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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Aug 1894, p. 6

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PUELYNKBICI~E IDI REVGLUTINEI NG.1 E1TER THAN CLf ORNIý!4A. .e rowers and Corpio tth în orth '-W et a etr unr lc ~~ T INTE- ESTING ITEMS ABOUT OUR 4;sou r h rai. aebcTaui Caýliorai OWN ~~~~~~ London correspondeý_nt wrtesz-i- r. tehenIlbertscii losed up the T l H- 4 ; Atealete ek.I~>~tiethough it is apparen uuht h aainsection at the San Francisco IFair W il i È_1 t oi he r dvL ntJ1age îy>j 4 Aatheed Ftm laro te cl'OInsFrench Governn'rent wllcarry îitspopse uidarrivedThursday in Ottawa and reported eall at ]MJ. M ayers B at Store, and _______________ Arknawats steet lmps ew prss lw thrugh te Chmber f tathe Minister of the Inrerior, nnder whos2 - i-.1 àroa atssretlap.Depaties by a round majorîty, the c ipces the show of Canadiani grains anl S66 uthe im miiense stock of welt and Gait is in dread of a water famine. ter of the debate on the mneasure pfýuc5ýieI-lswasmiade. tolsetate Chatham is in danger of a water famine. the effect on observers of a mioraldeufeat for resit lias been Mot'enoueeatthe Bats atrp ces never b f r craz, ofére. FltBats liard or sofb, at toablou'tcetIuc ss er TeHmlo ais Cleei eb e n e havat: bcylethPain r. tkmpss-Yeoe arte apre f enthe NrohWspet, ive dvntgest cf fo me y sold for $1.5O to"$2;4 ile thir mot buit. theside f theOpposition,a41bt Nwbidnsare being erected at Gib- beirîg advanced day after day, and ithas ledybe ravese n ht1nnr raitar. gravlty aiid fore whi~h command genera obertson as f ar as Calgary nine represenitSta v { ts q1 lIT ow ; lo a Kin Yston's electric railway is te bo ex- attention. I have nover known uL'îe Lo-1 tative farmera from the Golden State, and l r ere fleadaclie, yet -,ARTERS LITTLE LîVER PITAI tended. don papers to print such full report s of a their report of the NOrth- Wcst is expected a g stock of ent ' rnish±ngs ane peulveigsalubleing coiu)ain., wrint The Paris Presbyterian church la to have French Parliamentary debate before, not to give a boom ýo immigration from Cali- .,'NIie 1 nn reetigibsanoîn on~iain. h ee nth li<n es ftepalr fornia. Mr. Robertson made a tour of th. e t dow .JV. î.nL p.L'iLL o.LyFouri s raIdteth ivuad reguaetiîebown hCh ieprtcin ytme vni teeutn 1so fte aaathe whîeat rsisirg sections of Çalifornia,and .'1. s1 e,' o th 0 . C n e a d £Nen if t ly crd Te hatafirepoeto sseni exposurea. This ie cleariy due te a feelingj saw enougli to convince bimn that once the theySurvyor areîayng ot ne steetain ere, whichla i shared at Berlin and o1ther people are made aware of the superior 1 .- Eurpea cntrs o til- capabilities cf the Nortb-West for mixed exa m23inle OC an . ri Wauauben. ionary trouble is brewing in Franuce. farming ICanada is sure to obtain a good Ache they would ho almcst pruceless to those Bradford bas been ornamiented with new One gets at the root cf this feeling , besit eaeo aubeeirto ruîta tt. N " ~ , who suiffer froun ibis distressinig complaint; telephone pole$. by exanining one statemont whicb bas iTrom another party whicb went throngh Otu e uO S i\T gds lere, and those who once trytherm wul find Bayfield is said to be booming as a sucm- been made over and