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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1894, p. 11

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I. RNOW07LEDGB, Brings comifort and improvement &and nda to persoual enjoyment wben ghtly usedl. The iany, -wbo 17e bet-1 S than others and ejay lufe more, with sae xpeuiture, by more promptly lapiug the worldt's bet products ta .5 zileds of pyîclbeiug, wil atter3o ie value to heath ai the pure liquid isative principles embnacad in the nedy, Syrup of Fige. Its excellenice ia due ta its presenting ithe forinmot acc nbesd pleafs- Rt ta the taste, thne ntfreshiug and traly neficial properties of a perfect laz- Lie ; efiectuliy cleausing the systexu,4 ipellinc colds, headachesansd feverz, t4 pcrnalently curin 'gcutpt~ has given stsfci n millonrsd it with the approval ai the 'Medical ofession, because it acta on the Kid- eyLiven and Boweis Twithnt weak- ning thel-a andc it ia perfectly free from very objectionable substance. Syrup of Fige la for sale by al draug- it% ini 75c. boýttles, but it is marn-. tcred by the CLifortia Fig Syrnp o, oly,v hase nami e is pr-intedl on every awkage; kjsO the nanas, Synnp f Fîga, id being wieil iiinred1, you w.-l1notý -cept any subisitts if nffered. q YAOI lN THSil 0 -AND-- WINTER FIOWERINC BULBS. By leaving your orders this 'week you can save fully 30 Ver cent. .Ail orders will be delivered jout middle of October. P-ices range fromi le. Up. ail aud see cataloge.ý - ST9TT & JURY Druggîsts and Opticians. GRAND TRUNK RAILW'AY. BOWMANV ILLE STA1ýTION. GOING EAT fCOING WEST Express...8s 4a i E xpress.5...)19 a m Expreë,..0a m I xpress... 0 5am ~ a~engr... S01 p um IPasseuger. ..80am Passenger....7 OpmIPassenger. ...226 P m Express ... .10 25 p Mi Express 74...6 l.Pm WHEN YOUL TRA.VEL a lways get tickzetis aiaur store. Time tables fýail railraads free. Always puyclisse your tckets tlie day befare starting aud avoid tlrouble. and inconvenience wieu you are hrried . We returu your maney if tickets are snt used. STOTT & JURY, D)rnggis3tssud OptIians. 'NVILLE, OCT. G> 1894. and Otberwise. aett is viitin g Mms. H. Camp- Mr John S. Bond ai Toronito viited frends lienre e3ntIy. Mr. W. IÇJya, r., is uacw tbe circuit ejectrician for the Electnic Light Ca, Mra. Richard Jamies af Canabray wasas recet gueît af M. M. A. J ames. Mr. W. SanOercock ai R'ivoeide, Cal,, has been renewing ,acquairitauceab ers. Miss Anie Harvey, Pont Hope, bas been visitting Misa Emily Basherville. Mra. John Keachie sud son, Toranto, vioited ber mother, Mm. C. Tod, necentiy. Pon't mise "ein The Temple ai Pre"-40 chamantýera in costume-in the Twn Hall an Fmiday niglit. Secure yun seats in advance at the Big 20. Our ordered cithiug is quite as well cut sud as well made np in every way as any city made clothine sud i uhJy 25 per cent lowem in pnre. Candi, Johuetan & Cnyderman. Mn. John Hellyar, the neabîs boot aud alias mari, inteuda moving bis busi- ness sbortly lutotahte store vacatsd by Dustan .& Har, a iew donna weht ai the aid stand, Nead's Block, whiich is being fitted up with plate glass frants and evemy cauveulence that isý suited for a firat dlais boot sud alias business. Slit% taonden at the iowesb figures. Ellison & Ca. S'tfei3 must be effected at any sacrifice. Eion& Ca. We erije-y %a well-eamne rnamne for low pices. Ellison1 & C. Our old cuetomere should teil thein fiends ta ses the are tbargains. Ellison &Ca., Pogitive17 no bad sifecte frona usiug Phenyn-Caffein for headache. nenralgia on pain ; 25,- al drugist. If you intend buying a watoh, clociz, or anythiug