-I SîcHaaarhani rice l,,,atroubles fmci- I P~tsublion sel e he tsem, such as ;lîzziîness, huse. Dus suc', stress atter entagPai l Hi Suie.&cWiý,ill ttieirmnost îemakaba slcor-, las uecusiiwn in curing Eaadache, yt CaaîEsTL'S Lrris Livan rPînf I are equniiy vali ein luConstipation. curint aedipraventingtliuaîioyingconîiaint. whl t thay aise ci-et ail dsorders or tHle sremach t4îlatatha'r'rad regulate the bowei5 Ace they woiîuï 1,c alucegt prîceless te tlsose n n-be suffer fro'n t iiig distî-essing cemplaint; btnt ortunately Iliir gooduiese deas nt end e liera, anid those l'.o onic try them w<l tlnd 8 tiiese it'le p ilîs vîitable iii se many ways tttg t 1 vhint becwîiing te do witbeut thami. Eut ater ait i lthaad is ihe balle ef se i '~lives tliat iera tu whare -n-a maire el"r gret toast. Our pille curaei %IA ccir s LITTLE LiVER lPic s ara verT small liîd ery cauy otle.c ne 0ci-mor epis nake ade.Tbey are 'ýtietly vegetable anîide Fr ripe or purge, i it liîy fliir gantie action8 tlcaSe al wte use rhni. Iu viais t 25 cent; fva fer $1, Sold as erywhlera, or sent by miail.t CARTElI I DCOC., leW Tort. ONTARIO BANIK motinues tedle a Ganaral l3auling Busine s Eowmanville Agancy. DEPOSITS rýftelved In 5avlngs fBank Deprtment and on cal] and interest ulowed ai ourrant rates, No notie of withdruwal necessery. Ail dePeils psyuble on damand, EXCHANGE 13,mailitand saisi aud Draftissuasi upon Europe UnitelStates and Canada, also Geld,SilvOrlSand UrîedSta.es raenbecksbongzht and solsi, COLLECTIONS Prmnptly mude t corrant rates uron aIl part ,ci Great Brittaîn. the United States an he ijeuinien aiCanada. TelegrelpliTraitsters Made for large or smali suams on ail part et Canada. This ie especiaily advautgen-te ftariions living in Mailleba or the Northwest, ktmats the tonds availahie t once at the place of paymcnt. Other particulars caui t the baik, E. L. FORTT, UEO. McGIIiL, Accoutant.Manager, LiveEnergetie Men Wanted. To represant us lu the sala of-our HARDY 'CÂNADIAN GIROWN --NURSERY STOCK. Posiqtions permanent ansi affords gond chance cf asivancement te ail werkers. Libaral ini d tuern ntte nw uen., ieud orçrTh. triai will cost Y.n CHEAk lSALE. MRS. DONCASTER offers the remainder of ber stock below cost. Straw Rats at 25c. ea-eh. Good trîmmed bats for $1. 25. Flowers Laces and ail other Summer Goods wfl e sold below cost to make room for Fail Goods. Just received, a new supply of "ailo rs and Farmers Daughter s, whicb are now taking the lead. Ladies cail and sce. No trouble ta show goods. Straw Rats resbaped in ail the latest styles. Ot-des-s taken for the Robinson Corset which neyer fails tii give per.fect satisfaction. Mrs. Doncaster, Loaf Vi~rsr, alirng Plau hoosi. Eegultc culVotCful -siss-tiss,,Excessive llcilsiirrcesEtc., site isil geed me a, plain fr- lptroeîr r ymipomnss.1will gsaufi ree, ne .-,A ýi e im-tc nevrr-faliug uleane of self- ifý -r vu .Mrlro swndled sud impoed cii y"tuaes.ia 'd hoîsiugs for a- ar, curefi ciiîmsiwseeter7erscdo't seud unlese ou c Con, Ceicpr.e.'r sicdjy- ceuldenrial. .er-thîg er. ezctri-~ecie fosobservutuson. - Trronlo, Ont AGRICULTURALS Th e Best Pork. Ï wPerk la tise standard meut focd oet'heas ',qrmcm ot this countîy sud uerhape, alwayq n wilI ha, sud it ebould ha prapamed l u scb t! ianaer that iii wlll ce whelesomai sud pulatuabla. To do tubie it îe uacassary te n n bagin wif-h tuba pig tlsat le te ha slangbter- cd sud lea-dhibita diciouely. Itilaacknnw- 3 ladgad tht tube pcrlt of Euci5een countrias îi is more tootubsema than that ot Am-micu, el ti because iii contalei, lacs fat sud le con-n cequantiy cf hattar flaver