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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Sep 1894, p. 7

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S£TUA FTheG4 Z ,iP rinilallI oregi j EAABL PRAGAPS.His Plans." bred stock, thiuking tisey don't need as I-H-Yuknw yag l ll have Tie Baril Floors. muais feed or care srisseisstock. They Perîs a 1a nvy cf juat u ne vessel j to be a case of love lun a co)ttage coe f anbukenare a very important 8tswUose they will hve ou bthiet Thse brown or tan soe lbas cessed t e T is, oesniEroeempioy 330,000 Where is tise cottageI" stra su fid agon sislte outis sotisfasiionabie for women) in Paris. mn p dto ise structure, and corsiderabie sida ni s barb-wire fence, and expecer them nao enakiss hi yta ; 'i otg Le~hsde exercised in cinsiug tise to couse ontnsues sud sleek in the spring Beiginin bas 2'29 usonastenies witish h mn4,,rissauscots5.a ye letfirsectI mis cisea p iu a isr Tis Qeu niusbeunarks ohs bit. l5 et n ,Ia>avn pnoe o mater tad plcia n position. For sud because they do not exceed tîseir ex- monks ; sud 1,5416 convents, with 2.),323 IieWteuofPitvleKybadyunw. d ,Ur lsy, no-lisbîlîry te warp, sud one peetatinna the acruis fariner will stili keep nous. ts suin e stu oewt hî os w. ïseh tise tsam eau pet a foothoid,rhere aiIenssok.-l Bavaria sud Wurtenberg a wnmau aie had greei o elope. iedlbrcy isuntiingistter isantse cuinnnwîtepie. 1Uynfot contract a second marrnige nui chnrforue br parents, sud tisnu akipp- '110W vTo (LILALS KlN 1lES FOREIGNERS IN CHINA, thse eud of thse teutis nîinio widowlsoo, d. Most ni tiheisard wnods wili warp wisen ts u rcaî iesnersrcinpeal ielretîn ntishend c st-Si y pT pP1y SWAYN E'S OINTFlNT." and-rNo ey nternnaietritin devcineTg requiredn te orlCures N aides are uuequsliy damkened, and borses Tite Co V«iys of the celesîial Fair. in Belgiim. --3alaisPapua, or New Gounea. 'Itis îeîterCaealtab, il e roptus n.ure land i+ dîfficlut obrsiniug a firm innotiold to AsE ,9 ie in lengtis, sud tise aversLes fac czia ieial rpiosohtý baul ân heavy loada. Thie plank upnn tise An glisai gentleman wiso lias lîved five Tise shilling automatic opera-glasa boxes widt1is la430 ile.It ma suore tissufac, hsuds, nose, etc., leavirg the akin or ixyersluSianisiChna sd insutise Eurnpean tiseatres have iseen an sue-ts.Isarai cesfu tiattis cîuauypmvsdugtisin30,00 suare miles.cisar, white sud healthy. Its great hesi- >r, Uyfluor should atways extend cross- bad mauy oporrutheies wsile tises eos' oh- A lttie Bible carried lu thiser k ii suad curative powers are po8ssssed by wàdrIfeway e u itedféec bu evigtewy fteCilde tise bi.,1s pooket oothe, th e . t ion a k e b u oritie ndiff eru e a o t .i s n t e ustshh rg y e a t y n s v a a e ele ni M r. m u e r ti n o h r re m ed y . A s It y u r d ru g g ist fo r tis sireeîonor is potio uner isereback nf bis bouse being but a iew yards Iu Servis marriages eaunuiy be celebraý- 1niBruswic, Me. A higîiwvman sisot at SwnESOýIEN. LmnSu ma udIr ni tise building. If tise joists are dsatadfcigts bcîi adri'îd ewensna sdnon iebrd udhmaud ise bullet lodgèd lu tise Bible,auj Co., Montreel Wholesale Agents. he-svy a sud pnlacateee aar, isan ad twngth b sudamadaia bauetee snfeei ,' ,spart, ', brwendîdcerd twok-soch ,plsuk will bc srrong enougi. mansion, wbiclî mandarin had a number egoor msi e ompetiy asiugan wa siliwaandhe diecere, arisba anubery Of izeJotiiea eoîsîy onue couple may be married at ts-Sxtelaiis crassfraediutyaeiieal pcoîe ,,wver, if possible, use tisose I an ie two sud a very