in Jewelry, Silverware, etc-, you will save money by buying at J. J- Mason's dry goodeanad jewelry bouse,, The Temple of Fame" will be given in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Oct. 15th. Tickets 25 cents, Seats resierved without extra charge t the Bilg 20 where plan of hall may be seen. Citizens wishing ta attend the Chicken Pie Sociali at Enniakillen, Friday eveuing, Oct, 12, may leave word at TnE STATZS- MýAN office. If a load will go arrange- mentaiwlil be made for conveyance at a low rate. Mns. (Dr.) L T. Manceau and slsten, Miss Emma Stuart of Napierville, Que., are guests of Mrs. M. A. James, Lamne Villa. They have had a pleasaut tour as far as D>etroit, Mih., vsitlug frieuda alo at Tononto, Chatham sund Lindsay. The uewly elected officers of Trîity Y. P. S. C. E.; Hou. Pres.-Rev. W. S. Pritchard; Pres.-MNls. W. S. Pritchard; lat Vice-Misa j. -Martin; 2ud Vice-W. S. McýKowan; 3rd Vie-Miss Etta Tait; 4th Vice-J. H. Alexander; Rec. Sec.- Ge. P. Freeland; Cor. Sec.-Mise M. Climie; Treas-J. H. Alexander. Mr. Alfred Day,. Secretary of the Provi ncial Sabbath Schooi Association af Ontalo, Toronto, preached two splendid s&ermions nmuSnuday ta large audiences in the MUethodiat churcli, the anniversany occasion. The afternooui prograru com- priseil siuging and necitatiuig y the prim- amy classes under the direction ofi Misàses Veal, Brimacombe, Aikîn and Buniner. The achool lead by Mi, P. Trebilcock sud aasited by Mr. D. Momison, viôliniat, sud Mr. A. J. Hook, cornetiat, alan sang several pieces. Miss Young presided at the organ. Short speeches were made by Mr. J. Joblin, superintendent, Rev. C. Parker, pastor, Mr. Day and the annuel report was read by Mr. R. H. Hamley, aecrtary. lu the eveuing the choir again rendened the Hlallelujah chorus. The collections were falrly ll'oersl, over $90. The alter was nicely decorated wth plants Yon will find ail the leading Unes ai jCigars, Cigarettes sud Cnt Tobacco at the t GRAND CENTRAL. Bn wmanvilie. Wh,,lesale and Retail. Men's ciotbiug extra cheap. Ellison & Ca. Flanuels sud blaukets at very tein ptt- ing, picea. Ellison & Ca. Read what Candi, Jobustan & Cryder- man bave ta say an the finit page ai this paper. Maynamd the Jeweiler, Bawmanvilie, always keepa a fine stock ai weddiug rings. Noue botter, noue chieapen than my stock ai groceres, fruits, spices, etc. W. H. Osborne., The fineat work sud beit satiêfaction you will alwaya get at Mayriard the Jew- eller'a, Big 20, Bowmanville. Juat eceived att Candi, Jobso Cydenma's hundreda ai Mautles and Capes-imported direct from Berlini. Ladies viitiug the Faim au Satumday should nt flau ta se the immense assant- meut ai new German made Jackets sud' Capes now sbowiug at Candi, Johuattan & Cyderma'. If van are tined taking large oid-fssh- Mr. J. 0. LaBelle laï home frona Mont- Mr.D. B. Fogg, JameatowuN . is hi tnwn. Mm. W. Evans of Toronto was guest of Mns. S. Mason. Mn. W. Osborne of Winnipeg is visit- bis mother Mms. W. A. Neada. Mrs. S. Smnall. Port Hope, ia viiting lien fathen Mr. G. H. Webster. 