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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1894, p. 4

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_______I ~ flQ11 .4 WA The Josep h Hall Manufactuing Co, se l'h e M~asson IM anfacturing Co., ' 'Thab greýeattimih avaraeO hue KN1VES 9&ND SECTIONS I"OR AIiLKINDS 0F MO WEffS, TRJTIEER -ý L-, lanrtolea nrebrd s u T'RR1T a 0F ALiL KINDS. hr'IINCIN¶'S AND THRESHERS îREP.tAîz IRE. weaahaehein iado.ed, and izi orderba * ~lie cota' fertahlý y arf look wellcras WOON & Go, ecooirriulbrraied William St. Oulawa.. The ta-riï.g aid'hrtfty littl2ewfO1li the, uteA rtdDyes; cea ve a dollare eaahyer Many artices ra wcering pparl, sch as dresses, boss 'eria, a&ke, &àwlîs ceaIe r'silî Eaar o o S AIR I wer cored a-rf aoere -cold pan&te;, latbecome fsdd'0 ds MINARD'S L MlÇ[KENT1' ea ,cnh r aat oka od r xtord, N. S. . F. ie L iteK ryed i tht celebrateet Diasarm - .'5 ld~Iin~ ryre' r cr-. r l 10 ht's t ý x a b.a iinb v t 'tr poss, ny]ileV' o5 aneian"V' 1 the fotic o Stat to ng4àa ben eis bo be orereu a t i.ffe heion theaPeble hge in.i& f ur il hr thitiets n alfpof 1894 arc- and ie.~ver ossible f$16a.25 FounWardthae n3ý otieur tae to6.14 cThe . irkpast bc sent 2.5 Flh ranstighte ubic ehoo42. ï ia-l a in frte, fine a o!14.65e FrMank 2udds, HBoni4e$6.00 ÈdtUtttspr, Tanto 2.90> 14 Mrtond Mriggn " 1820.5 15 Chard akey, Cort. e 25.15 !ý;P. P. Yonld.Bwmaenvi4e5.80 17 Tho.irkArek4 1.30 7 larb Se Fndersn. urkna 1.25 "( FraklW rown. Cortie 42.10 ý'.diHYldin, I Bcowmn 30 2.0 Ui ionie,2ilane, Trone 14.65 U rnîen Groatv, NewmPark, 46.00 .,Maii BaeCarke08 r2 Eith 1i.ig,1iTat e 2109 1: chnarkTyoe 122 60 14 MoroSimpgs, OEnlo 00 'i1it C has ardDy,e> ' le 21 17Kia WatrileSarv" e14430 IZ5 Etta Canbl, Tron 14.2 Vio.LetOsorne, " 1h Marg aet tKenaSlna 42.20 4 J H. obe ladon iry 30.80 22JJio, Tonk e Orono 8.6 tUic n -2- Manvers, New Park, 8.75 D lr algt,awsie 12.5 ; OscarConl$540.ar0 1May Beiînatts, Bur-karOn $15.40 2Iseiah Barclay, Btackîtock 61.40 GiW- reona, Cadmus 19 a Berthe Canpbll,Purplt1Hill, 13'. 10 5 Floe-nce Kanner, Cedovus 3020 C n- Argoe, Cadmnus 19.6(j 'j Henry Hyland, Ceesarea 34.95 S Ean-me Parr, Blackateck 31,80 9 Ia 'nfrrNastatial n 19.65 Mia aLinîeot blo bu a er litAI er1 1 wsou red of! ;& terrible spr. ia hy MIN ARD'S LIN91MMLT. Yarmnouth N. -S. Y. LC I was cured 'ef beA- erysipteÀas by luglesJ. W. R J. W PHIOTOS I PHOTOS Pleople are rxiaw alhre r t«ir rftae.thotr Tnâit d& Ca. cr akaas gooril V .r'.yo 1 'ortraits rfor ii1, -inliÏut 1,3.t' f ramed, m ayoe eacenofirt'a. 1 lon'î le îin.peae3. or, by aenswho vent th~e tines ermc nroex' fr the -1ae enit'y of pituebut 'ah ,r'tdaSet a t's e t -,3 ir smai s "fi ac gie rour rder..ed eýcnw. - 1en ': ue vayPreTyERBow o-es no. -.- ThIe cse of ichrd arison nGaur. i ûe columrns laet Week, was a mure srr a oeathan appear«d et tiret aiglit Ile vas 'afllîcted for soe yearis wi'beekache, the direct rosallt of kidney diaaese., leI damp weather especially hie <uSer im jwere intense, and frequert..