GRAT EFUL-CO-NFORTIiNG. ABUîB U E Delicions Ways or Preparing Fruits. BREAKFASP-SUPPER. Ir s nfot generally known that fruit, ByËhro ûewýed2e or thenis r according te its nature, demande a difierent iaws whihl go%, rn thEperrtions ofgest n preparation. Applee and pears ought tobe ard nutrition. and by ticereful application )E bath washed aud rinsed after being peeied; fise fine prapertieq&o ý1-seeected Cocoa. MsIr El ppsas provd ed ourreakfa-st tables with % plums of ail kinds well rubbed smngly with îelicateli' iiavored bevrai'e whieh may sasTe asiani' hpavy doctes', bills. Tt je by the a clean cloth, whiist smaller fruits, snob as ?uiiu ueof Fuclisrticle.s afdiet that a oslerecianet.aestw n constitution may be grdually buit op intilgoeerecranetae ren n ,ptrong enciigh to resit every tendAnci' s a eloth spread on a fiat surface, and lghtly Ifisease. H1undreds ( subtie maladies are riibbed wjth aseend loth. Alfruit that loating around us ~rea'v in attack whercvr tisere !sa weak point. XVe mas' escpe macs' requires it oughîta be stoned. Nothïng F. fatal shist byir eepinçotirsslves weil fortifie I -ith pur-~ blood a.'da oreucris nourished isj more objectionable than ta work through 'Made siip]V witl boiinz water or mine a belping of unstoned cherry pie, for ini- sod only insiskets. býGro'crs labnlled thue11 stance. The fruit-stoner le quite accessible JAUNES >IrPS «U ca IIaoecPoatlkîIC Clil aeeyeead ~ îsts. Lonsdon. i fesIgu, t I n, advery lit etrouble.A strong, large, new pin is a good subatitute for the above machine. Dried fruit requires thorougb washing and drying. It muet then be soaked over WEDNESDAY, AUG. 29, 1894 night and hoiled in the water in wbich. it - bas lain. This impraves tbe fiavor, main- D t. . C.IITIIELl, tains the solring and shertens the ie requredforsteing Al frsliand juicy EMPE 0FCOLRifE 0 PTYCTTNf ruits, the varions berrnes, plumns, etc., turn . ndS'rilon £,, Coroner, etc. ont~ muchb etter if the brttom .f the pre- tifisandIlelasncEnnskilen J serting kettle is maoistened witb water, ta D YU pPlN prevent catcbing. When the caver is put '5' IRSTY-t1, 0LOITO3TZ, VMCPRTS aon, the 8rewing must proceed rapîdly, the 1$ P ocg. petira nqýS îas îwss ntral juice produciug more than enocgh fille. Policitor r ha)ntari Banle moistune. Dried fruit., however, muet be 5lit'Ilan'V o',at i, iv. o 4e..s well covened with water, and boiled siowly ROI,. ~~ until tender. Do flot pick the fruit wth a fork: as thesaliglitest mark shows when thse (~FFICE IN THfl WEST DURHAM~ fruit je served. A fiat sîtrainer, or a wooden 0J News Block, ehre limself or assistant ladia with thin, smootb edges, are the best v s]lte fenifren a.n. ta 9 ri..Nîghîcaillefrtrnfî-igfui ath1as Ril îniidence.d ire et lY oposite Dil Shed,. (ails implementsfo rnerigrutothjas - lel'i.îspýh or telephine wilI receive tirornsit Altier thîs has been doue the juice aiways ZA e nt5i 171.yr needs "boiliug down" ta reduce it ta the 4 ~ ~ -desired qcantity andi ta thicken it, and it must net ha poured ail over the fruit. This A RCHITECT. Plans and Specîtica- heing piled up can be stightly moistened I.t ions preparsd foîevery class of building. with the syrup, whilst the bslk shoulfi ha ttcial attentioan gver ta heating hi' team pourefi around the sides of the jar or dish et u bot water. andi toan'-iitars' arrangements. 