and more digest- ur. hie, Tise old plan was te feafi the hegs si unti1 thay were nothing but masrssof fat ar hecauca perlt et this kinfi lastad longer tubun that wbîcb would hae more îtîvituing te B thba palata. The hast pork la cf course that made tros pige under a ya old, sud tuhesa should ha givan snob food as wll produca mnusclaeor lean meut te tisa greuteet possible extant. lIt sbould net haetisa prin cipal aise se predece fat ut firet, but te taad suce food s will mnale growth sud keap thbe digestive organe lu good conditien. FerN thcis purpese a good grass range is probuhlya as good as auytiig, sud planty et millt wisere it le obtaluehie will bc found te supplantent tube grusslu the productien of 3 muscle. If thba pig le itepti n a tbriviug condition hy a course et teediug of this kind it wil ha raady te finish for tise sisambles lu a shert tima, wheu thae laughtariug sausen comas. Bran aud shorts are good thinge te feed gmcwiug pigs us they ara ich lu housansd muscle-fommiug matarial, A ptg tisai is ted sosethiug autr tisis styla wil net producea ssncb lard as eue tisai le kep util a year and a hait eld, but the po k f rounit ewill ha sweei sud whole- s-me laetead.of a graasy mas iat is pro- lific ef diseuse, and distastetul ut auy tinia,1 te a mellned taste. Milliers in Beef Breeds. Tisa Devon, whicb oua buudred yams ugo, says Live Stock Jeurnal (London), hud a izauamally peor raputation for daimy pur- posas, bas now sany excellant dairy re- corde, whila retaining uts ancient credit as a beat hread. The West bigblaud bmead, not maputafi for milk, occasioually produces good milkams, and wa bave a note of a 00w et tisat hraed, belougiug te a Mm. Watson,« wbo attuestad tîsutubh bought hem for £5, tisat wisen avantually tsttueued ahe weighad 22 st. trou, that sha gave nearly elevan 1Scotch pinte par dias, sund tisai hetuwee Apri 1' 8,128, sud Januamy 30, 1829, ber rnllk ylalded 374 1-2 pounds et botter, 16 ounces te tube poud. The Shortbomu, whosa .anciant millting records are axtraerdinury, whosa generai charactar as a til kar was soh- sequently damaged by sail daimy retumns in mt ot f tuba prosinent bards bas hy itusmaime raceut performances in picked liards sud at tuba dairy shows, tiumpissutly astablîish- cd its great capshbîlitîem.' Thareile carcely, perisaps, oeeoe our Brituish breeds wbicb dees net show comewbara lu les histuery, a record et the aptitude te develcp tube siik. iug poer, if traiued fer tuhat objaci, ut ax- panse of anu batamant et tha grewtis cf - - -tl tuba!fasie willst !under 1 *1, sud tuba market damsnd,rmueit ragplats tube eopply ; sud we cannit doubtu tiat wbame tha land le specially favorable te tise inorase et auy eue or more efthtue products et cor bards sud flos, wa have lu cor prasent braads, and lu thair possible cern- bluations iu the temm of uaw breade, unteld poseibîlîties cf bountitul rewamd for tube hreeder's skll A Differenice. Iu s dairy sauy tarmers f ail te undar- stand that a cow isut gîves a good pail et 1milltisletoVaiwuys a profitable cow, wisau ;anotuber that givasras'iiya laesquantity wban put te tube test proves te ha tise bettuer cow se tamr as tuba makiug of huttueris cencamnafi. 