemplaied was ai deeper Siev Wain.shade of yellow thante ptýir.rose tint of Many drusemakais base a thia place afi ngto Lord De Lil,is someýtiimesç-rodaced waddiug te the lhing fromt the shouldaer to wirh the aid'of carroi jaicue. the elbow whcn the arm ile imansu gly, The general baggageusbaxs o_ f rouis cen. ta gîve a fît uani gracatul look te the turing ai Si Louis havederuui to use leeve. Baste the outihe goode on aveu the carde lr.stea # of brase eheek;e au iunke. itc single mactisje40) faut-hîgh, whiiu ite weigbr le 7, ,000 ponde. iMr. YVlaxim ex-. plains iu familiar language that bis fiying machina is coueitracted on thue smu princi- ples as those duiamminlng the fiighr of a kitu ausd a bird. A boy fastens astring te hie k ite so ttuai when hb u muebhebringe if sgaîîîst the wiutd. At a certain angle the kuuze asende. With a bird, the weight ot the body lu mauy tinres huavier' thau the volume (oi air li, dispîscas, but ibis is over- comae by the greai machanical power exeri- ed by the musclas of the wings, tbe ont- aureîchiug af wbich form .auroplanes, assistiug lu supporting tha body ai the bird, and operating ju an asceneloual direc- tion. "T1he propellaîs ni Mr. Maxim'e airship drivais ai great seed by t'vo com-pouud angines, take the place ni the force aixeiued by tha boy sud the muscular power of s bîrd's pintons, whlîe his extensive auro- planes repreceut the plane ai ibe kite, as alao the puonatai ara of the bird's winsug. These primuciplue being univursally adîulîîad .fter tha exhaustive expurimeuts iu whuch scientisîs have engaged, it memaiuad for Mr. Masxim toenasîga a unotor the power ni wbich was, praportionately far lu excusa of is weigbt sud thîs ha bas purfected. On ascending the duck yeti canuor but admire the mauy inventions whieh facilitgtu the workiug of the macbiuamy, wbieh is aifbIse highe8t t nctîucîsoD. -The uxpensas of the prulimiuaîy expemi- mania, witb thosa atiandhng the building sud fltting up ni the machine, bave beau uo less than £Î1,000W, se thar vou are nitsurt- prisai te learui that s wstchmail, armed to the îeuth, alaupe nighily lu the canopiai bad, with une eyu sud hoth eas opeu. Mi. Maxim le plaasad with the beisavior of bus uaw machine," The Typewriter on the Battlefleld. Military authorities apuar te bu uxhausi. iog avary resource thai wshl add to the rapidiiy of communication between the field et battieand the eommauding officur. For a long time the tulegraph ws mainiy ru- lied on for instant transmissiun of intelli- gence, sud than the tuiephone wae broaght labo activa use. It bas beau recuurly suri- auely propoed thai aids.da-camp sud othur carriers of information in time ut warsm hould bu tanght ehorthaud, lu order te write down important communications wit all possible speai, snd the latasi move in ibis direction s the introduction nf the type- writer on the scenu nifînilitary apersiions. Onu of the novai festoies of a reuni mili- îary toornament la Engiand was the use of the typewriter ou the baitlefleid for the porpuse ni mucording messages from signal- ais. htisje eaied that the typewriter oper- sior wae also an expert u-ycliet, sud bad bis Remington mouniai an the alsiafaibis machine. Riding lnansd oni smong the boiss ansd un carriagas, whlch ha did witboui tbe sÏighiei uoishap, wbenevur bu camne te a sbandstill ha inetantly hracud np the cycle by a lîaudy coutrivauceanu ponni. ai away ai the uypawriteî wbile in the caddie. The message, when compluted, was sent uo the commaudiug officer la tise ruai by oseans of a traaieJ og. A man lu New Jersey bas diecovurai a nuw cure for hydraphobia. Balaie beiug bttten by a rabid (log ha seizai the animal and chooked ît ta deaîh. The remcdy le jiafallible. delivered at our storehouse.cor- King andc George streetss., or at Plort Darlington. We have also on hand a large stock, N E W' AN2-D FRE1S H, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bac, Ro-k SAit fcs and boises, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Bre1s which we are prepaî-ed to scil a ~oe IE'0a £ itit 4< OAS~L Ail kinds of Lumnber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SOREENI COAL a' ways in stock. We invite inspection and 'guarante3 satisfaction. McOLELLAN &U0O IVIII 11be ple-ased once lin QuaAnt i,twice lu o aiity and three limes ha Prîce who inspect the utteqalied asorýtment of' Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At Our Store, swBEALVEU BL9CKIàýBwmglj BIGGEST STORE, BIGGEST VARJETY, BIGGEST VALUE. Everyboaiy invited te calE ad seeoaar iîew o&y TRE SHLOE M&l,î SiIR CHARLES MILLS PRAISES US. I hail no idea of its extent andth u Esatnway in which great dis3tances can bcecxve - lie Admicres Aboya air lTiis I n adi ed. Travel is easy and agreeahle. . Scusîery andi Loyafly, and 1'raes eider Canadians a fine race physicallyan Our L~adies' Goo4t Looks. nientally. They are progressiuve inii "'I do not believe Canadians half ap. way and their devotion to the inmu y preciate their own country," said Sir country le an inspiration. it En gladw Charles Mille, one of the Colonial deleDates know alniost nothing ut the(1, srtv loyalty to Queen and GounatryI oà Onapiolk from South Africa, to a Montreal reporter founel Canrrdae Nea:rly ail th(e functiaits 1 IlWe neyer value what we have at home have been privile2ed to atn since miy I have been a world-wide travuller. I have arrivai, have closed wjth ' Godl Save the seenthepicuruquerivr vsta oftheRioQuuen' beartiiy rendureri by larg-e iaudienceR. jen e iandresrve sutbautof the oThis occurs much more rrulyinervm iglandl. Janeroandrevllel i th beutyof heI have been delighted witl r Cla ii wo- far-famed Bosphorus, but I consider them men. They are miost epmiely. and 1 bave surpassed hy the rich sunie splendor of huen greatly imprussed Wivth thé - ulture ,the great' St. Lawrence. Then there is adrlnmn f îh13be n sNiagara, unu-qualled in the world. Canada adrine n t o thoe asbe to me is a wonderFui coutry-a revela ion. ditniotome, m ýC

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