gond lookiug ferale relations, bdt amtme tgh. isg jrseys, knickerbockers, sud hi' o ticee incises thiek, asnd be certain tise writer thathtie Chinese womeu arenentsaksoligha iyl ael t tb arie nswell seasoned. Obtain te mRcadMsrv' erted herd 1Boisdolore.Mlle. Blaoche won tise a -,ýrin advaîce,pile up uuder slîelcer,and nearly su hy as report hait, Sometimes, ni shontisorus St Eden Hall, was sold Off rac, cmpern lier tentis mile in 2S min- ,as fu ron, tise grend as conveuleut. Botis said hie, 1, sud a nom ber nofruy frieuds, Aug. 10. Tiso berd wa onue nf tise ducat uteCs aud 14 seconds. When Baby 'vas siclk, %e gave lien Castoria. edgs t lauk sbould be jointed aud grnov- would cougregate togetiser on tise back mutise nortisof niuglaud, haviug beec s.5 Barbes, lu tise early days nf tise Christ- When seowasaa Ciid, sise eied for Castoons. cd, î as aton Le ofnisons soi t wood.,,used verndali ni my isouse, te amoke sud cou-n bi.d eet easaosd nrae an -r, w e ntperîuitted to talis wbile 'Vhen slise becine Miss, se dng ru Casionsa. as ~~ ~ ves onow intisieuraofg. isemaner f sd imrovd l 184nshaIrg a1tro * (n. lndeed, silence was seO ?en sh ia'd Children, slsegave titeuiCastoria. vers nutopas i tse ay.We oul un The brig St. Andrea a, Constantinople,mui appnecsated by persoas wiie under senenasseroble osrselves tissu suais froin Salonica, is excitiug greati curiosity. tisebabe'5hsnds, tisat mutes were pre- K ~ - ~ -A CIIATTER 0F FEMALE VOîCES Tise Captain, officens, sud crew are alien io n Ib tis service. would be iseard tharto talk ourselves was inofn Mount Athsos, sud wbile visirors A Be ire enmpsuy holds tise Boropesu____________________ an utten impossibility. Of tise chatterens arkudyecidwmuaenIditcodfr speed lu gettiug ready te race to tîsmasve wecnud ee itte eyod tseted. Thse big flics tissRussian flag. a ,confartion,.lu just twenty-twoseod toso hi easadfcs Terfgrs London is agyitatedl over tise tisreaîtened fterreceix'ig tise alanni tise herses wece-s- " - to p s ni gris e r c s ad s s d fa e. dt h e fi u r es d o w fa il ni a -g re a t in stitu tion u w isi is fo r sr n s se tk o t ie en g in , s ud t ie minsu e re wer aîngrier onesld elîudtis cr-years lias excited tise daily wouder npepre for departore. MîtCHE FLO5t WISI NSETEDTONUE.tain ni tise windows, but tiseir iseads, traveliens, TiseCoiuty Concil proposes Rihr Davis, a ceident ni New York, - '- LOWIHISREDTNU.covered witis bejeweiled hair, sud their tn aboliis tise cabs radios, wbicb eends w1-s t ise intor nftise compound kuowu n wt¾'0s.1, ,j' -)ý Iayig tie iour s aan ceary abwu.Tisebri iosacick laniueea lled an for four miles irom Ciaing Cross, sud10 5 "nglsosbreakfast tes." 'Ir waa coinm« -l-at h 1u~r k h enudsu et tiseplanss siouid be spiked, unlees meut te os. Tise ladies did, not sesin at have ut i odn . sudf poworthiýhoe jk s oug.' He I-iLo eaec ortue by i tiesio ame dosbt about their shinkiug, alebmasecyts rsec iis; l nt sale. ItwasHfinal potin tune t i ' !ers 'caYÎt)t'i D' iu nlt~icse lay tIlîcin buse, driving tisem Fshs u i temre n pcuira firmy rgerbn dnin s dy lme. f uI ial, they sppeared to like if, sud two or Reaidenta ni Tisatto Heaths, St. Helena, 11.a pv~ pracicaiie bu isickapdrky îay tis hiree headu wnuid occasoually be seen Englaud, are concernsd over wisý. at was - nI--, inhbadfrteuprored to obtain a botter view of tishie hr os ie nsdbcteu . ',sid a lati, nsd received as part <' welL eaannd mai boads, fr tis uppe Thato Hetis Lbranysud ise nservar sheckakfor 800. Hes aased tise nueý oe eand a lhall ishplsuk