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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1894, p. 1

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as J1N W UlUI.liJM ±,jJiL f EETS and CAPES. Ail new sand importted by -ourselves 5 COUH. OHNON& ORYIERMAN, BOWMANVILLIC. It WsýQuality that Determines Value. It is Quality that Proves the Price. We keep the best of 9uaities nt the Jowest ptices in BOOTS AV, SII-OE7.S. Ladies' Fiîne -Buttoned Boots at J41.125, Gents' Fine Lace Boots at $1.25. Ini these days wlien nioaey talks we are abîe to make rates with the manufacturers. We buy far CASH in the RKIGHT MARKET and seli for CASH- at RIGHT RRICES ; that is why we comnmand trade. That is why 3'ou cau d)~ so we]1 witlý us for BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBER G OOOS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. We keep the KIND you need at ?RICES yoi can pay M REi~\T1T Old Stand-Sign of Big Boot draweni by two horeee, King Streer, Bowmanville. BO 0UNS A LL'SMARBLEAND 'GRANITE WORKSe A large sto2k of Finished Mlonuments, Sarcophagi, Tombs, Ileadstones,etc., in the best varieties of Euro- pean and American Granites and Marbies, in handsoine designs, and àt prices froin $45 to $400. Orders respectfulv sldicited and carefful completioî guaranteed. Cali and inspect iny stock and SEE WIIAT YOTJ ARE BUYING. E . R. BOTJNSALL, -Proprietor. Geo. A. Zî,Yilf o lie statames itl h esielilbl r famillar Lnai to ile rrektXi"isifM. Goc. A. Z± sehool. V- If, rt M . rh Tenu., veryW 1liknownlthreg.set h cL n J seul t'll yen 1ty have suýFf'ed1,n lierited scro--.ulairchildlio'. $Wen37-s IItagit, rny eyes ýc-mie strang alfeeT". c,ýuuld net read a bt" unset, and,". ýn 1wui rlasse nimy eyes, :ie-ld inet open h ;biEo olu vrsie 1 - on that siîkSd -ud pt !0lîV 13- .This ~mincontinuQ ibeutil wr ý- --c, andI w-sieue'îsded by An Int0hrabIe ItChlme1ý aIl eipr ny lbody' ,smn.ihnbs. II ha(t i~ em Iittie boys take el, te itrushes a eand Is sie, Itm'a4 dreadjful. Il eeithtiuedametsnd s fol0le( mreia y ya turner h-, fltriglt sde QI ny aeck, as la,te -,3aï a smalli >gg I1 ut one e taimvpiysk tans ' premeripP- tienn l entinued ,lls t hop.Iith tai ttetisetimor ( 'lJ i' ista pas te tie hma dia" o fint ef My ricaît, a»urat 1l al av li lee l> thers, tilt l 7m.s fermeSainire1 113 lethree yessrsiugo,lotiier large Su mer saeI tself on t1n eu ts>'cla mi and i i nths anoth-r1,i,1f Il' a"Il tse aele. I ofrs-t ertignhi i sj g presritions. 1 ras oftell sseeak that and n'y mimîirias 8o ceynfust'd that I eàoui43 searcel>' attestA to ni>'business (school teasa- Ingl. 1 was ssttriy disconraged.. And nom, nsy s sttery drmsws toe close. 1 begsn tihe use of MI val ~Cres ltfod's Sarsaparils.z little less thaný a year agno, ej (tootoebottles.'Wlien I beg7csn 1I1badSil, Iatxn it. In less titn three montI'l btite î, res.on sny shoulsier were lsesled; I1svas cur1 à. of troublesome Catarrh; and serotulenýi s habit hle steasily grown tees apparent. T welgh ra ttetbii n1Iever dit aIn y li el, and aan hIthe Best 01 Heaith, considerîng my> constitution. Do you wemder Y tiat 1 beiieve In foot's Sarsaparilla? I1c*mi do no less tisai recomnsend If everywhcre and evecry I4ood'S plilla cure ltver 111e, constipaiou billousess, jauadIce, slck headacUs, u~so. lege, 7srmilo, Ont.. andiS t'rt n. n *Uqetionabiy canada',;ietsiCr. me= iSciseois. igîsfre.M- K. 1). C. brinze prmpt relieif t irr frocu i ndigestion;. LIA ïnoev. ,io has rauswsiuulu Uhis homeLa 5155asti- oïl, DC..,fb ioi tM.-Samuel noy's lit week waa a grand auccess. as in hon(ý or ~D.J W. Brimacoxnbe re ho retursaed te 'Vankee land.... A tion heard moitre than on previous si%, are3 yor. goLzsg to Bowmanville and Ceiternial next Saturday ?, sres. S. and N. RLundie attended a dirxg near Myrc,'o ëlaat edneaday. _. recovery of Wsn.. MLasiglin who ha% Bick fo sonie tÀ«we àevery sl-w.. ;Old Times artLe&bout Enniskillen ýweek was very interesalng to your ýers bere, why don't our oi4 ettiers .0 Up their hsstory ? JoStMýioN-TROt'BiIE.