1Wisau selling millt, quuntuity le oeually tuba 1principal article te hacensidemed, wiinl saking butter it la th ubaontity et couids tubut are iu tuba botter tubaidatuerminas tube 7question et value. \Vîtubtee suny mnilk le lei mll, sud if s cow givas s good quantiîy sea ie consîderad a good dairy cow, sud in ,ceusaqueuce a raally gosi cow le made te malte up wbat il bt wlth anotiier wbose chiaI racomemnation l isa hquantity et miik ase gîTes. ltit leou this peint that sany lau tue malt a irying psy. Tee sany cows ara kapt that are lu reaiity skis talUs cows, The only cafa plan when cews are kept te malte butter for marktla te test escisoe suad detuermine tube quantity et creans aud 1butter that cen ha sacured Ires lier siik ratuber than te laitubhe quantity et milk se ,gives aloe adatarmine hem value. Farm Notes. 5 The bamvestuiug et bamley bas te hacacua- tolly wstchad. Whan thse cars lese tisair eract position, and tube cmop chanes celer, it ehould. ha oct, sud once cnt gatberad. lu .as quioltly as possible te rave it trous hcilug discolorasi by main, wiih injures barieytfar- more than wbeat, A tool sesasi e ucessituy su every tarif. HRe shoid ha kept machinas, im pla mente, Vools, iîbeelbarme'vs, sud all spare tisings of avery sort thut uusiy le around loa Everytbing shonld Ïha kept luits ,mpreper place, se that itý could be fzouud 1in- tha lark if uaaded. Habitesetfneauece a j regnlarity are learnad i lu epn a tool shed lu propar order, more, perhaps, thanin îny othar place on the farni . Wbeýn naut-i nems lu little iluinge lse#UeýeÈgrua thinge are always tuken cure et.- Early eut huy le ceutessedly hetter for milk-giving ansimale than ripe hay. Forý necw miiclî.cows sud awee wlth iambe it 15 rery dasirable1 te cut a few tons of c1ever cest befoe it gate inte fuIl blossota.it11,1 wiil net vield as much par acre as if aille-,-ý( ed te stand until the blossotus hagin teo umu hrown, and tbe bsy May Dtne t s nutritious fer fattaning s tock, bu t it le more succulent and more eaeily digested, and when ted in cennaction wltb a littiac seul will produce use milk. BROTHER AND SISTERS DIE TO GETHE R. Te Save ilte Pales That Wontd Il Casesd Sheei1d Tley lGe Separatefy. A grea.' sencuatien bas been caused lu Vianna by the suicide of tour mambaesetcia well-known and %vealthy tamiiy-a brothe aud tbrea sisters. 'Tlcy wera Fmanz,Ann,ý A toinia, and Juliaune Kellarz. FlYreuz Kolîarz was an artiet et maptation, andi, cithoîîgb 65 yaare oid, rnjoyad a god lu. coe frein the sale cf bis paintingssu sketches. The brother sud sistere, ail un- iuarried, lived togather lu a lcandso)me bouse lu theAustrian capital. They an- joyed lite appameutly, and hud a lar.ge. circlaet ffriande. As suseaquent develepments provad5tbay had contrplated the auding cf their lîves, togathar for soe time. May 10, asccem' pauiad hy thaîr neica, Miss Maruannaro Basîba, hae painter, wbosa mnother diad s few weakc ugo, they muade a plgrmimage te Maria-Lauzendort, a smail village net tam trom Vienna. The Suurlay followiuag îhey visitad the churcis, sud the nie'e 1noticad ý 1 that they pmayad with unusual farver whnn knealing haera the altar. Later tbey ail witb the exception et the niaca,want te con tassion. Retomning te the hoeal whare tilynad taken rooms tbey saamaed te ha in good spirite. The naxt morning the iotiz, .Id People visited the cematary. The atIL- tendants ware joat digginz s grava. Tha Kollurzas wstchcd thata for a time sud thenL acked a numbar et questions as te thé ne- cesssry depth et gravas, tibeir colt sdà te the disposition lu the village et thosae who ended thair lives. The aie evening4 Herr Kollarz accompeuuad bis niece e the station on the wuy huck te Viennu.,,sud badeebashearty farawell. Ha thenGesledý ut a store sud purchased four wina glesss snd retnmned te the botah. The threa sistars awsitea bitaut thbe entrance. -Is evarytbîng ready?" oeeoe thain ak- cd. "Evarythiug," was thea aswer. LAST SEE At5E. The laeV seau of them alive was when tub e waitr carried up their avaning mea". 