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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1894, p. 8

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- J I I No ther I dIne Stratement of a Wall Knowu Doctor -ver s aollier blood iiedicine t1iat 1I have evrueanîd 1I ave tried thseni sal. is se thlorotugli isli s action, and eftects s0 maîîy er massext cuires as Ayer's Sarýsapailla.- rH. F. MER IIL, AgliSta, e,. Aye's Offy arsaparilla Admitted at the World'e Fair. Aucer's pilsfor liver and bocls. Toronto Industrial Fair 1894. The Toronto Industriai Exhibition, which commences on rd day on Septem. ber, a few days heuce, continnirig until the 15th of the month, will aurpass lu in- terest and attractiveneFsalal its predleces- sors. The entrieî have been unusually numerous and choie, and every building wlli be crowded. Thos great improve ments made, last year in c inrectioi with the accommodation of live sti ck by tne erïction cf uew shiedB and stubles on tie lateatnd usost aprroved princîples cüf construction have resulted in increapedl interest being talien in the Fair by fsrm- ers and stock raisers, and in addition to ertries by nearly ail the old-tiire exhibit- ors thore are large accessions to t1he nnm- ber. The list of special attractions is brillijant and diversified, including trot- ting, runinii sund hurdie racea, doz trot. ting matches, bicycle contesta, equestrian speciaitiea, bailoon aseFnsions with uew and exciting drops, living pictures (heine reproductions of the mueot celebrated worke of art by handsorne models), Jap anEse day fireworks-a novel Oriental deviceocf much ingenuity and artistic mret, Ediso' marvellous Kinetograpli -tho ncwest electric wonder, the Cati fornia pLantons carniage, mnuîi, by the bent bande in the Province, concr:s by the Ladies' Vienna Court Orchestra, per- formances by the, Siavery Pays Troupe, organ recitale, aul every oveing the wonderfully reailistie, brlfiiat and vivid epetacular and pyrotechnic performance of the "Siege cf Ilgiera" aith 417 per- formera, curintung i a burst of mte- oric spiendor whsch mar1ka si uw rs ir pyrotechnic art., Tbe atteudanco hii fair te be cxtraordlinarily large, aR, ir addition te reduced rates on ail raiisvsyi and steamboals, a number of sjpecî,il ex- cursions cevering a widé area ini Canada aud the United States have beon arrang- ed for. No one sbeuld fail te visit the Industriai this year. DEAu SRs.-Ilhavae bon uiigBardocl Bittera for Boils ansd shin di8osses, snd I find it very good as a cure. As a dyspopsa cure I have aise fon it unequalieci Mrs. Sarah ilamilton), Montrea], Que. THE STATESMAN office has long heen noted for the excellent sale bis priruled and this seasen we are sure to havea large numbor as ugual, We give a froü notice of the sale for oue or two wcoks in THEt STATESMAN wbcu the billa are printc ed by us. 0ur pricos are always right. As this paper crculates iargoiy among the farmers of Daiington, Carke and Cartwright, as weiisas East and Wost Whitby asud Pickering, a notice in Ti STATESMAN 18 cf ten worth quits aq much as a hundred posters. Give' orders to have your buils prnted by M. A. James. STATESMAN Office. 5LiNEs ON K.AN<L.-I land the poop'e arouud hore prefer Dr. Chases Kidney- Liver'Pilîte any other 1 have in stock. They are a weudenfuIpili. Seud 3dozen at once, I arn nearly eut. P. S-soud b; post, J. W. Irelaud, Guornock. M. A. James le agent for the following pepular eteamnship luoes-Allan, Ailan- Stato, Dominion, Anienican (formerly the luman), Anchor, and llamburg American Packot Ce. Ail information about rates and sailings eau be had on application at the STATESMAIY Office, Bewmauville, poraonally or by letton. 