-With nmany people 'ie climate there àa a large portion of Dnous, purulent discharge whicib drops tiheo throat during eleep, and je ewal- ý,L This disturbes thse functione of toinaach,, causi9g weakness of that or- aodJ producing indigestion, dyspepsa 3ea, and lorse of appetite. There is no er stEe,;nedy for these, troubles than ýjay'ez Liver Lozenges. They are the syetemn cleaner there ie. Tbey eau ýad at all drug stores at 25 cents a box bxsora dollar. TYJRONE. r, IA. Skýinner soid of his fatanus rpshiiraesheep at Toronto... ..Mr. E. è, St. 7M'arys, visited oid friensis here week. . ,.Mliss'Camp bell was guesât of * Riggs, Enniskillen, on Sabat .... Wilson tazgist the Bible Clase . ... A. E. Case conductedl service in the bar- s on Sabbath eveniig ...Mr$. J. idersi is recoverinv froni congestion of 1Urgs. ... Mr. J. Virtue' Toronto, was isg here on Monday. ra. J. H. Leree, Mrr. A. andi Master ,' Bond, loft for Roland, ILinitobe., week aftor a pleasant vieit witb On- frienda,_. We are plessed to learn Mr. and Mrs. P.. A. Phtlip, Cobourg, iniplate becosming residente of Tyr- Mr. Philip having rented the carri- hop of Mer. Thom. Wsil urne who il it retiring from business ...Miss on -is actÎi-n as orgassiet in the absence ins Be'rta Brent .. . Mr@. N, Stewart's ral was largely attended. The be- el frienda have tis ympatisy of al. . r. J. Collacutt leaves this week on aI "0 Georglan Bay .... Mrs. Peter Werry 'etnrned from a pleasant visit with 3ter M1re, J.' A. Charlton, Toronto. . ose who were present at thse League uebday night aset enjoyed a treat. Bible Reading conducted by Miss pbeli deserves great praise. AsNI'm~ AiaLzs RAw. -For years e lbeen a great anfl'erer troiniitcisy trouble and sait rheuni. - y hssnds ihles were literaily raw. Thse first îcation of Dr. Cisase's Olntmient ai- 1 thse barning, itcinrg sensation. Onie sud~ ~ ~ ~~~~T aaletieyurdm. ilsj instaýnt relief for chlblalue. Henry armfenter, St. Catheries, Ont. attended the tea and tr'eated au , n cildren to candAiea thuls xaking bis name wfA- -ié to be the famous i ogthe ýfAmilies.whirtu chila ,DIarlington nDorthi Thse Ûrst eaw mill noth ýof the Main Bow 11,11V Ille . tie knew Bien), Let, the R.a wa hult n Lt 2L con. 6. a r..rebut <utrlaw, and lban carrled hie trouit for- thse possession eofaMr. JM.ichael Urydierman, ini thse spring of 18,1, whoso upplied thse neighborhood with lomber and building material and exported lu mber iargely to thse United States. Thse late John Farley was thee tint settler iu centre of Darlington and owned 800 acres. Asnong the earliest sebtlers were Messesa. John Williams, Genrge, Smith, Wm. Brown, Jas. Tole, G. Whit- aker, Jas, Colton, King Parker, F. Mo. Lean, John Cowan, D. Davis andi D. Griflin, wbo isad a blacksmith ahop-the firet in thse neighborhood, on Lot, 16, Con. 5. John R. Jaynies bujît thse firet carding mili, on Lot 19, Con. 6, ini the year 1844. Mr. Calvin Tyler, Bowmanville, andi Mr. John Soiners, Darlington, are thse oldeat firet settiers now living. The U. E. Loyalists came ini 1783, Mr. Michael Cryderman, grandfather to the Messrs. Crydermans of Dariington wben a soidier in thse year 1776, preservesi hie life when pursuesi by tise enemy by crawiing into a hollow log. Mr. J. Lister disi mucli to inorease the growth of Bowmanvîlie. Colonel BIlsck kept tise iret P. 0. in 1826, 4'r miles west of Bewmanvilie. Mr. R. Fairbairn wag tise tiret Postinaster In Bowmanville. Dr. Farley was tise firajt medical man in Bow- manville. Daniel Cryderman served in tiserebellion of 1837. James Benson was, lieutenant, Mr. R. Fairbairn, Beur., cap- tain. Mlichael Cryderman, Benr., wari one of the irst municipasl couricillors. Thse tirtt LMthodidt miristEr wae Rev. James Wslliieen, 1826. LIFE .UNJ) DEATII OFt AN OU>SETILEF. Tise subi ect of this brief sketch, the late Mrs. Thos. .]ardine, sen.r., was born in -iemmngford, P. Q , June 30ch, 1808. fier fathesr was a Ti. E. Loyalier, Briribin by name. An