ý- -eaned bis doîng any avork. To :any ctiv'e, enerLyetia nMan, catch an Êafflictain r5ea n-c grirrvousa ad ha tried mnoy ±eg- remedies without remaedies. ', C.ToiIrV lite wrll knwn drrcggisb here,rc"eo'n.en ýnLat Dnd l's KidneyKiNlos, whic;h Mi-; lasr'isa kedand i. nriw thoroughly Hoad B r trily regrets that ha did flot ose Ddd'a I,- -Iduey Pilla brefore, for haow'.trat -~i lie d liewould l.iv',been vcll .'en ýANTC WIH "OUII .& I tehing, Weald Scratch nt .iGood Ban Down Mis Limbe. --i'cee t-Take te is Bird. Whoie tS '.tean ~fIcted. Doctor aftar Doctor- erWtýh- * aÀt Cure. Instant Relief, Sraoe417 S 5r by Uslng Cutleura Remedit0. rf'aferings inigit lheaie eestopped 21 jdenknown of yoUr CarîUaa RVnMy.jý-ý t-,a .years ago. I contracted tht leve1 ail g, -e ta it effected mny kidneys so barlly lie Il L'e an operation, f rom which resut-ted I 1>p anand I fered untoldanls t kre ei- l a ut ili large hlood boiut, ard 'e. mn al~ay, ltchiïng irritation, s'.>t1hat a ttià1 'al most fiantic, andi 'would isen".-ýï nnStil i W--owould tririXie dowto my kg, In th li , 3rtn-'iee large bolls would coirrrence, 1ii.ring ylu-. inte 1 wouid have threeor tour w hi.hw ,It-.piLVtuithataet tlines Iwai forCt to take te î,.ted. Every 'tinter a dry itchrn; saay n Is rldgather on imy leg, lbih iwta tht boils, ~dte cifect dm e-haie sy-t'u. J3oring al .~tieaperiod of Chree te i'ai, manths, 1 iad u- torafter dector, but thetygi- me only temrnrraa relief. Tis lait fail i c - rnenieed nsing , çyeo r CuîuA, CurrîC171a and CrTG ~'atLVENT, and r.Oîr y M, ' havea allgene, Ot itohing 51go't-, ia'r t) feit sick,ganti lînve'rirkel! w einter. i wtrÈL net snffer aganitntL for the paît eightaceri yearâ for arytbing, j hleddoatora fronàtheii irait ta tht east, u)i 4eno purpase. 1 hafe fnot ft eos welltor been arr long wititout a sick apell lince taking yonr ende.Tbanks t r the= i =endta Yen, and tL(e nrAt akar cf nia c& lsmy ty rni1Yh0 1ÏXi 'Warren. ,W,-ahiuigtan COunty, vî. CUTICURA WORKSWieoNDERS externel andi internai m-eriitgaonef ev-ety rup. tien,, iraponity and i isease, andi con8tituto tror -mail elhictlve trîatmnent el antierutimed, *Solni tbreurboot tue world, Priee, CUTIrrnor. 7lC-;.1Pau 3k.; RirLETiOOrTEIt »ra' &ŽND Cutna. Coup., i8oie ]roprietors, Bui.aa. kcy-r Il"flow te Cure Sitin Diseasegi," aaallei fre. PMPLES, blackheadm, red, rangS', thappertdat ttdlacli, narr-cus ïantidinuaclr pta anti weaknesses ralleveti li e minute1 ue ac ly»inluin" ls~r frm lie, <ik fhome -ayîie, seaeî-at "de OW r Diamond D'yeas rîtty I reeenrt ru r]r.toei ard hast ~k±f cr, nB ied wibLý perfect sencesand st i À- A~ r~~ .eeifor the Dîaîn(ur&r.-..nd p err, y<t die n. - roa fe. Ac 22 î~ D.Rl u~. O _ur.'