*ees.a Pointer Wlien yon ask for a POPULÂR1 Smok'.ing Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you ta buy any otiier in order that lie may make a larger profit. X MONTREAL._ FOR SALE OR RENT.-Honse and _!1 aesfrae or ta rent. situate on Scngog tret n11'o.rtlh. The premises conoist of aigood house wth, every convenlence, driving .led s table, etc. Tiogarden cantates a lot 01 the choicest fruit of ail varieties. Immediate possession can be given. For partIculars appi) 10 W. FIenSsEnG Bowmanviiie Ont 49.tl FTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISHID 1851 $1iper annnm in advance, other wis 1.t Subscriptionsaliy. piyable at ch3 il fn publication. Advertisin<, rate3 uniess3 by c,)i ract, 10 coati per line, noap trie j. .flt't iasarb on, and 5 cents p9r fine each snb3equoat tri- bertion. Locals, 10 cents per line. M. A. JAMES, Publishac' LakeOn~~~ ~of Ouinfe, NT E,%-?Il-.A T CO., LTD0. ST$. NOTHKNG COMMUNCING 30TH APRIL Les vos Co bourg 8 a. m., Part Hfope 9.45 a.mn., weell deys. arriving Charlotte (Port of Rochi- ester, 2 30 p.m., except Monday. when Steamer ,eaves Cobourg i p, m.. Port Hope 2.30 p.m., arriving Charlotte( Po rt of Rochester) 7.30 p.m. Leaves Charlotte, N, Y. <Port 0f Rochester) week davaiil D. arrives Port Hope 630 a. m., and Cobourg 7.155a m. except Satnrday, whe ý3teamer beaves Charlotte, N. Y., 4 25 p M.. arriving Port Hope 10 p. m., Cobourg 10 45 p.rn. An extra trip i8 made Monday from Char- lotte at 8.30 a. M,, arrtving Cobourg 1 1., Port Hope 1.30 p in. N*. B.-Oeils every Wednesday at Briehten 23 e. am.,and Coiborne Wednesday and Friday 4.50 a.mi WEEKLY RAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Leaves Port Hope every Saturdmy 10 p.m., irrves Belleville every Siinday 3.20 a. m., Picton, 6 25 a-rn , 1ingston. 10 a M. J. H. Il. JURY, 11, H. GILDERSLEEVE, r Agent, Ge n. Manager, }towmanvil1oe Kingston FOR~ the remnovai cf a Ivoinîs of ail i inds frop chhidren or adults, "'e 1DR SMITi-Vs GERM. WORM L.OZENCES. AIways prompjt, r i-, saic and pleasant, requiring no fr _nedi ie. !ýcvee faîï-ng. 1 eave no bad atter effLet Ppue 25 cents pel' Elux PaeCoil Spriog Fence. The only master of expansion and contraction. A fuit stock of Farrw, Gardon, Lawn and Oinamental Fence always in stock. Orders solicited atnd particulars given, or mailed on application, by A. W. FOLEY, S Box 148, Bowmanviill, Ont., Pole degler, Il .e 1 l and retail for Oi)unty of Durham and East Whitby. Tis OsEALT COUGII Cuita PrcMPtlY ena- ý7here ail others fail Coughs, Croup Soe 'hroat, Hearseneas, 'Whoapîng Cougis and fthmna. For Consumnptioe Itlase no rival- La eured thousseda, and will Cumtra oîi tatrenin time. Sold byDhrugglsts oni£guar.. Yan ee- For a Lamne Bacti or Chest, use BLLADONNA PLASTER.25c. sH LOIl'S REMEDV, teeaod acure pou. Pýrice,WScte, Inijector ree, For sale by S tot t & Jury. VOUN FO KSG AN ESSEX COUNTY MIRACLE Biisiad oegll,_lhfa a,,,,-Andimodernfashionreenl How an Old Lady Was Rlae ._ others, In no other age andin no TOM'S IDEA. From'Suffering. H fbet ladstone, writing for bis father, other country has the handriting of men ~ h~ ' iforî ajor J. B. Bond that, the vener. and women been conventionally aliowed teoTho e b ey IIIplwe u te PkeMedo tisStren g Tesimoiy ef a Reliabie 1qVlinpss abesaemnsheaitb wiil not permit hlm take dissimilar formes as it h as been in Eeg. evidence , "I pcwel npthePUceMeaiow his A141<ed toe 11Aroey Leng Chin.u i or coei- America, much as ho sbouid litre land. It ta much litre the separat-ton thaot monigan Iwat o t pckeu te vîl~sc- îu