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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1894, p. 4

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ààl% Um amcà,A HUNDRED YEARS AGO. s L L A &J rgel s Lochiiel iin Glengarry Counity, Ontarlo, his, _________________was a liundIred yeVars old last week nd s R great celebr;tion andi gatliering of teH 0 ~clans was hld at -Kirk 11h11.II The WVit- m F O R 1 8 9 4 . ueislias boen writing'up the centenilial ti clebration and we clip a few xrit for lie, - othe delectation of STATESMA N roaders. quI CE The tonies of liardehîpa braved by Vie ti n ot n rnfl il pioneers are interosting. One îincidlenit bh JH u C c o Fun u D~tliat occurred in 1776, during a Ier o THE 1%ium&'%immE S uf uXF RD '11% NCE journey througli dense forests up river bra A N D and across lakes, is releted by Mr. John abu A N DMactennan, ex-M. P. for Lancaster, nf scir ff 'M a mari wliom lie knew personally. Ilis lieà mother was obliged in Vhe mrite c arry s U avmPm 1 k " A OL0 G ILElier two dhldron on lier back. So 1eary ,a T HE LATEST AN D M OST PERFECT den see a littlc lighter than iisuel,1 a STOV ES I N TH E M AR KET. , babies was imisaing. On retracîng lier yea stops tor serae distance sIc found tIe t poor littie fellow esleep beside a decayed aga CALL A D SE OURlog over wliich she lad passed, the littie of' ,M iands ail begrîmed with cartli."Sogn i0 V"VH 1 10 mo'%n LDubl,," cxclýaiîncd tic reliovod motIon,1 era "Black paws." And tIc nainie stock te del E x 1 u ý 1hirn. A notIon cf the samne party came ýtev the story cf tIc coinpany feapting onI, a -el 0F H.i~u NANDCOO I NGSTOES og e aoidstarvation. His share was a y only a paw.B Good feeling wasem~~pified by fre- cf quent intermarriige3 and otlier incidents N RUD. A(O "T' HI among the earlv settler5. At tt lime Ca Headquarters for Hardware, Stovea and Tinware. Ondera for Stove Repaira Thcre s-erc the' Protestantduc etb promptly filled. Williamstown and tIc Roman CehlePr( _________________________________________________________ eadquarters at St. Raphiels, betli in thc led -furtîcat township cf thie couinty. Wben, for DOMINION VOTERS' LISTS. therefore, hales came te ble4sa tîcir me Slu ~ ~ I bouseliolds it wes considered nIosnr l QUALIFICATIONS. tiat hoy should redoive Cinistiari hep- tha BDwMÂ&NVLLLE. SEPT. 19, 1894. tiso, se tlcy lied te be takon te citier cf tl] ________Following arc tIc necessary qualifica- these two sîrines; and as the way cf VIe bh _________~tions Vo enabie votera te get upon the Protestant from distant Lochiel lay past 41 CE TE NIL OTS. Dominion lits now being revised: St. Raploels, many a fatber and m"-ther, Fa CENTE NIAL OTES. That you are a maie cf Vie tige cf 21 weaied witl tîcir Vilsome journey Mt 0J TTRs Y FTSTDA, year%; Vreugli almost pathleas foresta, are int .EEBR22. That you arc a British aubject; and known Voeliave sougit VIe services cf Vie e cl Tiat if you livo in a city ycu are owner gond priest, Fatbor MeDonell, for tIecl)it BIG DAY FOR BOWMANVILLE. cf real property amcunting o et leest laptisma for tieir ciild. And the faLtler, V'It $300; or in towns amounting o $200; or with never a tieuglit cfpooytzndi Coý,me o Bowmanville Saturday. in villages, townshiips, etc., emeunting Vo performed VIe ceremony after as Preshy - ter $150; or -1torien a formi as le knew how. Tlie.,e aft Onily ld settiers' centeaniai cet b hld That you are thc tenant cf env real chldren grew up, altîcugî baptizedl iiît Oesc Iore, Attend. property witliln tIe eloctoral district, un- the Ro>man Ctholie dhurci, nono t0ic- 2' Country folk are coming in crowds te der a bease, t a monthly rentai of ýt bas true Protestants, for many cf themh the Centennial. - eut two dollars, or a qnarterly rentaI cf are now faitîful eiders in VIe Presbyter- i Mn. H. 0. Tait ws.ts o piotograpli et ieat six dollars, or s hlf yearly rentali an clu eh. haý Mie old people in groupa Saturday. of twe1ve dollars, or a yearly rentai of Rev.. Alexander McDonell,- afterwarda. i ih 1Ail want a fine day Satunday so tiat at eat twenty dollars; or Bisliop of Kingston. wes ofteni called i GIld folk may taie part in Vie celebration. rehlat yen