1T;e tiext merniug semae surprise was cassd b tl'air tailure te appeer. As ther e Wa11ne respouse terepaatedknokinge ut tubeewo; it was horst open, sud&shsbcking sýightm>it the eyes of the intruders. Onrtube sofa lieuhapaýinter aud twel s sitrresting oo eaaotb deetý > the florieer a chair, from ,,wbich b1-d evidantly ftallen, wus dthI,-other sîitot the table ware tha orass u ad cJ ,s them wbat weas lef t of la large dzaý e cysukali, wlîich tbay bad iiioladu e sud swalloed, The foliowina leittar ias toud ln a place on the bureau ewhaýruj-e st sId net ha oeriookad. "Our last will. A fareweli te ail eeatss sud friends.L-may thay remamber osý witbi ltiudiy feelings. \Ve, brother andsitr- Frank, Anus, Antoinia, sud Jullie Kl r - acb ot us ended bis lita cf bis o wii tr ea wll, witbout any compulsion, te avoid 1 be suffaring whicbf would hae cusa shouid Ne go sîngly. %Ve are undar obligation te1 ne eue '. wae wa ne tartbing te auyone ; we bave offendad ne ene ; wa bava wîshadavl te ne, eue; have doue evil te neoeu. Theretora wituhout accusation we go. ý Va 1forbid empbatically sny physical exaýmina-. tien cf or bodies. Va wisb te ha humiad as Christalu Catholice. The money for the hurial services is previdad. The naice ofetoubalr deatuh-saekers, tuhe youug artiet wbo accompanîed t1ham ou thair luet jeurnay, is haîr te alithaîr, prop. arty. Greatness in Dlscouragemeni- London Judy overbeerd e conversation ta which awaiter saidtubstha was offered J.a flua place in Paris on condituien tubat haie, arn French. The explanation wag tha,,t the native-hemn waiters ceuld net undarstand French us spoken by tha gcests tr(,m Lon- don. This le amusiug. How muc(h it signifies dapande on the ludividealI. To ear tospeak French tolemably wellracis Slong timt, or usuch pructice under s ýoulpe- ttutmsuctor, Net oeeiletan ivili hv o se auough etftuba language lu spaaking te et the greate ean sd womnen owethr 1 reat e s t e th ir di c u ag ante . Hobart 1 a ver. bas anot. er eut-breakt t srl ChHidren Cyfi r END 0F FARM PESTS. ilise 3loïey IValue of ltîtettig-est Ation Agaicest lieet Enemies. . Farsers' bulletin No. 19, issuasi hy tuba United Statas'Departmanî et Agriculture, gi cas sema directions concamning tube pre- esation aud use et a taw oethtue insecticide agents having tuba widest range sud attend- ý?d- witb tisagreatest usetuluess, aceneuly, anid esa et application. Tisera are constant "alls for information efthtue charactar cou- zained lu tuba bulleýtin, sud tuba effort hue beau made tue give lu s concise, yet cern plate, sauner tuebe hst maethod et prear- ingsud appiyiug tisaremadias enggasted, hy wisicb tube st results cen ha obtaiued, The overwiîelming axperiancaetftuba pat dozan yaars, tuba bulletin sys, maltes it stimost u necessary te urge, on tube grens et pacuniary metnuri, tisa adoption cf tuba measorea ecommended against insectes. To ampisasîze theavalua of scispraituica his l ouly uecessamy Vo caîl attention te tise tact tubai tisa losa te orcisards, garden sud farta crope Irequently amouts te trom 15 te 75- par cent, efthue entime produci, sud innota- arable instances could ha pointed out wbara sncb ba8s bas beau sustainasi yaar sltar yaar ,whila uow, by tise adoption et remedial mnasurs, large yieldc are egclarly secnred witb an in8ignificaut expandîture fer trautumaut.,1 h bhas beau astablisisad that in tube case et tise Apple crop cprsyiug wiib proetct "ro r. 50 te 75 par cent, efthtie fruit, wblcis would otubemwise ha worsy, sud that in actual maýcsaiing axperience tube price bas beau enaubacadfiros $1,00 te $2.50 par