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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1894, p. 5

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Co. onîi y, wnose name is printed on every pkalgio the iarne, Syrup of Figs, and beinig well inforircd, you wili siot acepit za.ny substitute if oil'red. o-D vps * -~ Bryoe's Hand Book of the Citnadian1 T.5riff of 1894, arranged alphabetically, is iossed in paper covers at 25 cents. For sale at thi~ book stores, or may be hsd from W. Bryce, Publither, Toronto. A rnerry party of young yac'emen spent Sunday at Mr. Jolir MeMurtry's. They are enjoying a cruise around Lake Ontario. They are, Messrs. Perey snd Dougas Ehy, C. Robinson, W. Robertp, and Cham. McNaught, ail of Toronto. gratula ions ou their xariigo. The [ bride,. ueo Miqs Hunnm.f,-n. has v F. Vanéton e. Mr. W. C. Michell, Classical MUaster of the Whitby Collegiate Institute, lias resigued hie position in order to accept a similiar position in the Bishop Ridley1 School at St. Catharines, at a malary of over $1100, lies salary in Whitby being _r~he many friends cf Mr. sud MES. Fred. Qýuick extend to theni hearty con- w hich is valaed rio highly by Canadians who have had the p)leasiure of using ît ln the Oid Land. Vie ccngratu!ate Mrs. Buirk on this ]akt of the many honors, in- cluding the Worid's Fa%'r at C0caos1 hiss won in her dairy and other rnce of hiouebodeconomy. Mavnard the Jeweller, issuer &P marri- a2e licenses, Big 20, Bowmanville. -i *.. .- vil L.,req . freral carats are prinîrqd nt tCls office o-na>e -.ný- 6 tngr'd as eVerý beeti a i2eneral favorite in Lindsay, whil.3 during the yesrs since.Mr. Qcick camne to Japan Te.... .25c, %worth Young ilyson ... 25c, worth Young ilyson. .50e, worth vuà%nov 3.5c Congo ........ 25c, worth 3'c 65e Congo...... 250c, wortli 65c nmh i r.'Il 1-n Z! ~ - J -p O oe~ G*RAND TRUNK RAILWÂY. BOWMANVILLE STATION5., 4OING EAST COING WEST Express.8 405r Express ...5 19 a m Expreess.::10 27 armm Express .... 6 05 arn Paisenger.... 3 (06 p m Passenwer.. .8 40 arm Passenger... 7 04 p mr1 Passenger. .,.2 26 p m Eýxpress ...10 25 p m Express... 746 p m BOWMANVILLE, AuGUST 8, 1894. Local and Otherwise. MiýLss Emily Baskerville is visiting wîtli friends in Port Hope. Mr. James Deyman has returned from Sbusiness t p to Kinmount, Mr. H- IL Saunders is home from CwTand Valley for lis vacation, Mr.-Wmn. Darlingtôn, of Chicago, in visltiag at Mrs. Andrews', Church St. Misis Minnie Wright lias b'en, spending fier hoiidays with friends ini Toronto. Miss Bessie Richards, Rochester, N.Y., Las been visiting at Mr. Thos. Spry'a, Çaeen st. Miss Irene Forest, of Port Hope, and Misis G. E ilbeck of Newcastle are guests ,)t MIS. Mason. Mr.' L H. Oranger and Mica Aima Glanville of Roclester,N. Y.. were guesta of 11n J. B. Martyn on Thursday. The ,'Salvatîonifits are enjoying camp Ineetinâ life et orb"t'ePoint. Big day next Sunday, Ibrig. DeBarrett in cm m~and. Miss Minnie Spry, toacher, who lias been taking the special dairy course at the Agricultural Collage, Gueiph, return- ed home la3t iwetli The A. 0. IF. W. Will have a grand pleasure exclisîno by Gairden1 Citu on Thursday AuLe. 16. Take youn family: no expense rlecaessry basidtes $1.25 each for ticket. No nicer or more imitableE time to visit Niagara Fallu. The Ontario rifla association matchesc ,,kwili begin on the ranges west of Toronto on Tuesdav, 2lst August and will laet for three days. The right and left wtngs of the 45th B& talion from Bowmanviile and Lindsay will as usuai be repnesented. 1 Plienyo Caffein in a harmless and suret cure for headacle, neunaigia or any orf any sevene pain; 25c. ail druggists. !