over egamn ýn the i the countcry ncrth cf Calgary and selected tiiese littie pis vallabeise50any w.uys that mer resort this year. Clamber cf Deputies and ont cf it dnirinig land there lasit sprîng reports have been re- But. I', ltie ail ing tegd , tth;tore week, namnely. that Carnta death wvtas ceîved which indicate timet they are more Bte fi.,ll sot he wiin d o îhctte Considerable lumber ilashipped from pimriydtht.tu rï ,71Wyebridge ýO Toronto. piail t ,tebanu aatisfied wtb the change. one ex- Listowel will bonus two indlustrial estab. M TiîT.îDRIzE T'ftt5 Clione rt ht"a ntry wd ta lishmets wiib S4,0f1, c presntFrenh yclics, asmnh s te theý paradise for the poor mn'adaddta lishent wit $4500.of resetFrnch olholewonld nct take $2,000 for his quarter iqthbanofsosnyivcs1ueher&ic1-where Stratbroy's populatin abpresent is 3,013, Panama upheuval or to ('revy, or ta 'thesetoifecldtgtathrDogh we ulae otbr great lboait. Our pilla cure u il dcrtio cndisneRd cal an ifxestounftetu ave oled ome ___ we lte or ont againet 3,163 last year. - -sndcrto cna.Oe ,dcl n xasino tesi aesoldsri CAaTsiL'SýLITTLE revery snuall Hochant reports niosquitos in cicouda, and speaker after another lias fasteced aten'c the beet wbeat reisng districts cf nortb- and very easy te tuîke. O'ne oul-î,wo pis malts untien upon the façit that as tecently as Vil- Caor ri dose. Tiuey are triutly vegetabe amud do potato bugsenarmîea lant' s murderous demionstretion n heeru ___________ Mauiu ucdîuy tIuotxu IOLWXvSEsa.s'M T piease alwho usetheun. luvîsiaSt~c' c oeraig t te~ 1300wevoe essnbe c la 1, rive for $1. Soid eserywhere, or sent bynmail. Ofdg omn t tes.$6,0wavtitetrghetep- cAnTzr. =ricirz co., rew Yor. Canada bas ncw 8,447 post cffices, an in. lice force wbich already had an annuiel u Little Dot--" le it botter in the country ~~ ~ creaseocf 180 since lest yeer. of $5,000,000, cf which four-fif the wae cjharg- then in the city "- & %ilu? l ~W ~ u Dos. bill rle% An effort le being unade te ferrma aturf oui te the Paris fore. i altiCiim("y Little Dik-" Course not."wer > wcrso iban notbing 'bas beeu done. The Lttle Dot-" Tben wby do mens . y r ______________________cu u ldtnMntbpolice cf Cette, Lyons, and Parie alike k2ncw tbick clothes aund eilk bata iun the city, and Di> .t Lag uniiso of olaecmagail about Casariom,, lid uarried lais "dossier" thon, when tbey go ta the country, put on ~ S"TANDAR D ffBANKc ilefo heralay. nthi bocks for menth, anud prpcried thin clothes and str5.w bats "x ' . Reports fo etr naroidct o hav lm ____________________e as 0 F CANADA. thet. the peacb crop will lue email. dangercue man, yet lot him journiey by rai 111gt"~ t~t piir Capital poiai up, S,$l, elo.eO.lest,8 ,i) The Michigan Centa ileetanwedfooLcubyahle akc ie nta wl reta e ndfottDoyn, a kisciIkf $ed2 untentions almoet oetrandem, alod etab the Sn 'ulgt epwapr station et Petrolea, te ceet $12,00o.~t ;... "h 'Srlizt S ' e1q w Pradn nbiscarniage,uin a crowdeýd (rape barnthe wcrds ..