barraI, sud tiss t tise cost et culy sboot 10ec petr trea fer labor sud matuerial. Tise cotton crop. whicis torînamiy, iin years of baul infestuation by the lest wcrm wus ,estîmatad te ha lnjîîreatesaexteut ef $30,000,000, le uew compamatively free Iremsuscb injury, ewiug te tuba genaral use et arsenicale. Tacts o et i mport coild ha deducaf inl regard te many etiser leadiug staples, but thbe toegoing, tuebaucletin says, are sufficient te empisasîza tubaney vaine et intelligent action aguinst inseut enaîni as, which witi tise prasent compatuition sud dimiuisliug pricas, may represant tise dit- faeusne betwaen a profit and s lose in ugri.- culîumed operatieus. ______ Scotch Hospitallty, 1629. We bave un iutarestîng account et hespit ality lu. 16-29, wbich gives a goed Ides et tuba sauner lu wicis eceuntry gentlemane et tuba pario I livafi, says tisa Scottisis Be- view. Di)cuer and supper ware brongin l by tube servants wlististeir bats on, a ouates wbi'cb is 2orrobomated by Fynes Morysen, wiso, wmting in 1598, sys that, being ut a ltuigbt's bouse who issd maîîy servants te attend bita, tuisy brougin l tube ineat witis tubir bads covarad witb blua cape. Atter wasbiug tubair bauds lu a basin, tay sut down to dinnar, sud Sir James Pringiee aîd grace .tube viande saemed tai bava beau pleutitul sud excellent, 1'big pettuaga, long kale, bowe or whiite kula, wisi'oh is caishaga, ' breoi seopps,' powdarad bjeaf, rostatnsd boilafi mutten, a vecleon pie in tern et un egg, goosa" than tisey lca ises cut sud uncot sdapplas. Buttise clo)se. of fa tast was tisa mcczt curions tbiug ý.bout it. Th1e table dlots was rmmved, sud on it wsas puit s towei tise whobcieamedtieo etub i table, sud bal tisa lengtisofet , s basin sud ewer tue wacb, tisen a green campat laid ou, uisen oe uCp et bear set on tîe carpat,tisana lttue long lawa cary item, plaitued op asbil- lingeor littia niera broad.iaid acrese over tisa cerner cf tuba tabla,and a glass et bot water set dewn aise on tise table, 'shen hactisera tismea beys ta ci ay graca, tube firet, tisa Tbauksgivi ag; tise contd, tisa Patemnostar; tise tisird, a prayar tors blessing tue God's Churcis. Tisa goodmnan efthe bouse, bis parents, ltinetolk, sud tisa whola compauy îbaey than do drink bot watems,se ut suppier, then te bed, tisa collation wbich [is] s steupaetfaie. Tise niola account, ut muest ha saisi, is net vamy iutelgihle,snd it muet heave beau a sosewbat formidable prelnda tu tbe pot-praniil toddy. Curlous Properties of' Glycerîne. Ouet tube grest asvuntagas et glycerine in itu cisemical employsent le tube tact ibut it naitiser freazes nom eapomutes nder suy ordiuary tuasperuture. N-a perceptible lose by avaperation bas beau detectad ut a tauspematora lacs tissu 200 dagreas F., but if beated intuensaly ih dacomposas witb a ssieli that taw parseus fins tubemeelves able te endure. h huus witb s pale fiance, similar te tisait rom alcohel, if iseatesi te about 300 dagrees, sud than ignitai. lits nen-evaperutive qnulities maletahie coin- pound et much soe as s veisicla fer lholding pigmentesud eoIorP, s lustaulpiug sud typawriter ribbeus, carbon papers aud tise lilta. If tise pure glycarine ha axposesi fer a cnug tisa Ie a Iraeziug temperatura, it cryctallizes wîitubah appeamunce et sogar csudy, but tisase omystals bieng once saites it le almst sa nîpoesibilty te geV îbem agalu luto tisa ceugealasi ttate. lIt s littie watuer hea asdefi Vo tua glycerlîse ne crystai- lizatuiou wiii taka place, thougis under a sufficieut degrea cf cols tise water will seprae udtera rytas -Asii--schtube1 youg nsu wso as co, e d ointeena îacntga o wssodvte " o Kitty-"ecI mcaivesi a latter Ires bisn Vastamdsy, aud ha seen-s te hauder soune sîmunge spahi -. a waird seal, 1 migst say." Frances-'Pemhaps it is youm fascination tubai bas doua Il.