~AtAMW 41< - Mt~<1M0 4h14 ~W141 T 1< 4 1,404 4111044At414M. 4 M M >1 .111 M~4N4 4(M~ ~ 4~ ~$4êh~ >~4~ ~ ~fl~kMt0$~ 4~ <M 0 M~M4-4M * M~MMMVW4M MtN MAt t W GJATEiIjL--COMýFORTHIG. RJ b uLl EI)llt IEMS OFINTE.RLST,T Omo - -, urEïM lý PROHIBITION Dh MAI lEý< I> (~ ~ ~A ETA1IA~S OFTH A cubic font of pur id weighl20osl al P ToLu. dOr-1 FROM i INA ~ WXN £~N A~1tALAN 7w Yrl City saI ' r- ,OÔ<5piurn - illal - MJ37 a ithorongh kno'I " dge, ou ir anO o wic thoresu p mlqnatn m s e " raab o d Af "I~uiih oen n thya e Mat +1ýw;hot topi l" ee. tau les aes-4<ftTias UOnee flarend inirnsnme how it is dhur 1ean bity lager t ile propertie" of wel1-,eec AbIer1 bct, s[ut I e io a woans Soho owibc it oAlue Ii feaut1?r Dim aresior beron Sannday at an oien Mr in the rail- T o^vl 1ea o ur beakf, t aaie 0 r îleyra~, 'Wtt tlie Le. e4-u bajoî e u be 0 Sle t r'aift Attoff her gloe.Wa In. roud station eb porclad? Id48ÔS t insntyhev otra i? o F h CgA elsds, rqîni oTe he produstOFfa single cyster in oneonAl-,MIig ida ndytheprron he alr uinn use o.sueh rtilso itth. ueof 91imuîcseiPt4itît > season is 10000yonn2' cystýers.ErM ODOn. u,24t 89. Sneadyi T p tron he5<rr eonstitLito ay begrds I,»rAsssco eml « âie o etan nwih1 n ml g etp enuh to esis evI~W1r4 l ls A little sweesclover kept on Lti LS WM ic,, unA z~~Iwe t eyof 1' . ten ld-troffte 1rain o hihb" b raeln diSeaq Hnndreds o? susle aladesil arSoinbýanish flies trom tle croamIint enrýlecr itl eha eudxst Ee o i Oaî rndus ready in attack wherever Tereitrc ievrCe ~ Mni hoin.bi> T1H ~fiyeater" of Cubais onethid te In March,« 1S,Iwasa .aed in my profes-' car Owing to the lMaiineln pobhiie II , S< lhant by keepinaiourseles vwell fortii ýe of ce flnmmgsud and la !o srai- Sionec acty tu se ho$ u risbIOa -t paebodadatbeeoneofea ist p says a writeroes in aiTortnBrantîws. as3lin i the iladesim l wÏ o do an lo t a mb f tcýl ig oaiotý,e sta Civ i Serv ie ;a,eepathLw"Ctseu , ig a f r Wc te<Si r elù l i N snch Oum! s , tree0" milion i d n ri pae Mar offut av y day Sa dthe preey wgtiera *tinord lat eeorhraielk hff gi mngfié efor twûweeks' whèn ed Eaglanthug d Fu i ine thm I e sternAmàeo F reh hih s S75,5m oreas(i I afte-ed htldfoKsi i lfn oi aa ho urliEblPS o.,n a#lon e~op ishe lp ie n the qs'ci--a k~~r1. ad oeMillion' me, 1e o deliong ed clWAS lur e rvpIaethsta : g-cpwe int uRE-1 f A Lonodoroule.in at gilaynRebélrvd AN-hiitera liaitJaeprgrse dds'eoeuy esucntnua dhneuntsa syt½tî 1 rtti in_____ on nilnýistLpssing the stIikeshlt om ~h~at~ mrig htd etsatr. ~c<.hn paaCd rom aner y f oouWl idrairnangt' hm ~suso îitTihswîi a às ati gt deilt isphent genet-ahtiorobrekfat 