- Ir.,eredre ra b'tlr te rw 1 7gN ALLCOJ3.T Mi DONCASTERoferth rernain fer qlier stock belowrcst iSturaw ilata at 25e. each. Good Laces anti -alLI other Summwer Goo)ds Wii e jd beloweost to mý rer ~Falit (oods. .Jaut zryeixivd, a new supply f iSai½rs aad Farmers Daughter(ý, lwbWArl2a, - ino:vr raking the ed eah ai1 al -se e. N-.trotWiý1e hta hoaw go os ý'~a-'. ts repelLpd in ail the (î?r akeii fIx the Robinson or~e -i7ù,hnover fàis t i,, (.ve Mrs. Doncaster, tONTARIO BANK an'r2lo d a Genor4jl Banidrg Bu,îi--t DEPOSITS rea>onlmSavlngs lBank DspartmentR3a0> on sail and latstrest allowed atourrent rafes1. No VM7b!£)4ademaird, P iTmbtsti aolsed and Drafts issued upon ErrQpo Uigled 1reenbacksbouicht and eoied. COLLEC~TIONS 'remptlymrade at, curreut rates upon i1part C i Great llrittain, the United Statezarac îLý Domtzionrofnlaerda M1ada ý or large or s mý11 cma ýýon ailprto ICanada.'Tihis is cpacila tgr>e peuliving iiia Maniioba th le Nri < pitgakaîggtho fuadi valallet oc itt. t paceofpayiat. UJ 4rtr tc'. r at ~Ov a - -- - L~ 'un oer J OS. Hall iMe-Inne Works church&d Are - _____ a daliviltfol e 'enin1g wes spen-C,. u ____ ____ rr. Dyt ara declared moal! er'b1u _____ ______Deo nt suffer from Fsick uoe Mmnt-le langer. Il ia asly CrrsLit'le Liver 1 a iî -0 yu -,Dose, one (5 ep31 'r~~'p'c. mî !'. ose. Sm81t pil. Mre. JohnJmewj nadduhbr MiesMinute ronj e ieg R James, 3 te1 Ic r s-,tse M'~. h.21 llyer. A le n nb~tof-our hast citiaDs -iwill go onu.the .P,,. Oý. '.W. acoinyta ' 'Gairan QOity toNiaeîra'Fails-ts aT h u ra ~ ~*~ e~,r.. E. IL is hoereion iriiipeg, forthe ~eiiin ntee nports cor- -MANUFACTMfbri YIE- .cerning. tht ýreps ln M'aniitoba ara rath',e:r f c roiy srdwillt ho found tubc aer îIMP 1RO1 E1>'aD CHAMPION MOW ERs !,d rt It is bult aI-ut entirely o! Steel and »Mabla Irira, 33 incht Drite Wh'r,"esa, 1nunstlpritia, eu ho cuird i'n laisbia Wide Steel Frame',Steel Axlas, Solid Steeit4Guaials, tbli4ý- and 5 feet Mt. 'e"- fwibh larmedicina, a fd Orý38sionel b BEST AND STRONGEST MOWER JIN T'lE MWL'KET. We are c7fr c, e usinrf,*!re.r's 1eile' Lver1?ilsa, than by Tai-y close prices te meet the comapetition nt . market of lighter *,nd caie fayo~ eta AIL REPI!IRS KEPT IN STOO!K'IF{)R MACHINES MAM Y TE AD1MS S he~ ouh Not Be Pii~n folos.rringlist will give sorne idea ýof tbese hran ut ihe~ -JHE Sli.0FORIIEATH. F-Dund tiù in Paine's Câlery -Compound. ThereI îs--io virtue in Patiene w >paiii and'dim-,ase torment the body, Ib 'j a Icrime again8t Heaven and our felIGo ' mortaîïs lt allow diaease to gain the mïastory wik3n help and cure ài at ou v'ery doora. A KiuL-eou, Ont. lady, the mother bi a large family, suffered for inany years frornkioe troubles sud neuralgia., Modical sid anid nnmbe-leis aredicinar, failed toeiremove ber troubles. She tbe- came viM,- impatient with medical efforts; she chaf ad and fretted because her littie ones couki not receive the attention fron ber that they needed. 