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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1894, p. 2

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TH-IE IOST SUCCESSFUL REMIEBI FOR MAN OR BEJST. Certain in Itt effects and ne rer blisters. Iteati proote beüw: Mr. B. J. REaDKIL 011. &rteietbought a splendid bay horse corne timeugowith a pavin. I gothimforS8O. f used Menealls Spavin Cure. The Spavin le goue now zmd 1 h ave been offerede $110for, the samne horse. i ordy heel hlm a ine iwee ts,, cd I ti$120 for nstng $2 Worth of lfendatl'c Spav in Cure. Yonrs traly, W.S. liiAISDS;. E A71-LL!'S SPA VIN CUe ý SuELB Y, Min.,Dec. 16, 1893. trt veused your Itendalli's Spavin Cure 'Wîth goori cucce for C rbs on two horses and It te the bet Linimenlt have e ver umcd. 1ïmurs ruly, AUGIST FREOERICX. Prie $ Per B,,tk For Sale by ail Druggiste, or addrecc .V.i.J. K eYNT4L COXMP.Y, 5NOSSUROlH FALLS. lVT. ONTAR!O 1&DIES'COL1ECE, WL1ITBY, ONT. Srcyfirst-ciass In aitl is appointmentg and educationa- advantages. Provistonrmade 1er cli the ecer'crifoleanaifor Un. iversity etacces throuîýh the fresh man, sop ho- more and part of juator yeard of Toronto Uncverciîy. The lterary statir comprisec the largest numher of UniverSity soecialias of any LaCies5' Cellege b C enada. Tàmuueo c, fine art,elocution and commercial departments are equally well sustained b-V the most gtfted profeiccor.3 Physical cufture is taught by a peialisi frein Bo3ton. A new gyminaium and ail kindsof otdoor amuisements. PupilS 'have tbbcopportuniry 0f hescrîo, Iha great arlios thal 'isit Toronto. 32-lyr .Apply for îutormation to, PULNCIP&L fMARE, PlIb Sýpring I Bpring i1, Millinery show rooms com- plete with many pleasing styles for the season. Stylish goods together with close prices make it the popular place to buy. SaiIors, 20 cents each. Hats reshaped. Miss Sha,,v' Next doorto Post.:Offlce. & SÂUïý,,-ýDERÎS BRU'Si M1ACHINE WORKS. Bave yen seen the great display of Agriculturai Implensenta at Saanders Broa' Foundry and Machine WorkB ? If yen want a Bieder or Mower, Seed Drill ey Iake. Spring-Tooth Souffler, Piow, Land Relier, Traction Engine, Thresher, Plow P:intq, Land Sides, or if you have any of the above machines wanting repairing, cail on E. J. Saiinders Bros' at the Rst End iFo indry. Show Reem open every day for inspec- tion. Town ctizens are speciaily invited Baturday afterrîens. Mr. Saunders wili be plesed tu show and explain the dfferent parts of everv machine. Cail and examine for yourself. Don't forget the piace-Essit End 7oundry and Machins Works, Bowman- fiDELICATE-159 XTJRAY aYS H PURE SWEET LASTING ICH RARlE PIJNGENT TLu. HOLDS THE FIRST PLACEH IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF l IMITATIONS. ÉRAGRANT ~ te Plate and Ring Trick. n ordinary plate and place in i ot it a naplilu ring. Lif t tise ta aides and taîs it in the air,' dancing h te mmur over once. Tise piate will feu back inJtteyour bau ds wiiis tie ring stillinlu us eentre. Tisie is s peculiar efféct of ceirifugal force. P1k1CIICAL FARMING9 Bad Air Makes Badi Milk. A Corre ipondent writcs :-In order ta sow thise cîlcce ef foui adore in tise air upon mnilli, I wiii reconot an experience etc mine ibat rnay be et service 10 805e dair readers. ht was in sny early experience as a ciscese-inaler. Event s bad passed off smootbly littise factomy until lu Jonc, wiscn I began te be bothcred wbtis iaiuted milli. 1 ceu lecatedl it as coming from non dairy, sud, mereover, thse factory's largesi patron. 