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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1894, p. 6

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socclde i h-D& rre S?"ROBLEIPUisSOLVEU byt1e h-oductl*oh. ol W otsMae kbv y~ OTTL-%Su. 1NT ,,,kkeei , Sortandc SINSSANO SUMANDER TEMS Corner Yonge and Co'hi-ge Streete, jxperienced Specialists ln every department. x sudents placed in good situations wilhin 16O daym. Ail cuddte r.Vared tir îsomnei -wib onre I as exmiato f OSARTERED STENOGRAPRIC REPORTERS Of (:) tariû. HIGREFST RESULIS in al departrmunts 4k3pecial Rates. Circuldrg and Automiatie Pmn samples free. S,,prîng! Millinerv showrooms com- plete with niany pleasing styles for the season. Stylish goods together with close prices make it the popular place to bnty. Sailors, -20 cents eacb. Hiats reshaped. Next door to Post Office. SDELICATE10 MURAY & PURE SSWEET M ~D LASTING UGO STLL HLSTÉ I LCE N OUR VO.BVAîOF ees;-..ilONEI & McMUR'[RY have purchased the Coucty of Durhame for the hast Wire Fecca in tis Coumntry. It ts gtroce, eaiiy hbedad lornametI lt wll net ho lejured by oncw, hast, cl1 or 'vnde. lb vi lurneBHersas, Catile, Shaap, lioLc, Dttgs anud Pouitry. It is a cet work without barbe, anS wii cot ine sure stock în any aray. Itisemuch strossg- et aeS more durable iban acy barh f ccc- îsg, heing, closely wovee., Fonce put up and Farse and Townshsip rigbts for sale., Apply ais OESTRAL Livas- YEY, Bownianvilie. W. P. 1110H, (J'rise P. O., iaving bought (Claske '[ewsbip, isepreparad 10 Put up tance. Comfort in Religion. Mier-î I presuma ihare is cp,,barmi sn goîcg te Mihrch son a bicyc;le; 'bîi,,tvhsy doe youl n;btton st 1slî' ervices i'a iown .wenty wises sway Soc-' Oh, by the time I gat tisereas .iiurch pew feels real confotable, " THE FARM-. Construeting a Symmetrical Cstern. Cisierns that are buit in the grounfi are nsually of a round ferai, as they are more durable and les hable te cave je than those of a square or octagonal formi. To make a round cistern je the usual manner requires a man wiih a correct judgment of distance, unless a proper framework is used as a model. The accompan ying illustration, from a sketch by I, D. Snook, shows how ibis frame je made and used. After tha excav- ation is made, and the hottom laid with brick or cobblestone, the centre of the bot- tom ie found, and a bol e smade, je w hiclh je inserted the lower eud of a standard, a, the upper end of which revoit es je a hole je a plank, the ends of wbich rest upon the hache cf the excavation. To this standard has previously been naiied a skeleton frarne cf boards, c. The enter sides cf Miese rapreseet the forra and inclination of the ý ar adu, ad -s udeisbouh it poiio y eovigil h wrma a plc ah rc r tn t h ihtage su XNf guie. For' EaLDIommonouse tern. c iter je plinsha asthe wale are laid uplande bis guiade i bought ea prositionderaing fomtheoorktema can ifpaceleh hî iktor soac a ibefrthe agle To mae rai esyrogresie, a in h ae erhould ha l e taetwetuewland outey r adgc waegui etorauseothon bouse cîrc ar diaetwar cfegh emede mi was wiil pre op lrge iendgbongdwldobet isrnopergoice candorwheîn th sllar upi posibloe, ii nt pceakfth wahout ase th srutreprgrses, ampie th sof. Herry ineaositio. f te dry wsath. er, ît souD b adige weand flrînlyies- vdtha hietoinde per, aned IllaeS witowerwill corecausethe wallnte cc oris gu ive way. An egforapforiti jesbeet, thycedia top or sînil dlong Cdrw ou orel sotdasThew.