_______________________________________________________________________________________________ I Polish. LADIES, use 1-ook's Solala Shoe Polleh for Ladies end Chldren'a flue Bots and ShSa tire flnest to preeerve the leaiheér and keep 1,. p liable. It wI]l leave a pouash like satin. For sa4le by Bot and Shee dealers. ALLANHLINE Preposed Salings. Subjeet te change. 189t. Ilverpool, ILondonderry. Quebee, and meaRtreal Mal serVice, From Montreal From Quebec dity]Jght D ai. MONGOLIAN ......... Aug. 4 Aug 5 LAURENTIAN ....Aug il Net eallng SARDINIAN .......... Ang 18 AuQ 19 NUMIDIAN........... Aug 25 Net calling PARISIAN ..... ...... Sept 1 Sept2 RATES OF PASSAGE. Firet cabin Dorry and Liverpool, $15 and Up. «Wârdo single;$95 and upwards retrrrn. Second return $60. Steerage at lowest rates (every. thing found>. STATE LINIE SERVICE. NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGO W. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, t pa.... Av-g 2 STATE 0F NEBRASKA, 1 pw, ... A nz17 ETAT1i 0F CALIFORNIA, il a. m ...ug 31 Cabin passage. $10 and upwards. return $90 and upward; Second Cabin $30. Steerage et lowest rates. For tickets and every Information appy to M. A. JAMES. Bowmanville, BowmÂNviLLE. AUGUST 8, 1894. THE VOTERS' LISTS. The work upon thre voter' lista to be used iii the coring Dominion elections bas comnmeuced. P-recisely thre saine inethod of revisien wiIl be adepted thia yrear as in 1891, when those who were qualified te vote were : Property ewners who vote wherever they own land, hotise- lioldera and rnanhood suffrage votera. The revisien ia net a registration, but persons may go before the presiding j udges and make an affidavit cf their qualification thus aecuing their right to crut a ballot. On formrer occasions tis work of revising teck place in June, but this yeur, by a law passpd last session, the time la ex- tended until October 1. PATRONS AND- POLITIOS. Troo Sturday _.ZViqht) vince-d im-e thaV jth je iewspapera cof the vroscities ii, Oneaijo. and the politie- lana by their speeches and JÏýdL9euvrngs, hlave put anl înjury upon this provirce that wll nt be easily remedied. Doring' the recent elections the papers sud thre peliticians discussed the Patrons cf lu- dutry mnovement as something liat waa purely political. and whenever a Ceuser- vative paper had the opprtunity te anneunce tiat a Patron had taken the :fteld againat a Liberal witi big chances cf defeating hir,it dwelt upc» tire fact wth great reliait. Whenever a Refo i ut paper could state that a Patron had coune out iu opposition to a Conservative with chances of floorîug him, il aIse manîfeted joy. Thre f act that the Patrons were commercial revolutionisa was quite ignor- ed. The inovement waa regarded simply as eue that lent a new iutercst te thre camÉpaiu, and the pliticiana vied witi each other in extendiug courteaies te thre new-coîuers wiere any amall advantage could be gained, In a constitueucy wiere a Liberal aud a Patron were in opposition tire Conservativea thought it good polies srnd very cunuiug te put up ne candidate, but te plug straight fer tire Patron and eleet hmm. Wiere the conditions were reveraed the Reformera evinced tire saine eunniug and elected the Patron. Nearly every Patron in the lieuse cwea lira elec- tien te the rerflable cunuing of one or cIrer party machines in his coustituency. And the business depression Ihat will now sweep over the towua cf Western Ontario will be du a te tie same remarkable cu»»- ing. Up in Huron Mr. M Y McLean -waa a Liberal nomiuee, oppo3ed by Mr. Weiamiler, a Patron, sud wiile the latter found thre orgauizcd farmi voteat his back, Mr, MeLean waa soon made aware that in Seaforth aud thre other tcwua or villages cf lhe constituency hie could not ceunI upon any more votes than if it were an erdintry party centeat. Conservative townapeopie tirouglit sucir an opportuuity of defeatîng a Rieformer was a great political joke. They did net pause te refleol Ihat in defoating eue man