~etce Spectacles ! Spectacles Eeadquarters at Rickard'a for everytlingt In this line. Repsiring, Testing anda Fltting done welI and cerretly. A good > pair of Spectacles for 50 cents-.a Minir4ii Liniment Oares Bursi, etc. "Every LI eligion" was dis 'ld in the evenýn te isio field sud work in India, where Mr. Ing. lisj lad rnany years' experitýeto ,s a mies- ionary. Mr. Inglis is a Cax;adma.tand uraduate of Toronto Univarsity and in a clergyman of acLkntwledged ability. Mr. W,. 1I. Reid, M. P. P., %vassenved with the- writ on Mcuday protcssirg lis election. There las heou unuiual stir among Conservative-4 in town since the protest w4s anterid. They freely gave us oredit for eleuîing bit ansd from the amount of corruption already revealed, and more comning to hsnd daily ini con- neution with lis election, they will lave the opportunity lu due tîme of giving ns icredit for unseating lum. Some of the active ones already are badlv scarei and well tley may be, ANOTHEIL ExcuRsioxi. -A grand after liarvest excursion to Niaeara Failsley the popular steamer Garde7n City will take place from, Newcastle, Bowmnville, Osh- awa snd Wlitby on Tliursday, Aug. 16, under auspices of Oalswa Lodge of United Workmnen with the saitance of other A. O. U. W. lodges lu the district. No effort wili be epared by the bretlin to make this excursion enjoyalle. Evenybody wlio las been on titis splendid boat is lu love witli ber, Tickets only $1.25; childreu 75 cents. Leaves New castie nt 7 a. m., Bo'wmanville 7.30. Osh- awa 8.30, Wbitby 9, on arrivai of train frota Port Perry. Buy tickets. on wharf. See large posters. To CLEANSE THE SYSTslN.-Effectually yet gently, wheu costivo or bilions, or wheu the biood is impure or slnggish, to, permanently cure habituai constipation, to awaken thte kidueys and liver to a healthy actîvity, without irritatiog or weakeniug thein, to dispel headaches, oolds or feviera use Syrup of Figs. Have pou nead the~ West End Nbuse adr'tl 141 New Suite for Men sud Boys just in at Mason's Clothîug S tore. Seo adv-t. Maynard ,the JewetUer, Bowrnnville, always keeps a fine stock of weddingc rings. F. C. Pethick is the boas tonsorial art ist., Give lita a cail If you ueed a lain- eut or shave. Phenyo-Caffeiu is proscniliec by physic-, iaus for headache, neuralgia or pain. Ask pour druggista for it. The inest vork and lest satiefaction pou wil always get at Mayuard the Jew- eller's, Big 20, Bowmanville. Black stalulesis cotton lose snd ladies' catton under veste speeially fine value at Couqb, Johuston & Crydermau'e. About 100 of the srnoke.damaged suite stili ef t at Masonsa Clothing Store. Msny of these will be sGld at lesa than hlf of the formar price-a great chance to get a kuock about suit or a school suit for a boy cheap. 14 Bargains ! Iblese deys of depression every one wiabes &, get ail they can for their money. Iu that cse, pou shculd see the Silver Tes Service for sale at Tj' N, Riekard for $18,00. Worth looklng at even if you do not buy. Callsud pou fiud that as weil as belng lowprlced, all gooda are of figst qualfty. CI'rI4T ry f 0r wagon :sndif, îanow oue !o i Ï ' aî beauty. 1hùhas leathier trnima!ng sud top, Aurora red gear, aud is fî,iishd iu firat-clisas style. No doubt the Mjontreal firm will le bighly pleased with this wagýL- on, They can always depend on getting a good article fnom Morris'. Mr. Isaao Elford of lly whose deatl wýs auîsuuooed ]sst week was one of Fenelonm inost wortliy citizeos. lRe bc- longed to a fine Etiglish familv manr ;of, whos., metinhers sà4tded in D.rlingtouýi to)wnship Veari afro, sud where somne of them sund their descendants still reside. Mrs Danel Hogarth of Solîna in Darl. ingtoa iî siscer of tlie deceased. Lie leaves a famiy nearly ail grown up, and well to do, une young lady having recent. ly been auccaef ul su winuîug s ateacher's certificate, The Warder extends syrn- patlip and