>abiofa. isuie ie na pansive anS orkwhche wahls areg upr iaj n ocke difteiead îhrown ote Wom h lten dain .The Dairy.l ar rof. emn vingletter 10 a onmpe darye, oaresairyingneffepan especially - vorth feid to oung wy somec ndtI bave ibi, nei fis rthemelves rptions hichg if ahe par fawork wh dich je hecoinga movare an mr difereîiad aed sparase froae ther dines.f he cIare u arer ceinthat i dois casy 1 add omte numrerouTes Sotecfhef te tatfmaking i thre botte. fie wiil athe snd bismflk off neti sacory or gase oset apariatde wor ofain btte-akimîg, givîcg ir overe a n for the purpr ose w ho beivoeyng fo womenreaeeinsve te thiktak tences ofl the buternworofasdirns-hefarm ii pritce and ery? Scarciy a onîh passes but wandI bave ls lorg asung mccc 10 takh eornpterlintcf worketI ai ouite ctainestha iviin soa es, yon wa woue l earely rsatsftrey to the ju- qeiier. beanarwe cf bther-fakier cskt for aýitiey osee.y a"wmn jeco eepcuing Mas boueeokt nSls waaiîîg thany eholeci pn. fier en- advdaircent cf omec. Sth easth fort amen d s ee o :ik sthat iî coas hnlyehadlearued rof earsion0s-te aw cartidedanS nrel se one as tharee s much por bter eee in tae maket and fon m siablckivilzand tbnine, wesn ae mod dayhen i con d eay hattharsen difFerence, but imc je'rare te find oeawho will use the money cf otiiers as carafully as tbcy would if the sîme camaeou t of their own peekets, and for ihait esson the Iadi ica comas wltlî a good degrea of force. T[ha managers cf a butter-niaking csîab- lishmant slîould practica close eeonomy net inceesistent wjth tha intarestsetcfthe C U E DI N IE P C establishmnent. AnS tha mskieg cf good butter je ona cf the chief aiea-acre of succese, for the reason ihat good botter DETAILS OF THE ADVENTIJRES 0F will find a ready sale ai fair pricas, whila a THE WELLMVAN PARTY. peor article je a drug in tise maket at evcc a non-paylng prica. lThe Itngsvaid Jarl Wrecked Suddemly, Crushed as If àt Wera a Matchbx- Four Turrhle iVeake F.ssd by tihe Veterlnary Notes. Crew la Reachisua Civîiizatlt>îi Well- Sea that ihare is pieuty cf shade je yonr esan mesurâes Bis Jurney Northmward, pastures. ('api. Bot telfeen, wnoe rought te'Tromn- Don't feed the cows haavily for tan days Cee, Ncrway, the news cf the boss cf the or iwo weeke afiar calvieig. 6 Welmnplrepdto tae an If von want te keow eow te train a colt.", a oa xedtc tae an ask saieaoneawbo caver baSa.cot ta valS Jarl, gives je an interview f ortberi train. details cf thea advecturee cf the Wellman A pour ccxx emt se effectuabiy bide bar- party. Hae ays that the expeditice raach- self among a ot of good cnes tisai the or- aS Xalden Island May 27, whec the pack dmary observer would never finS hier ont. ice was beceîcing trorsbiaseme. Mr. Welb- If ail drivers were sirnck eacb timete.mnadhsprytre ot n the strike a herse, wbips would soon disappear.maan bspateardnrtonia The "necassiy" for iiîam would cease., s ledgas on May 24. On May 28 the screw- Provide as inneti fresb air for yoor herses ing cf the scaccmeenced in real aarcest. on warm cichre as possible. If they are Near tbe steamer were icebergs wbicb kapt in a stable whare the doors met ha towered as bigb as the yardarms cf the cloeed, havaea siai door made. 1 vassel's masts, Whjle the craw were Wherex-er ciover cati ha growc it funrcish- ,rinkn hiraaroncfeontaSa as the cheapeet sonrceacf nitrogencue mac- - ig teratroncfe nta a tr, andI îitrege lte tost expansive of tise steamer 'vas snddecly crushed hy the tise elemenîs je ail complote manures, iecoae if it were a maîchbex. 