Sff, We lRe~iensto doso took place in studies-the decrea of opinion ç hiI' i tones this af ternoon, Tom," said Mr. Green cf 4Cuvre are at RIad ?'Aldermano V. B. Dillion bas bee oml. oat an uneducated person who would flt to isso atth dmIr tbl o i ay Frm he eaintonPot.co cocl- o thala man would do well enough as ýrade Jer~~-~ tobi onaIte ine tbenda. rmthLenignP5t atedforod Mayor of Dublin for 1895. aiaa Tom aidnocing bu lokedhisdisay, Mrs. Mary Olmstead, a blghly respected He bas aleady beld the office. The Unionists e woman. - andforotte at hepiee o trni whchand well known lady residing south of the)nppos!ed Gerge Macnte for the office, but PILES! PILES! i TCQ[NG PILSS. iicl[ne li bd orgot to an eee o n roicbvillage o! Wheatley,eight toiles £rom Leam. b le reoeived onty ninesvotes. 8and sncrea.ure ed bebs el ainedo teend Of bis îngtoo, bas been the subjeot of an expert-! The GCerman Emperor ta 110w titular comn. ;deteseandi thbreetined fork, onceo that has created not p. littie wonder,;maInde.r o! seventeen régiments. H1e is aîo and stingi1l0; most at nighî; wor8e by d na d "'Tbrow them îvronth est sd fdbsl:e:: ed somujIcomeninthe H ýlre.y Admniral of th: British fleet, and scratching. If sllowed tu cautinue tom- thelot thn tey illho ut f te wy,"d Nrweianors frwbich oftou bleed and ulcerate, th ltthn be o wybelieves i wili proveo!fgéneral interest. jfootl. becomine very sors. SWAYNE'S OINT- continnied li father, a i put nsbt Pro ceeding te the ho6ndsome farm rosd- Il te expected that the German Emperor MENT Stols the itcbing and bleeliîn., heals PLU( r-UT- te go baok 10 bis work, dence, we were usbered toto a room sNibere lwtll vis3it Dublin next yoar for the purpose ulceration, and te most cases removos the "Ves, sir,"said Tom. sttbe genial cld lady. Upon eequtry she oef making personal soquaintanoe wth andi turnori. At druggists, or by mail, for b ihd Ž m r The door shut, and Tom grcsned.III ylnforaed fr nseoat herwaa n bere theh nspeetinîg the regiment of wbicb ho ta 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Scn, Phi]sdel- was goieg over te Sam's ta maite that* boat pear, andofor eal of her ppes she 15 colonelý, and wbjob is 0W staîtoned .t phb,. Lyman Sons & Co., Montreal, rapid growth of to lois pîtus o e apulie She eparteasb ier ad-Island Bridge barracks.1 hlseAgn. thblaf a!ernoon," be explained t i sm 5toffrmgakdeu ctharticutht lofber . Wholessweleas Agents. .sby 1 alIe-5 tia n wa5 ever pathetto mther. III tboughl lhatmeaow ufre u ue tîn wteabs A Shmokless ower bi a beena «oglcredabyr" Tnderstood 73 Languages. acr d a ne wasroit going to be plowed till nexl week. " dtd lot ars e 0fgur eaomnny woud th invntur Cardioal Mezzofanti, wbo diedin14 "If yon go right about it, perbaps yen nelveaper, et f berta se htimon would ut ta a shcîî wblch wben it exploodes en- tJ a probably the greatest mse fln rrd o M hn can get tbrough in lime to go te Ssm's," wreleveoer s ulfeingas he ad oeeroud4ntedarkness tbe troops at homi msso1n rad o m 1i advised bis mother. She then related the story of nor case as !asuim)ed. It also causes soldiers to cough. guages Ibat ever lived. He speke tbirty tobacCO In. a .5mia -It will take the wbole aflernoon te do fllows: "IAbout six years ago 1 was , ,fr as known tbe firsl suggestion for languages IIwtth rare excellence, spoe 8 it alalone, and I sban'l gel througb be re sîrioken witb seciatica, rheumatam, wbsoh the use o f artificial eyes was hy Ambrose ' fluently," nines less per!ectly," eleven; t e dark," said Toio, dismally. first made its appearaïace te my lof