anotirer îzrust be e]ected, and that Mr. Weismiiler was sworu to a dry goodsansd grocery policy that would, if îriumphaul, empty seventy per cent, cf tire residencea cof Sea- in tire receul eleclionu, Tire lewu cf Kincardine gave over oe u udred. ma- jeriîy te a Patron againal a straigirt party mn. lu Canleton and cIrer ridinga the Refermera in lowus sud vîlîsces helped Patrons te triumph over Cousenvativea and thereby abettod tiroir own ccming destruction. This language eau ouly be called ex- aggerated on the grouud that lie Patrons are tee iruman te stick Logether long eneugi le accomplisi tire ends liey have in vie w. Tire 10w» cf Seaforli and lie car-dine and all cher lowns and villages, are considered uuuecessary iu thre Patron scieme cf political eceucmy. If we may assume tiraItiroir logic is indicaled by their commercial acheme', we must cern- eludo liratthey cousktei-tire oxisteDce cf a lewn iu lie ceuter of a farming district as conclusive evidence cf thecir being robbed ; sud wiron, by diverîing thein trade, they succeed iu drying up tire ciannels cf businesliaI bave kept lire towu alive sud cause iltet languish sud ils buildings te decay sud fall mb the qtreets, tien only can they rest aasuned tiraItiraI robbory ha% ceaaed. The ides tirat ail men wio do net gr-ow grain or produco food or manufacture iîupleumonts useci upon tire farm are middlemen sud usoiesa dr-cnes in tire bive cf lue, ilaa favorite doama wiîir a provaleul variely cf fariner wire is more given te argument in lie village bar than te cultivatiug iris fields. The attempt te organize ail these theeriats into a compact boedy sud te galber round thein al lirose irnd-headed sud ironeal me» wbo abound lu agricultur- ai Ontario, was not te ire feared until tire cause was engineered tirough a genersi election witir censidenable succosa. But ucw, witir sixteen or Reveuteen represeut- nilives in tire Legialalure sud lie prospect cf future gains should other-couaîituencies ire opeued up, tirere ia oe»te fear tirat lie uroveitreut wil in some districts eru- brace lire entire farming coniinity, and leave nelail busincases ne option but le go eut cf existenrce. And tus is lie charge againat peliticiaus sud local parly papers, that they have, lu their bliud eageness te disceinfit an old time epponent, fester- ed a new anlagonial, who wiil turn out te be nol ouly peliticslly adverse but who is beut upc» finaucial neprisals liaI extend te lie bitteresttlirit sud cesse ouly wvien ils sîrengli faila. Suppose tiraItire attempîtet organize lire farinera aiculd aucceed-tire nove ment iras been assisted in vory unexpecl- ed quarters-sud they should irecomne a compact body for business purposes. Tire pît1h cf Patron gospel is liraIlire iuiddie- nia» is an excresceuce, sud liaI lire fariner eansd shall deai direct wiîir lie factery, lie r-oiueny, lire 6rst producer cf whalever ir needa. Tis sounda very simple. Gooda, iowever, require le ire slored sud insur-ed sud panceled sud shipped wihhen lie dislribuling peint he in a ceuntry town or in lie wirolesale quarter cf lie metrepolia. The atarviug- cul cf relail stores wcuid reaull in fatten- ing a irosl cf so-cailed wirolesale bouses. Tirey could net irrndle tie trade cf lie ccunîry.witircut iucreased promises sud s multiplication cf clerks. Tire nan who fenmerly couducted a ule lc»business, in a wvestern vi1lage sund supplied a iundrod beid s counter in a Truoeno supply lieuse sud fil tire needa cf iris old cus- tomers. But there would ire many points of dîffereuce belween tire lirsI sud tire ja.sI condition. For eue tiig, tirere woulrr L2,2 lithoe building, a combined irouse sud slore,r tanding idie in Elinrool. il would yield ne taxes fcr -i1hool pur- poses,centriiiiteo sum te cirurci support sud mie oils kilehen tirere would,,netdiy disappear a basket cf vegetables, ureat poulîry or dairy produce. The local markets liaI dot tire country would dis- appear, oxcept lu se far as they are siripp- ing pointa.,Tire