--y Does 40- ThisBnî s rprtit cLgiti- A disease rosembling chicken choiera baA i maeBankn in rea it bances. boLnoe basth e ropuîr. streeti, on fe," as if there were ne sncb a Wounen Loch Oid SconerThan a Man") Farmer's notes discounteti; Depouits The StratfordLicenseComnrnlsîners bavIeea lmir a lic teman l urisFrane. o eLEERBos td, 3Sct S,,C' spa penlths lne cas stnibyToronto, and yen wll reueive by postv à tu .,,~, receiveti ant I nterest paiti on accounts Ont off crie ebop and tbree botel liceuses. devotedi te tbe police service, bave been euha. pe0 itrfo rmadetsn n ,O t. m Atwo-year old moose, was seau in the jected le ail sorts cf rbieving tousi 'Y the rtypcuefeeroaadriigan inSviisBaknigborhccd cf 111gb Talle quito recentîy. politicians in control. No officiel att empi noîl worth framîng. This ià an easy î*.l ?e 18 crhc unng o ho t e b ot.t at way to decorate yo r hom e. The'soap't V D RA FTS h iern giutrl cit jlthe mcnoy wae expended bcneetly. It, le 15 th,, hest fiathe market, aniil will 5.l4>~o~u>~ luld ts bal show the llrst Tceemlay in tctyc -e ha lwsnt h, i nycs e osaet edi h Tijqand Collections made lu Europe Ot00 eit-cn01 ta i e nt hei ~iyce e psaet on nte<. es,,O andtawba ie oe nugi but wcrse romains. The police wrappers, if you leave the endis open. e u t,) United~tatoe and Cnada.A London grecer'e herse weare a large system, inluented hy the repcablic from the Write yocr address carefnlly. .- u * mirwaAoercgtehemrnctea. "Wben is a fellow iying low l"I"Wbea Agentdeys.lunes and fficency et hytue oben eh is wbispering soit nothinge into the ear 'at A Part 0f Coney Island, iu the Lake cf Partmens of thenepcbi in the earliirdays5 of theummer girL' , ~ ura~ssundio oteLblo h oe n o ONT.ARIIO BANK the Weoode, bas b;een added te Rat Portage. wben itrepreeated really a refarmîn.g imm- ife uca , hol ,o Oh ee o h oe n ot foaoar.ruie. Siin Andnietic okil the police- L'or Over .k"ftv' Years lu ttc eauiur--s i-. net 533, Oxford SE-reet, London, they are spurioua& eontinues te do a General Bankiug Businsspufore. ho - Muu tkth Bowninvill Ageny. Regina Council will speud $10,0oo no o-iei a een de _W__S________________________ buildings for the Territorial Exhibition in generating sreadily, tilti now it i rprdces ISOWsOTHN Svu ba I)EPOSITS 185bi h ietapcsc b c eMre' een u8ed by millions cf mothers for________ Recslvod Ia Savînge, Bank Dopartment aud on Aunlît udcvwî ot ua u mle. Under the empire its heade erotheir chidren wie teetbing. If distcrb- eam andloaterest allowed atourrent rares No vouai, and its ranks were filled with i. ed et night and- broken cf yeur rest hy eT EE ofLF1 f RIIH, nlice of withdra - .1 nooeasary. Aldpst 000 by-iaw for electi light and sowarage fomn,"muhrs, nl mt r- eick chul slifferiu1aSd Mr1in wi b pai paybl o d- adsytssvoc-ateàne." At every sý, tuclst cf Outting Teu'th 8eud et once and get a EX H N EThe Sr. Thomas School Board lias decid investigatioone n elthottie ef "Mis Winslow'a Soothing lleeia ask-etch of the fruit and Jeaves cf cXIA G d te dispense with the services cf the SLIi5Y -1RAIL or e SirUp for Ciildren 'Ieethiug. Iltwil ted"barkex wofchae ish Indiuujte oeuu B nwbbtend soldand Drafts Isued non Kroi)o eacher etcico.. andnng i plosf-ou rliev thepverlatte sofere immdjat- inenin Uîed States and Canada, aisc Geld,Silvserand ., .brter s.i 1. hocStte Geobaksouhransod. The demand for ne services je taxmig pletters3, heipinq- " heir ly. Depenti upon ilRVO US D EBILITYan tha cepacity a the wvater-werks deparcment ow hneiror. in istake about it. It cures Diarrboe, COLLECTIONS