1 inforrnedf bis bired man efthtie damaged condition et tise milli, and cent minute instructions sud suggestions te bis master relative tu its better came oves night eu tise tarin, through lise employsent et seraiun sud cooiing, fully expsecting tisat tise lacteal quaiity weuid impreve tomîbwitis. On tise centrary, it got even werse, îlsosgh I wae iuformed tisaI ry instructions isad been catvsied ont taitistully. I teid my employer tisai tise nilk efthis patron mnusi be rejectefi altogetiser, as il wys giving us taiuted curds sud damaged atock rigisi along. To my surprise my em- ployer, wiso v. as bimseîtau aId chseese- maker, said tisatit would neyer do te rejedi ibis pairon's mllk, -le being an extensive sud influential fammer wiso would quickly take offense, patrenize saine rival tactory, sud seriousiy cripple tise profits et aur in- stitution. f w4s turtiser intammed tisati isad always becu tise custom. ta accepî, nder mild proteet, sucis mlk at factor-les thereabout, sud tise maker was expected ta do bis best te alter its quality for tise better during tiselmsking pracese. Strange as it may seem ta tise wclI-in- formed, progressive, daimyman, tise aboya ides bas taken sacis reot lu camte esieru dairy comrniiiesiisat s a law et costasn le stil] handicaps faciory management. To tise outsider it secins prepastemeus tisai a dairymnan ehould suppose he couid toistbad mciik upon a manufacturer te tise detrisrent of alllis neigisiors lu tise ssaciated systein, butit cames simpiv tram a lacli at know- hedgcetfwsat leis ad milli sud otite always disastrous resulte lu ciseesle makiug sud butter production. In tise instance inentioe, raliser tissu enismit te a cetoin tisat wae supposed to wait tili tise milk qnality righîed itseltenb- jeci te patient admonitions freintise maker, 1 determined te visit tise tari n d looki for tise source cf trouble. 1 fonfi tisitise y 1isad been plauting cern sud tcrtilizing il lu tise bill wiiis stable duug sud nigbt osal. Tise beape et inîure isafibecs only partial- ly rernoved, aud tramntise open pite iu wisich tbeme wcre tise dead carcasses of sevemai iambesud pige, arase a eickeuing stencs ibat could, bc smclled ten rode off.I lait weay hetweeu tise barnyard sud wisere tise pmivy vanît isad been opcned eîeed tise milli wagon, ou wisich tise cane oft milli reeted duming tise nigbt. 1 talked earucstly witb ibis dairymas about tise serions trouble tisai his milli was causiug, sud rcqueeted hlm te 1-emove bis mille wagon ont af range of bad adore. 1He dîd se, and thse nexi morsîug bis milk was perfectl3. pure sud contiaued seo duming tie reet iethtie sommer, Atter eeeing tise cenditionoat isiinge aauntisis pre- 1 tases, h uudemstead wiy eratien et tise mil inlutisat tainted almeepiere liedd sug. riined ratiser tissu ielped tise cvii. In conueciion witi tise abeve instance 1 would say tisai anc uat practicaily conuccted witis cieese or botter making bas but a taint idesaofthtie miecenceptians of wbat conatitutes a desîrable milli quntity, as eutcrtained by a vasi number et dairyscu. To a conscientieus maker wisose skill is compromisei by tiselacli et ce-operatian on tisefta, tise situation ia pamîicuisrby exasperatiug. 1 otten tisinl tisai cieese sud butter makers are lu better position ta do practical retors work asong ibose idairymen wiso neefi it, tissu are any atiser 1clase. For eigist ronthinlutise car tise gond sud bsd methode et every dairy tars in tiseir jurisdiction, as indexcd by tise miilk quality tram eacis, passes before tisen. Tiey kssow just wlîcre tise tanit lies with A, B sud C, sud eau otten sqt him arigisi mare effeeiuaily tissu could tise argument of au institute werkcr lu speaking lusa general way te a genaral audience. h tisinli tiat it le a Most uneaiisfactory plan fer makers te waiîî for sasebody cisc te corne alang sud spur np tiseir delinquent patrons te better m.etisods. Every maker sisould isustie forisacit is inatter sud tise resuit will be sone outhtie beet retors daîry wemk ever inaugurated. Troubiesome Fies. "A mercitul mas le merciful te his fbesss," tierefere, care for tise catile by applysug seme grcaey substance wbicis wiil keep tise flics off tram tisei. Prof. Sling- erlaud, of Corneill Uivemsity, says :"Two classes et remedice are practicable; pre- ventive, to prrveni injury to tise cattie by keeping off tise fly, destructive, by de- stmoyusg tise ineeci in its larval or aduit condition. Tise fly rnay bc kept away plicaton t 4amos-au 1grAeys1bstance _ begin te tell on tise grain supplies, if tise surplus ofthtie mature isenesud roasters le large. For tise sake et ecouamy tisese sheuld be put mb tiste market as rapidiy as poil. ciible ta give, meus for tise new crep. Doriug tise rmainder efthtie summer tise proportien ot dgge wiii be small aud tise maies will rrove a useless lot to becpedfatoC te Save the cost of kceptug wisat hals ne future prospect of mnorceau, unless ilue becl en oe exceptionalty fine spec1wmens1 which might bc carriejl1rover. 