1fie: Gorlie lBlock, Vhitby 41 -ls containing the fruit. Wben the fruit is ta bi sesrvcd at once, the Juiee muet not bie R PEA TE r" l addsd until it is tisue ta send it up ta table, . 1:1 I ai otherwise the fruit hecomes sodden and Gentlemen's Cloties Made to Order. loses the lfesh look n'hieh oughuta obce of its characteristice. ~ t~ The carryieg ont of the above direcbiont J ~Ii.D11iUXXAi~1D will turu ont a dainty and excellent dish J MI.131-R 111A C 3, 3 E iustead of d'e unigbtly and neipalatable 1) NTJT ~"mash' eo ofteu served îîîder 'the namre of Mes etwed fiit sd preserves. OFFICE :-Rear of iesrs,! HIligginhotliam L Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE Gents' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed. Pxes8ed and Repaired bi' THOS. pEflA T, Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, ods wrranted ta be as no anes wil kuew, tbemi irom new when duae. Crner irng and On Larijo S 3 Bowinanvîile C. HARNDEN\, L. 1). S. Gn. duare aftie Roy-al ('oltege or eii Surgeon,,, Ociuario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS3 OFFICE. VITAL[ZICD AIR._ Ne-wTailor 0Shbop The uudersiened whe bts been carrs'ing on 'bis talî'sug business lu corrtection s4ssitis 1 s sDry Gocs eStorensfort a snerot s'oa-s -s" coens-ed hrsinuessfor htrnclf au Iiss retlidence, King fis iscat.vviseslih is prepseisl1 o suake gants' anO bosys' entra tenail thie lai-st ttyle, and au lowest pris-es, For - lssscWho i-h tsoradsn cuits, biswill carry a fuituineoiii usssîs iial thtie nec't-5ti part3S C. ' s- it- J.T. A L N Fasimalels Iailor Asociation~ IssesC ypinee Blankpat' Psicï 50 fanssorsî UATEn :-"-- est Clasa (65 cents pier $01 2eId " 90 - ' 1051 Term, 1 y-ara rnd "4110 " '100) Masts of West Dus ham's promirntur arsien are insurefi in it. R. j. DOYLE, PEs., JESSE TRULL. E'q Manager, Ps-os dent, Owen Sourd. BoîsnaviltE Witi eall en recoipi of puai card. Agent for West Durhams. A, W. FOLEY. Box 118 50-6m Bcis-mins-ttiis.Onu "Backuohe the scaueîsgers iniaiss the kid- of the syefeni. neys are in "Delay is trouble. Dodd's don gerces. Neg- Kidney Pis git'e liets'd hidney Prompt relief I troubles result "75 per cent. in Bad Bloonl, of disease la DyspepsauLive first caused by Conplaini , und disordered kid- the nîost dan- neys, garous of ail, "Might as ruai! Bulyhts Diseuse, try te houe a Diab aies and brautA y City Drapcy." 4rhheet sewer- 1'Thae abouta aqa, us good diseuses cunuit health when tise axis t whare 1idneys ara Dodd's Ktdray coe gd, they ae Pilil-e s- 'u Sold by ait det-lensosrent vsuuo, tpi cf pnire 5. ets-n per btx Or six 'i f.s .o, Dr A. bsn ils &Co.. o,, us .- lr k t-lScatsJlie id.iey 1.1k. Hints for the Householfi. 'aIheui milk is nsed je tumblers' wasb them finsis in coiti nater ; aiterwarde inse un hais waten. Add t'a tablespoonfnis of keroeeuter tite pail af waten n'uis n'iiu yosa waslt graineti onraisier varnnshed frelînre. Iu cleaiiag japanned gootis, "neyer use n'arsn watar. Wet a clati sleighty in n'arm water and tub tisc artcle ta he uieaned. Sisoulti any amear appean epriukie with foeur and n'îpa dry. Au efficient by-poison, n'liciu las tise mneriî of beiusg peisonaus ouiy todliese, je muadse ofthtse yelk aflan egg besmisîs p n'ith a taiîleapconfnl cacis ai groce h black pepper audinssîases. It siauldbhaponnediin shai- ln' plates anti seis about, Ass aid bousen'itesasys tn ai rthe tengis ai htef or chiuken enu be made tender and palatahie