ln London. w bm tefin or th'rc1ats te Sîmac andBcwis, ure Tï-u"tlY n-ace ai cernent rares uapen ail P i t wom her / lLEXHAUSTIONhtoac ndBoescue C a n ttan he LIiteil SrtaranI uhoe Fred (ihbs, of Calgary, lies been sentenc questiona'ou Wind Coilo, softeuîe the Guma and re-E A S I N Tî'uîui~~~fers abortion, ~~~It le te these unclean biande !;i tba c a ergy te) the wboie system. "-Mme.Scersfrmaytubefthgnetieoan ngt Ma o smaî sms o aI pî~t ~ John Robinson, late principal cf the Platt- enfoncement cf a tnew -dragner la-w, bWiilws'orîgSyn"frcuude upiTeulq roan fretubleaofitheiig elieraeted gnrngt G'snaàý. jvig se epeciaily advauîibugeu>ai t i. llepublic echool, is dead. lHe taught abOlishes Junees, establiehscurs trîng t tlng îe pleasaaunknwnte henatve asth " reacfnd i,,isviatihe pcern 1 lvcgHm aniloba or the Nortliiuesu, irîmeetweîve yeere. un camera, and purs every cirizeulbe--end 0 ultetetseatiiite rsai nd batrkthcatipean the " Tn ofLnihei is 3itilnia plat-te o fusyidntu iai itctstc AunEnglieli syndicate je purcbaeing the liberty et the Mercy ci any twee forers Preipto feeo h letadbe lxibeenmdadsdyr.eatnn for neaniy 9 efemale phyaiciansanadt nurses in the Unit- thirty years without one f ailure te permanently cura even the pi-uce cf ptcyme0nt. is to horntrcsted. Oa nedttino wa leý Seï*Pit long fvecetsa wnst cases. This elixir <uehucm i5ceu te tiis roeutru>, q uickly Oth.priicRaT cllttern( fanhiest inlpgcfthtAhiibîn ubacyferpiitdmnietatcncfphicet Sats.ulle wetytio ens retreandte-uctontcherfliigrndevnweraa E. L.F011? 1' Uiu0. M iavÇlat . river water power. reetet echtheefeo c the bcttle. %!ld hy all druggists throughout advancedage bas been reachedanewlife is begun. Itisalsoan Acccutat. ata~r. The corner stone of, a uew Metbcdist neasure in the Chamben cf Tepuîies,ba thes wcrlél. Be sure te ask for "IMit. absoînce cure for ebronjo cases cf FEMALE WEAKNESS, churcli t Pottawa Cneek was necently lid beau te driva theci Radicals, headed by WruçSLeW's SOOTHING SvnrrP." 22 17 Suffeing Men and womnen writing confidectially, will get fuil particulars Irocuuitly . n SPI N U M RT R S i-lth Masonic honona. M. Bris-.en. into an almosit open aliim-ne __plain_________________________________ ,Co ~~~~~~~Returnneof the division registrar cf CGaIt with the Socialists, andtihs nconîgnîuous r : ýî ý 'â- -it.l- irfo a.1tJn 0-its 3 a-uini ikn prcut-rm-lea-so . : frm eu 1t lne30-Brhe 7 ;mr-unonispckuguprcrit mm h aiea- 'TIIE TRIUJMPH 0F LOVE" RBRT A ESANT, 7 Troto , -CE[ .aV -i Book keeping, Sborthand, niages, 32; deatbs, 56. cratic Extreme Ruglît, cf types which ne. i____ Telegiaphyb ii SrieMn. Richard Hige, Fiast Oro, bas a cal uceimirabeau, now Philippe Egalite, »,p y, lttlFllL MANRIGE, andPerinuisipW~>k.pheonmencn n theway cf a twc.weeks-oid3 There lied Lot exieteti before, sînce the ad em shpW i.cclt, thait l i nilk. ecrmaticn cf the nepublue, auy sncb en- \ - LOOKS LIKE PIRACY. ment cf the Customes laws eLt th "Sc, sroludatetisosi ion party. liatshoe co- .' and wbile mamiy cf the ciitzens are ctp in NIMMO & IIATRI~~~ISou Wal o eehnn o ae ntetcînd uilsse wullfac tufar tnejrascals-arme ait the intrusion cf thedeatvs pfDroise s w. .Mnce tpeefo mt neeti en faireceplee-uck. -Cîutomns OMfeers Mlale Mmy Seizsres--Two still the national