amtatnof aacll aa Ccet Ilfte p h. ~wi nkbteri etmsa s iigo a~soi u0 - sOhrLhhnC juhs iL, u, e, but h Oueurue ru ncrsca o a.n ofJ si h 101"",VV ' eî.4. .LLLJ l 5JS,.14A C. IIIARNDE-N', L, D. S. Graduate ofthe Royal Coîege- of Danta1 Surgeons, Ontario. VFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. VITALIZED AIR. cnea racîîuîsîrtransporta-onan=, buies apabilities. Thore arc LARGOE QUA11TITIES 0F STONE imported into Ontario for structural pur- poses froîn Vermont,, New Yorkt, Mexico, Op-io and Michigan, and the majoriry of this is flot as good in color as the produc- tion of our native quarries. Ontario stoeo wili stand as great a textile strairi, is equal in ts grain and ts resistanco te fros1 and fiue and can ho qurried in quite as large blocks if our owners would ouly ereet the requisite plant. There are a great mauy magnific-ent quarries of structural stone such as limestoue,rcd, grev, huif, and brown ai condition. Oie of these s the general complaint of the searcity of fim laborers in the interior countiesof >the cour try, and is wor îhy of thoughtful attenticn a this time, when cities sud towns are greatly distressed by the numbu g of the unernploy cd. The is no donot a large proportion of these conld find employment on farrns if they were se disposed. Certaiuly the- prevailing wages is low when compared with the regular wages of artisans and sklled iahorers,beiug on may farms frem fiîty bo seventy-five cents a day; but that is not se bad in the Iesote off and paiuted- V'inegar, From Fruit Juice. During the canning soason man; a cup of fruit uIýce is wasted that might ho couvert- ed into, the best cf vinegar, says a correspon- dent. I1ltuow people who malte ail their vinegar for f- -ily use by simply keeping a jug ini a warm place and pourine inbp it aIl fruit juive, riusiugs from honey or syrup cups, or auythiug of the nature ; fruit par- ugs f rom sound fruit are boiled in water others double the pricec for inferior stock. ýCal] and see ime before buy- inig. If you have any kind of smnall work to repaïr or make biîing it to me and you cari get it done right. ) I RATES- q3 la CI:5(l cents per $100 2nd gn 10) ,1003Terra, 4 years .ird ::110 1600 Most cf West Durham's promninent farmert jnsured in it. R. J. DOYLE, Esq. * JESSE TRULL, Esq Manager, 'President, Owen Sound. BowmanvillE. WiUl cal on receipt of post card. Agent fr West Durham. A, W. FOLEY, Box 148 5O-8mBowmanville, Ont 'Backache the scauengers means the lid- of the system. neya are in "Delay la. trouble, Dodd's dangero us. Neg- Kidney Pilla give lected kidney ju-ompt relief." troubles result d175 per cent in Bad Blood, of disease ia Dyspepsia, Liver fr-st caused by Complaint, and çiordered AId- the moat dan- neya. geroua of ail, "MiýXghtaa well Brighta Disease, teI t to have a Diabetea and Iralthy city Dropsy." tv'M t sewer- "The aboue uge, aa good diseases cannot health when the exi8t where kidneys are Dodd'a Kidney clogged, they are PIl are used." Sold by Al dealers or sent by inailon recelpt of rice 50 cents. per box or six for $' Dr,. L. A. Smith 8- Co. Toronto. Write for bock cGaIlcd idney TaIk. of serpentine stone that à ltile worked, and ai Madoc is sîste et superior quality lying unworked. It is grcy lîke Scotch or Welsh. Its cteavage is goed and iVistsrength ahl that can ho desired. Il wouid make good flags, but s tee hard to manufacture into roofiog slate te malte it pay. At Little Current dolomite is quarried ihat maltes a serviceable snd strong buildiug suone. There is seme ZEAUTIFUL BLACK MRL *at Madec which heurs an oxceptionally fille polîeb, and in this same qnarry are varions bauds. in thin layers cf colored niarble. Kingstoeo s noted for ts granite, aînd Black hay are inexhaustiblo quarries, mut , tînor un grain than the hghly prized Aberdeen. 'Ihere is a very gooct marbie quarry at Bridgewater of.pure white, clouded bluish and greenisb Ou places, wi th bauds of pinlt and salmon voler, About 45 years ago there was a vhnrch huilt of this stone there aud it bas stood the weatther without the slightest sign of decay, aud the samne com- vany have bhe.grey mauble quarries at Renfrew. The bardest grainod marble n Ontario is that from the St. Mary river quarries, two miles north of the Garden River village, run by a Chicago frm. If s found iu 1charming shades of green and pinlt. Marbie 1quarrios exist 1 ALL OVEEt ONTARTO, excellent in appoarance, in quality durable, capable cf a very high polish, and are being werltod and nîanufactured miet obe. lisks, monuments, table1 tops, mantels, dados and mosaie floors in public buildings. This article is tee short te go into the div. ision and descendinoe orders cf strat.i, i the rock systemn of the- province, sr'ffice ilte sav that. there is ne kuown rock formation of the mesozeîc or conazoic age. MAGNIFICENT CLAY for pavement brick bas been hurnt and found more durable than the granite blockts, which cost so mucli money, $80 per thons.' could au 010 lime patlie -axe. ln other words wo have a surplus of peopie îrving te make a living by varionsiorms of inana- factnrîng andi trading and net as many as are needed n productive agriculture. Farmefrs themselves might at the preseut tOme, take advantage of the situation te their ewn and general profit. Mein have been leaving the country for the town bevause bhey could earu more there. The tarmers want tbem bavk again and they1 wanî an inducemeet te mm i he other way. In farrning as n ail other employments it is a recegnized condition that the best wages