'Tha water A very large percentage of the sichunese resed iu with terrifie force, and in a few amog or hree jeSuete ha eeti bin minutes the vassal was a conuplate wrack. ie a baS condition. Have ihsm locheS h rwbSacpd ets hr.Ts afiar by tomne cemper.nt veteririary sur-.h rwhdecpe atesoe h geon.i mecnlîad beau occupied for several Ssys A Breedar that cannot recegnize tha pravios in bringieg provisions anS the muantz cf the varions sîraine of blood anS aiumrinumn boats ashore. Tlsay were new the good qualitias cf any animal, whaihar obligeS ta taka sheltar je a great Scg han. hae owns iii or net, will siever make a suicces clciiîe aa bat ul u c ihebusiess.f rom tha wreckage of tbe steamer. ihrongh When yon bagin training the colt, abways a ticle which baS baccniade in tisa sida cf do fi witls thaeopen bridie. '[his low"s the wrackad vassal thc pariy were enabled him te sea objacis around bisei, anS liq thus te save a quacîity of ceai anS othar useful learns ihat they aie net going ta harm bism, articles. An express party uvas sent af ter anSdhaie tharefore net afraiS of ihem. Mr. Wellman, anS overtook bise anS hie The cîsamists assErt that ibrea an3i.e- conupaîmems ai Martan's Island. Mr. Weil- haîf poundeof bran contain the saine am,-ount mac, Dodge anS othars reterceS te WalSan cf digestible nitrogancus matter as elevan Island anS balS a ceuncîl. Capt. Botiaif- ,anS a haif peunde of milk, asîd vary iueerly sen, Kabfeldt anS a setIor vounctacrad te the Saineansous'î cf digestible nc.citra- go anS seak for saaing vessais rta eSouth- genoos matter. ward. Mr. Wallmuan resumad hie joerncy '[lera ara crtaie feelings anS impulsas norihward on MŽay 31, but Bottelfsen and. that ara cosumon t0ail horeemen, anS ocaon hie party were unabie te start on thair trip of these is a strong dilika te take acoîlmar owing te the haavy pack ice, anS weraeuhil man's desi. No man who evar iseli unes setaicad ai tha island on Jouea 23, whan ovec a daslhoard ikas ta have semae o,,her 8ando, Iverson, Wiusiîip and Hayardahl mac shoot by bise with a fasier berc3e anS returcad froin Mr. Wallnuan, eîving te iack proceed tc giva hitre lus dusi. cf provisiens and tu troublas in regard te sec anS watar, wîth orders anS mails troin Welliusan, who baS gene forward. CRIJELTY 0F THE BLACK FLAGS. On Junn 27 Capt. Botteîf sac anS bis party staried sonîhward in scareti of sasiers, luaulicg babindS îham a twelve-foot alumi- Sonething AboùteSthse Ctimiese TrihsIeesI nuse boat, They passaS four terrible wehs iVhmun tise Frenceh Fisught., cf Stormsandsel avy sncw, sometimes 1 aul- 'Tha Frencch camcpasgn lin Tonquin in 1883 icg tiseir boat snd sailirz or rewiug wlere ant 184 lîoedthabbndtîirîicsscfthare was open viatar. Ic this way tiîey tuaChies. 