'e'vs 4rîcofo ~~VEDNESDAY, O . , S a ha g reaMn~ ayt o-ot e5I krei 1 it th i etgah s. 7, 0mue1m eal 1 fte lier, be a Mni e thin i~e u s easr s-~ fvid n pielk ' ~ fem ufga<ttfetlteag m r sa'ni" ùgfr oeorthere ond'teilO.,tii Bth, fo ruexempe youn wiifid itxes ojmed tnueyae ey IIITCSIELl., someenergiitayiikstm'y hna go chat thecproes to. of weîstrw bu Ie aert rmngt Ai ' ' ty A Ve sws "P oulayd etpn lemen, d"e oyi oh, e roadga-intnt o ugatiepcOrvitin ter'n aow u e r met froiqî,iei d wigi t1'susçtrt1 <a~s i e~ dstic rgh db ~î~epa. st nshae he of f utr dmatoer lu feat abothe, wpint m qvs Bu eposktli 5y'5li e îsIfeer9fl ~ ~1ST R,~OLflTO~ .MOPl~sbnr am,ýýte nt Yilga ij. rlsecti g tudnon " P A c' lat. recli- -a bumnnin heet di fore rgeah i sa t ah msofhpôntslkyb narc ol as ~'t ettdd -f Et rE's FatTe riabutas Malis, . 4Nero rîhatielet t T VglVb"'p n " a eot~t~vf, iitis ràeMla a onnec a uýiin 1 a mes g oa yuns a ofofj o>' dee nay e gqoe. a ndhak and ppbhliy a r h one i of ano nsit yt av l ens n ;ýiu5 entlyday wpcnthatCestdIi 8 i oriLrMn mtlw pb ' The ok. her s s or i ilsforî of a y adw gqo , t e a, Oi o ' imtuat i teme el w g d tai emeewmt u o of' n ny yùulfe "tMrt watrr aoùnl 11î'o lqg Ic sed' lôrà aensi Mis., en ma> ronf ther.patis *oîî <'<Âd'ri'tur& et 1h5 Wor dssp"tiu1 r eeh ilee serg at r ptn is. ho t i srt% tocd:4. ' noia r i reim ojn e îh 1osabA ther ois à'0 o smyAI 11 N! V 11.ym isto>'Malbob5 fseii hse ge neme e~pe fthnqw j~h~qpd oe a gain ad' a 'ctT uce~ ti ainsâm vre. 1 mhyb p5 t ac i Î s l oTh¶es , Hr~i~ B I r nme , z c w owa A tA teret l m ne a usl> p s a e4 i gg 1,th Ar i, maes Mabheoftel bot' ver 1e> t IdU.alssa'. l lA mefI exial g h Vi' el otEI a e rl j t ir > fo r se l s îTI t e Is o f a ' e au p b n for ll L'ono t r i d f gh ê 4 i d 2 2" I wr or s le C to S in. 5.t ta9t h V l Ê'vor>a ble-"hodieA maie <fe rwof base and __ ___ ea'Is of -igtttÀ oë mAé u emîfe aunabos f\ o oî o uran, te Ah.r y allwny wat. m er !ii raind thelumf ae d nflop e Lnt h jiiaua a Ilfh rewas tq hoi insokçc u àLfôr iice.i bh s directiom À cj ri -î t' l7-y iat ," A i o Sis M U'rae4 biches wd e mle j, e of h e nrd. ' "iiad freqùeo n t vW mo al f-ad o n Vôoi o d r uîssl g5d whd d u e -~ry ~~~ats<~A h~n asttan feymI,~O mls.aovfx ae.ivo eItniou h< e~rîois isa madbt et "oeui lt cnipau ar r oudqn'fomSALE Ér S-wo I\~ B~ II IA (t B Bat dcurepl faid aetfll, C10,000 hetrn finpise eo.orec tThstt, nhniaes tne h'i. ifis~~ ow Oi sil é i cOofaythe op li î y y ieîhs ave It s ire mey fi ApAur i lsa u n l e 1~unId~id s i of m heis pm n'd re?,dt~,S voit e obu idigreta meduol a,- e or aeo o2* - O Lie