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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 6

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-s If you have a sewiflg machine, a cio:thes wringer or a carpet sw,,eeper (ail new inventions of mcodem tîmes), it's proof that you can sec the usefiness of new things. IS A IZr-W SH-ORTENING, and every housekeeper who is interested in lie bealth and comfort of her fariy should give it a trial. It's a vceetable product and far su- perior to anything else for short- ening and frying purposes. Physicians and Cooking Experts say it is destined to be adopted in every kzitchen in the land. This is to suggest that you put ît in yours now. It's both new and good. Soid in 3 and 5 pound pails, by ail grocerm Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBAKK COMPANY, Wellington and Anm 'sts, SPRI'CAND SUMMEITERHM-S -Book keeping, Sborthand,- Telegraphy, Civil Service,.2 and-Penran,-hip Woîk For The Youvig., The Raim. In the west arc dara clouds gathercd, And the ihunder mutters low. And ihe ra-m rars in the distance Like a mighty iorren ts's flow. Onward roll the greai dark storm couds, Onward, in majesLic form; And the air seeiius hushed and frighiened, At the coming oftihe storm. Now the tempesti i opon ine, Eye are bliuded by the flash Of thu ightning-Chen wc tremble Wheu wehear the thunders crash. With a dash and a splashing, With a rymthmie, duil refrain, With aubcavy. steady downpour, Žsow aït lat has3 conce the r.. WERE THE BUNNIES LAZY ? In mid-winier, 1894, an old.fashioned deep.drifting snow practicaiiy stopped business and Iravel in a busy city seldorrn vîsiiefi by deep snowf ails. Gable and elcc. trie cars were stopped, and for a period ni twe days the city's bundrefis of homes con- tained restless prisoners. Out in one of the subnrbs, in a cabie gripman's home, Ess3y Barr waichcd and waited patientiy beside lier favorite win- dow, hoping to get a glimpse of papa's car rounding the crner, plougbing uts way through the snow. Two long days w ire on. The deep snow stiti blocked thetrack and street. Att was sitl, andi se lonesome for a littie maid who lovred Company. On the third mornig Essy pressed cse to the window pane a tear-stained uitile face. Sie said sadiy :"hI is sncb a deep snew mamma. -Perhaps papa is covered deep in it-so deep-" "Nonsense," iaugbhed Mrs. Barr. "i might stand you in one of tlie drifts and ovet' over your cnrly bead, but papa is a tati man. He must heip clear the cabie track. You bave conpany, dear. Sec, up ln t he appie tree near the east. window. Two sieek gray squirrets sat in an appie tree upon a imh,- rubbing -a frozen apple. A few of the tate w inter apples yet ciung "The --dearsi fiOny- ear tua hoannies EXPERIMENTS IN AGRïïCULTfuýRE. or Ille fest 53'aaluvgCaRu0'ylng on Ihe Te«S. Thirteen hundred and forty faîrm-ersq tbroughout Ontario are atpresentcodut me. important and systemnatic xeiet in Agriculture. No less than 8%0 1paG ae of grains, seeds, tubers, and friies were sent oui from the Agriculiural olg >t these experimenters within tiie -past year., however, fnot' so mluch bthe greai extent of the work thapt gives thie resut their true vaine, and causes he t be appteciated, but rather, tiiecrfu selection of the experiments, thc e regular system anderlying the wor,!,and lie hearty co-operation of the eprmnes The resuits of ten properly conducted experiments, are of much more vaiue than those ci- one bundred egperimeuta which iack care and system. an y of the best fat mer8 of Ontaric a-,re now carryinjg on these tests ; the material for the experirnents being distribouted annually through the medium îof ithe Agricultural Experimental Uuiuný, whielil is practically an association cf thceyc- students of the On tario Arclua Colleqze, Guelphi. Not o nly is this mtra sent to the menîbers of the Union, but a, to many otoier interested and progressive farusers