1,The saalfering wif e and mother prEwid- enutially ùlid placed i her hands a record of curtz and wonderful restoratioes to health effected by Paine's Celery Com- pound- That very day %he procured 4wo bottle£ ý the marvellous medoicine, and in blire- weeks time sJ'e felt that she had at last fouud bte way to bealbli. After ueing aeveu bottles ahe was miade iale and strang; every trace of disease ihad beau niied, and to use lier own words "shefaIf-1t as if a new life had been given b ler Paint's Celery Compoutid can awd wil do th 3; aime good work far al 'who esaCr. lb is a conquetor of diecaae weee-used. K!JCTION SALE RE1AL E S TÂT1E 0 DARINGON et "'t th oti f <lie laie j. D. Tr-tIti-an thare wlibtne'fera i fr salebty Publie Alicîlon et, Wrnnet's fotei, la tht TOWN OF BOWt'-AN- V \ILLE. on THURSUY,- îAUCUST 301H, iM4 e t tht heur ot 2 'clock ta tht afternrGoa thai valoabie proptrty consîstîug of Lot No- -P un tht 4tit Cotto esaton cf the Township ot Darling- ton. Tht tariiuconlaias about 200 acrs %IIcitared, arable lad, excapt about là acres whichit l sati ta ha weli tlmbereti 'nit beecti aple, hele-ockdeavluarie cetir. T'htsouis said te bc a griotd ay can- ant inl a faI r state et cultivation. The prorîn la as ituatati on tht Ramnra roiad. distant 3 iles tram Bewrnanllewthvera an mxelotnarket Fn ait aya lad for prodoce anti ont mlle fron- Hampton, whera are Poil Office, Char-ch anti Scitool. Tht fer-m te said te be weli efenceti anti le aroed tiy a nanar- failing sara-of îpning waier ; thora are aIBe gooti talls of bard wter. On tht preîperty are erecteti tht folloth*ie fana eohita n-aiahl torey trame lieuse 2ix13 fi; frame baem anti stable 70xît fi. 2xû fi. andtOq-x25 t f.. vith aioe stable onder; in-piemnit liouse 30x2D fi. r trame. Thoea ien excellant orcheruloa!about i£ acres, teli itocked tith choice valaties 0f fruit trots uin good btantng. Tht sala wil: ha inbject ta a r-tienne bld. Tzume Arcu CON DTIONe OF- SàLE:--Ontetntli town et te tiay cf sait andi balance withun 1W tiaes. Arrangement may bc n-ade te leana two-thlrda o! tka purclisse money on mor-Igage tiearlng 6 par cent. interest. For futher particulars application may tic madtte uthe undersigatti Auctiontar-. la W. F. ALLEN, Eîq,,et Bowanniller.Administraîor or lu the untitraigneti Solicitor. Datti the t 1h d tin!Angust, 1891. LE VI A.- W. TOLe, D. BURKCE SIMPS ON, .&nttoneer, itlicitor for 1BOWMar.u-lkle. W. F. ALLEN, ES(I, 23-3W Atiminitraor. MOR MT GAGE S ALE 0F VALJABLE FARF/1 PROPERTY. lieanuanl ltelte power ut Sale cutetn-?d in a cerptain mur-zange, thich it tit tvaproduceti et tht tirna c f sala, thars wiiS ha tifrredto aer i hy P'lîlc A vtion., at te lî«tel it tht Village cf WBU'WKTON, a n SAîZi?ýDAYeS EPTE MBER ISI, 1894 et 3 o,'cck in te efiernoon. tir THOMAS jS W-%AjX Jr.. Auctionteer, tht friuowing vain. able freeltolti preperîs', nlz. Lot nunben eiglteen.ia tht Finit Concession of tht Township ot Cartwright la tht County of Durliaza, containn 200 acres mrc-torlais. On ibis lotant frame tirvlling liause anti ont- buildingt.. About til6 acres -are cer-ad ant Inla efair itata o! cull n ation. Thtre are about 30 aunes of n-iettmer ard 10 acres of alan-p land, Tht tances ara cf rafls and tiaun-psant i l gced conditioný Thare la a siail or-char-t. l'ais prerti- hsi*uatdabout 