ý,'I toue savatesnueet's 2wrî greterpoti Wof"u iesîw t on' nyî asaseeheêssl(4wny imq uets a a issvrleoa s E nuelidocrimkesac ong,'p speac' ol su e M.A.JA ESPuîif nsaÉ I ý ûn"-n 't'a iuofL-- Theu t i w5 ere cflonrg, pe; 10* ain t ýiwaiOth~e ungs, e t lcs te t'm ~5î~5 f l l~ ic ~ h s D'bru~t~ eyeq t~i l> Tpihp f pev ci sc.A ega 4ziea Prohi b etion,à iL tbe ryrsban ClV DIVTTTsffa-ar'r'es-,-%L ad gfntryaf" riIIw 0 " oosi rweman hefannood heh irsîlea'oofclero<vr a I aiiue ihf ~ 4lr elCfsi.Ple 5c ns~a L e di Tfq a ubsgi"ti ceea iie-fouyflelaIÏII> t otîv ama 0e is e 11th1 ess o twe blrmet sris t teaer, teke Ci Sard, tDy dyPfe s- days, aire"ýl ttit1 ', Ti.lapw Mktai'-le tsCIIL',-""~io iu île »A L L A', E P n~iwurotes t ~ ts n es îît~ew 0ffa e sai e 20 i e mathrIoth O esuis ppeice-ffçAs ci demn ig fond shlilsi' utt i Dr.lus ille nn ' cnil i vtid nlg w %'irugl b e cupE'tsj Pm iur uhuhrîy~ot."~s'a'ree yarh ai- k e nu fpince m lte eeidp'tiA 'tn hslat e r h-aIs ssqw pesDPe5.nd net rsltles in. V.' bUB Oi, 2 Ma msî oie an oi"ntlc< aci . seve ti i 11 (1ficiA r tl1 nd 0 L i t e t off shýu 101Yrie at, l-t,ý1s3c i areyjý fiicio. a fe l igsniy0iQ ::~ tf- ~ oefr ~rîI'sei ~ 'Vr1Aprzpdt.a dpriua iuly pmvd o vrrgejfavr'5rýcJsy awgu ~asetuoiî i f l-lonauraio1 irrive> h'og l t , d "ofopes'D pS.nW u-atkiis l l ic piapercjr3ý '4.drs h-at rpstI p,'e<ft ' T hreod t is sopp esi ffte vegeî-a of m es -y s zocf'FiisPll, fer lîvtsir- ies u!ha'I)rlefiou M aoh ru lo'taniio nie prsb> tutforpae ofiecea, l rvo ces Siio.tb iciit or ffn nretedlt"Fee p b'a uai"BX18,BsMT5Oll n. eadyforceeousptie, ~ ka &a ualio, ff ~i-nui-goChii, I ww81~~ lt n, tn"tdmeis a-al r pefe s meamlbri ioa rt " -ar M ~IM YID~N L" i>. ~ <Th r ebmiý wer theclo> th e ctes' le el os a t ee ff eigh imenuuaz-nist fmis ho eteýsi inurisa> nu-e ý,stainea ton bosi; thsdf~ormumT, a o ')the otgibàlà l nriser ay uia'itcnsrc apeIe off bst-.Fehe u-O cl mnaaue irhc4e eas thu sf ee!le l ie iotni". fe AER Bto Ld,"3 o ti neOys mta n water0 m ie selrývafn < e isa ffe ir fn of . D, CPhams of Iipe ' n ak d>'ia<tt0'M WI p e o etc r ti e Isnue& eott1 'ol o ef]~ a a a Stw o ri'o T ~ " ~ wt nanlspl fwtr Ts -dr~orendin ie>, rk.-. loovees lis-.couot bffon thq lppo sars ntnu'sol>'coî l. ostage Ite he u seS IthTq01 ±N V T ia ii r 'S io onnes osehe cngsb a ssersmary ilmogda l eptofglia a l ien aild uev r. l'ry s nnE>', îýir ls fwl eéitnc.e fte cl 1yre dr ied~b~tl5ltfeiQalyin ~-eeienopo ;of'eure, p ri eipi t he A ca mesin ougoftprinc er~ ian, liai'q' s Vi'ita dçio C. Wi0)fadMel te11ly k disi,___________________ i ci, Rus ie. So olees t ercuy sirops "qq<.r ai lias ceunatencesibusipeest'or Itinri%"etuite)ges'mnmeust ssave gien tisei10onsiakr on ' tCmnrr e'lsaseio on. nette 73falgmees be w sou-o ai î~~. ~ ~ ~ isîn yoim !s 'Lt hu' ha e il i iea uh a nqe Isonde s ishel to e l eum ad nnoî.'e4 bi a al t c I Ïore ' Mni >1y a> y cl V Yse, s ONItN.