1Miss Wilson sud Miss McNsin ni Tor- auto were receut guesta oi Mmi. W. W. Allîn, King St. M Gavin Lawrie sud daugliter, Misa Annie Lawie nf Vaughian have been vis- itiug relatives bers. Mrs. Thos. Jury of Rochester, N. Y., bas returned home aiter a viit at lier father's, Mr. Wmn. Kerr. Wesley J. Kuigit lias bought Mrs. T. Bamett's teana, wagons, etc., sud will do teamiug irona the G. T. R. Mn. Fred. Parker lef t Monday moru- iug far Guelphi ta take a course at the Ontari o Agnricultural College. If you want auythiug in the jewellry line eal sud see how cheap yen can bny' il inom Mayuamd the Jewellem. Mn. Orlando Jolliffe ni Campbelliord apeut a fiew days with Mr. Fred, James ou his way ta Toronto University. Mr. W. A. White ni Mllbrook apeut a iew dlays wth finds heme ou bis way ta Trinity Medical College, Toronto. A PLOMINENT LAwYER sÂvs: 1"I have eiglit chldren, evey onue in good healtb, not one ai whom but bas taken Scott'a Emualsion, in which my wite bhas baundîessa confidence." PuB S T. -The paty wha picked up Miss Glover's punse ou King nt. Friday afteruoou was seen. Better return it sud save exposune., Ou accouti pon health for aone time paatt, I have tnnned my Blacksimith business aven ta James Morrow for one year-the said James Morrow baviug wnnked for -me durng the paat six years --sud I can necommend him as s gond substantial mscbanic. Hoelias alan engaged s firat-ciasa hanse- aboer sud I shall be ou hand my- self wlieu wantted, so that iu the future thiebusiness will be carnied on su as ta "ive general satisfaction as lu the pat. 1 wauld say that in case ai nequimement you wîll always find hMnou baud early and late, neady sud willing, ta do work entnusted ta him. Hnnse-shoeiug bas been my study sud dealiglit auJi1 wonld say toalal owuena ai la-me haoses, customers af the shop on nan-custamens, that I will give free ad- vice of the causes af lamnesesud the remedy. Ladies coming ta the sbap witb con- veyances will have eveny cane sud at- tention paid ta them. Hoping' that ore long, witb cane sud nest, that my bealth will lie iully rntoaed ta me, that I will be able ta take the front ai battie again. With many thanka for ail paat favori, I remain respectiully, a Youn humble servant, 1 TiastÂs HOAR. Bowmauville, Oct. let, 1894. TEE CASH SYSTEIM. Mr. J. McMartry af the papular West End Hanse, i3owmauville, anaunies a great change in bis business methoda!. lie lias decided ta do su exclusively Cash business-takiug produce nf course as4 caBh-This will enablebim ta seioli ii4 gonds at s gneatly educed pri-e. He iu- tends closing biosatones on Mnnday, Oct. lit, sud eccupyiug the day in markiug dowu everything ta a veny close margin. This change wil greatly beneýfit bi- ~u customemesud we expect ta ses bis airesdy large business greatly increase. Business 0Chan ge. The nndersigned bega ta inttmate ta the peopie ai Bowmauville sud vicinity that the bakery sud canfectionery busi- nessa camnied on by the late Chas. Tod ion 29 yeans, bas been bauglit by aur snn, Thoaas Tnd wha lias a pmactical expeni- suce ni sevemal yesna lu the saine lins ai business sud will spare no effoit ta cou- tinus ta menit the Exteuslve patronage that bas been accarded us -in the past ion which I returu sincereat thauksansd ask for bina a continueuce ai that patronage. JANE M. Tau. To The People of Bowmanville. Haviug aaaumned the bakeny sud con- iectineny business. lately carried ou by my fathen, I ain determinefi by close per- soual supervision sud prompt attention toalsl branches ai the saine ta continue ta menit youn esteemed custom. I shahl de- liver bread aud cakes toalsl parts ai the tawu sud keep alwaysaet the store a sup- ply nf bread, cakes sud canisctiouery. I solicit the cnntinued lavons ai ail old customens sud a trial frm as many new nes as ses fit ta favar me with their pat-, rouiage. TRamAs TOD, Con King sud Division ittreets, Leave scissans sud othen blades for abarpeniug at Cbartrau's Barber shop. -18 Onders ion ail kinda ai stove Repairs promptlv filled att Rd. Wonth'a Hardware atome, Bowmanville. New Saitinga, New Trouseninga, 'LNsw Worsteds, Ne w Serges, New