by putting a spoonful cf gooti eider vinegar je tise pot in whii t je bal- ing, or bu tjae juices ien wlsehs tiese 555iis batsti di hn rcattiiig. Ist-tuas noit injure isba fi-uson in tise ises, Waasli poneeesbun'arm suds, sud do net heu no esa su it ; tinte tisamnuglly in several w'ater.s. Take don'n bafore quîe dry anti rail np vitheet sprnîkling , in a bauf heur t -may lie presed susoarbly st-iris a uiudimbot roc. Avoi estrame beat for all i ak uutder-loti ug, as bu detnays the la9ticity. Neyer puis table linon nluta soapas ics- tilit jras nad ail trainss emaved by potin- iugbtiling watcnrireugisthersi. lisewll reneIls îtranas butr mon atis;ifor tisaI eprnukie ce oxalie setd, actîin2 tiese pot n'ih colti waten, lissisgauly bet-ween te bandes as1jr n'll1 giadssatly disappear. If chtiarmea, repeat tise pracssa. Lnncthtisas b teu scarcheti by canclese ih-annme .'y bo reates ce bibsa Tue up an Doiusin a dean piscO ofinisulie and beet t until aliltihe juiue is exiracted ; mix tise jutceswi'soeunuce of iuiler's canthin j poîsden, a hurtle soap shaved infle, anti bais a tunîbier oi vrnegar. Ler iti hou rogetheî tonrcau hour, andI su-bn t gois ceitiapnead on ties caies andi let ir dry in ; taen nash Itise Iliseasusai. Oil bu s lanisp ali-ulti coisbe allon'etito teru dcwneto lesa than are-hali tis etpreta tise rservnoi. UTewck shaulti he teut ated c ompitely fil tlise paca ton jr, but witiscur Icrowdirg. A lamp s"heu.d hocisitisen sud- denly coolisti or expotuti to tisc draugisi. Iu extir e-aabiug tise fla'e tise wick ebosld frat te tut ut'uîfan den'n acd issua Sharp, qusîl puil'l býi n&cross, aed Por arrasglîr eus-n upo n tise fei-. A s, e dnan'er, sivilist injta conspsnit- ments sta 'bat eau-b pain cf tsties nsay ai. waya he inunto.etber wtisoui dciay, je e concenien",e appret-citi nby a buay is-man A ton bureau dnae'r is also ussre cauve- lent assd easly kspt un orden iif pctitiuoncd oilfltto emparunens cifsayicg ies ris sold laices, nions,veistcst., than su us wben fiusd witb pasteboansi bas-esolding tise cemmodtise. A pnetty spauge hag le usades witb nwhite Noü. 8. tiareicg cottotu, airbough mnacranas corti usigistibis used, if prsenred. Begin at tise uttorns, nidocing as you go until yau bas-e fautrnan's ai open crochet ; make ana nwofaisali crochet, tise fis-e ron'a of open iwideniug by makiuug agaces langer in escis ow ua fiiish tisth on' aiopen bina, tibougis wbiel ribso i wirc is teo mn in s caing oa ibnihsnon silesia, sud abave tîs Ia non' of open-shls iteis. Rang uip by a Icerd ai tisa cotton anti finish tise hoitam n'jth a tnssel. Taise oui tue ihison wine i n'en tisa ag s te be sent ta tise laundry. Saute Preparations. XVie-"Censideing bon'long l's-e hast away, I thiîk you nigst bas-e made o seu preparatiantsesorecels e me." Hnusad-"'iou da me snjustice, my dean, 1 bas-e aad tise iisnanyansi parior tharocghiy cleaneti aed aine. " Sers-suis (inrntptig-"Please, ir, the man bas coree niis a n'agan for then empy bonte." A nmen je Sîmcoptoienn extracteti 1,8y)i peýn> sof tiu-e nis, renr hic bes bis-es, e tise Jilmperor as tisehuas-est and tise hast, rounds the -apsaittea ou aur teharacuer, cnt- Famiiiarity Breetis Ccoi'UQnpt hs.Jt- -a'r.mi cetbr o î-l Tise Cîlenel, whiia agreeieg tisatis ha e"s prevs sethemsi rons n'ounding actyuuae. -astsse' tsus-t ssr- ill cern -" ou y d all tise qualitîc ecaar ake a gaad Tbis mate muas nos-rise torts.at4, os-en in Vissting Phyiian-" 'lr entis tîtll ias.Sl ' nupusO ur r ffue, dddtisii edre i Ii figiting n'itb rougis rude men.