< 't T ~ Co"tytt- Wmm. te ora r toiswhoMwicl carry inf liliie oe uo coq a lifcgomi Tof a are És EAUiINAD0an paMht OIP o akeuh-au-si tsmeu Mlesmuth-t1vs îte. Gv ii n i s g t' nile ctebe çIlySEruc îsa as ow YenS u leis lttri e uhMu" s i-ltatfr r l ýyiti;i îrrvuitn OftieeFlu, p, h , n. ic hiine ar. Nqi te al e d icie reimetsion ure ubS'te 4 t'e Ce'e u-sy 1 e3 e.'all "lot a ego 1pci Dape ' d dslawshts apar V iseisieped p qieiiyre uprie. T ý ailtcl a s u Thsi çstseF ~ a itin ft in -v - bld île c ,A on iUknw OfAutagouà o -Iam; iei mun eieeiitmor ,i lalsig"put ths ud h.~îlàe - f te u jly otnbs sar i'> snlyiser in g hoansi en a bus'spoe cs'sue sss5sd >' SHOinlIhLLIhtaNAPA]srtEi t 1c '!1 aili l WW oer.spsm e n i ave se,tTe i serg ai'n - day1 ,piîranc oos ee, n ei>'. Aak y nSr g Imtf ~ Ir ~ ~ < pehepa - arI tak s ib e,(ej ntuu8 i M <' w' 'a .te 114. l T tua r rKpeçu, J3e ere th'ey 1 u,- 'u--->' hast T îeo 't oug inpu-aci c f haualslefi . <ý' ýa-4t i e SAMaMTi4.M4 Ltcens iq s Ces -1,re in?0 i ncC suai hsde r auj ise>'m-aiecon Soe o lsarter a n bt h i T«Peu Mcli e d l <" ' <Cep tJt O n.tu son, irealColhoieaaIss A 'Me n isS>C utii om lan i'iat oi'p a i' Ia pi. Tir cy'hlndtrws V . L MA A Ma aunsi t'sai.yealpIlonegrap ileta ilai ohl, 1iua -,s i t a a çowgred< 1 a 1 h -r~S rp îljl 'o m l e 'd t- Bage"' ' ' litCîewna e ve>' lart easrme'po tanOImeio r wcs, ad'i th:v:ne fees.a ff r Pus wpmcliYarunu m T MOTnt. scuew 5,0> - a'uru I asis a gnuine"131eiksu"Pohl~ te eu-mot offrelnj~g ani, pstora fend Minea opucintighîle'+r, orl i5 jnn il wil'ple-ip111or a sentbeM Fr sai',l. isi lisa , oft s er horL -- rea . I; p y e aiddn >'Pe. Tho1tismeric îoble uIL, is c"Mta<thM " ___________________________________.ýý7 Tcs'a. i yeru wisl pikesichaî Itt5 ol>'u-igu tiai artileothti lirof-eede -asiiiuuiaka thtu Tisebuteat iobe do et cnîo;ilttir M llrd < .l M' 10> fîloi en bo irets manh t ase tril n pre s enu-or, ' g eeteat luiSniec,-uInM Isianiager ' *Prestest, é wf I w wle nedmlat ji je eow 'ise a w' ager Coeaivampn l'r ya n umupciott 9f e kw I-ampn . liribÇau'ybrugh te Pv .oMu ohs lm ikrei sI.eWhac kint of - M QwcnSon<, Bwm-avila. itoatwonionfnI 'ea itf s al eisiu-'eT." d ie nrettmtuen lpluit b vempof MUSAm us poir , - 4psaihmsgtisapa ais t i Wite <M' 'Will c-ah1oui roceipi f polptrtsrd. - t M tou hoage os îcregn.Ios b