t, PLareý, a Parisian, in« 1561. Hits tnvention 'tmaperfectly," eigt;" studied from books,"' Mrs. Green said notbing more, and begean. ees, but gradually took possession cf ail consiedi of a tu u urved plate of galdi. urteen ; total, seventy-tîwe. He spoke,,or to wasb the dishes. my limba. Wîbie îhree montbs sfter ils painted land eosmslled to match the sound understood, the peouliarities of tbirty-six Tomn wandered ot ino the hen yard with first appearance I was unable to leaveo my eye, Itept te place hy a tbin wîre passteg Idtalec£s. J. B. PACE4 TOBACCO CO., RICIIMO0-x, V A. bis banda te bis pockets. He stood watch- bed, aud day and eight snffered the moat beind the car.__________ and MON TREAL. CAN. tng an old biddy cal er chicka about bier, excruciating patn, My limbs wers swollen 1 The fol1lowieg aresa few of the "larticles" A tU IV wbes uddenly abrigbt ideastruot im. te more than lwice tbetr natural size, and i!oned jeintth Seins durieg tbe year 1893 : L E "I'vegzolitbhecried,givingsucbawarwboop drawe onto! aIl natural shaps. My foot ()f dogs there were 7,6512, of cats.2,307, rats Young. old or middlle aged, wbo find tbem that the beu sud lber obictreos scattered te wsre also badly swollee, sud my rigbî arma 9,10S, fowls 1,720, varions other birds selves nervens, weak snd cxbausted, wbo eleven directions. He lnrned on bis beel was ie the shapeeof a seesi-circls. For three 392 rabbils 1,209, yonng pigs 789, calves are broten dowo froma excesa or overwort and rnsbed int the bouse very differently long pears 1 snffered tn this maneer, bsing 7, berýoos 4, herses 3, sbeep 15, moteys 13 resulting tn many of the followtug sym- !rom the wsy lha had gens out s few minutes, neable ta put a foot te tbe floor, the only serpents 5. ptoms: Mental depression, premators aId before. I ay I could move arournd was by being A Chinese eegineer, educatcd aI Yale, ia age, loas o! vitality, loss o! msmory, bad ecrily nvt th "I'm going over taSamn's," besaid ta bis wbeeled in achair. My appetitegraduslly about completing atelegrape lins, 3,000 dreas, dimnesa o! sigbt, palpitation ofWe orily nvt th Seo ted bmsu a. rgîbloft me uettl I bad neo desire or relisb for i miles lone, acrosa tbe Gobi desert, from the hearb, emissions, lsck of eoorgy, pain people to inspect our summ:Îer elwklc i i ro nd a argu food o! any kied, and J gaI very thin and Pekin te Kasbgar, Chinese Torkestan. It i the kideys, beadaches, pimples on the "'mnkl,"isheisaid, "oly, om dn weak. During aIl tbis lime I kept doctor- lbas been t.bree years under constructtoc,aod face sud body, itching or peculiar sensa.IMillinery WTe havejustop-en- 111N el, sh sad,"ony, om do'ting witb the médical practitioners of the pole. tn places wsre hauied eOO miles, loin about tbe scrotum, wasliog o! the " fail te bave your work dons by ntgbt." neigbborbood, and aweillowed gallons Of; Braccbi lices connect it with the Rustan ergans, dizzioess, spocks befors the eyes ed out a large assortment of ,'No ma'am," îrying te look sober, medicine which ceaI my busbaed rmncbh ytm twitcbing of the muscles, eyclida and else- tbougbh e smiled ie spits of bîmself. An money, bul 1 arn unable t0 say tbat I ro- There, bavebe ain caraî !Ih brbafulneas, deposits te the urine,1 heur laler lho camieitth e dicicg.reeceivederaehaveoefi vfrions cIbis mediciethy;ne w goods which we intend to whee he asseieg ad ilîd im el! epliy ereait otsudmsem grne. Mycelebirity cf beicg Ilthe firat wemae writer loas of will poer, teedercesa cf the scalp on bier rocker wile lieceaxed an for the daily press." The