~d I -A ATTHE SEAT OP WÂI IMPOVERISHED CONDITIUO F THE! PEOPLE OF COREA. A Nation lai Chronle Poy erty-iIere4Iltarll Ffld faut wt h entse cokl slavery-TÎhe I'rodue of the Threatess. tIse astr doe flo exatiy d Coustry-A Jaisanese Opinioni-The, -ut-you. Nor with your wf Nation a »angereus Nulgasice. etler-perhaps she îsflot ta Corea, laver which Japan and China are m naw disputieg, is caled in the native * **tengue. IlThe Lend of Morning Calo." Japau Seas, lymng between 35 sd 45 degrees north latitude, touching thse cold usuforshortening. Lard Nrh n utigit hewre hn isindigéstibleyouknow. But Ocean in the South, and bas a population if you wouid awy havepelesri ary journal, pubiisised in Toronto. Cores, being one ai the ldest. nations in existence, 1with a modern history datiug baci ta thse ~"Cakes, pies, rolis, aud bread middle of thse eighth century, bus a dis- palatabie and perfectly di- tinct people, caling themselves IlChosen gestibie, order the new short- Saram," wiso are known te the Western euig,"OTTLEN," or~ur worîit as Coresus. Thir geanerai ap ~4pearance,, language, snd customs are r~unique. It is gerierally supposed isy thse ,~naority ai Wcsterners residentý in the Speninsula tisat they are descendants of - ~ 3the Mongols, but we have not as yet, Soidifl3 sd 5 ouo '~sufficieut data to prove any theory. Soute piS, by3 ail 5 grocen. mIissioflries have obtained, at consider- Mad uny b 3 able expense and difficulty, histories of l Ethe present dynasty,which ts now 503years la id, and of the former dynssty. The vices N. K RRB NK ' ofa the people are weil pîctured in thse first Schapter of Romtans, and their virtues arc Wcllrsgy dnsardbAun Tiseir principal vîrtue is hobspitality, sud is n littie heip ta the s. ~ \Jovt~jj missionsry. The momnentzastranger enters1 _________________________a Carean honte, thse owner wl ut only pay1 8P~C AO UMM R rRMS. uin every atten tion, but will defend bila COT-itSus iw ciilâren af bath sexes, though sous are Bookkeeing Shrthndprcferred, and tse children in turn repsy Bok luPng h otad their parent' devotion. The people are n ip, ii Srie dîvided in two distinct classes-tise higis1 and Penmanship Work.ardts a caed"uga"sd"au NIMMO& HAR ISON nom." The mierchant ciassa, strie tly speak- NIMM & H iRRIOiN iug, beloug ta thse Sanguoni cluse, but are BUSINSS&SORTHAD GJEOE fast gainiug a footiug aud assume tise titie Corner Yonge and011g Streets, ai Yangban,nman for7bidding. A systes T2 ODNiTO. af slavery prevails wiich is iereditar-- l9Âerencd vecalst~n verdearttet.slaves ieiug isanded dowuinutise ae Sxadetl"ce.l kond situations within fml rigenerarion ta eeein u 10 a.'u lcnldtapeprdb su~e whîle thse slaves ie Corea are'lu no -e',sé wiîi hooreet ssiaxa',jatju o CHRTUtEDrieir awn masters, yet, sa fur as Obse rved, STENOCRAPIIOROI E 1rs of Ostarja. tisey are humiane]y treatcd, and ilcase buy 11IGIIEST i{SstLTS in ail devartuteets riseir freedont at auyn time. Special Rates. Circu!ýrs and Automatie ou ie oaumu a oes a uocai 1VINIO & &RnION, in insarcy4i jiinie Cùeg isabslut Psîcù~. vesîoutat isecapital, dirctis foreigu J ffaire. Japitian dims ta havea jont I inteest wtis iin tIis, apd hïeace thse reseilu trouble. Tise produ-,cts (of tise soi jIacwa, areyv, riýc, e ur.S, 1bucl e a, arin a rie a pobisitdsînce ai cef ir Ï-0roduced is r, qired 'for hoe-conompton. Millneryshowrooms ,Coi-(odisa, fias i manure, and sbies r Jat 1c11ýt'tisey rices rit udthei a for the seasoni. stylish goods tiouitieeeg sdtsrftaChee g . andl Jaýpainesamairchant. Gares jeaiiy together with close prices becomiing pomer, and, iedeed, emsbn, make i th