3 nlias front But1~eon a tatonon tht .P.U. ant iBisloale- eà aa ~aia part of the country, withm guet roatis leading luinar-y direction. TERNIS 5 -A cash deposît of 10 par cent. of the purciaitmonts' muesIbc paiti ai thetlime of sale, et 'ehich lin-s fller information Wt1ti hagir-an as ta ttthete tonthe paentthîe balance anti as to possession oi thtc preperti-. Tht proparly tili lie oall'ered aoijet te e rocer-net but. lFunthar particularg anti aunditieni wili ha n-aado loeowu a e trasi-to! sale or cena baatati in tht,ý meantima on application tu ItODOjii & FORSTERu. of 70 Victoria 9t.,* Torounto, 'Solicitor for te Vantiors. Daledtthli1t day o!Augnat. 1891. 33-3w 'Mlvard's Liniment cure$ LaGrippa. A special line, a&H wool, double width- serges in several shiades only 25c. a Yard.. Regular 40c. ail wool delaines for 25e. ,PC-in- ants of' Dress Goode ixi ail colora and qualities at about haif the ela price. (3ouu N~We lbave semanants ail lengths nd qu(1Lalitn llj es seliing as low as .3c. a yard. p ~A 'J 1s- i We have about 60 parasols whichel «t, be sold this season and to make th ci igo)'quiick.. IV we have eut, the prites vcry low. ouwl1 be surprised to itee hIow good a parasol yo-u eaU. glet for 35c., and the very best for theie of' an oidinary 0one. SHAF E'R FLA.NNELS, 5) cents ta xard. ST1RA ". HATS, 5 cents ecd. COTTO.N 110E, 10 cents a pair. We tare bound to mnake th- if low ýprices witl do it. c bargaim, now being offered. JJ. Dry Goodi NEW 77SEOEMAKER. lHaviDg rented ]thIO shoh0 Ïop f orme'rly eccupird by 'he labo Mr. Bunner, I bau te announce tKat 1 amn prepered ta de ail kinda of ordcc',ad work irt makin adre pairing boots.,3end ahoes in itht ba io style. A go i gueranteed. Fine re- pairing a specielby. olicibed, A. KEINEDY. Bowmanville, -Fab, .3th 1894. Se lte Kid ObÀcves for 50ar a pair aI CoricliJohnston & -Crydorman'a. Briu'NDr.Ti a-Dustan d& Iloar are Laking ordera for Binder Twine--Red Cap (,, 7 cents; Blue Tibhon @ 8 cents. Leeve yonr ordler mew ai% an]y a jiirited quantiby cea be -sold et this price, ,\eadas' Block, IBowmaîîville. The public wlio hava attonded our ram- nant sale othex pav n will re the firudr to 3is sale a tremeiidiow4 success jal and secure soine of the aId ASON, ii Je àwIer flos, owman7,ville, Ont, To Femons wnav haver ci ,&ltu 0%. chancre. I beg bu ùinfOrm th'a- natit I 1v edded ta My alr-eady La{ . s-tock epoclat tinta 'Of catton, eshirbings, flannette, coitolicaai, we'c..which 1 wile«Change for tool. Higlietphrice paid lu ash foi all grades cf ýwocl ut te 1Halt~ Wer iai le . 