'lira baFract enoutersîtravaied 230 miles alcng the Spitzbargan theChiese Thre heFrech nconteedislande. '[bey ware compelied te throw the Black Fiag-., a iribe cf pradatory away nearly ail their ext'a ct loibas and Chinese, who are coteS for ihair Sas ng mcch cf their aquipmeeci, as the boat was iîravary and thair ferocions crnlty. '[bey ovarloadad. '[hsir passage across Heclop- an Strait wae psrticularly dificuit and inhahut a rance se wiid anS broken 55 1t0 daugerous. Al cf tisa party were wat ha pracîicalby impenatrable teacy who ara e t hae Kiand the colS beiug intense iisajr net familiar with uts piecipiteus meettainisI suffrings uero meet savere. '[ha colS ce and ils tortunu anS carrow valiays. T[ha the cigbts cf .lely 10 anS 12 was simpiy trie nmbrs lltol abutl5(,0rj0taawful nilea but&aiMosset Baythey foend trie cmbae al tlS bou ~0 toanS repaireS an olSgig. On July 13 thay 200,000, anS about 45,O00were muste.radas triaS te cross Wid(c Bay, but werae ouigac figiting mac durieg the Franco-C 'ies te raicre owicg te the fog anS ica. '[bey contest. '[hougis they warc mostl1y .aimeS made anoîluer siaris on tise l5tlî, but the witholdfasiond mzzleloaing. ga f sec proveS tee danse anS they ware oboligeS wsîî oS-fshinadmuxla-osdcg enscfte abandon tha gig anS procceed, hauling comsparatsvaiy shcrt range, anSd isa b aS the alumîcum boat. Seven Noravagian oniy spears, tbey foughi wmîtu e energy scasirs wera seau aasî of the Norse Isliîs, cf flends, anS sacmad te ha sbcsost wlsîsout but they faied te respend ta the party's fear. signais. At Ncrsa Bay tbay found Nor- fear. danskjobd's iint, whara a provision dapot res&Ccsv LIKE DEMONS. was maintainad by a Tremsoe skipper, A Frenchi oficar whe waent tiîrcugh the nanuetiSeciazon. '[ha party baS te taka campsign in '[onquin speake of the Black their boat arocnd Waicoma Point. Oc J uiy Fiae iîse '[lcirfaorie frsecf i.19, ihey ware taken aboard the steamer Flas tiis Ther fvorte ern ofat.Malygan, Captain Pedarsen. _Uayerdaul tack was the charge, and whan the order wac landeS at Daces Island te joie Prof. ,Wae givan, thay would rush forward witb Oyac, who xves weil, bot stibi decliscd ta an impesuosity that was often irrsisible, leave tise Island. ai the samne lime ycling like devils traminiJiptain Boîteifsec says that Sormog the the buýttomu cf hall. Mueket tire seemad te joutesy aiocg the ceast bis party wera bava no power to check therre, ne matar able te shoot a few polar hasts anS tain how great the mortalitv i?) their tanks. Itl, eer. ie scys that Capi. Pedersen proveS ii taily raquired a dosa of sistapnel te sattiea'espiandid ica mîasasir, Bottalfean is bigh tham. Abody cf them was almosi annibi- in hie praise of aleniinuse boat8. The lateS once whan cbarging cgainsss a haavy (legsebcha baSwith Isimu proieS isaiese, ha. fire of hrapel, amiS I was ccc cf the ade. cocue5 sota footad, acd baS to ha shet. He taiiad te go >ver tha fielS anSdîiîreugh rae that Siedo simd bis companioes icft thejrcm fer tisa rpoea.X foutnd1,,ebimn on J u ly 17, six miles aast cf Caps tat thair oeiy supplies of aey kjmsd te .,laae, uhis wsy teaflube Island. AlI ameunt t0a ayting wara quanti tics ef hie ary wa wai. 1-le saye it je probable rice." tshaus t hae iwemates, îwo egi nears, a stek - NO0 QUARTER Te TUE VANuIWucuEc. et and ceh who wara lefi ai Waldou AilChiacasoliar an mecilsiete haIsland il ha rascîad hy scasiers as S0e vAuquCiise sioin noa quat, the as te ice anS weather bacoeafavorable vasnuiscshicvsriobv qce rer, The ai c ghs for thans to proceed eastwsrd. aftar a viccty, and cnt cff the heats sof rteir woucdd asd prestrataecaiimies, anS thay alwaye treai prieciîers se the saine barberons isiie. 