1Our readors in auy part of Canada aboulda.ak M. A. Jamea for price of ticete when thinkingabout going te the Old Country or aeuding fer friende. - 'rnec 1tts l-.etv PilUs to cuire any - -i -u - s~ DioUbCes, Luinibigo, l)rcp vI~1 insitilIleart Diseise, Feu ai,- imur 13od-j nin tis i. s sn stri, 1 PI ii jlcSil s n,lic, -dbi. rlw ,s1 Or, cit w i c lic O -ptr Oor Sr-,j '-.tu7 SS DPI s,..A. SÎVI'e ;i' IèCO., Tctrontc 090NO. <Cndensed from ithe News.) Mise Jane Sievewight is visiblîg friends lu Bewmanviile.0 Misses Minnis Truli sud Eliza Powers viited at Stoney Huret, Dalington. Mrs. Jas. Bell sud MiseEma Hall have returned homo front an outing aI Scugcg. Mn. Dan Whitney sud f amily, Brighton, bave taken residence here. Mrs. R. Beat lias returued te ber homne in Marebaltown, Iowa. Mre. William Armstrong je lhome after a pleasant viil wItL frinsdel Hope. Mn.. W. W. Truil roeutly visited her brother's Mr. Jas. Rutledge, Canton. Mn. Go. Been lies an apiany of 59 hives of boss, mostly hybrid species; sud ho anticipaes. ovor 1,500 Ibs, section Loney. Mn. John Waddell is on a trip throngh Manitoba. Mn. R. T. Hodgson will leave our1 echool Sept. laI te enter tbo Guhîphl Cellegiate Inatitule, for s course of tudy,1 Mn. J. H. Allun will take hie place durng Ihs balance of hie terrn. Stsîker Bros. "Strideaway" wen second money lu tLe 2:40 race aI Port Hope on Mouday week. Miss Ma2gie Jerorne Las been visiting fienda lu Port Hope. Mrs. N. P. Hall viited Mn. R. Fowlsr, at Lifford, Dr. M. M. Tuoken sud Mr.Tho.Smith wcrs ai Lake Sceugg ise we6k Mrs.W. Kerrha purchased tLe Board- more neidenco. Visitons : Mns. J. H. viaikor anud famiiy, of Pont Hope, at Mn. A. A. Rolfe's; Miss Loveua Trail at hon uncle's, Mn. W. W. Truli; Mn.. Feston sud dangliter, Port H1ope, aud Mn. E. Poster, at Mrs. Kirkland's; Mn. Goe. Ramrey,Aginconrt, et Mr. J, E. Varce's; Mr. J. W. Mc- Phersmn, Marsaaltewn, Iowa, sud Mr. Thomnas BingLam, of îBowmaunville; Mn. E. V. Dyer, Gsirden Bill; Mrs. Graham, Dundalk, Rt Mies McPherson's; Mrs. Davidson, Newcastle, at Mn. P. bMc- Cu1iagh'r,;MissAnnieThoMPSOD,Keudail, je at XMrs. Vunson's; Mn. sud Mns. Lewis Piatton; Mrs. Gao. Joli and son Everet, Bowmanvilie, at Mrs. H. Hooper's; Mr, sud Mr. Alex. Staîken, Burton, st is mothe'e; Master Arthur sud Miss Berthe Pierce, Rocheater. N. Y., ai Mn. Wm Anmtrong's; Mn. PLilip Pollard, Macei,, Mis3., sud Miss Poillard, Charlotte, N. Y., ai Mn. Gee. Pollard's. K. D. 0. The Greatest Ours 0f The Age. ITS PROVE lyS GREATNESS. Nct only is K. D. C. the ncmedy for the worst ferme of Dyspepsia, but iti jee greet'ht)usohol4d remedy for the mild forma Of Indigestion, snob as leaseof appe4ite, craving for food, ditreas aler eating, sourtomach, Leartburn, flituloncy,head- ache, waut cf encrgy, nenvouenes, init- sbility, eic. As s Spring modicine there lai uoiug iibetter, for it clesoses sud re- stores t!ue uto(mach te healtby action-s -healthystomach causes the food te neurish ax.d ms.kca gcod blood, sud thus muet ator e tLe whole sysîcai. Our peeple one 1 Tonq muai Icaru the tact Ibat hcalthy dig- icaet ion is one bf the moat important afenctions in the buman oconemy. The 1. largeFt portion of il"a that flesh i-ý hei te, aeau te tnaced te bad digestion. T&ke K. D. C. sud ho convissced cf ils great cura- ive pnwers. K D.C. Comfpa-ny, Limited, New GlapLow, N. S. sud 127 Sate St, Boston, Mass. k I NEW SHOEMAKER. a 1.Having rrted tLe shos slsop f ormerly