-it. tise matter v. us tisati sa but lever ansi 1-,l' fLAortgP STE2e jstice, hae regnetted that, on acceunt aifa, lisera is nao exterual expression of polite- agna. \\'y did yen tel lîhim haiesad - se sersaîse drawback, lie usasuneable ta ne- nese n'hizis bas not ita roor lu the men-ai ryphisad fle-r b s comment i hm for premotion. IVhti's~ nature ai mais. Ferma af paliteneas, tisete. Rural I)cta-"' Weil, yen ses, ibis je a - " "akd aoen ucl. Sire,lite fore, teonld nos-on ho bucuicatati1 oui youg Isn faesuin oos i cres city 1~--~ can neier readuor write,"." Iaplsiprsositîsaut letting tse c'esau'-peeple te Seanrishat there la lever and ague 1tvyi is'tn-ms -i-s-. liihm officen, Colonel; yen wi-l have bim tsenierai gruuut aun'hich alI eneis forcis un tise village. Tbey dc't mind typhu)id teed toccre you. "2-î'- tt-t- adssittisd as eucilu.iýnet. L1thlevtisen. fbcyhave risîrau bore,'1 Fou tale 1-y BIef &,-J U:y i -en C ry tow ý' f herls Oastoria. RUSSIA AND ENGLAND IN COREA. 1A LIVE WITII A BRIOKEN NEUK MIDSUMMER MERRIMENT. Titey Ire Bcepitig e a Wtelifil E'e 0on Sbe-"'When will yenucall and sec papa?" Osnes Asoliser at tige *resent Tiie. REMARKABLE CASE 0F THE YOUNG IIle(nervouly)-'"1 dontknow. When will \Vill Buesoia or Engand, or bath, gather ENGLISHMAN PALMER. hie bcs ont?" advantage frein the etrrggle of China and - Nearsighted Old Gon daman -"Litsilei eres a. Po"iter Japan enver ('aiea? Russia cevete a ses- Six %Veeks fHav- ],Eiased sise fie nIlil dbey, how manch doesaa bicycle likis that ance port seuth af Vladivostock, wbich is closed tWha iîheeîlî il ytU t foir-nYug oîa ss lomr)for a by ice durin a considerble part'ofeac11.ai011-tlie-Lake, ani! lie îe Not--Sr1 he yo as by ie duing conideablepartof ccu uis' StIAt Living RttCala CewfivereC Jes-'Weren't you serprisefi wien ho year. With lier grawing interets on thae Vtîîtise Saergeonq. proposed?" Bess-"Indeed I n'as; my re- 5 c n p u Pacifie coset, lskely tc, become more impor- Modemn surgery typifits tise advance of collection af it n'as that w's wcre -already tant by ber trans-Asian railroad, no douht, medical science. The progresaf the laet enlgaged.", she would gladly annex ail af Corsa and at decade bas n'orked a revolution in the prlac. Juqze-"llow aid are yeu, nmise?" Et- least nould like one of the nîany gsod bar- tics of surzery. deriy Female-"'I am-Isam--'" Jcdge io cetit P1iui -"Bt tter.hburry upe ; every moement makes bors un titisluong c'st lice of the peniescia. Operarions are daily perforaied which a it wors,." 1 "hy on' vot endyou 2ocentet plug For more than a dozen yeare Rnasia's de. few years ago would bave been looked fiylon zoosnf yc hsbndt sires have been well known, andbhave creat. l'pont as bastening deaîbh. The doctor af tbewater cure?" Great gooduises! Wbat's ed fronu drime ta, time alarma in Great Brit- ta day, witb bis kuife, probes into everythusH ertaebinome'atfit aie, China, n Japaus. As long ago as part af the buman frame, sud cuta and na osn 185 tL Rusias sngh teoccpy he titheswit th gratet aandn. he Mn. Bsach-"AII youwanris nrvewben l8~9theRussanssocbt t ocupy he tithes iththe reaeatabanonTheyon go unro the water, Miss Bright." Mis ~ ___ OU large island or islande of Tsushima, bstweeu aperation