Jos. ±HaIlMach ine It is uilt ritijkIy À 8t, ýý ýLd ialj'4bý ro , Ste riete A li nii ûlG adwt --a 3E'- AD TRNGSTMOEl'Yi"R MAKET clwprcî omettb ü ptti, i hemrkto 1; r a 3 CD -i,- D 1 ---z) C - ALL REPAIS KEI4T 1-'q0 FOR MACHIINE' Jlie Josephi HaIl Man.ufacturing Q The Masson. Manufacturi And thb Dii 1 NVEFS AN D 'SE CT1'i S F OR A LU KIN DS 0 F M 0 dfl'- <OF ALL IKINDS, -?iEN' MXRS AND TIIRESH R. WOON Wîl iAlwiys avo;d bua 1They finit make Vau j ws cned 'i seere'~" ~ yon constipaied.0 MIARDS LiI.'1M E-NT Pll regulate the bc 0+aford, N. S. R. 1 lLwýsaŽ,.,ýell. Dose,tue pill î was oured of a Lrribia s1prir 'y BINDER TWrN E. !1NARD'S LINIMENT. aigodrfr1 Yiireouh ~ ~.Y ~A ~Cap @, 7 cents; Blue ý,-,r.oth N Y.A. à cýLtave your order ro % Vau cored cî r ack ra. ) Y r(unliY cao bb 1'ý DS LINI1 E NI NedaBlock, Bownr frglsvîJ. W. The tpublicu whlia h fiant sale othmr yenri îelipond to aur anunu on iiacounut ai the ta v'aw~had proviotisly. Thi I O or 'î~ . Jo j.~gi'.e yon boter bargE - P SA E* Ou a% . n- J I 1-' gerîtly atimulîted the liver, and regulate 9boxofChase 's Ounttnt curod nie C01m- the bowele, but do not purge. They are' ~letIy.Dure ta please. Try themn. Mrs. JamesgLinton and Misses Mionie ________________ H's ailRight.and Ettie Linton--are -atSty-LI. ichard Harrison has Backache for sai Mr. Wm. Davey lias secured a situa- years-It was due to Kidiey Dseasle tian in New York. No more Backzaches Now. Shiloh's Cura is sold on a gnarautee. It cures Incipient Consomption. It ta H.AL's Bni»aE, Ont., Arg. 0-Richard the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a arson Îs well knlown here and avery. dose; 25 cts,, 50 cts, sud 81.00 par bottle. be ighyîsece.Ta lela old by Stott & Jury. ýen a sufforer for sorte years front back. John W. Gifford, 0ronô, Albert Wal. lie and other liiney trounbles wasï a don, Newcastle, are Rueets of John W. jil kuawn fact tbauit gained mnuch 8ymi- 1Ku:iowle@, Batavia, N. Y. -athy for hut. L'itely helas No C &Usa r -WioDE.-Wonder bas Works g arouud heýro ns spry as as a kittenard beepresse.d at s rapud growth of ithe W rk in the besi of boalth. AIl bis kidniey sa!a i Esîa'LieLoeg.Th troules iaddî ,are, soho aid 11i1 secret af their great success is in the fact - '. questioned, atab'e further said that the that they do not rset and weakeu like - ______ ~~cause difi-appe arOnce was ,bis -hllv-pillaanIohrlatvs.1t hud ng used a few boxes of Dodd's Kiduey rather a wonder that people willuse any Puis. The n ptitation ai thepe pille ae 41o'h3r medicine for stomacli and liver specific iu aIl kid r ey disoi dors is nw troublep. They are sold st 25 cents a firmly estab1ishod iii ibis part of Ont rua.bx or 5 bcxes for a dollar. 1- iMr. aud Mms. MocChesnev have gone PHOTOS1 PHOTOS! ica reside witli their daughter, Mrs. J. A. 17o0ueywell. IPeople are uaw live ho the fart thar Ms etî iîa netie S Tait & Ca tan make as god Cryon umber ai hier 1youug iniends at a party -ÏPrtraits for thie mail buni (cf 8,' u h esduec Mr. N. F. Htall. Do' e i f)t- )i U If there aever was a speciflo for any one sut heselims asmuci moey or t~ cMplaint, thon Canr's ýLittle Liver Pilla sam qaliy i pctreb',t111a,,l 2,- 1are a speciflo for -ick headache, ndu, e iJTastsaexcehiont Lauupies before gîvi e oax huld kow tbîi-s. Ooy c il your arder antd ycu wtll wce ,s ureb Uzc.Tytei j plesed ath ic!r wrkleiItS: Miesa Lna Duincaster, and Tait & Co's photographa eau flodt bc rs. Dancaster Fnd sou Leanard, Bow- excelled and the peop!o knaw it. That miivîile; Miss Lillie Kennedy, Poutv- is why they patrouize bum. Tfhey keep pocol, gueEt af Miss Bell Stalker; Mrs. R. op ta the sty' eï in cards sud haesa sine Best, Marshallt own, Iowa; Mr. Samuel fif) W F.very pret.,y îîew cnes now Cali anci.oseO Grahami. Part Perry; Dr. Armstrong, ý3 irch Drive W hcels, their photos auyway if yon don't wauit Barrie; Mr. and Mr@. Al Hill aud famuly taiI) atetcn. 