ý" K"ilty-"lsieuýld-hope net. Hepute two ¶'s nutil' and nu k in 'know."' DERBY PLUG SMOKING TOBA CCO, 5j 10 & 20C. PLUGS. "UNION MADE ITS SALES ARE- Manufllturedl ony at T HOrues HOLLOAY'S E STABLISH ENT MT8 ir-W xw Auw~~ r LJ29Jz The "TREE of LIFE" of BRITISHIDA liera je a sketch of the fruit and leaves ofj the IlTree of Lite'"etf British India, the roots and bark of sich have a powerfuli nfluence in ouring ( NERVOUS DEBILITY, EXHAUSTIONg 1and LOSS0F NERVE FORCE.. sufferees from sýny trou.ble 0 tegenerative organe ecan get fuillparticular re t îalzngeiir xtracted troni the reots and bark of a plant found only in the hills ef British India., and known to the natives as the IlTree of Lit e." This vitalizing elixr has been made and used by Mrs. Besant in India for nearly tu irty ycars witbout one failura te permauently cure even the aer8t cases. Thîs elixir (which je esaw to this countr y), quicidy restOe aal the tuncrions to their foul vigor, and aveni where au advanced age bas been raached anew 111e jebegun It isaise an abouecur-e for chronjo cases of FEMALE WVEAKNESS, JRN.PEGULARIrIES, oYSFflA, COvS7-1ArON AND, LEVER MPANS (uffarieg men and wen writing cnletaly iigat full pasticolars proîupt1y in plaitsaaed envalope by addraseiing, CHINA AND jAPAN. lilce way, and the saine course was foilowed in the thirtaenth century hy Kublai Khan Clatn.s Interest te Ii.ap fthe War nt a ut the haad of his Mongol warriors, who Distance and F.xhesst the Itesources Iwara of the samneat'hnic stock as that te of Japani, which the Mantchus belong. As ail the talegrams from Shanghai ra-0 If the Japanese could land a picked force ft sonse 40,000 men fleur the inouth of the lating to the war hetwaeu China and Japan Pei-ho River, tbey would have to deul,firste have hitherto provadunutruiftworthy, ail with the provincial army, orguuized by Li that cen be sufely inferred from the latest Huug Chang, which, however, lias heen despatch from thut city, is that oue or more weakaned by detachments sent te Corea, and, seccdly, with the garrison of Pekin, conflict8 have talien place lu Corea within wbîch, besides rudely urmed Mantchus, in- the last, week. As te the final result ot clodes a body ot somne 13,000 meu, sufd te tbe collision we must await information be tolerubiy trainad and aquipped with fros surcs lcs pe tosusicin tanimproved meapeus. If the confidence cf fromsouctsles opn t supicon hanthe Jupunese in their owu discipline and 3are the Chinese officials. At the same tufle fficienby is well fonndad, there should be it is avident thut twe important, if not iu- uethiug insuperable in such obstacles. dispenaahle conditions cf apanese Succesa, Certainly, they would not avail te hlek a bave not.tbus far been folfilled. Up tetbe Europaarmy ot the sîza numed. But to land troops in sufficient nombers nar the present time Jupun bas failed te gain coun- mouth of tbe eFi-bo, River, and to keap mund cf the yallow sea, much less of the open .communication with tbemn, would Goulf of Pe-chi-li, or te prevent a part of raqoire a cemmund of tbe Gulf of Pe-chi-li, the Munteburian army from crossing tha an d this the .Tupunesa do net possess. Wa do not aven know thut they are aimiug te meuintain harrier, which walls off the acquira it, though parhaps wa should con- Corean peanulu trem the mulnland of strue as evidence et snch a purpose the Asia Thse he ave ureull stdied