occupi.d by the laIs Mn. Bunnor, I bot ta announco that I amn prepaned to do ali n kinda cf erdered work ini making snd ne- a paiing boots sud shees in îLheat oe a' style. A good fit guarantee-d., Fine ne- lO paiing asepecialty. A oel solicted. n ~A. KE.NNEDY. r>owmsanville, Feb. 13th 1894. ýg Ses tihe Kid Gloves for 50a a pair st dCouch Johuston & Crydermau's. P-imples Blackheads Mothy Oily Skin 's CUTICURA SOAP It Strikes At the Cau~se viz. The Clogged Irritated Inflamed or 51uggish PORE med, rogsbu s teh-r'nai ilh Sold clroshoui ,ha worl. Porrvan l)ano solo t. ( ons cePrp. tsî, MW-%- 1 waa cured of a soyons cold by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Oxford, N. S. R. F. HEywsoN. 1 wss cured of a terrible epraun by MINARD'S LINIMENT. FREI) COULSOx,1 Yarmouth N. S. Y. A. AC. 1 was cured of back eryeipelas by MINARD'S LINIMENT. > 1 Ingleevil!e. J. W. RUGGLES. Are yen aware that the tVest End leuse have an edv't in this paper werth roading ? Look it up sud read It. DoN'T LosE THE BABY.-Every nwther kncwb how criticai a time tho second summer is, sud Low many littie one die dnning that period frorn Surnuer Cern- plaint, Dyseutcry, Diarhoes, and Clsolera Merbus; sud hew auxionsly bhe watches 1 day by da.y, lest th 3 dread diasee satoh away the ioed eues 1 There isneodiseaso that comes seo nddeuly, or je frequently se quickly fatal, as thesieBowel(oemp)ints sud ln a large majority of cases cloctora sud medisineb seem. te beocf ne avail. There le, hewever, one rsrnedy, whjch in ferty ycars of trial hasnover becn lçnown te fail 'when taken accerdiug te the prnted directions, and tbis je Penry D.svisï AIN KILLEIt. it is se safe sud sure tatne mether la justifiod iu being withouti t. A bottie lu the bouse ready for srpddeu ickuesa will often save a life. Yen eau get a now Big Bottis for 25c. \ve charge 10 cents a lino for ail notices cf Anniversanies, Concerts, Lectures, aud eutertaiuments, for which ne priutiug Las been, ûr n jete hoordered aI this office, when an admission fee je cbanged or col- lection'taken. Tihe sarne charge jaý made for aIl business notices appearing ameng news items. Cornespondents wili krudly state this te ail applicants for sncb notices sud whenever possible forward the amount with the notice, or state te whom the account je te be sent. HDUSEHOLO ECONOMY DURINC jTHE HARO TIMES. i The great study in the average hous- held at the presaI lime je hew toe cocu- omize. 1 I larze business centres, trode is duil, 1weges Lave been reduced, sud iu oîder te live cemfortably sud ilook'wll, certain oconomios muat ho praoticed. r The eaviug and thrifty housewife, hy the use of Diiamond Dyes, eau savo nssuy dollars tach year. Many articles of wearng apparel, Puch- as dresses, blouses, wrape, jackets, Pl awla ceabe yessud rpants that bavo become faded Eud dis. )colorod, eau ha made te look as enod an enew, if dyed with the celebrateci Diamond )Dyes. e For tLe work cf homie dyein!!, ses that -yeu use oouy the Diamoutd Dyes; they ropresont tLe 1atûot a, dlbest scientific a chievernents, and are thù oily dycs tthst -can ho nsed with perfurt succes ud iatir- ýfaction. 1 Ask Vour dialer for the Dîauîioàad, ud hob sure y'mu get thora. THE N èOST SIICCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST- Certain ln is effeels saud ise-r blgters. lteais proofis below. KENALLS PAVIN CURE. ]Bo 5harane'ederC o, Ii. , Apr. 2, '2 Dr B. . EssuÂLL Ce DcaSr s i e e ed s -ven et f or Bokend&lls Spay, ue i )hsur,.i .X.k t tsebe. LP. en I.-vr , l>av re ,noved ose Curb, ane lo ottls einut ker. kier.