'Tbis is oeareassois why soidiers îvho ara pitteS againsi Biack Fiags comae te o spaedly bate sud fear tlscns as oppouacis are rarely listed anS feaste, and te flgst ihese with unparsilal- cd furv. JAaNSe MýERCITSS ts IEN AItOîUSE. Japan bas net bean St îT5t for tha ast 50 yaare, or silice she adopteS modern jus- plamacte of war. '[ha JaDnseaara figlt- are, lsowavar. '[i'y bave sbown thut 'vithin a vary few yeas. 'Tha stern metbosis wsîh wlich a hslf dozAn rebel- lions hava bean pot ,lown denostrata ihat tise ,ap aili hea sfoc iot te be daspised. le tha final battla cf tha rüellion cf 1877 tise rebai army wae ainiost aibslted. Onut of a total force off60!) huit 30 escapad aliva. le this oprising, which las tadabu sissamosstîs, 120100 livas wera destroyad. 'ha ceet of the war te the Govromeer suas betwean 35 sud 40 million dollars. Betis the Ciovrmant trocuis snd tise rbais were aqippai witls mûoSarnegens, snS waraoffioered by modern Europes n so',diers. Sea-Faring Becoming Safer, In epita of the increasad speed of moern traval, ses-fssdng bacomas safer yean by ýyaar. A returmuissnîd by ihaBnisisih Board cf '[rada shows that the total neher cf sea casusîties which ceentreS tei ship- saPinig onder the British flag ici 18923 sas 6,317; the total nuimbar of lossas at sas wae f63o, and tbe Iceaga 915,161. Beth as regardls vessails anS tonnage ibis je bower than any pravieus year in the ratureus. 'Tha icscf liue was 1,901, as againet 2,392 the Iprevione yaar anS ant average cf 2,529 je the previeus sixtecu years. 'Theadacea je cbiefly Suecte inîproed ceonstruction anS stricter regnlations as te the oading anS maccicg cf shipe saiiing undler the British flag, but part of i may aise ha set dews, te better chate, improvad ighthorss ar- rangements, anS gresuies precautices for the ssv:ng cf lifa se case of chipa reck. A Boilumiae monk, in 1754, icvantad tisa flrstîligiteiumg,,coniductor. VITALI'[Y 0F SEEDS. SeedsFrois511te W iiieFa r4 014 I lIts Spreeteil. Tlcw long 'vi scede crases-va ibeir vital- ty? Se fâbes have i '-o seS arc seuh basng prssag'Ios this sebjeet that a fcw factsmses',' ce hanucsuptahla, '[ha seads cf tisa wllow uvli ne' germicare afier havicg beau oece dry, anS thair germinat- ucg peur is lest in îwo 'vache avec if dur- ieg tisaiintanvai th'y have bean kept frashu. T[ha seade cf coelea anS varions othar plan ts Se nes germinata aft'ý.- havieg :haen' hept. set aenycoisiuerabie langtb of ima, '[b grains of wheat oua,1liectheir poer cf grewth after a lapge cf seven yaarlz, though whea!:ýover two centurie cd bas bacc fenueS este capable of beimîg usaS for focS. 'Tha steries, of Ilmommy wheat" spi'outisg afier hsving laie dormant je Egyptian toîise for ihousatîde cf ycats ara, te say the leasi cf thans, vary dotions. No 'vali authanticatad instances of sncb fSuds are axtant, whila amoug other articles solS bar the Arabe to credulous iraveliers, as coming ont of the cama tombas theanaciant whieat, bave hean dahlja beibe anS mais'a, isba Sepositice ef wbieh in the receptacla item wiicis tiey 'vera said te lue exiractad necaestates the beiief thai 3,000 yaars ago hea subjeets of the Phareohe wcra engageS in commerce te Amaties, Ryeanad whaat oely 185 years olcauld cet be icduced te germinsa, isba place cf ihe cebrye baing eccupiad by a siimy pctrefyimîg fluiS. If, hoever, exeluded frcm iight and air, anS aboyealal, frocs Sasup, seade bave beeni kcown te keep for lengihessad peiods.I Seeds cf ihe base anS pea order bave sprouted af set 