latest of tbem ised spine, weak and fiabby muscles, de- se il at a ver reasonable rate "iSay, moîber, ca'î I bavesa few of tbe igweaker, tili many limecs death v ould ro Lyne Lieitoo, the novlist, wbe say sire t? sleep, failure lo be rested by sloopr fellows ta supper, and Wo't ypoumats inga.Alrradn ete sseathal wbcn she was 23 years oldshe was _ ostîpalion, dulîness o! bearing bs cf somebotbisuits Fabers goe btheabo t i madiy cur e e thper s taf!IetodnMeec hronic. voice, degire for solitude, excitaility o! to suit the bard times. Cali vilag, udwocl elbone ub5500 ucfDr the lam' ce fectsd by the Mrs. ieton bas prodnced 40 novesletetemper, sueken opos, surrounded with and see our hats. Pics r 11I guesa se," she answsred. 441 wa ocee and xl was notl neil I bad M. Locuis Boutan bas sncceeded tn teking aea yptm !nron-oiiy t langed from 25c. Up. 'oc ok, e b utswoe'l an Icars. 10îyîs.M aewsasubr 6paso e ieaycre.leadto iLsaiOLSy e u leotiurng hskiec. rî goig e at bicutsaowap ad cn aken bal! a dozen boxos o! the pilîs that 1Jsome beantinul photographa e! the bottom redîvintafreiîy ung ote es ionurd. T e ry mate a!ew extra justas well." bogan 10 feel aniîmprovo meet. Iooetined o! th-esa by the alid o! a newly.ieveeîed fnor ia oresbain o osqisensi o eyWTe have also a lrý She did not ast ima why hie wanled the îating the pilla, bow'ever, aed nover bad a îa'n p for burning a. agcesiom powder under funclien whauemite in cooqece.Toasr-g boys to aupper, but ehe tcsw be waq wort. relapse, sud to-day I am as lîearly and tbe Htr.le first descends ta ibhe bettom btrug aus comîe quantity of fo es feathers, ieg eut somo brigbt ides et bis ewn and, healthy as 'I waa before the rbeumati maod lselecîs bis vtews,next bas bis apparatus rance, may he permanenlly cured. Sendfowrs moîberlite, was ready te help' whtle she came on. I amn now able bte it aed a sw 1lowý_ieedto bim, Ibe arranges tbe same for bpo adess o10cenart etmaforbbosntc walcbed him cnriously. Sooe afler abe as fast as acy young person, wbtle for yeara sev eratl flashes, eoabling bim te tate as boot ou Adsess Mpec.Lar te 24 sent beard bim sswing tn the wood-sbed, thon my fiegers wers as stiff as needios. I owc rinany auccossive pictnres. saeAdesM .LBN 4Mc be am intaestfo see ed ait. My recovery eetirely te Dr. Williams' Pint France preduces ixteen limes more wine donl veTrno n. aad. -Alorespo ptyfhe Tbe boys came at fonr o'cloct according Pilla, and wib aiways haves good word le Iban abs exporta. Paris alone drinksaseven 6' and cheap for cash, 10 Tom's invitation. There were four et aay for lbem. tiime,, more wine annually Iban Great Briti- tbemn beides Tom. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla may be hb1ad of 'aie. 'Che annual average yield for the tee Mrs. Gree looked ont of the kiloben aIl drugaismis or direct by-mail frum Dr. pears eed tîg 1892 was more than 660,000,- V .. l'ndaehaed window, and saw Tom tsting tbemi te- Williams' Medicine Co., Bro2tville, Ont., 000,ý ga]'ora, wiesa imported, 220,000,000 ide e! the meadow aseconldBse s ome boxes for $2.50. 'Sole, onnby tnboxes, the gabons,akîgvalusotal wno! 88a0000es.Orders taken for the Lon- brigbî object standing on tbe atone Wall, The averag te o, à.an-t hialup r cf îLe0 to wi75,0000. cropasur rangeaeane but asecould nt elo wati telTln rapr rendIb On inys bib ersfrm 25 0000 t $7500,00doni asuesCorfseetnes. do C rs o.o taemark. Donoct be persuaded te trp D ýE. rge BRnaiafinda Ibatorne unedm eth at IC sbe ssw the boys sluup and fillUtîteir pou- aometîng else. bv power rey, btitly oraes Yunedmr ta tnO teta wttbtones. Then îbey, formed in abyeterfuisi ibby pssssdMRS. D N A T R ine, and took turcs at îhrowîcg the stoues Things Have Chaned. 