poula plce o 1 as low sud helpless a condition as it is buy. Sailors, 20 cents each. Possbl Cor AA NcUr:ISNE. Hats reshapeci. Frout a Japanese standpoint Cames is a daugerous nuisance. Reviewiug tise situa- tion on June 29th, tbe Yokoaa Daily M iss u~ wAdvertiser says. M iss ShawTisere dosas n seem t o be mucis rooa .Nlext doorto Post Office, for doubt as ta tise intentions ofTapan wirb _______________________________regard ta Corea. It gacs without saying - tisat, as at preseer administered, tise sutal k Iiugdouî is s dowuirigist nuisance in the SA FE East, an actual source afi auger ta ira maw. neigisiors., China has refused ta assume TJ-E GREAT respousibiity for wiatss persista iu te- gsrding ases dependent State, sud tbat PTCbC'DT whicis migist have been sud was toierarcd a few years aga, utay not ba furriser borne P~ U R I FI PE R wi th in tisase days. It is net at ail sur- ,, prising tisat tise situation sisould have be. carne irlesaîne ta tise Japanese (lovemnuteut, or that irshoitld desii'eta put an end ta the nomaousconditions wiich ut present prevaii. Tise systeot ai govermntnuwisicis H bias prevsiled for centuries in Grea s lmuade u p ai abuses, under wiicis the population have been raduced ta a state ai degradatian - ~ basd serfdom. Spasmodic protesta are front tima ta time made againat tise griuding op- pression ta which tise masai the people BRISTOLarc aubjected, yet risaugis a break would SAP ApAoverturu tise reignîng dyussty, it bas so fear bl RPÂ ILLA withstoodtiste affects ai tue ialf-hcarted CEs AU.sute ferra. Tise latest ottbreak, isowevcr, Taint of ho ~ood, vas unususily formidable ; iudeed, but for Tains ofthe lodtise intervention ai China, sud, in sonne sense, aiso of Japan, 1h la doubtfnl wisetiser SC E RT A IN ~the orean Governmnt cauld have coped il iý, ïwother, or at r an, is tieodd sin Anxious to Ride Now. (Ctea, by tise unsided efforts ai Japan, bas beau, raised fironthtie slaugh ai carrup. Clara-"I sam going ta ask papa ta get tion iu whic s aie has sanal. XViIItisa me a bicycle2." peninsular kmdgom tison be iudependans ?i Mtier-"'Have you cousulted tise dac- (iertaiuly not. Ir, wll bc an appanage of tom?" Japan. But ane need not ha a prpe t Cara-")INo, but I bave consuited frtali tisat long are thes o-calied retarms dreasmaker." siall have been accoutplisised there wili be troubrle ai R kmnd whieh wi'l 4 i tise JaRanese peaple wîsi tisey had uD or ini- i ereero',ilu tise affaira iCre .Ltiutb arhnîtte tisactie peetoppartuitryj preseets strang tan ptatiaus. W da(Îi conaiderabie aura has beau apeut ii ttg eut and çdespatclsing tiseJipsunese expedi- tion.If tisera le anytbing ta show for tisat, aIl wel suad gaad; if nat,tseme wibi be saute plain speakiug le ise ext ,sa of thets Diet. Moreover, tise spirit ai tise ' apaliese people bas beeu kiudled -,tise ewa-spipersaxae mxill ai beiligareut taik, sud it la a r.uestian wisetber Caout Ito fada a tmong eu'gi t igure public feeling. itLt sacras as îf Japan must do aamethiug; yat Polenius' sr1 n accora ta us: 1 Beware of entran tao a quarrel.' LAND FOR THEASI But It sa Worthilegsiq viere lrri_ an 18 Impossible. In RosasCentral Asia lard ntaý ha sad. for tise aeking, but water is a)lmo ýPrie leas. Thsis immense region wouIlssij elow sud wite with grain sud cotton 1àt evary harveet tinte if tise essentiai oInn f utoisture ware nat iackiog. Tisc-' wortisless wisere irrigation leir Water le tise basis oi transaction esta te, sud we rnay readily ruts oi vital tise water question is .