throngbout Ontirio, whavel desircd to join iu the work auCi bave- writ ten i for the necessary outti. In tbeautumn of 1893,nlue rainabýle varie - tics of winter wbeat wcre selec;te4l rolfn seventy kinds tested at the Exeriet Station. These were dividedinto two se.ts, with five varieties in eacb set, theD sns Golden ChafiT beiug used 'in every instance for the sake of conmparison. Eacti applicanit chose the set lie desired, and the fi-, varieties were then sent to bis adcs Each plot was 1-160 of an acre ini sîze, alld the seed was sawn at the rate of 1) usei per acre. One hnndred and fifty seven experimenters with winier wbeat haIllvel aiready been beard from (iss Min.0 ibis number, eighty -oe - favoref ig ns wtih [satisfactory reportsof carefnllycoute. experiments, sixty-one furni-hed ata reports,,and tkfteen. wrote io-f Iilureor oun- reiable results. The eight-y-one stsatr reports came f rom twent',y-six counities, -hirteen- of which -were-'ntuated et ati î thirteen west of the ciii- of Gueph. Thei ai1so te meet new and unexpected conditions. INo longer can the farmer derive profit in us ihe-paths wbtciî bis father-troc u-taw ell ddig; compeience does ni now foloew the PET kOTHiER A 811-O A ?Y ITHOUT LsýIlO 1 iil,, oiFre, beýc tbe property of the ex, peimntrs;ad nr "eto;ýru vie will hope oý recivefui reports of carefully collai et e,3 tLests. The grains wiil be forwarded in tLe irnr which the applications are :; N L recýeived until the îirited suppiy of somes of the varjeties is exhanstefi. The "'instruc- tion sheets" andi "biank forms" necessary C O î 1for the work will bu sent at the urne the g"ýLra i r2 forwarded. Those who wisb tro i ijoin in h work the comiug year may YTOU will find choose cither of the sets mentioned above. Tof( mazke the results of the usost value that it will do te both the experimenters and thewatnohe " Union" the five varieties should be htnohe s'own in every instance. soap can do, and _______________will please you every THE BUTTER TRADE. way. Ontario ethie 1Premier Butter prei'Inee It 15 Easy, Cie- Of' the Doen lilon TheTrade niths Great and Britain Bevlving. In 1877 Canada exported to Great Brit- Economical to ain 12997,3c' ponds o buttr, 4-1e1,a Lt-LI Od ,an, -eash with & FAIM IN SIDE E LAME BA THEMENTOL PLASTER, SE> Eas t JndàCIG ra In Depp The undersigned desire to thank the tarrners of West Dra for the liberal patronage extended to us during, the pasbt sa aise to remind them that we are stili in the ýmarket n prepared to pay the HIG}{EST MARKET PRICE FOU LAL KINOS 0 FîCOAfi;E G R A1 & S EE S ýdelivered a t o-ur-st-orehouïse crKing (and Georg, e st-eL!., a IL Darlingyton. We have also7on hand a large stock, t 4 -__---~-~ t'-'- - -4---,--~--- -- f i -------- -- Mis soap. i~,4,3,a fraction over 21 cents a pcund. n187the value of the export was onty > -57,661,,La remarkabie faliing off in a decade. But in 1893 the expert had risen to 6,076,757 ponnds, valued ai $1,118,614, a fraction over 18 cents a pound. These figures show that the butter trade between this country and Great Britain is reviving, ttîough sitl some distance from the mark of sixteen years ago. There is no good reason wýhy Canada 2hould not make a botter Shiowing ilian this, with Otarie as the premier butter province. Att the conditions fav'hrable te wide expansio'n of production arc supplied in ibis province. The land, the water, the stock and Governinental encouragement ail invite ventures in ibis in lustry wh ic, if inteitigentiy carried eut, miusi resmit lu renewedl prosperity in the agriculturai districts. From exchanges we gitan the gratifying information thai many farmiers are turning ilceir attention to the dairy and teavîug the cuitivation of 50 cent wheaito those wbo flnd profit in it. It is clear teoeveryoue who is observant cf events that "change is in al i hings," and that 31ETJIODS MUSTrCiIA'GE

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