joisted, "BIG itED'5{EADED ME-,,." psyHahuueryadth esrur h-, n ut te nyi p t s was iseelialylbtack wonfidence iuheb nks. A fei t1iorugisarunken. Tise joints nr cracks out sud waved in token olfnieudshi uin sdjoteuuing flelîs.usy dsap lu tis- lwodonna abold nlt matcis. on direction, but if suy nf us tid te0tpearsd, bot tise teapot is sase yet. s'î. - i a- -u -- ~~~graap tise veutunssome member, ht was Tise Britishs Admirslty is te tny an inno- Coonl illiam Polock, ni Deer Creek, . - ' .K, "~ .ii Wasteful Feeding'.quickly withdrawu, tise face ofitis oner vation in trausporing seamen. Tise Gibral- Iîd., wsleioeing annu), iuug bis vest on -t.LuYsdAj Wateu Fein.generaily disappsaring monm view aItishe tar, a first-ciasa cruiser, is te be mannefi by afee. uogry cow came along, sud Wih ie tck il is quite au item bu saine tie. Tise eating nf sweetmeats a crew which will take ilte1 Ausinalia and dvorei isegrment, and ils conteurs. t< YA C~GS- f~~~~~~~ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ,a brayaas1keplagod 5 induIgel in bstween tise intervais ni tisere rolseve tise crsw ci tise Orlando, tis u 1.tise poakets sýeeea tootis-brusî, a dont Ltto -- - sea tke i goflrtarion, and occasioally alitrle girl would flagsisip ni tise station. Tise crew ni tise key, 1 wn lea1-peucils, anonce ni quinine, -k' {s'ndfitlsify nudtiuAny leas tssu tis ij a Osier cnqusttrialy a gentleman on oic aide Orlandn will tissu take tise Gibraltar homeýt, atbotini blond medicine, sud two pairs wssesu t a certain exteut more tissu a amaîl piece ni augan. If, bnwsven, lhe Thsus tise Governimeurwiil save tise expeusni pcals.Icnd.5t11 tia al.Gond feedersuderstasud made a movemeut auggesting scceptauce, nia trnopsip tise odicers u nuwîéAnvl iaigrecorbbs benesîis r e rY r; .(j1 - tisi 1 s isesupls ve su aov waîtise sugar wnuid Se dernrrely be tise negolar discipline ni tise ua, dlssdS ugna hre.Isuae1- la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~PE uisaay oaîai ieanmitsa i lIEu OWN 7MOUT-1, tise new crosseras vll Se lted yaln e iloi ia s oin ala iuai, tise profit, an tisat if only sufficisut tittering. Soinsni tisasgirls nwenuynrrer-uueints ofn Seî.aoo, 10~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nnitl iessmil ie ri nnreulube aktsuohr.W ewly isu ed-blos- book on mniagePitian10 eutaithave fduresîsmen te a tesanmaiu suimaîsit n n se me tol iis syanset vates .cre iasd divorce abrnad cunraina oneustc wtsot ting then. Tise ber waa murs soucis Withgg aiasuf i ficu7wrciiu i Ie aaîumaael amngs ar auy ners net generally kuowa isu fn on ise scually alaved tree n artage te keep fat, su tîsat i Sf li imes to catch a îinpsen es.Ts in tîiaouîy By tise laws ni Rusaisa munu, ltenu atisuhie stipolated nimber. cuit food is gîven ru keep fat, it ls in a ineasons uwaated., 'Y Ais tis rujrtj aI .ok, pastorage la la-rgely depeuded upon ion sommer ieding but, in ,nearly aIl cases it wsll be heur ta feed" more or less grain, tise amount ta bc largciy doerrmined by tise condistion ni tise ani ýi.Stock moatbS ed aseannonical- as possible, an fan asilcan be doue Vietttig tise gnowîis, foc wissuever tsgnwtht by failing tu fr'cd well ~sîgfei. Ou ise otasrud, wise~î r~. ae gven mor tis isi" uec ar l, 1-2p, lu a gond ttw are innnseasiug tiae suaIý witisouît a cnnrespoudiug gain. At ai pis t' ays L(- feedl libaraily. Durng ise sommer eve'n, wiseu ordiuarily ut baun S crusidsred tise Set plan te fatten stoc is auy kiud, il will psy tu keep rsîr, su tock wîi uscd tu bse looked a -eri tisis doue. m u iten tise case tisaI after