OverCoattinga -ail j uit opeued ont att Candi, Johustan & Crydenmau's. Now shawing att Coucli, Jobustan & Crydainman' s a fine mange ai Ladies' Ouvenette Watempnoefs in ail sizes. They are the moat satisfactomy waterprof that any lady cau bny. Stott & Jury are giig prices for Win- ter fiowering bulbe that will surprise you. a Ï Cal n sud80. a Bowmanville Fair pize liat wae pnb- Su lished in supplement encloaed in lait week's paper. Co Miss Maud Buruham, who lias been fin guestoni Mrs, (Dr.) Beili, bas returned an ta, hei home in Port Hope. aiq Mr. Arthur Pollard sud wlfe, Bunford, lias been viitiug his bothers in West le( Durham. 1"Temple of Fame" in aid of the Pres- byterian churcli building fund ni Oshawa. Se Don't miss thia treat. Friday eveniug, Oct. 5tb. Tickets 25 cents. The Mechanica' Instit!ute concert lu ton hall Friday uight waa not as weli atteuded as it should have been. A fair- ly good progrsmi was presented. Misa McDowell's Physical Culture clase pre- seuted tableaux but the coloned liglit was a failure sud spoiled the effect. We hope they will have anothen chance. Mr. D. Burke Simpson fias been ap- pointed Crown Counsel ta, take charge ai the Criminal prosecutionsabat the Lindsay A.sizea which open befone Chef Justic.e Armour to-day. Sevemal very important cases will bie heard in-.luding ane wheme a persan cliarged pleada tempomary insanity as an excuse which introducea much for caref ni study. HEALTH BEFOREf WEALTH. i People In West Durham to eall and se our grand d isplay of, Lamp Goods, Orockery and Groceries. It is worth seeing and we wl be glad to see you. CAWKER & TAIT, General Gýrocers and Provision Dealers. Bowmanville. 100 lus. $1 50 to $82 00 WHEFAT, FaLi, P'buh .... O 00 O) 55 Rusin n. . O0 0 O 55 Red nfi ..0 0 060 BAiRLEYv, P' bush, No, 1- - O 00 nCO 42 1nt il2x0 00 r040 il 2..0 00 ,0 40 ,Two rowed O OC (O 40 OTwhite.....".....0Ob0 0 O28 nIC ied.......... 000 0 27 .....0 030fi0 45 Buc,.kwheat e bush..O OO0 O 040 PEÂSý, Blackeye, e bush. O 58 Il O 60 nr Mummy 0 00 O ,O n0O60 71 Small, , 0. 0 O fin0 55 Bine,nf, 0 58, 0 60 BiUTTERFý. beat table, P lb. O0 0 , O 8 eGS, doz ..............000 a O12 POTATO)ES, lP bush .... O 0 0 O35 TO CURE DEBILITY, Loqs of 2ppetite, sleepleqsness and alluerv- anus tobephysicians recommend * Camnpbell's Quinine Wine. * Dfo not let yaur druggist pursuade yen M jtiiat anme allier is just as gond, F. CAMPBELL & CO., MfrS., MONTEL Creditors' Notice. iu ibe matten of lund & Ca., lunilie towu 0f Bawmnanville. ln the County of Durhiam, Dry Goods Merchaut, insoîvent. The Insolvente have madeen asslgumeut tom'e for the benefft of Creditors under R. S. 0. 1887, Chater 124. A meeting or OrEditora will beclhe. at tlie office af HENRY BARBER & CO.NO. 18 wellington Street East, Toronto. on Tuesday the 9tb day of October. 1891, at the liaur 0f 3 o'clock in tie afuernaan, for Ilie a ppeîintmient of Inspectoré and the givinig of direcbions,witli eference ta the disposul of ithe eetate. Ail persanis. claiming ta rauSc upon the eatate of the Insolvent, muet file chli laimsi witli the undersigned ou or before the 2nd day of No- vemiber, 1894. siter which date 1 wil proceed ta distrIbe [e, the estate lia-ing regard ta tthose dlaims only of whicli I shah tlien have liad notice,.IHENRY BARBER, -Vra 4tee (HENRYv BA SBER & 0n.) Dated at Toronto, Sept. 29, 1891. 