1 1 1-3m. J). T,&YLOkC MORTGAGE SALE. O0F- VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 1 -ND A R LINGCtON, repedtoor noocaatX-s ese Uner anti b- vittue of a certain mo-ýrtgeze respnd t ou atiounemen ths sosonwhitt wlli ha reduceti et thetlim a &fae, on aaoounb o! the sat1iilacbioit they have there iv ili be cfferad ion sale by PublicÂuotîon bad previousily. This yeer we purpese taobY Samuel Burden. Auctimneer, et Moyse'l giv yo boterbgrain thn the V illage of Tyrone , in te TWP. gi-eyoubottr brgais tan eer. Ste tof Darlinglon, on Or advt. Jna. .Mesan. WEDNESDAY, 15TH, AUC, 189&~ DE-'.a. SXRs-1 have been tîingBardock: et the heur of 2 O'clock lu tht alterynon, L40 Bibteig for Boils and ekin diseases, and 1 foltewlng Iroperty. viz: flnd it vary good as a cure. As a dyspepsie The South 80 acres of La)t 6, i l tht th Cdti. cure 1 baye aise feuaid it unequalled. cession cf the Township cf Denitaglon axýcepir about j acre conveyed theneout tor gçllgol Lira. Sarah Hamilton, Montreal, Que. purpoîta. Tar, STATEsMÀN -xoleia lias long been' This fanm is saidta t be a gooti day loam fl Fa noted for the excellent sale hbil printed gocti state Of cultivt-abon, suppliedtil h ood ta have weiis of weter and well lancati. Tht9 whola ot and this seeson wo are sure ola- a tht lanti la arable except about là acres whlch large non-bar ns usuel. Xe givea efret' lastiiUR broken. partiy covereti wi, btiraber notie o th sal fo an or wo eak luandi crosîsti by a nanan Iailing Stream ot apriing notie o thesal fo oneor wo, eek inwator and fera excellent pasture In([, Trîn STATES-MAN when thte bila.are print, On tht promises are erected a 1 'stonarey taM eti by ns. Our prîces are always rîght. bonse 40x30 ft. anti a freme bai2,n. ý5x if t, Witl Ast Iis pper circulates largely emeng atone stable under. thte fartiera of Darlington, Clarke and There la about ý acre of oruhbard setd ta con- tain about 60) avp e trees,j of whichare matuira Cartwright, as waii as East and West tre in gooti bearing andi 4 yoang trots jmat Wtîitby azîd Pickering, a notice in Tii tittginnitig te heer, also e woll aiocketi garden STATZqAN % O tonWorh qUtO s luch f amati fruits. STÂTSMÂ' h cian orthquit as uch Tht proparty la ituateti 6 miles frein the as e liundred posters. Give orde-ra tO village of Bunketen on the Canadien Paurcitlo liave yojr hbis printed loy M. A. James, Railway and 10 miles from thetobwn cor w- STATESMAN O iCeinanvilit anti is reatiuiy accessible toe&ecrh by r gocd well travellati readsranti bath pointa oi'ar gooti market for protiea Tyrans pest office anti village ta 21 miles distant aud charcie anti achools are convenient. Cred tors' Noice. Possession for plawlng may be gntn iafter reu Lors Notice barens titis yesranticen-plote pseso on the lat day of Mer-ch. 185. i Me mtfdtt<3 of tMe Estate of GItrl6 i The sale ivili heousbjoot ta e roser-vo bL- Tort, lie of thre Twn of Boit'nvuille, T-ERms AND CONDfITIONS OF SALit-Ont tentS tiown et date of sala, balance la tlirty in thre Cortrf, nf Dur'hain, Baker-, tiys or two thirds of the prraase monsy uM" Decetaed. romain lapon rnortzaga bearlng 6 par cent ,Ia. terat.For furtiter ternis anti conditions 'cf t'urinant ta Seation 86r cf Chapter 110 Reviseti sais apply te tho erladnosSeifg Staule8 cf Ontario 18;,and amentimenta r auincr thereto, notice e it enetiy gir/an that ail ceedit- A toer ors antiailhtrs laisTng claims ageinst tht est.