large chlies would gro w larger, sud tire tewus sud villages would ahrvel up, if ail fariners became Patrons. Tire weuld ire'ne gradations botweeu metropolitan sud bucolic if e. Those who could net fiud empîcymnt in tire cies as "middlenreu' (after lie location cf middlemen hsd tins been transferreil fron a Ihousand pointa l e ue ntral point wirere aIl suci hueos ef business could bo orgauized irrto monopolistic eîreugli) would be for-ced te take up land sud vastly increase tire buli cf graiu,rols sud meats produced witirout wideniugtr preseut markol by an inch.lunfalal these people tins forced mb tirte business cf agriculture would net, as aI preseul,bo consumera, but would becouie preducers, so liaI for a r-educed demand tiere weuld he au increased. supply. If tire cuîlying parts of Ontario were converled mb oa vast field of grain sud ail capitalisîs sud iranillers were centered iu lie cilieslhiugs wouid in tris modern day ire lu suci pretty shape for the operat'on cf combines sud thre practice of oppressions Ihat iris- ter-y couid effer uethiug l-e compare wilh opten causes iserlous trouble. aspecislly if oe iras been uned to sprlng water ln tire country. Frein a few drope tu a teampoon- f ui cf Rooda Sarsapirilla atumbler of water will prevent lire water having auy Injunious efloat. Heod's Vegetable Pilla, as a cathartie, cause ne dIscorf ort, ne disturbance, ne bass cfsleep, but assiste tire digestive organg, se tirat satisfaclory results are effactod iu s ustural and reg. Ulmr imsnner. HO! FOR THEf FALLjS. Tire Editor of THEt STATESM AN WOSs tee mucir occ-ipied with bus3iness suld arraugï- ing for tire coafort cf tris patrons5te get mucir plasaure eut cf i i Wn excursion by lire favorite steamer "Gaycde»Cit3,' on her laeItnrp frein Ibis port, but on Thrurs- day Aug. 16 lie A. 0. U. W, cf O)sirawa, assistedl by their bretirren in (Onitanie suad Duriram Districts, will run & simila' ex- cursion teNiagaya Falls by tioýre rdnr 'ity wiren tire Editor audhils better hiaf intetd joining a large parry of fienids on tiat rxeursicu for a day's pleasune on Lake Ontario sud attire Faits. Thins esx- cursîion is under capital management as tire O2arwa cmmittee are doiug eveîv- thing in tiroir p.awer to maie il lu ail re- spects oqual lotie lasI eue. I asrw' civie holiday ancr a goodly rumber are ex- pected ta go frein tirat tcwn, This la tie f6r-t excursiou mauiaged froin Oshrawa by lire Gardon City asud ùta Osavra people have patrouized largely every excursion r-un by Ibis steamer lun- don tie auspices cf Wiitby sud Bowmn- ville secieties, they naîuratly expeot tlieir slalom towua lea reternulie compliment, sud they will Èpare ne effort te maie tirr excursion on Aug. 16 in every reusue wortby cf tiroir presence su spprt The composition cf the Comitîce of Manageent ila a afe guaranie tiraItir event gill ire a succenssif favored with flue weathie; tie members are Meers. W. . HRme, W. Dickie, D. Kane, R. May, Mï. J. Tooley, E. Saunders sud E. Muudny, Tire tickets have been frxed ahttire saine lew fleure as tir eIsat one-$1.95 for adulîs sud 75 cents for chirldren. Thre Gardon City will leave Newcastle at 7 a. m., Bow- murville 7.30, Oshawa, 8.3,) sud)WViitby at 9 ocloci-. Thre homeward trip wilire by tire ligirt cf tire fulli mec» sud should ire tire 1not pleasant part of tire trip. Corne along sud sire in tire jolly eveînt. EarlV lesrng Movement. Report cf cauvassers ta exectitive cent. mittee of Christian Endeavor Unian, id. opted by lire executive Aug. 6. 