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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 5

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_____________________________ i KNOWLEDGE ?rings comfort ana improvesuent and twids to personal enjoyment when ri-htly used, The many, who live bet- 5 t* than others and enjay life more, with lams expenditure, by more prornptly adapting the worldl's best products to the needs of physical being, will attess 1Lho value to health of the pure Iiquid laxative principles embraced ini the tGmedy, Syrup of Figs. c ]Its excellence is due to, its prementlng în the fora mont acceptabb e and pleas- uzt te the taste, the refreshing and trtily beneficial pra'perties of a perfect lax. fitive ; effectually cleansing the ayatern5 4i8pelling colds, headaches and feverr, Illd permanently curing constipe...... Ât has given satisfaction &..) millions and Mct with the approval of the mnedieai f 415ofession, because it acta on the Kid- ne~ys, Liver and Bowels without weak- û1iing them and it in perfectly free froma qvery objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs in for sale by all drug. gi n 75c. botties, but it in muanu- fiacfýf7ed by the California Fig Syrup Ce. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the namo, Syrup of Figo, and being well iufarmed, yots wil not accept any substitute if offered. youl can save enougli by pur- hangfrom us so that YOUR TRIP TO TORONTO EXHI81TION WILL- NOT COST YOU A CENT. We have one of the finest stocks dTrusses in this part of Canada, including the veryý latest improve- ments and Our picies are so much below the prices charged by Toron- to dealers that we can save you from $ý1.OO to $.Oon a snl TIIEY WILL LAST A 1lFE b0st ,$5,00, Cheaper grades; pro- porti6lnate1y lew. Cait and s e - qm nd dIo not wvaste your money on worthless goodIs that are a constanat anno)y- WE GUARLANTEE SATISFACTION anad have successfully fitted cases where ail other trusses have failed. STO T &Z J UR Y Drueclîsta and Opticians. When you are in-towna do flot fail- to mee our spectacles-liest value In town. Eyes tested free by a graduate of the tlree best coliegea In U. S. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION. GOIN4G EAST GOING WEST Fxpress .. 840 anExpress ...51larn Ere .127 ar n 05 arn Paeenger.. 0 »Passenger. ...8 4,0 arM Paenger..70pm Passenger. ...2 26 p rn Expreoss...10 25 p m 1Express .....T 46 Pm WHEN YOU TRAVEL ulway@s g8t tieke taeat aur store. Tirne tables for al rairoada free. Always pur chase yaur tickets tii. day befare starting and avoid trouble and Incountenience when yon are iiurried. We return your rnoney if tickets are mot useý,d. STOTT & JURY, Druzgisîs and Opticians. BOWMANVILLEC, SEPT. 5, 1894. Local and Otherwise. New ad vts. of farine for sale sud ta rent ln this paper. Mrn Finlay Lockhart, Montreal, le vis .ftingf relatives in town. Prof, Chas. T. Paul and f anily of To- ronto, are atayhng In town. lire. E.