recounoiteriug expedition of momne terpede boats directed towurd the tortified hurbors the topographical prohlems prasented by which gurd the entrance te thea Gulf. In tbe land approaches te Cerea, report that au y avent, a naval engagement, resuit- while it would he difficoît, if net nupossi- 1ing lu tha virtual extinction cf Chinu's ble, owing te the langth of the trontier, te northern fleet, would have te precade thie digemharkation cf Japanese soldier- in stop the iupour ot large numbers of Mant-, force. cliu borsanien, tha occupation of certain Should it tom eout that the Jiapu-.ese passes sbould render the entranca of artil bhave suffared a cavera reverse in Corea, th1e lery impracticable. Provided these passes danger of restricting eperatiens te the Har- were defeuded, thie only way lu which mait Kiugdem wiillhe more patent than evar artîllary or aven large bodies cf snfautry ut Tokio. Under any circnmstancas the ceuld ha trunsferred freta (hina woold chances ara that, if tha contest le iccalized ha by vessais directad te soeaSeaport on lu Corea, the Japanese empire will Le bled the weet ccast of Corea, a portl mereever, te death. It must hae thut msieaof the as far north as possible, wheuce a junction Mikudo's udvisers are alive te the zxpad- could hie meet eaely effected with the ieucy cf an aggrassive moeament against Mautchu cavulry coming o'erland. It Cblna's vital point, for, aven shenuld this appears tbat the Chinese have becu able te faîl *fJspa n would ha ne worse off than avail thetaselves of hoth routes, aitheugh she weuld heaatar yaars cf wusting and to what axtant wa shail net lcuow util wa inconclusîve wartarc in the Corean ýpauîn- learu the deails of the hutties said te bave Sula. takan place. Even if the Jupanasa should have basu victereous in the recant engag>ements, thay Where Realism Fails. will gain littie by the triumph, se long us1 Friend-"I presume yote bave hacoeaa China retuine the meune et acoees to Corea! fellewer cf tha modemrralistie echool, and aithar hy cea or land. It is the iuterest of1 pictore life as it actually is ?" China, and espaciuily et lier totteriug Maut-1 Successful Author-"Oh,no. It wouldni't chun dyuacty, te kaep the wur ut a distance, do in my casa. I am a Society novaI- and axhanat the resources cf Japan ln ai s.I protractad content, ceufinad te tha Corean "Whut diffe rance nead thut make ? peninsula. Having naglectad to seize the "I must malte my churucters say bright passes which would have harrad the ap- things.' proacb cf a preperly equippad modemn ariny by3eand, the hast hope laf t te the a Jpunese et striking a dacisive blew would ha by a PLS IE T~N mevemantaguinst Pekin. Iu spiteeoftenor- PLS I-S1IC [,GPLS meus population, the Middle Kiugdom bas SYMPTrve's--Moisture; intense itching rapaately bmoin e co rd i sc mp an sd stinging; m st ut night; worse b ieani elesors f thousande, but the Scratching. If ullowed to ci)ntintie tom- cenquest bas beau affactad by tha capture ors form, sshich cf ten blead and ulcarate, of its capital and the dapositicu cf its beceming vs-ry more. SwA'YNE'g OINT- ruliug famîily. It wus lu ibis way it MN testeithetndbadngel the Mautchiue, whemn the Chinase daspise, ' Tso) h thn n leiu el and dateBt evan more thaii they do the uleaiu1u uuea ae eoe h Japunase, establishedl the prement dyniastyl1 tumors. At 'druggiste, or by Ynail, fr ut Pakin scnîawhat more thanl twe and a' 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Scu, PiaIl hait centuries age. A much cariier Man- phie. Lymun Sens & Co,, Lst4il tchu dynasty had g,incd the ilîronin a- Whrleaala Agents.