hot, dry weter sets in, tise suppîy of ieed is tise paatsrets wîili begini la faau, sud toau salent tia uulesaanmetiiing else lu given, tisestock wv'bei toiosegroundaudloingfless wiîis gmowiug-, on iatteuiug'stock is a double bas8, il 1 it neqines fond ta make up wisat la lost a- v'Il as for wisat was dirst gaisued, sud tiiis isould, always be avoided. Jr la fan better taeuo off green feed sud give ta tise stock in siifficient qoantities ru kcep rnsty natisen, tissu bu sllnw tîsere te non dowu. In inal many rases ir will prove profitable toý comýmence cuttiug sud feediug lu gond aeason, belote thse Svst gels ton short, as it w il unr only be Setter for tise stock, bout Sete fr tise pastutes, as lu mauy cases tise pbtne are aeriooaly injoned Sy beîng graze i too closely wiseu tise weatissn le hot su.-i ýýny. Witis bogs, so lammg as gond 'q tuol pnovuided, very utIle grain wîl b ee 10ýlt keep îhisniiy, and wiseu il le defrl fatten, tise grain ration eau be gnr, fýa 11aly iuane-ýased sud tise grass on green ration Sc lesened util tisey are pnoperly faiie.Wiîh bogs, tise growrh muer be pr a~l ud for tiss tesson it will flot do te depend upon grass atone, wisile grain feising inu,especially lu sommer, la ton Jlesi ie, coudition o-f tise stock tisa aey~determine isnw muais feed in adition utise pasi orage asould Se sup.. 1iei It paysý t keep thse stock tisnifry.aud vaissii)g diinmng tise sommer, and tissui îrs pcsibWe lucow ie fatterig ,u a muais betten aae lu tise fail. Wmis Ibhis suotiser advanlage is secured, and tisaI is a J be-tten op-pnrrouily 'is sfionded ni rakiug adsvasstage cif tise market, as wisen the growtiý Sasbeen puesed dornug tise oin- mecr, ouliy a ahuri fesd will bc requsred lu t inisl 4a tie faîL, Beef CattieFois Profit. Saiceess iru suy branof nIive stocký hue- baudry depends on tisree important isnoos, viz.:- Good breed, gond feed ançi gond cane Firsi. Tise Seul breel obteaiýale sisould bc aSeaured, sud a gond. airelais a4i tise iserdu We vvant au animal' tisat wiil make lise greatest gain in tise sorteat, lime, sus tise least cnet ni feed. So mae want, compact, medimnsized, tick-fleeued, eaîy kespera, tisatwill mature at tree yesns old sud umake a 1,500 tso 1.700 pound steen. To obtain Seat reaulîs we asonîl select animais ef quiet disposition sud bornîes, as lisey are minre quiet about feel nackaaudrughs. Tisose with 5moaI backs, deep loins sud ssive qoanters, for il coula nu more te ),ducs a pound of steak tissu a pound of neek or tripe. As te tise Seat breed, tisaI dependa aonewisat on on s.urcondiuge; wiîe Pollel Augue suite anme Seer, otisera migisl ike Hoesords on Sisortorus. iSeconîr Veed. lu growiig youug stock we sould ie tu orin pleury of boue sud muo m-ad net tnn muais fat-fonmiug food. Sue 1- tould feed nats sud bran very liber- aily iiot nulon muais uorui tise tiret t sao..Bu, vriseu tise cattîs are to Se isd fri tunelacresse tise cocu and nil nesi rat.' hu fed les oasand bran ; Snigisr, -wei cured doyecn d rimotisy hsy or good dom fndder is Seat for rougis feed. 1 laugitsîofniail people of rnk are ublîged ta suibmit at an early age to bave thein eest cramped sud cuided iu bandages. The eujoymerni allaier lufe is Isaid tisereby ta Se grcarly dimiuiised, ion il la nteasy ta walk or even Stand wiis cramped iel. Tise ladies are, howeven, PRanci>OF TiIE. HELPLESSNESS sud would Ibink it exceedingiy vulgar to be able lu walk witis s fimin sud digniied step. Tise lower classes cannor inllow s rfashonu tisai would disabie tisen n ur aiuiug tiein daily