* Perkin- snd grandson of Osh- awra, are vliting Mr. John L. Perkin. The Canadian ,Live Stock snd Farm Journal for September la a capital num- ber. W. are pieased ta learu that car young townsman Mr. Adalph Nîchols le going înto business oni his avu account and je fitting up a ahop in Neads block. Fuller partlculars next week. Gýrand Trunk Railway le et present en- joylng a rush, bath frelht aud passenger business2 going east being heavy. Nlght express lest week bas rm n utwtosections, ,d.frelght trains passe down close after one-anothor. A Trenton lady sys vas ill in b.d with sickhaadache, P>heuyo-Caffein cured me entlrely lu an hour. Black stainleas, cotton 1 ose and ladies' rcottan under veste apeciaiiy fine value at G-axph, Johustan & Cryderman's. SFectacles ! Spectacles ' Spectacles 1 Headquarters at Rickard'. for everything in this lino, Repairing, Tcsting and Fltting donc velliand corroctly. A good P&ir of Spectamies fuçr -)0 gents,. the train for the rotumu jouue', réacbing home about midmight,' tboraughly setIsfied vith the trip. The excurelouiste number. ed about 75 but vo have not heard of sny Bovinvîlliaus participating. Tnu MoDERnN BxxuT.-Thrtvee au good food aud sunehine, vîti pleanty of exorcise In the open air, Hem form glove' vith bealth sud hem face blooms vithIits beauty. If ber syteaneede the cleanlIng action of a laxative remedy. aie uses the gent!. and pleasant liquid laxative, Symup Smoke Derby Plug Smoking Tobacco, 5, 10. and 20c. Pluqs. Talie no other. "Union" Make. Anotfher big lot of PipeR just iu. Spiendid values from 25c. to 50oc Corne in and sec. GRAND CENTRAL. Bowmauville. Have ynu read the West End flouse adv't? Maynard the Jewuller, Bowmanville, always keepa a fins stock of wedding rings. Noue better, none cheaper than my stock of grocerles, fruits, spices, etc. W. H. COaborne. Don't feu ta seeure same of the bar. gains et the sale now going on et Couch Johnston & Crydermezi's. The fineet work sud boat satisfaction you wiii slways get et Maynard the Jew- eller'o, Big 20, Bowmanville. A Toronto lady says, have suffered for years with terrible headaches; aince uslug Phenyo-Caffain one dose always cures me. Candi, Jùhnseton & Cryderinan are soul ing off parasols of ail kinds, alil no goods, at exactiy cost price at their clear- ing sale of summer goodh. One week more of Mason's remuant sale. Greater bargains than ever- see advt. It will beo ta your advantage ta secure. saine of these bargains. Bargains luI these days of depression every one wishes to get ail they cen for their rnoney. Iu that case, you shculd see the Silver Tes Service for sale at T N. Riokard for $18.00. 'Worth looking at evon if you do flot buy. Cali aud you flud that as veilase being iowprioed, ail geeode are of fiait quaity. ChU4dren ry fer SMr. F. J. Jollov je atteuding the Nor- mal Schooi, Ottawa. Miss Gilman, Milford, Del., je guest of Miss Allen, Baech Ave. Miss Mabel Borland beaves ta day for a visit vith Toronto friende. Mr. A. J. Saunders of Geardian staff, Toronto, vas home over Labor Day. Mr A. Nichais has eturned froin an outlng dowu East at Belleville sud othoz points. Mrs. Wm. Peemu aud Miss Fanaie Martyn are visitiug Mrs. Thos. Bridgman,' Ottawa. Mm. and Mrs. G. B. BaIl of Tarantr, have been at home at ex Mayor Allen'. for some days. Mr. W.' L. Allen cf Kingan & Allen, hardware dealers, Peterboro, has beean et home for e few deys on Beech Ave. Mise May Allen and Mises Edge af London, mturned fmomn aummering in the Maritime Provinces lest veek, sud report a magnificent time-dowu by the sound- ing ses. The Davis farmi lot 18, eau. 4, Darling- ton, vas advemtised for sale et auction (n Saiurdey (not lu THE STÂTEsmAN), but no one appeared et the sale but the auctianeer and solicitor. We