& Uoate Sson nd Aalathecmme di tt a Y e u= . resuliy, cBIS OE, OHEDAP S SAL UE. DrS . KmDio.CANTN, O.,fr.s,92 reandex-1' 0fer bî-ck belo cat tr i eb i «mntat e f r I.5 . aFloe r ml e uson e low ost ten ma Wke se e nds or a o aouds. o wt Jutcepivd, anew sis. Sai orsOand armers Dcaugiers, which areNwCASiTRhersethe Ladies eall and sce. No trouble t-)shîow goods Stnaw Hats reshaped in al tise latest st3 les. Orders taken for- the Robinson Corset which neyer fails to give perfect satifact'ou. Mrs. Doncaster, î AUCTION SALE -OF- REAIJ ESTATE IN DARLINGTON. Undor instructions from the Admin istraton of the Esis te ot the laie J. D. Trelovon, thons will lie eftered for sale liT Public A uction ai Bënnuet's Boe]s, lu the TOWN OF BOWMAN- VILLE, on THURSDAY, AUGUSI 30%H 1894 ai the lsonr ef 2 o'clock lu the afttrunoD, that valuable proponiy consisting ot Lot Ne. 16, lu the 4th Conc essieu of theTrownshipot Darling- ton. The farimcentaine about 200 acresal loared, arable land, exeepi about 15 acres whichla I saad te be well timbered i wth hosch, maple, homlock, sud valuabke cedar. The soi, te said te ba a good cday loat and in a fa in sate of cultiva tien. The property is siiuaied on the Hampton road. distant 3 miles front Bowuuanvîle,wharo au excellent market la 51w sys had for produce sud oue mile fromt Hampton, whero ans Post Office, Church sud Sehool. The farm le sald te lie weli teuced sud le creesed by e neyer- Iailiug sire ai cf eprtug waîon; ilionsare &as good wells of liard waior. On the properiy are enected the tollowing farte builnings:-Ono-aud-a-halt stoney trame houses 24x36 fi.; frtrmebhen sud stable 70xl0 fi. 2ox30 fi. and 30x25 fi-, 'with stone stable under; implomeni lieuse 30x20 fi., frame. Thons laens excellent orchard et about 6 acres, well siockod wiih choies valites ef fruit Inee in goit bearlng. The sale will ho subi et ie a neserve bid. TERms ANCeONITrION FSÀLIE-One.tenih dowu ai the day ot sale sud balance wihln 30 dave. Arrangement may lie made o te ave two-thirds ofthtie perdisse money ou menigage lioaring 6 per cent. intoresi. For f union paniicîlars application nîay bc made te te tie undorsigued Auctioneer. te W. F. ALLEN, Esq cio Bowanville, Adminisirator, or te tie undensiigueci Solicitor. Dated the 9ih day of Auguet. 1891, LEVI A. Wv. TOLE, D. BURKE SIMPSON, Auctioneer, Sllitur for Bowmauville. W. Y. AiLEN, Esq.. 13-3w Adminlstrator. MORTGAGE SALE 0F VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY.ý DEBY PLUG~ 59,10 & 200. PLUGS. "UNION", MAKE ITS -SALES ARE- Daniel Ritz. Propriotor and Publiiher of the Hambnrg, Ont., Independent aye: ,Il was suferng f rom Dyspepela and Lîven Troubles, I teck a few bottles of Sbiloh's Vitalizer and il cured me. 1 can hoartily recommnend it." Pethick the Barber can mnake yen look and feci liko a riew man by operatiug on yen 'with scissere sud razor for a few minutes. Givo ins a trial. btoerago piu'sengera whe buy their ocean tickets f rom M. A. James, at the ]adruig teamphip agoncy, Bowmanviile, wiil ho supplied wlth use of bedding aud eatiug ni ensila free. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a gusrantee' It cures Incipient Consumption. Il Ie the best Cough Cure. Only eue cent a do 3e; 25 ets., 50 ete. snd $1. 00 per bettle. Sold by Stett & Jury. A HMLO AYSSOY SHE MET WITH MuTANY FAILURES AND DISAPPOINTMENTS. She Was Induced to Try Paine's Celery Compound. New Life 1 ileaith 1 Strength 1 The Grand Resuits. Thonsande ef hopelese and despaiing hearta in Canada have beon made glsd and filled with suneahine. Mon and women who have snfered for long yoars and whe have boon given up as incurable have been restored te viger and health by Paine'.s Celery Compouud.