10-2w MONEY TO LOAN. ioned gripfing pilla, tny Carter'& Little IIEAR SiRs. -1 have beauuairig Burdnck $ I100-9000E>. Liver Pilleansd take anmWe comiont. &. Bittera fan Bouls and akin dissasee, sud 1 man can't stand everytbiug., One pîil a find it venygood as acure. As a dyspepsia A large snm of money lias been placedinum y dose Tr thm. ureI hve ase oun ituneualed.bands by a private persan for investment, au dose Tn thm. ureI hve lanmou ituneualedot, provecllosus on tarm aeduity for a îerm of F.veybody--oid settlens ani young Mmi. Sarah Hamiltori, Motreal, Que. FIE rTaN yearî', FIVE AND ONEHÂAF PER settîesm-is invited specially ta visit the An exhibition ofi tieli. Yon will miss SatktafÈctory conditions for repîymeut will be fashionable up-ta-date grocery establisi- a treat if yen do ual cali at Rickand'a Faim r iranged. D. B. SIMPSON. meut ai Cswkem & Tait, Bowmnanville. Days sud se bis weli selected, well bouglit Solcitor. Bo wmsuviie. No relics kept thers-evsnytbirig new, sud aImait entirely uew stock ni watches,, Dsled Oct. 1, 1894. 40-tf. ineali and thne beat oalita kind. dlocks, jeweilery, Bilveplate snd spec- We desire ta compliment T. N. Rickamd taches. It is "liard times," but ibis honse Watcimaken, Jewellen sud Optician, on sella tisse gooda every day, because tîey W.ALL STREET! the fine dispiay ai watches sud rings he sei iglit. No troub'e wiatever la show bas made durng the past week in his gooda or ta test youn eyesightt which ia Operîate Successfuily in Wall Street wlndow. You wil fiuâ bers watchea suit- doues ires ai charge. Ijansider yaursel! THROUGE nUE able ion ladies aud gentlemen, boys sud iuvil-ed ta cail att lia store whetier yvun Ca-Operative R. R. Stock Syndicale. girls, sudn wheme in ths country can intand ta pondisse orn tot. Large Proflîs Realiz,îd witli Minimum Rîsks ynu be mors aune nf neceivlug gond value Shloi's Cure is salit ou a guanantes. ion youn mauey than inona hlm. We fI cures Incipient Cousumption. It tas 'Pro~pcetlls and DalIv Market Lettern" know aifn nue Eelling firat-clasa gonds at lie beat Cough Cure. Ouly ans cent a Iffiieîl Free. howem pices sud what is more you can ah- do'-e; 25 cts., 50 cIa. sud 81.00 per bottîs. RI1GHEST LIEFERENLCE. wa&ys rely an what lie sys sud tiat is say- Soid by Stott & Jury..i iug a great deal. Bargaîn-seekena yl ual be disappoint. _% E I N M A N & C 0. We sre bound ta ssiI. EAison & Ca. edc. Ellison & Ca- Socrk andit 4rmaiis Broker, Sales willibe iorced, this m2ass low 20 per cent discount off new gonds. . 4 IOAWY EW YoOICT-r. priaesa. Ehisan & Ca. Ellisan & Ca. 0-3w. Chilciren Cry for Pitther's Castoria. lT4' OD FOR SALE -About 100 TVcrds liard and soft Wood for sale in qotatities teÔ suit. delivered anywliere lu Bowý nIanv4 1le. FRED J CLEMENs, BowmauVille, Y HIE ae on IIioý,18,P J. Uebe to pa xens a ndV td e lier a-way. fE3IFER, ASTRAY.-Straye d from just reoeived a à ot 8 Broken Front, Darllug ton, about second week iu August, a red two-vear old lielfer. Rewar frxformation leading to lier recoer by J. Lý Metoalf, Bownanvîlle. P. 0. 3-3w* OHOICE LOT of F ARM T.RENT.-5O acres Lot 18, con. . Darlington, ml north of Ennie- killen.' Apply at once to MES. RiGos, Elgin Street, Bowmauville. 39-tf -P R TO RENT.-North lialfof lot 1!7 o.8, Darjingtan, 100 acres; gn stone liouse, barn 70xi0 with stone stables. Plaugli. iug may commence at once. Possession lu Marci or may bc arrauged for inu Psu. Apply tu JAMEs MoonE, Tyrone P. 0., Ont. 33-tf F RM TO RENT.-Being 50 acres,' lFAot 26, cou. 6, Darlingion, near Salina, al clear ardn a good tate of cultivation. Two orcharde, well watered. Gond atone dwelling, excellent farta buildings witli fineatone stabl- ngud cellars. Apply ta Yre. GËn. WILBUR, OO1Iell St., Bowmauville. -1AM FOR SALE. 100 acres in the - owçnsbipo NotliawassgaCouutySimcoe Sali, dlay loana. good brickhliuse. good ont- buildings, gond orcliard. Conveniently s ituat- ed ta School and Market. This farm muet be scld taclos5ean estat,,. For particulara apply ta C. J. BELLWOOD or R. H. COLEMAN, Stayner P. O.1 Ont. 37-3w* EXECJJTORS SALE -O>F.