have nlot sean aur worthy citizen Mr. Gardon D. Fletcher up tavu as much as nuue this sommer, but ve suppose ho le busy lnuhis gardon. Thanke for a nice mess of green corn lest week. O. Seatt, Orono,has received a consign- ment of chivai bcd roont suites, extension sud centre ttbles, fulIl linos of picturo mouidings. Pictumo framing; yery moderato prices. Cal! and inspect.. Mm, Gea. 1IL Webster ha% eceived a letter f rom Mm. and Mrs. W. E. Benînett froin Aidbourue, Wilte, England, who report e very pieasant voyage acrase the Atantie:; noue of thein veme seaelck. The Newe is publlsiinitsnoe luteresting bits ot history frain the peu of the late Robert Ammour, sopplied by Mr. R. B. Andrews fom rns.nuscrlpt prepamed for a iistory of Bovmanville but nlot compioted by aur laeo ownsman befome hie decease. Onue of the moat luvlting floyer gardons lu town this season has bean Mr. Thomas Burden'a, Liberty treet. For extensive essortment, rare varloties, and excellence of quality vs doubt if it bas been aurpasa- ed. The drought bas been hurtf ni tc ail kinda of vegetation sud floral produets the past two months. The merry-go.round, about two weeke ago, pulled up stakes ou Monday morniug sud ef t for Bovmauvilia. It is said they made over $500 whlle in Campbellford, This givon ta the editor, baker, butcher or grocer vould pay a good many debte or if put on the. collection plates iu aur churches, vould give no offnce.-Ceuip- beilford Herald. The other day as Mr. H. McMaiun vas ploving for Mr. Thos. fisynea, brother of Mme. Gea. C. Haines, Bavmauville, au lot 29, con. 3, Haldimaud, north eaet of Cobourg, ho exhnmed e huuîau ekeleton about 6 ft. 6; in. lu helghr. TI.o possibiy buried over 7î0 vears gaothe teoth sud boues of toqs aud fingers are voll! peerv. ed. hý le thought ta ho the romains of a viie-Dan. A rnystemy surraunide the fined sud speculation te mfe as ta viho vas aud boy ho came ta ho buried tiere. The excursion Ita Mnaskoka,Wednoeday, vasi e treat lonig taeo emebrdby aeh via vent. The G. T. RZ. special len-ided the party, cloeely on liwie et the Moskoka viarf,vhere the splendid steamer Nipies. ing Iay vaitinz. Iu a Liv minutes the start vas made for Roaseau, paseing scenery ou the vey not ta be surpassed, on an elevation of 500 feet ebove Lake Oritaric',-aumid mcky-islande covemed vîth-- verdure cf vaîyiag tinte, snd vater stretches as fer as the oye couid reach. The-boat-at-times passed-through-narrows se narmov that eitber aide migbt ho ossilyi touched. These thinge surrounding hîtni and a brighbeautiful slçygorrbis bead. makalC -raadin feelthat ho is e citizen of na mean natian. Aiter six houre' oili on the-enshantnr-wate-s ih -n,.îv -ta<- - Messrs. W. R. Brock sud R. D. Fair bairu of Toronto sud Mr. John Paterson af Moutroal veme gueste cof Mm.r. B. Feirbaimu over Scnday. There la goiug ta be a big rush et, the Feul Faim end the ticket sellers eq nieet tint ail persona came viti the rigit change-25 cents s ticket. A very nice lot of nov bed-moom suites, extension sud centre tables sud saute very petty picttîre mauldings j net arriv- ed et O. Scott's funiture vareroants, Orono. Mr. Joseph Brittain and Mies Nellie Brittain leave ta-day for the Pacifie Coast vheme Mm. Brîttein viii visit bis tva sons sud Miss Bittain will reain over the vintor, Bowvmauvilie Mothadisasasd athere veut oct in great numbers ta Tyrone