1te an soatthe egodra!nge YOU fled at be object on the otber ide. They kepî topse îcta,'obodoage____________________ their. abot fling, ittîs by little moving The lime iras irben eareingwail sal. seen îo possess tbî p>.wer le a grester I nearer tb- ir target Meanirbile as ebatod lyexpected 10 go plain dreased, Evon bsutadd ýehr aite. hshs bier deltcbi scuta v ot- - he pulp parîýicuilarty, and Dot 10 At six o'clock the five youog alingera not ho aurprised ta be tobd that a collaorte a '-oomwjttbetosfor ton dapa wîlb 'A~ cam tee in e 1 supper, bot sud hue bhadn't sat upon the nect o! some wiae po a4istseo nos u xeiet gry. feaaor irbile at bis doat te eue o! the anientiremdecaLoe. E"That waa a fine target, Tom" said nieste o er, rt bov btbs Womani, a Belgian journal, aqdvoicates a one o!fIbis boys. IIWhere did pou get cotwaplflaskdb ds u efrinfor ino'easing the revenus ',levyîeg the Cream lOf Cod-llver 011 t? MaeisadTmpmpi. Hdcolorwai deco roste bis bot ads werea tax o n moustaches. It ta esttmattd there and Hypophosphitesl O ~iy Madeit, sad Tm pomply. l Hd -oloed écoatios, hil bi bots ereare -,000,0010 Belgians irbe would uet--part somne paint te! t ever !rom the beat, pou total slrangersto tbe 1"shtnera 'arts. liow witb t ýheir moustaches for 10 francs, or t O.,j to cure h Çoug-liut to give ( kuei." r, reencam plaaaoly eb v~ cauge al ths anceaidthere, St a stroke, Lta revenue o! $4,- VOiIPsystemi real strength. Y Whlethy er Jtnaivr.Grencaelovels' womon entered the erena. Noir 000003dja peer. But ths principie map h b , home ueexpectedly, IL spots kndiy learenng bogies to bave aoins style ab ont t e oxîened in another direction, as a mous- Phlysicians, the world. overz be tbîem eha, thon turntng te Toto, lho h waa recoctly recorded that oee o! tbe tache irearer points out, irben ho suggeats endorse it, said, IlDid pou pick the atones eut o! the sireet girl graduates 1"Iwore a robe o! croam- lîsat at lite tax ho put upon Il frtzzes." meadoir ibis atoreo3o, as J told pou, .ioiored crepe de sbiee o! Ire empire Style, IWom, au bas ootbieg la aay suent Ibis lest DO't lic deceived by Substilltesl A, j'RB and Ibrow tthem ce the west aide, witb bertbaaed gold-spangled lace. HIoi proposition. 1riti13awnc. Sclaviliv. Ail DruggiItbî5. O Thomas?" lame a fi gure ta the seedy old professor o! A - ýakal ointanmauhie bsor îp _________________ C O "Yes, ir, we did," said Tom, demurely, Seidleberg or B3onn, lboeghbabriod lu Greet rmrabkoigmcisbsni jokle fthfaItm,!iysbue. crmegrdtngdrswoeponwbeIhe other boys, seing bhrough the rootsansd sîeeped te ancient lors beide the appiar d thPais anIl aesble a stgbogs _____________________the mysterieq o! the muses iith I"rayon baironhepa!rm neecr blbgis1 cagh owaile eowtb uob !ring and dees nt stop ccliil ho baa pressedC'P AN The Queen's Present. bbnsb roses," One iovelp graduate sud fu- ne!' ebton orn hecniae Th raî i bibth nfu suo!teturc profeasor iras described durîng comn- nee. Ot bttn ospceebepraseLIc The cradle inwhich the infdtoson ofatdewbon bat ta dons ,he mecf.anism ÉV 14/ o a uionemenb ireet !rom the standpott-or okaan tlt &Il Lsndwlntfrsmeie ID E Duke and Ducbess o! York reposes ta a rather, f a.lpoioî-o! ber gowneas being 'gan IpIt! ýiombasb esdb y thes- t orin 3o gif t from the Quecu, and bears an ioscrtp- artiat turougus and through," and the gradu. paorm oannapasoe relat s by bbc voer I prmgr/0 tie 10 teeffeot