ît tsa tm pea- pie at Boleiars sud Smrkn.Oua ai tise fertile islands lu tise vsst seas oi airsty wsste lands is tise v s lcy ai tise Zaiý River, wiciisriscs among awymo sud, sitar s long western course, i lawed ep je deeart sanda. lu tii icere but tise two a fmons capitale tral Asia, Ssmarkandsud Bolehara. isissu tains swai- vahlay i Cen- IS je s curious iset tisat, ftam many -c,1 cries, tisaS capitalhpasseesing tisegreater p i cal praminence icas hhnssed %iîtis marevrater, sud consequenîly tise gretter prcs erity, thaisslsrival. TisermasS powaiel uj nr lu tisa raglan, icioavar Seisa,,pene 'ta ha, careflily provided tisaS bus favoriS tic sisouid have pleuty ai WaterC, ne11a tem if tisa ciller capital icant tirsy isaias ana exception ta tisis muýýlefriisn er lana made Samarkarld t isaanyca ýitad ai bis cash empIre ha;e a bred iudad enougis toorder tsac eat ters aif eZer- afsban lSe equally dssltdb, a Isae Sicasaes. Lt bas been iecidedt! bae licoise direction ta f ulil of e~eesaitilekbara sud ho giv e alilthç er tise afasisan inand. Rusit a h ýcompl1,ets or le esrig aut iu Asis, soute ai tA' MesS sSuen ý sprojecis ai tise uI: - and amy cmwill ie haesagr,_aSl as prps~ ta dig ta taIre tisa ofa a the Oxus, tise larg etriver ai Cenl- is, ferl acrose tisa norîiseme sanda ta t'fisa, atofa Bceliara. Wisen ibis suýpandone,, 18otl completed tiselaions centraei J same dan laming iii nee r again b1 eded Iý ,ý ta axtrenticesfor isaii iater ie i anîd verdhure taeler ed. ier;/e i is canal bas beau studia, sud te ' nd ta preseurno grcasegierigd w it Jr willh, oiever, haneslytmÇ ndrf mýiles lng sdmisa ici %orleprsf alîy lu- a dese'rz raglan. 1 le ýýindead,'sl un- dcrtaidg, h h îfl h il g tisa tats genis ai tis ca1~.X igig ai tiecnill oniau i j i tý,iiogist tisaS i ,i h)donci are. Fîr -tisagratrpart aI tisi Ble hai t moepwefh pltssa sudi titus fiurisisa a t'epi f ,IýSaut- arleand. Ail ibis iS uaW chao Samar kaufi ias, for yes.rs, a part i\russia' poaseesions, w-bile Bokiar, i, om inaiiy, indepouIdent. MAIang ,lv.ha Russia bas beaudv oig inter of Russian taicus, sud wiciila huIs ,ratjals bava gro-wu rieS draps, Isud tha dgIýrautsI, irora Europe have bond lisaipiu cd good fortune un riscir new hante, 11raSa aimaet perissed ai t!iîrt. Tisi r sans- suve umen af tisa contury bhave pIeu d witsw tise oficiais ai tisaCzar sud vu tS týIsJ us court iteif ta sray tsedec1vdeiie< filtieir drty and giva tisenttise miacaeitis isc t.isy cannai live. Their pedjshv reviaivedi iui'h attention, but rcmedy for tisa avilisa yes te e h povdc'eraiay readiiy uudarstaud Rsi' i a. A whiile ago ana ai tishMnetaa l e 4' c-, erument icas sauttic tlise a Ofiishe Zeraisissu ta consulS uS osi1 inar sud sacs wiat migis tSeduSa ly Bale- hars's grievane.. Eourirln, ieL well-leuowu Frauci traveller, toie prescr, sud tells tise etory, ey ha Engilacer escorted tisa M inietar So hnw Russian sattieman te, ubosepjrose> ,ua con - dition luîeplrad tise distinguîisah Visiter witis peassure sud aduiratia)n. an tise enginier openad a imap sud i as eie peîuted toBaholara sud Itise uevr entente: "Yoo may haIreyourecisoice. t'l hka ra ichat aise demande, if you il i. j r aStisat saete mayen wMilconsîgehotorcoin1- patriote icisa rsre ol ac"Il tlf tisera tiSletisis Éll teygj îd u prosprity' Slaves te mgntt Msny ai tise actusi iiiorjneaibl msy lha juevîtaebi bt tise ui7tvie cause orrselvea isy fomabadinga ai e1 Pis je nos ir- ramadiable. True auin e ugr.eatlYý raduce 15 uf noS banisis ltogssr ai appetitas or passions, yad uresaiin wiliiug siavary ta aur bisgisaatiorIus. ',,Ye tisinl aud hroad aver tisacijWn insr round us sud tisose ictiiîehý1a1Y* posbîihly avertake lus ; icadrsw i eture! 