1; tise- Ciret it dues not pay ta keep tise up fîs stock, sud lu the next tisere ie danrer lu .trowding tise fowics mucis which ecuae clssease and tise paracities whsclsdeou 'IDID YOU EVER KILL A iVAN?"- An Incildesnt cr the Zecla 1 'ar Inu Sesslm This is a question tisati soften a oefe an eid seidier ; sometimes it isesiya- fwered ; offener it gives rise to doubi sudl misgivings as tn one's actual'responsibit for a fellow creature's bioed. I ýwibi g;v an instance uf tise lattor phaso, bv eatn au event that eccurred te myseif during tise Zulu war la $frica. Haviug been Severely weuuded at thie battle of Ublundi 1 was on my way te Maritzburgis, a very near relative waa a isigis official bn the British civil ser- vice. I was borne on 'the shoulders ofLa ý- tives in a specles of palanquin, baldiy tucin a puEra, sud hadl te bear the burinig heat of the day a.nd tise no iecs oppressiv\e clecenesse of thse nîcht with naughitbetwen me aud the elements save tise palm-lest roof et otise pora. After tise second day's jouruety teward nighttail we came upon thse sug home et a Duteis setiler. WbeuLing Stone lir8e augbt aglimpse of the Nysuttaa he dlid net teed a deeper sense et GIRATITUDE AND RELIEF tisan Idid on beboiding tise humble resi- dence. Soon I was lying on a roughbit net uncomtortable louage bu the reeu ha represcnted parier, dinner, anCdraig reom, while'our sable attendants curled uýp on the veranda atitis the zest for siumbier characteristic cf the Atrican, wbether oun tisat or this aide ofthtie Atlantic. Tise good tran did ber besite omake nue teed casier, and atter tise louti drawn pain et the tediauý,s journey, I sean feul asleep. How long 1 sicpt know net, but I wae aroused isy tis creaking of the lattice ou tise wiudow closae ta whcre ruy ranch steed. h isad heen thrown open and the moon was csstinz its rayeaieotise spacieus> if barren, dining- roans, I gazed dreamily eut upen i 1e peacef ni African landsceape, batised la tise ligst oethtie midnigist meon, sud was thil- lng of anotiser laudecape, thonsands ai miles awsy, sud wandpriug if I should ever sec-i again, wiseu cuddeuly a shadew fe)] acr7Q. tiseliattice,and ihere but a few feet frein me stood a man dressed iu the uniforin a tise Britishs infantry. As my relative bnd bis twe sous were tise enly whiit 'e men su aur party, they were lying iu varieus picotur- oesque attitudes, takiug a muchi-nei'edd restin the same apartinen t witb myscîIf, I could net iloagiue how this Englisi private came ameng us. H1e wws avn~u steaitisily tewards tise wiude)w ; sud, gýý3c- ions iseavens! how my euifee bled bluoed f nz as I Esw tise glisien etaof d a yu ý1tin bishiand But my 1hcart batlinier ,e au nearer approacs, I saw tise mauia-ck tireý glieten lu bis eyebalis. I wae too w v) t risc frons my concis, but tise sense ;t ',celt preservatien remained, sud atter îny lite being preserved at leaci Ibhrongis tise fury et Uislundî's sirngglc I determned ne nt te die tameiy isy tise bande et a madmaln. On tise table close te my concistise gaod Iî rani had placcd a pliciser et milk,aud anc e olnsiy relatives isad lain A BRIACE OF' REVOLVERS T rcacbed ont and eagerly clutcised oee of tise trusty weapene. As I turned my hea"d tise mac man vP as partiaily t irougis t ie windaw ; tise terrible cyce were fixcd fut! upon me, thse rigisi arm was pasd wiie tise left t eid tise lattice. I1figed, aud beiug but a boy at tise time asud weak f rom less of biood, promptly ta.inted, Ou rtcavering my tricnds ioid me tisai outise report ofthtie revolver tisey ail srsgte tiseir teet, wheu they beiseld tise fe)rni ai tise saidier lying acrees tise wîindo-)wîsiil rwitb tise blood peîîriug tram a ianu bis brest. Tisey rusbed torward te sei1e hlm, wisen, ta their astonislirnt, iso sud. Idenly sprang erect, sud with a yell tis1at made tbem step back lunisorror bounded a11 inta tise