Y Polish. LAIES, use Hook's Soirala Shae Pollsh for Ladies end Children's fine Boots and Shoes the finest ta preeerve the leather and keep it pliable. It will leave a polish like satin. For aale by Boot and Shoe dealers. FAR M IM PL EMENTS. THE BEST ALWAYS CHEAPEST ! Hen. .-F. Fraser whe had been Pro- vincalSeretary and later Commissioner of Public Works in the Mowat Adminis- tration wvas found dead in his rooma in tlie new Parliament Buildings, Toronto, earlyj Friday mnorning. Owing te ililihealth lie resigned lis position in the Ontario Cabi-1 net carly this year and was appointcd Inspecter of Registry offices. Hie was born at Brockville in Oct. 1839. lue was one of tlie ablest debaters in Canada and was very highly res pected by tlic members of both parties in tlic Legisiature. His funeral took place at Brockville on Sun- day when the Ontario Cabinet was repre- scntcd by Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. W. Harty, Hon. A. S. Hardy, and lon. G. W. Ross. Deceased was a Roman Cathi- olic ancdYicar-Geýneral Gauthier conductcd flic burial service of that churdli. At a special meeting of Council Monda y niglit to consider a proposaI to grant the new company who are ncgotiating for the purchase of the Orgaîî und Piano factory a $10,000 bonus there was perfect un- animity of approval anong the members i esent and the room was packed with citizens who manifested their concurrence OUR CENTENARY. The committees charged w ith the re- sponsibility of arranging for the centen- niai celebration to be held here on F'riday and Saturday Sept. 21 and 22, have got the prograins well ini shape. A concert and entertainment of a novel and inter- esting character wiii be heid Friday even- ing to open the Pair when James McFeet- ers, Esq., the first Mayor of Bowmanvllle,, will preside and recount reminiscences of the long ago. John J. Tilley,Esq.,Prov- incial Inspecter of Model Schools, who grew up with thec town and lias an ac- quaintance with county matters for many years back, lias beon invîted to deliver an address. He is an excellent speaker and ivill be sure te give us something in- teresting. The band lias been engaged,, and several local and famous singers who will be duly announced. It will be a very notable occasion will this first nght of the exhibition. For fthc second day, Saturdav. lus ilonor Lieutenant Gxovernor Kirkpatrick of Toronto and the lion. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, have bten invit. cd to bc present and deliver addresses.' The conumittee has con D, Burlze Leave scis3ors and other blades for sharpening at Chartran'a Barber s3hop. -18 Ladies, if yen have flot already, don't f ail to try my choice faily teas. W. H. Osborne. FAnirMEEs, call at Percy's and osee the re- nowned Champion Horse Rois or Souffler, Pronounced the best la the Market. Prices right. Athiete Cigarettes have no Rivais. PLU11IP CI-EEKS, 0cf good Ihealth wllqiickLy follow the #ue cf Campbell's famious .,"..' $ Skrei Cod Liver Oul. f It is pur e and almost tasteiess. -MARX TO RENT."-For a terni cf -U ear , Glsndhu"-300 acres, 2 miles fram Whltb y-g<ood buildings a nd.sil. Admir able for stock or dairy. Chance for goinq extensively intoToronto milk business or stock raising for Amerloan market. Men with capital only need apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby. WVOIEN IN SOCIET'Y -offen need the strengthening sup- port of a general tonie and nervine. Theiy're3 tired out or "run-down." Thi is frequontly the result of ".weàaknress," anîd it makes life mis- erable. Are yen wanorvous, or ailing? Thcn Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcscrilp- tie brog ye ~pecial hellp. It's a H JaT END HOUSUI