labot"-, altisougli ow sud.11r tissutise prattiest daugisuan n; i a pont fiy le aelealedby lber parenats fr isedist-inction, sud ou tîat acaout s haa isye0okcsi -p')nï by biec uncipplel iSt-e as aut ojc i envy. We alan learut froie the -sans source tisartishses ladies lived inr oins tise wails of wlsicls wers adorned in differsur parts wili searolle nf witse silk on sarin iauginge fron tise ceiiing ta tise flanc, ou wiici are reptesnted us large cisaractens itAXIMS AND MORAL SENTENCES, sxbrats fon lise works ni tise sucieul sages, sud wisich are connidsned fan muons ornarueutal tissutise ducat piatores. Many nf Ihse sentences Sean saine resenbiance ru tise proverba ni Solonson. Tise chairs in wici on fienda sast weenade of a beautiiol wnod wbich grows in China sud whis su vsry niaislike noaewood, sud on 7tise arums aud isakseut these ciairs wests ailku bugigs embruiderefi y tise ladies sisemeelves wioso peud s great deai ni tminl faucy work. Porcelain vases suid lîdman cabinets ielped ta fornîis the place, jbut tise ehief festins ni tise s onna as it la lu every Ciinese Ioîse wsrs Ciinsse lan- terna made in svsry f rnta ta fauay could lus ýenr, of ail sizes. Tise mosi eosrly wsre composed nf transparent ilS, ADOR,.,ED WTITILANuSCAPES, birda, fdowers sud ariser faucifol devices lu icolorse f 'lazzliug bigistuesa, tise framework beiug nisily carved sud gildeè, and tise corde sud tassels by wisicls thi-,y are sue- peuded, made of ilS sud vold risread. Tise possession ni fiuc lanterna is a sort nf pas- Sion amng tise Ciines, mny ai wisom spend conidenabis aunes in tise gratification of tis e ausay. Women lu China, au lu al coantnies, have greal influence over tise men. As an instance nofliseir influence jr la related tisat wbiie Confuciaos wae in power, prime minuister in lus native onty, Loo, justice vaas au weii adminiatered risat if gnld sud JEWELS WERE DitOPD ON TIIE U5OHwAY they would remain untouaisef. A neighbon- ing king became su jealaus oft risse of n affaira lisatlie resolved te take neasores tisaI wnuld pres eut Loon rmn econing ton powen il. Airer careini deibention, in- Stead nf a corps d'armes bee deaparaised s corps de ballet, senuiug a nunber ni danc- ing girls lualise court ni bis rival. Tise King of Loo was capivatel S- tise daucene aud ueglecred tise business ni Soveniment and rthe counsela ni Conucius. Tise phil- osopher pilted hiseli against tise dancing girls, but was beaten. Hie tisea offéee as au alternative tisaItishe king sisoul sitiser dirmisa s imn sd retain theun an reisa i in sud dismistisem. TUE MInES PREFERRED THE GIRLS sud tise piilosopiser n saaesman wcnt ta SueS employaient elsewhers. But despite tise tact tisstlise wamen bave gn muais influence sud alun tsar lisere are sau mauy noble sud wiae wain amongat tise Claesas ladies, wbos counueis are lisjtened tb wîis respect by even tise nobles, on tise wbols, thme condition ni tise Cîinesa women is not an elevated onue. A Protestant nisaiuuny rematks, "By nt givinu a proper nank lu sacety tn ismales, Sy denyiug rtaisem tise piv'leges wici are lhier due as sioters, mutisers, wivee, sud daugisusas, tise moar sensitive sud de voted parus ofon r ind, lise HAPIWiONY 0 F SOCIAL LIFE is ma red, sud a bannier againeltishe 'mn-1 proveneur ni socisty is naised. Tise regen- eratinu of Ciina will, in ia, neyer take place, until tise ismaies anc raised fron aise absats ta whicis Coutucios assigned tissus. If Chisitiauury isad uoîiig else un ts layon tisu tise elevationu nftise female condition1 sud cisarsute, il sisouidl