'H sote cf vaur awu. af Oshîawa ah Mn. R. flll's; Rey. Oa. We ara offeingai Elliott, Deeîfie!d, Ohio, athlits .iter's, ligliter and CIisr Th UivraAnwr Mrs. Mary Armstrong; Mr. Gea. Rowliu. The nivrsalAnser. sou, Sunderland; Mr. and Mra. Aithun Hlenry, Part Oshawa, ai bis sistoes Mrs. -ha DyeF'~s at aways guarunteed, A. T. Gamsby; Mr. J. N. Dalee, King. MADE BY And un aur country take the lead? stan 'Crllegiate Institute; Miss Vida ~ MAE Ii TlaDimondlas Scott, Hagarsville, sud Miss Edith Scott What Dyes are strang, bright, and iaet, a4 Newcastle, guests i o Misa Mary Wad. ,0, And always dye to live and lasi? del; Mr. C. E. Cutteil, Toronto. TGo, 1he Diamond Dyes! LMMRDsAs'.I igC , htDe iegand résulte each tume, PIP rtEIE it uiEtDsFs,.-f .ngle Estate Wwheneverueed in any lime? you have Cirae, if y have oicyi VERS, TIIRES LER The Dismond Dyes. o aeDanee fyuhv u [ERS RIEPAIRED. What Dyes bring profit. pîcasure, peace, iuntmen complaint,--sud yen are more And by iheir wark a great increase? t han like'y ha snffeur in that way befare 'o 0 0 The Diamoud Dyes, the soi t crab eeasors is aver,-buy a battis iliam St., Oshawa. What Dyes bhould al Canadians tryl af Perty Davis' Pain-Killen, sud secure ______________Hark! listen to that- miphty ry- inètantaneous relief afier one or iwa - -The Diaiiioud Dyes! doses. tu îreahiug severe uttacks of ahpati e pille.___________________ Choiera bathe thie bawels witli the PAI-N- Lnshpurgttra____ KILER. Twenty draps ai Mr. Davis' sickan thon lbave wonderfnl medicine will cure a child of Carter's Tifftle Liver the worst case ai Colic. A bottle of the )owels and inak yen I l ve Pain Kilier can be bauglit at any reput. [1. %;F d-%able drug-store. Price 25c. BlgNe -Dustan & iloar areBtte Binder Twie-Red 0 Ribbon @ 8cents. ~g> ~ i u i owýI c ýIauîy 'eimited SIdd, ut -ispc. Iauivlle. ave wttended aur remi- îe tilh he Ifir8it t uncemenrt this s'easan afielactuan they have ,s year we purpose ho anthan ou'er. e m1asouu. _______ DE.. s-1haebeeorýituingllerdock Bitteis for Bouls and skin dus.eases, sud 1 MRS. DONCASTER ofnu-, ul.ý fiu-d h very goodausa cure. As8 a dyspapsis, ic.minde of tuc kr c're I have aiso iiunî it 'uneqtîafled.. ! ra. Sarah Haimlton, Mautreal, Que. l-~rw Iats a' 25C. i.We chargelO0 cents a lina for ail notices' itiinmed hat-, for , U1L 5, 1 o~ f Anniveraaries, Concerts, Lectures, and Laesau al he ~~nnu~~C 0,-'d Si eniertainuieuts, for which ne printing luas > Lace andall therSu,-:irà,ýrheon, er is ta ho arderedl at this office, w.IlI be told beiow cost, t: 1n,?,,ÏK ewheu S an i~nfee ià aharged or col-, frFalk ~d lection faken. 1£he same charge is uradeý <ocï loifor ail business notices appeartug amougý tiens items. Correspandeuts,,wili ýkiudiyý .1 at rceivd. nQ 1~Ii.. distate this ta ail applicants for such notices Sailors and FaTnier'. h an sd whenever possible f îrward the' amaunt witli the notice, or Éitaeta whom edich are floW ýta«lZ t(iC "a the account is ta ho sont. Ladies eau ani.1 TiuE STATES7MAit afuiu olu.a long been1 uoted for the excei'ietsue buis printed -o trouble asud this seasan wa. are sure te havea No urU. ~ 'largo number aw,uxiWe give a-free Straw Hatsn otice of the suie for eue or two w«eks in Stra Has ~ n~ime'l ~ 1rTiip STATESMAN When the hils are pint. past st3ý les. ledyus Our prices are always right. As this paper circulz%4eà îargely amang 'ties tken u' .h~-Ro~în~o rthe fîrmers of Darlingo:n, Clarke anti -ders ta uji, eCartwright, as weil as EsÈataid West SWhich nwVer fmisi< , t'e Whiîby and, Pickering, a notice lu Tii SvÂAnEi\AN la ai ton worth quite as mucli 'satsfac~onas a hundned posters. Give orders ta have your buils pinhed7 by MJ. A. ýJames, ~.