j f ~hy ever parepn WuY ; conyyTwhat they can eatbut -c'hat gîvmsthe mostnourshment. Noa hcUrevarebÉettr nd most Aherà 'X. fod s ve~etaie e ishUrîeil 2W lti a- thCst food ithouf daner i rA v out p 1 bar t'Di -avery busytie. Ind she feels quite o utro h nstt h a oue asi oopiacently st-aisfied when the tast third thepholteape t wer quince is 1"tieti downl" and she looks over ati bake unti tnde,Remoes titem car- ber wlfle fri oetas the farmer futty to h srig iid ïd t he syrup when Lie surveys hia uitbarns and gran- over tem CSrv, co i' rh aweeted Can, ctupjamis, jlîe, reserve- S 'wd 'pl I Pk a cpfdof anickes Fôr with it lour setthinge at ,the Sm. meut b ci ar, aa we itut ot forget ýtheai thaapttneebt f~i~ cnao, uan-! ae crave, paticnlrlv long toward spring ~eala4bu lwvffeumnts a great source ofenr_-f%,but natnre's ram- mo ve 1 te p 1eXrolie s ;u.nt ou!i edîy fon iniactive tiver is an- actd. And oil tLeap- l -,cver ( clueyatiae n athnhpickles are poai not the mosirtre; e btL rkn Sç,rve Cotd tt inocuons fo;ýrn in vwhich w. ve oaagratify 0cr awtnd wh' p oedceg, orsifi 0 atu cravtag for amtm sour, thiey are not, Semt pta- are ai core swet whenpoXietymadand o ,teanexcess,ape& Certeargsndce it worsa for thle dgsinta great many cl ae nise wnymnts ther tiagaýwe Indige i. inn off thliui, ddsugar andi a tittie 3kuch ý)of tegcood or i]wh1ich residies in a picIkie la due to ,the viîeagar wtth whicb tteadbi a iue ta ale utit tederthencarfuliyple ismai. hepcin or wire wtna vine- i0' t he serving dis ! W3n thre S-7r1- e gar of co1imîerýe ta nat aoesuspicion. It ctifaor0t"tmn 'aiiao Pi,ý, ta matied by chmictaccdsuiphurto cid dpi vrth rprdappies antiserveo iargeiy eerai oi'mo sition. h aar ot.A hncsar ordarut h the pickles, ani!ts act oýioonthe ninig of appes is a deiiehtful adidition. i - __________________ JIURIJE ei fTRRJMaï A \IALTH Mr~I1 TRTU3DJ HIS LONELY HOVEL. Xî ou, yin a Bnr ir iies froi Derufor Oyeèars-. 1Ha mnatiemoney by spedic nohing anti Sav- &y~ ai E mi me. i wai tavartohai anmme! atfrom S$IJO, '0( eo wto eqO0 but haý alacys tiva i atone, i Xer îwen-is Plo;ts ware laid to kilt thie oliimann antýI roi, hiîm of lia mnyon svrtocao but each ,time theIý ,o0ft i bacause Chu ,nvas watt armati, ibavîn tbre rils u mi severelrevoves seeri ahnt orpaneti of for. cruIelty to animai iot fedn his stock. Ha was-uPF,(scÀito hav-e a "aet amount of nmey Iti about tue premises, lut iissuppôsitiou a rn as, Cbâuvîn lwasketbis cîona0 in tar O Y ITHOU T USI,16 t' it vi ii do wVhat no0--other soap can do, and wiil please you every way. It is Easy, Cicý and Economical to this scap. NEURALG.AMý3"'01Rp ST îp FNiiESàS, [v PAI INSIE &lAMBACK I1M j 18