le nevered as the purest sud beut nf faiths.1 mnuon wonsn mous msrry Osions 180 yeara ai age an 'notraarry aI ail, sud tisey are aise proisibibed frm mansying mare tissu four rimes. Tise bine boaS liaurally full ni sinrmation as regarde tise Ilproisibirsd " degnees. Tise Brazilian law pennits tise, narniage of oncle sud!i-ce, so nt sud aep. issw, final cousinesu ni borotiýens-in-law witihises-nla. l Ita liseoncle &sud nîsce alliance lis va:i lid ula F'rance ius"3 open b tishr, dutl eoe iepo A peaisten-nmed Ge2orgeiCampSe oi- Ie 45r, mut siishelvtýest yfpingsirac roni on lu wfiicis iseape l ie cut iet tise wiridnw sah ru gerlu aiiu.Týise wood ai the ahi gave way , sudiseu r ise grouud, a distanIce oIorarisulang socS injuries thaobedied lisîsorly lleýr TELLING TIMIE WITHOUT A WATCH. A 1troesaW Tail; a s Troulsoni as ms oing a iiue fors-llme Informsation., A-tuai simd repeated expenimnmts bave sisoaotisaI tis e uaresus iour ni tbe day or nigist ussy Se ascertained in tise follawiun very oue usway; Make a anial nunuiug înop lu a pièce nf sswiug Iisread about a fout in lengusi, place s shilling in Ibis lonp, ses that tise coin is sccorabniy bisearel by tise tismal sud tissu draw tise bnp tigisi op, s a tis h ie siisng le dirmly sinng abtonus end of tise tisnead. Put ou as seul table s glass tunisIer with a iairly wide moitis. Reat vour igist elbaw onu tise table in a 1crm and easy position su ase avoil any sisakîness in your band, isoltise nher sud ni tise tiseal Setweeu yaniret iniger sud tise I"al" of tise rhsumb (i. e., thse fiessiy top joint ni tise risuinb) aneliat tise riumb nail le under-, muet, sudsa fsw incises above tise middle of lise moit tishie glass. Now, if yo kesp ynur baud quibe teady, tise novemueuntis te coin (ss-iich s is anging msîde tise tombler> will become Iessu sud lesu mtil tise shilling iii notinlees. Tissu, lu hiall a minute on su, a very aiight sd negular vibrtation will commence, lise coin naillating frmn ide te ide like s pendl- ulon, sud gradalaly iuneaeing tise lengris ni tise mavement outil ir pwtly utnukes lise sils of tise glass. Tis stnike goesaou in tise most regulsr Isud autoinatie way, flinut on une side ni tise glass and tîen on tise otiser,util, esi' eigtsr tm oSes have besu aImaSk; lise virations ni tise coin tissu dininisis in lenglis, util tiese usjpeuded shilling again becomea motionlessansd bauge in lise midle nftise tumbler. You lonS at ynuc watcis sud fidltsar So'ciock is tise neanes bouc l 1 bave tsnîed Ibis aven sud oven &gain, de- iibenstely aeiting absourtlise experimeul witisuiî biasoanauy intention ni ioflueucing tise swing ni tise coin, aol aiso beiug ignan. sut ni tise lime and wisen ny tsand bas Seen ateady tise igisi lune Sas invariably been trucS. Tiers is aonebising veny curions about tisis pisennanan. Wisetise" the tisread la influencel sy lise tise puise in tise "bail" ni tise Ihuni, or wisetiser tisens is anme un- canacinus transeence onIl"intsention " roun lise brain te tise tisread, I do nisknow; but in auy case tise natter ils sufficieutlv iutenesriug te Se wnrrisy nf a critical teer isy pensons wlsu will csrefully sud wi'tisout bias carry oui this singular experimnut n teling tise tino. An Order Easily Filled. nFil take a fiýtie on everytiig," si Tadies te tise wsuîr, ire lacn oe tise bibi ni tareaitisthesîial IlYes," repliel lis wairer, vJwi tigs way bînugisl s plate un i isakis. 