condolence with the family iu- their bereaveme ut, A camping party mnade up of Mjor Sain Hughies, M. P., editor Linoayl Warder,witb bis sou Garuet and dauRhtiýr Roly, Master Fred Scott, Toront6, Chas. Sutherland, 13ejrnie lMlcAlphiue sud John Walker, Lindsay, lave gone north ou the Violonia lakes. One objeot of Mnr. Hughes in to secure views of North Victoria sud Haliburton lakes and sceneryi generally,to fonîn part tyf a touriste gide. Views of ail the chief scenes will be furiïhed the Grand Tnunk Railway Co. for thtir guide for summner travel. Mr, [Hughes is determined flot to allow- the heauti,,s of that district to l'îsh unseen, lut aili gîve practical illustration thereof. Anotbor big lot of Pipes just in. spýeadid values fror, 250. to 50C. Corne in and see. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmanvi1le, Great leads requins large liat-they have them at Mason'a Clothifng Store in extra quality. A larRe stock of weddiug rings of superb fi nish ai vays on liand at Rickard's and at the riglit price. Wool delaines frota 15 to 2a5s really worth trom 25 to 40e at Coucb, Jolnjto)n &Cryderman's. If pou want anything in the jewellry line call and sae low cheap you cau boy it f rom Maynard tlie Jeweller. Dentists ruoommeud Pleupo Caffeini to tbeir patients Eufféring front facial sieu1r- algia, severe pain af ter filling anld etc. There is no mistake about it, if you want to have fine work dore on yoUr watcl pyou shouid tke it to Riekard, Coucli, Johuaton & Cryderman are sell ing off parasols of al kinds, ail nies goods, at exactly coat price at their clear. ing sale of summer goods. Jno. J. Mafon announces the com3riene- ment of their annual remuant sale tlhii w eek, and at the priceq 'quoted in hisad vertisemnsnt gooda should go out rapldly', Aïr. J. B. Matyn will close hiss tr eveny Thnsday afternoon duiring Jul and Auguet. Customers 'wlo wouid n-' cure bargains Shou11id get their ordr iýi ed in the morning or wait till lo e % ir ng day. .Pitcher's atra i? Coorado, Wbhitte Fif,, BRYV bush, No. L. Il T? 2x. TTw,* rcwed, OÂvsý, white .... i? muixed .... RYE,.... Buckwlieat P bush.. Puâa, Blackeye, V bu3h. TMummy T il Biue, BUTTER, lest table, lV 1b. Ecas, PVdoz,......... 0 00 o <12 0 00,,0Q57 0 00 0562 0 00 ?002,4. 0 00 0 40 0 00,,0 35 o00 0 30 .0 N 0. O33 0 00??0 40 0 00??0 35 0 03 0 40 0 00?? 10 40 0 00??0 62 0 00T?0 62 0 00 T0O55) 0 00 0 60 0O0 0 O14 1 ITUATION WA NTE D by experienced ho7jusekeeper in bown orocountry. Apfly at 'S'rTESMAN offce. 32-1 W. ,,AFETY BICYCLE for sale obeap. k7YAPP]Y at the STATESMAN office,25ý TEER ASTRAKY -Came on lot 20, con. 9Dfarlington,a yearling steer. Owner us-Ft prove prooe"ty, pay expeases, and take hl1 m sasy. J. T. POLOCK, Eniskillen. .42-3w FARII TO RENT-80 acres lot 17, -2 con. 5, townshi of Darlington, Good for ooor pas are. Cl ose te village, apply on thie premises, T. Buewows, Hampton P. 0. 32-6wv TPARM WANTED-In exehange for -I2 iwo Rood Ihugeiin the hri, iug îown of lEowmanville. SMzfllfa.m prefe3red. Any oae wlshlng to bay a house or deal ln this wav aIppy te JA?,N s Ti.o.psoN. fowrnanville P.O. The word means something with T. IN. RICKARD. The fo1Iowîno, is a sampla of h;s prices: T Geut'a Gonuiue Walthaux Watch. ..$5,00 Au Eight-Day Clock, (etriking,)....- 92.50 Geut's $12 Watcl sud $2 Chain.... $7,50 Ladies $25 Watdli sud $3 50 Fob. . $14. 00 Wectding Rings macle (o onden. These are Bargaîns. worth emphiasizing. - rrbey are not sh op-worn goods, but new goods of first qual ity bouglit rÏght in CASH- MARKET of to-day,nd given ypu at these special figures. -No goods sold which are not worth the price asked. T. N. RICKARD, XX îti h'taker, Jeweler alla Optician. Needis Bleck, Bowrnans'lle. n BOA RDERS WANTED-High School st udenta or others reuijriniz a inice o ulot boardinz place can hear of une wa bore therée ara .. cb(ldreua by inquiring of M. A. JAmrs, C 'ART [NG.