- A great and glertone exampie ef cure, af ter long Bufi ertng, is furniehed by Mrs. Rohocca Jackson, cf Hamilton, Ont. ahe sayt:- "Having been troubled fer nearly fif teen yeara wth norvousuesansuloop- leseness, aud uny physician unabie te afford me relief, ar d after trying a number of rernedies, I was induced te lise Paine's Celery Compound. 1 coutinued te im- prove from the first bottie, I have used one dozen bottles and ar n nw fully ne- covered. I cau lheanîily recemmend is use te auy ene who suifera as I did." Paine's Celery Compounud gees direct ta the root of ail troubles ; it cleanae and purifies the blood, strengthens and braces the uervesansd gives toue te eyery organ cf the body. Try ir, Euferer,it wilI make you well sud tneng. next few days. We have some of those remuants of Factory Cotton that have been inquired for so much. We have soid hundreds of yards during, the last th ree weeks. You neyer bought Factory Cotton so? low. Cali and get some of the fevi pieces remaining. We are'seiiing ladies heavy black cotton hose for 10 cents a pair and cashmere for 20 cents a pairn You neyer saw such value. Good Shaker Flaunel for 5 cents a yard; Gents Feit bats from 25 cents up-a great bargain. "111- We are making the above slashing cuts in, ordor to clear out our stock to make for the nevi fal goods, which are now con-i in lualmost daily. have been very fortunate in our purehases of fiali 11id winter goods and the public viJII hear soluie rat1Iâi.-' startling announicemeuts and quotations in a few weeks; but for the present vie are giving our special attention to clearing out odd in'es and as we iudicated abov: wvii1 not stick rcgarding prices as in a great many css -vie are not asking one haif vihat the goods cost. IDon't. be prejudiced or suspicious and refuse to accept these bargains. We have our reasous for doing it, and while it is our loss it is your gain. Je. J.lYASOIN Dry Gooda ad Jewelry Hunes, Bowmainvilie, Ont. I F3LIUSN ES S, zDYS PEPSI1A,,-- SIK ÎHEADACHE, REG ULATILTHEULVER. j N E lPI Ll-A TER E.ATI N C INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PlWji-E 5 CTS T IEDUDS 10J AUCTION SALE 0F RESIDENCE Punsuant te the power of Sale, centanin l IN THE a certain inenteage, wiich will ho pnoducs'd et ttiune et salethons will lie cfféred fer saiseXT1 ILLETT1 liT Public Auction, et the 110101luntihe Village TOW NOF BO VVUIiL'V Jfl of flURICETON. on SATUR9DAYS EPTEMBDER ISI, 1894 Unden Pca wen of sale cuntainefi in a certain ai 3 e'cleck in the atternoon. liy THIOMAS moniga md ateVnosnwi eal SWAI, J.. Actinae, th folowi vin.auditoge produceis at i re of sale, there willl SWAI, J.. notoner, isetolowig vlu.lie offored for sals by Public Auctiosu et the alile freehold pnoeroty, viz. Blennett Houies. in thse Town of Bewmian-ville, Lot number sigiteen lu uth iret Concession on ot tise Township cf Cartwright in the Ceunty r nn et Dlurham, ceraining 200 acres more crises. ST OY E ~ILl8 84 Ou tbis lot aes rame d wellmg lieuse and oui- STRA ,SPE BR8 84 buildings, aitishe heur et 12 o'cleck. noua. ail sud lugulan About 160 acres are clearofi and lu a tain Loi Number One on ths noti-est corner et Biais cr cuiti vation. Thons are about 30 acres Higi and Concession Sietej as shown ou of mixed limber an fd 10 acres et siump land. negstoed Plan ot Lois on Concession Street lu Thse fonces are ot rails sud stumps and iu tIhe Town of Bowmansille made hy J. H. Raid. goofi condiion. There is a smail orcliard. P. L. S., ehcwing thse subdivisions cf pari cf Thisproary " sLot Ton iu Lot Eleven ot lhe Townshsip of Tiss popety e ituated about 3 miles front Darlingion as shown ou Plan of Bowmanvllle. Busetn a station un the C.P.