receutly performed uipon R. S. Brigit-"WelI, you said yoia'd go in witb FTI PIUA Corea and Japan, and belaniging ta tbe V. Palisser, the yauag Englishinan wlîo me, didn't yen?" latter; but England n'as aiert, and Japses fractured bis spine at Niagara-on-the- Lake People think it is tough wben they have aisea refused ta cede tbe rerrirory. Hall lis a strikiug illustration of the haldness 0; ta psy thirty-five or îarty cents per pocnd i for steak, but jis a agrear dicolraugberI a dozen years ago it n'as reported in the surgeons of ta-day. An injury that, whîen tîsey psy onîy fiteen. 7I ,71Z-,Y1 ; Shanghai tbsr Russia bad made a secret accarding teaail autîtanities, albouldh Mrs Prown-."Since rbey bave heceme tîeaty jts(ae wbc cured the proved fatal, n'as attscked, andi the parient eegaged they juet sit je the parierlaed flot u establishment af an exclusively Russian îs non' resting comfortably in the Toronto a n'ard passes bstween them." rown -1 Genrsiilopitl, nd e ii afai n'y t "Perbaps there je no redir for it ta do s." fl a c prt at Feuisi. Thar proved ta be incorrect rGaeryi .1oervant-"iaandorrMrn Tafkeir5 un.;o but be id bsia, aouttbre yers goWhat's yor mime, sorr?" Vsitor--"'Praf, the opeeing af the town af Kion Lyng an _Mr. !'aimer, an Jmly 18, dived into Vandlersplinkenheimen." Servant-"Ooh! be sure that the retailer the Yumien River, on tbhe ortheunhonndary shallow'water at Niagara-on.tlse-Laks lHe Sure, ye'd better go iglîr bu sud take it de o icue o.t cf Corea. A Rus'sian Vice-Consul n'as strtlck on hie head, dislocatuig and fractur. idY.n'csnt nlueYout eerablisbed there, Saine epecial commerciaul ing the laminas of the fourth and lufth cer- "Xaui're net in lave, Bobhie. -Vou onîy buy any other i. order n'vlee ere conceded,anda plat of land vical vertebrae. Hie body, wjrlî the ex hiîuk yan are." 'iVeil, han the diekeas ta e my mk amn 1 ta 6sd outtmy eistake if Pi' ie ns- n'as granted for tihe use af the animais cmu- ception ai the Iwad, wae completeiy para- taken?" "0 marry the young svaman, by agrpoî. pioyed in Rasian trade between Siberia lyzed, and the docrors n'bo attendefi bini all inens aind ('ae. A rumar n'as iately rife that gave littie hiopo af reca'very. IIaze-"D)id yon find the hotel yeti tay. Russiabhad sent troape te occupy Gansais, Drs. îVjnnett and Peters, ai Tarante, de. ed at wbile s way an yacr vacationî 1,0010 feet fillecided sîpon a boofitaperatian.rTbcy aut above the seca. as advertiseo?' Nutle-II î,be aotreo niat of the axey opcdduo abJ prain yeutdsd, indeed, They gave me a rue'non the uct arepor' tdicted the aixthe with ndown t1le the injured banceansiremoved ~ a t,)fio." dispute ia watched. In the IJeri di%ýrict, portion of the boue, The apistion n'a lDoctr-"Your liusbandsepulse jes goîng n'bcre Vaidivaetack la sis.uated, msnaY perfarinid at the Queeî's Royal Rate I at a terrifie rate, ma-Jam. i doi't kîow MONTREAL. Careane are soued. Iru la truc that Russatiara adth tienate 1rd ilon' ta accout for it." Mr.Springer- seize Carea, but shouid site rake an active reunoviid te tlise Toronto Hospital. y1r in'ir l you." mgh bin part ie tbe present quarrel agaitet Japoan, The f ourti anud ffth vertehrac fimt part "o'"sî ieyugmn tk h JO AEO E T-os u abs nigbr have a pretext for acccpying af that portioni aitise opine beti-en te "o, adteyugmn tk the OP AEOr.T-,. n Por Laarcf, hic jea fn'mils nrthof