night. Wisctier he was a straggler frem aur army wbe isad bec-me demented trens sunstroke orscame otiser cause we never ascertaiued, Prabably bis n ase appeared amougst tise lis t of'lmiss- ing" in tise repart of tisat tattle tisai laid Zulnland et thse feet of Englaud, What is True ? Trutis ta self bas srany opponents. Mýcn- 0tai indolence le eue oet llern. tten tak,1es mach energy sud labor te fiud eut wihitile truc. A man tilks tisaI be belds certain iselief s wbbcb ise bas neyer evesi gracýped. He isas iseard ot tiseinfrom ailiers,su takes tisem for graniedl witisout a tisougý,Isi. Miss Argies, a daLughter et tise late Dean et Peterborough, Engiand, isas bececîed anc at tise ruer Law Gsiardians ut tie cîty,1 and is tise first woîneu ever cisosen te tisat 1 ffice. ai onc tise tisaitishe distinctive adar et teas wss irnparted te tises by being fired lu cepper pans. Fer tisis beliet there le net tise sligisteet faundatian lu tact, as cap- per is neyer used in tise proes etof friug leaves, epeatcd axpcrimnts by unerriug teste have cdneiueivcly proved tisai net lu s single case bas sny trace aoftisai mets being detccted, tise oîîy difféence lyînig iii tise diffament mode et preparatian. i J FiO~JJTIN OF TRADER THO MAIN FEATURES OF THE BUSINESS SITUATION SHOW LITTLE CHANGE. No evidences et a decidefi or pomma nent improvement in trade conditions, or tise censumption et mnuutacîured goods bave came ta light. Tise volume et domestic trade ase eflcted by exclisanges ni clearing bouses sud raiimosd daninge are stilîl clos -cn 20 per cent. lese tisas a yoar ago, wisen tise movemnet tisen even wzs lighIly mc- sticted as ornpared with two yesrs ago, or tiseaveraigeoettie past testyears. Judg ed isy tise roncy markiet tisese ic more con- fid ence iu tise public mnf, as interest rates bave weakeued gaduaily et laie, sud tise suppiy of curreacy is net estmcted tisougis tise volume et boans is decreasiîîg. Tise main teatures efthtie business situation show litile change. Cmap conditians, as a mule, are encouî'eging, particulerly tom winter wiscat. Tise stock excisauge markets bave iscen mucis better suppemted tissu migbt have iseen expected inl view ofthtie comparative apaîisy of spenullation sud tise fluancial striugency. Wbceaî prices were sircngtb eucd early in tise week by trengrr Europ- eau adylces, an impmaved tareigu enquiry, sud reporte of a decease in tise pasi iwo wceks et avec 5,000,000 iu tise womhd's [stock; but mest et tise improvement bac since been lest as a resoît et treer specula- tive seiling on favorable isarvesi snews sud prospects of increasiug sipments tros Chsi- cago sud New -York wisase large stocks se- like s wel biauket outise, markiet Tise United Staes crop repart, wbicb indicated s detilue of uealy 20 per cent. lun tise condition of spring wiseaî, isad, lu tise face ofthtie large sumplus ba th ou tiis continent and aismoad, littie or no influence ou tise markiet&. Ncîwiîbstandîug cement flew psides, tiscre le an evideni wiiingnes - to seil au tisa part ot tammers, sud new tisai tise wheai barvestisleaI baud s free move- meut ofthtie ncw crep may bc anticlpated. There la ne change in tise product markeet. Cissice butter continues lu dernand andfc flrniu price. Tisere le belicvcd ta be a surplus af ratiser inferior butter, but etil lu tise bauds et epecuisters, but as there le neo expert demnd ai present quotatione, 17e. for best dairy tub, iow grade sud medium tram 141'c. te anc. sd ceamery rails frloin 22c. te 23c., a drap lu suferiar grjdee xuay ise looked ter. Gracemies are movsng stcadily ir about tise saine volume wiîis a siigbtiy belter demand fer cugars, os acdount ofthtie truit preserving ssean. Dry goods sîil bold up tairly well after tise recent reducison in prices, but weel shows a tendeucy te decilue even lawem. Iu tact ail tise items tisai enter ietiste cosi et mnutacturcd geede are Iewer. Even tise average of wsges is lawer, Tisere bas becune important rebumption of business by any oft tis coîton, wooleu or etiser industriel industries wbiciî suspeuded eperions au acceunt of tis erinkage 1s t ,e volume et orders et manufacture> geads