treasury wMintsufe cf arna gs as tmck -biarîges t wil lîterally sweep the ceun t ry euu. ujntVYogead ole tees 'stlngad he hegneayecoin oie. utsie Seze-OîeC ls S olea Frin lihe any fromn their visit. one eueadOI-gStes, weîghing 14 pounds, -was recelltiy taken n CarLda itoiie yAircn TO D z C 1j wC:. trape atPetit Rocher, N. B.J -Smsitgzbere len Trouble. Fupnaod Specialists in nvrydeparrmiut. luiii rapct ed d'et the Tisousanti Island pnrTî2ahPls ./SeiiCsoeOheelnwndeat Adam Up To Date. Six steude.ts placed ig00d sittuatiene wîthin Club will purchase liant Island anti ereuit aPrTlgaphStlo. en areCugoing thiersroundscf te ndh A men tt oa rmlaitn 10i days. Al candidates prepared by us n muiO-u-r cresfrniIli -, tn wthooeaasxmiaincfCAEROmgnificent club bouse upon t. One of thle lateqt uses to whichipaper bas tne r on h onso h ot STEVtGAPHtC rpunuxrîsofuttani. O ii A. 'tiA ~ ' '~ Iten tered ishesmoree ofteteea prescritebreietthloprseut tameeIokicg fhonertOfhoe et rait geiai ad beneoienu BIGUES RES LS in ev. P. A Tnka u onmaruy neptîst entre 8tMl ftec- e mugglers, aud tliey are making thinge Igentleuia,Mr. Adam Browen, whase iiul- Sapefe -'e. Ouuasat utmtcPned inte the IHamilton Preebyterian muîutny. ateti with a mixture ofb henax, tlciand ra't -'hotcforasth isla-fi kr.T he ac mn alsrsad odtose semoiessoiy Rev. J. 0. Murray, Prgshytenien minister orler sbstaces.The asslsscartsl aand sconditieoemnsor.f INIY.UO il R I~~'of Grimsby, haebeen ellowe'i te ratine, and CPZNP \ . At Sanlit Ste 21'arie they seizeti the ferry People. Mr. Browislathe supeninteuidenus Pricial.wil o pacd n ibasuenaunrin îst mo d iith edeired te ente, tfcro8sge YH ~ ~steamer Beckwmtli, which plies between the cf the Sunday scîmool ttachedtote Sonme Michigan capitalisits are ng-ia. hollcw rotthiGacf aadanyndAdaicsireti heferyengthf he stnsenacreessbi - L~CL ing frtepris faîîigpoperity pee ei.letib cdemky die vruv M tes, IioWin Fa î, tse Gmnîid l C ande Aeia ide iefer htchc u'scnin0nt tl i -ss in the township of iLenison, near the Ver. in uic eitber side cf the polo. The paper eTiesoII;lMe ilim Fa.-t% lsg rCW 15-tae-wes neleaset ou payaient cf a penalty ,f eus tointe give short addressee te 'the CI~Na."fi'milinmiepoosar sii e e iguir onireiger Ms se$40echolare%, in irhiclhocandeavors te lustruot riiome er isba rnfeit ine.en tolitiarei, lioorbetlîger a tiepr p i tarin 1, 'lnir)mI 1n frP 40 .-Ate.tles i-iî.....juitnm.a.. 4thra ra smofunthr- Te Aenca u imprsedbutical ise i. dea f pehoria X, bave yen net ? What do yen think cf bîeau, anti laten vider ef Si. Rechi, in Punis, signlet by thc lest British Unvennor cf 1'll ve en oget. Ijust bcbbled with joy. lair and connesy. li 15 nnen thait te Te ana eve ste omnn bar ?lie was thiespiritualiguideof Mdme. Carnet Mussachusetts. lie -aaî tken pnsoerI ante t lebcg everyhody andtelal tbom Canadian euthortiesiilitiemautireperaticn frthee Trea c leae l tetom n e lie-Shlajeeue cf that sort cifireman sînca sho ires five vears olti; ha prepaneti by tue Trench anti Indians et Tort ~,iaifrem Uncle Sam. The Alabama cdaims mill r1h Aiatus, a veny tropical look--0 thai any mancoculti dia fer, bur, noue coulti ferconfirmation anti assisite t e ler nier- lHenry, aufi stas hncugit downLake Cbm- my elti self bat tiet yesterdsy antiMy