4)',Itroubles ansd perpiexities, miasapas ;d I faxilures, L siipicracs as u in, sud PerFîs le i, g on tisan, We pouder on e aui sgaat 1tisa iroicu af aur parti'cor dli(Ine, isij erie- ive amîle ai a lasisiouahle thoisa~ es maisinîerpretahiou ichsa ii dmay put upan aur actian. Noa, 1t, a, ls eeuaýaid, tisose prospective evils arc nIe 'rIobad asý ice iancy, but aiten dmminisi w fet cemtIt sway upolt neer epproachis-Tlisuse uhicis do camne ta us briug ii theu~lasi co-- age sud uaw strangth, asueimIstaine have anificicut intelligeuce audslato ta subdue Sisosa lntagiuings and tom al ur tisaugis t tsoute otise er -clitan- nea. If tise dreama ai iappineas e-1 ae seldolem folhy reaiized, ucitiser are tise far4iodnga ai woe. Lt is sac ta s'ay tisaStis 'sr mr arrau le tise imagination oain~isfortue tissu in tish iotersud1 'isavision ai ofpain caunectad hýd ii ie dutîFjt'5 h"jjý le ai tan mare vivid sud peupî Iss ise actuel ipai nfnured çuhile e1tt it. ,SO jr is icitis ntoshit rufcmi sleex- iaggarated by anticiPatioD ý snta fpiiiascGpis lu tiis respecýt la tL oudlu tisa aid-tinte apotis-el',)1t Shah L-'\ldneyer bld a certain sable gaîsita tn 4gaad-utor. tow"',until we MeS bmn it le apparan -tly estabhisised lu bath Poisud sud BaIilnt, tisera la this year a compiara absence ai intereest luiita progrese. Tise uew agendais do raot Ira tise troobe ta issue reguhar bulletins ahout the epideantl'si ravages, aud tise neicepapars ouly naw suId tiscu print 15. The mortslity ratio tiss year la sald ta ha double ichat it was laie, year. PRACUICALFARMINGS. ilk Formation. Mua dscssofailats ha2 beau de fotedI tu tise influence ichici tise f o>d givean ta iaircy cows bas avar tise mille. Tisat tise qua iity sud quantity ai tise milir producedl iby a cow l is lrgeiy dapendout upan tise amoont and kinds aif fod given tisere la lîttle doubt, baw uxuci tise praportionate amnanaio butter fat in tise mille la affactcd is stili a utatter ai doubt. A camai ni sualysia ai tisatitie opaque fluîd Bo famihiar tae5us ail, csflad ntilk, shows tisat it darîvas ita wisitcuess sud opacity frointhtie praseuce ai numbarable globules ai vers' minute siza fllaating lu s watery-like fluid or serot. Tisese glDbules compose tise butter fate they ara tise morpisological pcrtion ai tise mille Tise flid lein hicis tise float le composed ai casein, engar oi milli sud varions saits lu solution. Our general cou- clusion rcspecting mille muet ha, aecordiug te minute observations, tisat 1h is a pisysia. agical praduet possessing s mompisolagical clament wicci gives us tisose quliticsand pecuiiarîties wicci reîsdar it se agraeable and essentiai ta civillzed mtan, thiat tise recognition oai titis morpisologicai clamant sud its varions changes ie the kay ta muais tt issedifficuit ta uuderstand lu practical daîryîng; tisaStrougi js study tise dairy- otan eau impreve his prodout hy s jusî 'is- criuiuatiou, and tise breader eu hrad for certain witi tise samne carhainty aifscam- plisltbîg bis desires as tise grazier Sias lu hreeding ta extemnal ierm. liy meane ai a microscopie study ai mille, tise experïened carler osa jedge ai tise boîiter vaiue of a milk, sud can quiclely b.,p--rate Iron a isard tisose caica wiich produca anu nprofitabla utilIr iv tise butter manufacturer. He eau aie eps stae tisose illes wisicis are the least vahuahie ta tise ciseasa, maker froin tisase a hicS are tise meetvaluhiaHae au aiea hall toa acertain acerwbet loode icili uaIre bis milk hast for hua parpase. It icill ha underetoed tiat otiser questunsi isici nty influence ihis decision may ha canaudered apart frîn thtie information derived fronthtie