harveet lestival Mouday sud j cdging by the vay tbey cleamed the tables of evemy- tbing estable the Tyrone circuit viii not ho much tue richer. They praised tho iadiea out there very highly for thoexcl loe. of the epat-and it vas ichly merited, the only tbing vanting vas the chieken pie, but vo undemtind the dry *weatier bas stunted the ohioken cdr. Tic entetiumeut provided by Mr. sud Mme. R. MeLaugilin, Oshava, ln aid of the Presbyteran Churci-vas a succese, Chinose lanterna e ve.ued ta ligit up the levu sud surroundInge, the latter boin)g dotted bore and there viii faucy stands,1 at viici ladies served ile.cream asud otier refresimeute. Miss M. Thomas, Mme. Campbell, sud Mm. Adeams faupplied the musical, snd Miss Emily Lick, Mm. Buir- geas sud Dr. Pattereon the literary part of the programme. Mm. Burgeýse l a posi graduai. of Ememeson Coloege, Boston, sud is n aieoc utioniet of refiued teste"su culture. fIle sud Miss lici, ara veygo company. This youug lady ias added ta hem accompleiments very materiaily by a4 course in a Boston college. fer vivacii±y sud expression are charmaing.- Ref ainer. The Editor of Truz STÂTESMiAN reoides e.t the succees of hies former pupil. Anyone wisbing a bargain eau gosý it, by ca]]iug et Mme, Daucaster's sud pur. ciaeiug anse of ber sty'lisi trlmnued haisý et $1,25,. Mme. Doncaster. if yau intend buying a watch, ck or auythiug in Jeweimy, Silverware, etc.. you viii sqavo inonoey by buYi1 e t J. J. Maaon'm dry gooclt sud jevelry iotas.,r Pitceherre &Cautorla»», SPECIAL CýENTEN NIAL OFFER. THLE ST ATESMAN UNTIL JANuARY 18T, t1895, ANDU TRE 100 PAOE Prtzmium BOOK, j2 G PRICE 50 CENTS, BOTIt 5 1FOR j Everybody iii West Durbami as voil as hundreds of persans via formuerly lived hebre viii vent to read ail about the gre3at centonial celebration sud the record of events that vo hope ta publiai before sud af 1er the evont, therefore vo biave made tbe above aller ta ucv subscribers. Postage stamps may ho sent by miail. Wben ithe Preminin Book je nat vanted vo yull accepi 15 cents or $end Tusk STATESMAN ta twa nov subsomîbers for 25 cents tub Nev Yeae, or $1.0 viii psy ta the end of 1895. Addreee riail ordeme ta M. A. JAmEcS, Publisier, Boy- mauville, Ont. BOWMAN VILLE FAIR. Every rosident of Bovianvilbe and West Dura houid take a persoae in- terepit in ths Fali Exhibition which vl ho ield Friday and Saturday, Septembori 2lstianad 22nd. The Exhibition promises1 ta ha a greater succetse this year than it1 bas horetofore boon, sud elebamate ar- raurtments have been mado ta make ir, attractive sud intemestiug. The. Board of Dîrectors, eomposed af energetie g'entle- men, are pusbiug the show for aIl it lis vorti. Siuc. laet fali they have gone ta a great deal of trouble lu revising the prlze liat, so ibat the prizes& offered for camptition are vorti competîng. Ir iaddition ta lhe show proper the ()Id Set- tiers' Ceutenniel viii ho a nov sud inter- esting fcature vhlcb eiould attredt a gaod many people., Tavuseopie vili iberally patronize the exhibition sud vo expecu, people rfmiIl parts of the Midland Dis- trict. Entries mnuet ho made anaor beflome Wededay Sept. 19. The seeson is ad- verse ta the thow interosi, but ail peranei via have anything vothy of exýhibition shouid inake a spocial effort ibhis year ta make the display as large sud attractive as possiole. IIIGil SCIIOOL NOTES. The