et ail kinfis. Sorne baut and e sbae tac;1tories are wcmking an educed urne, sud Iran establiisments are ilng their euLpuî.1 Yeît our, people are tac- ing tise situation wltls canfidence sud cour- age. There is eue stmaag teature in tise situation wblis leade te hope sud tisaI le tise suprising volume et aur expert trade. Ours is incereasing irn a greater ratio tissu le tisaIet tise ucigisbariug Ren)ublis. Low prices are attracig Enrepeas bnyers, Who are takiug aur prod nets ou a large sosIle. Raughiy speaking, we are exporting iu volume, tiseugis net ln u csrcucy, 25 par cent, more tissu twa yesre aga. lu a Periai et univercal depression, wisen ail egricul.- tomai produce experting celnutries bave free snd nnresbricîed accese te tise commun maarkets ai tise worid, i is difficuit, se matter isaw tavorably situated suin auy resDecis wc are, ta procuresa suddeu change in business conditions. Tise question lese langer "'Wbat have wc te sdli,?" but isaw shahl we sdi ilt prefltably. Insurance and finaucisli nstitutions are isegingialg te teed tise depres8ion,as large industrial aperators and generai jobisers are new doing business on snaller stockesud cansequeniiy requir- ing lees insorance. One wbolesale bouse lu Toronto reduced insoreuce au stock by over $50,000. -Tise mancy markiet le steady tram 4 to 412-sud mercantile dis- ceants trom 6 ta 7 per cent., according ta rieli. SOME TEA SECRETS. ChIctese Ccrel'nlly Guard 4thse maeeof Se- lectien, srybng ssci irepartsg.- Owiug te tise jcalausy oethtie Chincce gev erneul preventiug fameigner e Irons vict- ing tise districts wisere tes la grown, sud tise information deriycd train tise Chinese merbants aItishe siippsng parts, scanty a ht wae, net being deps'ndcd on wih any Pertaiuty, mach mystcmy sud confusion for a long tise cxised regarciing t<lise spedies PAIN IN SIDE &LAME BAC DAL. * MENTHOL PLASTER SE ,eni HAMPION O LOTHINC HOUSE TO THE FRONT With a large and well assorted stock of new and tasty Spuing Goods in ENGLISH, IRISH, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, and SPRING OYERCOATING_1S. Fuil line of GENTS FUIRNISHINGS always in stock. COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, TICKlNGS, PRINTS, GREY COTTONS, etc, Ml WOOL SERGE SUIT to order .......................$S 8 00' Ail WOOL TWEED-SUIT to order ........................ 8 00 READY-MAIE COTTONADE PANTS..................... 75 Fine Ordered Clothing, a specialty. Fits a certainty. These Goods have been purchased in the rbest markets for SPOT CASHI and everything vi1l be sold at riglit prices. In our especial mie we bave bujit up a large trade on the honest principal of ("Good Gioods at Moderate Prices".) Cail and inspect before purchasing. Qj EGGS taken saine as Cash. The undersigned desire to thank the tarmers of West Durhamn for the liberal patronage extendod ta us daring the past season, aiso ta remind thein that we are stili in the market andi prepiared to pay the HIIG-HEST MARKEGT PRICE FOR ýALL KINDS OFCA E RkE delivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George0 streets3s., or at, Port Darlington. We have also on hand a largea stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian andi Liverpool Coarse Sait in Bais. Ro ý-!çSalt fa r, cab and boises, and Fresà Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared ta sel a 3EIA-- EFOEEu aAsIaL Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL a7ways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantec satisfaction. MoCLE'LLAN & C WýjI I- bepleased once lin Qjantity, twice lin Q'iaMitï and tha'ce limies lin Price who inSpect the unequalled asisortnient of Sli*ppers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our Store, *@rBEAVE19 BL9CIi,-ý Bowinanville BIQGGEST STORE, BIGG-EST VARJETY, BIGG-EST VALUE, Everybody invated to call and isee our new fi>ulwear# ID- D AVIST TUE SROE MAN ,ALWAYS PROMPFTLY CURED BY PERRY DAvis' PAIN-KI LLERt. Economical to wash vwith this soap. Y OU will find that it will do what no othier soap can do, and will please you evety way. It is Easy, Clean,

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