net hoe apatoli te the danagos for thie treo. Brown lBrus. Ce., Toronto, Ont,-~ iive~~virb. nage.Inui bd-ding lier farerell, the uewpeikatire Rchlieu to Hechlaga, unisefirsb rs. Wlydd' ralic nsraina onss.n hat it lenet a very semifactory grdwor lidervssnei hepeltetby or plsaoiate ihelieurstepit a isone ar ,cfi yentell me wsen I fimet irote that 1 The cificene bave aise beau bard ait work frorscin u -u reia gn Meas Nthig.teechinge thet uet enly neit gave lier wtan. Thnccgb the intercession cf a rlat- wotuld finti it thus vay 2"afiten smuggieme. Aîunong these cauglit e.Thyp slran exeead Doa, Mas otin.Christia frtitutie, but suseaiceti linl ail ive, Colonel Glazien, thon stationet eat Anti enother tIns. vioiatiug the laie wes ne less a penson than anti liberaliniduceuîenîs. Daa"saiti ler mother tc the summar lien suffeningest-hile resitiiug at the Elysea lialifax, ha was exohaneugaifom e yonng "If yîtu dumpeti a cartlead cf gcld aethre chiot et Police.lie pait bis fiue, licie- "110W TO CIRE ALL SIIN DISEASE" girl, " isn't thet yeuîîg Mn. Smantena get- palace. Tiare mes net e day sine rhey Trench offleer. When lie wes brougý'it my foot if weuld nuit briuug auch gladue8s oca, like a man. Ton maay yeers the Simply eppiy "SWÂvutF'S OliNTMENT." ain vey ponencui n h atenion?' firet ercesei the tlireebolti cf that palace ticin trocgli thbelakes te Mourreal bv ' tie mue My lite as your uimthod lias tioue., "Soc"lias beau the gateirey abreugli ihicli No internaI mediciue required,. Cures O.t hats al nriglit, mamm," sait but breugltit ts tbneetening lettone, anti Indiens, thayappeareti te takeegneatLukLýing wiet b REMra ouPN a great deal of emuggliug bas beau toue. tetfer, oczema, iteb, al Ouptie)ý t 9onthse enore. "i esitma nuhn.W' waruînge cf cenepiracios egainat the lite cf te hu-, for irben two othen -Britisb officers Buffalo, N.Y., eut aBk for rhe littuleooek fGeethcfneeyd Sestindh peutknfcehcinsoe. evn séei engegeti." liher bushanti. Sie iresmiserable îs'en lie stho lied guven trouble ln the boats wene ctld"opoeMnet" e efrs hUieiSaeat ut on boanti clea, white end helthy. Its great hoal- iront cuit fer a ssalk or a drive, or te take taken ashore te ha executuedtithy coveeui ahýi.Rfr steamers bounti fer Oweui Sound anti otuher lue' and curative powers are po2sessedl by T[ha Finance Ccmmittee et Lcndon Cty part in a ceromouy, anti felt ovojoyeti the yonng lieutenauits heat ilîta blenk7et. flua papor, anti the company prenilee te Canadien pont,whleopiumhbas beau rcn in- a Couc1' rfus t pa fo te pllng oots henheretrne sfe.Sh wa evr hey hwevrcam bak boad he oat sýidth ýok, n eald nveope wthý'lte nied tats y te on rom te Cila- o ohne reeetherk ou remedytfo Ceunil rfus to ay or ta podin hoobs t-bon lie r eta t sao. She waud e e lo, omvaram akeordtebasset h ks, lianetirenfrepo, it.teUiuriSaush he tnaso tbeau WANE - Ask T. yurdanuitfo et the ncetelection net ou the liat fur - laueib uo data i it rut omithe Icalps oethteir vietima et their ont aymrs nietml ra uti fdiauside. '[bisisthafinstinuvetbut lasbeusivvoueOu'ina. Lm es nisheti by thé Conneil. taken, Whet miaory 1 girtiha. mcii intmoduoed. made in tube direction cf the nigiti enterce. Ce., Montreal Whoieaal AgýentsJ.

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