- PAPUM Dpnflpp'TV MOU-LDINGS in, ail the, newest shades and pat- tern.ssuitable for picture frames. W. T.i ALLEN.S C ALVFS FOR SALE.-Three pJemse calves for sale; for particulas p'1yte R. BEITH. SýntliPark, Bowmauville. 40-3* FARMI FOR SALE OR TO RENT,- The uudereigned bas received instructions GOOD 100 &CRE tanna for sale, or ta ent tramt D. A. Gamnsby sud James Gilfillan. the jeat outside the town of lowmanville. Appir executors of tlie laat wlhl sud testamentOte îo s. BiNçGHAM. box 72 Bowmanville Joues Gamsby. laie af the township of Clarke, 6t lu tie Ooenty af Durhiam, ,Yeoman, ta offer for sale by public section. at BELL'S HOT 4L, -PARM TO RENT-70 acres canvenisut in tie Village af Orana, ounF SATURDAYta owmanv1r1 1 techurci sud aclioci. gond orcliard iuildings sud in goad state af cultivas, STRA ,OTBR20, 894 , tli. Apply ta M. A. JAMES,.omnii atie hour of ans o'clcckin the attemnoon, lhe for funthen particulama. 3-f Noti hait aifiLot No. 24, in lie ôMi Concession 3-f ai lie 'Iowçpehîp of Clarke. knawn as the Hamestead f,.rm pnanerty aoftme iste Joues TTIOUSE TO RENT -A semî-detacbed Gstusby. ULL brick hanse on Oliercli sreetliately On the premises there la said ta be a gaad occupied byCapr. Crawford. Ternsas oderGe brick dwellieg sud suilable outbuildings. Âpply ta A. YotiiE. or T. BiýNreHAs,. u)w- The sale will be sublecitta areserve bld., manvilis, îs-tt. TERMS.- A (dePOSil dowr, on day of sale, equal taeue tenth ai the perchas. maney, Balance lunîliirty days fraie sal i thaes lu- FARMX WANTED-In exchange for teregt,ar arran-gements may be made by which-1 two goad hmuses in the îhnriin;4,. tu wn at twa thirds of the purcisse manley maly be bawmsuvîlie. Smail ta-mn prefsreI. Any oas carried au a firet inorîgage ai lihe premse for wishiog te beys hanse or deý-l le thi8 wsy a term of years ai Sl1 per cent. Per anonanlu- apply ta JAMES THomisoN. Bowm4uville PRO, terest. Ferîlier termsansd condîtioa willbe 32-8e made itnown at lime of sale or may be liad ou application teothe undersignedSolicitor. F AM TO RENT.-Fom a îerm of Dated at Bowmauvilie the 21th day o! sep- F years, -'Glandbu"l-300 acres. 2 mites tember, 1891. f ront Wlîby-dood buildings a ndssali. Admir- 39 4wSolicitor tam Executors. exýteusively intoTorouto milk buaines, or tc raising for American market. ý4enw)tt oalpital only need apply. J. H. Daw, \Wiîb'y. IV UV.m VI~F LiAR FOR-SALE.-A first clas tAnînr Fuot 1i5 acres er 145 acres situated iin the To Farmens wEo may bave waol ta ex- tawuship 0f EUsît Wliitby lat eau, lots 13 atne 16 aon lhe Base LUne, aboutli ~mites irrn l) ý?-q, CbaUQre, 1 beî- ta interm. them utal I have wa statIiçon. 22mroes tram Whiîby anc b,;O t-)4 added 10 my already large stock special1 from[ntlesýciolliaise. LarQerootny buiP'Ustgý, shirtinga I InSItiU baru 95x36 f t, pièntr ai fruit. ,l a lines nf cotton, hig, flannelette, 'Oum, st!t0gtier one of lie bestgrltai coîtouades, etc., whýici 1 wih]. exchsuge ou tie, Lake Shoare. Na hilla aretoues. Aboel fanr woal. Blihest price patid in cash for 10 acres ai waod, 75 acres lu Pasture sud treali seeded. Tera easy., Firsi plawlng doue, a]) grades ni wooi attthe Hampton For ferther paticelars spply ito A. ANNsî Wo~lie Mlii.Oshawa. 37-tf. D. TAYLOR, 31-mPraprietor. Ask for Minsrd's sud tes n other. Inviïte

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