are tic bona lide occupent cf Vo give consolation te dying Protestan1 ts, relproperty within any city Vo Vhe far reemoved fromf a minister of Vîi&r ow n Exhihitors, hs is Vie last day for amount of et ieat $300, or within any persuasion; and le is reponted te lbave niaking entnries froc; 5c. ecI afterwards. town arriunting o $200; or any otlor said VIat l lie d a nunîber of Protestent Be prompt. place in doectoral district amounting te prayers for juat sudh occasions.Roa Merchants, make a special wnidow dis- $150; or Catielics,. tee, often sougit Vhe services- play for Friday and Saturday. Maie Vhe 'Tiat yen are a resident'cf the'edoctoral cf the Protestant mînîster and contriîbt- towýbNn ook gay. district, and deive an incoane cf et lcast cd tîcir ahane towands thecerection of thc Gýrand Trunk issues eturn tickets et $300 annualiy in money or moncy's Protestant olurel, and were rpot cassed single fane for West Durhami Cen' ennial wortî; or among the unfaitîf ul for se doin g goodý tiih Monda~y nighit. Tiat yen are a fannîier's son xîot otber- One or tien familios, descendan ts froni Thlos. Conant, Eaq., cf Oshawa, a des- Wise qualified o voe, and lave boen a Vhe old Covenanter stock, setled on Vhe 1 cenîutcfoneo! Icfirt families, wilnesident wiVi yonr fatler or motion for fi! th concession of Lochiel and tiere the an original pooni on Saturday. one yean proviens; or hiave, altIeggh few in numibera, nanan rDo" npatoOp' itlpo That you trhVe son cf an owner cf cd worship after thé straiter ferma cf- Dont mss nyVrt f C 'ul po. eal properly othier Vlan a foýra, and lave tîcir fatiers. TIey hatve kept in ah itas grami, Friday ngî' .1 New ibon z, resîdent with your fatier on purity VIat stricten observance of tic sa î- Musice Bail wîlhle'a râi - mtinfor con erprovn: r bath %-,grCI tlove of 'ebible tlam ý The speeces 5;by BEu'nanville sfirst Thet yenareafialieruran aîîdfiti eal d tic relgosé. o cta i maayor and ýuoewnl prol Int post master prepenety, and lestas, nets, sin ear and â1its phases _Wlth tliem Vhe S~l Tnidey igîit wilh intereat enorybody. tcl mnabgt tIsV# or bo-gen -witîi Satunday igit, atfter w~i Jndge Benson, Port Hope, and Wi, R. y-u are in receipt ot a life, ennuýity ni secuiear wori was donce or nocala ci_-, Brock, Esq., Toronto, are expo4ted te ailouting Vo et ieat 01ff in mioney or cd unitil VIefolowngMond'avy le take pat in Saturday'a ceebration. monley's Worth. Psabima o! Devid w -erc alonle considered Tickets Friday nigit admitting Vc Drill wortiy o be VIe senýigs cf Vie day, sotpar- Sbied fromn 6 te 8,30 p. m. au. d concert in A simlar centenery onent te eut own apirases amd ail otler iymras were for- fu Muse Hll niy25c Fe sae a loi estDunîamdoiga n Ve 2nd atbidden Theoe as secular songs *ere he M'liseHl y2c aeaces.b atWst ua b oingsonthld din ove, sewed up in soeobhies. l!T" is place. basjust een e t Lochiel, and Vie trniy lav& tic peo ple o! Locliel heconie Thc Toronto daily papota will lave Mon treal Witneas greets Vhe flighlanders stro-ng. "Ayc, yen migitn't thl i t, speciai reprters loto Friday niglit and o! Glengarry in tîcir celebtetion cf tIc but it maies my icant acho now, positive Set urday te write up or celelration pro-.heroie age cf tliein county, the imo i plysical pain, wleiL I thini, of mnypor ceedings. wîicli their fatiers secnredthoîn tlrougi titcd father treading tItis rondadftera al Mn. Porter taies f ull charge cf ehh old mudi tribuhation an inlieitance in e new lard we-k's werk. Fer tVIe hlf cf i' n rehics and wille responsîbie for thora. and good land te wlîi h.tiey are now as 1în.111ud i n hi ldal a Ho may accu t police office daiiy from 9 ttacîed and as oyal as their fatîcra were Sunday. But, ne, laVe on aSstra a a.:m, te 1 p. ni. Bring aiong your reiecs. te Vhe gien from wiich distress oxiled Satnrday niglit le weuhd saVat aiad wali It GeV o tIe Fair Grounds early Satur- ailen. IV is gonerally an inspining tliing, twelve Vo Vwenty miles Vo le in ii e Vo day te sc VIe exhibition before VIe Gev e rancorso deedacfvaonperform- preach iniisoute scliool 1hous. or ina cornec erner'a party arrives eb 1.30 p. ni., tIen cf yonacetr nwi fouglit baffle- private bouse te a few neigîibers gathor- a- yucen taie part in tihe celcIra tien pro- ficîds, but enen Vlese war records do net cd. And tliere are noue liero ew VN7- o - yen ~~slow VIe roal sterling qualities of any gv imetiogt"Sesl M.iî grain. people se much as is donc ly their suc- Mivicaan, VIe eldeSt sncaie MranV11ýD Tic cwsapc puliserscf he is-ces! ni meeting and evercoming obstacles cl pioncer Congregrationali ninister c tict liane boen mot generous in gving whidli lad te be met with in ranforming tis county. 