-R. andfisl locat- ed luin eclln pari ef the country, wiih Upon the property u S saîd tealis a veny fine gooci noade lsading iu eveny direction, brick houseslu geod sialeocf nopair. TERMS --A cash deposit cf 10 per cent. of The prcperly will lie offared subjoci te ne- rhe purehse mouey musi ho paid ai the lime serve bid. ot sale, ai whici urne tullen information will TEIIMS.-10 per cent. ef the puncbasemeuey lie givon as te ihe titre for the payaient of the will requins tealis peid ai lime oi sale aud tise balance sud as ta possession of t hoe propenty. balance accoerding te favorable terra sud The prop3nîy will heo olfrod aubjeci te a conditions ihsu te ha made known. reservef i hd. Fon f uniher pantieulane- apply te Tunther patilculars and cenuditioni wlll lie BEATTY, BLACxSTOCsc, NESBSTT & CnIAnwseK, made knowu ai tise lime ef salit or can b3 had 58 Wellington St. E., Toronto, in lise meantime ou application te Solicitors for Vendons. HODGE & FORISTER. Datof ai lise City ef Toronto Ibis 28th day et et 70 Victoria S'..- Toonie, JisiT, 1894. 31-3w Solicitor fon tise Veudore. Dated ibis ls a ,y ot Auguet. 1891. 33-37 F. C. Pothick is ILs bot. a tonsonial aitt iii. Gîve him as eau if yeunueed s heur. Minard's LUiment cures LaGrippe. cnt or sLave. G- RAND FARLM FOR SALE OR TO %WRENT- 150 acres iu ail. south 126à acres of lot 5, aud 25 acres of forth-. lot o, con..3, Danlingtou. Fine brick honsespaclous barnne. splendid soil,excellent waten stneam sud weile fire wood ou prensisep. Two miles from Bow. mauville-great chance-sale on easy terme, or will roui for s term-plengh posession aiveis etter hanvest. Apply te Mus. JANSE WIGHEl ou uremtisos or te D). Bunutsr SsarrioN. of Bow.. ma uviIlee 3 1-tf WOOLWN0 OLU To Fareros sLo rnay bave wooi toexer- chanves, I boa te inferns thons that 1 have added te my alneady largo stock opeciis. linos cf cotton, elhirtings, flannelette, cettouades, etc., sihieh I wili excbange fer wool. fligheat pnice paid lu cash for aIl grades of wcol at thc Hamptoib Woullers Milla, 31-3m. D. TAYLOR. Preprieto:, ýALUN LIN.E Preposeit Sailinge. Subject to change. 189lt Ilverpool. ILondonderry, ube uE Meutreal Mal Srie From Mou treal From Quebos, daylig 't 9 am- MON(0LIA"£I.. ...... Au,,.. 1 Aug d' LAIYRENTIAN .....Aug 11 Net ealllng SÂIIDINlÂN .......... Aug 18 AuR 19 NUIIDIAN ........... Aug 25 Net elllaj PAXRISIAN ... ........Sept 1 Sept RATES 0F PASSAGE. Firet cabin DAirry sud Liverpool, $;5jj wards single; $95ansd upwards vetum cahtu Liverpool, Dorry, Belfast, Glasgow, ie0i retumu $60. Steensge ai lowoet rates (oevrày. thlng found). STATE LIM~E SERVICE. INEW YORK, LONDONDERRY JND STATII 0F CALIFORNIA, 8g 3 STATE 0F NEBRASKA, 1I pm ...... ug fl STATIt OF CALIFORNIA, il -,mAug Of Cabin passage, $10 sud upwsards, roi turn b,8 and upward; Second Cabin S.30.9, rgo lewest rates. Fon tickets and every Informýati'on appiy 10 M. A. JAMESz Bowmanivllle. TU ELED )WEEKDJ As the publie know our remuant and cleaiîgo sale bas been a great success; neyer have we si,,crificed goods as we have this season. The resuit is lt we have cleared out nearly ail our surniner goods. Stili we have some lines ou which we arc going temake stili further reductions and thus rush out duringtI4ý DON'T DESPAIR

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