- Deteti tht lîrd day of Juiy, 8. tt of Cherles Tati, latof the saiti town of SAMUEL BURDENV,D.hIRESM ON Bowmenville, Baker, deceaseti, whe tutti on I .uaionttr. V'endon' Solicitort or about tht ixth day of Jniy, A. D. 1891, ?0 4w Bowraenvilie, Bowmeuj'ille,' are heroby required teatieliver or s;enti li of flowman-Ille, Division St., tht executrix of the Leat Wilii'anti Testament of naiti de. ceaseti on or bfoeSatvrday, thet îant -.fiîîh N ot D au.d ay o A-g-+ AàA, " Qhf satmat t iti naines anti addtressesanant nfull stalemeat cf ltin fclamia an te utsecurittea tif anyl itelti by titan. Notice la9lcreby furthar gir-en that atter the saîd twenty -itiit day ofAognstA. D. 189, the saiti aicecutrix titi procoeet te distribute thtesfsets of the sait asate emcng te parties entlbleti thereto ha-vin regard ouyte tht claires of wuhich aha oal thtn have recaiveti notice. Anti tht saiti erecuatrix will n et by liable for saiti essais or &Dy part thereof te any persan Craprsoni of whose cdaim- or cdaims notice shah net have titan recelveti ty lier et thte tinte of iuoh ditibution. listeti at tiowmenville Juli- 17th, 1891. J. M ,GALBRAITHI, 29-4w Soliciter for selti Executrîx, Minardsa Liniment for rZheumatisîtt, But Alive to the fact that (hiu]i want the BestPéssjbIeVAiUjý for their mioney these 1 bard times, and the place to get it in the wayv of phioto'grap4s is at> CARLESS' GLEY Satisfaction Guaranteed. J DaaWe, Ritz, 'Pe,Ietor and Puhltîeher cef thie tjf{smbirgý ýnt., Indaendaîi says: ýTrodnbl-es, 4I tet k a fe %vhobbies ok$Siioh'a Vitlizr sd 'b rredme.'I canlhaertiiy 1Pethick ILc Barber van m'aura, you look i-,iCd feeý lko a e e new man by operatiug ou yon wità scisso(r8 and ra'z,7or for e few minutes. G ins i-a trial. 25 GIiNTS V. ~IDTflXlIiiouBE.-For 2 yea&t wasi doîed, pill'ed and plastered or -iaak-back, scalding urine and con- ~tptawithout benëfit, One box of Chrazsi3's Kidu«y-LivWr'l.ils recievad, 3 onured. ýR. J. Si&llh, Toronto. 1 Steeraqge paesengers whro buy their 1-ea tickets f rom M. A. James, et the f eading etatimslip egency, Bowmaurrille, bull aaurplied with use o! bedding and eaing utensils frea, Shiloefh Cure is bâ~d ou a guarentas. rit curas lncipieut Conumption. lb le the hast Cdugh Otite. Only one cent a doee; 2r s.,50 ebs. and $1.00 per bottie. So]d b7 Stott & Jury. Acetoring to oju-r custom aet this season of the yeaî; wmre la ' 0 laid riat anmd narked ut ,-ery low prices al the remnnants, short lengths andl oçdds ý-ad ends of, ,vcrything in the store. On account of the very l&rge ýtrade done tl-is Spring;we have more than the usual, quantity of ie-nnrnts on hand, consequently our present sale will be the largcsý 1anid r nost iintere stng we have ever held., Weslso intrcnd to clear ont rsome good-s still on hand thiat were m se* ntthe tirme of the fire. $Some special lines bought at about balf priüe will be offered at re-' tIqmxkaâbly Iow prices. 81; SS '11-0ous

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