1 notcescfeutCetenialevnts Mny heCanedian wild2rnnesainte fruitful I rnmemaber going te acbcýlci t Cern- 1h o!f thoma intenia coming on Stnrday. fields. Reminiscences o! success gained wail. If was ail wîld woods .wien 11,e Use tiem weii. unden very unfavorable conditiens in Vie camne up loto te Breadalane. Niy Encrybody try o maie Vie exhibition pat shonhd lielp o nonne us te endure heroca are written about, but I neyer wortîy of VIe occasion. We never lad a wiile we seci Vo nemove any difficulties heard of any botter deserving VlIe title Ci Lieutenant-Goyeror ee oobeore. Ex. whidi may beset oun future ptis, whihe Vian xny fatier. Enen after reada we(re -m hihit everytliiug yen hav e worthy Vo hlepounr motte continues te le 'Excelsior, made, and lie waelle Vo afford e herse sweli the dispiey. lie wonld drive scores cf miis heaVrougli Ail old settiers ini Onta,'rie, Durham * hhnding storîns without buffitho robes or and neigiboring comnties arecocrdialhy .Thc Septemben Arena is filhed witi art- any conveniences VIat ve nowadIayaécon- îinvited te Bowaianviile nexti Satnnday. idles e! interest. Rev. Minet J. Savege aider absolntely neccssary. And ail for Auch anoVler ,elebration wiil nover be writoa un "The Religion of Walt Whit loeofo! ia Sanieun and lis poo pie aroundI see l Vh gnentin. ore, vey-man'a Peem." Jndize Water Clark Iim wio never bean tic gospel- unlesa liý ila t Teee'.W aspire t e e V Ounr ordered cietiîing la quite aM well ndsitfr breakfat, sait and pttc beadquartcrs of Vhesalec business in hs eut and aa weli made up In ever way as for dlinner, and botli togethen for spe. vicînity, and, if thc quantity of oun stock an>' clty made clthlng and f aly 25 per Wieat did noV ripon ili Vie lest cf Aig-1 and ita quality, ogethen witl fait dealing cent lowen in prie. Coudh, Johnaton & nat.Hotd fisgnmohrs-cp cen maie us so, wc are and sali continue Cryderman. Hn n e o l ieat in aday. receining te le Vie leaders i Vhs Elinofo business. Rzv. D. M. Mirnza.-ÂdElalide St. in pay for said day's wori hall abule We invite intcnding purciasens o give Baptiat Churdli, London, Ont., certifies, o! Vie wlieat aie hlrîeaped. Tua s,,,ic xia a caîl and sec for tlemnselyes low fanr"I have used the remedy known a K. D. wouid carry tweive miles Voue tepd th Ic motVao! eut stock prov etdam 0 ., and have found It te gîne relief when and thon waii lhome witI lier flour, as Corne in Fair Day or aiyoirdy the stemachiadnet properly digest the good "te ienict fahionable wheet four fnices always riglit. food saten.", to-day impoted. TDDEN DEATH 0F R. EXORR. )nl Sýaturdapy t'le painfuil new-s reaclied jo1l home lhere cf the sudden death of obert K. O rr, B,., Principal of the igl Schiool at Nýiagara Falls South, for- eny D)riumondville. About 9 a. m. of at*day, immediately ou rising, he was Lrdl to falliheavily.- Medical help was ,ick-ly at liand, lis residence being near it of Dr. McGarry, but nothing could )done for the gifted sufferer. It was )plain that a leading vessel in the rin lad givexi way. Hle lingered for ont tliree hours but did nlot regain con- ousness. fle had been in the best of ealth up to the fatal momemt. Great mp-î,athy was expressed by the people mong wlom lie had ]ived and labored e past four or five years. LIe bereaved re was Miss Dora J olnston, daugliter of as. Jolinston, of the town of Whitby, to iom lie was was married but tîree short èars ago. fier grief was pitiful. The Ipils of both tIe Stamford and the Ni- gara Falls Iligli Sdbools to the number f everal hundred escorted the proces- in to the station on Monday. The fun- rai tookz place from lis brother's resi- nce on Brown street north, in this