>o cas~ rSTATESMÂN 0cice, 'I'rîea the great SIN CURE? there is INSTANT RELIEF for al afflicted with TORTURINO SKIN -DISEASES in a single Mora are themi oudru eerrcre 'Hua wtg Çîro E<-k' i uuIisas -1rs SHE SIGHED FOR HEALTH, Found it, in Paine's ('elery (iOMPOIund. There is no virtue lu patienuce vçhen pain sud diseuse forment the body,. h is aL crime against Heaven sud our fellow marials to shlow diseage taggaiuu the iustery whan help sud cuir- is ut aur v-ery dloots. A Kïnaston, Ont, lady, the mother ai a large famuly, suffered for mauy yearsi f ra kidnoy troubles &ud neuralgia. Mledical aid sud numnberleas medicines failed ta remave lier troubles. She ho- camWe very impatient with medical efforts; shou clufed aud fretted becauso lien lit île fines conld net receive the attention frota lier ihat tliey needed. The sufferng wif e and maother pravid- ontpJIly had piaced in lier bauds a record of cures sud wonderful restoratiaus ta heal 1h effected by Paine's Cellery Conm- p)ùuid. That very day ahe procured two bottles af the marvelloui mediclue, sud wi three weeks time sl'e feut that she had at asat fonod the way ta heaith, After usqing seven batikes she wai made hale and etrng; every trace of disease lad becen bsuished, aud to use hon own words "1she feit as if a new lufe had been given tho Ehe. " Pfiue's Ceiery Comporind a sud- will do ths saie good work for al who' suIffer. t la a conujuror if diEeae' uaed. 1er s'd PARAS fi Is- t~'- 4ilV4r- aroti3 is paasol wS M must be sold this season and to make thoîn g uik ly we have eut the piice,3 very low. You wil be surprised to sec how good a parasol you can "et for .35c., and tbe very best for the price of ,an ordinary one' SHlAKER~ FLANNELS, 5 cents a yardt. STRAW HATS, 5 cents each. We are bound to make this sale a tremendo)us success if low prices wiIl do it. Cail and secure some of tho,, bargains now being offered. J. J. IVI ASN Dry Goodis ard Jewler Hôuse, Bowrnanvllle, 4-ni, NEW SUQEMAKER. fwni 1Havibg rete i .o ho omry ' occu-pisd by tho late Mr. Buniner, 1 be2 to an-nounce that 1 amn prepared to do ail FSt1I Viavwolt kindâ of ordered Work in m aking and re- 1bue beg ta infor n them that J baý'éi pairing boots and shoés ini the best of added to my already large stock opeeaaý style. A good fit guaranteed. Fine re- lire$ of Cotton, eshurtinge, flanneloýttc> pairing a apecialty. A cali solicited. cotturnades;, etc., which 1 will exchiaug, A. KENNEDY for wool. Higliest price paid in cash fa!, Downanill, Fb. 3th189. ail grades of wool St the Harnptvi' Bowmnvile, Fb. 1th 194. WoIlien Miiis. Pothick the Barber cau make you look and fuel like a new mnan by operating on yon with sciesors and razar for a few minutes. Gxive bum a trial. Steerage passengers who buy their ocean tickets frani M. A. James, at the ]eadîug steamship ageucy, Bowmaoville, will bu supplied with use of bedding and eating uinsils irea. C LEoRK'S NO0T I C'E 01 FIRST POSTING 0F4 VOTEES' LIsT. Votera' List- 1894, Municipality of The Town of Bowmnille, Couuty af Durham. Notice is hereby given that I have tra nsmitt- ed or delivered ta the persoa meuîioned in Sections à and 6 ai the Ontario Volers» List Act, 1889, the copies required by saîd sections, ta be se trausmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant ta sai Act, oi ail persoa ap- pearlng by the last revised assessmeut raillaf the said municipality ta be entitled ta vote lu the said mur Iipality at Elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and ai Municipal Elections; and tliat said list wss first pasted op at My office at Bowmanville an the 31st day ai July, 181, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upan ta examine the maid list. aud if auy ornissions or any cther errors are oud therelu, ta take iinmediste proceed. legs ta have the sald errars correcled accord. ing ta law. Dated at Bawmauville, July 31tst, 1801. 