microscope, as tisat ai breede, tise affect ai the prapara- tory int'etisad pursued witlî tise dam, any especiai aîd sudden change ofificod, dîsease, etc. Yet for s siilar brced uuder similar .ircumrstances, tise microscope will give s deffeite assier lu definire terme, sud it Canet ha utisunderstand axcepti sismougis ignorance or a wilful negii- gante ai tisougisr. Wqter is tise pranuct evîdantly ai a transudatuv.epracess, and ae- coraingly tise preseuce etficater bas littie influence on tise total amaount ot butter; yet i eaui change tise perceutage euivaleut oI the, butter clament is tise mille. Tise butter ai tisa mille tan aiao bciuemeasad? bathi as a tisearatioai aud practiesi faut hy tile prese(-uce ai materiali n tise hiaod upen WIlîîci î-sacelle ai tisa mille glands eau ex- ercaîs s eactive or structurai action, sud tises luflnene thisait aicegroetis. Tise oIbtainuuýg Cai ris comïposition ai tîe biood olr tise nitive pra>icasa les iCîedhy tise fodineaýt nat oniy bSe aïiu nture suci s s Wva eaIU dîgsthi , ut tie prsecaecer- taiLnsaiecnttetbs a large aeffect in tion, et., ý lu troiStiseecntiunsare t-ise cise, îflo Ita aulymedia hr ia cruftnce i gai0mrirtrmplac Excessive Fat. ltias înot beau cary "-ong since 15it ie considered net only desîrable, but mast profitable, ta maIre tise iog as fat as posai. hie bafore marketing. Tiinl many casas lad ta tise feading aifisogs far excessive waiglîta, but tisis, iu s messura at lest, bas Seen cisaugd, sud tise careses must coussin a hetrer proportion of lean. Excessive fat, aitiser in a isog, a bnci or a inuitt, 15 a detrimant rather tissu s henefit. A medium auintai, youngý, vigoraus and tisrifty, nmsrketad wisen îatured, ai a medioum weight, ill briug s higiser prica par pouîud tissu a larger, aider or latter suintai. Thie feeding must Se doua iu s way tisat icili accore a vigamaous, tisrifty growvti front tise sart, giviug a ration tisaS cili seurs s goad grawris sud davelopracut ai boansd musce, lecepiug lu sncb a condition tisat only a short fend ou a goodifattnmg ration wlll healal tisat l, e cesry te praperly fit for marlet. la addition to tise Setter price it le possible ta receive for this cless ai anfuslals is tis a t that tisere la a lass tisk oi hase. Au axcessiveiy fat animai af suy kîed is gennralhy se unisealtisy ana. Witih ail classas af stock up ta a certain stage a mapid 2ain eau ha realized. Airter thiDat tise gain is; msci saloicer lu proportion ta tise amaunt ai food suppliad. Lt requmes gaad jeadgmnt on tisa part ai tisa feeder ta datarmîne wisen tis stage bas beau reacised sud wheisa is e st ta seil. Generally witiî hoge au averagze ai 200 pounds iîli give My wire was afflicied for tmo years with a sevec pain onder the v lde r end o ,iq har:afiee esing LT vy rmdies w'i-jt Wîe', she tricd a "D.& LU"' met ï Plvrr tdj r.sww a Od wir.g t this cure hundreda (ofîliese p'Usters have been sold by mw here, ~i~eeIsîecin J Là(er, i z;eywIer. Theudeind desireto thauk the tarrners of Weýst D uan for the -lberal patronage extended to us durinc the pasýt asn astereînind thetu that we are stillini1 the market andu prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARRET PRICE.E deiivered at our storehouse cor. King, and Geore streets3s., or at F'or Darlington. We have aise on hand a large stock, 'T'Y AN of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt ini Ba, Ro ,i< Salt rI r Cab and herses, and Fresh Ground Grey Piastar in BarreL which we are prepareci ta seà cii~oe OAS~I Ail kinds of Lumber, XVoed'and DRY CLE&N SCREENEI) COAXI a:ways ini stock. \Ve invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. eBt~ n el 1whu i pe t Sl11ppe 1- tRub b er s, Tr un ks, V al s es, &c-r,, A Ou r , ý BEAVE RBL0CK,ý Bown3-p,-avilie BI G GE ST, STOE BIG&EST VARI7ýtE'TY BIGGEST VALUE. Everybody iirt,îted to c3al udSez Our uiew lv w TEE SHO NOTIIER TIEflCIN9 ON EA T , B ot'tle )aorbue. Choiera Infanitum and aIli Bowei ol ?na For Antl-Vaecination Cranks. Jenuer leamuad tisaStisera e s aright sud a wrong wey li isîci ta insert tise virus- inu short, tisse the apematian isas nice axer dise of medicai art. Ha dlecovercd tisai certain cuptice diseseas accurriug ah tise sasme tinte maIre tise hast virus inaperative, sud ha ascertaiuad that tisera are îuany air- cornttauce Shah rapidhy destray tise vitaiity ai tise virise sanoSe proparhy carcd for. Ha lait tise fruits ai aIl tiseaohservations crabodied lu a set oai mica of pracedurea ta neerby s century ai caperienceansd meiical advance bas not improved uon. ')fi course, ha cculd noS foresce tisa icnderful evobutian in tise maîhode ai tise production af tise virus Shah uow polis sncb s largec-.ud sale snppiy juta tise banda ai tise practitioner. .Wa, wiso trenuiliy anjay tise fruits ai thse great deliveraucu' frointhtieisorrible sud unuiersai phague aofentahîpox, sac sud Iruow se litthiaoai 5asetoSta hcabeata fart suy juet conception ai tisa maustrous proportions ai tise scaurga wben uncisecked. Tise average deatis rate fron t Srougisoet Eeglend wusse uditht ilfappliad ta tise present population it would giva 70,000 par annm;nt;luLandau alane before 18014 tise annuel deatis wicre 2,018 lu e population o! 1,000.000; lu 1890, lu a population ofI 4,000,K<0, tisera was joat ana deéatis from. smalipox. Iu tise year 1860 tisera icas noS a deatis Irot it lu Maacbusette. The Stoop Explalned. Wfiikers -" iVis7y do bicycliste ride iir thiser nase a o ce-ta tisa groîîid ?" Jinkers-1*L,: ring for taclea." MARRIED A CENTURY. A Couple la inirary ClabraeT1e dredîis tVeddinc Anssivarsa Wa have al isheard of titiwdd celebrated sitar ren years aiutrri oefa crystal wcddingsafaIer fiteeni years; ai chiina waddiugs, airer tweury;o£ai suer, a tre r tweuty-fivc; ai gald sitar ity, sud ai dlamonaustar savety-flva, or, as a folle cebrate it, airer sixry years, tise sesie ai ceebration dae nob seau axtaud auy farrisar, sud onea ilders w preelaus Siing woutid he selectad ta ire nainte hoaewPdding recently eelehr in Hungary-sba 100th anuiverssry ci marriage ai Jean Szatbutsry sud hie This appears ta ha s cireunutecwis la ertirely impossible. But the mar-ris,Z ai tiis aged pair je duly sud officiaIl recarded ase haviug taleen place ln May, 1794, et wîicistinta, aucordiug St isa reco)d tisey ware aifutarriageahl ia e. As3ý Hungary aStishat tima a bridegroora utua have rescised tise aeaoa 20 sud tisebrSd Shah ai 15,tise pair musnowha ah loet 1I asnd 115 yeams aid respectively. Tise iCOîS ennicersary wae celeb aew tise toicu of Zaomholyi, le tisae teun ef Banat, wiciis as, for a long tinte, silawýed' tise venerabia couplesa pension lu recognitîlon ai thair greass eansd fideiiky tlaecis ofiser. Evan tise ohdest residauts ai Zeaorabolyl have no atiser rcoieti i ean Sety mary sud hieuic tissu as oid peaple. NoS ana relation aicf br urvives. jTtair century ai wedds11ýIf e i ýue]&su officially ateeted ual ua F.itbe sukd Rungarisuaibil sueîd re anni. versary celabratio suaîd gve utisant mis-ny preacute. NLIMT SOA enormous sale thati iS Thebhest.,value for the Consumer of any soap in' the market. 4 Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have proved its value. Lt brings thema less labor, greater comfort. e 1 . 1 1 1 :11