wn, yesterday morning. The deceased entleaan lad readlied nearly forty-cight ,ars of age, was an ardent student, and , most devoted and acceptable teadlier. le commenced teadhing at 15 years dage and taught at Clarnke Union, ýewcastle, Lindsay, Clinton, Brigliton, irleton Place, Guelphi and Whiîtby wîtli *eat acceptance. then took a degree as nrrister, after whidli he returned to the ,ofession. fiatred of soutlern slavery d hini to taire np arms in lis early d nys or the Amerîcan Union. Hie was a ember of the Masonic fratcrnity, le- ngi,,ing at, Whitby, and a deputation frem hat lodge took part in the cerenionies at he grave, in -onnection~ witli the local methren. Bey. Jas. Wilson of the Pres- 'terian dhurchi, officiated at Niagara Plls, and Rer. D. 0. Mcowell of the dethodist churci, here, attended at the tonnuent. The decea"o never ce'nnect- inîiseif in full membership, witl any 1urdli, having- some views of- lis own in at regard, but was a regular attendant, xiring 'recent yeers, of tihe Presby- rian dhurci, and devotedly ficîlowzd fter that wlîich imade for righteoisness, dliewing the companionship, of the mi- odly. Just wliy so useful a if e shou'd 1ývebeen se suddenly cnt off im its prime one of tl&is'ysterious thîngs whidl wIll aye to be 1eft to the future revealtngs of he ways of ID ivine Providence. ICA T 1 0UT, the, disorders dsises-, and weaknessos pe- cnliar t@o-e I men - by the, I , promapt action of Dr.. Pierce's - I FaT0site Pre- scription. A wonsan'%beau- ty 4epends on lier health - h~emuty in Vhis * eise ean be urc hased. A , .mnddy skia>, a wrink. led face and m-unken eyes, )llow t1me disordera eif the wornanly Enctien&. Cupid ia lia d&=and for ealthy wcsuan--n.ot for sick an& iiling ones, The "Friavorite Prescription " is a- powerfîd4 irvigciratiiaig l oieian strQngtheuing nervize, te',,ebc ud l ill those distrcssîig troableB whiîb4 rake weauan's if e miserable. Yota'Ii fnd relief' from sleeplesness, back-j ache, aind bearing-dowti sensations. 1t'a a. usedicine prescrïhcd by an emi-. neut rhysician for those nervougi ronditïoýa brougit. en by functiorml isrder-sucli as Nervous Prostra- ion, Excitability, Faintingz Speils, )izziness, and St. Yitus's ]Yance. In every case of "female comp1aint"ý if it doosn't benefit or cure, you have your money back. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh in the Head. chE N TEN N IAI 2AT DO WMAN VI LE, BEPTEMBER 21 AND EXHIBIT AT 22. ROKÂAR D'S -OF- Watehes Clocks Chains and Fobs ]Rings and Bracelets Broaches and Stick Pins- Boit Pins and Corsage Pins flair Pins (So]id Silver.) Silver Plate of ail kinds And Spectacles. These goodai are first-cass quahit>' and soId et pnicos that cannot le Vouched, and represented te yen just as Vhey are. You are kindly invited to eall and inspect for yourself. T4 N. RICKALRD, Watclimaier, Jeweier and Optician. SNeeds Block, Bowmanville. Your cyeaigit sclentifically tested froc o! charge. Our Gohd Spectacles are nom ething im miense ln stYle, and quahit>'. COD = > C=I CD COD, L46 La, i) Mr M c, C= SjTOVES!Q Now is the time to see the very best and latest Stoyes ini the mnarket including the celebrated Happy Thought, Radiant Home, Stewart Range, Art Sultana., and several others of the best manufacturers in Canada. Cail and see for yourself the finest display of Stoves and Furnaces ever exhibited in Bowrnanville, at DUTA% HAR& Wellington Buildings, fenavie FIî"LY PAPER, FLY POISON, FLY POWDER, TAINGLE FOOT STIOKY FLY PAPE R in any quantity at in-MGINEFýTHAd-& sOl, CH-EMISTS and- DRU-GGISTS, Bowmanville, C.P. R. Ticket and Telegi-apli Office. Our fair takes place on Saturday next. We hope that you will attend. The principal exhibit will be at our Store and we extend a cordial in- vitation to ail to eall and, see it. We want you to see our goods. We dlaim to be showing the finest assortment of goods in the différent lineS we handie to be had in this part of the country. We pay the highest price for all kinds of Grain and Produce. JOHN M2MURTRYOI P. S.--An important announcement wiIM be made in this space nex(t week. LOOK FOR IT. i ~ I > Co:)= W.ffl",Îý ýW 1%

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