that il iras niade in 1840 atieg dresses o! oet a oir o! tise leernef reti a-ri A cetinapastas hyatech. ' E cdyp go 'a, forthePrîcoa Roalira usd fr al lerdanisels and future aspirants for academîcc n eitostevtsasee r i- y5c1 3,IJR J chairs irore pcepered irit.h aimoat as mach rsmleesi,'c 0001e d Majeaty's chibdren, and iras given h hecrsat auy sbthehe hypee t he strong iracial res r g-ncess-sean Qusen 10 the Duchesa o! York in 1894. The ed. Je tact,,tbe dreas of une poung lady mariod couples oftten acquire ai!ter living rr. <Vf - rnsaisit iý_-thr lngpeio o -arIaro'ou ubcsi- Quens coxnmissioned the f rm o!, Etimouds lasa poeîta sdoscrîbed as beissg a poemi oohraln eîdo orbrotu tîel. hats10moem adt c ,mut, lin îbongb sund feeling, and subjeot le the e--o Orr, Wigtrore atrot, to fit il up with slearoxo 1 cs tngmoderns odvches, nd ai oditions o!fttie, bave often been I ' Xrt '-iv Btr pure white satin and Hlouiton acs, and, as arasgtsl eamnîo ia rna6-co.)mentoil upon. The Photographic So- ,Bi ~yi Dicrs, the hessinette is itsel! in whitewtre fore us once more the beiritching form o!fj iey!Guvarcnybotepiuea 's *t.-ig- 'a no scrap o! cobor about it. The Queso the Athenian maiden in the groves o! 'o! aeventy=eigbt couples fer auntinvestigation ~- Academus. And ire o'.e the comýing o! the etf Ibis subject. The reanît iras that in - .r~ solr bas lso gtrec a second cradle te Dcs wet scsnted muses of co-day to the wisdem îet.orcssts ecolnet b ses, made o!feîabugany, inlrid wîth f110 svich bas openedlthe door to iromen. peteunal appearance o! the husband acnd, on'ufrrfo eresfsIiy gilding. This is fittcd up wttb brocede in wý,ifs waagreater than ihal o! brother and T n.mf, rmIevu e1i7 audbu ni lwnî-for rasthee toal IarLO,cý'ilr f- ' y ift tandg otthfur, iîulseicIfais, Excessi deicate]y pale tones o! color. The bedding Decoy Letters as Evidence. iter, te 1uirtp cases il ires equalby gréat, Iim l-vý jr1wf o es ioFlii llntc.Ieut and ligbîest deqcrptiî)n. The sheets are o! Aféderal judge te Chicago bas juat an abseece o! resemrbisece. tA' ei C > ir ~l xperieooo '-a tilosendfFaeL dceti ilin of their smtmIwl edFc, Irisb ain bordered wiiîbValencennes lace nounef a curious interprétation o! the ai. The Pall Mail Gazette declares Ibat the t lias- esI r a~sc .y reC.orn- ifIIssatt ne neeverfailngneansof self- lu- _ 1 1ei, .r . 1 l r ,I' i euf. re0, itou, afttr beîng awiodled and ltmpoed. eading the Ausirian Empemor. lis ias 1but t cerlaîuly doesanet serve tbbcnsoda cf i'-it-'-' ""- - "-'V"J "--"" -I\> a triof tenseret and condemneefte bard lstcC . Constipsation efteil exista witb Kidnecy ' oBrhtsDeaerDabes laborle prson fr lir monta. Th publc 'rr 'itcsncb a î ceLore ta no niedicins jFor purifying tbeEBlood and reoevating thc tha npisnfrtû'ots hepbi ýt ,ibl effect a Permanent cure e-ceptChaae's r F stem, especîably il-te Spinge , ee 5 cen t proscutor proposef le bacisb the boy from The Empresasof Japan, irbo recentby iombicef tcy-Liver PilI, one 25 cent box bo-*qa e$owrho n'ýYý,pj0 tbe country, but tbe courts monîf not up. celebrated ber silver msfding, ta net ouly h.,domore goof than fobara nef doIiiirr itesknw.Sodb-al rb boif bmi ethia, Ercolessi,whirbsa a chool a vcry plaie memnan, but vcry iutellecîu, t '± oaiohe rlarlo itsi tîoi , alon receipt cf price, EDMANSOV, PA TES boy, ta saîf te bc the peungeat person ever and bas greal strcngîh sud bsauty cf char5- gf u1 %y Týi,.soon, Ilollacci Landing, Oet. P1 L LS4C, 5LmadSretIoPo mpriaoned for auçh a Il crimne." acter. C. 5LmadSroTpno Chïldren Cry foe Pitcherle Castori-1, 'v