candidates v-ho sccceeded ln oh- tainiug full Commercial CerLtficates ai the Deortmental Examinationis ield lu July are: Misses S. Cobbledick E. Col- ville, E. Fielding, Jennie FrsrF Gabraith, L. Hlansoni, S Hutchinson, Sophiae,Jame, I.Jeveil, M1A. Ne,ý aa 8, Ethel Reidl, E. Trabilcockà, E. (>uucb, M.' Rogers, M. E. Virtue, S. Bu-luan, Mi, Boguie, Z. Brimiacom-be, M.l Butchart, Allie Ciivker;L Meamrs. A Ca, J Goard, LHslge .o kinEoucký, R.Lang)_aid, NiMDo Ial, G. Trevin, C. Campbel. G. Fmaalaud, G_ E Glflani, F. obin, C. HT. Mteiell. E A.1MeCul. locli, îW. YF. Patersoni, T.,Peiii-iigtan, E. ilky, . Buce H.Cherry. U7pon tie whole ibe young mou sent out by the International Eiuigration As- sociation bave heen aý success. C0f ail vha came ibis year thora vore auly sornle tva ar thmeo- failures The Asuocîiat;ou are seuding a number ibis mauti sud next under stili more favorable terme ta the fanmers, namely,- six--nontis for board sud ili o areain Ivebve monthEî ai per moti. Fermnera vishing ta seur. auj~ ~ ~~~~~~t oftcF.auda l e netF, F- MeARTI-TuR, Bovmanville, Scperiuite-iil eut for Ontario. hoa theu~i. o.îver caiîecttou. AI r. Smnith le e very interestiug speaker anid th- inging je really very good. Mme MeGili, vîfe of Geo. McGill, Esq., local Manager of the Ontario Bank, wae taken ta Toronto Monday veek for treat- ment, but se. raiu'sliy grow weaker'aud passed peacsrfülly away au Sunday and ber remains vare braught home the sae ovening. The ceuse of death vas heart failore foiloving la grippe., Sho had been aling for ovor a yeer aud lu spite of moet carof ni nursing aud ekilful treatment deati clalmed hem. The funemal taok place yeaterday, the places of businessla tavu bel ng clasied in respect ta mM. GAIl and family. We exteud aur beerty congratulations tao Mmý S. FI. Jeffery of Devieville upon bis- appofntmeiît ta the principalshlp of Eglington Public Sehool by the unani. mous consenutof the North Toronuto School Board. Au important re-clameifactioîî af of the pupils in tbo Davisville achool has beeni made by which the tva bigiest classes of the Senior Division, viii secam-. pauy their teacher, Mr. Jeffory,to Egling. tan. AVthough Daviavîlle is losing the services of a popular and efficient teecherý, yet the t .wn'à Ibas vili hoE _giigtan' gain. Succ'-ss and moit are scre af me- ceivinuý their due revard. CURED BY TAKING AVERS parilla man meicieswbiehwrehgiyrc o edeburt vnooe gave eine. F arilla, and bEfJore adlni ï i 1,11lourt ul, my liamds ,verc as Free f rom Eruptionis Ils e, iver hywee. My bclsinoss, which tliat of a a; - rer ein e to eont lm cold and wet veathe en wýithout lovsbut tbce trouble bas nee eU !*ed.- lli .Jl2 A dmitted à&thée World's air. that we keep the largest and best assorteci stock of ODanned Goods suitable for this hot weather. The INOREASED sale of our Teas speak for themseives. Japan Tea..-95c, wiortIî 35e Congo ....... 25c, worth 3,-m Young ilyson.. .2-5, worth 4üc Congo ...... 2.5e, Woýth 40e- Young ilyson.. 50c, worth 6.5e Congo. .. . ...5c, worth 63 we want and will pay the highest price in cash or goodse GýeneraI Grocers snd Provision Dealers, Bowmaxiville, t' lce.,7 Msa t. eiB C tn h fOST On Mod'A rit hbeiteen SJO*N "anvijie 8snd Mi-,. i. MJoneosean niloloth wagon caver branuîed B"Lýowmauville ItollerMjIipll." Finier wil 0e iiihmbly reward. ed bY ieaViUg f t VNS[tO LRINIILLS. -LT EJEER ASTRAY.