lioide blde. Isid th bos cverngaverage n'oms-" ~But thene la uta aven hli acres for sale or ta tant. sitiuais on Port Lzaref, whic is afew mles noth ofshouldr blaes. Is-decteobeau c-vretgnarlib. StIee aorromusspromiss usiet ai0 Gentan, or leveus Fonsan, at thse santhei lies the Spinal cerd, n'hiclî je protected hy age wamaa," ntrrupted thse aider, %,ace a gond ousce wiîh evers' coovenience, di ivsng j s ntral hv t onierechwma hed., stable, arc.'tearenetinalio edoaithe peaneula,on the graiindtîsat tbishard sheli ai the vertebras. Ile blutes byy bave ta the cisaieser fruit of al varieties. lmmedîs-e thie latter ia rte part neareet ta Japsn,aed Systern of Sergery je given thisi defllition ae byhrelt"po"-seîsiencsanhebis en. Frse eaasaiî the place wlîere a large iriajoriy ai tise wisat je cammaely called thse Ilbackhonie':1 Clerk-'1 wouid like ta have nuy salary te W. FtauuajEn ýHBowmanvillte ont 4'.us Japanese residente jen the peninsula are "Tht apne s j a lonsg, flexile, tcbuiar raieed. Boggs gets t$6 uiora than mns, and concentre ted. cylinden, divided i nta numencus seguments. h dnt doa ny ,more' nîork. Is tic lie." Tisera are otier portseand stratezic points! Between eacb twa boules a damper, in the Emiplayei'-'&Yes; jr le unjuet. Fll educe T EC0NDA IT & A whichbobth Russua sud Eîîgiand îight j brru.o il a jverteborai substansce, me inseert- Bogt's' salai-y $6."1 covet, asud n'hase possession by sither 1cd, ced, the iayers ai muscles clotbing te "Papa" saili a little isoy, "lousght the ESTAI3LI-tHED 1851 wouîd lbe resentcd by tise other. PromineDt spin alto intereepi vibrations." teacher ta wlsip me for wisat f did lot do?' $1 erprfesnle aCvanc. oie'sa;c se L.-. ameng tisese is Port -Hamilton, an island In Mn. Palunar'e case it ivas found that "'Certaiisly îlot, ruy boy," replies tihe fatusor. Subcriptioasa lw&ys payable àt lu s o l,- i lying ta the sourtb af (ores, n'hîch bas cx- the laninae hadl been twiated taward the l'Weil," repiied thse lijte feilow, "lie did pubhlcation. ',dvei*tisin,, rate 3 u,1343hi' c0) cellent barbare. t n'as accupied by the point of facture. Ta renuove this cause ai ta-day wbcn I did't da my i ." riet, 10 c-eut3 per line, nic uis js t e ns i- Enlihin186 btRussasrssented that irritation the doctorsinadle a deep incision Banks (item Lis berl Isfeely)-"'I Say onefi. o i-ente10r îes parh lib. 55lu~ occupationi,aud it, wasatern'ard ahandoned. lin tise flesh oi tise recki. 'Tiscvartebrae steward, do yen think ita ail une n'îth nie?1" M. A. JAMES, Publishact NÇot long agu ,lhe ncws cause thar several n'ere laid haro and the affccted portion Steward icheerfuly-l- levery tliiiisk, for Bnts su esl hdacordl h eais.The rîgisi aide of tise baee'as tise present, ir ;lbut voiur happetite wili ig i innar barbon ai Port Hanilton, preumabîy ent rbrcugis, the facture on the kit saide hab a-camis' by au' by."I K U1[f jî 'it rite intention ai being close at band trimmed snooth and tie b n c jftedlounis, .