hnomss. ca e-du r re id s e ' - Ii - fic n mF oum 4 t M i mem Q ox14, b%< siu , Agen' 'o Weet Luh-a.n.oMt thAedcoignf ro 't AMc A.W .'LE JIe 18 - -T'IYAR MN ATTE. The Mlall le womd in tOShOe cnve ci9 c~i ers 05iiîcliyt course t cou crcendnresiad"tinl'tî'lesAura asinoof .atne4 c-l pe1l is no 50-foi ' 5'ewmlss îleebotMs --we00Anie mere ofni tusji al' e te o veiu runuEt s i r i-a wl-m t 'en M t I fî M MAit C S i , ',C 02rS un TAc a MAM eCheer off Ge rusale8Mv, tHe dsnt ouscte tisSe opinion ny'i o re t' xl -1, iilsJtlm4 -iXl" c h r a L i t a ( oi b s e a p c n a c r S m ep u c re , a nal nsi vo u e- lsulP aur tp a's , u (1 ij c 0fl leîý1e, Celig i g e, ansi as sme îl erment ]a a mff f U 000 Iiloe . iiei', L.-vinr e m surue i ri alroweand yüuwIl hb er asSieadr esxp ew, 'bythe bos uvm pu1 guisrm. n pI<cr freed ic l'ny" îuu -e teci r s in sa s a ei el wrtefrp.r-. ' - çtlsi]s" -l anj - malenti mvacrseon sr as se> ostinlet agf faTiseîsw onul. ia. arrto h jinsA teî ol io51,' - "t 1cM H po fMl - kn ,Ts adecrte yil 1ne. Th 1<1a VIT LIZ D A Rtheeton Trén rcelve hen inl bcames ýA -cien ire u4 rb , niî.S are te cl ML wet aCue is 3 et % po<ÇlM.- lsPo restin h il ohw, nnci, à wi v, INwu n a i l x ofi i er hor eîr b-at, r ogîh ndie toiai onk, ie>laoneai iio As ef s e Oiseso Aet re au esi ntly ' 1M T">c' " iMn'M nuccnsopen W 'iconmeth otjstem.elpoaitll boreArceptain Og pwincre I en t lp Tl e W % wm U neye cg ule in "D,ýeci '\Vi musichi shor theclbc Thyet du-tehd - ph h Mueiy Qu Bmy uts tIen fsle t.Tncèdelsuoplawet;.lÀtsm-ail- M Ki~syP/ s rolue ec'tra nu idr yea ulouiig, psesemr, i nm> f o Isys fn nono.Now li prs ompt re l " mrub les re u/th o uloerr chlutnat Tht u r e umk>'sdf isgunnnsastaîhp St'ous'g is0aa-1ressi i's7ppeon dr1t <075 pr e.K n in rod Fi ed , * d t etostior nagby oo u-sin listebam tish e 5 nWmisO sas. Aeenelalutuia 1retc>urd iw:JomlsintaSdc ere7ILa $în tatends bes ir 41 frlande Isiei tl0 b> île 4 6, e t yus. uri Rrnit~tn, cu a nee popt l pt uernsi termbIes Athe uwo senaur-ateil n-9,11 werr b 55 on. l,' te frtho t scwu- l'h osnaenort,"Asii" Ie" nt: e "s e r of a ts edg0,l- uwtr yre epd Baiarti ned sii cg, s eo tdiesse cn~f of s nbl 2%iil' !iecan oe oet m-i MMid moO olol pm n e efitepnes anutl s A ppx l uste 'ap'e7î< scizr' îs "Thaeei ostonaA fr ouaetakm 'l'olaaue Opagt round ns"oi ologwafns. /cdao iefd od' cne u omi o aent i tîtune eBi -n tif Jotoe las b-als na Aeneuonrhy e1" ib won, thu re Pi/pW. ruedn atc!iCt ren ' IlT iP t'Mhi TieWh'r u d b te10rm c-lp ,I,!l, im-ve r>',MuisfLi., -.AAMtPbdtiellOi Wîle, -e 5Tn -j'W f soittusqc -h;rer1arc,'y ihM çeaÇj zof1u 's i 7