-Strayed from JL.L Lot 18, Broken Front, Dirliuz -,on, about second week in August, a red twe-veatr aid heifer. Ileward for inforrn tmon leading ta liar -iecavery-by - -. .Lv Mtenif, -Bowmauville. P. O. 5-3w" 1-tÂRRIAGES TOR- SALER -Cavered UJPheton wîth seat for chiidren, in go od condition ; entter nEarly new wfth sinal Seat for children, and platfarmi spring wagon with sbaft. Alil wll bc ëoId very cheap for cash. i 34-3owI l, 5cet, a 'e ït9s ; ISesiîs. 5* cent%. eaeh Inserti on -but EIE I l5AG~ hn-the wrbPmî'i~ a Catwi. laNewrastle, onaAurist 21th, tii. w Ge f Richard Colwill of a daughter. SvÀAPazvai-Iu Clarke. on Aug. 26.h. the fit e of George Staple ton, of a son. DIED. JARMiN-In Tyrone, on Thusday, August bith, 189,, Effie Jriibia. hala-t-d vi e of Mr. Thomas .lerdine, Sn..* ln hem 87th yeam. M,.ICIL-At St. John's lHnspital. Toron ta, Sept. ?. Adelaide. vif. of George McGili, On- ilana ]Ln. BOWManvlle. ALi - In Derlington,Sep. 3, Richard Allia. agsd i71 yeams, 2 înonths. Touerai to-day at 230 p.. rontProvidence. TFT,icHR-In BawmsuvilleSevt. r, Roua 1,osFltchmdugher f Josepb and Margaret Fle'tculier, ayed 2 tuant hs. MoRmus-In l3iwnanilo-, Sept, 3 Jane. moliet cf the late J, hn Mot,ie ged 71 lears! Tuineal to-day at 2.3u. FLOPUa, 100oi)es...$1 50 to $2 0O WEÂ,i "lVbu~h.... 0O00O O 055 i Rasin, r 0,.. 00hO 0 O55 Gooo, 0. 00 O 0 O52 n Colorado, .... O 00 0 55 White Fife,.O 00 0 O5ô if Red Il .... 000 ,0 60 P'tEY bush, No. 1.. O 00 ri O 40 fi>n rn 9x. 000 fi 015 fin t9 2.. 000 i 0 30 ri r Two rawed 0 OC,.d 033 O w, hite..........O0 00fi O 28 rmixed.......... 000il 0 26 RYE ...0.03 n i0 45 Bucýkvheat e bush... 00 riO040 Pnis, Blackeye, V bush. 0Ofi 0 60 iMummy fi 0 00il 0 60 0 Sal .000if 0 55 Bloc, ri O0 0 ilO060 B U'TT. best table, P lb. O0 0 fiO017 E(ý(sVdIlJz.. 000,il009 PavTA-moES, V bush....... 0 0 fiO'3 5 C 00OK WAýNTED at once, apply to Mrg. D. Bumta .RSDn-SON, Elgin at., Bow- FAMFOU~ SALE O~RTO RENT.- Î' 1 1 (ci CRE fr o sale or ta reut j not ùutsid1e the iown of Bovinanvîlle. Apply ,û Tuaos. î -2wmanville F 1ARM TO, RENT -7'0 acres canvenieut ta ciBaWmsnlvïlle. chureh and sehool, good ürchardLý 'I ndinC n gxod state of cultiva ur36-tf, 127, con. 8, Dariington, 100 acres; good atone h ouse, barn 70xl0 viitane stables. Plough- Iug may commence et aae. possession la Merci or may ho arranged for ini Taîl.Apy tJÂMFS MaOitR, Tyronje P.O., ont. 33-,,f F ARM TO RENIC,-One of the besi ~farma In the Township or Pickering he- inig lots 7 and 8 lu thea rear of 6-ýh con . contain- lng 220 acres-. Soul firat-class and veil vaiared by tire. vole and nover failing stre amrrun-. ing through the promises ; pond dý,îelling house aud out-bbüidlgs, fruit ot ail kinds. For furtiier panticulars apply ta IHt R. Mový BRÀv., Kiiieale P. O., or ta Pi. W, MowBRîÂv, Kinsale P. 0. Election Ex pemces, 'In tihe mcîtter orf lire eleietoiîfîr thie Eleciû,-acl D)istric-t of the West Pirdrrrq of tire Cotintr1 of Drrrharn ini the I'îoeince of Ontario, for- the Leqistatire Assemnily, held on tihe 9th to 2Gtiî of Jie, 1894. The folloving te the abstract ttement of expenos fancnneciion with said Eloction, given me on behalf of W. T. LoCKnîRT, ESq. - a candidate, bv hie agent C. WIGTrv, Esq. Prlntfng and posting Bille ............ 108.87 Rent mid light of Cormttee Rouai...325.80 Raut sud attend ance for ..alle - 3 985 ExpengeBe s peaker ....... ........2 0 Teiegremi3..... ...... ........... 