31 1w R. WINDATT, T. C. Creditors'Notice. lu the matter of the Estette of Gharleý Tod, late of thme Town of Bowmanville, in thme Couti cf Durhatm, .Baker, Decectsed. Pursuant ta Section 36 of Chapter 110 Revlsed Statutes oi Ontario 1887, anci ameudments thereto, notice la hereby given that ail ceedit- ors sud others havlng dlaims sgainst the est- ate, of Charles Tod. lats af the said towu af Bawmpanville, Baker, deceased, who died an or about the sixth day ai July, A. D. 1891, are hereby retjuired ta deliver or Pend b post prepaîd ta Mrs. Jane M~. Tad,of said towu ai Bawmxanville, Division ýSt., the executrîx ai the Last ilttasd Testament of said de. ceased on or before Saturday, the tweuty-fifth day ni August, A. D. 1894i. a statemeut af their names and aridressen sud a foul statement ai their claints sud ai the securities (if any) held by theni. Notice is bereby f urther given that aiter the said twients -flfth day ofAugustA. D. 189 l,the s3aid executrix wil proaed taeilistribute the assets ai the said estate amang the parties entitied i hereta haviug regard oulY te the dlaims ai *which shte shaîll ien have received notice. And the said executrix will nlot by liable for Baid assett, or any part thereui ta any persan oraersaons of whose dlaimi or dlaimas notice ahaîl uot have beaun îelved by ber at the time of sncb distribution., Dated at Bowuianville July l7th, 1891. '9 ýJ. K. GALBRiA1TH,ý i¶-4w Solicitor for sald Executrix Miriardsa Liniment for Rheumatism. 31-3m. D. TAYL~pOR, 1VORTGAGE SALE.& -F- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 1N DARLINGTON. LUnder and by virtue ai a certain otgg which will bc produced at the tie aosle there will be offered j or sale by PublicAuctioy. by Samuel Burden, Auctioneer, at Moyse+ B ate!. in the V illage af Tyrane, in the 'l2gqypjý sbip ai Darlingtan, on WEONESOAY, 15TH MU., 1894~ followlng property viz: l h lenoi h The South 80 acres af Lot 6, in the 8th Ceü-. cession at the Township of Darlîngton excepli about f" acre canveyed thereout for sçlol purpases. This farma la said ta be a good dlay loaini11%a good state af cultivation,' suppidwtgol wells af water and well fenceýd he wlole cIa the land te arable except about 15 acres which ta stiliunubroken. partly cavered with timbec, and crossed by anever failing streamospin water and forma excellent pasture lantl On the premises are erected alf storêy fau bouse l0x30 fi. and a trame barn 5U)xifL, wïi atone sltable under. There is about 1 acre of archard said tu cet) tain about 69 app e treep, à of which are matu ra trecs in goad bearlng and j yaung t-ses j Us% beginning ta bear, also a %veli stocked garuc 1ý of small fruits. The praperty la situated 6 miles froin Lth village ai Burketan an the Canadian Paeïi- 1,; Itailway and 10 miles from the town of Bow'. manville and te readily accessible ta eacbh ý' god well travelled roads,and both points offer, gaad market for produce. Tyrane post cIliceý and village is 2ý1 miles distant &ndcuch and schoole are convenient. Possession for plowiug may be givenafe harvest in this year and ccomaplete posses3ýîla an the Ist day af March, 189e. The sale will be subj oct ta a reserve bid. TERiis &ND CONITInvONS OF SALE-n tenth down at date oi sale, balance la thïit da"Ys or two thirds ai the purchase mouey jrar; remain upon mort age bearlng 6 per cent. u teresiFo frier terots and conditionsla sale apply ta the linderbignedVendar&ýSoliçitc or Auctioneer. Dated the 12îrd day oi July, 1891; SAMUEL BTRDEN, D.BfURRE SWP8&1J- Auciioneer, Vendors' Solichia, 30 4w Bowmanville. Bowma8yî1l!.> Not Dead But 4live to the fact that the p)u;,îie want theBetoibe !u for their money theso L.r times, and the place b geteý it in the way of Pooi~h is at CARLESS' GAL.LER Satisfaction Guaranteed,. J h r tcf -'fl h~~s{ ~ ~ j~1 I "a j