1-10W tc) 93ts"c2I t"ots. Sel25 "Sunlight" Sosap wrappets (wrppr banngtise w-cde 'Wiy Does a Wsnu LoS0"d Sonner Tissu sMaa") lu EVE Bas ,Ltd., 43 Scott St,, Tocor, udyno iwu'1 L neceve Sy poil a prsttypiclu eies ironsiAdventisîngandl, weiIworh iamuug. Thiâis lanaseaey ssyla d orae yorIii re.Tise soap le ~ ~ ~ j teSatitisesianket sud illb No Econom-ry. hansete sgrea asvng, a 'I l "No bt lstennis lu n toaSe up' Ynu. r milddle agel, who ffol thein 11ieaî'nvuwsak aud exisaustel, who an 'scoken own £ron excecsor averwork reeuÀ-ýii.glusmsuy of tise foblowiuug syn- plm Mental depression, prenstaee nl age, of aIviisabsry, hase ai memocy, bal drein, isnes ni igist, palpitatiorn ni tsbenemîssiona, lacS ni ensrgy, pain in iisb kidueye, iseadachmes, pimpies oui the facesolbody, iiuior anpecubian acusa-- taini shunttise scrotum, waatiug ai tise orgacus,, dizziueas, specks Seinre tis esyes twdiign ise muscles, eyelids sud ellse- siser, baisoioeýse, deposite n ho ie urnen, oa'i wl oe tendernesu ai tise scalp sud spi seak sud flabby muscles, de- sielu sîssp, iiu lu 6e bcresrel Sy sleep, cotaion, liillnesaifearntg, lusni ,oice deairs fanr solitude, exemabiliîy of temps, sun e yee, auroundel witis LEAAENEIItILSoly iooking akin, etc., re al symnpînnu of nenvous lebiliry tsar leal 7 u inssity uniesse consu. Tise spriug or- vs¶sal Inorce iavmng lmet ils tension nveny 1fcýion nwanus in conequence. Tisose wbo throogis abuse comittel in ignn- wac ;tny Se prmnaneut]y curel. Seul youir sîdressud 10 cents in stamps for ScoS on diseases peculiar to néan, sent sessIeu. Adýdress M. V. LUBON, '24 Muc doïnn!.lbAv-e, Toronito Ont., Canada. 3-v barneeidse&, lîscing thse arriige (c, remony, waslistis elest aifise bridegnron Bniis souf bu epreal itsîf. bshe proposes t10zakeir tise soisaris, su tisa tise oiry wi.lla t is Iavespopulation nf 1,900, 000. ,_,diff erence in [le Sa VO r, 4renqt and airoma of 5moKiln9 tobacco5 asin ciýar. PLUCJ CUT ranRs with the finest Jlav- ana'cigar5 in compart.5ort Y,B. PAC [UTOB HACO .. IiCH Ml0, VI and MON TREAL. CAN. Tun os sogsciMdl Aa asa nunnly swept to a prduator-gav throogh eaniy indisens t nnd later exaeses. Self abusma-nsd Con-tita tnu:i Blon 1istaeshave nuined sud wrecked tih E n*irany s promiaiog yonsg mac. Mal- uo' iuy of tise fchiowiugSn pin:Nervona ssiI Despoudent; Tinsul lu iorning- 1No Anisu -ion- Memony Pour; Eas ,' ily Isatigued; Excitable snd Irritae;et es plurt l'impies on ise lse; DresmesudDra-ins at Nigt;Rtulessas: ggs'nd [Cuokîig; Rietchps5 SP- T utot; liaitrLoneainin uBoly; SunkenEyes' Lirsiosa;Di-sînu ar nl Lac s antus -c ys t aeHUAaeni 2'i-aen9 will buslyoou p naslpyuei sud se1Ri'Y ZAt 1-Myn-f g lace enbl ais,' t lns--~, me. Ibedane m ervu ud ek.ll bcS Dre.I-,,nl v siaineaI ngislwsnkupd e'. tne sevn 'idcat Firma-, Bs tri ;0 iaPatent Medicinesud Fý!.aniiy Dcon.Tbey gave m an el. Afreulalise as ttr Dra. Kennedy & tergan. Tbe sent me onusmoutb's t'-eatment n, uldil cunel ne. I couill fe, m ysehi gaîiig every day. Flair Nae4hfalod s inst curas w/usa u s's ,s ii l1ti 'wai a fa is" Tisy bave cured àmauy of Pa.y ids." D5 r. Moslton. "Sons 8 yease go 1 cotractel a serions contittilonat blnd- Gi ~ dieas. 1 sent lu liai Springs ta treat ion syphilis. Mercnry ainuc- kjidllel ne. Aiter s shile tise synitOns again noppearel. T-ison eu r becamse , pains in Iissuh. pisoples ou face, blotebhes, eyesa ed, loas of Sain, glands enlargeî, etc. A mueiclti frieaI sîviseldus ýV 7, ennedy & lKergsu's New iMethul Trcainent. Ii comed nme, sud I bave isad au s'smptomis for hveyeara. 