secure the bet mou and the farmer, who coucludes te pay lberai wages to1 first-vlass hands will he the mosi hiltely to; get them, and is the eue whose harvestingj wîli bo a succesa n every respect, Pietures of Great Prie, If s interesîing te compare the high prive paid for the Sir Joshua ast Saturday by Mr. Wertheimer with etîser purchases of rocent years whieh approach or exceed the figures thon reached. The "Crîmeifixion' of Raphael from the Dudley Gallery was sold to Mr.Ludwig 1%.ond for about 10,000 guineas. The "Ansidei" Madonna, by Raphael, and the equestnian portrat of Charles ., by Van Dyclt, were ooughî by the National Gdallery from the Bleuheim Collection fer about £87,000. Lately thn great Holbein, the Velasquez, and thej Moroni, acquired by the National Galleryj and a gronp cf amateurs fromi Longford Castlo, weîo beugbt for £55,000. The Duc d'Aumale beught frem the înîe of the labo Lord Dudley the tiny 'lThree Graces," a work of Raphael's ealy you'uh, for 600,000f or £24,000. Jean-Frau-oîs Millet's "AnLgelus" was bought by M. Chauchard for about £32,000l; a Cai'fori millionaire pnrchased the sm raFec master's "'L'Homme a a Houe" for £16,000, anîd finally, Chauchard paidine less 'han £3 6,00 for Meiessnier's larger-1 1 Ch il dren Cry To,ý uobave seine I îLad tho nîcesi. uf vinegr-. Alfter this if I have too many grapel o 1nthpr purposes I will know jusu what te do with tihem. 1 A word lto the Wise is suf. Shorteakes. Butteýrth size of an egg, eue half cupf ni sugar, one Ccnpful milk, one egg, lwo smalt teaspoonfuls baking powder, foeur for a very stiff dongh. Handie lik E soda biscuit-that is, as littie as possible. Balte n two rounds ou a_ pie plate spreading butter, between the layers. When slightly ccooeý, pull apart and spread with bernies, swfeeened and slightly crushed ; put another layer of ber- ries ou top, "et in the inouth ot the oven for five minutes and serve, A pitcher of cream is an almost indispensable adjunct te any shortcake, Faste Shorteake.-Chop oue large cupfuh of butter mbt three cupfuls cf fleur,,sifted wibh three teaspoonfuis baking poiwder, and add milk (about a cupful> te malte a soft pas'.e. Bake in three rounds on layer pans. Butter while hot, Put the bernies iii suzar three heurs befere usiug,and drain o :fftïthe in a pitcher foi- the table, Pnt the bernes between the layers immediately -beforo dînnor. This is delicions made with raspberriesl or cherries. Creamn Shortcake. -One large cupfuil thin sonr crýeam, one half teaspouful ef soda, saine of sait ; stir in while feamiug enough fleur 10 roîl. Balte as n nuinher one, and butter liberally while hot. Use either p enhes or Valencia oranges sliced thOn. ýII hsuwi.l gar and serve. Shortoake s sometimnes raisefi with yeast. To a. pint cf light bread dough add a cupful of buttr and a tables9peonful of sugar, and wos*»Zlsrougbly. Lot it rise again, thon divde in halves,, roll ont n, two ovals and lay on a dipping pan ; when very lîght, psr t ~ad balte te a light glden brown. Bititer while hot, and rerve on a platter, with berriéo between and atop. Pltober's Castoria. mie. I berame nervons and wcak. MIy baci troubied me. 1 couhd stand ne exertion. Rlead and eyee beceme dull. Dreame and draine at night weuk"ned me, I tried seven Medical Firme, Ehec- trioc Boît, Patent Mtedicines and Famihy Doctors. They gave me no hehp. A friend advised metotry Drs. Kennedy & Keugan. Tbc.y sent me one mcnth'a treatment and il cured me. 1 conhd feol myseif gaining every day. 7'heir lNsw ltthed Trebelint cus tchen ali es faits." They have cured many of my friands." ' "Soine 8 years ago 1 contracted a serions constitntional hlood *1fdisease. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury aimost j killed me. AfOar a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat Sbecame acre, pains in limbe, pimpies on face, blotches, eyes red, lots of har, glands enlarged, etc. A mer(icai friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatrnent. It cured me, and 1 have 1 had no symptorns for tive years. 1 arn married and happy. As a doctor, 1 heartily recomend it to ail who have this terrible disease- Cure e - e yphiis." it wiil eradicate the poison from the blood." 15 YEAIRS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CU1RED. 1 arn 83 years of age, and mirried. WhAn young 1 led a m gay if e. Eerly indiscretions and later excesses made trouble M, ~for me. 1 became weas: and nervous, My kidneys hecamoe affected and 1 feared Bright's disease, Married lif- was nnsatis- factory and my home nnhappy. I tried everything ail failed 0111 1Itook ramn from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New "1 neyr fais in nring Diseases of mers. O.ur iNew ivetnoa a rea.m e niÏ tes tre rngthens heYoy drains and lesses, purifies the hlood, clears the bramn, buds up the nervous and sexual systerns and restores lest vitality tb the body. We Guarantee Io Cure ?NervouM Deblllty, Falling lWanhoceI, typliliîs, Va cele, 'tricture,G:Ieet, Unnatssral fIscharges, Weak PI.late , n Ail IKIdney and Baciader uiseases. nwsl rlafrftDrs. Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialiets ot KbIV~flhKPK America. They guarantee te cure or no pay. Their repu- RE M E M BER~U tation and fifteen years of business are at taÈke. You mun ne risk. Write thera for an honest opinion, nu matter who treated you. lu May save Yeu years of regret and sufering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Blook Free. Consultation Free. ~ A148ShebYr' ORSKE EUYIKLI ;etMit7 -r T' 77