incident of lier early chîlsi- hoodi, which was ever afterward indelibly stanped on lier memery, is worth record- ing. During tise war of 1812-14, near her fsatier's bouse wao fouglit what is known as tise battle of Lacolle Miii, ciefiy inemorabie on accounit of tise gsllant de- fence of a isandfui of mon garrisoued witisin tise mili. Being cumpellesi to give up tiseir borne for tise temporary use of Brititis soldiery, ehe with bier motiser andi litti orotbssr ]Jck fied, the inother with a sisawl hastily picked up and thrown over ber head. Their movements attracted tise attention of a group of A merîcan soldiere ene of wisom mletaking tise figure for tisat of a squaw, fired tise builet isowever miss. îng its aisn grazed tise Ion of tise little fellow andi lodged in Effie's aide, a trophy of Yankee ekili which she carried to tise day of her deatis. Juet a t tise instant tise sisot was fired the coverlng feIl hack frora Mrs. Briabin'e heasi revealing tise fair complexion andi golden bair of a white wo. man. Percelving this, a horror-stricken sioldier remiarked te hhie com-rade who was re.lojaing, "Good Gosi, den't tire anotiser sbot, its a wbite womuan ?" Visitons :-Missen Emmia and L, Ihan- bust, Kemble ; Mn. B. Wiliams, Brace- bridge ; Miss F. Hezlewood, Reiglan, Miss F. Mackey, Iinsale ; Mr. and Mna. A. Hogarths, Solina. . Messrs. 1". Bowden andi J. Mackey, Wbitby, s iêised Mr. C, Mackey laat week .... Re>'. T. ,J. Smiths, wh',, i% stationed at Lion's Hlead, Bruce Ou , visitesi bere last week wicis Me new bride, Mies E. Dyve, dasughter cf D. Dyer, Eeq ,Columbus3. Thayws-eremarriesi ast Wednesday. ý. . Mr. W. J. MoCullocsbae returned f£rom Britlss Celumbia. ..Mr. J. Dyer and Mr. andi Mrs. J. S. Ashton, visîtesi Toronto laîït week. Mr. Frank Croasman met witis a bail accident, lasis week, wbiie he was apilying liniment to a sick cow tise diff'crent acide being stirred causesi it te expiode blowingliste bottle te atome cuttiug hlm very badîy. Skin Diseases arc more or lese occasion- ed by bad blood. B. B. B. cures thse foîlowing Skia Diseames: Shingles, Ery- sipelas, [tcbîng: Rasises, Sait Riseum, Scaisi Hossi, Eruptions, Pimples, and Blotoises, by removing ail impunities freont the bloosi from a common Pirople te tise worst Sercfalous Sore. MAYRTI. 1ll. A very plensant event took place at tise residence <of Mr. and Mr.Rcs. Buight,near, here on Tuesday afternoon. aben tiseir only daugister, Ida JI., and Mr. W. Francis Brigge, third son of Mr. Davidi Briggs, of this place, were unites inl snarnîsgs. Rex'. W. J. Weaîberall per-. f rzned tise cerensouy in thse presence of isceut fifty friands ansi relatives of the cents acting parties. Tise bride looked her beet in a neatly fi ting gowsî cf ccam, isenrietta with lace and - passementnie triminings andi carried a lovely bouquet of white asters. Miss Clara J. Bryant, of Lindsay, cousin cf tise bride, was brides- maid, anmd iooktd pretty in a drese cf de- laine with pale green riobon trimminga, ansi carrieci a bouquet of pink asters. Thse groom was ably supponted by hie brother, Mr. llenry W. Briggs, cf Toronto. -After partaking of s splendîd wedding dinner, a large number cf tise guesta escortesi the, hsappy couple to tise C. P. R. statioft wisere arnidat a boantiful sisower of rice andi goosi wisisen for their fattire happi- nesn, tisey departesi by train for tise west. Tise presents ta the bride were a very valuable -andi unef talcollection andi testifi- cd of tise higi s eten in which sohe Io held. Tise gueste were fri Tornto, Godericis, Exeter, Bwffalo, N. Y., Wbit. by, Oshawa. Agincourt, Bowmianviiie, Manchster, Columbus and Myrtio. &. GRADUATE os' Tonoîgrýo L pRs-s rr sAtYs: ' Chilsiren bave beena treatesi with Scott'e Emulsion f roni thein eirlient yeara!1 Our pisysicians firet recommendesi t and, now wbeuever a cisilsi takes cols iîmy wifeî inirediately reisorts te thîs. remedcy, whioh ai ways effeots a cure. Y N t L-J-J

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