î J it M,' ii, a ta keep watcis upon thsa peuding truggle leaving the cord exposed. Ater afflentîfil l agen Tatrirs-"Wot's demnatier,ToIy le Corsa. South of Part Hiamilton je tise cieausing wjtb antiseptics. thes fi cab n'as 'ai yen ehiverie' fur ?" Roilinigatone No sTUA 1 H AlI'CO., LT DI large jland ai Queopiacr, n'icb is siso drnan'ntegettier and nature left ta colln- considered oi strategic imsprtancehlcanso piste tewrna nnw at dse'tn-rn dinkin' ic-n'aîer. it commande tise entrance te tise straits Sboudý the n.rd remaîn a3 ' s exposed, 41A bts ten ('ores ansi Japan, and fince trseat- tise ptcîiwaîid ot regain contraIaf itbs iC aollie -"fuie ides of a unIn sendieg a - eils tise commserciai cities aio elteLtfoy uft eepee he oycv business letter n'itb a P. S' Ciappie- bas even been reported Iateiy that -Japani erng v'ii11formi whicb wii talte tise place "Dosid liad flrra, ecrelv." Chicihi-"But desîred to rake hack titis is]and su excisangeofaitisais wb!icli bas basa remaved. 'Shouîd that isîs'îtise norst ai it. lu ibis case i StN R H K N for Tsushima. for wlîich saciarmerly part- thia trstake place, tIhe acter membranes means 'Pisases Seutle."' S R O 11 11,114 cd n'ithu it. On the otîser hsnd, it bas heen n'ill bectome hardsced framntise irritation Professer r(to medjeal student) -"Mn Ltsvnn'ECvussCs'v. IHEATLxn uvSTE-ttu said ta have no gond issrbin e wlich vscsessof the ficasl and fermi a protecton ta rtue Doselets. uili you plisses nainset'ousa unay find ahtctr in the seas,,n ai this delicate card. De. Field, hsue-surgeon ait the skuhi V' Studetît (perplxd)-lve typhoons. Turninc egain to Part Lazareff, tIse Toronto Genersi Hospital, weoîs in gos tilleul ail un my hisa, professer, but SAILING 'SOUTHI. en Breugitan Bsy, tise barbon jes neponisîl charge of Mn. Palmer, expressgrest hsepe rtie nattes on'i stnike me as rite moto- l f'n'N(4c'sc30-rie Aprti ta have an area ai about ight square miles, ai recavety. Tisa case le ane ai whicis tisrenis ~. 'Lteaves Cobourg 8 a.m. Port Hope 9.4,5 s m., ni'lhisa depuis ni sexes ta teis fachoms, sud are few precedeie, and tu tise amaztng Lwlly"thdu aea yt o eil ceyl '. anriv ig Cisaro a (P'ont otf Rechs- i ae- 1hd' be tmynwetr) 2 30 p.m-, excap,- Msuuday. whistsSteamer a wsIl-ç'noteieed anie-haage, as the iNakiiim- vtality ai tise patient, combinad n'ith hoandig lieuse twerîuy-toîsr htuuns befoes 1 leis Cobourg 1 pns. Port Hope 230 p.m., off peninecia siscîrers bu an tise east n'îb is tuedicai ekili sud caneinl attendauce, je dut" knaw fiislnu!ady n'%s eppasd te strong asstiiîg Cisarlotte(li .s. ft ocheser) 7.313 p.m. iraad bluff. There are sevenal sîsall islande tise presont favorable condition. dru ,k." Lasiley- H'lin" yoit tei ; by;AILI~(~NOIIIU je the omiter approachses, ut ighiiiouses "Mr. Palmser is impreving daily, 1sihrs ' Luase-N ylirci evaCaLI tte, N.(O RI 0.h~t wuould ir skis the way taie. This is prohably D. FialI to reporter. "1 hene is onl y "sskdy 1ensarvsPr oe1 1 tise port chiiuly desire-1iaat prescuit by -Rus-.oneeurceadanger no'. Tîsat l i dsoeisi. f-. wek.,af11o15ung 7 1arres.. ortxop e a 6sra30 sa. Sncbl are -eseof the strategie peinte in g infammation ai rite cord. If titis nv.s - HE JUDGE'S STORY. %viiie &aer leaves Cilari4te, 'N. Y., 4.5 an i footisolde in and aroued Cote% uponii t stnl it would misse dezeeeratioi ai tise p fil. arsivePntoe10pmCiur n'iih Russie aud Englaisd kccp n'atchful netvs-ssystese. As fat as thisiîjey toa lusn. ,Iiu lla , ltt10a'PsW bC r A1eta5 n t puds efi irmChr eyiss, 'hîle Chinta sud Japais anr. jetise thse card ijeccesrred, hb isas recoesvred etaiS An ucunaaeî-rip extau trip9s. smoasde MmCohoung Char- feefrani et tise quarrel. tbrm tsat.anLer cil caseairopinleiussjc lor Six lestes. Port Hope 1.30 p ne. tuor us daner a kîdey toubl, bu seN B.