1 ams mamied ldssiappy. Asa ~ ocor.iiseertily recomrendithtlu ail wiso bave thuis tenibi iose il ceý - eo.s /s-" trwsut radicale tise poluironrintise biocu." Capr t, d 15 YEA1RS IN DETROI1T. 150.000 GU!I[D. S f n 1 ye'rs or ags, sud mrried. WbieuYouncg I ]edaa ~ -~ ~ gay lil'o. arly indiscretions snd laten exceases made tr ocble - nifectesi sud 1 i saned tfigbt'sdisease. Marri -u li - sts îa's sa ru ~~~ iactony snd iny homenbappy. I tried every lsiig-aU (is 1.1ul 0 t nsS ieest ron s r. Kcreasesgud 1Kcrgtits. Tieir N- 7 11s- ' u~ " litsoul isili sue un mentais-, pbesically as all.iii. 1 (cci ~~"' 'an ctliS3aniansslueveryrsespeei. Try tison." > M- N~o NameS Used Without Writi Consent of Patient. OurNe'-. ~o1od reamen neeu-failq in cnri'sg Disýcse3 ofrnsy, dra ins ni bases purifips bise blond, clears lise brain, buds ep the nervoca andi,ezeci s3trrs nad nestores los.t uitaiiry to tSe body. r. tk5-rt, aaia ki nmeluuey insi elaîldeir u-;aj 'e g5 l htu-ieijy & Kergs'r are tise ieading csitc cZos Amcrni. Tc--, uts ursolez o ttc aror no paic uc-su recoa- tation uandhi-.-a eiru '4 bu-mf are ai t stz. Y-o ru u iS.Wite is-ionartnns. osîstîs ils' snVts-wu r và iinýtE3.1yua. L ->aà, sae one fas rdret i u nn, Js- sisu ','.Wr 'te focr-s ~n sto~L~u &n XOO.F. esc. îuirta1u Fa-c A' J48 silJbyS1. z, 1)r. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pils areVre ufe npaai true ru cobi~tin faluable medicinesinuconcen-muscular weakness,'eaused by impaired nerves trtlform as prepared by the euiuient 1hY and poor blood. Uric Kidney acid poison, iian r '1 Author, Dr. A. _%. ChaEe, with unsuspected, weakens tihe nerves and Poisoe,.r ViC W ioa not only bc an unfailir.g remedy foi tkeb/ood. By andby, if the Kidneys donfot aineyad Liver troubles, but also tone the properiy purify thre blood then cornes pr-, Sto,'-h and purify Blood, at a cost thaf ass ervrinec lo e et is wlintisereah ofail TheSupriormen 'Ç pur e j flot a nourisher-it is a death breeder. of tI ~pui isesthlrhedbeynd uesionDehecate women neod flot bc toid how much. 1, t, pr.,s of thousands w ho use themn-o t3" they wouid give to get and STAY Weil. Ji Fui do~e, ne ox 5 cets.~ stheir blood is free froin the poisonous ferments ayWba th re sain ofh ifi iR - 1of the Kidneys and Liver, they wlll neyer Bac~c h~ Cidcysarespekin oftrobleknow,ý what "weakness" is. The blood is the tha wii e'erinceas unesasource and sustaiuer ofheaith re1ived.We hveete r, it caunot be kept pure except: Iihesaeetof L: B. I the Kidneys and Liver do' Jcs~on oiudLuig, thir iwork naturally. Some- who ays isd a on-thing is needed to ifisure free' stan Baec-Ace, m bacsasd usturai vtion of these' feit~oi ai th tie ppeste oor stmsc oras, one 25 cent box of Kidney-Liver Plls cour~ndbe1hin, uili scidig, ad o gt ~will prove to auy suifexer they are a boon to up o týines (iinfi£ h onmtc women, cari be used with perfect confidence rneue1'dtaking n dney u-irnu ai day; ,p by those of delicate constitution, B'ack A, e :toj in 48 heurs, appetite re- Y One Kiduey-Liver Pull taken weekly wil ture!~, ad a 1 o ejya gcod me4ri aud ~efectually neutralize the formation of Urie gond~îgts seep the cued m. OAcid in thse blond end prevent any tendency Clo: eins1ba aemthre is n edici>to Bright's Disease or Diabetes. Costpaio ote eisa it idny, For purifyingth Blood and reaovating the th~te~ileiect pemannt ure xcetChsehsysteus. especiaily ia the Springone 25 cent cohudKiuyLvr PilI, oue 25 cent b Isn,,Wï& box i0equai to $10 worth of any Sarsapar:illao wiIdomoi god Isan doLansd do1iari or 'Bittera knowu. ldby il deaiers, or b ~d bjD. isopaou llilau ~adiug, Ont. . &C. 5LmadSreTrno s- i

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