1894: Tire esuvassers apponnted-te circulate au agre3ment ho looe tire business places lu tewn at 9 30 Siturday eveuing.a, beg te report tiraI thefollcwlng forum was drawn up: -By conmen cousent, we, tire undon- sîgued, agnee te close our respective places cf business on Saturday eveninig et 9.30 e'cloci. And we mspectfuIly rEqýuest our cîstorners uitire general publoic te make tirir purchases sud leave tiroir endors before tiatIheur. This agreement te corue imb affeet ou lie final Saturdsy cf Seplember, 1894.'" Thon liroy began aitirhe west and of tire business streel sud called at escir place as tirey went etstward. Tity-two firmne igned tire agreement; five werà, ab- sent frein home; but noue refuaed it. wirom il was preaenled, sud onlv a few remained te ir e eeî, wireu, te tire great regret cf tire canvassers, oe e rr-hamnt deciined to affix hie naine, sud iIogr called on later- hy ete of tire oflicers (if tire society, stîll ad)tered le ltis eilm Tire canvassens wexre thel'sfero com'pe iied l u give nàp tirir task, a8 irera ýç a i tined umîerstîauding that, miless al air-'id siguý, rne ihe»td irehelvH ~ le agreemuert. Tire failure cf l s oýffecrt la ta be deý pIored, as everýýrno: ackuowlelges tire pres;ent hte hu--e nomuyi o'clock ornIter-to ha- a great irardsirip both Ioý-fflployersansd empîcOYCes suu o beueM ta thie public. Il is Impossible for,- ubt.à who are kept ai work front 7s. im,, t'Iti amicl midigit ou Saturdaj s, tn get lire fumll benefil of tire Snnday's ret sud, worsirip te whicir evory oee l entitiedl. Wiren tire 45tir Baltalion went to brigade camp lu Kingston asat year lier-e were severat extra men. Tua was noth- ing for tire 45th tle ir over trengli; sund ne trouble was looked for, for psy for tire extra men as il was k nown other coýrps were short, sud tire 451h wass aso airert of officrs. Tire upsiot was, tire psy was refused the extra men. Tirrougir lhm effor-eis IM. Sain. Hughes, M. P., i- 1Hon. J. C. Palleroacu, minister cf miliap, iras iad hia att ention drawu te the non- paymeni sd udias ordered tire mon te ire preînptly as saot as tire certified Plaims are ceul in. It Iherefore rentama wiGir each officer- commaudiuig a company te send lu tire clalunsat once, Tirose offleens are- Co'y No, 1-Capt. Rowe, Bowmatnvilla Il il 2- B uttler, Lindsay " " 3 - ' Brown, ILeekmd ~ ~ 4- Wallace, Liudsiay * C5-Major E vans, Omemiiee 6-Capt. lleltorf, Lindsay. Hamilton Royal Templsrsasys: Rv Dr. Dewsr-t, wio is uow completing 1ii tWenty-fiftir year in lire edilonial corl" -f Th hiffn .îadir,-.l1ac1 -du Nona botter, noue-cheaper tira» my stock of grecerlea, fruits, spices, etc. W. H. Osborne. Spoosers Pirenyle kilia tire HornFIy en Catlla, Ticks on Sheep, Flea on. Doga, Lice on Pouttry. Sure deafir te ail lusect life. For »%i by Destan & go"r. Exourion Eichees. ReZad tire West Xi-d IHouse adv't. W, , Tyëýï,êcito un prprit- Leave scissors sud other hiades for or o tie Prt Hpe ime wries n iis harpeniug atOChartran's Barber ship.-18 paper: xusinh Ladies, if yen have net alresdy, don't Tirexcrio ytire steamer l'Garden fail te try Mny cireice family te»s. W. H. CitY"' under tire management cf Mr. Osberne. James, was a deiightful eue. Tire cern- medieug boat carried a ['srty cf about ,FÂn\,iES, calat Paey'sansd see tire re- 700, sud tire pasaeuera were alruade very coinfortable. Tire programme cf nowued Champion Herse Fiee or Scuffier. ighl-seeiug attire Falls, wticir fa aIways Prouounced the bestinlutire Market. enjoyed is familiar te most cf our readers Prices rigiri. and need net be described., Amongtt tire excursionios from Port Liope, wiro visited Niagara, were Mr. sud Mrs. s. E. Athiete Cigarettes have no0 Rivais.1 K. Walker, sud raity, Dr. and Mna. Dickinson, Mr. Alex. MeLenrnan, Mise MoLenuan, the Miss Bletch-r, snd Mfr. W. F. Trayes. Reforr-îug te cur- excursion by tire "4Garden City" tire Oshawa Vie4cator ~~U U U 1U )JÏ'11 i suys: The excursion was a succesa in ____________________ every particular, snd net a misirsp, or< any unpleassuluesa occurred te mar tire pleasure, but tire offiiais cf tie boat and ail interusted did tirir ulmoat te make the trip ojoyahie te ail, and tirey suc- ceed ed beyond a doubt, as everycue on board irsd a pleasaut word le say cf tire boat andlirer management. For a dsy'a eut ing s trip te Niagara Faits is probably the boa, avaiable fer peoplein ru hi net wituessed th iresgirt, tire journey over tire ekttice cars frein Queensten te tire