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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1894, p. 14

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'J f Ylf w HA VEV. YOU WANT THE BEST Our Base Lire Uiiion Sunday-, Scheol ie TIIES 1FRCHASE going to have another social. Wo've had P,~ one or twro before you know, and yoDu ai- wa*Ys enjoy yourself. Weil, thîs Cone is1to THE UCE S S 0F OXFO DRANG be in the achoolhouge Friday evening, Oct. 5th, to begin at 7:30. We'rý get in g up a good program of recitationi, dialo- g ues, vocal and instrumental music, and îî refroshments. So corne along and brlnag M, a friend with you. The admission ia onily filteen cents each. You'il enjoy yourself and have a pleasant, sociable time. THAT JOYFuL FEEUING.-With the ex- i~I hilaratîng sense of renewed health and J ~ strength and internai cleanlineas, which I i follows the use of Syrup of Figo, la un- i ~ ç<(known to the few who have not progressed i II lii 'Vbeyond the old trne medicines andc the _____cheap substitutes sometimes offered but neyer accepted by the well informed. THE PATENT DUPLEX FLUE Insures an oven that works uniformly in ail parts and Io perfectly ventilated. THE FIRE LININGS Protected by the draft from the Duplex Flue last double the usual time. BEE IT AND YOU WTL HAVE NO OTHER. 'RD. mWOR TH, Headquarters for Hardware, Steves and Tinware. Orders for Stove Repaira promptly filed. i MAPLGROVt 1 was cured. e! terrible lumbago by A very happy event teck place last MINARDS LINIMENT.. Wedneaday afternoon, week, at the home REY. Wm, Baew's,. o! Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tyler, it belng the occasion of the marriage o! their only 1 was cured e! a bad case o! earachc by1 daughter Addie te Mn. Jacob Hevd of MINARDS LINIMENT. IBerlîn. The bride loekedher bestîna beau-j Mas. S KAULBxc'K.J tif ul gown,and caried a bouquet cf roses. 1 wss cured o! sensitive lungs by Miss Gertie Foley, Mfiss Eva Foley, Maple MINARDS LINIMENT. Grove and Miss Edith Potier, Býethesda; Mrts. S. MASTERS.1 the groom waa a 1t',b Mr. N. Tyler, Doon, brother ( id -e. Af ter a bountiful suppeh1r 1 paty set eut I for Bowsnanvile f ollowed by a Sixteen Years 0f It. showen cf ice, ;( and the well ishes o! their m s a.Miss Tyler, Charles Schryver had Kidney Diseas all though she mevu if ýr, ,rr idst sevenal thi% trne and Didn't Knew it-Hâow years ago, lsastili.f,, remembered he Found out and How hie by ahl who knew ur i l jein heartily Was cured. In wshîng hier a 1appy if e. "'For several 1Wasj troubhed TeoaReN, Ot. 1-Sixteen years ago wth a peristent m>i.-,-i jy head which kidney disease attacked Charles Schryver, gave me censideraf4t lyancs, until it a bickhayer in this ciiy, but lie did net: occurred te me to 1s Hy Vigor. know it. It ahowed itsîf in the form of! Before using oee1 119 humer was pains in the amalcfthe batik. They did healed."-T. T.A eý,ý-.p;ý,iralMerchant, iiot a'mounftemuch ai firt but kept Turbeville, Va. grewing werse. Within the past six years Lively trne in hist wveek ever ýVr. Schryver has almot every week had a mockpaia rch. MoDonald 'work fer one or twe as naccouiit acted as speaker, A, W. Fley -was leader - ~"~'~esr edthem o! the ,aj, 'V,1ennn n .W oey CouRTJC 1 Mrs. A. E. and Mrs. W. R. Clemens,1 ryrone, visited Mrsj. L. M. Courice'lat week .. .. The officers of Mt. Ca'rswel Division for current quarter are: W P - Walter Osborne; W A-Miss I. Hall; IF S-Fred Trull; Treas J Morro__ IlS- A 3 Gay, A R. S-Misa M Armour; Chap1 Jos Devitt; Con-A Salter; A C--Mis S Balson; 1 S-Miss M Ceutie; O S- J Pascoe; P W P-Miss EthelObon. .The concert of Mt. Carswell Division Fridlay evening was a decided aucceas. The hall was packed with moatb respect- able citizena fromn this vicinity, Bowmvnan- ville, Oshawa, Hampton, Zion, TIaunton, Maple Grove, Enniakillen and llar-nony. The program passed. off very pleasantly, besidea our own members, Mrs. Liddy and Miss Elliott, Hampton, Mr. aend Miss Pascoe, Enfield, took pari, iii the music and Miss Ethel Drew cf Hast Whitby de- lighted the audience with aerecitatioýn given in her unique style. The proced amounted te $4010. Site itsý reno-10 tien the hall is allowed by compe,11tentý judges te be the neatest public building around. Mr. J acob B. Brown, cf Grahamvnille, S. C., wan troubled with chils anid fever, and unabîs te procure reifftlfhe be- gan to take Ayer's Pilla3.fIle i o n jeying excellent health and leý a warm ard sincere advocate e! Ayer's Pilla, for ahi comnplainta of stonsach, liver, -or bowvels. Mr. S. Nerthcott received a severe kick from a herse... . Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Washington, Bowmanville; Miss AdaAwde,Drayton;Mr. M.Penfound,, Courtice; Mr.and Miss Sonley and Mr.and Mrs. A. Wright, Blackstock; Mr. Chas. Heney, Toronto. . .Mr. E. Gý. Pascos is, convalescent. ..e. Dr. L. N. I{ogarth has gene -te Rochester,. ... Mr. M.L W. Paacoe will attend Trinity Medjecal College, Tor- ente .... Miss Lizzis Ashton is recoverïng irom her recent iîsa...r J. T. Rundîs and mother attended Lindsay Fair... . Mr. D. Montgomnery while try- ing to catch a bull was knocked dtQwn by the animal and gored, breaking cqne rb and fracturlng anether. . ..Vstr:Mr. J. Rundîs, Maple Grove; Mlrs. 7I'homas Williams, Cartwrig-ht._ hj Sulowing are the officzraeleSt ! 5' iin ' iîýù 40 S of T: WV P-- taIS1%V~erry; W ,i *R-PiPs SavedHer Life SurgcalOperatiovns and Best rMedi',cal Treatmlent An Almost MAiraculous Cure by Hoad's Sarsaqparîlla. TED IMII) As the public know our remun-ýit îanù has'beeni a great success; neyer h, Iave -w goods as we have this season, The resuit is have cleared ont nearly ail our summï,iier goods. we have sonie lunes on which -we are going,ý to -mý stili further reductions and thus rush ontý durinig Factory Cotton that have been inqired frso mucli. G.kaio, lliaî~.weeks. "C. 1. H odi& Co., Lowell,' Mass.: C l n F ~ii îtebruary, '92, 1 was Very slcekal n ur w ,'th. Slovly 1 got bete er but was ,ybed Apt hI y bsi'îan5aaIdIhada NAeî Pz!Ivuo Absecs in PMy Side. LPEi ai operation,1 i dcnot improethe ab- 10 centsî c1ýes cihlcgte discharge ci an more freely lh'oi before. lu tw e mnils time tbree opera- neyer sav nous were perforr cd aud tubes misertedte, carry c th lti uprnitica,, but ail im vain. Fiîiaily it .G (. w dedc thoc -ylife dependecdupon another C0c a~erind that I must be remiovaci te the heospjti!. A :u ti e eelc previrus te tliis Feit hats Ladr ci ntic,,aci au avertisement ini the Daily of. al cese wiere, Hood's Sarsaparilla had ay w b a lo SiiiCiilit similarly afiited in 'A 'iD, . a. a 1I decideci to give it a trial. W V 1wie~ tinie decided upon for me te ce te, the b (spit, I r. ixed lI 2ud beau talcing Hood's Sar- t la sapariîli about two w eeks. o la c 1 Was Cettîng Better goods, w. andlhe absacess baci already began te discbarge Ss freely. 1 feit stroager aund had a terribla have bee: aptt.Previeus teth!s I adigiven up tedia. WVlien i i taken the second bottie I was abe winter go tec, up ami cccordiugly 1 was net taken to the liospitali and the final operatien was deferred. startling Isew -I1litre taken six bettles and the absces liscitrl eaieci. 1 am well and go every xien'.t\iy frieuds thiuk it is a mircee te, have but for t] i . terciteim a"aiu se healtliy and even o leri yuniger iii looks than Poetre my siekneese. t lai 1 Feel Setter Thari Ever i did ien my lite and w eigh over 130 pouads, the will nots heavicîst lai my lite. 1 de a big day's 'work and ar, gai nieig in strengih eveny day. Miy metiier we are n -veti'ie-d aadwiorkeci berself almosi sick in car- hig - 1or me. Sie lbas since taken Hood's Sarsa-bep j pýUil Lanad it bas doue ber mucli geeci. We b rjc pise IIeod's Sarsaparilla te everybody, forbag ns 1 Know It Saved My Life. agis 1 amn 27 years obi, and a stranger te look ai me it is our new woeiflot tliuk I ever had a day's sick- nes3. Even the decters are surpriseci at the success et Heed's Sarsaparilla in my case. liitlianand myself continiue te tate the medi- c- regularly adw earnestly reeOmmend llood's Sarsaparilla." MRs. MOLLIE WEýNDTr, WestEigît~enthStreet, Chicago, Illinois Corroborates the AboVe. c.i od&Co., iowelî, Mass,:P IE "tian irs: -Ilam a drug clerk and have soid Mr.MliWendt many bettleS otfodsSr eaail1 a u t,,n ertif that she l 1s c rby thieiïuse et it."1 F. C. BïLLXERBEC!ý'E,3()S West EilteettliStreet, Chicago.ý You neyer bouglit Factory Cotton so low. get some of the few pieces remainiing. are selling ladies heavy black cto hose for a pair and cashmnere for 20 cents a pair. Y'ou wr sucli value. Id Shaker Flannel for 5 ecents a yard;ý Gents sfrom 25 cents up-a great bain.l--, are mnaking the above slashing cu ets in order out our stock to make romfor t&uwfal *hich are now coming in almost daiîly. We -n very fortunate in our purchases of' fal and >ods and the public will hear1 sonne rather announcements and quotationis in - a fe-w weekýs;ý bie present we are giving our spcil ttenýltionl Dg out odd lines and as we indticatded above stick regarding prices as in, a great nmny cases iot asking one haîf what the good-s cost. Doni't [iced or suspicions and refuse to accept thiese We have our rea sons for doing it, and while loss it is yonr gain. J. J..iVIA SO"N, Dry Goodsanad Jewelry Housea, owmanville, Ont. TO SUIT THE TmIMis -o- - ta ____ ~ ~ea~-c~=~. .~-d s- __ ..~ .rt~'~~' - 0 c - - - i-e5-t ~ir~ ~c .r~. risa5~: ~~~ssAt~'V. -c j" -~-.<e.t.... Latksi5t~ r..r - ~ -0 next few days. We liave some of those remuants

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