-Celle eves-y Wednesfay ais Bniedten fian tiers bas iseen ner> igus cf that. 'lite Tise Hors. John M. Risc, 0' toussa, Law. 3 Munm,nd Cothurnie Wednebayaud Frifioy Milionairas' Bath-Roms. plinenis. norve wass or roîciteci by tise ao- resce sesssî5y, Ks-t ucy, ise fsr ssany 1.5o a. cîdent. Ilhat is almnoat needIeRs te eayfor ycars erved hie nativeO cosuty an ttuaste an WEEKLY BAY OF' QUINTE ROUTE. The pnevaling fasision ameeg those hi it bai bee afected deatis v.ould lave tise legîsiattise ait Franikfort amil Waslsiîg- Leavas Port Hope avens' Saiscdes'10 p.. favoritese offorýunsie w.i-î are own'eri and becil usiaitaeac. At unisent 'Mu, Pa- ton, and uni l is rrenset wa a atoed asrt Bl-levil' es-ens' tornay 3,1sa. mi., occupanutsci thse palace-lisbamansionetisaisuitmer ss in a state cf total panallyi3sc elen' fgure ln pelitîcai aed judiciiul ciscies. A Pic voFf 25 a-rn, Ksna-toe'10 a us. arc sprnigu i in New York, is te hlave tise reg ion t-i tise fractures. TisDe rnss! fen' <aye cgc a Ketuckey Post reporter J.H.1,IL JURY. H. FI. GILDFRSLWEEVE, 1 euve coîtrels respiration sud there je no called opous scdge Bsec, s'.ho au tise itubtow-Aut.Uis îgs risctn hatsing-roneas luxuriesus sud on difilcult it'ss ta tisi..1eutl ais tilleswsd tuelatcd tieeitny t t i cases c4awutanvlie Kiects rameutai as théim boudoirs an i heafi, but tissu isshelimîis a i s orsu e elsrîreîns 'ltr us -~- ~ 1O 5e-ms]c A bath-roorn s lunislonger a place for tihe pawets." cos i er ie c uaic h bt~c.itf-ssd ablutbosof ail the memîsen of a famity, "Wb'st do yac tltink are tise chsancie nucsi esi, iht suit reuiris en. ~ e dî.'s t n'beretise houcuemaid bas la cephoard fonr ce'mpieta necovcny ?" xvîiussh egan tirait------------ si "At prosaut tlsaui is s hi fc e tiectnd 'j"LtNE'.el bier bruahes and bnoos"ss, andi where lit-tic e't- lel eots bn o cture paisa n bte ips, grauialsy t stt s is tc ,e sst . - ony hudn te cmplication e oll<sn'ing lown'a'-d 'o my lt-et. My s. .'di - ssstt u- ---tt ~-Lvs .sa boys sud girls may sail tiissr paperiboestIseite eeves-y rosa tise accident s-ilt bisen eaa ah- ia setalyl, fut-Pî.S et LeuE )iby n'a', cfauloccasional indulgence. 'Every complote. 1But wlaethscrte fuit1pows-tr c;, ail powert oi uy legs, and then risc lis-en, tusrehn s aeîulinutis' fusiy istîsese tise verselîrco wil haregaieclideps.îîo5ici tidneys sasd hladder. sud in factity xi isse datys bas a suite of rooma foi buis or lber greisal sesr pnte ase ewsu exclusive utc, cenSistig ai tisesle"tting. tie nuis'coveing fora. mynt of aeanedpv.rangcdbut ciise til40- rocin, dressing o'tirtring roam, aud bath, lion' abîout yonr paLisent a appeti te ' amet ieneit tram nthemt, 1I nt nto flot -- s -- roun. Onyx 1 ie a-o ttusc intse "x- eîtt.iecaneetisanyttisng, aidSprings, Ark. , -sns atl ceie osiaugings oufamodern hath-raom. lis dotsese. Beefsteak-ije tact aeytltinu s aes îcîts Ia ieehiunIntr iwce întrodceedl, a iew yeais Sirice by ire, iises-he ce ast andsigiiest readly' - eSiosse, inn1591, I hrwetno Itistutn- F 'edeick Vsrdei rtise walsc -coe Tise oprstieen wt-tels )wes pisnlorms'd s Sprmngs,* Wukesisan, Wiss. I steyed tisera ' -- -t . tbatiiig apatîneut are cutirely ofciwlsse isoeewhich n'as neyer bisions atteuaptesi aiaut t"e usstatupoecî olnyx, as ansaltotise fnnuistusg". Tisefloon,ltïise resrai Heospital. duc easu ciliu.Agaits I rorsrnisti cme, tiiatissusfeeling PgiCi Sie Fe'. Ibs ny