100 yeats' storaga in ami bar- banjuse, and seany sisilar instances bave been recordeS. Sees disieterred ftem the si tahe frcmunîer verysncieei buildinigs sud otisa-r situatiens have alie sprautad, tiîongh the astimates cf their aga bava beau all tha way frose 500 to 2,000 y'-ars. '[bey cse coi, howevar haceeosidared bayonS ihe tance cf shapticisse. '[ha new rifle factory and iron ivorkeast Han-Yaug, China, lh5aebacc dsatrcyed by se incendiary fine. East End Grain Depot The tindersigned desire to îhank fli tartners of West Duîrhamtr for the liberai patronage extendeti to us darinc the past season, also to remind thern that we are stIl in the market and prepareti to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR AL KINOS OF GR IN' 7-"0 e delivered at our storehouse cor, Kinc and G3orje str-ects., or at p r Darlington. We have also on hanti a larcre stock NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian anti Liverpool Coarse Salt in BauY;-. Ro'k S-i tbF,)r cat and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plastet- in Barrels -vhich we are prepat-ed to sdil oIII~-EP EE~OJ~ OASZE~ AUl kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEAN SCREENED COAL aways in stock. WVe invite inspection and guarantea satisfaction. -7 bI e plcased or.ce l uaiiytie aQiair amid tharee tiznes iii Prîce who inspect the uneqitalled assorinent of Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &c., At our 'Store, se- E AVE M, 8LCK9-ûi Hn~niI BIGGEST STORE, BIGGEST VARIETY, BIQGEST VALUE. E ve ry body ilitieto euh nziaï seou? new £u»LwÎ, ir TRE SIIOE IMAN WOOD COAL L FoR ALL SIZES 0F BUILDINGOS. S iCapactU romn 10,000 Io $0,00 GuliC e70 "CYCLONE ST MELRAtiIATOF e WOOD FUN--E H-EAVY GRATE, eý,eî1 y~ cuiaptcd for- ood'hcr' cdr see laeFireflox Oene andRadaio, w lih lin qcic'oir and arco mme. durbi RA DIA O of Moderii Com, mne ~ __ tien and Great i-eaing Feu LARGE ASI-PIT l COAL FNAGE Large Combuefiorn ChaLc rere, ariorte o- Largceh Ileig Srfa(e Large Food Doar Sectional FirO Pot Rotating Bar Dunipin itatc- DEEIP ASH FIT OXFORD WOOD FURNACE __________ >ý PullGuaranteed Capacity %uIETMOILBO. ...Manufactured by.... rThe CURNEY rFOUNDRY VCOMPANY Ltd.9 TOFOttT0 A High-Flying Bird. '[bat hege bird, the condor cf the AnSes, fat axceis avary othar bird in ibis asspect. It lifts itseaf to a haîght wlîara ce sound is haard, cave tisa amy iread of us vast picions, anS surveys iii solitary grandeur the 'vida range of plain anS pastere land heceaih il. Hunîboit mentions tha fighîi of the condor in ibe mountains of Chili,1 euS smong the Çotdillarae ef Souths Amaties. \Vbetsup smeng itacasceinuntaine, ai an altitude of 11,000 feet, ha observaS thase 'vondrous hirds saiiing in circlas for heurs tegethar, se iîigh aboyaie is.hat they wera juet disearnîbla as mmuta speeke in the uky. Thbus, whisn we considier tbeir imnmense comipase cf wissg extenSing frein fourteen to tifteen feet ftem tip use tmp, sbcxvs to wht ian smazicg elevatîce thece iinuit ais. Caiclatina trieonenietricaily. il usiot concideredI riat tbay cesîld net ha las shan from twe'suty tc 'we nty-five -tlsousand ifet au ý.v -ese, 1 -siu lITW,-LL DI5-EL PIEP UI1 L!MAC In makin, the Isudas, budget sci ernssit Mn. Fowlen, tise Scesu forIs ,an nuusncei thtat jr'vusîd prou uo, C bene'es cary te rasimpoe athe cetorssry iun lesa

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