1,7 J. W. cLAI $191.45 36-1w. Rot urniag Offloor. DARLINCTON MOERS' LIST. Notice ls iereby given that a Court vii be held. vumeue.nt ta, The Ontario Voter's List .A et, 1889 by Hie Honor the Jndge of the Cannty Uaurt of the United Counnues of Northumber. land and Durhami, et the Town Hal,Hampton, an the Twentieth day of September, 1891, et haatset.ten a'clock, lu the forenoon, ta heer aud ~ e emine the several complainte of errors aud omissions lu the Voters' List of the. Munlcipallty of Darlingion for 1891. AIl piersans hevlcg business at the Court are reqnuimed to attend ntithe aaid tinte sud place, R.- WýINDA&TT. D a e e i ~ .C l r k v o fr Da r ï j u G i a . A- full supply of Sehool. requisites received at the -'-BIG20"- for -&hool opening. i AflIr We -have, the newest thing for Stamping on Linen or othier material. Cali and A; S. TILLET, :1. 1D., C. M, EMEO OLG OFPEIOIN Tiret door west of Ontario Bank. Residenea., Church St.-8,h door eassi0f Methodist Chure,,; ilowmanville. 3 p URE TAM WORTEU PIGS, 8 weeý-a .1 ad, for saIe. AsPlY ta A. MÂ&NN, let 0 B. F., Derlingtan, Bowmanville. 3i-2wv"- 12JOUSE TO RENT -A seml-detached .1.brick honse on Chureti Street lately ,>,conied by Capt.Crawford. Terme moaderate. &plyi tna.Youiî, or T. BINGHAM, BoW, manville. 6 45-tf, OARDERS WANTED-High Schoiul! B etudents or others req'îlmini a flic. quiet-ý boardinâg place an ro one'where there az-, no chtîdren by inquiring of M. r4- JLyïŽaa, STÀTES1MAN Ofile. ARM FOR SALE.-A'firet ase larm F af 125 acres or 145 acres Sltuated lu the township Of East Vhtby Jet con, lots 15 andi 16 on the. Base Lina, about 1 miles from OsBha, wa station. 2 miles tram Whltby and 5 roe tram the school hanse. Lxrge roamy buildingaý, main barn .95x36 ft, plonty af fruit, Salicloa- loani, altogether ana of the boat grain fernmej an thieLake Shore. No htIs or stones, Abana 10 acres of wood. 75 acres la pasture and fre, h seeded. Trm8seasy, Tiret plawing dou, F'ior turther partlculare apply-30 A. Arexceý OBshav,. 3-f Live Energetie Men Wanted, To represent us lu the sale of aur HARDY CA-NADIAN GROW NURS'IERY STOCK. Positions permanent aqnd affordsgod hac of advancement ta &in warkoes. Libuea ï ducomnents ta ov ne.EII Send for' aur terme,, Ti. ria viic0s yo rxothng, J- i -t em ý > i L-t -t ru era cAr fi are imr n 10. 1 thlm .. . V Mr.eo. Eooper ije visiting relatives -àI1 k i Rochester, N. Y.a à 1 Rev. Cham. Adams will proeach rorning andl evening in the Methodist church next Rev, C. Parker and Dr. W. E. Tilleyo rare attending the General Cooferance at3q-* London, Ont.s Mr. R. J. Shaw wa% strieken with par- alysis a few days ago, but we are glad to report is recovering nicely.-lmWâ Mr. Perry Dobson recoived the ordin- a Ê ance cf baptista la the INothodiet church &>1.% Sunday morning, it being a very solemun service. 11ev 0. Parker cfficlated, An initeresting address followed by làr. J.Ev r b d nu t ha e S G.A R ProsSmith. vrbd mut h e SU A ' Citizons who icard the Emerald Trio Keep it. i mîd that we give the WsIng Sunday i the churches were charm- valu ed wîth their singing. They hold rneet- best va u the maark~et air-orct. logs this week in Music Hall. Song ser- vice at 8 o'clock. Crowds should Rock to Get our prices for bbl. lots and

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