-Mis. Thos. Bar ett wishes Uta intitaste ta the business taon of 1(0w- nianville that Mr. Fred TOdwbam was hired for a yea r by Mr. [-arrett hefore hTs deatb to drive the tesa cartiz froni the G. T. R., sa that a coutinuance of their patronage la solicit- ed sud ail orders for carting will b3 promptly atteudedto0by him. MRS. BARRETT. 30-3 w FOR. SALE OR TO RENT- That beau.tiful farta, situate ou the Kingston ltoad, twenty miles froanToronto, 117 acres part of lot 22. Concession 1 Pickering Township, Ontario (jounty, known as te Henry Haney Eatate. Excellent baild(ngs, lirai; casa soul, splendid samie of cultivation. Apply to MRs. HENRCY ilazxv or D. BORInE Sirsous, Bowmauville. 29-4w F AR-M TO RENT.-East hait of 13 X ud wet haîtfl 4, 7cou. CartwriRht, 146 acres cleared, good frame bouse, two gondi haros, good rrame stable, good dnriving house three welle, well fended. Ploughiug commeun- ces as soon as grain la off-Posisession ta honte in fali if wanted.-This la a goodt farta for grain sud giazIng. For any information apply ta the owuer JAmEs SCOTT, riortit end of far.Ijor Csesares Post Office GRAND FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT-150 acres in aIL. sonth 1'25 acres of lot 5, sud 25 acres of north ? lot 6. con. 3, Darlingten. Fine brick houqe spacions haros, splendid soil,excellent water sireara and well. lire wood on erernise . T wo iIeis rota HOw- manville-great chance-slaîr on easy ternis. or will rentfonsa tern- pough vocea8sion uivet after harvest. APPly tO Me-.JAXE WIGHT. on premises or taoà). .5uiKi1 '10 ,osor.0 Bow- man vil l e . 3 1 (ft WvILLEXOEL ALL OTHERS Canada's Great I NOUS TRli AL -FAIR- SEPT. à#%TO 155, VAST IMPROVEMENTS THIS YEAR Exhibits sud Attractions Greacer sud, Grander than ever, ALL ENTRIES CLOSE ALTGUST Ilit The best holiday outîug of the pean, Oheap Excursions on aIl Rallwsys. J. WITHROW, H. J. HILL, 1 Premident. Manage-, Toronto, FANS At half price at "BIG 20," thee leading, Fancy Gooda Store in Bowmanville, Wu Tu.ALLEN, A; S. TILLEX, M. D., C. M., M4EMBER OF' COLLE O F PIIYSICIANS and Surgenus, ()otarie. Office, King 8t. S'ireI doon wesî of Ontario Rank. ResideucL., Ch,îrch St.-8ci door est of Methodist Chure,ý Bowmanville. 7 H OUSE, TO RENT -A seml-detacoed tLbrick house ou Churati street lately occupled by Capt. Crawford, Tentamoderito. Apply to A. YouN;ig, or T. BIXQHAM. Bnw. IXTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE-. Y lu the Township or' Pickering, situate, jmiles west of WhitbY Town on the Kingston 11usd; best of soli, cdean. well fenoed aua watered sud lunlte highest state of cuitivatlOnà. good huildings,soild brick hoase.wells.orchard etc. Terms very easy. The be8t 2W acre farta ln uhe Township. Apply qaick le A, A. posB, Whitby. 22-tf "aARM FOR SALE. -A first clasa tarin J of 125 acres or 145 acres situated iunlte township of Easst Whtby 151 con, lots 15 sud 16 on lte Base Uine, about li miles front Oshas wa station. 2 miles from Whitby and (60 rolisi frornthe schoolhouse, Largàroony buildings main haron(95x36 f t, plenty of fruit, soil cay lOat, altogether one of te best grain fartas on the Lake Shore. Nobhis gor stoues. Abhou# 10 acres of wood. 75 acres Iu pasture sud fresit seeded. orme easy, F'rst plowing doue, For further particulIsr apply .10 A.ANI Oshawa.37-tf, Live Energetie Men Wanted, To representa u bte sale or our HARDY CANÂDIAN 'GROWN NURSERY STOCK. Positions permnanent sud affords g(>,,!ha,ïlll Of advasncemenîtouail workers ibrl n ducementâ te newmeu. Seud for Our tcers. The traQz o o uolhiog, i le las .YV If, lus themselves. on-f -L ___j m la m -'l.

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