Falls is worth ail the reat cftirhe trip. Tirescenéry isi grand boyond description____________ sud tire be3t view cf il ii obtained front tire cars. Tire beautiful parka at the Falls are being irnproved escir year. Tirese are ail frec ta tire public, sud GTreat i there are ne exorbitant chrarges new as prevailed s few years aga. jin Su mr r ei Tire Wiitby Chrouicle saya: Mouday saw tire langeaI lurnout cf tire seascon t~T s tire Garden City excursion te Niagara t e Uf s Faits, Mr. M. A. James, editor cf tire Bownianville Sr -ITzs-es-, may con2ratu- late himmelf upon tire success wiici at- A n w 1 teu-ded ii enlerprise lu ruuniug tire ex- cursion. He bad a zrio' boat but better ri b n u irn h e kuows tire beneit cf print- R bb n u er's iuk in letting everybody kuow it ci i g u tirougirtire Chierie aud otheri apers. range of cc YOUR MONEY 13 RXTURNED if yen receive no benefit frein Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This fair and business-like ofer is he]d eut to all womeîz who suifer from the diseasea and derangemnerts peculiar to their sex., To -weakly wmn hood ne prize couid 1be more secure, nor the beneLft utore Itsting, than that to be dîerive-- frem ithe purchase cf a bottie of nAie fainiuB "Preecrip- tin." Jt areceas in cutin al the fmnrî,tL,n1_ ti genntaifldis- c.ùeri, aiid chronic weakmesses of womeu warantsits rmakers lu guar- ü1nteeing it. What this medicine ieï dtoue for iiousanda o! ýidelicate women, it -%il! do for yju. At te twce criticai perieds inmwoman's life, techange fromn girlhooie to woman- hood, and, later, the "change of if e," it's an invaluable tonie and a soothingi nervine, which eau produce only good results. It cur-es nerveus prostration, insomnia, or inability te sleep, aud many nervous disorders due te derangeinent of the funetions. An iiavîtation to consum p t'on is what a bad case of Catarrh means. Don't take thse risk! The makers of DoYctor Sage's Catalrrh Rene-dy agree te cure yeur Catarrh, or they'I1 pay Yen $9OO0111 cash.. Don't fail to seaure some of the bar. gains at the sale now going on at Oouch, Johnston & Cryderman's. A shamp,, e in this hot weather makea yen feel delightfully cool, and fresh as a daisy. F. 0. Pethick is tihe man te at- tend te yen. Anyone wishing a bargain cau get it by calling at Mrs. Doncaster'a and pur- chaslng one of her stylisir trimmed bats at $1.25. Mrs. Doncaster. Our readèes n any part cf Canada should ask M. A. James. for price cf tickets when thinking about going te the Old Country or sending for frieuds. CAIEDONIAN MILIS. BOWMANVILLE. Highest prie paid for &Il klnds of grain at the above Mils. JOHN MacKAY, 32-dmn. Proprletnr. ~DOWT nuESP AI1R WILL CURE 'YOU We giarantee Dodd's Kidney Pilla to cure any case of Brght's lyrsease, Diabetes, Lumbago, D 1p ,Reumnatism, Heart Disease, Femnale I Tlesmpure llood-or nmoney relunded. Sold by ail dealers in ruedicine, or by mail on receipt of vonce, 50C. Per box, or Six: boKes $2.50. DR. L. A. SMITH & Co., Toronto. CAMPELLS JJUST WriAT- QU INI1NE WI NE.: System, and restore the HSSRN japp(.tite. jTns5P'N L The besi cure fir' ~ FARM TO RENT.-For eteri -U years. "GI endhu"-300 ars' 2 mii eo froin Whlîbr-;Cood buildings a nd soil. Admir- able for stock or dairy., Chance for goinîr extensiwe]y intoTeronto rnllk business or, stock raising for American market. Men witti capital only need apply. J. H. Dow, Wbitby BDUNSALL'8 MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, A large stock of ý Finished Monuments, Sarcophagi, Tombs, Headstones,etc., in thre best vaz-leties 01 Enre- 1 pean and American Granites and Marbies, in1 handsome designs, and at prices from $45 te $400. Orders respectfülly solicitedI and careful cempletien guaranteed. Cail and inspeet niy stock and SEE WIIkT YOIJ ARE BTJYING. E. R. BOTJNSALL, Proprietor. FLY PAPER, FLY POISON, FIJY POWDER, TA1'UGLEFOOT STIOKY- FLY PAPER, in any quantity at CHEMISTS and DRUGOGISTS, ]3owmanville, C. P. IL Ticket and Telegrâph Office, // lui"