f fi 'I j REV. FR ~«cis E. Ci.siu~'~ N1~W 1000K. in1portatK~L ~ Ail I~ara*< New GodI, vw fI~a1I ami ~eoi~r~e some N\~ *~dsnm~2 1}odat cot~~ie OOUOH, JO STON ORYDERA ~orivat t sssdoe or ny oy ~ars go, wen suyears id G ýperimnentm and ex- daughter AMids s Foreno have rurnedcLarnhtr in the ThebauH lsqad h nixed dit i6 nece-rom vry 00l~at -(àtïng. with frinWy d -tiaiuof Pharao)h. iiwettod hows On habituai uat Lindsav, Barat River vicinty .. ..TheIlutaon from photographa shw ore f the great fSn'poi nStra a ucs whero the mnummy was fo, and othere Md above the wantsi Basebali, ctal u te gamnes1 gi ve f UlIl-length, profile, ind f ront vàiewa in the production amnused the youn3g people until clark after o hsnin igwow~cneno goCi We have an A. 1. stockl BESTt.n,ýi7 is i. l!- Ia lin iiiblex it is the >n at ail t nb thonors at the recent M~ thiut "' ination .... Mr. T. G.' ,ue and position in Blackstocl riculation 1Exam- rtue lias left bis; anid aeceptedaa h pleasure and lasting roit Sk is publiahed by the) old and wi own firm of A. D. Worthinç.to &, C \~/ /$? 60 a_î AR-a & dress inIth evening si 00 l bou euuIeauay 1,M autde Ci~ç e: *er~ J floches J or